6 minute read

Roscommon County Council

The Northern Lights of HOPE Volunteers of the newly formed group The Northern Lights of Hope, will continue raising funds for the American Cancer Society

New volunteer led initiative replaces Relay for Life of Roscommon and Crawford Counties

REGION - The Relay For Life programs in Roscommon County and Crawford County have come to a close after 24 years of high impact. But the passion and cancer fighting efforts are getting STRONGER for a new initiative unique to northern Michigan. The two counties have worked to form a new collaborative effort that unites strong volunteers from both communities to continue the grass roots level advocacy of Relay For Life’s mission.

Beginning immediately, The Northern Lights of Hope will merge the two events together for a freshly designed program. Unlike Relay For Life, the signature fundraising event of the American Cancer Society, Northern Lights of Hope provides more flexibility for volunteers to raise funds their way. There will no longer be a 12-24 hour walk taking place in either community, however survivors, caregivers, supporters and sponsors will have the opportunity to attend shorter and separate events throughout the fiscal year.

The change was prompted after nearly a decade of declining community participation in the Relay For Life Events. With a strong desire to keep fundraising efforts and cancer survivorship celebrations intact, area volunteers began to explore new possibilities. The group started building the program in the fall of 2019 and on February 5, 2020 charter members gathered together as a whole to begin putting an active plan into action. The group fully expects to have more information to share in the second quarter of 2020 with careful planning and building in full swing.

Part of the Northern Lights of Hope initiative is giving the ability to have individuals fundraise on their own time in the manner that they see fit. The other part is designing quarterly initiatives that unite the individuals as a group to provide the communities with exciting new ways to engage with the mission and fundraising efforts.

Events that guests have come to love such as the Luminaria Ceremony to remember loved ones and the Cancer Survivor and Caregiver Recognition will still be incorporated into the planning efforts. These two events will likely stand alone and are fully expected to be supported both by the valued and hope inspiring survivors as well as faithful sponsors. Details will be released to the public and our supporters through media, social media and mailings.

Local fundraisers such as the Fred’s Lobster Boil, Restaurant Give Backs, Trivia Nights, Scrapbooking events and more will continue to be a staple through the incredible volunteer efforts.

For more about the Northern Lights of Hope contact American Cancer Society staff member Trisha Jackson at 989.858.5160 or trisha. jackson@cancer.org. You can find Northern Lights of Hope, American Cancer Society on Facebook or on the web by searching ACS Northern Lights of Hope.

Razors Edge!

View From the Comfy Chair

By Joel Vernier

After a full, healthy low carb, high protein breakfast consisting of an omelet, mushrooms and cheese, no toast, apple cider vinegar, and coffee. I was ready to take a deep dive off of my “Comfy Chair” into sleeplandia.

I feel most alive when I’m sleeping, I can do anything, be anyone, take on any challenge because after all if it gets too bad, I can wake up! Just after I broke the surface of my nap and began to sink down the REM levels, I get a pulling on my shoulder:

“Joel, wake up, you’re out of shaving razors. You’ll have to go to town and buy some.”

Another nap dashed to the side to take care of pressing life issues. I needed new razors, I scrapped half of the flesh off of my chin this morning, so no more stretching out how long they last.

“To shave or not to shave,” that is a question!

Like many men over the years, I have grown a beard. My first beard was in college; actually, I had a ponytail and a beard, balanced by a slightly balding head; it made me feel like a rebel during the ’70s. Then I graduated from college, and off came the beard and ponytail so I could land a job. Beards have gone in and out of popularity over the years, and the year I graduated, the business world was not into beards.

I was hired and beardless for several years until my customer base changed and I was able to grow back my beard. I kept it on while I called on Psychiatrists; most of them had beards also. I think it gave them pleasure to stroke their beards while listening to their patient’s problems. The next job was Sales Training, so off went the beard.

Statistics show that up to 40% of men use an electric shaver, I have one, but I don’t like how my face feels after using one. So off to the store I go to get my razors. I walked down the men’s toiletry aisle and looked around at the fantastic choices for razors.

We have progressed way past the straight razor and the safety razor, we have gone from one blade, two blades up to five blades. The straight razor gives you the closest shave, which will look nice at the ER waiting room after you cut yourself trying to learn how to use one.

There are razor companies that will send you a razor and blade, then you buy the refills. I have tried a 5-blade razor in the past, I found it hard to maneuver around my face. I have looked at razors on the internet, $100 plus, and you get to buy the blade cassettes. I guess I will never know how good the shave that one gives, too pricey.

I have lived my life sometimes with or without a beard. I like the extra warmth a full beard gives you in the winter, I love feeling sophisticated when I would stroke my beard. Having a beard gives you something else to complicate your life. You have to trim your beards, wash your beard. Flavors can stay alive in your beards such as coffee, bacon, anything greasy and smelly. Forgot what you ate today? Just taste your beard in several places, you can probably recreate your epicurean week. I also read a study that pointed out the fact that beards also contain fecal material. “Wait, What?”

I prefer going without a beard at this stage in my life, that may change, of course. So, I went up to my trusty safety razor with two blades. It is disposable, usually lasts one week and you can buy them in a 52 pack, good for the whole year. To all of my bearded friends, enjoy your freedom to express yourself! I may one day grow mine back and join you!

The $1,000 Mystery Weight winners was team #15 from the JohannesburgGaylord area. Their 16.15-pound Bobcat was closest to the weight drawn.

LUZERNE HOSTS PREDATOR HUNT – The Luzerne Area Predator Round-Up held its annual hunt the last weekend of February.

109 hunters participated in the event, harvesting 42 critters include four Red Fox and Four Bobcat. ~ Photos courtesy of Luzerne Hardware

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