2016 Conference
Vol. 2
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal
Table of Contents Table of Contents ................................................................................................................................ 2 Upper New York Episcopal Area Resident Bishop ............................................................................... 4 Appointive Cabinet .............................................................................................................................. 5 Episcopal Office and Senior Executive Staff ....................................................................................... 6 Conference Agencies .......................................................................................................................... 7 Directories (can be found in the separate booklet: 2016 Journal Directories) 2016 Daily Proceedings (beginning with Clergy Session)……………………………………………………………... 23 Business of the Annual Conference (BAC)……………………………………………………………………………… 57 2016 Appointments .................................................................................................................. 103 Certificates of Proceedings and Ordination…………………………………………………………………………... 131 Policies and Resolutions Proposed Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………... 136 Recommendations (see Vol. 1 – pgs. 14-35) Proposed Budget (see Vol. 1 – pgs. 14-19) Resolutions and Petitions – Upper New York Conference (see Vol. 1 - pgs. 38-57) Reports Conference Teams (see Vol. 1 – pgs. 60-109) Conference Teams (added after AC) ......................................................................................... 181 Connected Organizations (see Vol 1 – pgs. 112-120) Connected Organizations (added after AC) .............................................................................. 189 Memoirs .......................................................................................................................................... 193 Honor Roll ...................................................................................................................................... 230 Historic ............................................................................................................................................235 Pastoral Service Records.................................................................................................................. 239 Finance Treasurer’s and Statistician’s Report ........................................................................................357 Statistical Tables .......................................................................................................................358 Appendix: Audit Reports for 2011, 2012, 2013.................................................................................481
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Conference Agencies 2016 Upper New York Conference Conference Committee on Nominations Report
TEAM Conference Secretary
Conference Chancellor Conference Lay Leader
Associate Lay Leader
Conference Treasurer
Nominations Committee
Council on Finance & Administration
Board of Laity (By virtue of office)
2012 BOD ¶ FIRST 603.7 JEFFREY
Richard Barbara Howard Nathan JOHN John Peter HAROLD PAMELA CHERYL JACK KATHY William Everett Kevin William
Barling Brewer Simonin Trost FRARY Jackson Abdella SCHMIDT DECKARD BROWN KEATING KING-GRISWOLD Mudge Bassett Domanico Gottschalk-Fielding
2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - Cabinet Rep. ex-officio - Cabinet Rep. ex-officio - Treasurer ex-officio - DCM
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member member member member member member member ex-officio w/out vote - DCM ex-officio w/out vote - Cabinet Rep. ex-officio w/vote - Rules liaison ex-officio w/vote - Conf Lay Leader
1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member member member member member member member ex-officio w/out vote - Res. Bishop ex-officio w/out vote - Cab. Rep. ex-officio w/out vote - DCM ex-officio w/out vote - Treasurer
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Conference Lay Leader Assoc. Conf Lay Leader AD Co-Lay Leader AD Co-Lay Leader AL Lay Leader BI Lay Leader CS Lay Leader CR Lay Leader FL Lay Leader GV Co-Lay Leader GV Co-Lay Leader
603.8 SCOTT 607
District Key AD - Adirondack AL - Albany BI - Binghamton CS - Cornerstone CR- Crossroads FL- Finger Lakes GV - Genesee Valley MO - Mohawk MV - Mountain View NI- Niagara Frontier NF- Northern Flow ON- Oneonta
Gottschalk-Fielding Butler appointed by Bishop Hardy
Susan Drew Roger Jeanette Ellen Drew TBD (CS lay leader) Darlene Shafeegh Patricia Terry
Hardy Griffin Ellis Mann Mall-John Griffin Dennis Habeeb Van Vleck Norsen
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Commission on Equitable Compensation
Board of Ordained Ministry
Mark Robert Elva Jessica Brenda Anna Lucina Mark Katie Elyse Melissa BLENDA DEBORAH Michael
Adsit Briggs Cornell White Shelmidine Buell Hallagan Jones Allen Muder Watkins SMITH CLYDE Huber
Putney Domanico Gottschalk-Fielding Weihing
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
MO Lay-Leader MV Co-Lay-Leader MV Co-Lay-Leader NI Lay Leader NF Lay-Leader ON Lay-leader Conf. Dir. Of Lay Servant Ministries UMM President CCYM Co-Chair CCYM Co-Chair Young Adult Ministries At-large member - TO BE VOTED IN At-large member - TO BE VOTED IN Conference Staff Liaison
1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member member member member member member member member member member ex-officio w/out vote - Benefits Office ex-officio w/out vote - treasurer ex-officio w/out vote - DCM ex-officio w/vote - Cabinet Rep.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member co-chair member member co-chair member member member co-chair of the order of Elders
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Board of Pensions & Health Benefits
1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020
co-chair of the order of Elders co-chair of the order of the Deacons Fellowship of Local Pastors & Associate Members Fellowship of Local Pastors & Associate Members ex-officio w/out vote - DCM & Exec. Asst. to Bishop ex-officio - Cabinet Rep.
Larry Holly Janice Darryl Patricia
Baird Nye Palm Barrow Molik
1 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Elder Elder Elder Alternate Alternate
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Elder Elder Elder Elder Professing member Professing member Professing member Alternate Elder Alternate Elder Alternate Elder Alternate Professing Member Alternate Professing Member Alternate Professing Member
Stephen Rebecca Tracy Grace Dennis Edward Michael Michael SARA MARY TBD (clergy member) TBD (laywoman) Abel Kevin William Vicki
Deckard Keating Jackson Adams Holmes Hill Bartholomew Virgil Turner BARON RUBLEE
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2018 2018 2018 2018 2020 2020 2020 2020 2024 2024 2024 2024
Roy Domanico Gottschalk-Fielding Putney
chair member member member member member member member member member member member ex-officio w/out vote - Cabinet Rep ex-officio w/out vote - Treasurer ex-officio w/out vote - DCM ex-officio w/out vote - PHB officer
Carol Glenda Matthew Charles TBD William Rebekah
Barnes Schuessler Williams Syms
2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Gottschalk-Fielding Sweet
convener member member member member ex-officio - DCM ex-officio - Cabinet Rep.
Stuart Stephen Carmen Shafeegh Judy Eden HOYT TBD Donald Michael TBD (Trustees Rep.) TBD (CF&A Rep.) Kevin William Nancy
Williams Ranous Vianese Habeeb Hipes Rotella BROWN
Schuessler Huber
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2
2018 2018 2018 2020 2020 2020 2018 2020 2020
Domanico Gottschalk-Fielding Adams
vice chair member chair member member member member member member ex-officio - Director of CRM ex-officio - Trustees Rep. ex-officio - CF&A Rep. ex-officio - Treasurer ex-officio - DCM & Exec. Asst. to Bishop ex-officio - Cabinet rep.
Sung Ho Patricia OLGA ABIGAIL KELLI William Scott
1 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
appointed by Bishop appointed by Bishop member member member ex-officio - NEJ Committee on Episcopacy ex-officio- NEJ Committee on Episcopacy
Administrative Review Committee (elected during clergy session)
Committee on Investigation
BOD 2012
Safe Sanctuaries Committee (team appointed by Bishop)
Camp and Retreat Ministries
Conference Committee on Episcopacy
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
12 Susan Episcopacy Residency Committee
2020 ex-officio - Conference Lay Leader
638.2 TBD (Episcopacy chair) TBD (Trustees chair) TBD (CF&A chair)
Conference Leadership Team (team appointed by Bishop)
Conference Sessions Committee (by virtue of office)
2020 ex-officio - chair of Episcopacy Committee 2020 ex-officio - chair of Trustees 2020 ex-officio- chair of CF&A
610 Drew Andrew Erinn Vincent Rebecca Valerie David Steven Nola Sherri Susan TBD William Bishop Mark Stephen
Griffin Sperry Gould-Norris Howell Laird Clark Morales Taylor Anderson Rood Hardy
Gottschalk-Fielding Webb Hustedt
Bishop Mark William Stephen Kevin Vicki Susan Jeffrey Renee Sherri Nola TBD TBD Gregory Kae Susan TBD TBD Katie Elyse Mark Ilah Melissa Nancy
Webb Gottschalk-Fielding Hustedt Domanico Putney Hardy Hodge Engels Rood Anderson
Stierheim Wilbert Ranous
Allen Muder Jones Sisson Walser McCarthy Hale
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member member member ex-officio - Cabinet Rep. ex-officio - Dean of Cabinet Conference Lay Leader CORR Rep. ex-officio w/out vote - DCM ex-officio - Resident Bishop ex-officio - Director of Communications
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Resident Bishop DCM/Exec. Asst. to Bishop Dir. Of Communications Treasurer Director of HR/Benefits Conference Lay Leader Conference Secretary Chair Dean of Cabinet Host DS BOOM Ordination Service BOOM Ordination Service Worship Team chair CONAM chair Head Teller Rules chair Resolutions & Petitions chair CCYM co-chair CCYM co-chair UMM President UMW President Accessibiity Concerns Committee Accessibiity Concerns Committee
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member ex-officio - Conf. Lay Leader ex-officio - DCM ex-officio - Conf. Secretary
Rules Committee TBD (appointed by Bishop) JAMES BARNES II STANLEY SCOVILLE SUSAN HARDY William Gottschalk-Fielding Jeffrey Hodge
2 2 2 2 2
ASWAD MILLER HAGY, JR. ALLEN JOHNSON Hardy Gottschalk-Fielding Hodge
2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
at-large member at-large member at-large member ex-officio ex-officio ex-officio - Conf. Lay Leader ex-officio - DCM ex-officio - Conf. Secretary
2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member convener member member member member member member member member ex-officio - DCM ex-officio - Cabinet Rep. ex-officio- Disaster Relief Coordinator
Resolutions & Petitions Committee
Global Ministries Team
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Volunteers in Mission
Disaster Relief Coordinator (appointed by Global Ministries Team) Accessibility Concerns Committee
College Ministry Team
New Faith Communities Teams (appointed by Director of New Faith Comm.)
633, 6, b ROGER DONNA Gracie Lynn Lee Jay Cathy Jack Jan Peter John Linda Tom Molly Brian Charles Michael Robert Donna Sandra Russell Mary Lou Walter Ray Brian David Donald Diane Stephen Robert Carrie Renee Sylvia Marvin Lance Gary Terry
CULLEN CULLEN Besse Capodagli Dunkelberger Dunkelberger Hill Huston Huston Conklin Cooper Cooper Golando Greenwald Hodges Block Mueller Cullen Hall Riddell Buck Mathias Noell Fellows Woodcock Snyder Albright Crowell Schooley Truesdell Engels Reimer Reimer Stetson Doupe McNeil
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member chair member
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member convener member member member member ex-officio - DCM ex-officio - GBHEM member
Jose Gio Alexis Olga Alberto Ben Juanita David Geraldine Hector Jose Marianna Carlos Debbie Alan Pam Alberto Rebekah
Cotto Cotto Gonzalez Gonzalez-Santiago Lanzot Matta Matta Morales Rapino Rivera Rodriguez Rodriguez Rosa-Laguer Earthrowl Howe Klotzbach Lanzot Sweet
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Hispanic/Latino Planting Team Member Coaching Network Team Coaching Network Team Coaching Network Team Coaching Network Team Coaching Network Team
co-chair co-chair Adirondack District Rep. Adirondack District Rep. Albany District Rep. Albany District Rep. Albany District Rep. Albany District Rep. Albany District Rep. Binghamton District Rep. Cornerstone District Rep. Cornerstone District Rep. Cornerstone District Rep. Cornerstone District Rep. Cornerstone District Rep. Crossroads District Rep. Crossroads District Rep. Finger Lakes District Rep. Finger Lakes District Rep. Finger Lakes District Rep. Genesee Valley District Rep. Genesee Valley District Rep. Genesee Valley District Rep. Mohawk District Rep. Mohawk District Rep. Mountain View District Rep. Mountain View District Rep. Mountain View District Rep. Niagara Frontier District Rep. Niagara Frontier District Rep. Niagara Frontier District Rep. Northern Flow District Rep. Northern Flow District Rep. Northern Flow District Rep. Oneonta District Rep. Oneonta District Rep.
633.4, a, 22
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Hispanic Ministries Task Force
Young Adult Ministries Task Force
Chris Laverne Darryl Peggi Dion Lynnette Patrick Debbie Nancy Jan Alicia Rachel Biana Natalie Darryl Kevin Bishop Mark William William Richard David Sherri Nola Jeffrey Vonda Abel Nancy K. Wayne Rebekah Everett Ashley Karen Shannon Steve Mary Kathleen
Wylie Ampadu Barrow Eller Marquit Cole DuPont Earthrowl Raca Rowell Wood Morse Podesta Scholl Forsythe Domanico Webb Gottschalk-Fielding Mudge Weihing Kofahl Rood Anderson McDowell Fossitt Roy Adams Butler Sweet Bassett Riddell Campolieto Morehouse Hustedt Dalglish Rubino
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
Coaching Network Team Grant Processing Team Grant Processing Team Grant Processing Team Grant Processing Team NFC Event Planning Team NFC Event Planning Team NFC Event Planning Team NFC Event Planning Team NFC Event Planning Team NFC Event Planning Team Planter Retreat Group Teams Planter Retreat Group Teams Planter Retreat Group Teams Fund-Raising Team Fund-Raising Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Balcony Team Story-Telling Team Story-Telling Team Story-Telling Team Story-Telling Team Story-Telling Team Story-Telling Team
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member co-chair co-chair member member member member member secretary member member member member member member
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member
Katie Elyse
Allen Muder
2 2 2
2020 chair 2020 member 2020 member
Conference Council on Youth Ministries (elected by CCYM)
Social Holiness Team
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Commission on the Status and Role of Women
Commission on Religion and Race
Commission on Native American Ministries
Older Adult Ministries
Archives & History
ELIZABETH DAVID DOUGLAS HECTOR LEANNE Heather Linda Karen Bethany Mildred Carol
QUICK WHITLOCK MACKEY RIVERA ZECK Smith Bergh Peterson Printup-Davis Mason Collins
2 2 2 2 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member Secretary and Peace with Justice Cord. Peace with Justice in Palestine Peace with Justice in Palestine CONAM liaison CORR liaison UMW rep.
2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member chair member member member member member member
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
convener and CONAM liaison member member member member member member member member member member member member
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member member member member member member member member member member member member member CORR liaison member member
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
chair member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member member
2 2
2020 chair 2020 member
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
2 2 2 2 2 1 1
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member member member member
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
DISTRICT COMMITTEES Adirondack District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Albany District District Lay Leader
Committee on Ordained Ministry
member member member member member member member member member ex-officio- District Superintendent
Committee on Superintendency
District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
District Lay Leader member member at-large member member member member member member at-large member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
2519 TBD (layman) TBD (laywoman) TBD (clergy member) DAVID JOYCE TBD (layman) LAUREL DUANE TBD (laywoman) Richard
Binghamton District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Committee on Ordained Ministry
member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
669 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member 2017 registrar District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 chair 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
District Lay Leader member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2519 member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
660 TBD
Committee on Superintendency
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
JOHN CONKLIN DAVID ALEXANDER TBD (clergy member) EDWIN GENT JEANNE IANNONE TBD (clergy member) HORACE KING TBD (layperson member) TBD (laywoman member) David Kofahl Cornerstone District District Lay Leader
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Finger Lakes District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017 2017
member member member member member member member member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
Crossroads District District Lay Leader
660 Darlene
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
669 District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2519 member member member member member member member member member District Superintendent
660 2
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
District Lay Leader member member member at-large member member at-large member member member member member
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Genesee Valley District District Lay Leaders
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Mohawk District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
2020 member 2020 member 2020 member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
2519 member member member District Parsonage Maintenance Coordinator member member member member member ex-officio- District Superintendent
660 2 2
2020 2020
669 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2519 member member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
660 2
669 L
2020 District Lay Leader
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Mountain View District District Lay Leaders
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
BETTY LESLIE ANN BRIAN REG TBD (at-large member) TBD (at-large member) CINDY FRANK TBD (clergy member) TBD (layperson member) Abel
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
Robert Elva
Briggs Cornell
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative/chair 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 registrar 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
660 2 1
2020 2020
669 District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
21 Niagara Frontier District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
Northern Flow District District Lay Leader
Committee on Superintendency
Committee on Ordained Ministry
Committee on Church Location and Buildings
660 Jessica
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 convener 2017 registrar 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 secretary 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 2017 2017 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019
2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020
2017 member 2017 member 2017 member District Superintendent 2017 BOM Representative 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member 2017 member
2017 member 2017 member
669 District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member District Parsonage Coordinator District Parsonage Coordinator member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2519 member member member member member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
660 1
669 District Lay Leader member member member member at-large member at-large member member member member member ex-officio - District Superintendent
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal II. CONFERENCE AGENCIES
For Section III. Directories (church and clery directory), see Volume 1 of the Upper New York Conference Journal
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Seventh Session of The Upper New York Annual Conference Thursday, June 2, 2016 Clergy Session
Clergy Session opened at 9:15 a.m. with the singing of And Are We Yet Alive. The Board of Ordained Ministry led worship. Bishop Mark Webb presided over Holy Communion. The Rev. Holly Nye moved the adoption of the Organizational Motion: As specified in The 2012 Book of Discipline ¶602: The clergy membership of an Annual Conference consists of deacons and elders in full connection, provisional members, associate members, affiliate members, and local pastors under full-time and parttime appointment to a pastoral charge. The following specifies voting privileges as identified in The 2012 Book of Discipline ¶602.1: a) Clergy members in full connection shall have the right to vote on all matters in the Annual Conference except in the election of lay delegates to the General and Jurisdictional or Central conferences and shall have sole responsibility for all matters of ordination, character, and Conference relations of clergy. b) Provisional clergy members shall have the right to vote in the Annual Conference on all matters except constitutional amendments and matters of ordination, character, and Conference relations of clergy. c) Associate and affiliate clergy members shall have the right to vote in the Annual Conference on all matters except constitutional amendments, and matters of ordination, character, and Conference relations of clergy. d) Full-time and part-time local pastors under appointment to a pastoral charge shall have the right to vote in the Annual Conference on all matters except constitutional amendments; and matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of clergy. e) Per 605.7 Lay members of BOM have voice and vote in Clergy session. Further, we grant permission for Mary Bradley, Episcopal Office Manager, and Ashley Riddell (lay person on the staff of the Upper New York Conference Communications Ministry Area) to be in the session with voice but not vote. The following are questions addressed at clergy session: Adopted. Q17. Are all clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶604., 605.6)? Rev. Sherri Rood answered on behalf of the cabinet: “In almost every case, our clergy members are blameless in life and character. The performance of every ordained minister and local pastor has been reviewed by the Bishop and the Cabinet. Where there is concern or basis for grievance, It is being pursued with the knowledge of the member involved. Q18a.) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636) Larry Baird, Holly Nye, Janice Palm Alternates: Darryl Barrow, Patti Molik - Approved.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
b) The Conference Relations Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.1d): Leon VanWie, Susan Russell, Carmen Perry; Alternates: Matt Stengel, Alice Priset - Approved. c) The Committee on Investigation (2008 BOD ¶2703) Rev. Sung Ho Lee, Rev. Kristen Allen, Rev. Nancy Stanley, Rev. David Piatt; Confessing Members: Dr. Scott Johnson, Glenda Schuessler, Paul Rice; Alternate Elders: Rev. BJ Norrix, Rev. Tom Kraft, Rev. Debbie Earthrowl; Alternate Confessing Members: Elizabeth Mosher, Paul Dowen, Robert Williams Q19c.) Who are the Certified Candidates? Add Dolly Lacksman - Approved Q20 Who have completed the studies for the license of a local pastor, are approved, but not now appointed? Remove Reginald Higgens and Marilyn Kasperek - Approved. Q21.a.) Full time local pastor (¶318.1) add Marilyn Kasperek b.) Part-time local pastors (¶318.2) Move Cheryl Hine from Northern Flow to Oneonta District. Q22.-23. For information only Q24. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1) Robert Beard, Iowa Conference; John H. Hill, New York Conference, Barbara Ibarra, New York Conference; and David Jones, New Mexico Annual Conference, Chilton McPheeters, Florida Conference, and Martha E. Vink, New York Conference. Approved. Q25.Who is serving from Other Denominations – Jerry McKinney - OF Adirondack United Presbyterian Church USA; George Richards* - OF Adirondack Episcopal; Sharon Weber - OF Adirondack United Church of Christ; Stark Jones - OF Albany Presbyterian USA; Andrienne Phillips* - OF Albany American Baptist Church; Delma West* - OF Binghamton American Baptist (Local Church is Federated); Gordon G. Damsteegt - ROF Cornerstone Reformed Church in America; Lamont Higgenbottom* - OF Cornerstone National Baptist; John Werley - ROF Northern Flow United Church of Christ; Ronald Fralick* - ROF Oneonta American Baptist Church; Sylvia Barrett* - OF Oneonta Church of Christ in Canada; Kathy Brumbaugh* - OF Oneonta American Baptist Church Approved. Q26a. For information only b. Who are the Affiliate Members without vote? – None. Q27 – For information only Q28a. Who are elected as provisional members? Provisional Deacon: Susan Ranous -- Yes b. Provisional Elders: Stephanie Jo Brown – Yes, Kevin Duane Slough – Yes, Paul W. Winkleman -- Yes The Bishop introduced those to be commissioned; and they were received with cheering and applause by the clergy. All were affirmed. Q29-31. For information only
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Q32. Who are elected as members in full connection? Elders: Pamela R. Carey – Yes, Gail Ann Falsetti – Yes, Matthew French – Yes, John Paul Loeser – Yes, Rachel Ann Morse – Yes, Mary Grace Rublee – Yes, Andrew Peter Sperry – Yes. The Bishop introduced those to be ordained; and they were received with cheering applause by the clergy. All were affirmed Q33-34. For information only Q35-43 For information only Q44. Who has been granted the status of honorable location – retired (¶359.3)?: Dean S. Flemming, Andrew C. Russ, Dale Schneeberger - Appproved. Q4-48b.) Q,48c. What elders have died during the year? John C. Stenberg, Roger Smith, Verne Schatner, Everett Fitts, Robert A. Johnson, Herbert Loomis, Theodore Richards, Charles Warner, Norman J. Meade, Walter G. Connor, James Barrett, Stephen Parr, Dolen Morris, David W. Bouton, James Carr, David L. Derk, Emerson Rugh, Richard Anthony Santella, Donald Schalk, and Douglas N. Akers. What Elders on Honorable Location have died during the year? Peter Hanson, and Andrew Russ d. For information only e. What Local Pastors have died during the year? Roger Crout What Retired Local Pastors have died during the year? Theressa Hough Holly Nye prayed for those who died since last year’s Conference. Q49. For information only Q50 Who are the provisional, ordained members or associate members on leave of absence and for what years consecutively has each held this relation (¶354 Personal - Less than 5 years: Duane Bartz and Inell Claypool Personal - 5 years or more: Brenda Howe, Kathy Kerr-Carpenter, and William S. Rowe IV - Approved. Family - Less than 5 years: Allyson Ellis Family - 5 years or more: Dean A. Christian, Ellen W. Robinson - Approved. Q50-51. For information only Q52. Who have been granted medical leave due to medical or disabling conditions (¶352) Jeffrey Stratton and Christopher Wylie - Approved. Michelle Bogue-Trost offered a prayer for all those on leave. Q53. What members in full connection have been retired? (¶358 Elders: Jane L. Baker, Theodore L. Bleck-Doran, Beth M. Bouwens, Michael F. Breunig, Carl D. Cn, Daniel A. Corretore, William H. Delia, Jacob G. Denny, Henry C. Frueh, Brian D. Gould, Steven A. Ingerson, David L. Lockwood, Duane S. Priset, Jay G. Roberts, Ellen W. Robinson, Jan McClary Rowell, Jane F. Sautter, Margaret A. Scott, Barbara J. Silk, and Carl P. Young.
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Q54. Which associate member(s) have been retired? (¶358.3) –Margaret Hutchins Q55. For information only Q56. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors? Mona L. Fargo, Gail M. Wilson, Robert J. Franke, Nancy Araujo, Thomas E. Mott, Viki S. Andrews, Edward Bennett, Marianna Rodriguez, and Penelope Hart. The Bishop introduced those who are retiring and thanked them for their years of faithful service. They were received by the clergy with cheering and applause. Clergy were asked to affirm their retirement. They were affirmed. Q57-72. For information only. Q73. Who are approved for less than full-time service? Those listed who have been serving less than fulltime for less than 8 years required 2/3 for approval. Approved. Those serving less than full-time for more than 8 years required for 3/4 for approval. Approved. Remove Alice Priset and Elizabeth Quick. Approved. Q74. For information only Q75 – 76. For information only Q77. What elders, associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries in the ensuing year? (Remove Elizabeth Quick from list) - Approved. Q78. Who are appointed as deacons for the ensuing year? a.b.c. – for information only Q79-80. No listing. Q81. Corrections/Notations: Eric Kerwalth (PL) should have been listed 50 percent from 1/1/1212/31/15, Edith Poland (FE) should have been listed in Q73 at 75 percent beginning 1/25/2010, Veronica Seeley (PL) should have been added to Q21.b. (licensed July 1, 2010 at 25 percent); in 2011 BAC she should have been listed as of July 1, 2011 at 50 percent; in 2012-2015 BAC she should be listed at 50 percent. Q82. Where and when will the next Conference session be held? (¶603.2,3) Clergy session and Annual Conference session will be held June 1-3, 2017 in Syracuse, N.Y. The chairs and members of the Board of Ordained Ministry were recognized. Each order elected its chairs for next year: Elders: Heather Williams and Robert Kolvick-Campbell; Deacons: Sheila Price and Dee Finch; Fellowship of Local Pastors and Associate Members: Anna Blinn Cole and Tim Middleton. An offering for the clergy care fund was taken. The clergy session was adjourned.
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Thursday, June 2, 2016 Opening Plenary Following Opening Worship, Bishop Mark Webb called the Seventh Annual Session of Annual Conference to order at 3:20 p.m. He welcomed first timers and called upon conference veterans to help new attendees become familiar with the proceedings. Conference Secretary Jeff Hodge explained the “bar of the conference.” Bishop Webb explained the process for being recognized from the floor and time limits at the microphone. Organizational Motion Conference Secretary Jeff Hodge made a motion to adopt the Organizational Motion as published on pages 7 and 8 in Volume I of the Journal. There was a second. Merle Showers, clergy, proposed an amendment, adding the following to rule #16: All resolutions and petitions brought by Conference committees or members of Annual Conference and appearing in the Journal Vol 1 shall be voted on at the Annual Conference session with a minimum of an up or down vote. There was a second. Showers explained that in the past, some business did not get addressed on the floor due to a lack of time. This amendment would require that all business get at least an up or down vote. Amendment not supported. John McNeil, clergy, moved to amend the Organizational Motion by deleting rule #16, claiming that it reflects a lack of trust. There was a second. There was much discussion for and against the amendment. Ian Urriola, laity, called the question on all that was before the body. The motion to call the question was supported. The amendment to delete rule #16 was supported. The amended Organizational Motion was approved. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, clergy, chair of the agenda committee, moved that the agenda, as published on page 10 in Volume I of the Journal. Approved. Rev. Gottschalk-Fielding moved the adoption of the 32 reports on the Consent Calendar. Larry Wiliford, clergy, made a motion to remove the Safe Sanctuaries Report from the consent calendar. Motion approved. The Safe Sanctuaries report is added to the agenda for Saturday as time allows. Consent Calendar approved. Board of Pensions and Health Benefits Steve Deckard, clergy, chair of the Board of Pensions and Health Benefits, presented the committee’s report and recommendations with Vicki Putney, Director Human Resources and Benefits. The report is published on page 90 of Volume I of the Journal. The Board and staff were recognized, with special recognition given to staff member Linda Houmiel, who is retiring this year. Recommendation #1: The 2017 Past Service Annuity Rate for pension payments to retired clergy with pre-82 service is set at $625 per qualified service year, with an increase of 2 percent over 2016. Approved.
