5 Ultimate Tricks to Optimise Content on Your Landing Page & Lower CPA

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5 Ultimate Tricks to Optimise Content on Your Landing Page & Lower CPA Introduction Achieving ‘Ultimate Goals’ based on low budgets and high traffic targets in the digital marketer’s world is an enormous task. Or is it? Especially if there is a tight budget. Yet you have high conversions from a massive influx of traffic. How does a marketer turnaround the business? It is not as easy as it may sound. digital marketers are smart people. They understand how the e-commerce business platform works. They are equipped to control it in a manner that helps it to perform to its fullest potential. The capacity to push traffic through landing pages by lowering CPA is possible.

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Also, digital marketers are brilliantly gifted when it comes to wielding their magic wands and achieving SEO success. Despite the challenging situations and restricted resources, a successful marketer will aim for the impossible. This is because they strive to transform their organizations into recognised brands. They envision the marketing strategy from a holistic point of view despite the fact that brands are always battling for a larger share of the pie in a vibrant and economically robust marketplace. In most cases, the preference is to go in for PPC. The system is more straightforward and paid content with Google Ads literally works on automation. But what happens when you are trying to grow the business organically? To

make things worse, SEO to your landing page needs to rank higher to achieve a good quality score to develop a steady flow of traffic. How do you lower cost per action (CPA) and optimise landing page CTA? How do you lower CPA? This is a question that haunts marketers across the board. Why? Because advertising costs shoot up and CPA is just another added cost. So, try to focus on optimising costs. However, don’t neglect sales and traffic flow. Before you start building an architecture for your landing page, try keeping your research ideas aside to concentrate on A/B testing. It’s ‘the’ route to follow if you want to succeed in getting higher conversions. Saving costs are not so tricky if you know how to leverage your existing audiences and woo your customers back. Try to reach out to customers again who have filled their shopping carts and forgotten about it. Sometimes abandoned shopping carts can transform your conversions and turn the business around. Also, stop targeting low sales regions. Instead, try new markets. It’s a great way to discover more modern societies with expendable income. For example, India’s youth are fashionistas and are always looking for opportunities to spend. Of course, every offer needs to have an incentive attached to attract them. Design your go-to-marketing strategy with small but meaningful offers. Now let’s concentrate on the 5 ultimate tricks on optimising your landing page and lowering CPA. By doing so, you will notice that your organisational goals are aligned with your CTA goals, thus, leading to a comprehensive market presence in terms of low CPA and landing page optimisation. This also adds to your revenue stream without having to spend large amounts on advertising. First, let’s start with understanding the essence of using a landing page to get to know the customer and generate relevant traffic. In this business, relevance is vital to the success of the business. Also, it’s a waste of time collecting information of users who do not intend on buying from the company.

Importance of Content in Relation to Landing Page: Landing pages are typically used to drive traffic to your website. It’s a great way to woo customers and give them an opportunity to get to know about the brand and the business. Content is king. We all know that! Content for landing pages must be planned strategically to match types that are related to the products and your company.

Also, link the content used in terms of keywords that closely describe your product and at the same must have a higher rank. Google Ads trust high ranking keywords as these are used by dominant and authority sites. Hence, to achieve high traction, research before launching a product with the use of a landing page. Landing pages act as a data collection platform that is critical to any ecommerce business as it provides vital market intelligence on customer buying behaviour. It is recommended that any new or existing business should use landing pages to make sure that their marketing campaigns are successful. In addition to generating relevant leads and boost conversions, it is also adding value to the brand. One of the most important things that a landing page helps drive is to limit the decision making power of a user by virtue to restricting choices. This enables your users to make quick and confirmed decisions on the products and services that they’re searching for on the internet.

5 Tricks to Optimize Content on Landing Page Landing pages are the window to making your ad campaign a success, if you can use them in the right manner to benefit the business. Never compromise on spending resources and budgets on developing a landing page. The landing page is an effective tool to build high traffic volumes visiting your website. To ensure that it works for the business, your CTA goals must be crystal clear. Also, make sure that your CTA goals align with Google Ads. Add transparency to the landing page framework, and you are ready to get confirmed conversions. A landing page is essential to understanding whether your user base likes you or is likely to leave you! However, if the marketing strategy and any subsequent plans is kept simple and effective, it will work like magic. A landing page is a ‘must have’ for anyone who is launching a product or service. Also, it helps users get out of the FOMO mode and discover new products in the market. The presence of a landing page also gives insights to the customer about your company along with the services and products that are on offer. It is imperative that the design of a landing page is minimalistic. The forms should be kept short and to the point. The company’s goals should be clearly mentioned. And the details about the products must be specific to the user.

Keep Landing Page Clean and Clutter Free: Content is a broad spectrum and debatably a useful tool in today’s world. However, too much of anything results in systematic glitches to the marketing plan. Hence, try to keep your landing page content simple, clear, specific and easily accessible in terms of user-friendly CTA goals.

Image: Simple and clear landing page

Remember, landing pages provide customers with a single tab click through rate (CTR) to decide whether they want to visit your webpage. Getting it right from day one means developing compelling copy that’s straightforward and streamlined. People are generally emotionally driven when shopping. So, connect with buyer’s emotions and become familiar with their buying patterns. While designing the framework try to keep the look and feel of the landing page clean and clutter free. Use colours that are appealing to your audience. Try to use colour tones which resonate with the brand colours. Avoid using multiple shades- as it confuses customers. It may act as a distraction from the copy that you have worked so hard on and may not- read it at all. This will lead to zero conversions which basically implies that a terrible business strategy led to this result. The repercussions, in this case, constitutes a total loss. Headlines can make a difference! The importance of creating meaningful headlines when developing a landing page is essential to the company’s success. Use effective keyword match types. Try to select high ranking keywords.

