Grayling Santa Letters - Up North Voice Dec 2024

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Grayling Elementary School Voice

Young 5s Mrs. Morrow

Dear Santa Spiderman toy, spiderman bike Love, Ryder

Dear Santa I want stuff animals for chritmas Love, Melody

Dear Santa A bear sleeping Love, Fiona

Dear Santa Stuffy cat nap Love, Hudsun

Dear Santa A barbie Love, Elora

Dear Santa A transformer car Love, Emmitt

Dear Santa Bumblebee transformer Love, Ridge

Dear Santa Snowgear and china dragon toy and zombie and cowboy Love, Weston

Dear Santa A new nutcracker Love, Wallace

Dear Santa A solider Love, Samson

Dear Santa Monster trucks Love, Colt

Dear Santa Bluey go cart and bluey watch Love, Gatlin

Kindergarten Vincent

Dear Santa Santu iI wod like a gAM woch Love, Braxton

Dear Santa Satu I wad LiKe CrS anD Crlax. Love, Leonardo

Dear Santa Santu I wot a Pecuchu woch. Love, Cleo

Sandu, Can I get a Big Pegaco? Love, Carter

Dear Santa Stan I wood like a Powr wel. Love, Jacob

Dear Santa Santu PleZ giV Me a WOCh. Love, Ryker

Dear Santa Sanu coz, WD like a brbe and a hoz. Love, Carmella

Dear Santa Santu Yoo ar rune.

Love, Ariah

Love, Easton


Mrs. Mack

Dear zanta I would liKe a BhDhbs Love, Luna

DeDr SDatD I WOuld liKe D rc MZOTrTruC Love, Maverick

DeRr RntSr IMo u ldliKe a utIoad. Love Khoe

Dear santa, I Would Like babY dol. Love, Kinley

Dear SantaI would Like a baby dol Love, Coraline

Dear Zant I wouldLiik e anu PanC Love, Mason

Dear Sant I would LiKe DriJEJEZ Love, Georgia

D6ar Santa I WoUld KoAIO Love, Briella

DeRr SentA I Wuld LiKe Flb Love, Ezekiel

DearSatJ I woUld Like PGUK Love, Mark

Dear Santa I would Li rotBLoGZ Love, Archer

Dear Santa I waNd LiKeAn mAUKo Love, Kynzie

Dea sontal I would LIKe ADTt Love, Serenity

Kindergarten Mrs. Krey

Dear Sont a. magic MiXie For christmas From Ivy

Dear santa' I wart a rainbow Playay Dob for chrIstmas. FroM, SawYer Santa I want to go to tne north pole. Love, Sawyer

Dear Santa I would like a forxmazMagnet tileSet From,Nathalie

Dear Santa I would like Lego Car transporter and mini transformer Love, Aiden

DearSanta I would like aBUM dleBee froMe CHArlie

DearSanta from PiPer froM Annabel

I would like a christMas Stured animl Love, Violet

Dear Santa I Want. play-Doh.

Love, Lyla

Dear Santa I want a battery From RUSh

Dear Santa Detterua.Zan ta KitCherSet from NoEL

Love, Ameli

Dear Sarta I wou ldliKe a christMaS.for ecctric car from taylor

Dear santa I would liKe a Halloween house for Christmas.

From: Damien

DearSanta I would like a Barbie Doll ForChrisTmas. FrOrAliSSa Love, Alissa

Dear Santa

Dear Santa uniCorn for Chismas Plaes.

Love, PiPer

Dear Santa I can I pleas have a pes5. from Lucas

Dear santa Ples can I get a now ulecsu Ples can I get a aKsulotl toy and a kib sisb mobrsikl Luv sonela

Love, Zoe

Dear Santa Ples can I hav a SPIdr toy. from Joshua

Dear Santa Iwop lic a GunBo Pocenon Love, Vincent

Dear santa I wOT a fone an rodux an a pef five an for highy dab Gas. Love Tanner.

Dear Santa I wota monstr HieStuf and a lions shrt and a hoops erings.

Wonta 2punching robots for chrismis. Love, Xander

Dear Santa I can not wait for Christmas! I love the pretty lights.

Love, Auberon

Dear Santa howis rodof do wing! I wophehais ok I wode like a phone for crismis. Love oaklee

I wot a no Ifon15 amba pesfif. Love Ethan.

Dear Santa can I Plese have na\se and a dog set pleese Can I have stich stuff. From Kinsley to Santa

Dear Santn I wat a toy the toy is a Pupey ferum Mya

Dear Santa ples Send a Barbiehaws for crismis ferum Abby

Dear Santa plees I wood rile rile rile rile wot a Hadit and Ples dres oun tladit so I can go teP. frum Starmy

Kindergarten Ms. LaVere

Dear Santa Wut doo you like? Frm Amelia

DearSanta, can you driv? From EmmalYnn

Dear Santa, Doo you licdogs? Frum River

Dear Santa DO you lk Snow? FrUm Walker

Dear Santa Wat doo you driv? Frum, Madisyn

Dear Santa Do you lic driving? Frm, Sasha

Dear Santa, Wt do you drv? Frm Tatum

Dear Satu Dot he elfs helP you? Frum, Declan

Dear Santa Doo you mak presit? frum Hunter

Dear Santa How do you dlivr prasits? Frum Clayton

Dear Santa do you et with the elfs? Fum Luna

Dear Santa Haw do you mak prasis? Frum, Jasmine

Dear Santa Doo you play in the sn!? Frum Kaylee

Dear Santa O I like Santa. Love, Peyton

Dear Santa How do the elf mac tus? frum Ryker

Dear Santa Do you pla with tis? Frum Eli

Dear Santa, Doo you lik Karsmis? From, Mia

Kindergarten Mrs. Kososky

Dear Santa I ouwld like a skotr

Dear Santa I wonld like a bik

Dear Santa I would like a bik

Love, Brooks

Love, Mason

Love, Ayden

Dear Santa I would like a fore Love, Everleigh

Dear Santa I would like a wensdat dol. Love, Aubree

Dear Santa I would like a how bed Love, Royal

Dear Santa I would liked scootr Love, Isaac

Dear Santa I would like a skootr PS5

Love, Graysen

Love, Scarlett

Love, Emory

Love, Lydia

1st Grade

Mrs. Holmes

Dear Santa I wot a cular huv bood I wot a hug I wot a Santa tooy Love, Trevon

Dear Santa Dears anta From Lyia thet turf twe, istow I lo Sprig me!!! Love, Lyia

Dear Santa BrBe toow Dog From KalaiNi Love Kalani

Dear santa

From Ezekie Iphone tiktakto chrajr Love Ezekiel

Dear Santa Haus tiktak toe I fone Love Wyatt

Dear Santa

I wa a xbox. Nett want xbox uchorlr reket I wat a fone.

Last I want sqishmelos I want a rel gun. I riley wat V buxs and mor v buxs. Love, Coleye

Dear Santa

Dear Santu I Want a cunqutr a noow Belsoc a scwsh melo anda plant Love, MaryAnne

Dear Santa Cars FigitSPinner lechich scooder. Love, Levi

Dear Santa

I wodle lika robot dog Robot dog RoodoF toy romot FroM GabbY Love, Gabriella

Dear Santa

From ris GleahHubreigh Gleanls a blacit a blacit a dohas dolhas Love, Aubrey

Dear Santa

I wont wam milen cand cans and I wont a wan milen dolrs. Love, Jeff

Dear Santa I wat a nigutldt

Dear Santa all I wont for crismis is a big gerl bik and a ulekchrik bik

Dear Santa Dear/Sant her/is/a/letr

Dear Santa I wood like a masrhihoni Hise School and a Barbe and a Stich skitch nil and a Phon. and a cardcad and a Lesa and a Gum.

Dear Santa, from Willow

Dear Santa V-Bucs10000000 Love Greyson

Dear Santa

Pehsantu I won a pupee ana acoir and Dog fop and toos Love, Myieign

Dear Santa Iron

Love, Dasin

Dear Santa Bie barde robot big Stur Aml. Love, Pearl

1st Grade Ms. Cobb

Dear Santa I have ben yuging good maners. For crismis may I please have a glowup rc rc Love, Camden

Dear Santa I ben good win I say r you okaye can I please have pc Love, Brady

Dear Santa I was happy can I please have a rc truck

Dear Santa

Love, Collen

Iv ben good because I clened my room. Can I please I have some LOL dolls Love, Aurora

Dear Santa

Good I brush my teeth please can a frozndoll a heck go kirx doll good miney drse

Love, Every

Dear Santa

I was good can I please hav a mncrey shop that cums with a ball and cums with face munne

Love, Emma

Dear Santa

I ben good becas I clen my room. Can I please have a shop LOL Love, Landon

Dear Santa

I ben good by going my tors please can I have a cuoke.

Love, Lilit

Dear Santa

I ben helfl with chors. Can you please giv m a ipade because I ben a good grl. Love, Josie

Dear Santa

Iv din vare nic to my frens. Can I hav an ac car. Last my old one ples can I hav it?

Love, Konner

Dear Santa

Can I had ed goob cof mune pad I bas sire and win miur sir ail Love, Brianna

Dear Sant

I been good at grate wolf long can I please have a dresse car and a rapitar

Love, Henry

Dear Santa

I b good please have a stirman twee Love, Gemma

Dear Santa Pes get my stapld

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

I have clend my bred rom. I wot fac mund ples and a rse car ples

Love, Dawson

1st Grade

Mrs. Martell

Dear sanfa I like to giv a Grapak

Love Landon

Dear Santa I have been good. Please may I have animal toys to play with.

Love, Maverick

Dear santa

I wont the Bigis Lege evrw

Love JasPer.

Dear sant I wit hedfons and ipab Sant pibe ipab

Love Maisie


Wood want a grenchcos toom I wont a bowsrcostoom I wont a Santa coStoom Dearsanta


Dean Santa I want you to take care of Mya. A bear rug. noo Cows. noo Bissin.

Love, Bryan

Dear Santo mide bad I fon 61 ifon f o makuq latoq morning

I love you Ella

Dear Santa

I woT a mine ceepunda i forn16und fegr biks.

Love LuCas

Dear Santa

I wood like A flat bed chuk with A Backo and A exuvatr and A bldosr!

Love, Henrik

I fed my cat soosy when my mom tells me to. Can you please get me a rc car?

Love, Reese

Dear Santa

Please giv me anum dolls I have a bin good by doing my chors and maching silc and an big chaptstick crone book

Love, Charlie

Dear Santa

Please ken you get me a in todo? I am soopn cind

Love, Tucker


Love, Maddex

I Wod licafon becus iWod 9a rodos. as orsecr Dsatu

Love, Jaxson

Dear Santa can you give me a rlei Plan. Love, Ezra

1st Grade

Ms. Huspen

Dear Santa I wot a bslet set and a big stuf anmoo Love, Trinity

Dear Santa

Can I have a pokemon lego set hous? Can I have a looeges’s Manchin wideyow game? Can I have a figeit? Can I have a lonmowercheractor for theo. And can I have a harry potter legow set

Love, Wally

Dear Santa

I wont a los of fiuis and a pupee and slime and a card for disneeland

Love, Hanna

Dear Santa

I want barbei and b stuf and macup ples and thanc you

Dear Santa

I wile wont id a drone

Love, Aleaha

Love, Raymond

Dear Santa

I want a cinchin I like to help my mom curc I want a iphon I want a ipad I want a cpudr

Love, Selena

Dear Santa

I wont a offrod rs can and a fon and mune and a woch and a no ipad and a tv for crismis

Love, Maddox

Dear Santa

I want a I fone for crismis and a camra that givs you strat yooary but happy are stikrs

Love, Paisley

Dear Santa

I wat is a ricich skir dr and I wot a bose ball and a balls that can fye and I wot one of er rinder

Love, Gunner

Dear Santa

I wot a lechrit car that I can fit in thin I wont a rc car

Love, Ian

Dear Santa

I wot a iphon. I wot a barbe hals, i wot a spesl regto kep, I wot a snowglob, I wot a erdechart

Love, Melody

Dear Santa

I wont a lot of amara ki glie dols clows for crismis and I wont a dog or chret for my dog

Love, Hanna

Dear Santa

Can you bring a moos stufe? Can you bring a care stufe? Can you bring a bare blancit can you bring me a skroodivr

Love, Otto

Dear Santa

I wont a yoonucorn play house and a mincrafte came and barbye cichin

Love, Brittney

Dear Santa

I wot a one a wet yone, I wot a babe dog, I wot a wel slof, I wot a toy and I wot a nudrth toy

Love, Letty

Dear Santa

I want a Necromanser toy for cristmas and the fire deamend from castle crasher

Love, Griffen

Dear Santa

I whont a phon for crismis and a kittin for crismis and a barebe house for crismis and a puppy

Love, Audrey

Love, Aiden

2rd Grade Mrs. Allen

Dear Santa, I wonT a rc car Becuse it is fun but I hope you ar good at the noth Pole Becuse your randars ar the BesT aT the noth Pole fo flinge.

from annmarie to Santa.

