How to Rank E-Commerce SEO Sites to Increase the Revenue Through Organic Traffic

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How to Rank E-Commerce SEO Sites to Increase the Revenue Through Organic Traffic Introduction An online business needs so much nurturing and as a business owner you need to expand your horizon in every way possible, continuously. This means experimenting with new trends, studying new markets and how they function, that is most essential in growing your business. The online world is a vast landscape with endless possibilities. If you are the sort who like to dabble with such marketing facets, then you have come to the right place.

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Here we can guide you in enabling your business to adapt to the fast-changing world of online e-commerce platforms that are fighting for visibility. There are a variety of things you need to know about before you start and some of these points can be the triggers in reaching your CTA goals sooner than later. Most owners who run a business online are likely to struggle with SEO. It’s essential to know to create steps to focus your energy on revenue growth. Without revenues, the chance of failing to achieve your goals and finally losing the business is a high possibility. Get your team on board and put a plan into action that can give your SEO manager the tools to reach the audience that your business needs. Set a target

and stick to your organisational goals so that you realise your objectives at the earliest opportunity. Remember, online business just like any other products and services that are available in a brick and mortar store need visibility. Perhaps getting more visibility than the ordinary mom and pop stores because it is not a location, it is an e-commerce site that is openly accessible to a broader audience. This means that your customers can be buy your products and services from across the world.

What is E-commerce SEO? So, as you already know SEO means search engine optimisation which is an essential part of your everyday life if you’re an SEO manager or an ecommerce advertiser – who is trying to get your business the requisite traffic that your site must have. Traffic to a website flows naturally if your CTA goals are clear. Confusing CTA outcomes are common when advertisers end up making too many offers and understate their products. The focus should always remain on one goal – your product or your services. As a thumb rule, gratify your visitors. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a gift of any sort. It can always have an enticing offer which brings a first-time-shopper back to your platform. In SEO Managerial language – most would term SEO as ‘low hanging fruit’.

Image: E-commerce SEO

Reap the benefits of the online business and watch your business break barriers in gaining traffic flow that results in conversions. You have to let your ROI remain invested grow by using SEO which rarely has been used.

Smart Managers would follow SEO strategies like a dog with a bone. So, if you are using paid ads and using social media to gather up a sizeable audience to buy your products, well, you are not doing anything wrong. You have just decisively taken a frequently used path that’s very slow in reaching your goals. Let us get down to basics in understanding how SEO can make all your fortune cookie statements come true. Using SEO means getting your strategy right. All you need to do is get your CTA goals to connect with what you have used as headlines and subheadings in your products pages. Ensure these are keywords that have relevance and have high rankings. Then start with building compelling user-based content that helps you build a mainframe for your Google Ads once you are through with designing and structuring your ads. Move on to lighter jobs such as offers. Your offers must be highlighted to give your visitor a chance to explore your product pages and home page. While you’re at it, remember Google Ads policies are built around trust. Hence, work on your strategies and have clear distinctions in choosing the right keywords research. Employ your technical SEO skills and get all the details on your site correct. Based on your keyword structure, the on-page SEO should be ready to do the job of optimisation on meta tags and content. Hence, build meaningful content. With your basics in place and your technical SEO should be up and running. Additionally, get the local SEO to start optimising traffic to your site. Remember you are targeting organic growth here. So, treat it like a real brick and mortar store which has store signages that are like open invites to visit your store.

Basics: On-page Best Practices for E-commerce SEO The idea is to know when you should use tools to efficiently boost traffic to your business site and ensure that the CTR is as per your plans to reach your audience. In such cases where the CTR doesn’t work for paid ads is when the CTA goals are not matching with the policies you have put down to achieve an influx of traffic to your site.

Also, remember that visitors to your website need to understand your business. Google Ads transparency policies are based on trust. Therefore, stay aligned with Google’s needs. You need Google to crawl and index your site. To ensure you have significant results, use keywords and metadata that are ranking high on Google Ads.