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Recommendation #2: The Housing/Rental Exclusion Resolution, which designates 100 percent of United Methodist pension severance or disability income as housing exclusion in accordance with IRS Code 107 is approved for the year 2017. Approved. Recommendation #3: The board recommends a change in the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP) eligibility rules effective January 1, 2017 to include only those licensed, commissioned or ordained clergy persons appointed 75 percent to 100 percent at local churches or as Conference staff. Those clergy that would lose eligibility for CRSP (appointed 50 percent to 74 percent) will be offered enrollment in the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) for church contributions at a rate of nine percent of compensation, in addition to personal contributions. Church contributions would not be dependent upon person contributions (non-matching). Eligible clergy may enroll or waive this benefit, and if waived, no personal contribution will be expected from the local church. Approved. Rev. Deckard moved the full report for approval. Approved. Commission on Equitable Compensation Lauren Swanson, clergy, presented the Commission on Equitable Compensation Report and recommendations. He recognized the work of the committee and presented the recommendations outlined on pages 24 and 25 of Volume I of the Journal. Recommendation #1: A standardized minimum base compensation is established for the Upper New York Conference effective January 1, 2017 as follows: Base Full connection (elders and deacons): $39,984 Provisional (elders and deacons): $38,556 Associate: $37,842 FT LP completed Course of Study or MDiv.: $37,128 FT Local Pastor: $35,700 (Less than full-time appointments shall receive a base salary pro-rated according to the appointment.) Approved. Recommendation #2: Pastors will receive an additional amount per full-time year of service based on credentials as follows (per year FTE service up to 21 years): Full $311
Provisional $305
Associate $302
FTLP w/MDiv or COS $299
FTLP $290
Approved. Recommendation #3: Pastors will receive an additional $500 for each additional church on the pastoral charge (over one), not adjusted for part time appointments. Approved. Recommendation #4: All churches are encouraged to offer a salary increase of no less than the 10-year average increase in the Consumer Price Index (2 percent for 2017) in order to account for increases in the costs of living. Churches are encouraged to consider further raises based on exceptional service. Approved.
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Recommendation #5: All pastors appointed within the Upper New York Annual Conference are entitled to an Accountable Reimbursement Plan (ARP) for professional expenses incurred while performing pastoral duties. A minimum annual ARP budget for a full-time pastor shall be $3,500 for a single church appointment and $4,500 for a multi-church appointment. Within the ARP, there will be a designated amount for the pastor’s continuing education. If the amount is not fully used in the current fiscal year, a pastor may request to roll over the remainder of the ARP Continuing Education amount with a P/SPRC approved plan for the use of these funds. This plan and specific amount is to be reported at the local church/charge conference at year’s end. No more than three successive years of funding or $2,000 (whichever is less) can be rolled over in this manner. The maximum dollar amount should relate to full-time clergy. The amount for part-time clergy shall be prorated. In the event of pastoral change, the roll over amount will be part of the appointment conversation among the pastor, the churches, and district superintendent(s) involved. Pastoral appointments of three quarter-time, half-time, or quarter-time shall budget and pay an ARP proportionally to the standard for full-time appointments as noted above. Congregations are encouraged to budget ARP above the required minimum in consideration of location-specific mileage and other factors. Michelle Peavey, laity, made an amendment to remove the following language from the recommendation (lines 17-25 to C on p. 25 in Volume I of Journal): Within the ARP, there will be a designated amount for the pastor’s continuing education. If the amount is not fully used in the current fiscal year, a pastor may request to roll over the remainder of the ARP Continuing Education amount with a P/SPRC approved plan for the use of these funds. This plan and specific amount is to be reported at the local church/charge conference at year’s end. No more than three successive years of funding or $2,000 (whichever is less) can be rolled over in this manner. The maximum dollar amount should relate to full-time clergy. The amount for part-time clergy shall be prorated. In the event of pastoral change, the roll over amount will be part of the appointment conversation among the pastor, the churches, and district superintendent(s) involved. There was debate for and against the amendment. Sam Coatsworth, laity, called the question. Call for the question was supported. Nate Trost made a point of order that not supporting the resolution would be the same as supporting the amendment. The full motion was voted on and supported. Rev. Swanson moved the full report for adoption. Approved. Nate Lange, clergy, made a motion to move the remainder of today’s business to tomorrow morning so that the remaining time before the dinner break can be used for worship and sharing faith stories and prayer. There was debate for and against. Steve Deckard, clergy, called the question. The call of the question was supported. The motion was not supported. Blenda Smith, laity presented the report for the Committee on Religion and Race. She emphasized that 97 percent of the congregations in Upper New York are European-American, but the communities are not. Ms. Smith also announced that Upper New York is partnering with the Kaleidoscope Group, which specializes in working on issues of inclusion awareness and diversity.
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Resolutions and Petitions Hudda Aswad, laity, presented the first set of nine resolutions that are before the Conference this year. Bishop Webb offered a prayer before resolutions were introduced. Ms. Aswad announced that Resolution 1 was withdrawn. Resolution 2: Change District Names – Rick LaDue, clergy, moved the resolution, explaining that the resolution seeks to change the district names to names that are more geographically recognizable. Resolved that effective July 1, 2016 or deferred to the Cabinet to determine the appropriate change date, the following name changes occur: Cornerstone becomes the Jamestown/Olean District Crossroads become the Syracuse District Genesee Valley becomes the Rochester District Mountain View becomes the Corning/Elmira District Niagara Frontier becomes the Buffalo/Niagara District Northern Flow becomes the Watertown District Be it further resolved that the following districts remain as currently named: Adirondack, Albany, Binghamton, Finger Lakes, Mohawk, and Oneonta since they already describe their geographic locale. There was a second. Lucinda Ellis, laity, made a motion to amend, removing the the line changing the name of Mountain View District to Corning/Elmira District. There was a second. There was much discussion, both for and against the resolution, Gary Kubitz, clergy, called the question on all that is before the body. The call for the question was supported. Amendment not supported. Resolution not approved. Resolution #3: Restoration of Funding for Campus Ministries Alan Kinney, clergy, presented the resolution, explaining that the New York Conference of the Methodist Church founded Syracuse University 146 years ago and has had a Methodist presence there. The presence of chaplains on campuses across Upper NY is essential. The resolution reads as follows: Be it resolved that in response to this grave situation we call upon the Upper New York Annual Conference to increase the budget for campus ministries beginning in 2018. We request that the 2018 budget include $80,000, restoration of the chaplain position at Syracuse University, and that this amount be increased by $15,000 each of the following three budget years, to more fully fund other campus ministries. We call on the Council of Finance & Administration to incorporate these funds to be listed as a “must pay” expense; and Be it further resolved that the Conference Board if Higher Education clarify and develop a process by which colleges and universities would apply to receive these funds and to advertise and promote said process. There was a second. Bishop Webb explained that one Annual Conference cannot bind a future Annual Conference because they meet once a year, but these resolutions are in order because they make recommendations to the Conference Committee on Finance & Administration, which actually proposes or sets the budget that the Conference considers.
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There were several arguments for the resolution. Ron Bretsch, laity, made a motion to amend, adding the words “and local churches” after “colleges and universities” in the last line. There was a second. There were more arguments in favor of the resolution and an additional clarification that this is resolution is a request, not an order, for this matter to be resolved by 2018. Brett Johnson, clergy, called the question on the amendment and all matters before the body. Call for the question was supported. The amendment was supported. The Resolution was approved. The secretary made several announcements before the dinner break. Jee Hae Song, clergy, offered the dinner prayer in both Korean and in English. The meeting was adjourned. Memorial Service The Memorial Service opened at 7:15 p.m. with the singing of Amazing Grace. Following the Call to Worship, Bishop Webb offered words of comfort and hope to the families. The scripture reading was Lamentations 3:8-14. The Reverend Nola Anderson, Superintendent of the Crossroads District’s preached the Sermon: “A Reason to Hope.” The Reverands Everett Bassett and Vonda Fossitt, District Superintendents-Elect, read the names of the following clergy spouses and clergy who passed away between sessions or the Annual Conference. Clergy Spouses: Elizabeth Freeman Joseph Coltrain Leora Trembly Donna Doud Mary Rowe Carol Craik Viger Marguerite Shumway Sarita Fiske Alberta Geisler Karen Bartz Lois Peterson Dorothy Dolch Alice Wheatley Vivian Mayo Alice Phelps Mary Emma Mohler M. Danielle Kish Helen Jones Daniel Baker Wilma MacLaughlin Hildred Brothers Cayce Mary Lou Day Nancy Clark Caroline Grant Virginia Caldwell Linda Crout Mary Maury
February 16, 2015 March 24, 2015 May 26, 2015 May 31, 2015 July 6, 2015 July 29, 2015 August 3, 2015 September 18, 2015 September 19, 2015 September 21, 2015 September 26, 2015 October 15, 2015 November 8, 2015 November 15, 2015 December 18, 2015 December 22, 2015 December 29, 2015 February 10, 2016 February 26, 2016 March 9, 2016 March 15, 2016 March 29, 2016 April 2, 2016 April 5, 2016 April 6, 2016 April 25, 2016 May 7, 2016
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Clergy: Peter Hanson Verne Schattner Everett Fitts Theressa Hough Robert A. Johnson Herbert Loomis Theodore Richards Andrew Russ Charles Warner Norman J. Mead Jon C. Stenberg Walter G. Connor James Barrett Gregg Trask Stephen Parr David W. Bouton Dolen Morris James Carr Roger J. Crout Emerson Rugh Roger Smith David L. Derk Richard Anthony Santella Donald Schalk
March 8, 2015 May 29, 2015 July 28, 2015 July 31, 2015 August 8, 2015 August 13, 2015 September 11, 2015 September 29, 2015 October 6, 2015 October 7, 2015 October 22, 2015 November 2, 2015 November 12, 2015 November 16, 2015 November 25, 2015 December 22, 2015 December 25, 2015 February 8, 2016 February 22, 2016 February 24, 2016 February 24, 2016 March 17, 2016 April 22, 2016 May 2, 2016
Dr. Scott Johnson, Conference Lay Leader, invited the congregation to name Lay Members to the Annual Conference who had passed away between conferences. Holy Communion was served. The service ended with the singing of the hymn, In Christ Alone. Friday, June 3, 2016 Morning Plenary Bishop Webb called the session to order. Mountain View District Superintendent Nancy Adams led a time of prayer. The daily video update provided a re-cap of the previous day’s actions and events. Conference Leadership Team Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Conference Director of Connectional Ministries, introduced the Conference Leadership Team and its report. The team includes Blenda Smith, laity; Mary Howard, laity; Janet Rothfuss, laity; Nathan Trost, laity; Bethany Printup-Davis, laity; Robert Sherburne, clergy; and John Martin, clergy. Ex-Officio Members are Adirondack District Superintendent William Mudge, Cornerstone District Superintendent Sherri Rood, Dean of the Cabinet; Scott Johnson, laity, Conference Lay Leader; Barbara Heise, laity; Commission on Religion and Race; Bill GottschalkFielding, clergy; Bishop Mark Webb, and Steven Hustedt, Director of Communications. Rev. Gottschalk-Fielding explained that the Conference Leadership Team is charged with equipping local churches to make disciples who make disciples in Jesus Christ; and to support local churches by building Christ-centered leaders.
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The Leadership Team’s plan focused on ways to best resource local churches while at the same time, reducing costs. The Ministry Oversight Teams (MOTs), created in 2010, have been discontinued. Instead, District Leadership Teams will develop resources, educational, and spiritual opportunities for local churches. The new Conference Center, being financed with designated funds, will be available for use in the coming year; and Revitalization and Leadership processes, including Hand-to-Plow, will continue to work with local churches and leaders. New Faith Communities David Masland, Superintendent for New Faith Communities, reported that there are 52 active New Faith Communities in Upper New York. In the past 15 months, five (5) new churches were incorporated. CenterPoint Christian Fellowship in Barneveld was recognized as the first newly chartered church in the Upper New York Annual Conference. Nominations and Leadership Development Jenna Amberge, laity, Chair of the Leadership Development Team, presented its report and reviewed the nominations for both Conference and district-wide positions. There were several additions and corrections to the report. Corrections and nominations to the report were to be made in writing and submitted to Ms. Amberge or the Conference Secretary’s table. It was noted that District Leadership Teams are not elected; they are appointed by the District Superintendent. There were several questions about how District Lay Leaders are appointed or elected; and calls for a more uniform process across districts. Bob Long, clergy, moved that the election relating to the Albany District Lay Leader be removed from this election until the nominations committee is able to reconsider. It was not approved. Joel Holcomb, laity, moved that the creation of a District Nominating Team be formed in each district that includes the District Lay Leader, the District Superintendent, and three (3) clergy appointed by the District Superintendent, and three (3) laity appointed by the District Lay Leader. The committee would bring nominations to replace the District Lay Leader. There was a second. Julius Archibald, laity, Chair of the Rules Committee, made a motion to refer the motion to Rules for consideration. The motion to refer was approved. Bishop Webb introduced Dr. Kulli Toniste, a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries, who offered the prayer before the lunch break. Afternoon Plenary Bishop Webb called the session to order. Thomas Blake, laity, and Blenda Smith, laity, gave the monitoring report from Committee on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) and Committee on Religion and Race (CORR). The Upper New York session live-streamed into the Baltimore-Washington Conference session and offered congratulations and celebration with Bishop Marcus Matthews, who is retiring.
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Dee Finch, clergy, Chair of the College Ministry Team, introduced Markus McKinney, a rising senior at Rust College in Holly Springs, Mississippi, who thanked the Conference for the opportunity the Black College Fund afforded him and affords many others. Conference Board of Trustees Rich Barling, clergy, President of the Board of Trustees, introduced the trustees and staff associated with the work of the trustees, and presented the team’s report. New Conference Center Rev. Barling noted that one of the most significant projects has been the renovations of the new Conference Center at 7481 Henry Clay Boulevard in Liverpool, NY. The Architectural Firm King & King was retained to plan & design building renovations. Irish-Millar was selected as general contractor for the project, and is expected to begin construction in late June. Resolution to Authorize Sale of Camp Findley Rev. Barling noted that after two years of study and prayer, the trustees, working closely with Camp and Retreat Ministries determined the need to sell Camp Findley, which is located in the Western part of the Conference. Proceeds of the sale will go toward future camp projects. He moved the adoption of the following resolution: Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees of the Upper New York Annual Conference, in accordance with ¶2516 of “The Book of Discipline,” hereby requests authorization of the Upper New York Annual Conference to sell the property presently occupied by Camp Findley and hold and designate the proceeds for capital expenditures for other Camp and Retreat Ministries. Several spoke against the proposal. David Cooke, clergy, offered a motion of referral: Refer this resolution to the Board of Trustees and Camp and Retreat Ministries to have them explore more options through conversation with the Family Bible Camp Board, Findley Lake UMC, and Fit4Life Ministry, and bring a recommendation to the 2017 UNY Annual Conference. There was a second. Rev. Cooke explained that conference delegates only received this information two weeks ago, leaving little time to research other options. Many visionary conversations need to be explored before a final decision is made. Several spoke in favor of the motion to refer. Alan Kinney, clergy, called the question. The call for the question was supported. The motion to refer was approved. Discontinuance of Local Churches Jan Rowell, clergy, District Superintendent of Oneonta District, presented Dorloo, Hyndsville and Mineral Springs UMC for discontinuance. Nancy Adams, clergy, District Superintendent of Mountain View District, presented Andover and Watkins Glen UMC for discontinuance. Abel Roy, clergy, District Superintendent of Mohawk District, presented Talcottville UMC for discontinuance. Bishop Webb asked those whose life was affected by one of these churches to please stand up. Each resolution of discontinuance was approved.
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Election of Trustees Election of Trustees was conducted by paper ballot as required by NYS Law. Ballots were distributed and delegates were instructed to vote yes or no for each name listed. Jenna Amberge, Chair of Nominations & Leadership Team, offered a prayer before the election. All were elected. The results are as follows: Class of 2018 John Frary Class of 2019 Harold Schmidt Cheryl Brown Class of 2020 Rev. Jack Keating III Kathy King Griswold Pamela Deckard
928 votes 901 votes 919 votes 900 votes 903 votes 900 votes
Abandoned Church Nola Anderson, clergy, District Superintendent of Crossroads District, explained that North Mexico UMC was abandoned, and any and all proceeds from the sale of the property will go to the Conference New Beginnings Funds. No vote was required. Chancellor Elected Scott DelConte, laity, was re-elected Chancellor for the quadrennial (2017-2020). Bishop Webb thanked him for his service to the conference and congratulated him on his re-election to the position. Rev. Barling moved the adoption of the Trustees Report. It was approved. Camp and Retreat Agents William Mudge, clergy, District Superintendent of Adirondack District, moved that every congregation in UNYCUMC be required to appoint a camp and retreat agents with their leadership selection in 2016 to begin serving in January, 2017; and that this position be included in the forms to be distributed and collected from this year’s church/charge conferences. There was a second. Several spoke both for and against the motion. Nancy Berlet, laity, made a motion to amend, changing from “begin serving in January, 2017” to “begin serving in 2017.” Amendment was supported. Gary Kubitz, clergy, made a motion to amend, changing “required” to “requested.” After a brief discussion of the amendment, Tim Middleton, clergy, called the question on the amendment and the original motion as amended. Amendment was not supported. Motion was approved. Council on Finance & Administration Larry Lake, clergy, Chair of the Council on Finance & Administration, presented the committee and its report. Treasurer Elected Kevin Domanico was re-elected Treasurer of Upper NY Annual Conference. Rev. Lake thanked him for his service to CF&A and the conference, and congratulated him on his re-election.
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Ministry Shares Budget The 2017 Ministry Shares budget totals $10,078,432, an $804 decrease from the 2016 budget. Rev. Lake noted that: • The Ministry Share budget has decreased every year since 2013.The Spending plan for 2017 will be developed to reflect anticipated Ministry Share collections in 2017 following the categories of “Fixed Costs”, “General Church apportionments”, “Variable/discretionary”, and “Contingent costs”, as outlined on page 76 of Volume I of the Journal. • Total Ministry Share payments from local churches were lower than expected, creating a significant gap between the anticipated and actual revenue. • In 2015, 602 out of 896 churches paid 100 percent; 51 churches paid 0 percent., leaving a balance due of $2,467,757. Rev. Lake moved the adoption of the 2017 Ministry Shares budget. Debate and a vote on the budget will resume after Dinner. Announcements were made by the Conference Secretary. The plenary was adjourned until 6:30 p.m. Friday, June 3, 2016 Evening Plenary Bishop Webb opened the evening plenary and invited discussion on the 2017 Ministry Shares budget. Several people were concerned that the budget does not reflect the actual revenue and spending plan. Cut backs on campus and camping ministries, as well as other social justice ministries negatively impacts on the conference’s overall mission. Colleen Hallagan Preuninger, clergy, moved to refer the proposed 2017 Shared Ministry budget back to CF&A, asking them to bring back to the Annual Conference a proposed budget that actually reflects the actual projected Share Ministry income for 2017 based on average Share Ministry income received by the Upper NY Annual Conference for the last five years, no later than tomorrow, Saturday, June 4. There was a second. There were several arguments both in favor and against the proposed referral. Emily Allen, laity, called the question. The call for the question was supported. Melissa McCarthy, clergy, offered a prayer before the vote. The motion to refer was not supported. Bob Long, clergy, moved that $50,000 be moved from Line 83, page 17 (Administrative salaries) and redirected to “ministries beyond the conference.” There was a second. There was discussion on the impacts of this, with debate both for and against. Matt Slaven, laity, called the question. The call for the question was supported. The motion was not approved. The discussion of the proposed 2017 Ministry Shares budget will resume tomorrow. The Secretary made the pre-dinner announcements. Plenary was adjourned. Celebration of Ministry The Celebration of Ministry was a festive evening of honoring retirees, celebrating the orders, and introducing those to be commissioned and ordained.
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Two awards were given: • One Matters Award presented by Discipleship Ministries to Hilton United Methodist Church. • Harry Denman Award presented to clergy: Rev. Joseph Pasco; Laity: Shari Schuck. Those being Commissioned as Probationary Members: Susan Ranous, for the work of the deacon; and Stephanie Jo Brown, Kevin Duane Slough, and Paul D. Winkleman, for the work of the elder, were introduced and welcomed. The Bishop welcomed those elected to ordination as elders in full connection to the stage for the administration of the historical questions. The evening service, hosted by Rev. William Mudge, District Superintendent of the Adirondack District, and Rev. Sherri Rood, District Superintendent of the Cornerstone District and Dean of the Cabinet, also celebrated the ministry of the laity, the outstanding work of local churches, and the ministry of Bishop Mark Webb as Resident Bishop of the Upper New York Area. Saturday, June 4, 2016 Morning Plenary Bishop Webb called the session to order. The daily update video reviewed the past day’s activities and business. Thomas Blake, laity, and Blenda Smith, laity, gave the monitoring report from Committee on the Status and Role of Women (COSROW) and Committee on Religion and Race (CORR). The discussion of the proposed 2017 Ministry Shares budget continued. Harold Wheat, clergy, moved that the Upper New York Annual Conference fulfill the budgeted campus and camping ministry obligations engaged by the 2015 Annual Conference Session by utilizing reserve funds. There was a second. There was much discussion on this motion. It was estimated that $150,000 was needed to fully fund the ministries referred to in the motion. Kevin Domanico, Conference Treasurer, explained that all reserve funds are identified in specific areas from the sale of properties and would not be coming from unidentified sources. After further discussion, for and against the motion, Deborah O’Connor-Slater, clergy, called the question and for a time of prayer. The call for the question was supported. Rev. O’Connor-Slater offered a prayer. The motion was not approved. Abigail Browka, clergy, moved that CF&A lead the production of a narrative budget which includes one paragraph describing the ministry and priorities of each line item in our 2018 ministry share budget for the 2017 Annual Conference, to be posted on the UNYAC website at least two (2) weeks prior to the 2017 resolutions and petitions deadline, February 1, 2017. There was a second. Natalie Hanson, clergy, offered an amendment to the motion: Add the words: “and that through March and April there be regional listening and interpretation gatherings for the entire conference. This would include any other significant actions including the sale and purchase of conference property.” There was a second.
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There was discussion about the amendment. Alan Howe, clergy, called the question on the amendment and all business before the conference. The amendment was supported. The motion was approved. The 2017 Ministry Shares budget was adopted. Bishop Webb vacated the presiding chair and went to the podium to address the Conference as its pastor: “On my worst days, when I look at our financial reality, my spirit is filled with anxiety. On my best days, God reminds me that God is enough. Our commitment, my commitment, in this role I currently serve and for however long I serve among you, our commitment is to assist congregations in increasing their stewardship of gifts, of time, of finances. Our commitment is to be the best stewards of the resources that are received and given by all of us together. We have not always been the best stewards. I confess that to you. And on behalf of the Annual Conference, I apologize for the times we have not been the best steward. We are working to be the best stewards of what is given to the Share Ministry of what we desire to do. The reality of our budget is that, compared to other Annual Conferences of our size, and compared to other Annual Conferences in our jurisdiction, there are Annual Conferences that have budgets bigger, or our size. There are no Annual Conferences of our size that have a budget lower than ours. I want to make sure you hear this in love. I so appreciate the convictions the Spirit places on each and every one of us, and the ways we live those out. We have congregations where the Spirit has placed that conviction on their hearts, and so they have made the decision to withhold ministry shares to make a statement to the General Church. I hope you have heard the very real unintended consequences – it does not impact the General Church. It impacts us and the ministry we want to do together. It hurting sisters and brothers we want to sit beside right now and the people in our communities God is calling us to reach out to. There are consequences we really need to begin to examine. Our budget reflects our values, what we believe God is calling us to. The question is – will we release the resources God has given us? That’s always the question. I believe we have the exact gifts we need to accomplish what we believe God is calling us to. I believe God has placed in each one of us the gifts we need, and the financial resources we need, to fully live out the values the mission reflected in our budget. I also believe this season of wrestling gives us an opportunity to explore ways we live out our values in a new and different way. In the past we’ve tried to fund thigs through a Conference plan. Maybe we need to explore new ways to make sure this is accomplished. I don’t know what those ways are, but I know the Spirit will help us find them, if we are open to them. I so appreciate what Adam (Hamilton) shared yesterday about how his church helps him be the pastor he needs to be, and how he helps his church become the people God means them to be. God has called us. I believe we can fund the budget we just approved at 100 percent. I believe that. That’s what God has called us to do. Let’s pray that God would show us how we live into that calling, that when we gather together next year we celebrate that every category of the spending plan, the fixed, the variable, and the contingent, were released for ministry because we believe that God is enough.” Motion to Reconsider Camp Findley David Cooke, clergy, moved to reconsider the motion to refer Camp Findley. There was a second. It was approved.
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Suspension of the Rules Matthew Williams, laity, moved to suspend the rules to allow the following: 1. Debate for any further business at this Annual Conference be limited to one speech for and one speech against; and that each of these speeches be granted a maximum of 90 seconds 2. Submitter of the resolution under consideration be given 90 seconds to speak prior to debate and one minute post-debate. The submitter shall be in addition to the speeches for and against 3. Speaker of a motion or amendment be given 90 seconds prior to debate which shall be in addition to the speeches for and against. 4. An intentional moment of silent prayerful reflection prior to any vote being taken. There was a second. There was some discussion on the motion to suspend the rules, which was known as “The Bow Tie Solution.” Ray Noell, clergy, called the question. The call for the question was supported. Julius Archibald, laity, Chair of the Rules Committee, reminded the body that a 2/3 vote of the body is required to suspend the rules. The suspension of the rules (Bow Tie Solution) was approved. Substitute Motion for Camp Findley David Cook, clergy, presented the substitute motion for Camp Findley. He moved that the Board of Trustees be given the authorization, by the Upper New York Annual Conference, to determine the future use of Findley Camp & Retreat Center, based on the conversations with CRM (Camp and Retreat Ministries), other interested UMC (United Methodist Church) Cornerstone District congregations, and other interested Cornerstone District parties. And further, If the participating parties have not defined a mutually acceptable alternative by September 30, 2016 the parties may continue their efforts and the Board of Trustees of the Upper New York Annual Conference, in accordance with ¶ 2516 of The Book of Discipline, hereby may sell the property presently occupied by Camp Findley and hold and designate the proceeds for capital expenditures for other Camp and Retreat Ministries. There was a second. Heather Stierheim, clergy, offered an amendment to the motion, changing designate to restrict. It received a second. The amendment was supported. The substitute motion, as amended, was approved. General/Jurisdictional Conference Delegations Bishop Webb introduced the delegation and its Chair, William Allen, clergy. Several members of the delegation spoke about their experience at General Conference, May 10-20, 2016, in Portland, Oregon. Pool of UNY Nominees for General Church Agency Seats The pool of nominees was presented. Bishop Webb noted that the positions for General Commission of United Methodist Women do not require a vote; and Ronald Bretsch’s name should be added to the nominees for National Council of Churches. Jenna Amberge, laity, Chair of Leadership and Nominations, noted that Robert Linville’s name should be removed as a nominee for the United Methodist Publishing House and the General Commission on United Methodist Men. The list was approved. Endorsement of Episcopal Nominees Rev. Bill Allen presented the delegation’s endorsement of The Rev. Rebekah Sweet and The Rev. Dr. Cathy Hall Stengel as candidates for the episcopacy, and was seeking the endorsement of the Upper NY Annual Conference. Both candidates were supported. Bishop Webb offered congratulations and prayer. Rev. Dr. Stengel was excused from conference sessions to attend her son’s wedding. Rev. Sweet spoke briefly to the body.