Love, Annmarie

Dear Santa,

How a yu? I wɒnt a Fortnight card, Spnjbob car, and a Detrot Lins helmet. I hope you have a grat Crismias! Love, Mason

wuduqresnat iFuwudgivme a lotuvkabe and a lagos and the ho br be gremniS and krimis mi FamulE

Love, Onna

Dear Santa I was rille good. I wont a doll hose. A litl dog toy. And a cichin toy. Can I get that oll pleze Santa.

Fum Lilah

Dear Santa I hope it is goning good in the North Pole and I have been a good kid I have don good at the carpit.

1. want a kiteen and a dog. 2. want a elf stefey. 3. want a Christmas Pelow. 4. want my class to have a good Christmas. love Adley.

Dear Santa, I haVe ben Vare good this year for exqmPel I haVe ben helping my paritnse with chors. I wont a jrasick World Spinosaris, from Rhet.

Dear Santa, I have been good and not been running in the halls at all. I hope things in the North pole are going good, if you are cold, at least do the best you can do. I have been good the hole year I think I would like to have a good time, puppy ears, and paws, and a tail. let me know if you cant get it itel be okay.

Lotsof Love, Mileena

Dear Santa, I have ben good all yer. I hoqe my ant coms bake for Krismis. I rile want unicorn Snecrs.

Love, Lily

Dear Santa, I hope you are haveing a grat day today. I don't mean to ask for mutch, but can I have a drone. Love Summer Dear Santa. I hope evrething is good there I have been good this year I was hopeing for a dirtbike, tv mount, rc, huver bord, monder, xbox, gta 6, new sneekers, bike, and a crolers, Iphone 16

Love, Bradley

Dear Santa

thank you for the presins and If ben rily good bot not bad my crismis wish is a popy, a phon and my grampa to fell beter in hevin and a mary crismis to the homeles and the por. mary crismis from, Donovan to santa

Love Donovan

Dear Santa Gokart Dear Santa I been good this year so I want a gokart and a Iphone pro max. and new shoes and new Ehols and new snow gear and gloves and a Ps5. all done Harry Harry Harry Harry Love, Hary

Dear Sant I hope that you are having a good time at the north Pole. Ther I sent that much I want for crasmas.

I wish for an iPhone 15 Pro max, and a picher with you and a marry crismes to all.

a PC Set UP 4. not to have coal kittin. 7. a toy car.

Dear Santa you are thu best and you are the best thing that has ever hapen to me and you give us presints

Love Santa from Mason Love you

Dear Santa.

I Wont a nota gronup JeePa BigKiDSJeePtoriDeoutSiDe

Love, Oakleigh

dare Santa dirtbike, ps4, any Phone, helmet for my dirtbike, contrler, back pack.

Love, Gibson

2nd Grade Mrs. Hatfield

Dear Santa I want a VR. a little liVe pet. Slime and a babY doll

Dear Santa Pupey

Love, Amelia

Love, Dylan

Dear Santa drone a vest cool clothes tennis shoes toy car robux for roblox

Love Liiam

Dear Santa Plless bebe Gun Lego a dog 3 foot tety Bear a big Shert

Love, Waylon

Dear Santa Zoey

phone 10 foot twix bar huver bord a new dog pitee plees with a caree on top

Love, Zoey

Dear Santa A Jj plushy. Here Kinda what it Looks like.

Love, Zoey

Dear Santa You are the best! Squish me Among US.

Dear Santa Lego globe

Love Zayn

Love, Lincoln

Dear Santa belt buckle shotGun bow release arows bke apple wach petrat yeti tech

Love, Gavin

Camra Plese Pant Plese and Pant

Love, Grace

Dear, santa

qls can u give me a huver Bord. Love, Haile

Dear Santa I want a Bizy, a gayer of helys, a stich water botel some stich cloas, a stich notbook andastichpesl. Love, Peighton

I havea Qweshton how hard do yore elf'S work

LoVe, Peighton

Dear Santa ScwiShmelO Love, Seth

Dear Santa

may i have a arce car and cat tail from aphmau all abhmau and lanky box thing's and a little black car like the one i had as a toddler please. Love, Aleksa

2nd Grade

Mrs. Hatfield

Dear Santa

Amaircan glir dollstuf, A book box A bike for Amaircan Ples/Iic crem trucK, A Amaircan Clos A carai A hight Chair A fake har Set A fakenaSSet Love Dana

Dear Santa

My name is Zyla. I have ben good this year ..I would like some cinaminroll fake nails. and a robot dog. The last thing I want is some stitch fake nails your friend Love Zyla

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, My namE is Thomas. this year for christmas I want a VR headset, A Dirt bike jordens, A Desk and a croonbook. From your firend Love, Thomas

Dear Santa

My name is Savannah. I have two questons for you. 1. who is your favorite elf? 2 how are Ms. clauses cookies? This year for chrimas I want a heated blanket and my family to have the best chrismas ever! P.S do you want milk and cookies. From your friendLove, Savannah

Dear Santa I selubrat evre year. I want to get a drone and a blakit.

Love, Tori

Dear Santa

My name is Kashton. for Chistmas I would like a new remote controll car and 100,0 vbuks. I have been good this year Love, Kashton

Dear Santa,

DMy name is Elena. I have been good this year.

Love, Elena

Dear Santa

This year for christmas I would like stitch long fake nails and cinmmonroll bean bag, your friend

Love, Elena

Dear, santa

my name is wyatt. what I want for christmas is a raϵe truk and a rmote Car. I have been good this yeer.

Love, Wyatt

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a new dres because the dress you geve my last year

I be god like to have a row dol and a now Culen book and can I Ples have Pesis and Morks Ples S ants thacyo I Love you Santa.

Love, Abby

Dear Santa,

My name is James. This year for Christmas please would you give me a lego set and a water bottle thank you.

Iv'e been good this year.

Love, James

Dear Santa

my name is Audrey what are Your favorit Colers? can i see your raindeer you are my favorit

christmas is my favorit I want a iPhon 16. I was a litl bad, but not to much.

Love, Audrey

Dear Santa

my name is Stella. This year for Christmas I would like a nekless with a spooky kittin charm on it and earings that mach.

Love your frend, Stella

Dear Santa,

My name is Toriann. This year for Christmass I would like a bobot dog and a huge coloring book.

Love, Toriann

Dear Santa

my name is Helena This year for Christmas I would like a lot of spo itms and kittin and the kids car.

Ples a Babby kittin and a lot of Kittins toys I ben rily good ples ples ples a Kittin.

Love, Helena

I have to Questends one is can you pleace help me find your buten you gave me last year I won't loose it again?

Secend is do we get a new elf next year?

Dear santa

My name is Nya. This year for chrismas I would like a barbie car and a puppy please please please a puppy! can it be a golden reachever Puppy?! and iVe been have to be reminded a few times but Ive been good!

from your freind Nya

Dear Santa I WOUld like A cont My nAM CAr Ben

Love, Be

2nd Grade Mrs. Dole

Dear Santa

This is my list of toys that I will want for Christmas is a …. Lego set, pet hawk, stufed animals, gems, diamonds, squishy, a drivers license, car, pokmon cards, mystery!, surprises, yoga ball, money Love, Lemi

Dear Santa I want for Christmas is for my family to have lots of presents because it is all about being with who you love

Love, Isabelle

Can you tell chipey to get out of my closet so I can play with him ow and didn’t hell him that fam doing to make him a now hate and close school splis so he can rite letor to me and I can vedrtromely and I will make him a room so he can sleep in it with me a vey his lobe

Love, Henzley

Dear Santa I would like cute dolls Love, Tennisyn

Dear Santa I really want you to bring… I dance domb sorry 2 nerf uns for being 5 of them nqughy x box cont please put roller me on the for my nice list and baby sister Love, Ryder

Dear Santa

How are my pet elfs santa usol how are my elfs. I really want you to bring me some dresses. I want my dad to cum really badle.

Love, Elizabeth

Dear Santa

How is jerry my elf doing are all of the elfs doing well I really want you to bring me some a prime hate because I really like to play with them I am starting a collection I love you santa. I am soo sorry for being naughty.

Love, Blaine

Dear Santa

What I what for Christmas is a barbie dream house abeauuse I really what id this toy so much. And can I have some mor dresses and legings. And can you git my mom a now watch. And my sistir some makup and for my bruthir sam wibros and mack and for dad dire department stuff.

Love, Eli

Dear Santa Fidgets, barbie dream house, basketball, hot wheel, squishmallow Love, Aliana

Dear Santa Pleas giv everybody a Christmas mairicle because I wawt evreywon to be happy. Thank you!

Love, Evelyn

Dear Santa

Slilks, put, bean bags, a rop, shos, squishmallow,s Christmas gres, picked bell set, 1000 octopu set

Love, Isabella

Christmas busat tiant a box and a rahger er with track sllode ahol to sonta

Love, John

Dear Santa I wunt you to bring me a arsea car plese and wut cind of cou keyes so mare chrsmis

Love, Silas

Dear Santa I was so nice this year can you give me a magical pet, $1,000, squishmallow, wisars, fidgets

Love, Dillon

2nd Grade Galvani

Dear Santa

I hope you are yow doing good! Do you have all of those toss treads for Christmas? I have been a good girl here are some things I want a ipad, abd 10000000000 stuffies

Love, Mary

Dear Santa

I hope you are doing good! Do you all of the toys readey for crismes? I have been a good gril. Some times I like to play with my huvdbob but I bont have it eney more. For crismses I wont… a… huvdod for crismes and one more thaning a ipaid

Love, Anne marie

Dear Santa

I hope you are doing good! I ben a good kid this year. For fhismise I wod like lanky box

Love, Bryer

Dear Santa

I hope you are doing good. You have all the toys ready for Christmas? I have been godo boy for Christmas I would like rodoks cads

Love, Rilex

Dear Santa

How where you doing with randyer I hop you are doing good I have been a good boy I want a new ipad my ipad brock

Love, Bently

Dear Santa

I hope you are good and im happy and am I on the nice list. For chrismis I want everey thing

Love, Lyla

you have all of the present ready for chistmas? I have been a gooooood girl. I hope I am on the good list .what I want for cristmas is a mini kids tractor, a cool scuish mellow, a harry potter lego set, a harry potter note book

Love, Adrianna

Dear Santa

I hope you are good. Do you have the toys for chrimas night. I have been good boy right. I have been doing good for chrismas I want some chapter books, race car that is mote conteroled and a blanket, an new nerf gun

Love, Ethan

Dear Santa

I hope you are doing good. Did ms cluse feed you a mouth cookies so your fat and jolly? I have been a good boy sometimes im noty sometimes but evan no I get in to stuff im not a spose to other than that im a good boy. For Christmas I want a jell blaster and iflabetebol soccer ball because my sister ava broke my old one.

Dear Santa

I want nothing

Dear Santa

Love, Bradlee

Love, Kaiden

I hope your raindeer are great! And I am doing great to. I hope I am on the nice list this year! And for chrismas I want a vaspeal herminy pillo scaffs barbi dream bestidolls, and that is it I hope you are nice and big for chrimias

Love, Kinsey

Dear Santa

I have been a good girl. Bye the way how where you. Do you have the toys redy. I want a new phone, and a fake raindeer and a new kids watch

Love, Aubrey

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a drte bike, phone, and can I goet my rabits back Love, Sebastian

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like 8,000 magnet balls, a you tube chanle, a ride in your slay, and a google phone, and can you please also make it snow Love, Gus

Dear Santa

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a bag, a bunch of barbey dols, a ride with you on the slay and ride to the shop and help beld toys and als have a ride back home

Love, Justine

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I wold like pushes, toys, candy, close, pilos, more stufes and ride in slay pleas let me visit mirey mairs house

Love, Gracelyn

Dear Santa

I wot a Ps5 and some dist and some toys a buch and a toys of you and pikch of you but I wont a kandy that youd frum Love, Hunter

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a dog, legos, phone, ticket to lego land Love, Kolton

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like candy squichmelows and a puppy. Can you please also wake me up so I can ride the slay!

