What is Position 0 (Featured Snippets) & Types of Content to Rank for Position 0

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What is Position 0 (Featured Snippets) & Types of Content to Rank for Position 0 Introduction In the ever-changing business world, fast-changing market trends and highly versatile e-commerce businesses are popping up by the dozens, every day. SEO managers, digital marketers and business owners in the online space need to keep up with Google’s evolving policies and ranking methods to earn the best SEO results and conversions.

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Some of these come from remaining focussed on set goals which drive the vision and mission of the organisation’s objectives. As a business owner in the online space, it is natural to be curious about the competition and adopt some of the best practices employed by them. What is important here is also to have a set of goals which are directed on -towards achieving company growth and expansion. Many of your policies and market strategies might be similar, but gaining moment in an ever-evolving marketplace is easy when you apply all the right techniques, such as using featured snippets to your advantage.

What is a featured snippet?

It is a block that is special and is usually above the organic search results that Google shows for queries submitted. It contains a paragraph in the form of a summary, a video, a list, or a table. It also has publication dates, a page title, webpage link which originates from the query and URL. Featured snippets are also known as answer boxes or rich answers. Why? Because they are found at the top of the search results like rich answers and knowledge graph results. They may differ when Google pulls information from organic search listings and puts it on the first page of any organic search. Google also gives it credits via a link. To know more about Position 0 on Google’s featured snippets, let us take a quick dive into the value it brings to your business. The purpose and novelty that featured snippets have when it comes to organic growth is tremendous for your traffic flow. So, if you haven’t yet been brought up to speed on Position 0, here are the basics.

What Is Position 0? Position 0 – a featured snippet is a prompt from an organic search which shows up when you search for a specific product or service. Example of a featured snippet is as per below image prescribes:

Image: Featured snippet

Featured snippets hold #1 ranking position in organic search. They contain the exact answer such as display title and a URL including features such as bullet points or lists, an image display along with it and a simplified table.

Let’s take another example as shown in the below search results where the organic search is about ‘how to wash a car’. It is a simplified search which results that featured snippets can show what is known as position #0. It positions the SEO results as the top portion of a SERP query.

Image: Position 0

Position #0 outranks #1 as per the organic search criteria on Google search queries. It also shows you one more critical point that should not be missed out. Notice, while you are searching the web for any product or service, the URL search for both position #0 and #1 are identical. Why does this happen? Because your website is listed twice under Google’s organic search policies. So, if the featured snippet search ranks #1 in the organic search results and your score is #0, it means that your page ranking is high and you feature on the first page twice.

Image: Featured snippet

The benefits of featured snippets can work wonders for your business especially in the case of boosting CTR which results in conversions. Your target audience can view and explore your e-commerce site frequently because of the optimised rankings it receives from Google. What Google does is to simplify the search results which most search engines are struggling to accomplish. For example, if the search query is about ‘Tata head of Organisation’, the results derived would be:

Image: Featured snippet There are many more examples that you can get when searching for any topic on the internet. For example, the key to the success of Amazon is because they feature twice in ranking under position #0 and #1. It is a good business strategy, that has helped the business gain immense traffic to the website for the products that it sells online, plus from its product line as well from other associates and brands.

Facts & Types Of Featured Snippets If you are looking for more clarity on featured snippets and their benefits, first let us learn about the facts and types of features snippets that you can come across when you search for items and products on Google. To jump to page 1 on a Google search query is excellent for SEO results. This means that you are beating the competition in ways that they would envy your efforts in being able to gain traffic flow to your site which has trebled in a few

weeks. The secret to this is to uncover how the dynamics of featured snippets work that makes your job easier in terms of SEO planning. We search for products every day, and Google shows you featured snippets regularly in recent searches. Therefore, despite the PPC ads and advertisers spending their budgets, it ensures that traffic flow to the website continues to grow. Organic search results because of featured Snippets taking up position #0, is eating away the chunk of search results based on position and ranking. Hence No #1 gets more clicks in comparison to a featured snippet. However, if you are falling behind in page rankings, featured snippets can help you outrank your competitor. So, you jump 6 positions and go straight to position #1 and then to #0, which means that organic search is an excellent strategy to adopt.

What are the 5 Types of Content to Rank for Position 0? Featured snippets are gaining popularity quickly among SEO managers. The reason behind it is because of the summarised paragraphs derived from the search results. It immediately boosts the webpage search optimisation criteria and helps grow CTR which ultimately results in conversions. It does not mean that Google can always find and show results on the top ranking page. It can pick a link that is in #6 position. There are a variety of featured snippets that can change your SEO:

1. Paragraph Snippets: These are mainly summaries of the search results that Google shows on the top of the page before it shows the #1 page and the rest after that follows. The paragraph snippets results are the most popular results derived from a search query. It also comes with a series of points such as edit and crop features for an image. Google pulls a piece of content and presents it in a paragraph form:

Image: Paragraph snippet

So, as a business planning head, you need to be clear about the search results you decide to use in your overall marketing strategy. A smart SEO manager and a planner would opt for featured paragraph snippets as a marketing strategy to get ahead of the competition. Your product can be a sophisticated service, and you can still build a sizeable amount of traffic to visit your website if you carefully plan your next move.