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Africa 360 Laurel O’Connor, laity, Africa 360 Field Coordinator presented a progress report on the Conference-wide campaign, praising churches and individuals for their enthusiasm and effort in raising much-needed funds for Imagine No Malaria and for Africa University. After Thursday’s offering, over 50 percent of the churches participated in the campaign. The offering netted $125,000, bringing the total over $226,000 for Imagine No Malaria, and over $500,000 for Africa University for a campaign total of over $770,000. Ms. O’Connor said that the offering at Ordination will also go to Africa 360, to move us closer to the one-million-dollar goal. Resolutions and Petitions Hudda Aswad, laity, presented the remaining resolutions. She explained that the presentation and comment time will follow the new rules per the “Bow Tie Solution.” Resolution #4: Ensuring Support for All Ministries Alan Kinney, clergy, moved the resolution and spoke in support of it on behalf of the Social Holiness Committee: Be it resolved that when a budget item includes a salary for persons involved in such ministry is approved by the Conference the amount of the salary support be placed in the “must pay” portion of the budget of the Upper New York Annual Conference. There was a second. There was a time of silent prayer. The Resolution was approved. Resolution #5: Restoration of Funding of the New York State Council of Churches Alan Kinney, clergy, moved the resolution and spoke in support of it on behalf of the Social Holiness Committee: Be it resolved that, while we realize that work on the 2017 budget has been completed, we call on the Upper New York Conference to renew its financial support of the New York State Council of Churches by making a minimal commitment of $10,000 to be taken by special conference-wide offering; and Be it further resolved that we call on the Upper New York Conference to make a pledge of $20,000 for 2018 and increasing this amount by $2,750 each of the following four budget years in an effort to return to our previous level of giving; and Be it further resolved that we call on the Council of Finance & Administration to incorporate these funds into the budget in a “must pay” category. There was a second. Bishop Webb pointed out that the language following the first “Be it further resolved”: “that we call upon the Upper New York Annual Conference to make a pledge…” was out of order because this resolution cannot bind the 2017 Annual Conference, but the resolution could be sent on to CF&A. The Rev. Kinney explained that was an error, and it was meant to state “we recommend.” The correction was allowed. There was debate both for and against the motion. There was a time of silent prayer. The motion was not approved. Resolution #6: A Call for Budget Transparency Alan Kinney, clergy, moved the resolution and spoke in support of it on behalf of the Social Holiness Committee: Therefore, be it resolved that beginning with the 2018 budget proposal, we call on the Conference Council on Finance and Administration to provide the Conference members with a detailed accounting of
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the proposed budget. We call for the pay and benefits package of each salaried employee*, to be listed individually and separately from other operating costs. Be it further resolved that we call for all “must pay” items to be marked as such and all “second tier” commitments to be noted. *Salaried employees to include the Director of Connectional Ministries, Vital Congregations, Camping and retreat Ministries, Communications, New Faith Communities, Human Resources & Benefits, Technology, District Superintendents, Executive Directors of each camp, and the Treasurer. There was a second. There was debate both for and against the motion. A time of silent prayer was observed. The motion was approved. Resolution #7: The Many Shades of God’s Hands The resolution was withdrawn. Resolution #8: A Resolution to Study and Consider Endorsing Carbon Pricing Katherine Barnum Skura, laity, author of the resolution, is not a voting member/delegate to Annual Conference; The body voted to give her permission to speak. Mrs. Skura moved the following: Be it resolved for the sake of our children and our Creator, to study within our congregations and our Conference, the issue of carbon pricing and to consider endorsing, at the 2017 session of Annual Conference, carbon pricing within the United States that is implemented in a structured, predictable way, in a manner that does not hurt persons of low income, and in conjunction with removal of fossil fuel subsidies. There was a second. There was discussion about climate change and the impacts of fossil fuels; and debate both for and against the resolution. There was a moment of silent prayer. It was approved. Resolution #9: UNYUMC Responds to Gun Violence Bob Long, clergy, moved the following resolution: Be it resolved that the Upper New York Conference of The United Methodist Church lift up in each congregation a vision of “a more excellent way” by calling on appropriate bodies within the church to recall and adhere to resolution #3426 (or its successors) from “The Book of Resolutions” which states, “reflecting that the traditional role of The United Methodist Church has been one of safety and sanctuary, every United Methodist Church is officially declared a weapon-free zone”, (no matter what local legislation may provide to the contrary) (see also ¶162, “Social Principles”); and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Annual Conference begin in 2016 to provide materials for local congregations to prayerfully and actively make preventing gun violence a regular part of congregational worship, conversation and prayer times. Jesus’ compassionate love calls for gun violence to be worshipfully and theologically reflected on, and we encourage congregations to frame conversations theologically by utilizing resources such as “Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities: Reflections on Gun Violence from Micah 4:1-4” produced by the General Board of Church and Society; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference provide guidance for local congregations to assist those affected by gun violence through prayer, pastoral care, creating space, encouraging survivors to share stories as they are ready, financial assistance, and through identifying other resources
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in their communities as victims of gun violence and their families walk through the process of grieving and healing; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference encourage all congregations within its boundaries to annually participate in the National Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference Social Holiness Team provide material and personnel leadership and guidance to local congregations to begin to implement the following: • For individual United Methodists who own guns to safely and securely use and store their guns and to teach the importance of practicing gun safety; • For United Methodists who have not experienced gun violence to form ecumenical and interfaith partnerships with faith communities that have experienced gun violence in order to support them and to learn from their experiences; • For United Methodist congregations to lead or join in ecumenical and interfaith gatherings for public prayer, and actions of solidarity, at sites where gun violence has occurred; • For United Methodist congregations to partner with local law enforcement agencies and community groups to identify gun retailers who engage in retail practices designed to circumvent laws on gun sales and ownership; and • For United Methodist congregations to advocate at the local, state, and national levels for laws that prevent or reduce gun violence. Some of these measures include: o Universal background checks on all gun purchases o Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty o Ensuring all guns are sold through licensed gun retailers o Prohibiting persons convicted of violent crimes from purchasing a gun for a fixed time period o Prohibiting all individuals under restraining order due to threat of violence from purchasing a gun o Prohibiting persons with serious mental illness, who pose a danger to themselves and their communities, from purchasing a gun o Ensuring greater access to services for those suffering from mental illness o Establishing a minimum age of 21 years for a gun purchase or possession o Banning large capacity ammunition magazines and weapons designed to fire multiple rounds each time a trigger is pulled o Promotion of new technologies to aid law enforcement agencies to trace crime guns and promote public safety; and Be it further resolved that the secretary of the Upper New York Conference send a copy of this resolution to United States Senators representing its boundaries and all United States Congress people whose districts reside within the bounds of the Upper New York Conference. There was a second. Reneé Netting, laity, made a motion to amend the resolution, deleting lines 36-41 (as it appeared on page 55 in Volume I of the Journal): Be it resolved that the Upper New York Conference of The United Methodist Church lift up in each congregation a vision of “a more excellent way” by calling on appropriate bodies within the church to recall and adhere to resolution #3426 (or its successors) from “The Book of Resolutions” which states, “reflecting that the traditional role of The United Methodist Church has been one of safety and sanctuary, every United Methodist Church is officially declared a weapon-free zone”, (no matter what local legislation may provide to the contrary) (see also ¶162, “Social Principles”); and
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And changing, “Be it further resolved” in following paragraph to “Resolved.” There was debate both for and against the amendment. There was pause for prayer. The amendment was supported. There was discussion both for and against the resolution. There was a time of silent prayer. The resolution was approved. The Bishop thanked Hudda and her team for their work. Older Adult Ministry Rebecca Naber, clergy, presented the Older Adult Ministry (OAM) Team report and its proposal. The goals for OAM for 2015-2017 are: to identify potential OAM champions within each district across the Conference to communicate and support the local churches in development of intergenerational/older adult ministries. to educate and inspire these champions in three or more best practices of older adult ministry. to utilize Conference communication channels to promote OAM opportunities, and programs. Recommendation: The Rev. Naber moved that annual statistics from local churches include a count of how many older adults reside in our congregations. We would ask for a tally based on the United Nation’s resolution 35/129 that categorizes older adults as: • • •
Young Old: 65-74 Middle Old: 75-84 Old Old: 85-plus
There was a silent prayer. The proposal was approved. Bishop Webb thanked Rebecca and her team for their work. Conference Advance Specials Bill Gottschalk-Fielding, clergy, Executive Assistant to the Bishop and Director of Connectional Ministries, presented the list of Conference Advance Specials, published on pages 20 and 21 in Volume I of the Journal), for approval. The list is also on the Conference website. There was a time of silent prayer. The list was approved. Safe Sanctuaries Report Bishop Webb invited Carol Barnes, laity, Chair of the Safe Sanctuaries Team, to the podium. The report was lifted from the consent calendar on Thursday. He also invited Larry Wiliford, clergy, who asked the report to be lifted, to a microphone to offer a resolution. The Rev. Williford moved that the Safe Sanctuary mandatory minimum standards be presented and acted upon by the 2017 Annual Conference session before they can be considered “in effect”; and furthermore that all future mandatory standards or policies be presented to and acted upon by the appropriate Annual Conference session before they are adopted and implemented. There was discussion for and against the resolution. There was a time of silent prayer. The resolution was not approved. The Safe Sanctuaries Report was presented as published on pages 93 and 94 of Volume I of the Journal. The report was approved.
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Cabinet Members Bishop Webb introduced Vonda Fossitt, clergy, newly appointed Superintendent of the Genesee District; and Everett Bassett, clergy, newly appointed Superintendent of the Oneonta District. Bishop Webb also announced that Sherri Rood, clergy, Superintendent of the Cornerstone District, would remain as Dean of the Cabinet; Nancy Adams, clergy, Superintendent of the Mountain View District, will serve as secretary of the extended cabinet; and David Kofahl, clergy, Superintendent of the Binghamton District, will serve as secretary of the appointive cabinet. Bishop Webb also thanked and celebrated the gifts of those leaving the cabinet after eight (8) years of service: Ted Anderson, clergy, Superintendent of the Genesee Valley District and Jan McClarey Rowell, clergy, Superintendent of the Oneonta District. Fixing of the Appointments Bishop Webb confirmed that appointments to churches, extension ministries, school, etc. are fixed. All receiving appointments to pastoral ministry were invited to stand, and were greeted with applause. Those receiving appointments were asked if they accepted them. Clergy affirmed the appointments by responding “Yes, by the grace of God.” Bishop Webb invited laity to stand, and asked if they will be faithful to work in partnership with the appointed clergy. Laity affirmed the appointments by responding, “Yes, by the grace of God.” The appointments were affirmed. The appointments will be posted online in the coming days. The Business of the Annual Conference was completed at 12:34 p.m. Evaluation Forms Bishop Webb introduced Renee Engels, clergy, Chair of the Sessions Committee, to explain the evaluation forms. She encouraged each person to complete a form to help steer future Conference sessions. Thank you Bishop Webb thanked the many people who are responsible for conference sessions before, during and after the event. They were greeted with applause. The bishop also addressed the reality of the upcoming Jurisdictional Conference and the possibility that he would not be reassigned to Upper New York. He expressed what a joy it has been to live among us these four years, and what amazing work God is doing among Upper New York. Announcements made by the Conference Secretary included news that during the Conference, UMCOR received 576 health kits from Oneonta District in honor of retiring Superintendent Rowell, as well as another 1,500 health kits and layettes, and 180 flood buckets; and the Mission of Peace offering taken on Friday evening garnered $6,608. Closing Motion Conference Secretary Jeff Hodge, clergy, moved that the seventh session of The Upper New York Annual Conference be adjourned until we gather on June 1-3, 2017 in Syracuse, New York for the eighth session of The Upper New York Annual Conference. Further, that in matters of importance, requiring attention between sessions of the Upper New York Annual Conference, a mail ballot be authorized, where the Bishop and a majority of the District Superintendents deem that process to be appropriate. There was a second. It was approved.
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Service of Ordination The service opened with the procession of the candidates, all clergy, and the cabinet and those participating in the service of ordination. The Gospel Reading was Luke 5: 1-11, and Bishop Webb’s message was Called, Equipped, Completed. After a time of examination, the following were commissioned and ordained: Commissioned for the work of the Elder: Stephanie Jo Brown Kevin Duane Slough Paul D. Winkelman Commissioned for the Work of a Deacon: Susan Marie Ranous Ordained to the Order of Elder: Pamela R. Carey Gail Ann Falsetti Matthew French John Paul Loeser Rachel Ann Morse Mary Grace Rublee Andrew Peter Sperry
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Actions taken at Seventh Annual Conference June 2-4, 2016 including all Resolutions & Petitions (in order of passage) Organizational Motion 1. This is the seventh session of the Upper New York Conference held on June 2-4, 2016 at the Syracuse Oncenter in Syracuse, New York. 2. The session shall be governed by the rules of General Conference of The United Methodist Church. Roberts Rules of Order 11th edition shall govern all procedural questions where the rules of General Conference cannot be applied. 3. Holy Conferencing affirms our covenant with God and one another. At any time during the proceedings the bishop may call for a moment of discernment and prayer before a vote is taken. 4. The published agenda available on the website shall be the official agenda for the Annual Conference. Questions about the agenda shall be the official agenda and may be directed to the executive assistant to the bishop. 5. All reports without recommendations shall be placed on the consent calendar. The Bishop’s Address to the Conference, the Report of the Conference Lay Leader and the Superintendents’ Report are automatically exempt from this rule. Further, upon proper motion from the floor, any report may be lifted from the consent calendar and placed on the agenda by a one-third vote of the Conference body. 6. The roll call of attendance shall be taken from credential cards presented at the time of registration. 7. Lay members are those specified by the “2012 Book of Discipline,” ¶32, Article I. Selection of Lay Equalization Members, as required in ¶32, Article I. was determined according to the Rules for Determining and Selecting Lay members to the Annual Conference, adopted by the Committee on Sessions on February 14, 2011. 8. Clergy entitled to vote are those specified by the “2012 Book of Discipline,”¶602, subject to the limitations contained in the same paragraph. 9. The voting area of the Conference [“bar of the Conference”] shall be the floor area of the convention center. Guest and non-members may be seated in the designated visitor seating area. Persons standing or seated outside the bar of the Conference shall have no voice on legislative matters or balloting. 10. Securing the Floor: Conference members wishing to speak to the Conference shall raise their colored placard at their seat and wait to be recognized by the Bishop. When recognized they shall move to the nearest microphone. Please state your name, and your church (laity) or appointment (clergy).
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11. In order to ensure the accuracy of the Minutes and faithfulness to the intention of the mover, motions and amendments from the floor must be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Conference on a form provided for this purpose. A copy of the written motion or amendment will be provided by the author to the secretary after the amendment has been made. No motion or amendment will be voted on unless it is provided in writing. In order to facilitate this, as a motion or amendment is made, members of the conference staff or volunteers will provide the speaker with the proper form documenting the motion or amendment. The documented motion or amendment will be taken to the conference secretary by the conference staff or volunteer. A copy will be provided to the author as soon as possible. 12. No person shall speak more than once upon the same question and shall be limited to not more than three minutes, except the maker of the resolution or the chairperson of the agency submitting the resolution, who shall have up to five minutes to open and three minutes to close debate. 13. The Journal Editor shall have sole authority to edit, condense, organize, and print the Upper New York Conference Journal/Yearbook. All material from this session must be submitted in writing by no later than July 1, 2015. 14. The Director of Communications shall be responsible for reporting the general periodicals of The United Methodist Church and secular news media. All references for printing by the Conference official publication shall be subject to editing and condensing by the editor. 15. No material may be distributed within the bar of the Annual Conference sessions without prior review of the agenda committee of the UNY Sessions team: Vicki Putney and Rev. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding. Consent Calendar & Agenda Be it resolved that the Consent Calendar, amended by removing “Safe Sanctuaries/Sexual Ethics Report� be adopted as presented. Conference Board of Pension & Health Benefits #1: Be it resolved that the 2017 Past Service Annuity Rate for pension payments to retired clergy with pre-82 service is set at $625 per qualified service year, which is an increase of 2 percent over 2016. #2: Be it resolved that the Housing/Rental Exclusion Resolution, which designates 100 percent of United Methodist pension severance or disability income as housing exclusion in accordance with IRS Code 107 is approved for the year 2017. #3: Be it resolved that there be a change in the Clergy Retirement Security Program (CRSP) eligibility rules effective January 1, 2017 to include only those licensed, commissioned, or ordained clergy persons appointed 75 percent to 100 percent at local churches or as Conference staff. Those clergy that would lose eligibility for CRSP (appointed 50 percent to 74 percent) will be offered enrollment in the United Methodist Personal Investment Plan (UMPIP) for church contributions at a rate of 9 percent of compensation, in addition to optional personal contributions. Church contributions would not be dependent upon personal contributions (non-matching). Eligible clergy may enroll or waive this benefit and if waived, no pension contribution will be expected from the local church.
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Commission on Equitable Compensation #1: Be it resolved a standardized minimum base compensation is established for the Upper New York Conference effective January 1, 2017 as follows: Base Full connection (elders and deacons): $39,984 Provisional (elders and deacons): $38,556 Associate: $37,842 FT LP completed Course of Study or MDiv.: $37,128 FT Local Pastor: $35,700 (Less than full-time appointments shall receive a base salary pro-rated according to the appointment.). #2: Be it resolved pastors will receive an additional amount per full time year of service based on credentials as follows (per year FTE service up to 21 years): Full $311
Provisional $305
Associate $302
FTLP w/MDiv or COS $299
FTLP $290
#3: Be it resolved pastors will receive an additional $500 for each additional church on the pastoral charge (over one), not adjusted for part time appointments. #4: Be it resolved all churches are encouraged to offer a salary increase of no less than the 10-year average increase in the Consumer Price Index (2 percent for 2017) in order to account for increases in the costs of living. Churches are encouraged to consider further raises based on exceptional service. #5: All pastors appointed within the Upper New York Annual Conference are entitled to an Accountable Reimbursement Plan (ARP) for professional expenses incurred while performing pastoral duties. A minimum annual ARP budget for a full-time pastor shall be $3,500 for a single church appointment and $4,500 for a multi-church appointment. Within the ARP, there will be a designated amount for the pastor’s continuing education. If the amount is not fully used in the current fiscal year, a pastor may request to roll over the remainder of the ARP Continuing Education amount with a P/SPRC approved plan for the use of these funds. This plan and specific amount is to be reported at the local church/charge conference at year’s end. No more than three successive years of funding or $2,000 (whichever is less) can be rolled over in this manner. The maximum dollar amount should relate to full time clergy. The amount for part-time clergy shall be prorated. In the event of pastoral change, the roll over amount will be part of the appointment conversation among the pastor, the churches, and district superintendent(s) involved. Pastoral appointments of three quarter-time, half-time, or quarter time shall budget and pay an ARP proportionally to the standard for full-time appointments as noted above. Congregations are encouraged to budget ARP above the required minimum in consideration of location-specific mileage and other factors. UNYAC2016.3: Restoration of Funding for Campus Ministries Therefore, be it resolved that in response to this grave situation we call upon the Upper New York Annual Conference to increase the budget for campus ministries beginning in 2018. We request that the 2018 budget include $80,000, restoration of the chaplain position at Syracuse University, and that this amount be increased by $15,000 each of the following three budget years, to more fully fund other campus
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ministries. We call on the Council of Finance & Administration to incorporate these funds to be listed as a “must pay” expense; and Be it further resolved that the Conference Board if Higher Education clarify and develop a process by which colleges, universities, and local churches would apply to receive these funds and to advertise and promote said process (refer to complete resolution on Pp.40-41, Volume I). Nominations & Leadership Development Report Go to http://www.unyumc.org/images/uploads/2016_Nominations_Report_for_AC_ percent282 percent29.pdf to view nominations report Motion to Refer The following motion was referred to the Rules Committee for consideration: Proposal for the creation of a District Nominating Team be formed in each district that includes the District Lay Leader, the District Superintendent and three (3) clergy appointed by the District Superintendent and three (3) laity appointed by the District Lay Leader. The committee would bring nominations to replace the District Lay Leader.
Trustees Discontinuance of Local Churches Mohawk District: Talcottville (Resolution on p.34, Volume I) Mountain View District: Andover (Resolution on p.30, Volume I) Oneonta District: Dorloo (found on p.31, Volume I), Hyndsville (Resolution on p.32, Volume I), and Mineral Springs (Resolution on p. 33, Volume I) Mountain View: Watkins Glen (corrected version) WHEREAS, the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church was organized in 1843, and faithfully served its community in ministry for over 172 years; WHEREAS, Rev. Nancy Adams, the Mountain View District Superintendent, comprehensively assessed the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church’s past, present and potential ministry, after prayerfully and extensively meeting with, listening to and guiding the congregation; WHEREAS, the district superintendent determined that the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church no longer serves the purpose for which it was organized and recommended that it be discontinued pursuant to the provisions of The Book of Discipline of The United Methodist Church; WHEREAS, in relation to the proposed discontinuation, the district superintendent recommended that control and possession of all real and personal property of the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church vest in the Annual Conference Trustees, and be transferred to the Pennsylvania Avenue United Methodist Church; that the membership of the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church be transferred to other United Methodist churches as the individual members select; and
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
WHEREAS, Bishop Mark J. Webb, a majority of the district superintendents, and the Mountain View District Board of Church Location and Building received and consented to the district superintendent’s discontinuation recommendations; IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED, that the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church is discontinued; and it is further RESOLVED, that control and possession of all real and personal property formerly held in trust by the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church is hereby vested in the Annual Conference Trustees, and that the Annual Conference Trustees are authorized to sell and convey the real estate in accordance with market conditions; be transferred to the Pennsylvania Avenue United Methodist Church and it is further RESOLVED, that following the sale of the real estate, the balance of the assets formerly of the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church, including the net sale proceeds, shall be transferred to be transferred to the Pennsylvania Avenue United Methodist Church and administered in accordance with the New Beginnings Fund of the Upper New York Annual Conference; and it is further RESOLVED, that the membership of the Watkins Glen United Methodist Church is hereby transferred to other United Methodist churches as the individual members select. Election of Trustees The following Trustees were elected by paper ballot: Class of 2018 John Frary 928 votes Class of 2019 Harold Schmidt 901 votes Cheryl Brown 919 votes Class of 2020 Rev. Jack Keating III 900 votes Kathy King Griswold 903 votes Pamela Deckard 900 votes Election of Chancellor Scott DelConte is elected Chancellor for the Quadrennial, beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2020. Camp and Retreat Agents Be it resolved that every congregation in UNYCUMC be required to appoint a camp and retreat agents with their leadership selection in 2016 to begin serving in January, 2017; and that this position be included in the forms to be distributed and collected from this year’s church/charge conferences
Council on Finance and Administration Election of Treasurer Kevin Domanico is elected Treasurer of the Upper New York Annual Conference for the Quadrennial, beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2020.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Creation of a Narrative Budget Be it resolved that CF&A lead the production of a narrative budget which includes one paragraph describing the ministry and priorities of each line item in our 2018 ministry share budget for the 2017 Annual Conference, to be posted on the UNYAC website at least two (2) weeks prior to the 2017 resolutions and petitions deadline, February 1, 2017; and that through March and April there be regional listening and interpretation gatherings for the entire conference. This would include any other significant actions including the sale and purchase of Conference property. 2017 Ministry Shares Budget Be it resolved that the 2017 Ministry Budget totals $10,078,432. Suspension of Rules: The Bow Tie Solution Be it resolved that the (organizational) rules be suspended to allow the following: 1. Debate for any further business at this Annual Conference be limited to one speech for and one speech against; and that each of these speeches be granted a maximum of 90 seconds 2. Submitter of the resolution under consideration be given 90 seconds to speak prior to debate and oneminute post-debate. The submitter shall be in addition to the speeches for and against 3. Speaker of a motion or amendment be given 90 seconds prior to debate which shall be in addition to the speeches for and against. 4. An intentional moment of silent prayerful reflection prior to any vote being taken. Determining Future Use of Findley Camp & Retreat Center Be it resolved that the Board of Trustees be given the authorization by the Upper New York Annual Conference, to determine the future use of Findley Camp & Retreat Center, based on the conversations with CRM (Camp and Retreat Ministries), other interested UMC (United Methodist Church) Cornerstone District congregations, and other interested Cornerstone District parties. And further, If the participating parties have not defined a mutually acceptable alternative by September 30, 2016 the parties may continue their efforts and the Board of Trustees of the Upper New York Annual Conference, in accordance with ¶ 2516 of The Book of Discipline, hereby may sell the property presently occupied by Camp Findley and hold and designate the proceeds for capital expenditures for other Camp and Retreat Ministries. Pool of UNY Nominees for General Church Agency Seats Be it resolved that the following list serves as the approved pol of UNY nominees for General Churc Agency Seats: General Board of Church and Society • Marthalyn Sweet • Darryl Barrow • Stephen Cady Discipleship Ministries (formerly GBOD) • Sherri Rood • Aaron Bouwens • Cathy Hall Stengel
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
General Board of Global Ministries • Riley O'Flynn • Stephen Crowell • Hudda Aswad General Board of Higher Education and Ministry • Laurel O'Connor • John Martin • Nancy Dibelius General Board of Pension and Health Benefits • Stephen Deckard • Linda Shevlin • Alan Kinney United Methodist Publishing House • Ashley Riddell • Julius Archibald General Commission on Communication • Nancy Hale • Suzanne Allen • Greg Forrester General Commission on Church Unity and Interreligious Concerns • Carmen Vianese • Elizabeth Buckley • William Palmer General Commission on Religion and Race • Scott Johnson • Blenda Smith • Colleen Preuninger General Commission on Status and Role of Women • Marthalyn Sweet • Michelle Bogue-Trost • Susan Crawson-Brizzolara Division on Ministries Young People • Riley O'Flynn - young adult • Rick LaDue - adult worker with young people General Commission on Archives & History • Paul William Phister • Lori Brightman
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
General Commission on Finance & Administration • Larry Lake • Ian Urriola • Stephen Deckard General Commission on United Methodist Women • Jan Rothfuss • Sara Baron • Shirley Readdean General Commission on United Methodist Men • William Mudge Just Peace • Holly Nye • Dana Horrell • Brooke Newell Commission on the General Conference • J. J. Warren • William Allen • Rebekah Sweet National Council of Churches • Thom White Wolf Fassett • Elizabeth Quick • Richard Barton • Ronald Bretsch Endorsement of Episcopal Nominees Be it resolved that the Upper New York Annual Conference has endorsed The Reverend Rebekah Sweet and The Reverend Dr. Cathy Hall Stengel as candidates for the episcopacy (refer to complete resolution on Pp.11-12, Volume I). UNYAC2016.4: Ensuring Support for All Ministries Be it resolved that when a budget item includes a salary for persons involved in such ministry is approved by the Conference the amount of the salary support be placed in the “must pay” portion of the budget of the Upper New York Annual Conference (refer to complete resolution on p.42, Volume I). UNYAC2016.6: A Call for Budget Transparency Therefore, be it resolved that beginning with the 2018 budget proposal, we call on the Conference Council on Finance and Administration to provide the Conference members with a detailed accounting of the proposed budget. We call for the pay and benefits package of each salaried employee*, to be listed individually and separately from other operating costs.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Be it further resolved that we call for all “must pay” items to be marked as such and all “second tier” commitments to be noted. *Salaried employees to include the Director of Connectional Ministries, Vital Congregations, Camping and retreat Ministries, Communications, New Faith Communities, Human Resources & Benefits, Technology, District Superintendents, Executive Directors of each camp, and the Treasurer (refer to complete resolution on Pp. 45-46 in Volume I). UNYAC2016.8: A Resolution to Study and Consider Endorsing Carbon Pricing Be it resolved for the sake of our children and our Creator, to study within our congregations and our Conference, the issue of carbon pricing and to consider endorsing, at the 2017 session of Annual Conference, carbon pricing within the United States that is implemented in a structured, predictable way, in a manner that does not hurt persons of low income, and in conjunction with removal of fossil fuel subsidies (refer to complete resolution on Pp. 50-52 in Volume I). UNYAC2016.9: UNYUMC Responds to Gun Violence Be it resolved that the Upper New York Annual Conference begin in 2016 to provide materials for local congregations to prayerfully and actively make preventing gun violence a regular part of congregational worship, conversation and prayer times. Jesus’ compassionate love calls for gun violence to be worshipfully and theologically reflected on, and we encourage congregations to frame conversations theologically by utilizing resources such as “Kingdom Dreams, Violent Realities: Reflections on Gun Violence from Micah 4:1-4” produced by the General Board of Church and Society; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference provide guidance for local congregations to assist those affected by gun violence through prayer, pastoral care, creating space, encouraging survivors to share stories as they are ready, financial assistance, and through identifying other resources in their communities as victims of gun violence and their families walk through the process of grieving and healing; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference encourage all congregations within its boundaries to annually participate in the National Gun Violence Prevention Sabbath Weekend; and Be it further resolved that the Upper New York Conference Social Holiness Team provide material and personnel leadership and guidance to local congregations to begin to implement the following: • • • • •
For individual United Methodists who own guns to safely and securely use and store their guns and to teach the importance of practicing gun safety; For United Methodists who have not experienced gun violence to form ecumenical and interfaith partnerships with faith communities that have experienced gun violence in order to support them and to learn from their experiences; For United Methodist congregations to lead or join in ecumenical and interfaith gatherings for public prayer, and actions of solidarity, at sites where gun violence has occurred; For United Methodist congregations to partner with local law enforcement agencies and community groups to identify gun retailers who engage in retail practices designed to circumvent laws on gun sales and ownership; and For United Methodist congregations to advocate at the local, state, and national levels for laws that prevent or reduce gun violence. Some of these measures include:
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
o o o o o o o o o o
Universal background checks on all gun purchases Ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty Ensuring all guns are sold through licensed gun retailers Prohibiting persons convicted of violent crimes from purchasing a gun for a fixed time period Prohibiting all individuals under restraining order due to threat of violence from purchasing a gun Prohibiting persons with serious mental illness, who pose a danger to themselves and their communities, from purchasing a gun Ensuring greater access to services for those suffering from mental illness Establishing a minimum age of 21 years for a gun purchase or possession Banning large capacity ammunition magazines and weapons designed to fire multiple rounds each time a trigger is pulled Promotion of new technologies to aid law enforcement agencies to trace crime guns and promote public safety; and
Be it further resolved that the secretary of the Upper New York Conference send a copy of this resolution to United States Senators representing its boundaries and all United States Congress people whose districts reside within the bounds of the Upper New York Conference. Older Adult Ministry Be it resolved that annual statistics from local churches include a count of how many older adults reside in our congregations. We would ask for a tally based on the United Nation’s resolution 35/129 that categorizes older adults as: Young Old: 65-74 Middle Old: 75-84 Old Old: 85-plus Conference Advance Specials Be it resolved that the Recommendation of the Global Ministries – 2017 Conference Advance Specials is approved (refer to list on Pp. 20-21 in Volume I). Motion to Adjourn Be it resolved that the seventh session of The Upper New York Annual Conference be adjourned until we gather on June 1, 2017 in Syracuse, New York for the eighth session of The Upper New York Annual Conference. Further, that in matters of importance, requiring attention between sessions of the Upper New York Annual Conference, a mail ballot be authorized, where the bishop and a majority of the district superintendents deem that process to be appropriate.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
PLEASE NOTE: The tables provided in all questions (except Q.57) are suggested formats for reporting for the 2013-2016 Quadrennium. Reporting in these formats is requested, but not required.