Love, Rory

Dear Santa

For Christmas I would like 100 fihi surfed splushes and goudih frede plushe can you please also

Love, Collin

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like legos and fames for my Nintendo can you plase also make chrismas beter this year

Love, Drake

Tis year for Christmas I would like a cat, dolhouse,and a pak of dols. Can you please also ad slime that is blue, mor slim, and scwush melose a lot Love, Macie

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a bouchshous and a pool and can you please also ride in your slay Love, Penelope

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a phone, a pupe and hot wells car

Love, Emmet

Dear Santa

This year for chrimas I would like a puppy! Slime and a kity and a mity books and a jrone

Love, Maelyn

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a phone. Can you please also drop off a puppy/corgi and kitten candy.

Love, Elaynah

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a hey dudes, head phones, youtube chanle, chair

Love, Hayden

Dear Santa

You are nice kind aloved love everybody even you I love north poll even I did not went thre your home is perfect and everybody smart loved like kind will give you 3 cookies, 1 cup of milk I want a new Ps4locw aoeey ia hwer house chrismis neckless that is all Love, Riot

Dear Santa

For this Christmas a want a puppy, cat nap stuff, phone, tablit, ps5, rely spiderman sotun, relax ayrum man costun, pete realy aindeer, chrombook Love, Oliver

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a barbie dream house, baby doll, pony, purse, a ticket to Disney land and a puppy and a ticket to lego land Love, Kaylee

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a football, huting game, and socer ball. Can you ples also apple head phones Love, Luke

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a apll woch, and a fone nose can you please also mealet ronex race car Love, Dax

Dear Santa

This year for chrismas I would like a PS5, Xbox seres x and can you please also bring me a black lam Love, Liam

Dear Santa

This yea chismas would like that cat and don’t spill the beans Love, Jesse

3rd Grade Mrs.Gurzynski

Dear Santa Conrsoris Love, Kaiden

Dear Santa

My I pease have a phone, makup, babydoll, unicone, plushy, tablit, mermaid, and tail Love, Danielle

Dear Santa Talor swift tickits Love, Mackenzie

Dear Santa Rodorth the red nose raindeer Love, Colton

Dear Santa I want a red double sided light saber Love, Parker

Dear Santa

I will like to get bouble skin care and makeup, some dog toys for my dog, a paint set Love, Emerson

Dear Santa

I am exited for my elf’s to come back oh yea santa I am exited to make u a cookie. May I have sitch stuff please Love, Aubrey

Dear Santa

I was good this year. I would like a toy monkey for chritmas Love, Lily

Dear Santa A joy hehe

Dear Santa

Love, Keith

Have I ben good thes yere? I hope I git presens I hav being helping a rand the hose I hope you don’t git brnd by the chimne!

Love, John IV

Dear Santa

One of the tradisions I do is see my grandpa but this is going to be the first crist, mas with out him, can you makc shur he I okay?

Love, Rowan

Dear Santa I helped out my mom a lot and I was being good this year. I would like a stroller for my stuffed animals. A new skate board. But santa you don’t have to get me anything I just want to spend time with my family.

Love, Delaney

Dear Santa

What I want for Christmas is 1. Art splis, school splis, note books. A wite bord, some expo dry erase marker, picher frames, a chack bord, some chack Love, Ophelia

Dear Santa

My name is sam and I have a elf bublgum you puply see her for scrismis. I what a bubble skin care I have tow step brother finny and jacke.

Love, Samantha

Dear Santa

I want red nike Jordan shoes size 6 please if you don’t I wont put chocolate chip cookies and milk out for you and cairets for you raindears and can I get costimzed fishing lures.

Love, Ajay

Dera Santa

I want a tracks rc for criesmese and that my own ele brld and tuth with toys all that good stuth

Love, Tommy

Dear Santa

For Christmas I want a mini fridge, mini fridge cups, new pants, shirts, and shoes. I need it because I have lost a lot of wight and got taller

Love, Aria

3rd Grade Ms. Strohpaul

Dere Santu!

For Christmas I pursue you to get a cat. Anonth thing is bayblads and a pop tart gingerbread house. Plesu santu Love, Carter

Dear Santa

I rily rily disere a fortnite nerf gun, legos, and a big big youshy. I hav been good this year. Joke time howmeny tikkls bos it makea a ptiguys laf la tikis Love, Owen

Dear Santa Whut I want for Christmas is airsoft gear. I also want a phone. One reason I think I deserve this is because I am kind to othes. For example, when i see someone in a down mood I cheer them up. Another reason I behave by listening to my mom. For example, when something is messy or she feels bad, I hope

Love, Leonidas

Dear Santa

I want makup, computer, a computer mouse, dancs drese, a lot of makup, and hi hels. Santa I will do my best. I love you so much

Love, Kamilah

Dear Santa

I think I deserve stuff to fix my tablet because I work relly hard in school. At my house when my liter brother or sister be mean to me I can not stand it. It makes me relly mad in the morning when my mom or dad are not awak and I am I will make my brother and sister brekfist. After brekfist I will take them to my room and turn on my tv they will take turns picing show to watch

Love, Madison

Dear Santa,

For Christmas I am going to give you some reasons why I want these gifes: 5 cat toys, another cat past, antoher cat bed, aanother cat food and water boel, a cat careokey mesheen, a hot tub, and last but not least a kitten hat will grow up to be pregnet. First up all the stuff for a cat is because I got another cat and my other one wont shore everything with him. Next the cat kearokcy mesheen and the hot tub. I want the cat mesheen because my mom mite like it for party and I love cats. I want the hot tub because my mom will want one. Finily the cat because my parenes are fine with it

Love, Amelia

Dear Santa

For chismis I am goha prslad to pleae give me my sister bake because she biyder befor I was bocih and I just wont to et a gling of her and it what make my mom and dad so happy they will then kit is their crismes pregint

Love, Darry

Dear Santa

For crismas I feel like mabby deserve a new table.t I know that I got one last year but I got an old one so if you can give it to me thank you. Next, is mini brand the spa kind if you give me one of theis I will try to be nice school and my house, everywhere. Starting 11/19/24 tell chrimas and i lill try as hard as I can I will just take a deep breath. And mabby a babby elft with my oringanal elf and that shirt that you put on elfy wus so cute I love it. My third thing is a copel squishmeloes more of the mad and happy stuffed animal please and thank you. Erring to fill up my cart of them.

Dear Santa

Dear Santa I think I deserve a new elfs for me my sister and brother since ive been good this year. One reason I think you should is my sister has been super good this year and was begging for one ever since I got one. Another reason is my brother would get the chance to see what its like and hes been super cute. And would laugh whenever he sees it. My final reason is I like my elf bot I think she gets lonely some times playing games but it would be better if she had other elfs to play whith. And santa one more thing could you see if my elf can stay over the years

Love, Nova

Dear Santa I realy think I deserve a peoino because I alwaes tride my best in scho and I try hard to be nice for example, I hold the dore fore my mom every time we go some ware like sa sotre. And by saing thank you. I try my best every day to be good. I alwes bleved in you and I lisen to my parents when they tell me to do something like clean my room or something ill try to do it. O don’t want anything els fore chrimas besids that, plees santa I love playing my cebord and good at it I relaly think if I had a piano it would be easer. I wouldn’t want anything els for chrismas because thankful for wut I have. Those are all of the resaons I think I serve

Love, Jayce

Dear Santa I would like for you to give m a swacht pleus. One reason I think this is I would like to know what time is it when a lock is not around. Anther reason I think this is it looks cool. My last resen I think this is I can know what time it is on a test

Love, Jaxson

Dear Santa

This year for Christmas I would like a new tablet. One reason I deserve this is I do a lot of good cleaning at home. For example when the sink is full of dirty dishes I clean them. Another reason I should get a tablet is that I am responsible. For example, I make mi bed every day

Love, Nova

Dear Santa

For Christmas I want a ipad the reason I picked ipad is because I have wanted one for my ol inyer life. Another thirty I want for chritmas is a intendo dwich one reason I pick intentdo suich is I can play lots of agames on the intendo dwich. Another thing I want is a realy big tedy eagle that is biger than me and I want the coler brown and I want the head wite and the tale purple and a super lon sled for me and my sister

Love, Vander

Dear Santa

Love, Paisley

I would like to have a ps5 and 100000 dallers and Ronaldo blaket, pillow, shett, iphon 15, pre max, a lizard pet, a Ronaldo shrit, shoes, shorts, soccer ball , posster, it case iphone 15 pro max and a suit, the grimce shake from mcdonalds, a good life, met jesus for a life times, gameing chire, a iq a Ronaldo book, make me run 44.9 miles per hour, a Ronaldo shooes

Love, Niko

Dear Santa

This year I diserve a new apple ipad. One reaons I diserve a new apple ipad is because I work hard at school. One example is in book worms I wate tow hold page in a book called soil. Another reason is cause I am relly good at maltipluesashon and diverson. The last reason I s cause I read 15 pages yesterday in the book twisters. Ounther thing I diserve is clips because my slipes don’t fite all my hair. One reason I diserve a clip is because I work hard. One example is that I am good at not doing non-negotiables another thing is putting my landere away. Last why is because my hair alwas fales out of my flower clips

Love, Avery

Dear Santa Mini fridge, rare beauty blush, poly peptide moisturizer, amika hair mask, sol de janero body oil, drunk elephant goldy props, charlete tilbury facial spray, ordinary serunl, camera, alexa, vanity chari, white fox clothing, swim suit, bed sheets, jelly cat, blue headphones

Love, Karlee

3rd Grade Mrs. Williams

Dear Santa meley ɔrismiss

Dear santa

Love, Isaish

I think I dserfe the toys because I say I am sorry when I am mean and the first thing I want for chistmas is a baby doll. Amaracan gril doll, makeup, a barbe doll monster high frankcy. Another things I want for chrsmis is phone, phone case, carger for my phone. A tiny 2 cars for my poll pocet people.

Love, Charley

Dear Santa

I deserv a diset whith a microphone then I want a some jersy thght are a doheven Edwards, a jimmy buttleerg, michil jersy, kobe bynt I also want a new bed and army set

Love, Tyler

Dear Santa Hay santa I was wandering if I can get a chous toy for hunter because he like to hcou things. I all so want t oget a puppy so in the winter my brother can have fun and for example he will cirl up like a bunny in it den. I also what a list of books. Adrop around the world, what is a biome, maps, and globes,puppy the mise and twisters and other terrible stormes

Love, Emma

Dear Santa I think I diserve a harry potter lego set. One reson is then I can coneciet it to my harry potter and the sorseriny stond. Another thing I would like is an axolotol shimelow one reson is my to xololo kep on fighting on who is beter and then they will get along beter. I as well I want monster high dolls one reson is I rily like there stilly I would like anething of a axoloto.

Love, Annabelle

Hi!!!!!!!!! Can you get me and my family a huge supriϟe PlS and thank you!!!!!!!

Love, Aubrey

Dear Santa Is tisail and pepperment coming to see use soon I want them to come MeaY Chrismas

Love, Cameron

Dear Santa why do you ride a sla with randear. And we love!!! you!!!!!!!!! SANTA!!!

Love, Connor

Dear Santa Santa I ben good sow I wont a big peresint for chimis I wont a chimis wollit for chimis.

Love, Conner

Dear Santa I want a Aphmu memeow.

Love, Bella

Dear Santa I wont a puppy wif a dog bed wif dog toys and dog food fa it

Love, Holly

Dear Santa

i won't a swat suit with everything that goes with it and I also wont my life to be normerl I also won't my cat to not bit or scratch me no more and love me and santa tell my ant that I love.

Love, Weston

Dear Santa

Dear-Santa You are the best. I LOVe how nice you are to everyone. MY name is Jemma. I really really want a kitten for chrismas please please. The secend thing I want for chrismas is a desk with a chair.

your the best santa. will you please get me what I want foy chrismas.

Love, Jemma

Dear Santa

This is what I would like for Chistmas is Hello kitty merchindis like a hello kitty stuffed animal.

Love, Rebecca

Dear Santa

Can I hava acshin figer and a cupal pokemon cards, nu tab lit.

Love, Thatcher

Dear Santa

Thank you for always coming to houses and giving presents on cristmas eve night.

From, Jason

Dear Santa

hope you have a great christmis to you when are my elf comeing please tell me happy christmis and merry christmis.

have a safe ride tell roodauf I said hi please.

