9 Top Tips to Optimise your Landing Page

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9 Top Tips to Optimise your Landing Page Landing Pages are a critical piece in the e-commerce business landscape today. Every business/company needs a landing page; it’s a process that every digital marketer either thrives on or sees as a nightmare, overwhelming his/her world! Time and again digital marketers have struggled and nearly given up trying to sell traffic solutions and conversion ratios to C-suite personnel. Explaining their plans on getting more customers on board through landing page optimization has met with multiple roadblocks. Often, they land themselves on a busy two-way street without the right solutions to deal with the realities of what’s genuinely de-growing the business.

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The importance of landing pages lies in their potential to concentrate on conversions and improving business results by enhancing the campaign’s performance. With the right optimization in place, landing pages can further reduce customer acquisition costs, assist in acquiring new ones and maximaxing ad spend value. E-commerce businesses, as we know it, needs traffic in volumes. The day you see a glitch in traffic numbers, you know there is a challenge. Other key challenges include a failure in design and a confusing call to action. But how will marketers identify the pain points? Bounce rate, navigation summary and conversion rates can help with that.

Image: Bounce rate But challenges are great. It keeps the digital marketers’ creative senses flowing to develop more ways to reach out to an audience. In the current environment of doing business, creative solutions stand on ‘more from less’ that works for modern day e-commerce businesses. And that’s what the current economic scenario thrives on, to achieve success.

9 Tips to Optimize your Landing Pages Today, we have solutions that will help you build growth back into your existing business or new business. These 9 tips to optimize your landing page basically tops the lists of all ‘to-do-lists’ for digital marketers.

Design landing page that offers a positive experience to customer/user: Make your form relevant; specifics is in the details. It’s the best way to gather accurate information in a world which has more than a billion people using the internet every second of the day. It will build traffic from the web and social media sites in a contextually meaningful way for the business to thrive. Here are a few things which may erk your business senses while optimising your landing page; but you should try them out. For example, you suddenly see that traffic volumes have decreased on your website. It could be due to any one or more of the following reasons: 1. 2. 3. 4.

a lack of specific messaging, relevant keywords bad headlines page distractions which do not relate to your business and products.

It’s a problem area you need to resolve immediately, but with viable solutions. To leverage your landing page and ensure that optimising it is enhancing your reach to the targetted audiences. Start by tracking your website behaviour then try mapping all of this to your CTA. By following the CTA goals accurately, you will be able to track the exact areas which are relevant to your customer on your landing page. It is a great way to declutter and remove all the distractions on the landing page. Also, remember that your web traffic and your social media traffic see the same messaging and keywords. You do not want negative correlations between your web traffic and your social media traffic. To ensure this does not happen, plan your moves, and design and plant your hooks within the framework with relevant images. It will improve the quality of your landing page, and it will additionally improve the quality of your conversions.

Keep your landing page simple. Less is good in this case: The job of the landing page is to bring more traffic to your website, and you want to know how. You can use two methods – PPC and Organic Growth. While PPC is helping you gain more by using planned processes and campaigning on paid ads, Organic Growth is leveraging your actual business landscape. Both, together are boosting your chances of achieving the set goals outlined.

Include short and simple call-to-action buttons: Landing pages are key elements of your overall digital marketing strategy. It plays a pivotal role in building a healthy traffic flow to your website and grows conversion ratios quickly. It helps capture confirmed leads and generates sales. So, how do you improve the business and ensure you create volumes? Use simple methods of Call-to-action (CTA) that will trigger faster conversions. Your CTA goals must be planned and well thought out before you dive into building a landing page. Ensure your landing page -includes all relevant messages and it matches with the same or similar messaging on your website. Otherwise, you will lose all the customers you contacted. Customers do not like to see misleading pages with misdirected information.

Provide users with a way to contact you: How do you achieve high volumes of traffic by optimising your landing page? Try a single pager approach and start by sourcing different traffic pathways.

For example by using PPC like Google Ads which will bring you different performance levels in comparison to your ad spends on social media. Use links and mentions in your blogs with links again to get the user to reach you directly as well.

Image: Providing users an option to contact you Sometimes, and let’s hope, that it is the least of your challenges, if bad conversion ratio funnels hit you at the beginning of the day. Specific landing pages end up giving sending irrelevant offers or limited offers. For example, a customer was expecting a full volume ebook on ’Home Purchase’ and ended up receiving a 10-page guide. That will drive your customers away and break their trust. So, ensure that your campaigns are tailored to suit their needs at the same time you are building a substantial customer base for the business. Remember, your landing page must have a funnel approach. Make sure it carries all the significant details about your company, the industry, the business, and products. Most customers end up leaving the webpage because you do not have relevant information. Nurture your campaign offers by developing strong value propositions and media campaigns. By using tools such as emails, social media interactions and smart content that’s meaningful; your landing page will improve as you tweak and learn about how to optimise it further.