THE BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Minutes of the Upper New York Annual Conference Held in Syracuse, New York From (date)Thursday, June 2, 2016 .......................................... , through Saturday, June 4, 206 ................................ Bishop Mark J. Webb ....................................................................................................................................... Presiding Date When Organized 2010....................................................... Number of This Session 7
1. Who are elected for the quadrennium (¶¶603.7, 619)? Secretary? Jeffrey Hodge Mailing Address: P.O. Box 512, Fulton, NY 13069 Telephone: 315-383-4384 Email: unysecretary@yahoo.com Statistician? Kevin Domanico Mailing Address: 324 University Avenue, 3rd Floor, Syracuse, New York 13210 Telephone: (315) 424-7878 Email: kevindomanico@unyumc.org Treasurer? Kevin Domanico Mailing Address: 324 University Avenue, 3rd Floor, Syracuse, New York 13210 Telephone: (315) 424-7878 Email: kevindomanico@unyumc.org 2. Is the Annual Conference incorporated (¶603.1)? YES 3. Bonding and auditing: What officers handling funds of the conference have been bonded, and in what amounts (¶¶618, 2511)? Name Position Amount Bonded Blanket Bonding All officers, trustees $1,000,000 general liability Have the books of said officers or persons been audited (¶¶617, 2511)? (See report, page ____ of Journal.) Financial Statements of Conference have been completed through 2013 and audits are in progress at this time. 4. What agencies have been appointed or elected? a) Who have been elected chairpersons for the mandated structures listed? Structure Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Number Email Council on Rev. Larry Lake PO Box 185 518-293-7123 Pastor-larry@live.com Finance and Saranac, NY Administration 12981 (¶611) Board of Rev. Sue Russell 800 Vernal Road 585-237-5262 suerussell@asburyuny.or Ordained Attica, NY 14011 g Rev. Matthew Ministry (¶635) 1621 Rush585-225-1880 Stengel Henrietta metty2rod@aol.com Townline Rd. Rush, NY 14543 Board of Rev. Steve 13 Pleasant St. 315-462-2274 Revsteve.44@gmail.com Pensions (¶639) Deckard Clifton Springs, NY 14432 Board of Trustees Rev. Richard 159 Dry Bridge 315-676-4475 Richard.barling@yahoo. of the Annual Barling Rd., Central com Conference Square, NY 13036 (¶2512) 57
Committee on Episcopacy (¶637) Administrative Review Committee (¶636)
To Be Determined
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Chair not selected yet.
b) Indicate the name of the agency (or agencies) and the chairperson(s) in your annual conference which is (are) responsible for the functions related to each of the following general church agencies (¶610.1): General Agency Conference Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Agency Number General Board of Church and Society Social Rev. Alan 877 Cunningham Ct. 518-374Akinney3@tw Holiness Kinney Niskayuna, NY 4306 cny.rr.com Team 12309 General Board of Discipleship Conf. Rev. William 324 University Ave, 315-424Billg-f Leadership Gottschalk3rd Floor 7878 @Unyumc.org Team Fielding Syracuse, NY 13210 General Board of Global Alice Trost 2678 NY Hwy 43 518-674alicemtrost@g Global Ministries Ministries Averill Park, NY 1473 mail.com Team 12018 Higher Education and Campus Ministry
College Ministries Team
Deanna Finch
1924 Maiden Lane Rochester, NY 14626
deacondee@fr ontiernet.net
General Commission on Archives and History General Commission on Christian Unity and Inter-religious Concerns General Commission on Religion and Race
Archives & History
Karen Staulters
5 Vichy Drive Ballston Spa 12020
jkstaul@aol.co m
Social Holiness Team
Rev. Alan Kinney
877 Cunningham Ct. Niskayuna, NY 12309
Akinney3@tw cny.rr.com
Commissio n on Race & Religion
Blenda Smith
133 Helen St. Binghamton, NY 13905
bsmith@bingh amton.edu
Commissio n on Status and Role of Women Conf Commissio n on Communica tions
Rev. Judith JohnsonSiebold
824 6th Ave. Troy, NY 12182
Johnsieb60@g mail.com
Named by the Director of Communicati ons Steve Hustedt
324 University Ave. 3rd Fl. Syracuse, NY 13210
315-4247878 ext. 307
stevehustedt@ unyumc.org
General Commission on the Status and Role of Women United Methodist Communications
c) Indicate the conference agencies and chairpersons which have responsibilities for the following functions: General Agency Name of Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Email Agency Number Criminal Justice and Peace with Heather 10 Arthur Rd. 518-785beezermcgee@ Mercy Ministries Justice Smith Newtonville, NY 7383 yahoo.com 12110 (¶657)?
Disability Concerns (¶653)?
Accessibilit y Concerns Team
Equitable Compensation (¶625)?
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Melissa McCarthy
65 East Church St. Adams, NY 13605
mmkmccarthy @gmail.com
Rev. Lauren Swanson
1795 Baird Rd. Penfield, NY 14526
pastorlauren@ penfieldumc.or g
Laity (¶631)?
Board of Laity
Susan Hardy
8840 Harmon Hill Rd. Fredonia, NY 14063
Hgsusan2014 @gmail.com
Native American Ministry (¶654)?
Kae Wilbert
342 S. Main St. Albion, NY
Kw911@roche ster.rr.com
Small Membership Church (¶645)?
Part of Conf Leadership Team
See above
Phone Number 518-8851275
msjwelshman @yahoo.com
Katiea445809 @gmail.com
ashleyriddell@ unyumc.org
d) Indicate the president or equivalent for the following organizations. Organization Name of Chairperson Mailing Address Agency Conference United Same Ilah Sisson 161 Saratoga Ave. Methodist Women Walser Ballston Spa 12020 (¶647) Conference United Methodist Men (¶648)
Mark Jones
475 Shortlots Rd. Frankfort, NY 13340
Conference Council on Youth Ministry (¶649)
Elyse Muder
Conference Council on Young Adult Ministry (¶650)?
Young Adult Ministries (YAM)
10 Terrace Hill Dr. New Hartford, NY 13413 63 Center St. Bemus Point, NY 14712 324 University Ave 3rd Floor Syracuse, NY 13210
Katie Allen Ashley Riddell
isissionwal@a ol.com
Have persons been elected for the following district boards and committees? Answer yes or no. (1) District Boards of Church Location & Building (¶2518.2)? (2) Committees on District Superintendency (¶669)? (3) District Committees on Ordained Ministry (¶666)?
Yes Yes Yes
What other councils, boards, commissions, or committees have been appointed or elected in the annual conference? Structure Chairperson Mailing Address Phone Number Email Nominations & Jenna Amberge 381 William Law jenna@skylake Leadership Rd. Windsor, NY center.org Development ¶610 13865 Safe Sanctuaries Carol Barnes PO Box 199 607-687-4793 carolb@htva.net Committee Tioga Center, NY 13845 Conference Camps Stuart Williams & 56 Mann Rd. 518-885-2785 Sdwilliams56@ & Retreats Ballston Spa, NY Aol.com Ministry (CCRM) 12020 PO Box 156 Carmen Vianese 585-519-6980 Vianese4@frontier Nunda, NY 14517 net.net Sessions ¶603 Renee Engels 539 Main St. 716-683-2014 Pastor_renee@ 59
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Volunteers in Mission (VIM) ¶633,6,b Second Half of Live Ministries (formerly Older Adult Ministries) ¶651 Hispanic Ministries Task Force ¶655 New Faith Communities Team
Roger & Donna Cullen
West Seneca, NY 14224 9 Fox Hollow Ln, Ionia, NY 14475
Yahoo.com 585-398-1282
Rcullen1@ Rochester.rr.com
Rebecca Naber
345 Main St. East Aurora, NY 14052
Rev.rnaber@ Bakerchurch.org
Rev. Alberto Lanzot Rev. Mariana Rodriguez Rev. David Masland
PO Box 816 Buffalo, NY 14201
324 University Ave., 3rd FL, Syracuse 13210
davidmasland@ unyumc.org
5. Have the secretaries, treasurers, and statisticians kept and reported their respective data in accordance to the Yes prescribed formats? (¶606.8)? 6. What is the report of the statistician?
(See report, page 357 of Journal.)
7. What is the report of the treasurer?
(See report, page 357 of Journal.)
8. What are the reports of the district superintendents as to the status of the work within their districts? (See report, page 184 of Journal.) 9. What is the schedule of minimum base compensation for clergy for the ensuing year (¶¶342, 625.3)? 10. What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the district superintendents for the ensuing year (¶614.1a)? The annual conference has apportioned a total of $2,338,399 to District Superintendent compensation, district operations, housing/parsonage costs and cabinet functions in 2015. This represents 22.61% of the Conference operating budget. 11. a) What amount has been apportioned to the pastoral charges within the conference to be raised for the support of the pension and benefit programs of the conference for the ensuing year (¶¶614.1d, 1507)? b) What are the apportionments to this conference for the ensuing year? The Annual Conference does not include pastoral pension and benefit program costs in the apportioned amounts to the local churches (i.e. $0 apportioned). All such benefit costs are directly billed to the local churches at actual cost. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
For the World Service Fund? For the Ministerial Education Fund? For the Black College Fund? For the Africa University Fund? For the Episcopal Fund? For the General Administration Fund? For the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund?
$1,131,896 $291,444 $155,013 $34,686 $339,480 $136,626 $30,405
12. What are the findings of the annual audit of the conference treasuries? (See report, page 480 of Journal) 13. Conference and district lay leaders (¶¶603.9, 660): a) Conference lay leader: Name: Mailing Address: 8840 Harmon Hill Road, Fredonia, NY 14063 b) Associate conference lay leaders:
Susan Hardy Drew Griffin
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
District and associate district lay leaders: Adirondack: Roger Ellis; Albany: Ellen Mall-John; Binghamton: Drew Griffin; Cornerstone: To Be Determined; Crossroads: Darlene Dennis; Finger Lakes: Shafeegn Habeeb; Genesee Valley: Terry Norsen and Pat VanVleck; Mohawk: Mark Adsit; Mountainview: Robert Briggs & Elva Cornell; Niagara Frontier: Jessica White; Northern Flow: Brenda Shelmidine; Oneonta: Anna Buell
14. List local churches which have been: a) Organized or continued as New Church Starts or Mission Congregations (Âś259,1-4, continue to list congregations here until listed in questions 14.c, d, or e) Lead Planter Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number Date Founded Penny Lacy Hotel NFC Adirondack 34 George Ave., 518-8992263 July 2014 Round Lake, 12151 Shirley Wesley Adirondack 4082 Buck Creek 518-490-2006 May 2016 Andrews Community Trail, Ballston Spa, 12020 Dee Lark St Together Albany 235 Lark St., Albany 802-338-6111 July 2103 Lowmann 12210 John Martin Cornerstone Binghamton Vestal, NY 607-725-5696 July 2016 Sean Karenni NFC Binghamton 27 Dayton St, 607-221-5735 May 2013 Chanthasone Johnson City 13790 Patty Cardin Urban Binghamton Johnson City, NY 607-221-2110 Nov. 2015 Edge/Peace of Heart NFC Theresa On The Road Binghamton Endicott, NY 13760 607-237-6868 Oct. 2013 Melnyk Alicia Wood CafĂŠ Shalom Crossroads 1085 East Genesee July 2015 St., Syracuse 13210 Olga Casa de Dios Crossroads 204 Center St., 787-248-6777 March 2014 Gonzalez Syracuse 13209 Robin Blair Common Good Crossroads 1 Slocombe Ave, 315-673-3239 September Radio Marcellus 13108 2014 Sean Karenni Good Crossroads 201 East Malloy, 607-221-5735 May 2013 Chanthasone News & New Mattydale 13211 Hope Stephen New World Crossroads 201 East Malloy, 315-883-9299 Sept. 2010 Simban Ministries Mattydale 13211 Erin Patrick The Road Crossroads 4845 West Senaca 315-218-6066 July 2012 Turnpike, Syracuse 13215 Roselyn Urban Native Crossroads 105 Kellogg St, 315-572-0413 April 2016 Kingsberry Fellowship Syracuse 13204 Kari Huber Encounter Finger Lakes 158 Casowasco Dr. 315-364-8756 June 2014 Moravia 13118 Devin Lyles The Pillar Genesee Valley 46 Mt. Hope Ave., 585-568-7874 July 2014 Rochester, 14620 Nancy Raca Sophia Genesee Valley 1124 Culver Rd., 585-754-1078 Nov. 2014 Community Rochester, 14609 Jose New Harvest Mohawk 932 Rutger St., Utica, 315-567-5990 Jan. 2016 Rodriguez NY 13501
Gregg and Heather Stierheim Luis Rivera
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Buffalo NFC
Niagara Frontier
Hispanic NFC Miso NFC
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
Medical Corridor, Buffalo South Park 179 Ontario St., Buffalo, 14207
July 2016
June 2015 Nov. 2012
b) Satellite congregations (¶247.22, continue to list here until listed in questions 14.a, c, d, or e) Lead Planter Church Name Parent Church District Mailing Address Date Launched Drew Sperry Conversations Saratoga Springs Adirondack 175 5th St, Saratoga March 2016 Springs 12866 Pastor of The Way Schuylerville Adirondack 51 Church St., July 2014 Schuylerville Schuylerville 12871 Debbie Thursday Nights Salem Adirondack 29 West Broadway, May 2014 Earthrowl Salem 12865 Judy Bread of Life Broadalbin Albany PO Box 85, July 2015 HumphreyBroadalbin, 12025 Fox Karyl Hopp Café Church Pawling Ave, Albany 520 Pawling Ave., May 2016 Troy Troy 12180 John International Emmaus, Albany Albany 715 Morris St., Sept. 2013 Bizimana Reconciliation Albany 12208 Natalie Covenant Manor Jamestown Cornerstone 663 Lakeview Ave, Oct. 2014 Hansen Jamestown 14701 Thomas FlipSide Bemus Point Cornerstone PO Box 99, July 2013 Holland Bemus Point 14712 Olga Bear Cicero Crossroads 8416 Brewerton Rd, Oct. 2013 Gonzalez Rd/Windsor Cicero 13039 Place BJ Norrix Brown Syracuse: Brown Crossroads 228 Davis St., August 2015 Memorial Syracuse 13204 Restart Alicia Wood Destiny USA Syracuse City Crossroads 1085 E Genesee St., July 2015 NFC Team Syracuse 13210 Yohang Korean Student Oswego: 1st Crossroads 7111 St. Rt. 104, Sept.2013 Chun Oswego 13126 Jee Hae Korean Student Syracuse Crossroads 920 Euclid Ave., Sept. 2013 Song Syracuse 13210 Jee Hae Hope UMC Syracuse Crossroads 920 Euclid Ave., May 2016 Song Restart Syracuse 13210 Team from Ladles of Love Lycoming Crossroads PO Box 51, Feb. 2015 Lycoming Lycoming 13093 Brandin The Edge Mexico Crossroads 5306 Church St., Sept. 2014 Grecco Mexico 13114 Sandi Perl
The Living Well
Penn Yan
Finger Lakes
Anne O’Connor Anne O’Connor
Congalese NFC
Genesee Valley
Edna Wilson Ctr
Aldersgate: Rochester
Genesee Valley
121 Elm Street, Penn Yan 14527 4115 Dewey Ave., Rochester, 14616 4115 Dewey Ave., Rochester, 14616
Sept. 2013 Oct. 2015 March 2015
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Terri White
Hands Up NFC
Genesee Valley
Hector Rivera
Hispanic NFC
Genesee Valley
Dongki Kim
Japanese NFC
Genesee Valley
Nancy Raca
Pint With Pastor
Chris Jewel
Prayer Groups NFC
Rochester: Korean Covenant, Rochester Fairport
Bill Vallet
Fresh Start
Pennsylvania Ave, Pine City
Mountain View
Bill Vallet
Life Tree Café
Pennsylvania Ave
Mountain View
Bill Vallet
Fresh Start, Watkins
Pennsylvania Ave
Mountain View
Sandy Kramer
Batavia UMC
Niagara Frontier
Tom Kraft
Covenant Manor
Pendleton Center
Niagara Frontier
Tom Kraft
Niagara Falls 1st Restart
Pendleton Center
Niagara Frontier
Robert McCarthy
Common Grounds
Black River
Northern Flow
Team from Heuvelton
God’s SPA
Northern Flow
Tim Decker
Breakfast in the Basement The Gathering
1st Oneonta
EsperanceSloansville Mt. Vision
Teresa Sivers Matt Rowe Dan Chapman
Mobile Church NFC
Genesee Valley Genesee Valley
7999 South Main St Springwater, 14560 4115 Dewey Ave., Rochester, 14616 PO Box 1001, Pennfield 14526 1124 Culver Rd., Rochester 14609 31 W. Church St., Fairport 14450 1238 Pennsylvania Ave., Pine City 1238 Pennsylvania Ave., Pine City 1238 Pennsylvania Ave., Pine City 8221 Lewiston Rd., Batavia, 14020 6864 Campbell Blvd, North Tonawanda, 14120 8202 Buffalo Ave., Niagara Falls 14304 144 South Main St., Black River 13612 31 Lisbon St., Heuvelton, 13654 73 Main St., Unadilla 13849 66 Chestnut St., Oneonta 13820 175 Main St., Esperance 12066 2343 NY 205, Mt. Vision 13810
c) Chartered (¶259.5-10, continue to list here until listed in questions 14.d or e) Church Name District Mailing Address Phone Number CenterPoint Mohawk 10653 N. Gage Rd, 315-725-3127 Barneveld, 13304
d) Merged (¶¶2546, 2547) (1) United Methodist with United Methodist Name of First Church Name of Second Church Andrews Memorial UMC Clay Trinity UMC Rochester: Grace UMC Rochester: West Avenue (2) Other mergers (indicate denomination) 63
Name of Merged Church Faith Journey UMC New Horizons UMC
September 2014 July 2013 January 2015 March 2015 January 2014 September 2012 October 2014 June 2016 October 2013 September 2014
July 2014 December 2013 May 2013 September 2015 September 2012 January 2016 September 2013
Date Chartered June 2016
Date Merged 11/5/2015 4/11/2016
Name of First Church
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Name of Second Church
Name of Merged Church
Date Merged
e) Discontinued or abandoned (¶¶229, 341.2, 2549) (State which for each church listed.) (1) New Church Start (¶259.2,3) Church Name District Location Date Closed
(2) Mission Congregation (¶259.1a) Church Name District
Date Closed
(3) Satellite Congregation Church Name District
Date Closed
(4) Chartered Local Church (¶259.5) Church Name District
Date Closed
Andover UMC
Andover, NY
Dorloo, NY
Hyndsville, NY
Mineral Springs, NY
Talcottville, NY
Watkins Glen, NY
North Mexico, NY
Dorloo UMC Hyndsville UMC Mineral Springs UMC Talcottville UMC Watkins Glen UMC North Mexico UMC
Discontinued & Abandoned Mountain View Discontinued & Abandoned Oneonta Discontinued & Abandoned Oneonta Discontinued & Abandoned Oneonta Discontinued & Abandoned Mohawk Discontinued & Abandoned Mountain View Abandoned – Crossroads
f) Relocated and to what address Church Name District
Mailing Address
Physical Location
Date Relocated
g) Changed name of church? (Example: "First" to "Trinity") Former Name New Name Address
Danby Federated Church
Finger Lakes
Danby Community Church, Inc.
1859 Danby Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850
h) Transferred this year into this conference from other United Methodist conference(s) and with what membership (¶¶41, 260)? Name Membership Sending Conference
i) What cooperative parishes in structured forms have been established? (¶206.b) 64
Parish Name
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Charge Name
Church Name
j) What other changes have taken place in the list of churches? 15. Are there Ecumenical Shared Ministries in the conference? (Âś207, 208) a) Federated church Name District Peru Community Federated Church ADK Westport Federated ADK Fort Ann United Protestant Church ADK Schroon Lake Community Federated Church ADK United Church of Granville ADK Cornerstone Community Church of Lansingburgh Albany Stephentown Federated Church Albany Spencer Federated Binghamton Maine Federated Binghamton Busti Federated Church Cornerstone Hinsdale/Ischua Federated Cornerstone Amboy Belle Isle United Church Crossroads Collamer United Crossroads First United Church of East Syracuse Crossroads Jamesville Federated Crossroads Tully United Crossroads Caroline Valley Federated Finger Lakes Danby Community Church, Inc. Finger Lakes Fleming Federated Finger Lakes Ovid Federated Finger Lakes Phelps United Finger Lakes Conesus United Genesee Valley Groveland Federated Parish Genesee Valley Livonia United Genesee Valley Naples Federated Genesee Valley Pittsford United Genesee Valley Genesee Area Campus Ministries Genesee Valley Greater Rochester Community of Churches Genesee Valley (GRCC) Jordanville Mohawk New Woodstock Mohawk Richfield Springs United Mohawk West Winfield Mohawk Jasper United Mountain View United Church of Painted Post Mountain View Copenhagen United Northern Flow Louisville Northern Flow Madrid United Northern Flow b) Union Church Name
Other Denomination(s) United Church of Christ American Baptist United Church of Christ Presbyterian Presbyterian/UMC Presbyterian/UMC American Baptist American Baptist American Baptist
United Church of Christ American Baptist United Church of Christ United Church of Christ American Baptist Presbyterian
American Baptist
American Baptist American Baptist United Church of Christ UMC/Presbyterian UCC
Other Denomination(s)
Merged Church Name
d) Yoked Parish Name
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Other Denomination(s)
Other Denomination(s)
16. What changes have been made in district and charge lines? None.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
PLEASE NOTE: The tables provided in all questions (except Q.57) are suggested formats for reporting for the 2013-2016 Quadrennium. Reporting in these formats is recommended, but not required.
THE BUSINESS OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2016 PART II PERTAINING TO ORDAINED AND LICENSED CLERGY (Note: A (v) notation following a question in this section signifies that the action or election requires a majority vote of the clergy session of the annual conference. If an action requires more than a simple majority, the notation (v 2/3) or (v 3/4) signifies that a two-thirds or three-fourths majority vote is required. Indicate credential of persons in Part II: FD, FE, PD, PE, and AM when requested.) 17. Are all the clergy members of the conference blameless in their life and official administration (¶¶604.4, 605.6)? In almost every case, our clergy members are blameless in life and character. The performance of every ordained minister and local pastor has been reviewed by the Bishop and the Cabinet. Where there is concern or basis for a grievance, it is being pursued with the knowledge of the member involved. 18. Who constitutes: a) The Administrative Review Committee (¶636)? (v) Elders: Larry Baird, Holly Nye, Janice Palm Alternates: Darryl Barrow, Patti Molik b) The Conference Relations Committee of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶635.1d)? Elders: Leon VanWie, Susan Russell, Carmen Perry Alternates: Matt Stengel, Alice Priset c) The Committee on Investigation (2008 BOD ¶2703) Elders: Rev. Sung Ho Lee, Rev. Kristen Allen, Rev. Nancy Stanley, Rev. David Piatt Confessing Members: Dr. Scott Johnson, Glenda Schuessler, Paul Rice Alternate Elders: Rev. BJ Norrix, Rev. Tom Kraft, Rev. Debbie Earthrowl Alternate Confessing Members: Elizabeth Mosher, Paul Dowen, Robert Williams 19. Who are the certified candidates (¶ ¶ 310, 313, 314) a) Who are currently certified as candidates for ordained or licensed ministry? Name District Date Name Certified Dibelius, Nancy Routh, David Winnie, Amy Fuller, Daniel Stow, Jacki Tessey, Westley Warren, Grace Song, Jee Hae O’Connor (Frega), Laurel Cheney, Dawn Brown, Stephanie
Adirondack Adirondack Albany Binghamton Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Crossroads Crossroads Finger Lakes Finger Lakes
12/14/2015 09/24/2015 11/19/2014 2009 09/23/2015 07/09/2015 11/14/2012 06/23/2016 11/28/2012 04/09/2015 07/10/2015
Ludwig, Della L.