Love, Emma

Dear Santa can I have a maKup Shelf, Legos, Aphmawsqemelo, slim, and brasilts. from maevis to santa plesipdip Love Maevis

Dear Santa

have a mere crismis is ther axale rodof wene do you come at night wats the nams of the rander wiy did you name yore randen can you æxshaly see wate hapens arond the world.

Love Lincoln

3rd Grade

Mr. Bearss

Dear Santa, I wont a dotters cit and a doll plees.

Love, Coraline

Dear santu, can I see a Stackoo and a DedPl toe PleS and a Sohik toe.

Love, Chris

Dear Santa

I'm very greatfull to you because you make everybody happy including me. I don't want enything for christmas because I'm gratefull for you. love Harjas.

Dear Santa I hope I get the lego ϵhristmas tree that my doctors made.

Dear santa for Chrmis I wanta watch for Chrmis and Be good

Love, Kaiden

Dear santa

you are a reallY Kind Persoin You are grateful, respectful, and responsible.

Love, Oliver

Dear Santa

Dear, Santa for chirismas I would like a skoter, roler bladss, roler skats, knee Pads, elbo Pads, helment, and Pads for your hands

Love, Ada

Dear Santa I want a sience Kit, my own sience book, Kindness, love, and respect to everyone and all I want for chrismas is to have more friends to be nice to me and for me and Braelynne to have a great chris mas and for you too

resPect and the last thing I want is to be loved I know I am loved but I want eveyone to be loVed I don't know if you can do that but if you can I wold love that one more qushtin I don't think Posible you can give me Sroit hair

Love, BreaLynne

Dear santa

I wish that you will give me a Bike. give me p we rilly need love. love and joy PlS. We need food and watter.

Af corse a good crismise. love cairo

Dear santa

haPE you give my famly a good presert and a good timE and for my drother to get a vare good tΦme because; I love him and caie aoout him.

Love Paighton

I would rightly apresheat if you could get some presents to my pets exspeshely my dog patington. He has been so sad because his frends Booy and Sailer have been on a trip. I also wont BOO BOO to have some presents.

Love, Maddie

Dear santa can I have a Relstik doll. for my sister She whonts baby stuf I am So So gratfull for TiTal and Twinkal and of cors you.

Love Gracelynn

Dear Santa I wihS evre bay RecesSS To Plae gamS luve Jacob

Love, Jacob

love, Alivia

Dear Santa Can you get me a mug that says best mom ever, Another thing I want is colerful clay because i'm learning how to make stuff out of clay. And the last thing I want for Christmas is art supplies and Paint SulPies, Now the Finly thing I want is for me and elliott to get along.

Love, Jada

Dear Santa I have a cwestin are you coled in the north Pole. I wont a heting blaice and a now campr.

Love Ava

Dear Santa I like Snow. I like dogs.

3rd Grade

Mrs. Fenner

Love carter

dear Santa can i have a real life elf on the shelf Pleas o and how is the wether. I you santa! Do ya me?

Love Sophia SleIgh all day!

Dear Santa I hope Hennry is comng This year so we can find him, I all ready Started making a chrismas list for you an I am going to give it too Hennry to give to you

Love Audrey

Dear Santa what I want for Christmas is for you to give my brother what he wants. And I want us to stop fighting. It herts my hart. Now what I want is mabe some pepperment lenage lip gloss, a croshaing kit, drunk elefent D-bronzing stick NYX butter lipgloss, elf skin care, teacher markers, sharpy kit, lululemen bag, lululemen shorts, what my mom wants, and what my dad wants, new fowndation, bronser, contor, fake nails, baby blue convers, and for me to learn well and go to colige! Love Ruby

shirts and SweatShirts and a vandiye and curlingirn and BlanKet and toys and Hair Stuf and Shoes

Love, Meadow

Dear Santa love Matthew

Dear Santa

thank you for giving me and my family presents every year. And don't Forget about stocing stufers. And the oreng from every year. Have a holy Jolly Christmas!

Love, Clementine

Dear Santa

thankyou for all you do you have been so grat to all the people in the world merry crissmis

Love, Hayren

Dear Santa

thank you for giving PepOl gifs fer Chrismas. and I want a Ps5 a rc car and cloths for Chrismas.

frem Jace


thdnk you for the voice mail and the notes! you are sooooooooooooooo nice! to santd

LoVe Aleigha

Dear Santa

what I wont for crismiss is micK plushy, Kile Plushy, Stuft anamol that looks like sky coco and tiny, fenx fox toy and a anuther trake to trake a wolf and fenx fox.

Love morgan.

Dear santa

I want a Spider-man toy. I also want a Robot machine and a Ghost face.

Where is the north Pole and when are we to the train and see Santa.

Dear Santa

Love, Quentin

Isent you a Letter 3 yrs ago Dear santa, I have Been good and Bad. ImSorry I have Been Bad sometimes. I Sould Be Good

NO madder What! But here is my present List if IM good. 1.heeleys 2.Glowin the DarkStars 3.Chrismas Love.

Love Claire

Dear Santa clos

I hope you are doing good! Do you have all of the to presints ready for Christmas?

I hope I have den a good. Some times I get mad but uther than that I have ben good.I wont for chiristmas a now Phone

From MyLa

Love, Kingston

3rd Grade Miller

Dear Santa

One rebon doll, a hover bord, amarcan grl doll, a hours and cage, food, a new bike, forfeel frends, goshemasine, co tanon candy machine, bff nekles, pesen, another cat, bubbol skin care, fuda shin, shish mellow, lip oiu, Love, Gracelynn

Dear Santa I would like a iphone 16 please and ATV and a black spear please and a new bike and a dirt bike please and hot wheels please and a puppy and a girlfrend please

Love, Ethan

Dear Santa

For Christmas I want touchland, sckncave, beadkits, and poagmimes, paper, and a 5tv in my room and makeup and clay, slime, setllo kitty stuff Love, Arienna

Dear Santa Riing chara, elf, forntrorape , tratr, niteno Love, Nicolas

Dear Santa What I want for Christmas is…. Poise, hello kitty earing, pooparros, lol sweet, wach, lol omg dools, phone, cotten candy, hello kitty eye shado, raindow hige dolls Love, Elly

Dear Santa Oc lego frens set, 8 teneinck doll, pancok set, wipeschen a pink mike, a pink chcolecase Love, Ava

Dear Santa I love Christmas! Thank you santa! Mackup kit/mackup, skate boarde, hover board, new bluey shirts, new purse, and a good life Love, Mia

Dear Santa A toca boca paper doll house Love, Jessi

Dear Santa Sharpee, toy box, watch, candy cane, headset, candy, apple ipad Love, Leo

Dear Santa Wouch, sacktbord, sureckbool Love, Myls

Dear Santa Slide for my bynk bed Love, Jovie

Dear Santa No bake pake peas, chikih stufy, Love Ashlynn

Dear Santa I would like a Nintendo swich Love, Brantely

Dear Santa Skate bored, baby dool, puppy, fondeshon, brondser,consiler, babe brother makeup Love, Harper

Dear Santa Hopcoll please phone and laker stuf Love, Rwen

Dear Santa Lego moter, wow, or new sister hehehehe

Love, Max

Dear Santa

An amuchin girl doll, a cat for it, a bed with drayers for the bed and her, and bunny with three carits and a bascekt for it too. Phone 15 Love, Kiera

Dear Santa I want the epesods of onse upon a time 123456 and 7 an a anteno swich and a real bunny whith white fur and a phone and a mona costume and a gabbella costume and a combuter and a wach with games on it. And a preincess bag and the last one is a chaper book with preincess in it

Love, Catherine

Dear Santa For Christmas I tuckl and skincare pleses! Can I have starbacks card and roblox card please. Scooshmellows, nails, locker decorations, decoration for my bed and room but pink. I won’t my mom and family to spend time and make cooies for you care st for you randeer and candy for peppermint Love, Nyah


the season!

NORTHERN MICHIGAN – The holidays are around the corner. And Northern Michigan is in a celebrating mood.

One highlight of the upcoming season is “Christmas in the Village in Roscommon.

Starting at 8:30 a.m. the morning of Dec. 7, have breakfast with Santa at Roscommon Elementary School. Continue your day by stopping at the Good Shepard Methodist Church for a delicious cookie walk or make a wreath at the Gahagan Nature Preserve.

If you prefer to stay downtown, be sure to check out the Festival of Trees and tons of kids’ activities at the CRAF center, or work on your Christmas shopping. Light up the night and end your evening with the

▪ See TIS THE SEASON on page 6

▪ See more of the

Fairview Eagle Voice – 3

Out & About- 4

Rosco seniors – 8

Veterans Day events –10

Hosting Ogemaw hunters – 11

Slim Randles – 12

Mistletoe Market – 12 Hale students – 13

Pillowcases – 13

page 12

for Tots – 23

Seeking the ‘Gift of Life’

The need for organ transplants in the US and worldwide has significantly increased in the past few years.

The two organs that are needed most frequently are kidneys and livers. About twelve percent of organs needed are livers, and nearly 83 percent of patients need a kidney.

West Branch resident Robin Shipe is in need of a liver transplant. Shipe has stage 4 liver fibrosis and cirrhosis of the liver. Her condition is not due to alcohol or drug use. Non-alcoholic cirrhosis has become a leading reason for liver transplantation. Shipe is, otherwise, “in good health.”

People on the liver transplant list are ranked according to the

West Branch woman needs liver transplant

seriousness of their disease. In Shipe's case, due to her relatively good health, she would be unlikely to receive a liver from a recently deceased donor. Receiving liver tissue from a living donor becomes her best option.

According to University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, more than 11,000 Americans are on the waiting list for a liver transplant, with only about 5,000 deceased donor livers available.

Publisher and Editor of the Up North Voice, was a patient at UPMC Pittsburgh, and a recipient of a liver from his niece.

A live donor can be a friend, family member, community member, or stranger. In Shipe's case, there is no family member who can donate as she was adopted. She does have three children; however, they aren't able to donate.

positive blood type and be in good health. Blood type and age are two most important criteria to be a liver donor.

Henry Ford Hospital is home to the largest liver transplant program in Michigan. Henry Ford Hospital has a Center for Living Donation, to give living organ donors a higher level of personalized care and support. Shipe's procedure would take place at Henry Ford Hospital.

One year ago, Mark Constance,

A live donor would need to be 55 years of age or younger, and for Shipe, they'd need to have either 0 negative or 0

Shipe experienced her first liver symptoms when at age seventeen, she developed jaundice. Her jaundice reappeared when she was twentyeight. Along with the yellowing of her skin, she's experienced nausea, stomach distension due to fluid in the

See GIFT OF LIFE on page 9

West Branch resident Robin Shipe is in need of a liver transplant.
ROCKIN THE MISTLETOE- JJ Jackson from the Jackson Music Program in Fairview brought instruments to encourage the kids to have fun and play at the Mistle Toe Market.
Mistletoe Market on

Letter to the Editor

Relax with turkey, parades, and football

To the Editor

Some of my friends feel like jumping off a bridge because Kamala Harris lost. Other friends seem to think that they can walk on water because Donald Trump won. I just hope that the ones who can walk on water save the ones who jump from bridges. We are all still friends and in the same boat (SS Trump) now. We elected a president, but nobody was proven to be right or wrong. I still have concerns about another Trump presidency. That does not mean that I want him to screw up so that I can say “told you so.” It

would still be bad for our country.

Everyone should be rooting for Trump to get it right. If he does, then we all win. If not, then we all lose. We can all find things on his platform that we like. For me it is tax-free social security. Most retirees will get about another $200 a month.

For the next two months our focus should be on family, friends, and the holidays. Start with Thanksgiving. Relax, eat some turkey, and watch the parades and football. The tryptophan may do us all some good.

Randall Rousselo

Roscommon, MI


AuSable Media encourages all readers with a connection to the community to submit letters to the editor for possible publication. Please limit letters to 300 words. Author must include a daytime contact number. Letters are the individual opinion of the author and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, advertisers or contributors to the Voice. The Voice reserves the right to accept or reject any letter.

To submit a letter email it to:, mail to P.O. Box 113, Roscommon, MI 48653, or stop by the office at 709 Lake Street in Roscommon.


AuSable Media / Up North is seeking a marketing consultant to help our customers grow their business. This is a remote position. Experience preferred but will train the right personality. Interested parties can send a resume and business references to

Nominate your queen

HOUGHTON LAKE- Tip Up Town will be celebrating 75 years this coming January and will be looking for their 2025 Queen.