Image: Keyword volume Ensure that your SEO achieves visibility, and the SERPs (search engine results pages) work in this scenario. You do not want your rankings to fall. So, keep a check on your backlinks, and audit the bad backlinks. Bad backlinks can impact your ranking and cause your business to lose out on conversion because the traffic flow falls. The key to getting on-page relevance in any e-commerce business is using the right keywords to get your customer to reach your website. How do you achieve this? It’s simple. Not every keyword used might be relevant to a consumer, although it ranks high. It’s happening because the tonality needs to be more conversational for a visitor to see the relevance in the products he is searching for on your site. To find out if the keywords used by you are relevant to, use Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs or SEMrush. These tools help in finding the relevance of the keywords you are about to add to your site and landing page on Google Ads. Once you have keyed in the keywords you chose, take note of the CPC. You can immediately see that there is a difference in the CPC. Here the trick is to figure out the Keyword Difficulty (KD). How? It relates to keyword competition. It’s important to know that the higher the keyword difficulty, it gets tougher to rank on the first SERPs because of the high competitiveness of the website rankings.

Find out your KD by calculating the domain authority, page authority, trust and citation flows. Use a selection matrix tool to calculate the above criterion to understand how Google SERPs works. The results you get will surprise you when a low authority site can outrank a dominant website. It is an example of using keyword difficulty to your advantage.

Advanced: Technical Best Practices for SEO When you are up to speed with research on keywords and rankings, you are looking to further your value in ranking and get traffic flow to your site which results in conversions. To get good results, you also need to ensure that your visibility criteria matches with that of Google ads trustworthiness. Without Google Ads recognising the landing pages and the website keywords, every time it crawls and indexes your site, it can miss out on the importance and relevance of the keywords. Why? Because you didn’t align with Google’s transparency policies. Ensure that when a user is searching for a product or service, your site is indexed with Google’s parameters that match with the searcher’s intent. Also, your website needs to be spiderable. This means the search engines must understand the content used by you on the site and find contextual meaning to your keywords.

Image: Google SERP

The idea behind getting search engines to trust your content and become SEO friendly is the key to finding success in an already booming marketplace.

Best On-Page Practices for Building Organic Ecommerce SEO If you want to ensure that the traffic to your website is authentic and conversions are high following these best practices to build an organic SEO, first, make sure your research on keywords is continuous. It is a critical aspect of driving traffic to your website. Get your websites ‘title tags’ to do the job it is meant to do. Your keywords must contain primary keywords, secondary keywords and your brand’s name. To you get the maximum mileage out of your efforts, use it as a dash in between your keywords. Once you are sure of the keywords, you have decided to weave into content that’s deriving meaningful and contextual relevance, add a pipe before you use the brand name. These are the tips to use your content wisely, and it will help you avoid duplicate title tags. The recommended length of a good quality title tag is 55 words. Use meta descriptions that are useful in getting the traffic you want flowing to your website as well. Ensure you write compelling content which is meaningful and gives your target audience a valid reason to visit your site. Try not to exceed 160 characters while constructing a quality meta description. Anything above this number can lead to losing out on relevance. The meta description should not carry non-alpha characters and quotes, hence avoid using these. All these points can help in duplication of the content you are using to describe your products and services.

1. Create Descriptive, Clean URLs for Users as well as Search Engines In technical terms, a URL is designed to replace numbers (the comprises of the IP address) with readable words that humans recognise. URLs have a considerable significance in the business, and we give them weight in the overall domain because they play a role in achieving high rankings. URLs help improve visibility, and it helps to get traffic to visit your website.

Image: Ugly URL URLs start with HTTP:// or https://; the ‘s’ at the end stands for secure. That is what you should use ‘https://’. After that, it can include file handling text or direct path to your mail server. It is the language used for servers to understand and your computer to verify what you want to access. The attributes of using a well-designed and worded URL is a means of improving the user experience. The e-commerce business landscape is highly competitive. While you plan your next moves and begin to get the basics right on driving more traffic, be assured, your competition is also doing the same things. They are also planning to get better rankings. Today’s competitiveness is also based on who applies the latest technology to reach its audiences. Hence, you need to make clean URLs which are recognised by Google Ads. Your page was being crawled and indexed by Google, and this exercise, therefore, will further your road to achieving your CTA goals. The URL should be user-friendly, and readability is essential as well.

2. Product & Category Pages Should Have Unique Title Tags and Meta Descriptions When you want to beat the competition because you and other companies are selling the same services with a few differences, theirs may be better than yours in some ways, even though your services may be graded as the best in your primary market. However, if you are entering new markets, you need to study your competition and learn.