Finger Lakes
Merriman, Katherine (Kate) Sutterby, Penny
Finger Lakes
Finger Lakes
04/09/2015 67
Date Certified
Dunn, Joan Guthrie, Rebecca Hubman, Patricia Johnson, Patricia Jones, Cory McCarthy, Melissa VanHatten, Thomas Campbell, Sandra Rodriguez, Jose Brown, James Coatsworth, Deborah Claudio-Cotto, Giovanna
Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mountain View NFC Niagara Frontier
2009 04/13/2015 03/17/2015 09/17/2015 03/15/2016 11/12/2015 03/15/2016 10/06/2015 04/01/2016 01/19/2016 02/19/2015
Niagara Frontier
Glaser, Jessica
Niagara Frontier
Niagara Frontier
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Higgins, Reg Kim, Eunice Mullin, Michael Ollett, Melanie Palmer, Ron Poling, Ray Rosa, Ruth Stuart, Rachel Urriola, Ian
Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley
03/27/2014 02/03/2016 06/04/2015 11/18/2015 01/20/2016 04/27/2016 10/24/2011 04/27/2016 04/27/2016
Johnson, Scott Kasperek, Marilyn Kramer, Sandra Pasieka, Peter Choi, Sung Ah Fitchette, Donna Jordan, Rachael Piatt, Jennifer Cole, Anna Blinn Honrath, Edward
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Oneonta Oneonta
01/19/2016 04/23/2015 11/14/2011 02/09/2015 05/19/2015 05/19/2015 06/15/2016 05/19/2015 02/23/2013 03/31/2016
b) Who have had their candidacy for ordained or licensed ministry accepted by a District Committee on Ordained Ministry in another annual conference? (Include name of accepting conference.) Name Receiving Conference Date Originally Certified Date Accepted by District in Other Conference Limmo, Aaron Iowa 10/01/2013 08/01/2015 c) Who have been discontinued as certified candidates for licensed or ordained ministry? Name District Date Date Discontinued Certified Bond, William Northern Flow 2004 1/10/2016 Fish, Bruce Cornerstone 2004 1/01/2016 White, Terry Genesee Valley 2013 9/29/2015 Baxter, Christine Smith Albany 2/8/2013 04/20/2016 Riddell, Russell Finger Lakes 2005 11/05/2015 Carns, Barbara Crossroads 2013 1/10/2015 Schmidt, Sharon Crossroads 4/5/2014 3/17/2016 VanNorstrand, Arlene Crossroads 2012 1/10/2014 Melnyk, Theresa Binghamton 2014 1/15/2016 Snedaker, Annette Binghamton 2012 12/09/2015 20. Who have completed the studies for the license as a local pastor, are approved, but are not now appointed? (¶315 —Indicate for each person the year the license was approved.): Name District Year Last Name District Year Last Licensed Licensed Davis, Gayle Adirondack 1999 Acker, Sue Crossroads 2014 Greenough, John Albany 2015 Porch, Karin Finger Lakes 1999 Maker, Kathleen Albany 1997 Prince, Katy Finger Lakes 2016 Scott, Kenneth Albany 2003 Choi, Ja Sook Genesee Valley NA VanAllen, Cynthia Albany 2007 Jones, Susan Mohawk 2014 Aylesworth, Allyson Binghamton 2013 WoodworthWright, Mohawk 2014 Diane Focht, Marcia Binghamton 2015 Snyder, Kim Mountain View 2013 Adams, Renee Cornerstone 2005 Bennett, Daryl J. Niagara Frontier 2015 21. Who are approved and appointed as: (Indicate for each person the first year the license was awarded. Indicate what progress each has made in the course of study or the name of the seminary in which they are enrolled. Indicate with an asterisk those who have completed the five year course of study or the M.Div. (¶319.4)? PLEASE NOTE: Persons on this list must receive an episcopal appointment. (v) Local pastors who have completed course of study or an M. Div. degree and have served a minimum of two consecutive years under appointment immediately preceding the election may vote for General and Jurisdictional Delegates. 68
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Full-time local pastors? (¶318.1)
Years Completed with Course of Study
Albany Albany Albany Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton Binghamton Bing/Crossroads
Year License Awarded 1997 2003 2015 2011 2001 2010 2014 2011
Auslander, Joseph* (FL) Berdan, Diane * (FL) Dupont, Patrick J.* (FL) Carner, Kelly (FL) Collins, James, Jr.* (FL) McKinney, David B.* (FL) O’Connor, Benjamin* (FL) Chanthasone, Sonexay “Sean”(FL) Brewer, Barbara* (FL) Delahoy, Jennifer* (FL) Gilman, Raymond C.(FL) Hedlund, Victoria* (FL) Lange, Nathanael (FL) Pascoe, Joseph (FL) Pasieka, Peter J. (FL) Puleff, Annette (FL) Russell, Nancy L.* (FL) Spell, Michael (FL)* Hood, Justin* (FL) Keating, John (FL) Mosher, Clair (FL) Song, Jee Hae (FL) Wood, Alicia* (FL)* Benton, Katharine* (FL) Perl, Sandi* (FL) Robinson, Martha G.* (FL) Carr, Daniel* (FL) Hotchkiss, David W.* (FL) Jewell, Christian (FL) Chesebro, Bradley* (FL) Ford, Jack A* (FL) Makarchuk, Cindy* (FL) Pauley, Laurie P. (FL) Rowley, Paul* (FL) Gonzalez, Olga (FL) Rodriguez, Jose (FL) Barnes, James*(FL) Brown, Cheryl* (FL) Costner, Kevin* (FL)
Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mountain View NFC/Crossroads NFC Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
2012 2002 2012 2011 2010 2010 2016 2014 1998 2005 2015 2006 2011 2016 2015 1999 2008 2009 2010 1978 2015 2002 2004 2002 1999 1990 2015 2016 1995 2010 2010
UTS, MDiv 2014 Completed COS, 2010 Started NE/United 27 credits completed Pacific School of Religion M.Div. 2010 United Northeastern, 2nd year Asbury, 42 credits st 1 year Northeastern/United program st Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed COS Asbury, M.Div. BU, MDiv., 2016 th Completed 17 of 20 COS, in 4 year rd Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 3 year
Kasperek, Marilyn* (FL) Kofahl, Matthew* (FL) Snyder, Jeffrey* (FL) Kubiak, Davis A.* (FL) Malone, Beth* (FL) Paige, Sheila (FL) Zettle, Katie* (FL) Fitchette, Donna (FL) Jordan, Rachael (FL) LaLone, Earl (FL)
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow
2016 2005 2004 2005 2004 2007 2009 2016 2016 2013 69
Completed COS 2004 Drew, M.Div. 2003 Wesley School of Theology, M.Div, 2015 UTS Northeastern,1st year Completed COS Asbury, M.Div. 2014 Drew, M.Div. 2015 Completed Bachelor’s Degree
BU, MDiv., 2015 Asbury, MDiv 1999 CRCDS, MDiv 2012 Completed COS 2014 Northeastern, M.Div. Completed COS 1994 MA, CRCDS Completed COS 2013 Completed Wesley COS 2012 Completed COS 2010 CRCDS, 2nd year Asbury, M.Div., 1989 Enrolled in CRCDS in 2016 Seminario Metodista en Cuba 2009 Completed COS 2005 United Northeastern, M. Div 2014 United, completed 69 hours, credits meet COS requirements United, M.Div. 2014 CRCDS, M.Div. 2013 Completed COS 2012 United Buffalo, M.Div CRCDS, M.Div., 2011 Completed 6 of 20 COS, in 7th year Completed COS in 2016 st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 1st year
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
McCarthy, Melissa* (FL) Terrell, Michael* (FL) Cole, Anna Blinn* (FL) Martin, Daniel* (FL) Parry, Rebecca* (FL)
Northern Flow Northern Flow Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta
2013 2002 2016 1997 2012
CRCDS, MDiv. 2016 Completed COS 2007 Candler School of Theology, MDiv., 2016 Completed COS United, M.Div., 2004
b) Part-time local pastors? (¶318.2) (fraction of full-time in one-quarter increments) st Progress: Years Completed with Name % District 1 Yr Course of Study licensed Andrews, Stephen J. (PL) .75 Adirondack PT on-line Asbury 68 hours 2010 completed Bradley, Casey* (PL) .50 Adirondack 2014 Boston University, MDiv. 2013 Burgess, Daniel (PL) .75 Adirondack 2006 Completed 9 of 20 COS, 7th year nd Capodagli, Lee (PL) .25 Adirondack 2014 Completed 0 of 20 COS, 2 year Cole, Lynette (PL) .50 Adirondack 2015 Wesley Theo. Sem., MDiv. 2015 DeFelice, Robert* (PL) .50 Adirondack 2003 Andover Newton, M.Div. 2010 Dickinson, Nina (PL) .25 Adirondack Completed 4 of 20 COS in 4th year, 2013 enrolled at UTS Loan, Steve* (RL) .75 Adirondack 1989 Completed COS, 2009 Mann, Keith (RL) .25 Adirondack 1999 Meyerhoff, Douglas (PL) .25 Adirondack 2012 Completed 6 of 20 COS, in 4th year st Routh, David (PL) ↓.25 Adirondack 2016 Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year st Stevens, Arnold (PL) ,50 Adirondack 2015 Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 1 year Waldron, Deborah* (RL) .25 Adirondack 1992 Completed COS, 2003 Batcher, Marvin (PL) .50 Albany 2003 Completed COS, 2015 Currier, Margaret* (PL) .50 Albany 2010 Drew, MDiv. 2014 Gisotti, Denise L. (PL) .50 Albany 2014 Completed 6 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Griffith, Alan* (PL) .50 Albany 1994 Asbury, M.Div. 1987 Heise, David R.* (RL) ↓.25 Albany 1989 Bangor M.Div, 1991 Hopp, Karyl (PL) .75 Albany 2006 Completed 5 of 20 COS in 3rd year Johnson, Albert W.* (PL) .50 Albany 1998 Completed COS, 2010 Kerwath, Eric (PL) .75 Albany 2009 Completed 11 of 20 in 6th year Leonard, Cynthia (PL) .25 Albany 2002 Completed 0 of 20 COS Lowenthal, Joy* (PL) .50 Albany 1992 Completed COS in 2002 Reese, Kathy (PL)* .75 Albany 2008 Completed COS, 2013 th Tompkins, Brenda (PL) .50 Albany 2004 Completed 16 of 20 in 11 year Van Patten, Kristi* (PL) .50 Albany 2001 United, M.Div. Walter, Jonathan (PL) .50 Albany 2010 Drew, credits st Winnie, Amy (PL) ↓.25 Albany 2016 Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year Andrews, Viki S. (RL) .25 Binghamton 2007 Completed 12 of 20 COS, in 6th year Austin, Jon L.(PL) .50 Binghamton 2003 Completed 17 of 20 COS, in 9th year Bill, Alan (PL) .25 Binghamton 2004 Completed 17 of 20 COS, in 9th year Crawson-Brizzolara, (Shields) .50 Binghamton Moravian, M.Div. 2006 Susan* (PL) nd Freeland, Gary (PL) .50 Binghamton 2010 Completed 10 of 20 COS, in 2 year Harris, Sharon C. (PL) .50 Binghamton 2008 Completed 11 of 20 COS, in 6th year th Hester, Thomas (PL) .50 Binghamton 2016 Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 8 year nd Piatt, Jennifer (PL) .50 Binghamton 2015 Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 2 year Prentice, William* (PL) .50 Binghamton 2003 Completed COS, 2016 rd Reed, Paul (PL) ↓.25 Binghamton 2012 Completed 4 of 20 COS, in 3 year Schulte, Cindy (PL) ↓.25 Binghamton 2013 Completed 1 year of Seminary Allport-Cohoon,Heather* (PL) .75 Cornerstone 2006 Regent, M.Div. 1985 Bowen, John R. (PL) .25 Cornerstone 2003 Completed COS, 2016 Buelow, Craig (PL) .75 Cornerstone 2012 Completed 10 of 20 COS, in 4th year 70
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Cole, Judith (PL) Dill, Carol (PL) Green, John (PL) Hankey, James (RL) Jackson, John (PL) Lothridge, Brian (PL) Peters, Richard L. (PL) Preston, Nancy (PL) Quesenberry, Dawn (PL) Rhodes, Christopher (PL)
.50 .50 .25 .50 .25 .50 ↓.25 ↓.25 .75 ↓.25
Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone
2013 2014 2013 2006 2012 2014 2012 2014 2012
Russell, Lawrence* (PL) Tessey, Westley (PL) VanDewark, Warren* (PL) Vercant, Michael (PL) Wilder, Clara (PL) Young, Richard (PL) Barling, Richard* (PL) Bennett, Edward (RL) Chawgo-Nipper, Tammie* (PL) Flemming, Dean* (RL) (HL) Forbes, Charles (PL) Hart, Penelope (RL) Johnson, Mary (PL) Moore, Samuel (PL) Skiles, Elyse* (PL) Townsend, Susan (PL) Wickert, Marcia* (RL) Aukema, John (PL) Bowerman, Natalie* (PL) Cheney, Dawn Lenora (PL) Conners, Gail* (PL) DeWalt, Stephen* (PL) English, Glynn (PL) Enstine, Everett (PL) Foos, Julie E. (PL) Grish, Kevin* (PL) Heit, Karen (PL) Johnson, Brett* (PL) Judd, Geri (PL) Kelly, Michael (PL) Kim, Eunice S. (PL) Leet, Joyru* (PL) Merriman, Katherine (PL) Selover, Judy (PL) White, Valerie (PL) Wood, Marilyn* (RL) Wunder, Thomas (PL) Boring, Susan (PL) Finch, Matthew (PL) Glantz, Linda (PL) Haight, Linda (PL) Kober, Jeri *(PL)
.50 .25 .75 .25 .75 .25 .75 .25 .50
Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Cornerstone Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads
1992 2015 2010 2012 2007 2011 2001 2009
.25 .75 .50 .25 .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .75 .25 .50 .75 .75 .50 .75 .25 .25 .25 .50 .50 .75 .50 .25 ↓.25 .75 .50 .50
Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley
2010 2009 2007 2012 2010 2006 2007 1996 2010 2012 2015 2006 2000 2009 2011 2012 2008 2010 2014 2015 2011 2016 1987 2016 2010 2008 2000 2006 2001 2012 2014 2007 2004
Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 2nd year Completed 6 of 20, in 4th year Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 8th year Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 4th year Completed 2 years at UTS, 49 credits Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 4th year Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 2nd year Completed 6 of 20 COS, in 4th year Asbury 9 credits, reinstated 2013 in 6th year Completed COS nd Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 2 year Completed COS, in 2015 Completed 4 of 20 COS, in 4th year Completed 12 of 20 COS, in 9th year Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 5th year Completed COS 2009 Completed 6 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Completed COS, 2016 CRCDS, M.Div., 1973 Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Completed 13 of 20 COS Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 2nd year Completed 2 of 20 COS, 3rd year Completed COS, 2016 Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 5th year Drew, M.Div. 2004 th Completed 9 of 20 COS, in 6 year CRCDS, M.Div. 2012 Completed COS CRSDS, M.Div. 2001 th Completed 9 of 20 COS, in 7 year th Completed 10 of 20 COS, in 5 year Completed 2 of 20 COS nd Completed COS, in 2 year Completed 16 of 20 COS, in 5th year CRCDS, MDiv. 2015 Completed 2/3 of seminary th Completed 3 of 20 COS in 5 year rd Beginning 3 year CRCDS CRCDS, M.Div. 1991 st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year th Completed 16 of 20 COS, in 6 year CRCDS, in 3rd year Completed COS 2009 Completed 16 of 20 COS, in 9th year CRCDS, in 3rd year Empire State Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 2nd year UTS Northeastern, 2nd year Completed COS, August 2014
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Laskowski, John* (PL) Merritt, Dawn* (PL) Morin, Margaret* (PL) Mullin, Michael (PL) Ollett, Melanie (PL) Palmer, Ron (PL) Poling, Ray (PL) Rivera, Hector (PL)
.75 .25 .75 .50 .25 .50 .25 .25
Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley
2012 2004 2007 2015 2015 2016 2016
Ruth, Jacque (PL) Turner, Lauren* (PL) Washburn, David (PL) Woodworth, Karen* (PL) Clemens, Wayne (PL)
.50 .75 ↓.25 .25 .75
Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Mohawk
2013 1987 2013 2001
Dunn, Joan* (PL) Faulks, Joelle (PL) Getz, Carl (PL) Haier, Joanne (PL) Hubman, Patricia (PL) Johnson, Patricia* (PL) Jones, Cory (PL) Jubenville, Carol* (PL) Lindsay, Robert* (RL) Loan, Frank* (PL) Lockwood, Lynn (PL) Maddox, Stephen* (PL) Madore, Marsha J.* (PL) Reams, John (RL) Richter, Daniel* (RL) Spraker, Gary* (PL) Tollerton, Michael (PL)
.25 .50 .50 .25 .75 .50 .50 .25 .25 .25 .50 .75 .75 ↓.25 .75 .50 .25
Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk Mohawk
2009 2013 2013 2006 2015 2012 2016 2002 1975 1992 2011 2002 2001 2015 2013 2005
VanHatten, Thomas (PL) Wollaber, Debra* (PL) Austin, Kevin J. (PL) Butts, Barre (PL) Campbell, Sandra* (RL) Dye, Kathy (PL) Dyer, Frederick (PL) Flandreau, Mark (PL) Fox, Cathy (PL) Fuller, Leonard (PL) Gridley, Morris (PL) Hurd, Richard* (PL) Possee, Bernard* (PL) Seeley, Veronica (PL) Welch, Beverly (PL) White, Gregory (PL) Rivera, Luis (PL)
.25 .75 .50 .75 .25 .50 .75 .50 .50 .50 .25 .75 .75 .50 .75 .50 .25
2016 1992 2014 2014 2015 2013 2009 2009 2014 2013 2010 1995 2006 2010 2012 2009
Aaron, Iola (PL) Bender, Merrill (PL) Benson, Bruce (PL)
↓.25 .50 .50
Mohawk Mohawk Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View Mountain View New Faith Comm. Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
2015 2008 2012 2013
Completed COS in 2011 Completed COS in 2015 Completed COS in 2015 nd CRCDS, in 2 year Wesley Theo. Sem, MDiv,, 2015 st Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 1 year st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed 19 of 20 COS, Attending UTS rd Completed 4 of 20 COS, in 3 year Completed COS,1997 Completed 3 of 20 COS, 3rd year Completed COS, 2010 Completed 19 of 20 COS, in 7th year (ALPS) United, MDiv. 2015 Completed 5 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 3rd year th Completed 13 of 20 COS in 10 year rd United Seminary,, in 3 year Completed M.Div., Drew 2001 Enrolled in Seminary at Drew Completed COS, 2010 Completed COS, 1981 Completed COS, 2001 Completed 12 of 20 COS, in 5th year Completed COS, 2010 Completed COS, 2010 st Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 1 year Asbury, M.Div 1973 Boston, M.Div., 1976 Completed 12 of 20 COS, in 11th year st Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed COS, 1999 st Completed 1 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 2nd year Completed COS, 2009 Completed 3 of 20 COS in 2nd year Completed 8 of 20 COS in 3rd year Completed 18 of 20 COS, in 5th year Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 2nd year nd Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 2 year Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 3rd year Completed COS, 2006 Completed COS, 2010 Completed 14 of 20 COS, in 4th year Completed 8 of 20 COS, 3rd year Completed 19 of 20 COS in 5th year st Completed 2 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed 5 of 20 COS in 5th year Completed 5 of 20 COS, in 3rd year United Theological Seminary 2nd
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Cole, Anne I.* (PL) Cotto, Jose (PL) Coty, Holly (PL) Eastlack, Larry (PL) Edmister, Jean* (PL) Engels, Renee (PL)
.50 .25 .75 .75 .75 .75
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
2010 2015 2012 2010 2003
Franke, Robert* (RL) Holdridge, Frederick (PL) Kempton, Richard* (PL) Klimecko, Chris R.*
↓.25 .25 .25 .25
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
2003 2011 1990
Mahar, Sherry (PL) Rood, David (PL) Scharf, Brian K.* (PL) Stewart, Angela (PL) Taylor, Lisa (PL) Woodring, Evelyn* (PL) Bradley, Daniel* (PL) Buno-Taylor, Lori (PL) Chamberlain (McGinnis), Heidi (PL) Choi, Sung Ah* (PL) Cook, Tracy L.* (PL) (HL) Eastham, Jane (RL) McCarthy, Robert* (PL) Nichols, Thomas (PL) Solar, Rebekah Webb, Frederica* (PL) Bellen, Rose* (PL) Coltrain, Carol* (PL) Craver, Brandilynne* (PL) Hine, Cheryl (PL) Honrath, Ed (PL) Howard, Richard (PL) Howell, Thanna (PL) Lacey-Markle, Jan (PL) Martin, Donna Taylor* (PL) Moore, MaryEllen* (PL) Rankins-Burd, Sharon (PL)
.75 .50 .25 .50 .50 .25 .75 .25 .75
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow
2015 2007 1993 2007 2011 2005 2010 2010
.50 .25 ↓.25 .50 .25 .50 .50 .25 .25 .75 .25 ↓.25 .25 .25 .25 .75 .75 .75
Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta Oneonta
2015 2015 2012 2009 2011 2015 2008 2002 1990 2009 2012 2016 2014 2013 2015 2006 2005
Rauhauser, Jeffrey (PL) Rowe, Matthew (PL) Smith, Jeffrey (PL)
.50 .75 .75
Oneonta/Albany Oneonta Oneonta
2007 2010 2010
year United, M. Div 2014 st Completed 0 of 20 COS, 1 year Completed 8 of 20 COS, 3rd year Completed 17 of 20 COS Completed CS 2012 Completed 16 of 20 COS, in 11th year Completed COS, 2010 Completed 7 of 20 COS, in 5th year CRCDS, M.Div. 1996 UTS, degree in religious studies, completed COS equivalent st Completed 1 year at UTS Completed 16 of 20 COS, in 7th year United Buffalo, M.Div., 2004 Completed 18 of 20 COS st Completed 1 year at UTS United Buffalo, M.Div. 2005 CRCDS, M.Div., 2009 Completed 10 of 20 COS, in 6th year Completed 8 of 20 COS, in 5th year Drew, MDiv., 2008 Princeton, MDiv.1985 Completed 3 of 20 COS, in 4th year United, MDiv. 2014 Completed 4 of 20 COS, in 5th year st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed COS, 2015 Completed COS Completed COS United M.Div. 2013 th Completed 3 of 20 COS 5 year st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year st United, in 1 year Completed 7 of 20 COS, in 3rd year st Completed 0 of 20 COS, in 1 year Completed COS, in 2014 Completed M.Div., Drew 2003 Completed 19 of 20 COS, in 11th year Completed 15 of 20 COS, in 6th year nd United, in 2 year Completed 12 of 20 COS, in 5th year
Students from other annual conferences or denominations serving as local pastors and enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3, ,4)? Name First Year Seminary Home Conference License Awarded
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
d) Students who have been certified as candidates in your annual conference and are serving as local pastors in another annual conference while enrolled in a school of theology listed by the University Senate (¶318.3) Name First Year License Awarded Years Completed in Course of Study e)
Persons serving as local pastors while seeking readmission to conference membership (¶¶366.4, 367, 369.3)? (If not in this conference indicate name of conference where serving.) Name Years Completed in Course of Study
22. Who have been discontinued as local pastors (¶320.1)? Name Date discontinued Bond, William 01/10/2016 Dulkis, Nancy 07/01/2016 Fish, Bruce 01/01/2016 Kramer, Sandra 06/30/2016 Carns, Barbara 01/10/2015 07/01/2016 Fuller, Daniel 1/15/2016 Melnyk, Theresa 12/09/2015 Snedaker, Annette 04/13/2016 Warren, Grace 23. Who have been reinstated as local pastors (¶320.4)? Name Hester, Tom
Years Completed in Course of Study 8
24. What ordained ministers or provisional members from other Annual Conferences or Methodist denominations are approved for appointment in the Annual Conference while retaining their conference or denominational membership (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? (List alphabetically; indicate Annual Conference or denomination where membership is held. Indicate credential.) a) Annual Conferences Name Clergy District Home Conference Status Cornerstone Iowa Conference Beard, Robert OR Genesee Valley Greater New Jersey Helms, Eric OE Oneonta New York Conference Hill, John H. OR Oneonta New York Conference Ibarra, Barbara OR Genesee Valley New Mexico Annual Conference Jones, David OR Northern Flow Florida Conference McPheeters, Chilton OR Genesee Valley New England Conference Shevlin, Linda OR Binghamton New York Conference Vink, Martha E. OE b) Other Methodist Denominations Name Clergy Status Diffenbacher, Brian OE Heitzenrater, Richard OE Howell, Vincent W. OE Mosher, Barbara OR Vollmer, Charles F. OF Wickard, Gary OR
Mountain View Niagara Frontier Mountain View Genesee Valley Mohawk Mountain View
Wesleyan Wesleyan AME Zion Free Methodist Wesleyan Wesleyan
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
25. What clergy in good standing in other Christian denominations have been approved to serve appointments or ecumenical ministries within the bounds of the Annual Conference while retaining their denominational affiliation (¶¶331.8, 346.2)? (v) (Designate with an asterisk those who have been accorded voting rights within the annual conference on all matters except the following: (a) constitutional amendments; (b) election of delegates to the general and jurisdictional or central conferences; (c) all matters of ordination, character, and conference relations of ministers. Indicate credential.) Name Clergy District Denomination Status McKinney, Jerry OF Adirondack United Presbyterian Church USA Richards, George* OF Adirondack Episcopal Weber, Sharon OF Adirondack United Church of Christ Jones, Stark OF Albany Presbyterian USA Phillips, Adrienne* OF Albany American Baptist Church West, Delma* OF Binghamton American Baptist (Local Church is Federated) Damsteegt, Gordon G. ROF Cornerstone Reformed Church in America Higgenbottom, Lamont* OF Cornerstone National Baptist Werley, John ROF Northern Flow United Church of Christ Fralick, Ronald* ROF Oneonta American Baptist Church Barrett, Sylvia* OF Oneonta Church of Christ in Canada Brumbaugh, Kathy* OF Oneonta American Baptist Church 26. Who are affiliate members: (List alphabetically; indicate annual conference or denomination where membership is held.) a) With vote (¶586.4 [v])? Name Member First Year of Affiliation Conference/Denomination b) Without vote (¶¶334.5, 344.4)? (v 2/3) Name Member Conference/Denomination
First Year of Affiliation
NOTE: If your conference has admitted or ordained persons as a courtesy to another conference, list these persons in Question 40 only. If persons have been admitted or ordained by another annual conference as a courtesy to your conference, list these persons in Questions 27-39, whichever are appropriate, giving the date and name of the accommodating conference. 27. Who are elected as associate members? ¶322 (v) (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27): Name 28. Who are elected as provisional members and what seminary are they attending, if in school? (under ¶¶322.4, 324, 325) a) Provisional Deacons under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, c or ¶324.5?(v) Name Ranous, Susan Marie
Seminary Methodist Theological School
Year 2014
b) Provisional Elders under the provisions of ¶¶ 324.4a, b or ¶324.6 (v)); ¶ 322.4 (v 3/4) Name Seminary District Year Brown, Stephanie Jo Drew Finger Lakes 2012 Slough, Kevin Duane CRCDS Genesee Valley 2015 Winkleman, Paul W. UTS Finger Lakes 2014
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
29. Who are continued as provisional members, in what year were they admitted to provisional membership, and what seminary are they attending, if in school (¶326)? a) In preparation for ordination as a deacon or elder? (¶326) Name Clergy Status Date and Seminary District (PD or PE) Anderson, Andy McClaren PE 2015 Crossroads Browka, Abigail C. PE 2015 Mohawk Buyea, Sally Ann PE 2013 Northern Flow Golando, Molly Joy Turner PD 2013 Cornerstone Hadley, Susan PE 2014 Finger Lakes Hansen, Derek Hollis PE 2013 Adirondack Jensen, Eric Lauren PE 2011 Binghamton Kubitz, Gary M. PE 2015 Albany Lacy, Penny L. PE 2015 Adirondack Lyles, Devin Michael PE 2013 Genesee Valley Naber, Rebecca PD 2015 Niagara Frontier Phaneuf, Phillip W. PE 2010 Adirondack Raca, Nancy O’Connor PE 2015 Genesee Valley Sayers, Chad Michael PE 2015 Mountain View Schmied, Alison E. PE 2015 Finger Lakes Ward, Rebecca J. PE 2010 Cornerstone Wolfe, Carrie PD 2015 Cornerstone Worley, Matthew Taylor PE 2009 Niagara Frontier b) Provisional deacons who became provisional elders? Name Original Year of Membership c) Provisional elders who became provisional deacons? (Indicate year) Name Original Year of Membership d) Provisional members who transferred from other conferences or denominations? (¶347.1) Name Clergy Status (PD or Original Year of Previous Conference PE) Membership or Denomination 30. What ordained clergy, coming from other Christian denominations, have had their orders recognized (¶348): (v) A person’s orders may be recognized when they are transferring their membership into your annual conference from another Christian denomination. A person who is listed in Q.30 must also be listed in either Q. 31 a or b, depending on the transfer status. Name Clergy Status Previous Denomination 31. What ordained clergy have been received from other Christian denominations (¶347.3): (List alphabetically— see note preceding Question 27): a) As provisional members (¶347.3a,b)? (v) Name Clergy Status (PD or Date Received Former Denomination PE) b) As local pastors (¶347.3a)? (v) Name Clergy Status (FL or PL)
Date Received
Former Denomination
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
32. Who are elected as members in full connection? (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27. Anyone appearing on this question must also be listed somewhere in questions 32-33 or 35, unless the clergy’s orders from another denomination were recognized on question 39 in a previous year.) (v 2/3): a) Deacons Name b) Elders Name Pamela R. Carey Gail Ann Falsetti Matthew French John Paul Loeser Rachel Ann Morse Mary Grace Rublee Andrew Peter Sperry 33. Who are ordained as deacons and what seminary awarded their degree? Or, if their master’s degree is not from a seminary, at what seminary did they complete the basic graduate theological studies?: (List alphabetically-see note preceding Question 27) a) After provisional membership (¶330)? (v 2/3) Name Seminary
b) Transfer from elder?(¶309) (v 2/3) Name
34. Who are ordained as elders and what seminary awarded their degree? a) After provisional membership? (¶335) (v 2/3) Name Seminary Pamela R. Carey CRCDS, 2013 Gail Ann Falsetti United Theological Seminary, 2013 Matthew French Northeastern Seminary, 2014 John Paul Loeser MTSO, 2011 Rachel Ann Morse Union Theological Seminary, 2014 Mary Grace Rublee CRCDS, 2012 Andrew Peter Sperry Drew Seminary, 2014 b) Transfer from deacon? (¶309) (v 2/3) Name
35. What provisional members, previously discontinued, are readmitted (¶365)? (v) Name Clergy Status Year Previously Discontinued 36. Who are readmitted (¶¶366-368 [v], ¶369 [v 2/3]): Name Clergy Status
Previous Status
37. Who are returned to the effective relationship after voluntary retirement (¶358.7): (v) Name Clergy Status Year Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
38. Who have been received by transfer from other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶¶347.1, 416.5, 635.2m)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Clergy Status Previous Conference Date of Transfer 39. Who are transferred in from other Methodist denominations (¶347.2)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential.) Name Clergy Status Previous Methodist Date of Transfer Denomination Moon, Yohan PE Korean Methodist 8/13/15 40. Who have been ordained as a courtesy to other conferences, after election by the other conference? (See note preceding Question 27. Such courtesy elections or ordinations do not require transfer of conference membership.) a) Deacons? Name Member Conference b) Elders? Name
Member Conference
41. Who have been transferred out to other annual conferences of The United Methodist Church (¶416.5)? (List alphabetically. Indicate credential. See note preceding Question 27.) Name Clergy Status New Conference Date of Transfer Megan Stowe FE New England 7/1/2016 42. Who are discontinued as provisional members (¶327)? (v). a) By expiration of eight-year time limit (¶ 327) Name Clergy Status b) By voluntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name Adrian J. Tierson
Clergy Status PE
c) By involuntary discontinuance (¶ 327.6) (v) Name
Clergy Status
d) By reaching Mandatory Retirement Age (¶ 327.7) Name
Clergy Status
43. Who are on location? a) Who has been granted honorable location (¶359.1)? (1) This year? (v) Name Clergy Status Charge Conference Membership
Previously? Name Bachman, Edward F. (E) Bensley, Jane (E) Benson, Benton (E)
Year Originally Granted 00/00/1971 07/01/2013 06/30/1983 78
Charge Conference Membership Foundry Newark Valley
Date Effective
Year of Most Recent Report
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Blackman, David W. (E) Bryan, Constance P. (E) Camolli, Garry L. (E) Chermonte, Joel B. (E) Cook, Tracy (E) Demers, Richard J. (E) Drake, M. Gordon (E) Eddy, Robert M. (E) Hamlin, Deborah (E) Holems, Kenneth B. (E) Kearns Jr., Francis E. (E) Leland, Phyllis (E) Manzer, Scott (E) McCune, James R. (E) McGrady, Sandra (E) Mitchell, Robert A. (E) Petrie, Dorothy (E) Phillips, Richard A. (E) Shipp, David W. (E) Smith, Robert W. (E) Taylor, Mary Beth H. (E) Templeton, Hugh E. Jr. (E) Valentine, Valerie (Drake) (E) Waggy, John J., Jr. (E) Weeden, Brian (E) Wheatly, Ira M. (E) Wood, David E. (E)
05/08/1955 07/01/1992 05/22/1977 00/00/1974 00/00/2004 06/01/1993 07/01/1990 05/25/1958 07/01/2013
North Olmstead Carthage
2013 2015
Latham: Calvary
2016 2013
00/00/1973 06/02/1985 00/00/2002 00/00/1999 07/01/2013 00/00/1999 00/00/2000 00/00/2003
Williamsville Camden New Hartford New Hartford Rush Springville
05/23/1971 00/00/1996 05/27/1978 07/01/1988 05/23/1971 00/00/2002
2013 2013 2013 2013 2010 2010
Canandaigua 2013 2013 2013 2013
b) Who on honorable location are appointed ad interim as local pastors? (¶359.2) (Indicate date and appointment.) Name Appointment Year Originally Granted Location Cook, Tracy Naumburg: Beaver Valley/ 2004 Barnes Corner Flemming, Dean (RHL) Hannibal 1982 c) Who has been placed on administrative location (¶360? (1) This year? (v) Name Date Effective (2) Previously? Name
Year Originally Placed
Charge Conference Membership
Charge Conference Membership
44. Who have been granted the status of honorable location–retired (¶359.3): a) This year? (v) Name Clergy Status Year Honorable Location Originally Granted E 1982 Flemming, Dean S. E 07/01/2006 Russ, Andrew C. E 1996 Schneeberger, Dale
Year of Most Recent Report
Charge Conference Membership Deceased 9/29/15
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Previously? Name Breuninger, Richard A. Eddy, Gail Ayers Foster, Timothy Fryer, Dale Gladwell, Penelope Halbert, Jerry J. Hall, Orrin Haven, Patricia Johnson, Hugh Pennock, Robert E. Peters, Robert J. Ross, Randolph C. Russell, William J.D. Schompert, Ronald Soto, Arturo Fellows, Barbara J. Twiddy, Herbert Weaver, Franklin A.