To be nominated for Tip Up Town Queen, the candidate must meet certain criteria. They must select a registered non-profit organization to represent, be at least 18 years old, and either live in or work in Roscommon County.

Applications are available at the Houghton Lake Chamber of Commerce. Please contact them by phone, 989-366-5644, or online at for more information. The deadline for applications is December 15.

Up North Voice

A Division of AuSable Media, LLC

A veteran-owned business located at 709 Lake Street, PO Box 113, Roscommon MI 48653 • 989-275-1170

“Friend, guide and companion of all good people”

Up North Voice is published monthly and distributed in Roscommon, St. Helen, Houghton Lake, Higgins Lake, Grayling, Lovells, Waters, Gaylord, Johannesburg, Lewiston, Comins, Atlanta, Mio, Fairview, McKinley, Rose City, Luzerne, Lupton, West Branch, Skidway Lake, Hale, Glennie, Curran, Tawas City, East Tawas, National City, Whittemore, Prescott, AuSable and Oscoda.

It is available at newsstands or annually for $40. Stories, advertisements and photos are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of the publisher. is updated daily with breaking news and photos.

2024 Tip Up Town USA Queen Heather Emerick with Ashley Neville representing Houghton Lake in the Roscommon 4th of July Parade.

Out & About - December 2024


Grayling, Frederic, Lovells

7- Chili Cook Off, 12-4 p.m., free chili entry, $10 entry for tastings, win prizes, proceeds fund Toys for Tots, 6674 W M-72, Grayling

14- St. Mary’s Women’s Club

Annual Cookie Sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Grayling 14- Grayling Winter Famers Market, 10a.m-4 p.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging

Crawford County Extras

Mon-Fri- Council on Aging

Lunch- 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Mon-Fri- Council on Aging Dinner- 4:30-5:30 p.m.

Mon- Chess Club-1-4 p.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Wed- Mahjong – 1-3 p.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Thurs- Penny Bingo – 1-3 p.m.

Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Thurs- Pokeno- 9:30 a.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Fri- Pantry Bingo – 1-3 p.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Mon & Wed- SilverSneakers – 10-11 a.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior Center

Tues & Thurs- Zumba Gold – 10-11 a.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging & Senior


1st Sun. - American Legion Breakfast Buffet, at 9 a.m., American Legion Post 106

1st Tue.- Friends of a Feather- 9 a.m. Crawford County Commission on Aging

2nd Mon. - Post meeting, 7 p.m., American Legion Post 106

2nd Thurs- Veterans Coffee hour, 10 a.m., Grayling American Legion

2nd Thurs - Families against Narcotics, 6:30 p.m., St. Francis Episcopal Church

3rd Tues - Grayling American Legion Aux Post meeting, 5:30 p.m., Grayling


Roscommon, Higgins Lake, Prudenville, Houghton Lake, St. Helen

13- Christmas Concert, 6 p.m., Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Roscommon

Roscommon County Extras

Mon - Reserve Tech HelpHoughton Lake Public Library

Mon, Thurs, Fri- St. Helen

Tues & Thurs- AstroDurance12-1 p.m., CRAF Center, Roscommon

Wed- Dance Workout- 2:30-3:30 p.m., all ages welcome, Roscommon Area District Library

Weds- Hookers Anonymous3-7 p.m., bring your own knitting or crocheting project and socialize, Made Up North, 704 Lake St, Roscommon

Thurs - Sit & Get Fit-2:30 p.m., Roscommon Area District Library

Fri - Story-time Fridays- 10:30 a.m., Houghton Lake Public Library

Fri- C.A.I.R (Christians Associated in Recovery)-7 p.m. St Helen Baptist Church

1st Thurs- Veteran's Coffee Hour- 9 a.m., Blogett Airport Houghton Lake 2nd Sun. – VFW Country Breakfast- 8 a.m., VFW Post 4159

Check the MSU Extension Webpage for their list of upcoming classes at or call 989-275-5043

IOSCO COUNTY: Hale, Whittemore, Tawas, Oscoda Holiday Concert, 7 p.m., free, Huron Shores Chorus performance, Oscoda United Methodist Church

Iosco County Extras BINGO, 6:30 p.m., Whittemore Chamber of Commerce 3rd Tues. - Whittemore Chamber Meeting, 7 p.m., 405 E. Sherman

Veteran's Coffee

- 9 a.m. American Legion Post 211 900 E. Lincoln, East Tawas

OGEMAW COUNTY: West Branch, Rose City, Lupton Council Open House, 6 p.m. immediately following the city council meeting, meet the mayor and city council members while enjoying

finger foods and refreshments, City Hall Council Chambers, 121 N Fourth St, West Branch

7- Homemade Spaghetti Dinner, 4- 8 p.m. door prizes, 8 p.m. raffle drawing, $12.99 donation for dinner, families welcome, proceeds benefit Special Olympics Michigan winter games, Clear Lake Bar, 2212 Clear Lake Rd, West Branch

7- Art Walk and Wine Tasting, 5-8 p.m., downtown West Branch

12- Customer Appreciation Day, 12-2 p.m., complimentary lunch, Vic Bond Sales, West Branch Ogemaw County Extra

Weds. – BINGO, Early Birds at 6:30 p.m., Regular 7:45 p.m., Knights of Columbus off M-30

Weds. – AL-ANON meeting, 8 p.m., 12 Step-Up Club, 236 First Street

Weds. – Preschool Storytime, 11 a.m., West Branch District Library

Thurs. – Optimist Club, 7 a.m., Loggers Depot, 314 Houghton Avenue

1st & 2nd Mon. – City Council meeting, 6 p.m., West Branch City Hall, 121 N. Fourth Street

2nd Mon. - Kiwanis Young Professional Club, 6 p.m., Highway Brewing Company

1st & 3rd Tues. – Rose City Council meeting, 6 p.m., Council Chambers, 310 N. Williams Street

1st Tues. – West Branch Retail Merchants meeting, 6 p.m., City Police Station, 130 Page Street

2nd & 4th Tues. – Kiwanis Club of West Branch, at Noon, China Inn

1st Weds. – Women’s Support Group, 5:30 p.m., Safe Haven Doula, 322 W Houghton Ave

1st Wed.- Ogemaw County

Veterans Coffee Hour- 9-10 a.m.

1st & 3rd Thurs. - Newborn Parent Support Group, 6 p.m.,

▪ See OUT & ABOUT on page 8

Tis the season

Continued from page 1

Electric Light Parade. Check out roscommonchristmasinthevillage. com for a schedule of events!

During that event, Santa will be arriving via the Annual Lake State Santa Train. Santa and Mrs. Claus, along with the friends, will be coming to Standish, West Branch, Roscommon and Grayling.

Santa is scheduled to stop at the following locations:

• Standish Railroad Depot on the corner of US-23 and M-55 from 9-10 a.m.

• West Branch Chamber of Commerce grounds at 422 West Houghton Ave. from 11 a.m. to noon.

• Roscommon Depot located at the AuSable River Center from 2-3 p.m.

• Crawford County Building located on E. Michigan from 4:305:30 p.m.

Also featured the same weekend is the 6th Annual Christmas in Fairview event on Dec. 6.

Held at the “four corners” of Fairview, this long-time community event will be held from 4:45-6 p.m.

The event will feature a singalong by Kevin Salibury, hot chocolate, soup and hot dogs, and business open houses feature holiday sales and prize drawings at downtown businesses.

Mr. and Mrs. Claus are stopping at the Fairview Township Square to light the tree.

The Fairview Town Square is locate at 1975 E. Miller Road in Fairview.

Other regional events include:

ROSCOMMON COUNTY: Roscommon, Higgins Lake, Prudenville, Houghton Lake, St. Helen

6- Christmas Concert, 6:30 p.m., free/donations accepted, 5 octave bell and chime choir, wind ensemble, strings section, and chorale group, Beacon Assembly of God Church, 250 Lake St, Roscommon

7- 47th Annual Christmas in the Village, Roscommon

7- Good Shepherd Cookie Walk, 9 a.m.- 12 p.m., Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, proceeds support women’s and children’s agencies in N Michigan, 149 W Robinson Lake Rd, Roscommon

7- Reindeer Run, 3 p.m., 5K run/walk, 1 mile run/walk, free for 12 and under, $25 ages 12 and up, AuSable River Center, Roscommon

7- Baby Its Cold Outside 2024, 6:30-10:30 p.m., 21 and older, beer, wine, and hors d’erves by Beachwood Café, live music: Derek Boik, $20 at the door, AuSable River Center, Roscommon

13- Christmas Concert, 6 p.m., Good Shepherd United Methodist Church, Roscommon

14 – Stuff the Ambulance at Gerrish Township Fire Department. 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 13-22 – The Wonders of Christmas walk through event will be at the Historic Anchor Inn, Sat.,

Dec. 13-15 and Dec., 20-22 from 6 –9 p.m. Enjoy some hot chocolate and try your luck with a fun scavenger hunt! Call 989-443-1130 for more information.

CRAWFORD COUNTY: Grayling, Frederic, Lovells 7- Chili Cook Off, 12-4 p.m., free chili entry, $10 entry for tastings, win prizes, proceeds fund Toys for Tots, 6674 W M-72, Grayling 13- Christmas Concert, 6 p.m., Michelson Church, Grayling 14- St. Mary’s Women’s Club Annual Cookie Sale, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Grayling 14- Grayling Winter Famers Market, 10a.m-4 p.m., Crawford County Commission on Aging IOSCO COUNTY: Hale, Whittemore, Tawas, Oscoda 6- Holiday Concert, 7 p.m., free, Huron Shores Chorus performance, Oscoda United Methodist Church 7- 19th Annual Northern Lights Parade, 5:15 lineup, 6 p.m. parade begins, downtown Oscoda 8- Holiday Concert, 3 p.m., free, Huron Shores Chorus performance, Tawas Area Presbyterian Church 14- Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., toys, décor, arts and crafts, Mrs. Clause and her helpers will read Christmas stories, fundraiser for Hale Senior Center, Eagle Point Plaza, 415 E Main St, Hale

14- Christmas Light Parade, parade line up 4:30-4:45 p.m. at Bernards and ends at fire department, Santa will arrive at 5 p.m., chili/soup contest, cookie decorating, hot cocoa, and Christmas crafts, downtown Hale, for questions contact Sue Reilly 989-728-2811

22- Christmas Sing-Along, 3 p.m., free, public welcome, singalong with Heavenly Angels violin group, led by Lynn Barclay, Hale Creek Manor, 3191 M-65, Hale OGEMAW COUNTY: West Branch, Rose City, Lupton 5- Winter Wonderland Christmas Parade, 6 p.m., tree lighting and fun activities after the parade, downtown Rose City

7- Christmas Bazaar, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., handcrafted goods and unique finds, Ogemaw High School

7- Santa Train, 11 a.m., visits with Santa and tree lighting, call the West Branch Chamber of Commerce for more information: 989-345-2821, downtown West Branch

7- Holiday Storytime, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., stories, snacks and crafts, families, children, and tweens welcome, West Branch District Library

14- Breakfast with Santa, 9-11 a.m., pancakes, sausage, hot chocolate, crafts, First United Methodist Church, West Branch 14- Ogemaw County 3rd Annual Christmas Feast, 3-6 p.m., open to the community, gifts for all ages, home cooked meal, food basket giveaways, Ogemaw County Fairgrounds, 2300 Rifle River Trail, West Branch

14- “Snow Globe Christmas” is

▪ See TIS THE SEASON on page 7

Cookies, cocoa, and caroling

GRAYLING- The streets of Grayling were alive with Christmas spirit for the opening of the annual Festival of Trees, and the Christmas Walk held the weekend of Nov. 15. Families enjoyed shopping, Santa’s

Above: Kids crafts during the Christmas Walk in downtown Grayling.

Right: He’s always watching! Santa made his appearance at the Annual Grayling Christmas Walk.

Below: Cookies, cocoa, and crafts with Miss AuSable Riverfest ladies.

Reindeer, kids’ activities and ending the evening with the Light Parade to ring in the holiday season. Be sure to visit the Festival of Trees at the Grayling Mini Mall until Nov. 30. ~ Photos by Nicole Mygrants.

Tis the season

Continued from page 6

the theme for this year’s Christmas Light Parade in downtown West Branch. Sat., Dec. 14, beginning at 7 p.m., witness the magic of the season as the parade lights up the town!

21 – Goodar Township Fire Department. Visit Santa starting at 11 a.m.

OSCODA COUNTY: Mio, Fairview, Luzerne, Comins

7 - Creative Craft Show, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Tri-Point Church of God, 831 W Miller Road in Mio. Proceeds to benefit the food pantry.