A/B test your landing page with different ad copies: In some instances, the landing page A/B tests can cause internal disagreements. That’s when you must take a decisive call and agree. Because the removal of your masthead or the top navigation panel may cost you in a significant loss of customers. This is especially true for those who are using your key business areas to gain more clicks on your page. By changing and tweaking your top navigation panel and masthead, it will lead your customers back to you.

These are a few steps that you can implement to tweak things around. Firstly, create your top of the funnel (TOFU), and the middle of the funnel (MOFU) offers relevant to users. Ensure they are equally meaningful. Also, remove links which have no relation to your business.

Image: Testing landing page with different ad co

Add testimonials: Adding testimonials drives web traffic because customers always trust one of their own. That is how businesses grow.

Image: Adding testimonials But adding testimonials – does it actually help your landing page in any significant manner? The answer to that is simple – ‘the devils is in the details’. Just adding testimonials cannot drive the trust building exercise alone, resulting in conversions. As a marketer, you need to make them effective and believeable to lead customers to the conversion stage. Employing tactics such as authority figures, customer images and precise numbers certainly helps the exercise.

Ad And Landing Page Should Be Similar Both Visually And Offer Wise: Another way to find out more about why your landing page is not getting enough traffic like your competition is by using the same visual data reports. This could help resolve a significant gap in your communication and improve your headlines, catchphrases, and the keywords you have used in the present landing page.

Image: Ad and landing page should be similar

Visual data reports will show you effective ways to optimise your landing page. These are some visual data report issues which can be addressed by using scroll maps, overlay maps, confetti maps and list reports which provides relevant information that’s valuable to the business. Scroll maps will show you scrolling activities, and there will a lot of footprints that people have left behind in orange, red and yellow. While confetti reports show you how the user went about clicking on your landing page, which will give you the percentage on individual clicks. Track and find out with visual data reports like heat mapping works for your landing page. It will give you clarity on what the visitors are clicking on and track their signature clicks. Heat map helps in focussing on the areas potential customers are clicking on when they visit the landing page.

It will also show you whether it’s a relevant click or irrelevant click. Like if the visitors are only interested in the pictures you have displayed or in specific keywords.

Image: Tracking session recording

One more way to track is by user session recordings. Will this help is what you may ask? Yes, it will. In some instances, you may want to monitor what is confusing your customer or your user and by carrying out this simple step will add value to your business. It will also help you understand the frustrations of the users, and how they want to interact with the products, you have listed online for sale. Ads are recommended in such cases to boost your landing page.

Design lead forms according to your product/service: Businesses today run on strategic goals which hold long term benefits to all stakeholders and customers, the management and the employees. Starting your journey on a blank canvas is recommended. However, ensure you use all your old data and previous website keywords to build familiarity. Customers are loyal to familiar and comforting names.Most big brands always stick to their original look and feel while designing their lead generation forms. However, there is more to lead forms on the landing page than just designs. How can you optimize it so that there are conversions? A lot depends on where you place the form on the page as that determines if the you are able to garner maximum exposure to prospective customers. The best results can be expected if the form is placed above-the-fold. It is effective

in drawing the page visitor’s attention to the CTA, thus, creating an opportunity for increased conversion optimization.

Keep experimenting with landing page: While designing or redesigning a landing page try not to rush anything. After all, Rome wasn’t built in one day. Instead, try dabbling with a live landing page and tweak as you collect validated information from analytics. By following a simple routine of trials, observations, and the use of a collective data pool, you will ultimately lead your users to convert into real customers. Use the A/B test form fields and lengths on the initial landing page. It is an excellent way to collect factual data about your target audience. Perform a thorough look-through and remove any clutter and junk from your forms. Lengthy forms will bore your visitor, and if it is too short, then you are merely collecting more junk.

In Summing Up A Landing Page is a page which drives traffic to your website; its purpose is to grow your sales conversion rate steadily. Creating it will take time, and you will need to carry out A/B testing to see which pages are working for you and your target audience. Having the CTA’s in place will provide a way for your customers to get in touch with you. A lot will depend on how well you design the lead forms. Try to use catchy headlines and utilise new keywords which are similar to authority and dominant sites. However, at the same time, stick to the basics. As you already know that less is more. Implement these tips of landing page optimization will change your ways of planning and strategising your next business moves, and in turn will increase your business revenue. The main focus must always remain on your landing page and keeping its content as relevant as possible to your audience. The CTAs, monitoring your landing page activities and behaviour, and the relevance of irrefutable facts will go on to become the key differentiators between your business and your competition in this agile economy. The ideal way to succeed is to gain real traffic and optimise your landing page by user session recordings, and visual data reports. Also, originality is the central note in transforming the business into a state of maturity.

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