Clergy Status
Oneonta Crossroads Genesee Valley Crossroads West Virginia Binghamton Oneonta
Finger Lakes Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Colorado Northern Flow
Year Honorable Location Originally Granted 00/00/2010 00/00/1997 00/00/2009 00/00/2004 00/00/2007 00/00/2008 00/00/2000 00/00/1999 00/00/2003 00/00/1994 00/00/1983 07/01/1996 00/00/1973 07/01/2001 00/00/2003 00/00/2002 00/00/1995
Charge Conference Membership Oneonta: First Oswego: Trinity Rochester: Lake Syracuse: University Hedgesville Endicott: First Cooperstown Albany: Trinity Homer Orchard Park Knowlesville St. Croix, Virgin Islands Montrose UMC Malone Phoenix
45. Who have had their status as honorably located and their orders terminated (¶359.2)? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status Kendall B. Burgess 7/1/2016 Elder Bruce A. Gray 7/1/2016 Elder Earl E. Hall 7/1/2016 Elder Vinton Ziegler 7/1/2016 Elder 46. Who have had their conference membership terminated? a) By withdrawal to unite with another denomination (¶361.1, .4)? (v) Name Date Effective Ferguson, Allan 05/21/2015 Name Zandt, Cheryl
Date Effective 02/15/2016
c) By withdrawal under complaints or charges (¶¶361.3, .4; 2719.2)? (v) Name Date Effective
Prior Clergy Status RE Prior Clergy Status FE Prior Clergy Status
d) By termination of orders under recommendation of the Board of Ordained Ministry (¶354.12 )? (v) Name Date Effective Prior Clergy Status e) By trial (¶2713)? Name
Date Effective
Prior Clergy Status
47. Who have been suspended under the provisions of ¶363.1d, ¶2704.2c or ¶2711.3? (Give effective dates. Indicate credential.) Name Date Effective Clergy Status
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
48. Deceased (List alphabetically in the spaces provided) a) What associate members have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth Retired: Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death Date of Death
b) What provisional members have died during the year? (Indicate credential.) Effective: Name Date of Birth Date of Death Retired: Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
c) What elders have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth Stenberg, Jon C. 12/4/1955 Smith, Roger 1/2/1950 Retired: Name Date of Birth Schattner, Verne 4/21/1921 Fitts, Everett 9/18/1921 Johnson, Robert A. 1/8/1926 Loomis, Herbert 9/13/1938 Richards, Theodore 8/19/1939 Warner, Charles 10/5/1924 Mead, Norman J. 2/27/1921 Connor, Walter G. 3/25/1927 Barrett, James 1/2/1926 Parr, Stephen 8/27/1935 Morris, Dolen 4/24/1925 Bouton, David W. 6/3/1936 Carr, James 8/24/1935 Derk, David L. 2/9/1928 Rugh, Emerson 3/2/1919 Santella, Richard Anthony 5/30/1939 Schalk, Donald 1/8/1931 Akers, Douglas N. 09/20/1937 Harrington, Richard W. 01/19/1931
Date of Death 10/22/2015 2/24/2016
What Elders on Honorable Location have died during the year?
Name Hanson, Peter Russ, Andrew
Date of Death 5/29/2015 7/28/2015 8/8/2015 8/13/2015 9/11/2015 10/6/2015 10/7/2015 11/2/2015 11/12/2015 11/25/2015 12/25/2015 12/22/2015 2/8/2016 3/17/2016 2/24/2016 4/22/2016 5/2/2016 5/17/2016 05/25/2016
Date of Birth 3/29/1929 8/13/1953
Date of Death 3/8/2015 9/29/2015
d) What deacons have died during the year? Effective: Name Date of Birth
Date of Death
Retired: Name
Date of Birth
Date of Death
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
What local pastors have died during the year? Active: Name Date of Birth Crout, Roger 11/6/1949 Retired: Name Date of Birth Hough, Theressa 04/05/1935 Olmstead, Sandra 02/25/1940
Date of Death 2/22/2016 Date of Death 7/31/2015 05/30/2016
49. What provisional or ordained members (elders and deacons) have received appointments in other Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church while retaining their membership in this Annual Conference (¶¶331.8, 346.1)? Name Clergy Conference Where Appointment Date Status Appointed Cho, Byung Woo FE Eastern Lighthouse Korean UMC 07/01/2009 Pennsylvania of Philadelphia Koch, Richard FE Indiana First UMC, Brazil, IN 07/01/2015 Ricketts, Mary L. FE BaltimoreSt. Paul’s UMC 12/01/2012 Washington 50. Who are the provisional, ordained members or associate members on leave of absence and for what number of years consecutively has each held this relation (¶354)? (Indicate credential. Record Charge Conference where membership is held.) Name Number of Years Charge Conference a) Voluntary? (1) Personal, Less than 5 years (¶354.2a 3) (v) Name Clergy Date Effective Charge Conference Status Bartz, Duane FE 07/01/2014 CC: Claypool, Inell FE 07/01/201503/28/2016 (2) Personal, 5 years or more (¶354.2a 3) (v 2/3) Name Clergy Status Howe, Brenda FE Kerr-Carpenter, Kathy FE Rowe, William S. IV FE (3) Family, Less than 5 years (¶354.2b 3) (v) Name Clergy Status Ellis, Allyson FE (4) Family, 5 years or more (¶354.2b 3) (v 2/3) Name Clergy Status Christian, Dean A. FE Robinson, Ellen W. FE (5) Transitional (¶354.2c) Name
Clergy Status
Date Effective
Charge Conference
01/01/2002 08/30/2010 07/01/2007
Saranac, NY Oswego: Trinity Middleburgh, NY
Date Effective
Charge Conference
First Oneonta
Date Effective
Charge Conference
07/01/2003 07/01/1995
Burnt Hills, NY Easton/North Cambridge, NY
Date Effective
Charge Conference
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
b) Involuntary (¶ 355)? (v 2/3) Name
Clergy Status
51. Who are granted sabbatical leave (¶352)? (v) Name Clergy Status
Date Effective
Charge Conference
Date Effective
Charge Conference
52. Who have been granted medical leave due to medical or disabling conditions (¶357)? (v) Name Clergy Date Effective Charge Conference Status Brand, James FE 12/01/2008 Potsdam Carpenter, Patricia L. LP 07/01/1986 Delamater, W. Alan FE 04/06/2015 Drake, Mary FE 11/18/2014 Hayes, Charles FE 05/01/2012 Langreck, Donald M. FE 09/ /1986 Williamsville Marafioti, Jessie M. FE 01/01/1999 McCarey, Maggie FE 02/01/2011 Nowicki, Susan FE 01/11/2002 West Seneca: New Hope Peacock, Debra FL 06/01/2015 Smith, Laurie FE 09/28/2008 Stratton, Jeffrey FE 10/1/2015 Malta Ridge Wylie, Christopher FE 07/01/2016 Buffalo: Central Park Zimmerman, Lorraine FE 01/28/2008 53. What members in full connection have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) Deacons a) This year? Name Date Effective b) Previously? Name Barden, Kathleen (RD) Lee, Catherine M. (RD) McKibben, Florence (RD) Moore-Krackhardt, Shirley (RD) Hussey (Stoica), Sandra (RD) Elders a) This year? Name Baker, Jane L. Bleck-Doran, Theodore L. Bouwens, Beth M. Breunig, Michael F. Chamberlain, Carl D. Corretore, Daniel A. Delia, Willliam H. Denny, Jacob G. Frueh, Henry C. Gould, Brian D. Hamm, Christopher A.
Date Effective 07/01/2014
Date Effective 07/01/2016 07/10/2015 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 83
Name Ingerson, Steven A. Lockwood, David L. Priset, Duane W. Roberts, Jay G. Robinson, Ellen W. Rowell, Jan McClary Sautter, Jane F. Scott, Margaret A. Silk, Barbara J. Young, Carl P.
Date Effective 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 09/18/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016 07/01/2016
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
b) Previously? Name
Adriance, Carter B. (RE)
Chatelle, Laura (RE) Chatterton, Richard (RE) Chesney, John A. (RE) Clemow, Thomas C.(RE) Cleveland, J. Fay (RE) Cole, Judith E. (RE) Coller, Harold N. (RE) Comer, Michael P. (RE) Connor, Martha G. (RE) Cooke, John (RE) Cornell, Virginia S. (RE) Cotant, William A. (RE) Covell, Warren E. (RE) Crawford, Jeffrey (RE) Darling, Robert H. (RE) Darnell, Paul (RE) Davidson, Shirley (RE) Davidson, Violet (RE) Davis, Susan (RE) Dearstyne, Eleanor G. (RE) DeGroote, Joseph (RE) Deming, Eileen W. (RE) Dempsey, David (RE) DeMocker, Janice (RE) Dewey, Keith M. (RE) Deyo, Virginia (RE) Dickinson, Allan G. (RE) Dillon, Christopher (RE) Dolch, Arthur G. (RE) Dolch, Rebecca (RE) Doupe, Gary E. (RE) Drown, Maurice E. (RE) Durham, David (RE) Easton, Donald (RE) Eddy , Steven C. (RE) Eldred, Robert D. (RE) Elmendorf, Wendell (RE) Emerson, Richard D. (RE) Excell, Charles V. (RE) Farmer, Robert (RE)
Date Effective
Albrecht, Frederick C. (RE)
Alderman, Judy (RE) Allen, Robert D. (RE) Anderson, Frank H. (RE) Anderson, Robert T. (RE) Archer, Voigt D. (RE) Arnold, Neil L. (RE) Babcock, Calvin W. (RE) Babcock, Kenneth B. (RE) Babcock, Naomi B. (RE) Bailey, Frederick L. (RE) Bailey, James D. (RE) Baird, Larry R. (RE) Baissa, Marilyn (RE) Barden, Bruce (RE) Barton, Richard E. (RE) Bastian, Juanita W. (RE) Baumback, Alan (RE) Baums, Roosevelt (RE) Bean, Earl R. (RE) Beeson, John F. (RE) Beman, Larry F. (RE) Bement, Betty S. (RE) Benjamin, Keith (RE) Benton, Benson A. (RE) Benson, Robert L. (RE) Bergner, David (RE) Black, Jr., J. Allen (RE) Boston, Robert S. (RE) Bowen, Herbert B. (RE) Bowen, James L. (RE) Bowman,Leland L. (RE) Brewster, James N. (RE) Brewster, John N. (RE) Briggs-Harris, Calvin (RE) Brittain, John (RE) Brocklehurst, JoAnne (RE) Brown, Patricia (RE) Brown, Thomas (RE) Bruen, Harold W. (RE) Buckley, Donald R. (RE) Burdick, William E. (RE) Burgess, E. Clayton (RE) Burlew, Elizabeth (RE) Burnop, W. Alan (RE) Burt, Guy L. (RE) Caldwell, Richard A. (RE) Campbell, Garry W. (RE) Campbell, Richard E. (RE) Capron, Richard (RE) Carlsen, Frederick. M. (RE) Carpenter, Gailey (RE) Carrillo, Rene (RE) Carroll, Dana (RE) Carroll, James (RE) Carter, Roy A. (RE) Carver, Sherwood (RE) Cauvel, Paul E. (RE) Chaney, Melba V. (RE) Chapman, Bruce W (RE) Chase, Duane (RE)
07/01/2014 07/01/2014 07/01/2015 07/01/2014 07/01/2014 07/01/2014
07/01/2015 10/01/2013
Fassett, Thomas White (RE)
Fellows, Norma Jean (RE) Ferguson, Gene M. (RE) Fike, Francis (RE) Filiatreau, Shirley (RE) Fischer, Martha (RE) Flohr, Leroy W. (FE) Foster, Allyn C. (RE) Foster, Marilyn M. (RE) Foster, Myrna (RE) Franklin, Gregory A. (RE) French, Craig (RE) French, Vernon C. (RE) Fribance, Elizabeth W. (RE) Fulton, John (RE) Garman, Harold (RE) Geer, David (RE) George, Loise L. (RE) Gongloff, Paul (RE) Goodell, John (RE) Grant, Richard E. (RE) Grimm, Charles B. (RE)
07/01/2015 07/01/2014
Grossman, William B.S. (RE)
Guariniello, Louis N. (RE) Guiles, Donald (RE) 84
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Gutekunst, Gurney O. (RE) Guy, Mary (RE) Hadley, Helen J. (RE) Hagy, Arthur F. (RE) Hakes, Gary L. (RE) Haley, Patrick (RE) Hall, Russell (RE) Handy, David A. (RE) Harding, Olu (RE) Hansen, Roy (RE) Harris, Linda J. (RE) Hart, William G. (RE) Harvey, Mark (RE) Havens, Bradley L (RE) Haverkamp, Keith R. (RE) Haynes Charles W. (RE) Hazlett, F. Ray (RE) Heiss, Stephen R. (RE) Heitzenrater, Drew W. (RE) Heleine, Fred (RE) Hill, Dean E. (RE) Hodgins, Kenneth W. (RE) Hoff, Donald (RE) Hoffman, Ronald F. (RE) Holder, Patrick L. (RE) Homer, Wenona C. (RE) Horner, David J., Jr. Hoskins, Herber F. (RE) Hoyle, Ruthellen (RE) Hudson, Bryant T. (RE) Hundemann, Robert J. (RE) Ingraham, C. Joseph (RE) Isaman, Ronald V. (RE) Jagger, Alan (RE) James, Richard P. (RE) Jefferson, Milton T. (RE) Jelinek, Patricia (RE) Jenkins, William (RE) Johnson, Carl (RE) Johnson, Richard A. (RE) Johnson, Robert L., Jr. (RE) Jones, Robert A. (RE) Jones, Thomas (RE) Judson, W. Garrett (RE) Kahng, Raymond A. (RE) Kaiser, Sue K. (RE) Kanuck, Robert L. (RE) Kark, William A. (RE) Kauffman, Gerald A. (RE) Keiper, Allen S. (RE) Keller, Carol (RE) Kelly, Peter (RE) Kelsey, Fred (RE) Kessler, Charles W. (RE) Kettinger, LeRoy (RE) Kibbe, George R. (RE) Kim, Sung C. (RE) Kimpland (Bradshaw), Diane (RE) King, Horace (RE) Kinnell, Christopher (RE) Kirk, James T. (RE) Kissel Jack (RE) Knapp Gordon W. (RE)
LaCroix, Janet B. (Gibbs )(RE)
LaRoe, David R. (RE) Lasher, Sandra (RE) Lasher, William A. (RE) Laun, James (RE) Lavery, James M. (RE) Leach, Robert B. (RE) Lee, Russell (RE) Lee, Vernon L. (RE) Lee-Clark, Bruce C. (RE) LeGro, James (RE) Lesch, James (RE) LeValley, Peter W. (RE) Lewis, Gail (RE) Lewis, Robert B. (RE) Lincoln, M. Edward (RE) Linder, Lyle D. (RE) Ling, Daniel (RE) Lintern, Edwin J. (RE) Linza, Raymond E. (RE) Lippy, Charles H. (RE) London, Harlan (RE) Long, Robert F. (RE) Lowenthal, Robert (RE) Love, John L. (RE) Lubba, David (RE) Lucas, Robert D. (RE) Lum, Allen (RE) MacLaughlin, Frank (RE) Marino, Mark (RE) Marino, Ralph (RE) Marshall, Karen (RE) Marsi, Janice Michaels (RE) Martin, Mary (RE) Matthews, Robert (RE) Maxwell, James (RE) McBride, Daniel (RE) McCaughey, Richard (RE) McCombe, Kathleen G (RE) McCune, Robert J. (RE) McDonald, Bruce A. (RE) McFarland, William (RE)
07/01/2015 12/31/2014
07/01/2014 02/01/2015
McGaughey, Douglas R. (RE)
Meade, David G. (RE) Megnin, Donald (RE) Metevier, F. Victor (RE) Millbyer, Terrance E. (RE) Miller, Duane (RE) Miller, George F. (RE) Miller, Ida (RE) Miller, Roy (RE) Mills, Paul (RE) Minnigh, Jr. Wendell (RE) Mitchell, Gilbert C. (RE) Modisher, Donald E. (RE) Mohler, Hallock (RE) Montgomery, Thomas (RE) Moore, Daniel (RE)
Moore-Colgan, Marion M. (RE)
Morey, Elizabeth R. (RE) Mowry, Elizabeth (RE) Moyer, Mardean (RE) Muzzy, Virgil (RE) Naik, Brown Nicholls, David H. (RE) Nicholls, Grant (RE)
Knappenberger, Lyston R. (RE)
Knopp, Douglas (RE)
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Nolen, Bonnie B. (RE) Nussle, John E. (RE) O’Neill, Terrence (RE) Oertel, David (RE) Olmstead, Patricia (RE) Olson, Mary (RE) Ostrander, Wayne B. (RE) Palm, Janice (RE) Parker, Brolin (RE) Parr, Nancy (RE) Parsons, Norman W. (RE) Pattison, William G. (RE) Paufler, Denis (RE) Pegg, William (RE) Phelps, David W. (RE) Phillippe, John L. (RE) Pierce, Mark L. (RE) Piper, Gerald C. (RE) Pitkin, L. Paul (RE) Pollard, James M. (RE) Pollock, Wilbur W. (RE) Potter, Edwin A. (RE) Pritts, Deborah L. (RE) Proper, Roberta (RE) Puthuparampil, John (RE) Rauscher, Richard (RE) Reeder, William D. (RE) Rehberg, Wes (RE) Rehkugler, Nancy C. (RE) Reichman, Ronald (RE) Reist, Irwin W. (RE) Reppert, Nelson (RE) Rhodehamel, Gary A. (RE) Rhodehamel, Wendy (RE) Rhodes, Alan C. (RE) Richards, Roger (RE) Ricker, Richard M. (RE) Robinson, Paul E. (RE) Rockwell, David A. (RE) Rogers, Sandra H. (RE) Rothwell, Vincent L. (RE) Rough, R. John (RE) Rowe, Robert (RE) Rudd, Charles A. (RE) Ryan, Roland R. (RE) Sabin, Norman A. (RE) Salisbury Sauer, Sharon Marie (RE) Savage, John S. (RE) Scandrol, Donald, M. (RE) Schafer, Thomas (RE) Schaus, Sharon (RE) Schlansker, David H. (RE) Schneider, Dora (RE) Scoville, V.H. Stanley (RE) Sears, Richard L. (RE) Seifert, Constance L. (RE) Sellers, Ronald H. (RE) Shafer, Susan S. (RE) Shaw, Raymond (RE) Shippey, Harold A. (RE) Showers, Merle E. (RE) Simmons, David E. (RE) Sivers, Richard (RE) Slighter, Verne A. (RE)
Sloth, Eileen Cornwell (RE) Smith, Burton (RE) Smith, Carlos (RE) Smith, David Earl (RE) Smith, Earl M. (RE) Smith, Erik Lewis (RE) Smith, Huston C. (RE) Smith, Jonathan W. (RE) Smith, Russell D. (RE) Snyder, Eldon D. (RE) Spence, Lynn B. (RE) Spencer, Douglas F. (RE) Sprenger, James R. (RE) Stafford, Jr. H. Nelson (RE) Stees, Ray R. (RE) Steinert, Babette (RE) Stevens, Garrie (RE) Stevens, Marilyn B. (RE) Stoll, Harry L. (RE) Stoppert, Robert (RE)
07/01/2014 07/01/2014
07/01/2015 07/01/2014 01/01/2014
Stratton, Rolland Kipton (RE)
Stringer, Denise L. (RE) Swanger, Shiela (RE) Tabor, Eunice (RE) Tanner, Stanley (RE) Taylor, Walter E. (RE) Taylor, Thomas G. (RE) Thayer, Carol (RE)
Thevanesan, Sinnathamby (RE)
Thistle, Judith (RE)
Thompson, Spencer G. (RE)
Thorick, Philip J. (RE) Timlin, Genett (RE) Tucker, Rexford (RE) Turk, Donald D. (RE) Vahey, Milton (RE) Valencia, Jose L., Jr. (RE) VanArnam, George (RE)
Van Dussen, D. Gregory (RE)
VanOrnum, Carlton (RE) Wait, Kenneth H. (RE) Walker, Diane (RE) Wallace, Joseph (RE) Walter, William (RE) Ward, Jerome (RE) Washburn, Donald R. (RE) Waters, Raoul J. (RE) Watters, Merry (RE) Weaver, Donald L. (RE) Webster, Bruce (RE) Weeden, Theodore J. (RE) Welkley, Richard H. (RE) Wenzinger, Ronald E. (RE) West, Harland J. (RE) West, Wayne M. (RE) Wetherwax, John R. (RE) Wharton, Osceola W. (RE) White, Elaine S. (RE) White-Wunder, Judy (RE) White, Sarah Chase (RE) White, Wiley H. (RE) Whitefield, William I. (RE) Wickett, Thomas F. (RE) Wiggins, James B. (RE) Wilks, Harold T. (RE) Williams, James (RE)
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Wilson White, Jeanetta K. (RE)
Wilson, Doug (RE) Wilson, Gwendolyn T. (RE) Wolcott, J. David Wolf (RE) Wolter, Gerald A. (RE) Womack, James Paul Won, Duk Joong (RE) Wood, Franklin, R. (RE) Wood, Kenneth E. (RE) Woodcock, Joyce (RE) Yang, Jah Suh (RE) Young, Donna (RE) Zimmer, Calvin (RE) Zimmerman, Joan (RE) Zimmerman, Robert W.(RE) Zittel, Robert J. (RE)
54. What associate members have been retired (¶358): (List alphabetically. If retiring in the interim between conference sessions (¶358.2d), indicate the effective date of retirement.) (Under ¶358.1, no vote required; under ¶358.2, v; under ¶358.3, v 2/3) a) This year? Name Hutchins, Margaret b) Previously? Name Armitage, Dewey G. (RA) Asbornsen, Alden (RA) Atkins, Janet (RA) Battist, Sharon (RA) Beardslee, Melanie (RA) Beaudry, Barbara A. (RA) Beaudry, Harold A. (RA)
Date Effective 07/01/2016 Date Effective
Name McCracken, George (RA) Moyer, Carol (RA) Newkirk, David C. (RA) Nonnenberg, Charles W. (RA) Oyer, Robert D. (RA) Palmer, William (RA) Pearsall, Gordon (RA) Pierce, Virginia (RA) Pouncy, John E. (RA) Rhodes, Jacqueline S. (RA) Richardson, Mary E. (RA) Russell, Diana (RA) Sierk, Carol (RA) Smith, Lawrence T. (RA) Southcott, Janet S. (RA) Stewart, Elizabeth J. (RA) Summerville, Vivian (RA) Tongue, Wrightson S. (RA) Vineyard, Joanne (RA) Wendt, Ruth (RA) Yauchzy, Lois (RA)
Bloomberg, C. Gordon (RA)
Cliver, Cliff (RA) Cook, Gary N. IV (RA) Danielson, Olav (RA) Drayer, Les (RA) Dufford, Paul L. (RA)
Gazzilli, Mario Golden, Edward A. (RA)
Holzhauser, Phyllis J. (RA) Jenson, Eugene B. (RA) Jerzak, Nora (RA)
Kibbe, Thana (RA)
Kissel, J. Keith (RA) Knapp Roscoe (RA) Manly, David (RA) Mayo, Alvin (RA) McCauley, Lionel B. (RA)
Date Effective
55. What provisional members have been retired (¶358, 2008 Book of Discipline): (NOTE: Provisional members who reach mandatory retirement age and have not retired by Jan. 1, 2013 shall be discontinued (¶ 327.7) and listed in Q. 42.) Name Date Effective Clemow, Linda M. (RP) 07/01/2014 Davis, Bennie Jr. (RP) 07/01/1997 Kleinstuber, David H. (RP) 07/01/2004 Linder, Mary Ann (RP) 07/01/2005 87
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
White, Rodger E. (RP)
56. Who have been recognized as retired local pastors (¶320.5): a) This year? Name Date Effective 03/11/2016 Fargo, Mona L. 11/09/2015 Wilson, Gail M. 06/30/2016 Franke, Robert J. 06/30/2016 Araujo, Nancy 06/30/2016 Mott, Thomas E. 06/30/2016 Andrews, Viki S. 06/30/2016 Bennett, Edward Rodriguez, Mariana A. 07/01/2016 Hart, Penelope 07/01/2016 b) Previously? Name Albrecht, Joseph (RL) Allen, Barbara (RL) Ames, Carol (RL) Anderson, Richard (RL) Ayers, Ross V. (RL) Banta, Veleda O. (RL) Briant, Donald W. (RL) Bryson, Joyce (RL) Bowley, Adeline (RL) Burke, Richard H. (RL) Cahill, Frank L. (RL) Campbell, Gaylord (RL) Campbell, Sandra (RL) Closs, Robert E. (RL) Cross, Virginia (RL) Dann, Duane (RL) Daughen, Winifred D. (RL) Davenport, Beverly A. (RL) Ducharme, Myron (RL) Edmister, Fred (RL) Emblidge, Dorothy (RL) Erway, Mark (RL) Fellows, Athur (RL) Ferguson, Donald (RL) Freeman, Paul (RL) Fuller, Gail L (RL) Gifford, Barbara (RL) Green, Barbara (RL) Gustke, Robert E. (RL) Hankey, James (RL) Hartmann, Alice (RL) Heise, David (RL) Hicks, Ann (RL) Huck, Lawson (RL) Hunter, Edgar (RL) Hurd, Robert J. (RL) Jeffers, Robert (RL) Jenks, Wesley (RL) Johnson, Rodney (RL) Jones, Marian (RL)
Date Effective 06/15/2015
Name Knight, Ellen (RL) Lighthall, Raymond (RL) Lindsay, Robert (RL) Lintern, Evelyn P. (RL) Loan, Stephen W. (RL) Lofstrom, Calvin (RL) Mann, Keith R. (RL) Masland, Dean W. (RL) Miner, Arthur (RL) Mitchell, Rocky (RL) Mowery, Anne L. (RL) Nelson, Winifred C. (RL) Page, Patricia (RL) Pearson, Gilbert J. (RL) Pelkey, Lyman (RL) Pinneo, Carol (RL) Puhak, Peter G (RL) Pullen, Nancy (RL) Reams, John (RL) Rowland, Frederick (RL) Rowland, Paul D. (RL) Scholten, Thom (RL) Scott, Judith Mumbower (RL) Sears, Andrea (RL) Shaw, Benjamin H. (RL) Shepard, Carlton L. (RL) Sigourney, Stephen (RL) Stark, Francis (RL) Stubba, William (RL) Thomas, Sandra (RL) Vogel, Judy (RL) Vredenburg, Charles (RL) Waldron, Deborah (RL) Waldron, Roger (RL) Webb, Willis L. (RL) Wheeler, C. Donald (RL) Whited, Edward (RL) Wickert, Marcia (RL) Wickett, Mary Anne (RL) Willson, Stanley M (RL) 88
Date Effective 07/01/2015 07/01/2015 07/01/2015
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Kauffman, Gerald R. (RL) King, Marsha J. (RL)
Wiltse, Donald (RL) Wood, Marilyn (RL)
57. What is the number of clergy members of the Annual Conference: a) By appointment category and conference relationship? (NOTES: (1) Where applicable, the question numbers on this report form corresponding to each category have been placed in parenthesis following the category title. Where these question numbers appear, the number reported in that category should agree with the number of names listed in the corresponding questions. (2) For the three categories of Appointments to Extension Ministries, report as follows: ¶344.1a, c): the number of clergy members appointed within United Methodist connectional structures, including district superintendents, or to an ecumenical agency. ¶344.1b): the number of clergy members appointed to extension ministries, under endorsement by the Division of Chaplains and Related Ministries of the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry. ¶344.1d): the number of clergy members appointed to other valid ministries, confirmed by a twothirds vote of the Annual Conference. Note: Report those in extension ministry in one category only. See the Discipline paragraphs indicated for more detailed description of these appointment categories.) Note: Those approved to serve as a local pastor, but not currently under appointment, are not counted as clergy members of the conference. Deacons in Full Connection 6 FD 2 RD
Elders in Full Connection 204 FE 40 RE
Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1a, c) (77a) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1b) (77b) Appointments to Extension Ministries (¶316.1; 344.1d) (77c) Appointments to Attend School (¶331.3) (79) Appointed to Other Annual Conferences (49) On Leave of Absence (50a1, a2)
Associate Members & Affiliate Members With Vote 5 AM 2 RA
Full– time Local Pastors 53
Part– time Local Pastors 184
Provisional Deacons 4 PE
Provisional Elders 19
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
On Family Leave (50a3, a4) On Sabbatical Leave (51) On Medical Leave (52) On Transitional Leave (50a5)
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 2
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 0
Retired (53, 54, 55) Total Number, Clergy Members Grand Total, All Conference Clergy Members
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 56
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx 186
Categories Pastors and deacons whose primary appointment is to a Local Church (¶¶331.1c, 339) (76, 78c) Deacons (in full connection and provisional) serving Beyond the Local Church (¶331.1a, b) (78a,b)
13 23
23 1050
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
b) By gender and racial/ethnic identification? (NOTE: See the instruction for item 57 for guidelines to assist in the racial/ethnic identification count.) Clergy Demographics
Categories Asian African American/Black Hispanic Native American Pacific Islander White Multi-Racial Grand Total, All Conference Clergy Members*
Deacons in Full Connection
Elders in Full Connection
Probationary (provisional) Deacons
Probationary (provisional) Elders
Associate Members & Affiliate Members with Vote
Full–time Local Pastors
23 7
3 7
0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0
0 1
0 0
1 0
5 2
1 1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
1 1
0 0 0 0
0 5 0 5
0 9 0 9
0 29 0 30
0 21 0 21
0 30 0 33
12 14
Part–time Local Pastors
1 2
1 1
2 0
0 0
0 20 0 23
0 83 0 96
0 87 0 90
Note: After receiving numerous research requests for data relating to clergy gender and ethnicity, GCFA has again chosen to request the information in the chart above.