Image: Page Titles in SERP

Title tags play an essential role in improving your visibility. Why? Because title tags are used to describe your products. They act as a mode of suggestion to Google. This means that Google understands the keywords used. When a user searches for a product, Google can make your page available to the user. These act as the first impression received on a search result. It is a reliable marketing tool, and you should use it! Meta description has no role in the ranking of your website. Google’s algorithms do not use the meta description to index your site or rank you. Meta description has another function that is important for driving traffic to your website. They impact the CTR. Therefore, it indicates to Google that your website comprises of all the points which help in improving the rankings.

3. Incorporate Keywords into Web Copy and Headers E-commerce businesses are heavily reliant on keywords, images and contextual content to create a high-ranking page. It is the key to deriving the best that Google has offered in achieving your objectives and conversion through CTR.

Image: Including keywords into webcopy and headers

Keywords are used to optimise your site. It enables search engines to find your site quickly, and also find out what your website is about. You add keywords to HTML pages and use meta keywords inside the heading section of the code and add or insert the keywords in that to describe your business in the best manner. You then create relevant meta tags. Try not to use irrelevant keywords as Google can penalise you.

4. Optimise Your Product Pages Page optimisation is a priority to derive traffic and conversions. E-commerce businesses thrive on optimisation of products pages as this is the primary bread earning page created. How do you optimise your product pages? Of course, the homepage is crucial, and it will bring in the necessary traffic you desire. However, it cannot bring your CTR up that ultimately leads to achieving results in your CTA conversion rate. To ensure that your products pages are optimised to gain momentum in traffic conversions. Improvise on the download speed of the page. If your page is slow, you can lose out on potential buyers. Use breadcrumbs to lead users to your page. It is a reliable way to get traffic to visit your product pages.

5. Optimise Your Images Image have considerable relevance today. Use Images that are quality images and have relevance to the products that you are selling online. Choose Images with colour and optimise the colours that are easily user-friendly shades.

After that, create an urgency in the CTA goals which you have already planned in order to have a single goal. That goal should be focused on driving traffic that’s relevant, and it should be interesting to captivate your target audiences. Also, your CTA should be attached to an offering. Once you know the urgency levels that you – want to create- Also, make sure your display time is right. It has enormous significance when you are selling products which are fast moving goods and services. Next step on your to-do list should make your product accessible to customers. Clickability plays an essential role. The user should be able to view your product. Make your cart is viewable and a straightforward list with an image plus a short description. Users like to take a quick view of the cart before proceeding to pay for products that are sitting in the cart before they check out and pay for all the items listed.

Image: Image optimising tool

6. Link Building: Internal, External, and Backlinks The trick to getting your users to leave good quality feedback will add a link which are called backlinks. These links are useful for improving the ranking and getting good quality scores on the page that you created for your business. On the other hand, you too can create a host of links such as backlinks and external and internal links. Why build links to your website? This process has massive relevance to attracting traffic to your site. It increases the authority of the site, and it also builds referral traffic to your page. Including this, Google’s algorithms are complex and continue to evolve daily; hence backlinks are essential. Building links to your website means Google recognises your site. How? Because according to Google your site should be worthy of citation.

Image: Components of Google’s ranking algorithm

7. Add A Blog or Customer Reviews for More SEO Content Opportunities Blogs and reviews are significant to improvising SEO. Customers should be encouraged to leave a review of your product. It can further your reach and push potential customers to search for similar products will view your product as well.

Image: Adding a blog Blogs also help boost your website’s quality and positioning. They also use a range of on-page SEO strategy to employ and presents excellent opportunities

to improve the page rankings. SEO opportunities are many to improvise your ranking. So, the next time you have sold a product, encourage the customer to leave a review when they receive the product while you receive a confirmation on delivery of the product. Once a customer uses your product chances are low that they rate or review. It is always better to get a review upon delivery.

8. Amplify Your Content Building a business means creating content that attracts users to buy your products. To get the job done, these steps above, are best practices that get you to reach your organisational goals sooner than later. However, in a space that is evolving daily, and product quality and pricing play a critical role in marketing anything that you want to sell. Rely on tools mentioned here because these tools are excellent in engaging with your audiences. Amplifying your content is an excellent and powerful technique. If you manage to crack the code on amplifying the product in the right manner, your traffic can quadruple within days. The sudden increase may be overwhelming for you.

