2 minute read

Yearly bicycle ride

View From the Comfy Chair

By Joel Vernier

One early summer afternoon, as I was settling into my "Comfy Chair," I thought that on such a beautiful day, I should get my bicycle out and go for my first summer ride on the open road! The first ride is a chance to evaluate the bicycle's condition and my fitness for riding this year.

Bike riding is a healthy, fun, low-impact form of exercise. It may increase cardiovascular, posture and coordination, and reduce anxiety and stress (who needs this in today's world?) A physical fitness tool great that is for the lungs, legs, and immune system! Heaven knows I could use to lose a few pounds this year.

I went to the shed, and after moving the snowblower, rakes, lawnmowers, and various other yard tools, I pulled out my mountain bike. I know we do not have any mountains where I live, but you can never be sure; after all, Mountains could suddenly appear. The name and concept of "Mountain Bike" illicit riding up and down the Rocky Mountains with the speed and agility of a competitive rider. The thoughts, at least.

About the last time I went for a bike ride, was it last year or the year before? I just can't remember. My bike is a beautiful blue color; at least that is what I remember; now it is covered with dust. I washed it off, and the old gleam came back! I noticed the tires were flat, so I grabbed the compressor and inflated them to 60 psi. I oiled the chain, and I'm now ready to ride! At least mentally, I was prepared to ride.

I carefully put my foot on one of the pedals, pushed off, and after a few wobbly moments, I was heading down the road like a "Tour de France" cyclist! After a few houses past, I noticed that my legs were cramping up in my calve. My behind was sore from the pressure the bike seat put on it. I may need to get a different seat! I was breathing hard and beginning to sweat!

The cramping intensified after a few more houses passed, and my rear roared with discomfort! It must be time to turn around and head back home. I negotiated the turn with a few more wobbles and pumped the pedals in agony as I rode home. After an excruciating time of it, I was home at long last. I must have ridden a quarter mile or more! I placed the bike in the shed.

I went into the kitchen, made a tall glass of iced tea, hobbled into the family room, and floated down into my easy chair. That was fun, I thought, I will order a new bike seat and go for a longer ride next time! I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep, thinking of biking through the Rocky Mountains on my new bike seat!

"Remember, every day is a gift! Some are just a little more fun to open than others. – © Joel M. Vernier 06/12/2022 Author of: "The Guinea Pig In The Freezer." joelmvernier@ aol.com

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