PART III CERTIFICATION IN SPECIALIZED MINISTRY Note: Indicate credential of persons in Part III: FD, FE, PD, PE, AM, FL, PL, and LM. 58. Who are the candidates in process for certification in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry PD Ranous, Susan M. Christian Education Lay Dunn, Kevin Camping and Retreat Ministry FD Russell, Susan W. Camping and Retreat Ministry FE Rosa-Laguer, Carlos Evangelism Lay O’Neil, Beth Spiritual Formation FE Toenniessen, Cindy L. Spiritual Formation RE Woodcock, Joyce Spiritual Formation 59. Who is certified in specialized ministry? (List the areas of specialized ministry. Indicate by an asterisk those certified this year.) Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry Anderson, Ted FE Christian Education Coatsworth, Deborah Lay Christian Education Finch, Deanna FD Christian Education LeValley, Bonnie FD Christian Education Rhodes, Alan FE Christian Education Scharf, Susan Lay Christian Education Tuttle, Joellyn FE Christian Education Fuller, Daniel Lay Evangelism Scharf, Susan Lay Children’s Ministry Anderson, Ted FE Youth Ministry Finch, Deanna FD Youth Ministry LeValley, Bonnie FD Youth Ministry Russell, Susan FD Youth Ministry Stierheim, Gregory P. FE Youth Ministry 90
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Huber, Michael Lee, Catherine Dibelius, Nancy E. Middleton, Marcia S. Rosa-Laguer, Carlos Wagner, Jane
Lay RD Lay Lay FE FE
Camping and Retreat Ministry Older Adult Ministry Spiritual Formation Spiritual Formation Spiritual Formation Spiritual Formation
60. Who are transferred in as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry
Sending Conference
61. Who are transferred out as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Specialized Ministry
Receiving Conference
62. Who have been removed as a certified person in specialized ministry? Name Clergy/Lay Status Cooper, Phyllis Lay Rotach, Brian FE
Specialized Ministry Christian Education Youth Ministry
PART IV CERTIFIED LAY MINISTRY (¶(¶ 271, and 666.10 The Book of Discipline)
63. Who are certified as lay ministers (¶ 271, and 666.10)? (List alphabetically giving full name—first, middle, last—in that order, by district) Name Ackley, Lee (LM) Andrews, Shirley (LM) Butters, Karen (LM) Finke, Carol (LM) Mann, Jeannette (LM) Rice, Paul (LM)
District Adirondack Adirondack Adirondack Adirondack Adirondack Adirondack
Trombley, Candyce (LM) DiLallo, Gary (LM) Ezekiel, Olive (LM) McCue, Paul (LM) Rainbolt, Bill (LM) Becker, Carol (LM)
Adirondack Albany Albany Albany Albany Cornerstone
Carris, Vicki (LM) Gifford, John (LM) Dingman, Betty (LM) McLean, Marcelene (LM) Shepard, Judy (LM) Sherwood, Jean (LM) Blume, Ken (LM) Pease, Shirley (LM) Duquette, Judy (LM) Pratt, Vern (LM) Comstock, Robert (LM) Hotchkiss, Dorothy (LM) Jordan, Nancy (LM) Grescheck,Theresa (LM)
Cornerstone Cornerstone Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Crossroads Finger Lakes Finger Lakes Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Genesee Valley Mohawk
Name DeLong, Barbara (LM) Edmister, Bill (LM) Galarza, Cesar (LM) Galarza, Sonia (LM) Gondek, Lori (L) Gonzalez-Cruz, Ruth (LM) Habberfield, Barbara (LM) Heideman, Becky (LM) Houck, Sandy (LM) Jagow, Lori (LM) Jaynes, Scot (LM) Johnson-Paonessa, Judy (LM) Laskey, Naomi (LM) Masur, Kathy (LM) McGinn, Laurie (LM) Michalski, Shawn (LM) Modd, Kathleen (LM) Moore, Nancy (LM) Pegelow, Tom (LM) Prendergast, Jeanne (LM) Quinn, Philip (LM) Skellen, Harold (LM) Weatherall, Linda (LM) Wilson, Sue (LM) Fargo, Warren (LM) Fitchette, Donna (LM) 91
District Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Northern Flow Northern Flow
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Briggs, Robert (LM) Potter, Erick (LM) Christman, Maxine (LM) Barczykowski, Linda (LM) Beck, Julane (LM) Bobsein, Louie (LM) Brecht, Charles (LM) Brown, James (LM) Clifford, Mike (LM) Crawford, Deanna (LM) Curtin, Kevin (LM)
Mountain View Mountain View Oneonta Niagara Frontier
Frary, John (LM) Helmer, Martha (LM) DeYear, Barbara (LM) McCarthy, Nelda (LM)
Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow
Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
Dunning, Linda (LM) O’Neil, David (LM) Pickert, Richard (LM) Remick, Christian (LM) St. Louis, Helen (LM) Smith, Cora (LM) Neeley, Jane (LM)
Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow Northern Flow
(Paragraph numbers in questions 65-72 refer to The 1992 Book of Discipline) 64. Who constitute the Committee on Investigation (¶2703.3)? (v) Name 65. Who are transferred in as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Previous Annual Conference
66. Who are transferred out as diaconal ministers (¶312)? Name Previous Annual Conference
67. Who have had their conference relationship as diaconal ministers terminated by Annual Conference action (¶313.3)? (Under ¶313.3a, no vote; under ¶313.3b, v 2/3) Name Date Effective 68. What diaconal ministers have died during the year? a) Effective: Name Date of Birth b) Retired: Name
Date of Death
Date of Birth
Date of Death
69. What diaconal ministers have been granted leaves of absence under ¶313.1a, c, d) (disability, study/sabbatical, or personal leave): (v) Name Type of Leave Date Originally Granted 70. What diaconal ministers have been granted an extended leave (¶313.1e): Name Date Originally Granted 71. Who have returned to active status from extended leave (¶313.1e)? (v)? Name Date Originally Granted
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
72. Who have taken the retired relationship to the Annual Conference as diaconal ministers (¶313.2): (Under ¶313.2b, v 2/3) a) This year? Name Date Effective b) Previously? Name Edwards, Jayne (RDM)
Date Effective 01/01/2011
PART VI APPOINTMENTS AND CONCLUDING BUSINESS 73. Who are approved for less than full-time service? a) What associate members, provisional, or full elders are approved for appointment to less than full-time service, what is the total number of years for which such approval has been granted to each, and for what fraction of full-time service (in one-quarter increments) is approval granted (for purposes of equitable compensation claim and pension credit) ¶¶338.2, 342.2, 1506)? (v 2/3, after 8 years v 3/4): Name Agnew, Peter W. (FE) Baez, Wilfredo Juan (FE) Crowell, Stephen (FE) DeAngelis, Barbara (FE) Fletcher, James (FE) Gleason, Timothy (FE) Goddard, Todd (FE) Goodrich, Kim (FE) Hamm, Christopher (FE) Hays, Robyn (FE) Hemstreet, Frances (FE) Hess, Douglas (FE) Herrmann, David (FE) Johnson-Siebold, Judith (FE) Jones, Wilson (FE) Lee, Jin Kook (FE) Loeser, John (FE) Luce, Marian F. (FE) Lyles, Devin (PE) Kim, Dong Ki (FE) Mauser, Sonya (FE) Poland, Edith (FE) Prentice, Diane (FE) Raca, Nancy (PE) Rapino, Geraldine (FE) Reed, Kimberly A. (FE) Ricketts, Mary (FE) Robinson, Ann (FE) Stierheim, Gregory (FE) Streeter, Jennifer (FE) Walz, Patricia (FE) Warner, Kelly K. (FE) Wenzinger, Cynthia J. (FE)
Appointment Borodino Chaplain, Greater Binghamton Health Center Alfred & Angelica Varick Perryville/Peterboro Belmont/Scio East Rochester/West Walworth Living Hope UMC To Be Announced Amboy Center Harrisville/Natural Bridge Churchville Lowville & Beaver Falls Gloversville: North Main Street Pavilion/Wyoming Korean Mission of Rochester Wilson: Exley Short Track & Swain NFC: “The Pillar” Rochester: Korean Macedon Center/South Perinton Harkness & Keeseville Kirkwood Rochester: Covenant 50%/NFC Sophia Community 25% Roch: Wesley (25%) & Roch: Seneca (50%) Galway BWC: St. Paul’s UMC & Garfield Nunda NFC: Buffalo & Williamsville Ext. Min. Fairport Baptist Home Baldwinsville Hartford Apalachin/Whittemore Hill 93
Fraction of FullTime Service .50 .50
.50 .75 .50 .50 .75 .75 TBA .25 .75 .25 .75 .50 .50 .75 .75 .50 .75 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75
3 year th 4 year 25 years nd 2 year rd 3 year th 4 year st 1 year nd 2 year 9 years rd 3 year nd 2 year rd 3 year th 4 year th 7 year th 6 year nd 2 year rd 3 year th 5 year st 1 year th 6 year st 1 year nd 2 year
.50 .75 .25 .75 .50 .50 .25 .75
7 year th 6 year th 11 year st 1 year th 4 year rd 3 year rd 3 year th 5 year
12 years st 1 year rd
nd th
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Wiliford, Terry Sue (FE)
New Life UMC & Seneca Castle
4 year
b) What deacons in full connection and provisional deacons are approved for appointment to less than fulltime service (¶331.7)? Name Appointment Fraction of Full-Time Service Insook Do (FD) Chaplain/Counselor at Capital City .50 Rescue Mission/New Faith Family Center for Homeless Women, Albany, NY Denise Bowen (FD) Deanna Finch (FD) Patricia Cardin (FD)
Boonville Greece & Buffalo: Seneca St. NFC Urban Edge &NFC Peace of Heart Ira
Susan Ranous (PD)
.50 .75 .25 .25
74. Who have been appointed as interim pastors under the provisions of ¶338.3 since the last session of the annual conference, and for what period of time? Name
Marsi, Jan (RE) Wenzinger, Ronald (RE) Burdick, William (RE) Babcock, Kenneth (RE)
Binghamton Binghamton
Prong, Lee Edward (SY) Nolen, Bonnie (RE) Webb, Frederica (PL) Nolen, Bonnie (RE) Keller, Carol (RE) Morey, Elizabeth (RE) Doupe, Gary (RE) Mosher, Barbara (OR) Svenson, David (OR) Isler, Carl (SY) Green, Caspar (SY) Kelsey, Fred (RE) Pierce, Mark (RE) Kasperek, Marilyn (PL) Hall, Russell (RE) Kasperek, Marilyn (PL) Kasperek, Marilyn (PL)
End Date
Tabernacle Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial
Start Date 04/15/15 07/01/15
Genesee Valley Niagara Frontier Binghamton
Carlton Buffalo: Ontario St.
07/01/15 07/01/15
09/06/2015 06/30/2016
Hawleyton/Conklin Forks
Genesee Valley Northern Flow Genesee Valley Crossroads Crossroads Binghamton Genesee Valley Adirondack Cornerstone Northern Flow Mountain View Northern Flow Niagara Frontier Crossroads Niagara Frontier Niagara Frontier
Ionia (50%) Redwood Canadice (25%) Syracuse: St. Paul’s Syracuse: St. Paul’s Centenary-Chenango St. Warsaw First & Silver Springs Peru Community Federated Cherry Creek/Conewango Valley Malone: Centenary Wilawana/Chemung Adams & Sulphur Springs Oakfiled/West Barre
10/04/15 10/18/15 10/25/15 11/01/15 01/01/16 01/01/16 11/15/15 01/03/16 01/01/16 02/01/16 03/01/16 03/13/16 02/14/16
12/06/2016 05/01/2016 12/06/2015 12/31/2015 04/30/2016 06/30/2016 02/28/2016 06/30/2016 06/30/2016 06/30/2016 06/30/2016 06/30/2016 03/20/2016
Camillus Immanuel Medina: Abundant Harvest (25%) Medina: Abundant Harvest (25%)
03/15/16 03/28/16
06/30/2016 05/31/2016
06/30/2016 06/30/2017
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
75. What changes have been made in appointments since the last annual conference session? (Attach list. Include and identify Appointments Beyond the Local Church (Deacons) and Appointments to Extension Ministries (Elders). Give effective dates of all changes.) Name Poland, Edith
Dist. ADK
Date 01/25/2010
From FT Harkness & Keeseville
Claypool, Inell (FE)
Song, Jee Hae (SY)
Rhodehamel, Gary (RE) Rhodehamel, Wendy (RE) Bleck-Doran, Theodore (FE) Mosher, Barbara (OR) Batcher, Marvin (PL)
07/07/2015 07/07/2015
St. Paul’s UMC, Central TX Conference Syracuse City UM Churches
07/13/2015 07/14/2015
Tessey, Westley (PL)
Higgenbottom, Lamont (OF) Yang, Jay Suh (RE) Baissa, Marilyn (RE)
To Percentage correction backdated ¾ time Harkness & Keeseville Personal Leave (354.2a) Not Assigned Burke Burke Retired
Ext. Min. Chaplain, Veterans Affairs Warsaw Immanuel Schenectady: Carman (25%) Assigned (SY) at East Otto None
07/26/2015 08/01/15
Not Appointed (Retired) CP Clark Mills
Bennett, Daryl J. (PL)
Ni Fron
Brown, Stephanie (PL)
Brown, Stephanie (PL)
Chaplain, Erie County Medical Center Not Appointed (Greater NJ) Conf.) Harmony (25%)
Rushville (50%) Rome:First (75%) & CP Clark Mills Not Appointed
Moon, Yohan (PE)
Alexander (SY)
Jensen, Eric (PE)
Chanthasone, Sonexay (Sean) (FL) Cole, Lynette (PL) Earthrowl, Deborah (FE)
Vestal: Calvary & Westover Lao Good News, NFC
8/26/2015 8/26/2015
Cardin, Patricia (FD)
Limmo, Aaron (FL)
Mosher, Clair (PL)
Smith, David E. (RE)
Ollett, Melanie (SY) Houck, David (SY) Robert Franke (PL)
GV Oneon NiFron
9/9/15 9/27/15 9/30/2015
Newman (25%) as SY Salem/W.Hebron/CP Greater Parish/CP Newman Sarah Jane Johnson Dream Center NFC: New World Ministries Christ Community (50%) Grace UMC – Ravena (50%) None Dorloo & Hyndsville Royalton 95
Retired Schenectady: Carman (50%) East Otto (25%) Olean: Trinity
Harmony (25%) Harmony (25%) & Varna (<25%) Alexander (PE) Vestal: Calvary (75%) Lao Good News, NFC, Westover Newman (25%) as PL Salem/W.Hebron/CP Greater Parish NFC Urban Edge & NFC Peace of Heart Not Appointed Christ Community (75%) Grace UMC – Ravena (75%) Carlton (25%) Not Assigned Royalton & Joshua Connection
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Jeffers, Robert (RL) Lange, Ray (RO) Gleason, Timothy (FE) Smith, Burton (RE) Mikel-Hayes, Pamela (FE)
GV Cross Corner Corner Oneon
9/30/2015 9/30/15 10/1/15 10/1/15 10/1/15
McAllister, Kevin (SY)
Aldersgate – Associate Cazenovia Cuba & Friendship Retirement Cobleskill, CP for Warnerville, Mineral Springs, Dorloo/Hyndsville Nelson
Perotti, Caye (SY) Stratton, Jeffrey (FE) Hong, Lloyd (Kyungmin) (SY) Campbell, Sandra (RL) Kersten, Robert (OR) Roll, Patricia (CLM) McPheeters, Chilton (OR) Lee, Cathy (RD) O’Neill, David (CLM) Reese, Kathy (PL)
Oneon MOH Albany
10/1/15 10/1/15 10/1/15
Mineral Springs Rome: First Korean UMC of Albany
Nelson (50%) & Cazenovia (25%) Not Assigned Medical Leave Not Assigned
10/8/15 10/8/15 10/8/15 10/11/15
Presho (SY) Trinity UMC-Wilton Clifton Springs Willsboro/Reber
Presho (PL) Not Appointed Not Assigned Reber (25%)
FL NoFlo Albany
10/18/15 10/18/15 10/25/15
Retirement Redwood Bleecker
Christman, Maxine (CLM) Baez, Wilfredo Juan (FE)
McGraw (25%) Not Assigned Bleecker & Northville: First (75%) Not Assigned
Whiteface Community: Wilmington
Guthrie, Rebecca (SY)
Hunt, Bradford (FE)
Wilson, Gail (RL) Stevens, Arnold (PL)
11/9/15 11/10/15
Mullin, Michael (PL)
Clay: Trinity & Andrews Memorial Elmira Riverside CLM Riparius/Weavertown/ Johnsburg/Pottersville (50%) None
Trask, Gregg (SY) Greenough, John F. (PL)
11/16/15 11/29/15
Mann, Jeannette (CLM)
Finke, Carol (CLM)
Crown Point Green Island: Church of the Good Shepherd Sanfords Ridge (SY) (25%) Not Assigned
Ollett, Melanie (PL) McLoughlin, William (SY) Tierson, Adrian (PE)
12/7/15 12/8/15
Carlton (SY) (25%) Talcottville
United Church of Phelps
Bluff Point
Withdrawn from UMC, para 327.6 Retired
Milo Ctr., Branchport, NFC: Living Well (25%
Bluff Point (75%), NFC: Living Well (25%)
White-Wunder, (RE) Perl, Sandi (FL)
Retired Retired Friendship (50%) Cuba (50%) Cobleskill, CP for Warnerville
Ext. Min. Chaplain, Greater Binghamton Health Center West Winfield Federated Faith Journey UMC (merged) Retired PL Riparius/Weavertown/ Johnsburg/Pottersville (50%) Roch: Asbury First (50%) Deceased Not Appointed Sanfords Ridge (CLM) (25%) Cambridge: Embury (25%) Carlton (PL) (25%) Not Assigned
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
each) Roch.: Wesley (50%), Roch: Seneca (50%) Centenary: Chenango St. Roch: Aldersgate (<25%) Christ Community (75%)
Rapino, Geraldine (FE)
Focht, Marcia (PL)
Rivera, Hector (PL)
Mosher, Clair (FL)
Watson, David (CLM)
Lyons, Kim (SY) Ludwig, Della (SY) Fish, Bruce (PL)
FL FL Corner
1/1/16 1/1/16 1/1/16
Kerwath, Eric (PL) Graham, Nadine (FE)
1/1/16 0101/2016
Mann, Keith (RL) Townsend, Kimberly (SY) Stevens, Arnold (PL)
1/3/16 1/3/16
Retired Not Assigned
Johnsburg/Pottersville (50%)
Meyerhoff, Douglas (PL)
Bond, William (PL)
Deichmann, Wendy J. (FE)
Malone: Centenary (75%) United Seminary President & CEO
Vanderminden, Meredith (FE)
Ext. Min.: Art Divina
Klimecko, Chris (PL)
NiFron/C orner
Gowanda (25%)
Preuninger, Nicholas (OF) Holder, Patrick (RE)
Camillus Immanuel
South Corning (50%)
Palmer, Ron (PL) Finch, Daniel (FE)
2/4/16 2/4/16
Gonzalez, Olga (PL)
Allens Hill (SY) Livonia and CP for Allens Hill None
Zandt, Cheryl (FE) Merritt, Dawn (PL)
2/5/16 2/8/16
Providece, Lecelle (SY) Beck, Helen (FE)
2/8/16 2/10/16
Perrysburg/Dayton (25%) None None Cherry Creek/Leon & Conewango Valley Centre Glenville (50%) 346.1 Houston: Christ UMC
Ext. Min. Nunda/West Sparta (50%) Antwerp Madrid 97
Roch: Wesley (25%), Roch: Seneca (50%) Not Appointed Roch: Aldersgate (25%) Christ Community (100%) Not Assigned Branchport (<25%) Milo Center (25%) Discontinued Centre Glenville (75%) Ext. Min director of the One Project at the Prayer Institute, Houston, TX Wilton: Trinity (<25%) Chestertown Johnsburg/Pottersville and CP for Chestertown (50%) Glens Falls: Christ Church (25%) Discontinued United Seminary Professor of History & Theology Ext. Min.: Art Divina and Glens Falls Christ (50%) Gowanda (25%) & Perrysburg-Dayton (25%) None South Corning (50%) and Elmira: Riverside (25%) Allens Hill (PL) Livonia NFC: Casa de Dios (50%) Withdrawn West Sparta (25%) Not Assigned Whiteface Community
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Lenz, Richard (SY)
Not Assigned
Crout, Roger (PL)
Hart, Penelope (PL)
South Lewis Parish (75%) None
Fargo, Mona (RL) Claypool, Inell (FE)
3/11/16 3/29/16
Adams/Sulfur Springs Personal Leave (354.2a)
Finch, Karen (SY) Sierk, Carol (RA) Rodriguez, Jose (PL)
4/1/16 4/1/16 4/19/16
Allens Hill East Rochester Utica NFC (SY)
Hester, Thomas B. (PL)
Jones, Cory (PL)
Gleason, Janet (FE)
VanHatten, Thomas (PL)
Makarchuck, Cindy (FL)
Waldron, Roger (RL)
Morey, Elizabeth (RE)
Song, Jee Hae (SY) Robinson-Raschi, Ann (FE) O’Neil, David (CLM) Webb, Frederica (PL)
Cross GV
5/1/16 5/1/16
NoFlo NoFlo
5/1/16 5/1/16
Poling, Ray (SY) Smith, Kristen (SY) Jubenville, Carol (PL)
5/1/16 5/2/16 05/16/2016
Choconut Center (50%) (SY) VanHornesville/St.Johns ville (50%) (SY) Herkimer & CPVanhornesville/St.Johns ville East Hamilton (25%) (SY) Maynard & W. Schuyler, CP- Cherry Valley, East Hamilton Schroon Lake Community Syracuse: St. Paul’s (25%) None Rochester.: Lake Ave. (25%) None Alexandria Bay, Wellesley Island, Redwood None Lairdsville New Hartford
Stevens, Arnold (PL)
Poling, Ray (PL) Winnie, Amy (PL) Donna Fitchette (PL)
06/16/2016 06/16/2016 06/21/2016
RWJ/Pottersville & CP for Chestertown (50%) SY@ Rochester: Lake SY@ North Bush SY @ Omar-Fisher Landing
United Church of Madrid & Louisville (50%) Deceased Ext. Min.-Chaplain at Elderwood Health Care, Birchwood (25%) Retired Ext. Min. – Chaplain at Wesleyan at Scenic N.H. & Rehab., Georgetown, TX Not Assigned Retired Casa De Dios & Utica NFC & Co-Director of Hispanic/Latino Planting (PL) Choconut Center (50%) (PL) VanHornesville/St.John sville (50%) (PL) Herkimer East Hamilton (25%) (PL) Maynard & W. Schuyler, CP-Cherry Valley Retired Retired Syracuse UM Churches Nunda (25%) Redwood Alexandria Bay, Wellesley Island Roch.: Lake (25%) Not Assigned Ext. Min: Executive Director at Community at Sunset Woods RWJ/Pottersville (50%) PL @ Rochester: Lake PL @ North Bush PL @ Omar-Fishers Landing
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
76. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to ministry to the local church and where are they appointed for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) 77. What elders (full connection and provisional), associate members, and local pastors are appointed to extension ministries for the ensuing year? (Attach a list) a) Within the connectional structures of United Methodism (Âś344.1a, c)? Name Appointment Charge Conference Adams, Nancy (FE) District Superintendent, Mountain View Anderson, Nola (FE) District Superintendent, Crossroads Annandale, Naomi (FE) Director, Research and Strategic Evaluation at Discipleship Ministries Bassett, Everett (FE) District Superintendent, Oneonta Bouwens, Aaron (FE) Director of Vital Congregations Scott Butler, K. Wayne (FE) District Superintendent, Niagara Frontier Childress, Douglas R. (FE) GBGM Missionary to Estonia Deichmann, Wendy (FE) Professor of History & Theology (Dayton) Orchard Park Fossitt, Vonda (FE) District Superintendent, Genesee Valley Gottschalk-Fielding, William Director of Connectional Ministries/Executive Marcellus (FE) Assistant to the Bishop UNY Conference Harding, W. Lea ( FE) Chaplain, United Methodist Homes, Johnson Endicott: First City, NY Hill, Robert A. (FE) Dean of Marsh Chapel, Boston University, Prof. of Pastoral Theology, University Chaplain Joyce, Kandice (FE) Assistant Director for Financial Aid, Drew Shenendehowa University, Madison, NJ Kofahl, David W. (FE) District Superintendent, Binghamton Masland, David (FE) Conference Superintendent of New Faith Communities McDowell, Jeffrey (FE) District Superintendent, Finger Lakes Mudge, William (FE) District Superintendent, Adirondack Rodriguez, Jose (FL) Co-Director of Hispanic-Latino Planting Rosa-Laguer, Carlos (FE) Co-Director of Hispanic-Latino Planting Rood, Sherri (FE) District Superintendent, Cornerstone Roy, Abel (FE) District Superintendent Mohawk Sweet, Rebekah (FE) District Superintendent, Northern Flow Weihing, Richard (FE) District Superintendent, Albany Wolfe Thomas, V. (FE) President of Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Solvay Colorado, Denver Metro District of the Rocky Mountain Conference b) To ministries endorsed by the Board of Higher Education and Ministry (344.1b)? Name Appointment Baez, Wilfredo Juan (FE) Chaplain, Greater Binghamton Health Center Carnie, David (FE) Pastoral Counselor, Brownell Center for Behavioral Health Claypool, Lamar W. (FE) Chaplain, Travis County Sheriff Department, Texas Davis, Thomas (FE) Chaplain, Kaiser Permanente Home Health and Hospice of San Diego, CA Kraft, Jackie Ann Rose (FE) Chaplain, Air National Guard Lee, Esther (FE) Chaplain, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Otisville, NY Manry, Keith A. (FE) US Air Force Chaplain, Andersen Air Force Base in Guam Phelps, Timothy D. (FE) Hospice Chautauqua County, Chaplain Pollock, Andrew (FE) Halifax Health System/Hospice, Florida Annual Conference, East Central 99
Charge Conference
Ava Hilltop St. Markâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s, South District, Cal Pac Conf. Pendleton Center Hudson Falls Springville: First Bemus Point Holland
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Searle, Robert (FE) Scholl, Natalie (FE) Streeter, Jennifer (FE) Toenniessen, Cindy (FE) c)
Chaplain at Canandaigua Veterans Administration Hospital Life Coach Chaplain, Fairport Baptist Home Staff Chaplain at University of Maryland Medical Center, Pastoral Care Services
To other valid ministries under the provisions of Âś344.1d? (v 2/3) Name Appointment Claypool, Inell (FE) Chaplain at Wesleyan at Scenic Nursing & Rehab. In Georgetown, TX (eff. 3/29/16) Clunn, Steven (FE) Coordinator for the Methodist Federation for Social Action in Washington, DC Conners, Gail (PL) Chaplain, Clifton Springs Hospital Evans, Christopher (FE) Professor, History of Christianity and Methodist Studies, Boston U. Sch of Theo. Fenimore, James (FE) Church Consultant for the Samaritan Counseling Center, Scotia, NY Graham, Nadine (FE) Director of the One Project at the Prayer Institute, Houston, TX (eff. 1/1/16) Harris, Pamela (FE) Run River Enterprises, Tully, NY Hedlund, Victoria (FL) Pastoral Care Coordinator at Olean General Hospital Higgins, Kent E. (FE) Chaplain, United Christian Foundation, Amherst, MA Horrell, Dana (FE) Faithful Citizen Jordan, Augustus E. (FE) Executive Director, Health and Counseling Services, Middlebury College Jordan, Laurel M.(FE) Chaplain, Scott Center for Spiritual Religious Life Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT Jubenville, Carol (PL) Executive Director at Community at Sunset Wood Lowman, Dee Anne (FE) Program Development Associate at Capital Region Theological Center (eff. 10/06/14) Mitchell III, Stuart J. (FE) President/CEO of PathStone Corporation, Rochester, NY Olson, Robin (FE) Director of Spiritual Life Center, Bentley University, Waltham, MA Preuninger, Colleen (FE) Director of Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute Stackpole, Cynthia K. (FE) Community Manager at Holiday Retirement Corporation Stackpole, Richard L. (FE) Community Manager at Holiday Retirement Corporation Tyson, John (FE) Full Professor at CRCDS, teaching history and directing UM studies Vanderminden, Meredith (FE) Executive Director, Art Divina Wagner, Jane (FE) Carthage UCC, Carthage, NY Watson, Duane F. (FE) Professor of New Testament Studies, Department of Theology, Malone University Canton Ohio Westover, Laurel P. (FE) Wiggers, Stephen (FE) Chaplain, Halifax Health Hospice Team, Florida Wolfe, Marilyn N. (FE) Centus, Samaritan Institute; Clinical therapist and educator
North Rose
Henrietta: Faith
Charge Conference Schenectady: First Clifton Springs Ithaca: St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial Syracuse: Berlin Centenary Oneida: First Clinton Middlesex Rochester: Asbury First Syr: University Bath: Centenary Bath: Centenary Arcade Saratoga Springs Seven Steeples Evans Mills/Philadelphia
Syracuse: University
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
78. Who are appointed as deacons (full connection and provisional) for the ensuing year? (Attach a list.) a) Through non-United Methodist agencies and settings beyond the local church (¶331.1a)? Name Do, Insook (FD) Golando, Molly (PD) Hodge, Jeff (FD) Kang, Mahn-Hee (FD) Maxwell, Bruce (FD) Seeley, Jeffery A. (FD) Verity, William (FD) Waltz, Vivian (FD)
Appointment Chaplain/Counselor at Capital City Rescue Mission/New Faith Family Center for Homeless Women, Albany, NY Functional Literacy Ministry/ Haiti & BECALM (Barnabas Ecumenical Compassion and Life Ministry) Consultant, Church and Community Development Consulting Ministry Professor, Korea Baptist Theo. Univ. Chaplain, Breezewood Trucker and Traveler Ministry, Breezewood, PA Assoc. Professor of Church Music at Mercer Univ. in Macon, GA Organist/Accompanist at St. Daniel Church Church, Syracuse, NY Director, Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Non Violence, Buffalo, NY
Charge Conference Albany: Westfield Pennellville Oswego: First Horseheads
b) Through United Methodist Church-related agencies and schools within the connectional structures of The United Methodist Church (¶331.1b)? Asbury Camp & Retreat Center Assistant Director Russell, Susan (FD) Drew University: Interim Director of Theological Lifelong learning; Interim Jones, Amy Beth W. (FD) Associate Director of the D-Min program & UMC Liaison c) Within a local congregation, charge, or cooperative parish (¶331.1c)? Name Name Bowen Denise (FD) LeValley, Bonnie (FD) Cardin, Patricia (FD) Naber, Rebecca L. (PD) Finch, Deanna (FD) Price, Sheila (FD) Golando, Molly (PD) Ranous, Susan (PD) Hodge, Jeffrey (FD) Stoica-Hussey, Sandra (RD) Lee, Catherine (RD) Wolfe, Carrie S. (PD) 79. Who are appointed to attend school (¶416.6)? (List alphabetically all those whose prime appointment is to attend school.) Name Clergy School Year Status 80. Where are the diaconal ministers appointed for the ensuing year (¶310) [1992 Discipline]? (Attach list) 81. What other personal notations should be made? (Include such matters as changes in pension credit (¶1506.5), corrections or additions to matters reported in the "Business of the Annual Conference" form in previous years, and legal name changes of clergy members and diaconal ministers.)