2. List Snippets Like Numbered List & Bulleted List: The list snippets are like a to-do list. The only different is that it has bullet points about the search query and a numbered listing. So, what you are primarily looking at when your search query is about ‘how to change a car tyre?’ It is a list that is shown as a process that requires a stepwise method to accomplish the task at hand. Lists of items or steps that a user is searching for:

Image: List snippet

A list snippet can be shown in an orderly form or a disorderly form depending on the search results derived by your search engine.

3. Table Snippets: Table snippets are results which show your search query in a tabular form. For example, if you are searching – for the ‘Mercedes C class release date’, the search results will give you information about the car and the release dates. It is an excellent way of deriving the right answer, and it summarises the dates and prices at a glance. Therefore, you know that your search query answers almost 3 to 5 questions in a single instance. Table-formatted answers to queries that require comparison:

Image: Table snippet

It is one of the most powerful search queries in the featured snippets tools that can benefit your business. It also allows you to give your customers the exact answers to their queries. Also, it gives them extra bits of information such as the price and other results that may be of generally useful. The entite process of accessing additional information is also time-saving. .

4. Video Snippets: These are by far the best and would suit any user who is looking for a ‘how to’ do anything query. It could be a simple or complex task. Google shows results derived from ‘how to’ queries and the answers that show up on the top of the page, and it has a clip. It’s an excellent way to present a solution to any problem that the user may be trying to resolve without much progress until Google came along with featured snippets that carry a video. What Google results show are, instead of the usual image or picture, a suggested video clip is shown:

Image: Video snippet

This is another option for people who want to learn things and are usually trying to solve the problem alone. It’s the perfect tool for a company that sells goods and complex services. The example, ‘boiling water’ may not be the exact choice, but, some people would need help with mundane chores and Google’s featured snippets work like a charm. All the issues you have been facing in trying to get to know ‘how to do’ things can now are put up as queries in Google!

5. Two-in-one Snippets: Google’s evolution brought us closer to multifaceted search features. Here Google search has new and improved features which are related to images and video clips and the latest version is better than the previous versions. What do multifaceted search queries show? It shows the user more than one interpretation of the query that was submitted or asked, such as a SERP search can result in showing multiple sets of answers for the original query. The below shows two sources of answers (image and content are of different URL) in the box:

Image: Two in one snippet

The above example shows a paragraph and an image. The multifaceted featured snippets will take your search criteria to another level while the query you submit may be a simple one. While the below example shows two paragraphs, although there are no related images, the user can understand the messages clearly.

Image: Multifaceted query result

In Summation Now that you are clear on how to use featured snippets and earn higher rankings and finally reaching position #0. No question, this is an excellent way to manage your organic growth and rankings. Imagine the money you can save from spending on PPC and Google Ads. However, at the same time do not remove the PPC and Google Ads strategy from the original mainframe of your business plan. Google’s evolutionary search methods are continuously upgraded to give the user an improved experience in SEO goals. With market dynamics shifting to user based experiences, businesses are adopting these improved methods to reach their target audiences.

Factors That Are Important To Rank For Position 0

SEO ranking features are high on every SEO manager’s list of things to do every day. As SEO requirements change, so you should continuously upgrade your knowledge. You do not want to be left behind in the race which has a ranking of #0 and #1. Achieving the #0 position should feature at the top of your lists. The best part about being in position #0 is that your webpage is secure and easily accessible. The speed at which your page loads meets user requirements. The website is available on all screens or platforms. Therefore a user can access the webpage from his home computer as well as on the mobile phone. Also, make sure that when you plan to change the features and setting of you old webpages, do not delete anything. Old is gold, and this holds true to the roots of every business and society on earth. Utilise the old content and find a way to combine it with the new content although old content may have old keywords. It is not for you to decide how the rankings are sifted through when Google crawls your site and indexes the site. So, use the old keywords and combine them with new ones. The Domain age, URL and the Authority site all matter in this case.

Tips & Which Type Of Featured Snippet To Go For And When While you work on a variety of ways to build good rankings and earning excellent quality score for the website, focus on the type of featured snippets you want to employ for your website. Video related featured snippets work for a product which may need a demo such as a seller who is in the automobiles business. The user may want to have a 360-degree view of the vehicle. In the case of garments and fashion accessories, images as featured snippets with a paragraph that describes the product should suffice. However,in an instance where the product is expensive, it is always recommended that a video or a multifaceted featured snippet is a better option. Table formats in the featured snippets work like magic for items and products which have versions and variants. Similar to the example sighted above, the version the user was looking for was a Mercedes 2016 model. The release dates and the pricing showed up in the results because the user submitted release dates. However, the price of the model came as an added

option. Here is an example that can help products and services gain market popularity. Therefore, using featured snippets are an excellent way to gain traffic flow to your website. Also, remember to hold on to the old content and combine it with the new content. Google’s trust policies are strict and aligning with it can boost your CTR.

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