Send your photos, announcements and club events to: info@

14 – Make a Christmas ornament at the Oscoda County Library. 1-3 p.m. Cost is $10.

14 – Christmas Cookies and homemade soup sale at Living Water Lutheran Church at 207 East Fourth in Mio from 10 a.m. to noon. Donations accepted.

17- Winter Music Concert, 6 p.m., featuring voices of the Mio Elementary students, Mio School.

Editor’s Note: If you have a Christmas event that is not listed, but you need a hand promoting it, please email your flyer or info to info@

Out & About

Continued from page 4

MyMichigan Health West Branch in the Executive Dining Room

1st Thurs. – Ogemaw County Fair Board meeting, 7 p.m., meets in main building

2nd Wed. – Aktion Club, Noon, First United Methodist Church, 2490 State Rd

3rd Mon. - Disabled American Veterans & Auxiliary meeting, 5 p.m., VFW Post 3775

3rd Tues.- OCGHS General Membership Board meeting, 2:30 p.m., Trinity Episcopal Church, 100 E. Houghton Avenue

3rd Thurs. - Ogemaw Area Swim Boosters 6 p.m., Ogemaw Heights High School Room 210


Mio, Fairview, Luzerne, Comins

7- Creative Craft Show, 10

Giving thanks to our seniors

Residents of five senior living facilities, The Brook of Houghton Lake and Roscommon, Kings Nursing Center, Mission Point Nursing & Physical Rehabilitation Center, and The Horizon Senior Living Center, were presented with sweet treats on November 20- 21. Members of the Roscommon

a.m.-3 p.m., Tri-Point Church of God, 831 W Miller Rd, Mio

11-Free Business Resources, 5:30 p.m., food and beverages provided, learn about free business resources including grant and workshop opportunities, RSVP to Deb Coulon 989-826-1123, Ma Deeters, 2262 Deeter Rd, Luzerne 17- Winter Music Concert, 6 p.m., featuring voices of the Mio Elementary students, Mio School Oscoda County Extras

2nd and 4th Fri- Clothes Closet for Adults- 11 a.m.- 3 p.m.- Comins Community Church- 4263 W. First St. Comins

3rd Thurs- Craft Day- 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.- TriPoint Church of God- 831 W. Miller, Mio

Every Mon- Bible Study- 10 a.m. & 7 p. m. - Living Water Lutheran Church, Mio

County Victim Service Unit along with Sheriff's Deputy Emilie Pellerin, delivered Thanksgiving cookies and Thanksgiving cards to the residents. Children from Collins Elementary decorated the Thanksgiving cards and Robert Roussselo baked hundreds of the individually wrapped fall-themed cookies at his cost for the program. Robert is a graduate of Roscommon High School and the Great Lakes Culinary Institute.

Calling All Writers!

The Up North Voice is looking for freelance writers. If you have interest in local events, interviews with community members, and have a passion for writing, we want to talk to you! Please email for more information.

Every Tues- Women's Group6:30 p.m.- TriPoint Church of God- 831 W. Miller, Mio- for more info call Deb 989-390-2708

Every Weds- Men's Fellowship10 a.m.- Living Water Lutheran Church

Every Weds- Women's Bible Study- 10 a.m. Living Water's Lutheran Church

Every Thurs- Men's Group- 7 p.m.-TriPoint Church of God- for more info call Gene 989-350-0638

1st Fri- Fish Fry Dinner, Luzerne American Legion, 4:30-7 p.m. 2nd & 4th Sundays – Live Music

Open Mic Productions, 2-4 p.m., Seymore Avenue at First Street, Comins. For more info call 989-3906977

OTHER REGIONS: 1st Mon-Tot Time- 10 a.m., Fife Lake Library 4th Weds- Cheboygan Co Veteran's Coffee Hour- 9 a.m. -Cheboygan VFW 4th Thurs- Alpena Veteran's Coffee Hour- 9 a.m.

Art in the Loft Every FridayYoga- 9 a.m., video led, contact, Fife Lake Library

Gift of life

Continued from page 1

abdomen, and extreme exhaustion. Until her first bout of jaundice, Shipe was unaware of any critical health issues.

Over the years, she has had several misdiagnoses. Early on, doctors thought her jaundice might be due to something she'd eaten and exposure to Hepatitis A. Shipe recommends people get a second opinion when faced with serious health issues, as not all physicians are aware of every prospective complication.

Twenty-five years ago, Shipe had her gallbladder removed, and was told she had a “fatty liver with elevated liver enzymes.” The doctors told her they would “keep an eye on these.” They thought it would “heal itself.” Shipe has never had Hepatitis. Due to being adopted, she has no family health history.

In 2023, she was referred to Henry Ford Hospital for a possible transplant, and in May 2024 was placed on a transplant list, as she is now considered “high risk.”

Thorough evaluation of a potential donor is done by the transplant facility, to ensure compatibility with the recipient. Surgery takes

approximately six hours, and both patients will be required to stay in the hospital.

Generally, the donor will spend five to seven days in the hospital and an additional six to eight weeks of recovery time according to Johns Hopkins.

Most recipients spend seven to fourteen days in the hospital, with the first few days in intensive care. Doctors watch a few factors, such as the patient’s condition prior to surgery, availability of rehabilitation facilities near the transplant center, and possible rejection of the new liver.

The donor’s liver will begin regeneration immediately after donating, returning to normal function in two to four weeks. The liver will regrow to nearly its full volume in about a year.

In most cases, insurance will cover the cost of the transplant surgery. The recipient's insurance

typically covers all medical services related to the donor’s organ donation, including evaluation, hospitalization, surgery, and follow-up care. As a recipient, Shipe's insurance covers all medical costs for someone to be a live donor. Living donors can also receive follow-up care related to being a donor for up to five years at no cost, according to Shipe. Anyone interested in being a living donor, and possibly being matched to Shipe, may call Henry Ford Hospital at 313-916-1826 for more information. General information about being a living donor can be found at www. liver/living-donor.

Shipe welcomes anyone wanting more information to feel free to reach out to her with any questions concerning her personal situation. You can reach her via email or cell 989387-8639.

There is a great need in our country for donor organs from both living and recently deceased donors. You can designate yourself to be an organ donor on your driver's license. Shipe and husband, Dave, live near West Branch and own R&J Screen Printing & Embroidery.

annual 2024 reunion recently. The pirate-
-Photo courtesy of Lynn Gmeiner

Honoring local vets

REGION- Community members and neighbors honored all military veterans, living and deceased, for their service and sacrifice.

Representing the American Legion Post 422, Commander Doug Walter, representing the Veteran of Foreign Wars 7435, Command Ed Nesbitt, and Representing Vietnam Veterans Association 882, President Terry Frank at the Veterans Ceremony in Hale.
The annual Veterans Day celebration in downtown Roscommon.
Attendees of the Veterans Ceremony in Hale, Gary Koepke, (Army) of Hale Brad Malone, (Army) of Hale, and Moe Miers (Navy) of Hale.
The American Legion Post 422 visited the Tawas Village Nursing home for Veterans Day. Each veteran received special cards made by Hale School children and gifts from the American Legion Post and Auxiliary.
Right: American Flag and POW Flag Bearers Ron Green and Mike Powers at the Veterans Day Ceremony in Hale
Veterans' Rick Landry (Luzerne) and Tom Huber (Mio) in front of the podium inside the new veteran's building at the Oscoda County Veterans Day Celebration.
The 7-gun salute in honor of those that fought for our country.

House hunters

Farm host memories

The numbers of hunters traveling north began to increase after World War I ended, and the trace of roads began to appear. With no hotels, motels, or resort cabins, the local businesses encouraged the area farming community to “rent” out spare rooms to downstate hunters and “rent” out their farmlands for hunting.

Area farmers especially liked getting paid by men who would “thin” out the very herds that were destroying their crops. It became a lucrative side business for many farmers and over the years great friendships were forged as well as a wedding or two between hunters and farmers’ daughters.

In my family, the hunters got up pre-dawn to a big farmer’s breakfast of pancakes, sausage, ham, eggs, toast (from fresh homemade bread), a variety of homemade jams and maple syrup rendered from the maple grove behind the barn.

There would be a large stove-top

If you want to get things done You need some helping hands. No problem here, We volunteer, No matter the demands.


steel percolator of black coffee that could be “hospitalized” with fresh cream and little cubes of sugar. Of course, the real reason the hunters kept coming back year after year, Clara’s famous, big fluffy cinnamon rolls with thick icing on top.

By the time the men got their bucks strung up on the buck pole, Clara had a hardy beef stew topped with dumplings for their lunch.

The November hunting season was cold, wet, and frigid with snow. If it was hard weather, the bathroom and kitchen pipes would freeze and that meant using the “path bath” out the back door a few yards from the old farmhouse.

There was no smoking, no alcohol, and no taking the Lord’s name in vain at grandma’s house, but playing cards, dice, or a game of checkers was just fine.

I recall the pungent smells of damp woolen hunting attire strung up across the dining room and the front room, hanging near the fuel oil heating stoves.

By the mid-1960s fewer nonrelatives came to our farm to hunt. The farms had either changed owners, or the younger ones acquired their own up north residences.

Wherever the hunters are today, I hope they’re making sweet memories, just like the ones I have.

Above: Grandpa (William) and Grandma (Clara) Benjamin’s farm on M-55, at the buck pole near the junction of M55 & M33 in roughly 1940. Pictured (l-r) Arnold Traska, George Hurrelbrink, Vern Benjamin, William Benjamin, Herman Greeger, Burt Benjamin, Ivan Benjamin, Wilson Benjamin, Ed Musalff and Acel Dayton.
Below: Clara Benjamin, Rena Benjamin, Lucy Benjamin and Mae Dayton posing in front of the buck pole in approximately 1940.

Heating with wood

Home Country By Slim Randles

It’s natural to mumble nasty things about the cold weather. We all do it from time to time. But even the cold has its merits.

One big plus is that it makes fireplaces a reasonable addition to our lives. In cold weather, we can build a fire in our home with a clear conscience. This is something that doesn’t translate well to summer heat, but when it’s cold, here comes the fire. Strange, isn’t it, our love affair with a fireplace? Makes absolutely no sense. Today, we can make houses so impervious to cold that every time we light a candle, the temperature goes up ten degrees. So what do we do? We cut a hole in this sealed anti-cold unit so we can

Mistletoe Market


sit and look at the flames, the way our ancestors have done since they learned to walk upright and invented kindling.

But we don’t care. We’ll spend a lot of extra money to buy a house with a fireplace, and not think a thing about it. Because this fireplace is the spiritual center of a home, as it’s always been. It’s the gathering place. It’s the place to read, to learn, to meet and tell stories. It’s the core of our universe. The fireplace – and those waiting for us there – is what we dream about when we’re miles from home in the woods or desert. It warms us, inside and out, cooks our food, and answers our questions.

Questions? Sure.

When the fire’s burning low, and you can just see the little blue lickem flames curling around the glowing embers late at night, and when we’ve about talked out the day’s adventures, we can look at those embers and find answers to questions we didn’t even know we had. And we feel sorry for people who don’t have these advantages.

FAIRVIEW- The Mistletoe Market took place on Sat., Nov. 23 at Fairview Area Schools. The gymnasium was filled with several vendors selling wares for all your holiday shopping.
Photos by Sarah Novak.
Senior Arin Pyles, Sophomore Carter Toensfeldt, and Senior Zachary Watros were selling gourmet dips by Pam's Pantry with proceeds going to the Fairview track team.
Above: Emily Anderson and Brooke Howe of Rolling Dough in Mio with a variety of their fresh baked breads.
Below: Ray and Becky Schilling raffling off tickets to fund the annual Nor'Easter Music Festival held the second weekend in June at the Oscoda County Fairgrounds.
Right: Corie Thompson of Lacework n' Fibers in Fairview demonstrating how she spins wool from her sheep to make yarn.

HALE STUDENTS OF THE MONTH- Hale Schools would like to give special recognition to the November Students of the Month. Their hard work and dedication are valued and encouraged to continue throughout the rest of their life. The students received their academic awards on Mon., Nov. 18 at the Hale School Board Meeting. Back (l-r) A. Watts, A. Hollis, A. Barclay, A. Beebe, B. Chrivia, A. Brito, and C. Streeter. Middle (l-r) J. Chrivia, R. Brumfield, C. Olmstead, H. Reilly, J. Jameson, and N. Dafoe. Front (l-r) L. Jackson, and Cannon Brown. Not Pictured: L. Schleben.

