Vta320 mixing valve

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TheESBEthernostaticmixingvalves SeriesWA320oftera goodfunctionfor universal applications, suchas donestichot waterregulationwithor withoutHl4/C(hot-water circulation) andsmallerundertborheatingcircuits. 0peration The seriesWA320 is the numberone choicefor domestic hot watersystemsreguiringa scaldsafe* functionand where furthertemperature<ontrol deviceshavebeeninstalledat the taps.Thisseriesof valvesis alsosuitablefor domestichot waterinstallations equippedwith HWC(hot-watercirculation). Theconstanttemperature controlis anotherfield of application for the seriesWA320, makingit suitableto be usedin (up to 50m'z). heatingapplications smallerunderfloor with a top cover, unless otherwise stated. Supplied Flowoattern: L-

T e c h n i c aD l ata Pressureclass:.. ...... PN10 pressure: Max.differential 3 bar(0.3 MPa) ..... Pressure dropdiagram: . . . . Seepage36 Max.workingtemperature: ......95oC Regulatia o cn c u r a c y : ....Enligtstandard* . . . lnternalthread,lS0 7/1 Connections: . . . . External thread,lS0 22811 * Forthosedesignsthat are not comprised by anystandard, the accuracy is tZoC at a minimum flowof 4 l/minutes. pre* Forthe seriesWA320 this is validat an unchanged sureof the incomingcoldand hot-water.


* Scaldsafemeans thatin thecaseof a coldwaterfailure. thehotwatersupplyshutsoff automatically. Material Thevalvehousingand other metalpartswith fluid contact: . . DZRbrassCW602N. resistantto dezincification Art.No. 31102700 31102600 3t 103900 31100200 3 1 10010 0 31100400 31100300 31100800 31100700 31102900 31102800 31100600 3 1 r 00 50 0 31101000 31100900

Reference Temp.range DN/Connection Kvs wA323" 35-60"C 1 5m mc p f 1.2 wA323* 20-43"C l 5 m mc p f 1.2 WA323 1 8m mc p f 35-60"C 1.5 1E wA323* 35-60'C 22mmcpf 1E wA323* 20-43"C 22mmcpf VTA321 35-60"C Rp112 1E VTA321 20-43'C RP'u2 WA321 35-60"C Rp3/4 1.6 WA32I 20-43'C Rp3/4 1.6 w4322 35-60'C G112 1.2 w4322 20-43"C G 112 1.2 15 WA322 35-â‚Ź0"c G314 WA322 20-43"C G3/4 WA322 l.o 35-60'C G1 WA322 20-430C G1 l.o

Knob/Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover Cover

* A non-return valvefor the coldwaterpipeis included. cpf= compression fitting

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86 86 86 Bo 86 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70

BC 50 50 50 50 50 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42

52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52

Weisht[kg] 0.49 0.49 0.66 0.57 0.57 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.48 0.41 0.41 0.45 0.45 0.48 0.48

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