KYCOM WHITE COAT The University of Pikeville-Kentucky College of Osteopathic Medicine formally welcomed the Class of 2024 during a virtual White Coat Ceremony on Saturday, October 10. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the ceremony was prerecorded and available for students, friends and family.
KYCO’s Optometry Camp sets its sights on the world
For the third consecutive year, the University of Pikeville-Kentucky College of Optometry (KYCO) hosted a summer camp aimed at introducing the profession of optometry to pre-health and preoptometry majors. The camp’s goal is to initiate an optometry school experience, help students understand the application process and map out an individualized pre-optometry preparation plan, all at no cost to the student.
Participants are typically invited to a three-day experience on campus. However, this year’s camp was held virtually as students from six states, and as far away as Nigeria and Saudi Arabia, got a glimpse into KYCO’s facilities and technology. Department Chair of Academic Affairs and KYCO Associate Professor Jesson Martin, M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D., educated students about physical optics along with KYCO Associate Professor and Director of Research George Asimellis, Ph.D., who conducted the geometric optics session of the virtual camp.
White coat ceremonies are rites of passage for medical students, welcoming them to the profession and reinforcing the value of humanism as a foundation to medicine. The ceremony encourages a psychological contract for professionalism and empathy in the practice of medicine. This year’s keynote address, delivered by chief executive officer of Pikeville Medical Center Donovan Blackburn, focused on how the landscape of the health care industry has changed in the wake of COVID-19 and how new physicians must rise to the challenges ahead.
“You are entering into medicine in a time like no other. With this pandemic, the health inequities of this country, and the significance of the occupation ahead of you, health care needs you now more than ever,” said Blackburn. “Fill your coat with more than just the spread of your shoulders. Fill it with honesty, truth, compassion and heart.”
CLICK HERE to watch KYCO's White Coat Ceremony