Pillowcase project

On Tues., Nov. 19, members of Zonta and Roscommon Emergency Services Director Vanessa Varner presented the Pillowcase Project to approximately twenty adults and children. The event was held at the Roscommon County Library. Individuals were given pillowcases, small flashlights, and small bottles of water to begin their project. Individuals marked the pillowcases with additional items they may need in case of an emergency, fire, tornado, or flood.

Suggested items to include may be pre-wrapped snacks, medications, soft toy, blanket, change of clothing, diapers, or for those with pets, water bowl, food, or meds for the animal. Items would need to be small enough to fit in the pillowcase, and the pillowcase would need to be in a place where it can be quickly accessed in an emergency.

Speakers included: Mary Stone of the Victim Service Unit; Ann Sylvester and Theresa Ekdom of Zonta; Aaron Grace, Assistant Chief of Higgins Fire Department; and Vanessa Varner.

Aubrey Grace, Anna Sylvester, Mary Stone and Vanessa Varner explaining the importance of being prepared for an emergency.

Theresa Ekdom and Vanessa Varner presenting at the Pillowcase project event.
Members of the American Legion Post 422 in Hale handing out candy to the Trick or Treaters on Halloween night.
Photos by Sarah Novak and Kristi Major
Violet (8), Rain (3), and Ryver (4) Vance of Hale at the South Branch Trunk or Treat.
Aylin and Amelia Scales pose in their Halloween best!

At 9:40 AM, Bob Morin, a retired fire chief from Erie, Michigan, brought in a 95-pound spike horn buck, the smallest of the day at the buck pole held at Skips Sport Shop in Grayling.

Clara Seaman (12), with her dad James Seaman. Kallen Tunney, a 12-year-old from Grayling, with a 182-pound, 8-point buck scoring 104. Kallen’s achievement marked one of the standout moments of the day at the buck pole in Grayling

Trophy bucks!

REGION- Opening day in Northern Michigan is just like a holiday to some. Local schools and even some businesses were closed, so hunters, young and old could get to the woods and wait for that big buck to come their way.

~ Photos by Sarah Novak, Missy Millikin, and courtesy photos.


Ann Galbraith and Tammi Gadowski serving up hotdogs and sloppy joes by donation to help fund a larger buck pole at the Annual Mio Buck Pole. 52 deer in total were brought in and hundreds of spectators were in attendance.

Everything we need is near, Like groceries, doctors, stuff. No need to move, We’re in a groove, Right here is good enough.


Jessica Hoppe took this battle-tested five point hung at the buck pole at Skip's Sport Shop in Grayling.
Justin Jones of Davison shot this 9-point on public land.
hunters, John Duffy and Xander, received prizes for the youth division.
1st place winner was Gunner Dykes with his 9-point buck!
Mark Liley of Swartz Creek shot this 9-point on his private land in Mio.
Clara Seaman (12), with her dad James Seaman. Congrats on her first buck!

Owl prowl

Gahagan Nature Preserve

As we stroll along the serene trails of Gahagan, our knowledgeable guide will share insights into these remarkable nocturnal creatures. We will play owl calls, and with a bit of luck, we might strike a conversation with these birds in their natural habitat.

ROSCOMMON- Join us for a magical evening under the stars at the Owl Prowl event at the Gahagan Nature Preserve! This exciting experience will take place on Thurs., Dec. 12 from 6- 7 p.m. Gather your family and friends for a delightful night of listening for the calls of our local owls, including the majestic Barred Owl and the powerful Great Horned Owl.

Don’t forget to bring your sense of adventure and dress warmly for this outdoor excursion! Flashlights are recommended as our trails get dark quickly during this time.

Register for our event at https:// The Preserve is located at 585 Southline Rd. in Roscommon.

For more information or questions, please contact info@

Singing the Christmas spirit

Toad's Stool

Merry Christmas! While November holds so many holidays for me, my absolute favorite holiday is Christmas. It not only represents the birth of Christ, but it has all the very best songs. I just love to sing Christmas hymns.

I help run the sound system at church and I always play some nice music before services for listening. I have been playing Christmas music of late. This started on the tenth of November. I did get some questions about it being early but I just said that I like it. Now when I am playing this great music I am singing along of course, and I must say that I am singing just awesome. I mean I sound good. But then others arrive, and it is then that my sound quality begins to degenerate.

I have this theory that there is a finite amount of good sound in a song and when others are there, they are taking some of that quality for their own singing and so then mine goes down accordingly. It is either that or I am not actually that good of a singer and I prefer to think that I... AM Gooood.

Let us not forget though the main reason for Christmas...presents. Oh, come on now we all like presents don't we. I know that I do, I just love giving presents to others. What

did you think that I meant getting presents? Well, I may like that a bit also but giving is just so full of happiness.

My bird friends have sure been busy visiting me. We are going through suet blocks at about four a week. I like seeing so many woodpeckers and there are six to ten at many times. Thankfully the Rose City Ace Hardware still has the great suet at a very nice and affordable price. It is much less expensive than anywhere else I can find it.

I have been continuing to feed the turkeys a bit of corn now and again, but the Blue Jays don't seem to understand that this was bought for the turkeys and are eating it anyway. I guess that maybe they are identifying as turkeys and as such then they are allowed.

Deer season was pretty good for my eldest son, Zebulon, as he started the opening day with a very nice seven-point buck.

The reported season totals for deer are down about 12 percent compared to last year. I wonder why our harvests are down each year. Is it fewer deer or the fear of disease or the cost of hunting resulting in fewer hunters? Whatever the reason, it is sad that our hunting heritage is slowly slipping away. At least that's how I feel. Whitetail deer is a great renewable resource that we have in abundance is healthy to eat and tastes just awesome to boot.

That is all for this month. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas. Let us please keep Christ in Christmas.

To contact the writer, email

See answer on page 21

OSCODA COUNTY ARTIST OF THE MONTH- Julie Anne Giordano (Parker) began her artistic career in 1984 with Julie Giordano Studios in Northville, Michigan, following a brief study tour in Paris. Specializing in hand-drawn portraits of people, pets, and homes, her pencil drawings showcase her passion for color, texture, light, and intricate detail.

Julie expanded her business to include the J. Giordano Gallery,

providing a venue for local Michigan artists. She also hosted a cable TV show, *Artist Profile*, highlighting Michigan artists.

Her mural work has been featured in *Better Homes and Gardens* and *Detroit Monthly Magazine*, and she also painted the murals at the Alpine Chocolate Haus in Gaylord.

Julie currently creates commission-based artwork, displayed in galleries in Lewiston and Gaylord.

Giving Tuesday

ROSCOMMON COUNTY- As Giving Tuesday approaches on Tues., Dec. 3, we at the Roscommon County Community Foundation (RCCF) are reminded of the powerful impact that local philanthropy can have on our community. Each year, we’re given the chance to reflect on what truly matters and how we can all come together to make a meaningful difference.

When you donate locally, especially through organizations like RCCF, your contribution doesn’t just support a cause; it impacts real lives in real time, right here in Roscommon County. Research even shows that every dollar given to local nonprofits brings three dollars’ worth of value to the community. This multiplying effect is a testament to how impactful local giving can be, and it’s a reminder of why we’re asking you to join us this Giving Tuesday by “keeping it in the community.”

Donors who can see the impact of their giving are more likely to stay engaged, which creates a ripple effect of support. Giving locally doesn’t just benefit the nonprofit; it strengthens the community.

Studies indicate that donors believe their contributions have a greater impact when given to local organizations. There’s something powerful about seeing the fruits of your generosity in your own backyard. This is especially true in smaller communities, where even a modest donation can help launch or sustain programs that improve people’s lives.

There are countless ways to give locally, and each can make a big difference. Think about causes that resonate with you. Whether it’s supporting students through scholarships, contributing to local food security initiatives, or

promoting community health, RCCF offers a range of funds that align with different interests and values. This Giving Tuesday, consider donating to a fund that speaks to your heart.

Supporting local nonprofits helps foster a stronger, more connected community. When you invest in RCCF, your donation goes toward issues that directly affect Roscommon County, ensuring that your gift stays in the community and helps meet local needs. Giving locally means you’re helping to build a legacy that benefits your own neighbors and loved ones.

At RCCF, we’re dedicated to creating a lasting impact in Roscommon County through the power of local giving. Our mission is to support the programs, services, and community projects that enhance life in our area. Thanks to donors like you, we’re able to work toward that mission every day.

The RCCF Community Impact Fund is a unique resource for Roscommon County. Donations to this fund help us support initiatives that address emerging and immediate needs in our community, making it an incredibly flexible and responsive way to give back. Contributions to the Community Impact Fund enable us to respond to critical needs, fund innovative programs, and support nonprofits in making a lasting impact.

This Giving Tuesday, let’s “keep it in the community.” Your gift, no matter the size, helps to build a brighter, more resilient future for everyone in Roscommon County. Let’s make this year a celebration of the power of local giving and the difference we can make—together.

To donate, please visit our website at

Nice that there’s so little noise, And what there is ain’t bad… Like breeze through trees, A child’s sneeze, Or passing car…be glad! – TOM FOBBE

Best gingerbread recipe!

Introducing your new favorite gingerbread recipe! These starshaped gingerbread cookies with cream cheese filling will be sure to get you in the holiday spirit!



For the cookies:

• 2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour

• 2 tsp. baking soda

• 1/2 tsp. kosher salt

• 1/4 tsp. allspice

• 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon

• 1/4 tsp. ground cloves

• 1/4 tsp. ground ginger

• 1/4 tsp. nutmeg

• 1 tsp. grated orange zest (can reduce by half)

• 3/4 c. salted butter, at room temperature

• 3/4 c. granulated sugar


1. For the cookies: In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking soda, salt, allspice, cinnamon, cloves, ginger, nutmeg, and orange zest.

2. In a separate large bowl, beat the butter, granulated sugar, and brown sugar with a mixer on medium speed until light and fluffy, 2 to 3 minutes. With the mixer running, drizzle in the molasses, mixing well and scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add the egg and beat well.

• 1/4 c. packed dark brown sugar

• 1/4 c. molasses

• 1 large egg, at room temperature

• Coarse sugar, for sprinkling

For the filling:

• 1 (8-oz.) package cream cheese, at room temperature

• 2 Tbsp. salted butter, at room temperature

• 1 1/4 c. powdered sugar

• 1 tsp. vanilla extract

• 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon

3. Reduce the mixer speed to low and beat in the flour mixture in 3 batches, mixing until just combined after each addition (the dough will be dense and dry). Divide the dough in half and place each half between 2 large pieces of plastic wrap. Roll each piece of dough into a ¼-inchthick rectangle. Stack the dough on a baking sheet and refrigerate until firm, at least 1 hour and up to 4 hours.

4. Line 2 baking sheets with parchment paper. Cut the dough into stars with a 3-inch cookie cutter. Sprinkle with coarse sugar and gently press the sugar into the cookies. Arrange 2 inches apart


Turkey classic

View From the Comfy Chair

The holiday season is about to begin, and Thanksgiving is almost upon us. I just love this time of year! Napping during the holidays lets me enjoy the current holiday and reflect on holidays past. I think I will just settle back into my "Comfy Chair," close my eyes, and dream about the holiday cheer, food, family, friends, and fun I have enjoyed through the years.

I settled deep into my "Comfy Chair," pulled up my comfy throw blanket with the turkeys and pumpkin pies pictured on it, snuggled in, and at long last, sleep was about to envelop me like hot gravy on mashed potatoes, I was about to slip into REM sleep, and I was abruptly woken when my wife yelled out, "Joel, did you pick up the turkey?"

I quickly woke up from my nap and replied, "No, I forgot!" She yelled, "Well, you better get going, or we will have frozen TV dinners with all of the trimmings this year." There is nothing wrong with frozen dinners, but the tradition at the Vernier house is turkey. "On my way!" I yelled back, racing out the door.

As I drove out to the store, a flock of wild turkeys crossed the road ahead of me. They are beautiful birds and, in the wild, very smart, unlike the white turkeys that have been

domesticated for our consumption. I remembered a story that domestic turkeys are kept under a roof because if they were outside during a rainstorm, they would look up at the sky. The rain would cause them to drown themselves. I have never quite figured out how the "Natural Selection" Darwin theory resulted in the turkeys growing a pop-up timer ever evolved.

I went into one of the local grocery stores, down the meat aisle, and looked at the turkey section; much to my shock and surprise, there were none in the cooler case!