Being crafty in this trade is a definite plus for a marketer! Use your concepts to the fullest to derive more from less. Short-tailed niche keywords will drive more traffic.

Communicate product/service’s USP on landing page: The reason why you created a landing page is to communicate with your user base. Hence, use compelling contextual copy. Use content which highlights the products and services you are selling. Mention the vital USPs of the product. Remember, the online platform appeals to customers looking for a sweet deal. So, don’t forget to add value to your offer. Make it good on offers by delivering your offer and freebies (if any) as a value addition. For example, in case your landing page is offering ‘buy two skirts and get a blue belt with studs for free’, ensure the communication reaches the right customer who are looking to purchase such products.

Image: Adding product’s USP on landing page While it’s great to spend on ads and derive heavy traffic to your website, developing customer ‘trust’ is vital to the success of any campaign. Products and services details must be mentioned. Keep it crisp and meaningful. Focus on the significant USPs.

Short and Sweet Call to Action: CTA is a vital part of the campaign plan. If your CTA does not align with your product description or the company’s goals or worse, the CTA goals, it is wise to redesign your landing page. Start with a blank page again!

Try using short, clear, straightforward CTA goals. It’s a single CTR. Make sure it counts to achieve conversions. Use your keyword research data to study the best practices of your competition and the use of simple and effective CTAs.

Image: Short and sweet call to action on landing page

Another way to understand the essence of an effective CTA is to keep testing your user base. Visitors who browse your web pages generally leave their footprints. These small but important points can transform organisational goals and bring about a marked difference in conversion numbers. In the eyes of the common man, online web pages are most useful when there is a conversational tone used in the overall content in order to interact with the potential customer. They are comfortable, and there’s a massive feeling of goodwill embedded in the minds of the user base. Always remember to design your pages to suit the needs of your customers. By doing so, the customer can access your webpage at home on the desktop, on their laptops and even when on the move -through mobile friendly devices. User-friendly, screen-based apps are great tools. Use these to reach your customers. Use of ‘Affiliate marketing platforms and apps’ are usually recommended by seasoned marketers as they understand the benefits of how it helps to grow the business. Understand competition from both sides – one side being the consumer-driven angle and the flipside being the company’s marketing goals. Most competitors will hold on to their secret recipes on how they approach their customers. So, keep pushing your limits and never stop experimenting with both sides of the spectrum. You will be surprised to learn new things every day.

Use A Friendly Tone in Your Content: Landing Pages are like inviting people to a party! You lay out the red carpet for your customers to soak in the offers that you are highlighting. Therefore, the landing page is the main entry point to your website. While building your landing page, develop steps which are easy for a new user. Newbies are demanding as they find it difficult to understand the online shopping journey. They get confused easily. So, stick to the basics and keep a single tab. Your CTA needs to be simple and easy to get a clickthrough and help the user reach the main webpages.

Image: Using friendly language on landing page Get your copywriter to adapt to the latest and simplest high ranking keywords which describes the products accurately. Keywords are kings in the business. Try to research and use tools that help in finding the best match types. Keep your broad and narrow niche searches simple. The modern day buyer is a minimalist by nature. Hence, use short-tailed keywords to get the best results. Landing page forms are relevant only if you manage to get the information you are seeking from your customer. Try to make it short and precise. What you need from your customer is personal information. Ask relevant questions. Customers do not like complex questions and usually are averse to answering extremely long forms. These minor details are critical as adhering to best practices will help in increasing traffic to your landing page

Feature Testimonials:

Testimonials are crucial to the success of any business in the current landscape. Often marketers will talk about their reputations, and it usually takes a serious tone while addressing the company’s customer feedback reports. Why? Because your company’s reputation will define your next steps in building a robust marketing strategy.

Image: Testimonials on landing page Big brands are reputation sensitive. Even though, the famous saying ‘that public memory is short and the next day’s news overrides yesterday’s incidences’ are not true because statements such as this holds zero value for brands. Remember your favourite instant noodles – ‘Maggi’! It’s a ‘must-read’ case study in modern marketing and brand value. The brand instantly lost their market share overnight after media took to exhaustive brand defamation with substantial evidence on bad quality ingredients and harmful materials being used in their products. Learn from this example and be careful while building up market feedback forms and handling brand communications. Customer testimonials surprisingly will bring your website more conversions than you ever imagined. Think about the shirt you have on right now! Somebody, at some point during your search, told you it’s a great brand. That’s why you bought it. Now go home and look at a few household items. You’ll find that all decisions were made because someone used these products and left excellent reviews online which led to your purchasing them.

Rounding Up Landing pages need to be optimised by lowering your CPA can an added advantage. Your business will grow despite advertising expenses being reduced. Reviews are like opening Pandora’s box. So, stay sensitive to social media chatter and brand feedback. Remember your landing page defines who you are as a brand, and it is an entry into your world. It’s like inviting guests to your home. You prepare to show them how your brand is hospitable to their needs and desires. Your landing page plays exactly this role to your online visitors who are trying to get a peek into your brand. Declutter your landing page and enhance your keywords research. High ranking keywords are like finding gold. The value of your landing page will increase manifold. Hence, it will earn you a good quality score. Stick to the basics and don’t forget to mention the USPs of the products and services you are selling. Remember, Google Ads like transparency, so maintain it and showcase your products with meaningful details. CTA is a single tab which creates a link to your webpage. Keep your CTA goals simple but effective. Content must be user-friendly for everyone’s understanding. Lastly, don’t forget to carry client testimonials on your landing pages. It is the best way to gain traffic organically. Follow these tricks, and you will see your business is growing, step by step.

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