Image: Amplifying content

Advanced: Technical SEO Best Practices Driving traffic to your website sounds easy by now, and you must be geared to start with SEO and get your website to work for you. Before you get on with

your work and the creative juices flowing in creating the best page and connects with your audiences to beat the competition. There are a few more steps that can boost the business revenue stream to make you a happier e-commerce business owner.

1. Make Sure Your Website Is Indexed and Crawled by Search Engines Your website needs to be indexed by Google. Why? It is meant to attract the userbase you have targetted. However, how do you get Google to trust and recognise your site? Well, Google crawls the site often and with the right set of keywords and meta tags along with meta descriptions used. Google will rank you based on all these parameters and more. So, the first step is to align with Google’s goals and policies.

Image: Adding sitemap

Therefore, remember that this too an essential part of your website improvising its visibility. The user base should be able to find you- in order to find how Google crawl factor in your SEO. The things that you can do to improve traffic flow to your site– is by logging into Google Console and navigate the crawl fetch and paste the URL of choice to the search bar. Press the tab ‘fetch’; once Google finds the URL, submit to index it. These steps are critical to finding out the about rankings and crawls feature which can boost your traffic.

2. Secure Your Site With HTTPS HTTPS is a server language that enables your server to engage with other servers and identify the path to the website you want to access. In layman

terms, it’s like asking a traffic cop to guide you to the next by-lane to reach the restaurant of your choice. HTTPS is a secure server language that is used to protect your server. In technical terms, it is the server’s IP address. If you want top-notch security for your website, get it certified. Also, get an SSL certification. Your website will require an IP address that is dedicated to your system only. Once you have bought the certificate and activated it and installed on the server, use HTTPS to secure the server.

Image: Securing site with HTTPs

3. Optimise Your Page Speed Slow loading pages are wrong business propositions in terms of starting a business online. Hence, increase the speed of your page loading time. How do you improve the loading speed? First, optimise the cache which automatically adds a faster loading time. The next step is to trim down the JavaScript Parsing to get the ideal load time. After that, get rid of redirects, and you can see a marked improvement in loading time.

Image: Optimising page speed

4. Make Sure You’re Mobile-friendly Most of the world depends on their mobile screens today. If you are not available on a mobile-friendly page, you are at a significant loss. Firstly, you are losing on potential user base and remember most shoppers prefer to choose products while on the move. Why? Because they get a few minutes to themselves, and these few minutes are critical for you. If you are not visible, someone else will scoop up the opportunity and beat you in the race to success.

5. Avoid Duplicate Pages and Content While you are amidst building the mainframe of the pages you want to use as the main website page and the product pages. Make it a point to avoid duplicate content. Using a dash in between keywords and title tags with a pipe before you employ the brand name to feature in the description, are a few steps which help avoid duplication of content. Try not to use irrelevant keywords that are not related to your business and your products. These can cause more harm, and your page won’t meet the Google crawls and indexing parameters.

Image: Scraper report

6. Product Page Canonicalization Canonicalisation is a link that is primarily an HTML element which helps webmasters prevent duplication of content issues. Rel-canonicalisation is the canonicalisation link element that can be of excellent services as a tool. It helps prevent the copying or duplication it also represents the master copy of a page. Therefore, using this promptly will enable you to prevent problems with identical pages which appear on URLs.

In Conclusion Wrapping it up with a successful day at the office is a goal that’s important for every SEO manager and business owner. SEO is improved, and the business is rolling in traffic in volumes. What you have here is an excellent tool you have built, and you can now proceed to connect with a broader audience on a global scale. As an owner or SEO manager, you need to ensure that the SEO works seamlessly for your business. Hence, optimise your page by using clean and well-planned URLs which define your business. Activate the SSL and HTTPS on the server, and it can be an excellent choice for your long-term goals. Remember to optimise the page with colours, images and content that appeals to the user base. Use the tools – to avoid duplicate content. Always put an action plan to have screen friendly pages, which means that your page should be visible on the mobile, tabs and computers and desktops of users. Some users are multi-screen users.

They view their work and other shopping lists and carts on all devices. Make sure you are present on all platforms. URLs as you now know play an essential role in rankings. Ensure there is zero duplication. The duplicate page and content can hinder visibility. Stay focused on your goals, and you are all set to start up an online business that will boom and bring you the desired revenues along with fulfilling your dream of acquiring.

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