A little sweat appeared on my brow. Upon asking the meat clerk where the turkeys were, I was told: "Sold Out!" I headed out of the store and raced to the second grocery store in town, they were also sold out. Panic began to set in. Anxiety driven pure stress induced panic!

I drove to the neighborhood butcher store, ran up to the counter said, "Help I need a turkey for Thanksgiving!" The butcher responded, "Sorry, we are all out of turkey."

"This is a nightmare!" I yelled out. "My entire family is coming over for Thanksgiving dinner to-morrow; what can I do?" The butcher replied: "Well, sir, you could serve Spam. It is very popular in Hawaii, you know." I heard myself like I was dreaming." Spam I cried out, how many cans of Spam do I need for 12 people?" He replied: "12 cans, one per person, especially if you are a snacker while preparing it!"

I envisioned the holiday table set with all the trimmings: mashed potatoes, gravy, cranberries, green

▪ See TURKEY CLASSIC on page 21

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite.

What's the difference between the Christmas alphabet and the ordinary alphabet?

The Christmas alphabet has Noel.

What falls at the North Pole and never gets hurt? Snow!

I’m a type of clothing everyone loves but no one ever wears. Kids get so excited when they wake up and see I’m there. What am I? Christmas stocking.

What has two red legs that don’t touch the ground?

Santa Clause stuck in a chimney.

Knock knock.

Who’s there?

The grinch.

The grinch who?

The grinch who stole Christmas.

What do you call it after all the gifts for Christmas have been opened? A Christmess.

Calling All Writers!

Helping the community

What can YOU do to help?

Roscommon County has a substantial group of folks considered homeless. Adults may be living in their vehicles, tents, or other types of structures.

Each of the Roscommon area school systems generally have nearly 150 students considered homeless, as the youngsters may be couch surfing, or living with other non-custodial friends or relatives.

Needful Things of Houghton Lake is one of several places in the county that can help those in need. Recently acquiring a 501-c3 designation, Laura at Needful Things can better track what she gives out, as well as those donating being able to record donations for their taxes.

Recently, a woman who had been homeless for over a year found housing and needed to outfit her new home with all her day-to-day items. Laura was able to give her many kitchen, bath, and bedroom items however, the woman is still in need

Nice to know town history, All things along the way. Who came here first, Times best and worst, What got us to today.


of some larger pieces.

With the weather getting colder, those homeless are in danger of the cold. Needful Things needs help from the community to support what they do.

The current items needed are:

• blankets

• tarps to fit under and over tents or to cover belongings

• tube socks or other socks

• gloves/ mittens

• knit hats

• personal grooming items such as:

• shampoo/toothpaste/ toothbrushes/menstrual pads/tissue

• gas cards/propane

In addition to helping the homeless, Laura also does a Princess Project, supplying dressy garments to girls and women for prom, homecoming, and weddings. Donated dresses are provided, and the ladies may shop as they normally would. This year she has given out thirtyeight dresses and two men’s outfits,


Turkey classic

Continued from page 20

bean casserole, baked cabbage, pumpkin pie, and there, in the middle, a stack of Spam shaped to look like a turkey. Where is the white meat? How do I carve it? Where is the wishbone? I do re-member liking Spam at deer camp but for Thanksgiving? I have enjoyed Spam & Eggs, Spam sandwiches, and cold Spam out of the can when camping in the rain!

I ran to the Spam aisle and picked up 12 cans of the original Spam flavor. (Wait, there are other flavors?).

Then, I headed off to the gravy aisle to pick up some jars of natural turkey gravy. cranberry sauce, stuffing mix, celery, 2 cans of pumpkin pie, pie crusts, and whipped cream.

Then my shoulder was moving from side to side; it was my wife. "Joel, you must have been having a nightmare, wake up." "I didn't get the turkey," I exclaimed. "Yes, you got it yesterday." I jumped up, grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. "Where are you going?" she asked. "To the grocery store, I have a sudden urge for Spam," I responded. I just must have a taste of Spam, unlike computer spam, I love Spam! I'll grab my nap later!

Laura Halsey of Needful things speaking about the project with Sandy Egbers, Joe Moore, Mary Stone, and Nancy Shmitz.

Theresa M. Thomas, 97, West Branch, passed Oct 20

Gerald N. Lucas, 87, West Branch, passed Oct 21

Dan “Danny” J. VanSnepson, 58, Oscoda, passed Oct 17

Dorothy L. Alejski, 85, Whittemore, passed Oct 22

Diane L. (Fenner) Jones, 78, Prudenville, passed Oct 19

Sally A. Duby, 91, Mio, passed Oct 24

Joanne Nevills, 81, Houghton Lake, passed Oct 23

Patricia "Patti" L. Overley, 62, West Branch, passed Oct 26

Randy J. Poole, 76, Prescott, passed Oct 23

Penny M. Perrin, 73, Prescott, passed Oct 26

Mary H. Maclean, 81, Hale, passed Oct 26

Jeanette M. Allison, 88, Grayling, passed Oct 27

Wesley D. Eldred, 39, Roscommon formerly Essexville, passed Oct 26

LeRoy J. DeWeese, 85, Prudenville, passed Oct 25

Charles J. Sauve, 88, West Branch, passed Oct 26

Edward E. Cline, 90, Prescott, passed Oct 27

Clyde Herb, 74, West Branch, passed Oct 29

Carolyn S. Lewis, 89, Tawas City, passed Oct 27

Edward "Ed" S. Sowa, 69, East Tawas formerly Flint, passed Oct 27

Timothy F. Adrian, 83, West Branch, passed Oct 31

Obituaries & Death Notices

Richard T. Spencer Sr., 89, Oscoda, passed Oct 28

Alice C. Dettmer, 89, Tawas City, passed Oct 29

Brenda L. Lincoln, 59, Oscoda, passed Oct 31

Jerry Spaw, 79, Hale, passed Nov 4

Michael J. Luft, 66, McKinley, passed Oct 29

Nancy J. Walter, 77, Houghton Lake, passed Nov 2

Dorthea (Stearns) Carlson, 81, Grayling, passed Oct 29

Arlene M. Czuba, 94, Grayling, passed Nov 3

Joyce S. Williams, 78, Rose City, passed Nov 4

Michael F. Van Liew, 83, Hale, passed Nov 3

COOR creates strat plan

REGION- The Crawford-OscodaOgemaw-Roscommon Intermediate School District (C.O.O.R. ISD) is starting a new effort to create a 3–5year strategic plan. This plan will set important goals and strategies to improve how we support local schools, families, and communities. Representatives with the Michigan Association of School Boards (MASB) will work with the agency for the next several months to complete the strategic planning process.

offers many benefits including:

• Gather important feedback from parents, students, school staff, and community members.

• Show a clear, simple picture of where the C.O.O.R. ISD currently stands.

• Set specific goals to improve support for students and schools.

• Clarify the roles of the Board of Education, superintendent, staff, and local school districts in reaching these goals.

Parents, students, school leaders, teachers, and other community members are invited to share their thoughts on what C.O.O.R. ISD does well, where they can improve, and their ideas for the future. Feedback will be gathered in two ways: in-person sessions and an online survey, which is available on the district’s website at

This strategic planning process

• Use data and community input to make informed decisions.

• Help ensure resources are used where they’re needed most.

• Align the district’s priorities with broader school improvement efforts.

For more information on the Strategic Plan and how to participate, visit

Evelyn A. McNicholl, 88, Hale, passed Nov 4

Treva K. Brack, 82, Roscommon, passed Nov 6

Larry G. Ashton, 87, Roscommon, passed Nov 9

David J. Hohendorf, 41, St. Helen, passed Nov 6

Earl E. Wirick Jr., 75, Prudenville, passed Nov 7

Sandra B. Hose, 88, Grayling formerly Houghton Lake, passed Nov 6

Sharon R. Gramer, 84, Tawas City, passed Nov 7

Donald J. Jasmin, 88, Hale, passed Nov 9

Mary L. Kuron, 80, Tawas City, passed Nov 10

Richard J. Miglio, 80, Houghton Lake, passed Nov 10

Larry A. Respondek, 74, Prudenville, passed Nov 10

Audrey A. Stirling, 90, Houghton Lake, passed Nov 11

Keith B. Smith, 70, East Tawas, passed Nov 9

Evelyn Cavada, 77, West Branch, passed Nov 13

James F. Morley, 69, Whittemore, passed Nov 13

Brenda J. (Olds) Schnettler, 77, Prescott, passed Nov 13

Stanley G. Koon, 94, West Branch, passed Nov 15

Lynne D. Chantiny, 67, Alger, passed Nov 17

Jason Wrobel, 50, Oscoda, passed Nov 14

Sheila M. Merrill, 58, Hale, passed Nov 15

Robert M. Carlson, 83, West Branch, passed Nov 5

Pauline K. Zettel, 73, West Branch, passed Nov 9

Verna M. Oates, 95, Tawas City, passed Nov 6

William P. Gallagher, 85, Oscoda formerly Dearborn, passed Nov 5

Douglas D. Henry, 75, Fairview, passed Nov 12

James "Jim" D. Irelan, 62, Mio, passed Nov 7

Kaye F. Tyrrell, 84, Prudenville, passed Nov 14

Foster E. Burke, 82, Lovells Twp, passed Nov 16

Gingerbread recipe

Continued from page 19

on the prepared baking sheets and refrigerate for 1 hour more.

5. For the filling: In a large bowl, beat the cream cheese and butter with a mixer on medium speed until combined. Reduce the mixer speed to low and beat in the powdered sugar in batches, mixing until combined after each addition. Beat in vanilla and cinnamon. Scrape the filling into a large resealable plastic bag and refrigerate until ready to use.

6. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Bake the cookies until they are just set but still soft, 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool for 5 minutes on the baking sheets, then remove to a rack to cool


7. Snip a corner off the bag of filling and pipe some onto the bottoms of half of the stars, top with the remaining stars.

1499 N. St. Helen Rd. St. Helen • 989-389-4948


112 E. Main St. P.O. Box 190 - Rose City (989) 685-2614

Toys for Tots

Fifty-three Roscommon County area volunteers have been busy gathering toys for children in need of Christmas gifts. Parents and guardians need to apply by December 9, to have their child included in the program this year. Applications may be picked up at the Department of Human Services (DHS) 715 S. Loxley Road, Houghton Lake. Or you can call 989-366-2300 or hop online at www.toysfortots. org and choose your county.

Parents or guardians must present a child’s school ID, child’s birth certificate, court documents, driver’s license, or utility bill when applying.

younger set may get 10-12 items and those six and up receive only four gifts.

In the case of multiple gifts, Bentley stated they do recommend parents keep some items in reserve for other occasions, such as birthdays.

Toy donations may be left at the various locations where the Toys for Tots boxes have been placed. Huntington Bank of Houghton Lake will also take financial donations. There are eighty Toys for Tots boxes at various stores around Roscommon County.

Vicky Howell, a Shift Manager at Buccillis, accepting the “Commander’s Award” for Buccillis Pizza in Houghton Lake. The U.S. Marine Corps Reserve is proud to recognize Buccillis for their outstanding support for the Toys for Tots program. Presenting the award is Bruce Bentley, Chair of Toys for Tots.

This year Toys for Tots recipients may be aged infant through eighteen, if those youths are still in school.

Suggested gifts for children fourteen and up are: sleeping bags, fishing gear, stocking caps, after shave, fingernail polish, personal grooming aids, hats and scarves, board games or other items those youths may need.

Bruce Bentley, county Toys for Tots Chairperson, noted that most think of the younger set, ages birth to five or six when purchasing toys however, there is a greater need for older children. Many times, the

Saturday, December 7, Houghton Lake Walmart will host “Stuff the Blue Goose” from 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

The current estimate of children expected to receive toys is 900 for Roscommon County. In addition to the donated toys, the committee purchases additional items spending at least an additional $6,000 to this point.

The distribution of gifts will take place at the Houghton Lake VFW on Loxley Road from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. on December 13, and 8 a.m.- 3 p.m. on December 14

Parents and guardians are again reminded to apply by December 9 at 4 p.m. for their child to be included.

Helping the community

Continued from page 21

three times what she has in the past. Laura has all garments laundered or cleaned when they are returned. Fancy or dressy dresses are needed, especially current shorter styles. Also needed, are larger sizes as those are in short supply.

Most referrals come through DHHS.

Needful Things is in the Savea-Lot Mall. Laura may be reached at or by calling the store at 989-202-2328.

To contact the writer, email

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