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Eric Kerwath (PL) should have been listed at 50% from 1/1/12-12/31/15 Edith Poland (FE) should have been listed in Q73 at 75% beginning 1/25/2010 Veronica Seeley (PL) should have been added to Q21B in the 2010 BAC (licensed July 1, 2010 at 25%); in 2011 BAC she should have been listed as of July 1, 2011 at 50%; in 2012-2015 BAC’s she should have been listed at 50%.
82. Where and when shall the next Conference Session be held (¶603.2, 3)? Clergy Session will be held in Syracuse, NY Annual Conference Session will be held June 1-3, 2017 in Syracuse, NY Revised May 2016
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
UPPER NEW YORK CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS 2016 Appointment list Upper New York Area of The United Methodist Church
KEY Change in pastor/status/charge is in bold lettering # Not the only appointment * Change in pastor ** Appointment made since the last Annual Conference
CONFERENCE RELATIONSHIP (First column following pastor’s name)
Elder in Full Connection (¶335) Deacon in Full Connection (¶330) Provisional Elder (¶324,325) Provisional Deacon (¶324, 325) Elder member of another annual conference or Methodist denomination (¶346.1) OF Full member of other denomination OD Deacon member of other annual conference (¶331.8)
Pastor, full-time
Pastor, part-time: 1. not an elder, 1992 2. a retired member under appointment Coordinating pastor Less-than-full-time (Elder, probationary elder 1992 Discipline, or associate member of the UMC) Special appointment
cp lft
OP Probationary Member of other annual sp conference (¶346.1) OA Associate Member, other annual conference e Employed by the District (¶346.1) Superintendent OR Retired member of another m Missional (not paid)/Deacons FL Full-time local pastor (¶318.1) PL Part-time local pastor (¶318.2) AM Associate Member (¶322, 370.1, 635.2h) AF Affiliate Member (¶334.5, 344.4, 586.4) HL Honorable Location (¶359.1) RE Retired Elder in Full Connection (¶358) RP Retired Provisional Member (358) (prior to Jan 1, 2013) RD Retired Deacon in Full Connection (¶358) RA Retired Associate Member (¶358) RL Retired local pastor (¶320.5, 327.7) DM Diaconal Minister (¶369.1 2004 Discipline) DR Retired Diaconal Minister (consecreated under provision of 1992 or earlier DC Deaconess (¶1314.3) LM Certified Lay minister (assigned not appointed) (¶271) SY Supply Pastor (assigned not appointed)
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
The last column indicates the n th year of appointment to that charge. ADIRONDACK DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT:
William Mudge
Patricia M. Molik To Be Supplied Robert DeFelice Deborah Waldron Lee Capodagli Stephen W. Loan To Be Supplied Kimberly Stevens Townsend Joyce Bruce Bonita Bates To Be Supplied Gary Rhodehamel Wendy Rhodehamel Virginia Cornell Lee Capodagli Gary Rhodehamel To Be Supplied Wilbert Gamble
1 2 3 12
pt pt pt pt cp e e p
pt pt pt pt pt
7 7 11 3 7
e cp e pt lft p pt lft p pt lft pt pt pt p pt pt
4 2 2 13 7 2 2 3 2 4 11 1 3 6 10 5 5
e e e pt p p
2 5 6 5 1 4
* #
# #
Adirondack Community Ausable Forks Ballston Spa Bolton Landing: Emmanuel Eagle Bridge/South Cambridge Champlain: Three Steeples Chestertown (eff. 1.3.16) Clintonville Corinth: First & Middle Grove Crown Point Dannemora Easton & North Cambridge
# #
# #
**# ** #
# *
Ellenburg, The UMC of Essex Community First United Methodist Church of Saranac Lake Fort Ann (United Protestant Church)
Scott Tyler Scott Rogers
Fortsville Galway Glens Falls: Christ (eff. 1.24.16) (eff. 1.3.16) Hartford Hudson Falls Indian Lake & Blue Mountain Lake Keeseville & Harkness Lake George: First Lake Luzerne & South Corinth Lyon Mountain Malta Ridge Mooers
Paul Dufford, Jr. (50%) Kimberly A. Reed Meredith Vanderminden Douglas J Meyerhoff (25%) Kelly K. Warner Derek Hansen Nina Dickinson (75%) Edith A. Poland David Routh Casey Bradley Martha Connor Penny L. Lacy Sarah Chase White Rodger White To Be Supplied John Gocke Terry Mosholder Roberta Lee-Brynes Stephen J. Andrews Peggi J. Eller Philip Richards To Be Supplied Phillip Phaneuf To Be Supplied
Moriah Newcomb & Long Lake North Creek North Granville North River Peru: Community Federated Plattsburgh Porter Corners Queensbury Raceville
2 9 7
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Arnold Stevens George Richards Penny L. Lacy Kelly K. Warner Jeannette Mann Lawrence Lake Heather Williams Andrew Sperry Lynnette Cole Benjamin Lalka To Be Supplied Carol Finke William L. Puckey Daniel Burgess Debbie Earthrowl To Be Supplied To Be Supplied Deborah Earthrowl Jeffrey Grants Scott Tyler Jerry McKinney Stephen J. Andrews Sharon Weber To Be Supplied Scott Tyler Scott Rogers Susan Bowman Edith Poland Frederic (Ric) Feeney Helen Beck Keith R. Mann
pt pt p cp e p p p pt e
2 13 4 2 2 7 3 3 1 1
e p pt cp
1 2 2 3
p e p pt pt pt
24 9 10 9 7 9
cp e e cp e p pt
2 2 11 1 1 2 2
Richard Weihing
G. Ewart Morris Cheol Hee Yang Albert W. Johnson Jeffrey Matthews Kristi Van Patten Jeffrey Rauhauser Judith Humphrey-Fox Joseph H. Auslander To be supplied To be supplied To be supplied Judith Humphrey-Fox Holly Nye
p p pt p pt pt p p
5 3 1 10 3 4 1 3
p p
4 5
# #
RWJohnsburg & Pottersville (eff. 11.10.15) Rock City Falls Round Lake Sanfordâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Ridge Saranac & Morrisonville & Peasleeville: Zion Saratoga Springs
* * *
# # # # # #
# #
*# * ** **
Schroon Lake: Community Federated Schuylerville & Quaker Springs Sciota Shushan: Newman UMC South Glens Falls Speculator/Lake Pleasant /Wells The Greater Parish Argyle Greenwich: Centenary Salem & West Hebron Thurman-Kenyontown Ticonderoga: First United Church of Granville Warrensburg West Fort Ann Westport Federated Whitehall White Creek: Jermain Willsboro & Reber Wilmington: Whiteface Community (eff. 2.10.16) Wilton: Trinity (eff. 1.3.16)
Albany: Emmaus Albany: McKownville Albany: Pine Grove Albany: Trinity Alplaus Ames-Sprout Brook Amsterdam Averill Park: Church of the Covenant Berlin Bleecker Boyntonville Broadalbin Burnt Hills
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
# #
# **
*# *
Associate Canajoharie Castleton: St. Paul’s & Nassau (Grace) Centre Glenville Clifton Park: Jonesville Clifton Park: Shenendehowa Cornerstone Community Church of Lansingburgh Delmar
Gail Falsetti To be supplied Diane Berdan Eric Kerwath Youngjae Jee Leland J. Carlson Allen Siebold Deborah O’Connor-Slater Patrick James Dupont Denise L. Gisotti Sundar R. Samuel To be supplied To be supplied To be supplied Alan Griffith Cynthia Leonard Edward A. Hackett, Jr. (50%) Judith Johnson Siebold Marcial Reyes Camillus J. Mourice To be supplied Janet A. M. James (75%) Kim Goodrich Jerry Oliver Brenda Tompkins Virginia Deyo Steven M. Smith Stark G. Jones Amy Winnie Darienne Gagne To be supplied Jerry Oliver Kathy Reese To be supplied David E. Smith To be supplied Jim D’Arcy Marvin Batcher Alan Kinney Adrienne L. Phillips Sara E. Baron Karen L. Smith David Heise Jonathan M. Walter Margaret A. Currier Dana Horrell To be supplied Joy Lowenthal
East Greenbush East Stone Arabia Edinburg Fonda – Fultonville Fort Plain Freysbush Gloversville: Foothills Gloversville: North Main Street Green Island: Church of the Good Shepherd Johnsonville & Pittstown Korean UMC of Albany Latham: Calvary Living Hope UMC (formerly Clifton Park & Waterford) Mayfield Mechanicville Melrose Newtonville Niverville-Chatham Center North Bush (eff. 6.16.16) North Chatham North Petersburgh Northampton at Fish House Northville: First (eff. 10.25.15) Petersburgh Ravena: Grace Rensselaer: First & Emmanuel Rexford Schenectady: Carman Schenectady: Eastern Parkway Schenectady: Faith Schenectady: First Schenectady: Rotterdam Schenectady: Stanford Scotia South Bethlehem Stephentown: Federated Troy: Center Brunswick
p pt p p p p p pt p
8 8 1 2 14 6 2 3 4
pt pt p lft
9 2 5 1
p lft e pt p p e pt e
3 3 11 2 6 6 9 2 7
e pt
9 2
e pt p p p p pt pt pt p
15 5 6 3 4 3 3 4 3 1
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Martha Swords-Horrell David Martin Karyl L. Hopp G. Ewart Morris Gary M. Kubitz To be supplied Patricia A. Bush
p p pt p p
3 15 11 5 1
David W. Kofahl
(75%) Cynthia J. Wenzinger Alan S. Bill Thomas Easttey Eric L. Jensen Beth O. Benham Janet B. Clark Benjamin O'Connor Jennifer K. Piatt Joyce K. Allen Beth O. Benham
lft pt p p p p p pt p p p cp pt pt p p p e pt p p p p p pt p e p pt pt pt e pt p e lft pt
2 12 3 1 1 7 1 1 7 1 1 3 11 7 3 12 6 3 14 3 4 2 2 4 7 8 9 1 11 9 6 6 2 2 1 9 15
Troy: Christ Troy: Hope Troy: Pawling Ave. Valley Falls Voorheesville First Watervliet West Sand Lake: Salem
* *
*# *
# # # # # #
* ** #
**# *# #
Apalachin Barton Binghamton: Boulevard Binghamton: Brookvale Binghamton: Centenary-Chenango St. Binghamton: Fairview Binghamton: High Street Binghamton: Nimmonsburg Binghamton: Ogden-Hillcrest Binghamton: Tabernacle Candor: McKendree & Germany Hill Caring Covenant Coop Parish East Berkshire & Jenksville Flemingville & Fairfield Newark Valley Castle Creek & Glen Castle Chenango Bridge Deposit & Hale Eddy Endicott: Campville Endicott: Central Endicott: First Endicott: Union Center Endicott: Wesley Endwell Gibson Corners Greene Halsey Valley Hawleyton & Conklin Forks Harpursville & Ouaquaga Johnson City: Choconut Center (eff. 4.19.16) Johnson City: Lao Good News Johnson City: Lao American UMC Johnson City: Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial Johnson City: Westover (eff. 8.15.15) Killawog Kirkwood: First Litchfield (PA)
Kelly Carner
Timothy Middleton, Sr. Viki S. Andrews Gary Freeland Timothy Middleton, Sr. James G. Collins Jr. Roger L. Frederick Raymond E. Bartholomew William C. Prentice Michelle Bogue-Trost Dale E. Austin David B. McKinney David B. McKinney Mark D. Kimpland William C. Prentice Amy B. Gregory Richard VanDerpoel David C. Piatt Susan D. Crawson-Brizzolara Thomas Hester Sonexay “Sean” Chanthasone Vithaya Osa Ronald E. Wenzinger Sonexay “Sean” Chanthasone MaryAnn Taylor (50%) Diane E. Prentice Jon L. Austin
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Paul Reed Cindy Schulte Jon L. Austin Robert A. Dean R. Brown Naik Sharon C. Harris MaryAnn Taylor Mary Jean Simonin Amy B. Gregory James W. Stevens Dale E. Austin Joseph D. Sellepack Delma West Mary Jean Simonin Michael K. Willis Martha E. Vink Eric L. Jensen Jeffrey Aiosa Anne Bey Canfield Philip J. Thorick (75%) Cynthia J. Wenzinger Corey Turnpenny Douglas A. Clark
pt pt pt p pt pt e p p p p e pt p p lft p p p pt lft p p
5 4 10 3 2 9 1 2 1 2 4 1 10 2 16 3 6 5 17 3 2 4 7
Sherri Rood
*# #
Ashville Belfast Bemus Point
Blockville Brocton: Tri-Church Parish Busti Federated Caneadea Cattaraugus/Wesley Celoron Charlotte Center Chautauqua: Hurlbut Memorial Centerville Cherry Creek-Leon (eff. 1.1.16) Clymer/North Clymer Conewango Valley (eff. 1.1.16) Cuba (eff. 10.1.15) Delevan Dewittville-Hartfield Dunkirk East Otto (eff. 7.15.15)
Raymond C. Gilman IV Nancy L. Russell William Allen Kristen Allen Michael Vercant Barbara Brewer Supplied by American Baptist Lawrence R. Russell Rebecca Ward Heather Allport-Cohoon Matthew Slaven Carmen Perry Robert Schooley Carl Isler Dena A. Stevens Carl Isler Burton L. Smith Dawn Quesenberry Mark Parsons Judith Cole Westley Tessey
p p p p pt p
1 3 4 4 4 3
pt p pt e p e e p e pt pt p pt pt
3 3 6 1 3 3 2 2 2 2 5 6 4 2
*# # *# #
Little Meadows (PA) Lockwood Lounsberry Maine: Federated Marathon McClure & North Sanford Nanticoke Nichols North Fenton Owego Park Terrace Community Sanitaria Springs Spencer: Federated Tioga Center & Smithboro Vestal Associate Vestal: Calvary Vestal Center Waverly West Chenango: Abbott Whittemore Hill Whitney Point Windsor
# #
# # ** # # **
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
* # *# # # #
# *#
# #
** #
* # # # #
# # #
East Randolph Edwards Chapel Ellington Falconer Fentonville Findley Lake Forestville Fredonia: First Frewsburg: Trinity Frewsburg: Wheeler Hill Friends in Christ Friendship Gerry Great Valley Hamlet Hinsdale/Ischua (Fed.) Jamestown: Camp Street Jamestown: Christ First Jamestown: Kidder Memorial Kennedy: First Knapp Creek Trinity Lakewood Laona: Emmanuel Limestone Little Valley: First Machias Magnolia Mayville: First Napoli New Beginnings Fellowship North Harmony Olean: Christ
Rodney D. Mileham FE Warren VanDewark PL Gordon G. Damsteegt OF Brian Lothridge PL Christopher Rhodes PL David J. Cooke FE James Hankey RL Annette Puleff FL Peter J. Pasieka FL Carol Becker LM Nancy L. Russell FL Clara Wilder PL Heather Allport-Cohoon PL John Green PL Carol Dill PL Richard Young PL Jennifer Delahoy FL Natalie Hanson FE Carolyn Stow FE Jennifer Delahoy FL Gerald C. Piper RE Raymond C. Gilman IV FL Michael S. Spell FL Robert Beard OR Nathanael E. Lange FL Nancy Preston PL John R. Bowen PL Mark Parsons FE Tracey Barron SY Kenneth Hodgins RE John A. Jackson PL Suzanne M. Block FE Carrie S. Wolfe PD LaMont Higginbottom OF John R. Bowen PL Steven Taylor FE John P. Dedloff SY Michael Vercant PL Craig Buelow PL Clara Wilder PL Lawrence R. Russell PL Supplied by the United Church of Christ To Be Supplied Joseph Pascoe FL Carol Dill PL Craig Buelow PL Richard Peters PL Warren VanDewark PL
Olean: Trinity (eff. 7.15.15) Open Meadows Panama Perrysburg-Dayton Pleasant Valley Ripley Riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Edge Rushford Salamanca United Congregational Church Sheridan Sinclairville: Park South Dayton South Ripley Steamburg Watts Flats
p pt pt pt pt p pt p p e p pt pt pt pt pt p p p p pt p p pt p pt pt p e pt pt p p p pt p e pt pt pt pt
6 3 10 3 4 5 7 3 1 4 3 1 10 4 3 6 2 6 2 9 7 1 6 5 3 3 8 7 1 4 5 4 2 2 18 7 1 3 5 7 3
p pt pt pt pt
3 3 2 5 8
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
* #
Westfield: First West Valley: St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Nicholas Perry Molly Golando Dawn Quesenberry
p p pt
1 3 2
Nola G. Anderson
lft pt e p lft lft pt p p pt pt p e pt pt p pt p pt
2 1 3 7 3 12 5 1 2 7 8 1 2 4 4 1 1 7 25
p p e pt e lft p p p pt p pt cp e e cp e p p p
7 4 1 5 9 1 2 20 3 6 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 2
*# #
* **# #
*# #
* *
# *# *# * * * *
Amboy Belle Isle United Church Amboy Center Apple Valley (South Onondaga/Cardiff/Navarino) Apulia Baldwinsville Pastor for Congregational Care Borodino Bowens Corners Brewerton Bridgeport Christ Church Parish (Altmar/Dugway/Fernwood) Camillus:First Camillus:Immanuel Cazenovia (eff. 10.1.2015) Caughdenoy Chittenango Cicero
Supplied by Presbytery (25%) Robyn Hays Penelope Hart Kenneth Blume Lawrence Lundgren (50%) Patricia Walz (50%) Peter Agnew Mary Johnson Justin Hood Caroline Simmons Edward Bennett Marcia J. Wickert John H. Keating, III Kevin McAllister Samuel Moore John Fulton David C. Derk Olga Gonzalez Collamer (United) Caroline Simmons Cornerstone Terrance E. Millbyer East Syracuse (First United) Supplied by Presbytery Fayetteville Robert Sherburne Fulton: First Michael Weeden Fulton: State Street Rhonda Chester-Quiroz Hannibal Dean Flemming Hannibal Center/South Hannibal Gregory Beasley Ira (25%) Susan M. Ranous Faith Journey UMC (formerly Clay Trinity & Andrews Mem.) Bradford Hunt Jamesville (Federated) Mark C. Harrison Jordan Glen T. Hardman Kirkville Bruce Webster Liverpool Brian S. Homan Penelope Hart Little Utica Lawrence Lundgren Judith Todt Lycoming Brandin Greco Martville Richard Sivers Betty J. Dingman Manlius Joseph Kim Marcellus Robin Blair Mexico: First Emily Huyge
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Charles Forbes John Fulton Roger Parker Shawn Porter Kevin McAllister Richard Barling Tammie Chawgo-Nipper John Keating, IV Robert J. Norrix Roselynn Kingsbury Susan A. Townsend Yohang Chun
pt cp e e e pt pt e cp e pt p
7 4 5 3 4 9 9 3 1 1 5 6
Elyse Skiles Jeffrey J. Hodge Tammie Chawgo-Nipper Richard Barling Jeffrey J. Hodge Justin Hood Joellyn Webster Tuttle To Be Supplied Clair Mosher Robert J. Norrix Andy Anderson Alicia Wood Jee Hae Song To Be Supplied Douglas Mackey Judy Alderman
pt p pt pt p p p
3 3 12 9 5 1 7
p p p p p
3 2 2 2 1
p pt
2 1
Jeffrey McDowell
Dawn Lanora Cheney Eugene A. DeWispelaere Martha Robinson Richelle Goff Natalie Bowerman Sandra L. Perl Kim Lyons supplied by UCC Kevin Grish C. Stephen DeWalt Dawn Lanora Cheney Stephen T. Deckard Karen L. Heit Charles G. Smith Paul Winkelman
pt e p p pt p e
2 14 8 9 5 2 2
pt pt pt p pt p p
9 14 2 2 3 5 4
# # # *# *
Minetto Minoa Mount Pleasant Nelson New Haven North Volney Onativia (eff. 10.19.14) Onondaga Nation
# *
Oran Oswego: First Oswego: Journey of Faith UMC (formerly Sowthwest Oswego & Oswego Center) Oswego:Trinity Palermo Parish Pennellville Phoenix Skaneateles South Scriba Syracuse:Christ Community Syracuse City UM Churches ( Bellevue Heights/Brown Memorial/Erwin First/ Gethsemane/ Hope Korean/ St. Paul's/ University)
Syracuse:West Genesee ‘The Road’ Tully (United) Warners
# # # # # *#
** # # # #
Aloquin-Flint Alton Amazing Grace Parish (Butler/ Countryside /Victory) Auburn Benton Bluff Point (eff. 1.1.16) Branchport (eff. 1.1.16) Caroline Valley Federated Cayuga Cayutaville Chapin Clifton Springs Clyde Cortland: First Cortland: Homer Ave.
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
# # #
* # # # **
** * # # # * #
# # # # ** # # # *
# **#
Cuyler Danby Community Church Dresden Dryden Dundee Fleming (Federated) Freeville Geneva: First Gorham Harmony (eff. 8.1.15) Homer: First Ithaca:Forest Home Ithaca:St. Paul's Jacksonville Lansing Ledyard Lyons Manchester McGraw (eff. 10.18.15) Mecklenburg Middlesex Milo Center (eff. 1.1.16) Moravia: Christ Newark:Emmanuel Newark:First Newfield New Hope: Mid-Lakes North Rose Ovid (Federated) Palmyra Penn Yan Phelps (United) Port Byron Port Gibson Red Creek-Westbury/Sterling Reynoldsville Rose Rushville (eff. 7.26.15) Scott Seneca Castle Seneca Falls Sodus Sodus Point Trumansburg Truxton/East Homer Tyre Varick Varna (eff. 8.9.15-7/23/16)
H. Nelson Stafford, Jr. Edward Enstine Marilyn Wood Harold Wheat Marilyn Wood Glynn N. English Paul Winkelman Tae Kun Kim Katharine Benton Stephanie Brown Rachel Morse Rebecca Dolch John W McNeill Geri Judd Alison Schmied Brett Johnson Patience Kisakye Penni L. Farrington Catherine Lee Katherine Merriman Joyru Leet Della Ludwig Rebecca Laird Patience Kisakye Hyun Joo Yang Michael Kelly John Aukema Richard W. Neal Supplied by Presbyterians Penni L. Farrington Jeffrey B. Childs Supplied by Presbyterian USA Brett Johnson Judith A. Selover Ann S. Blair Michael Kelly Karen Heit Jay Suh Yang John Aukema (50%) Terry Sue Wiliford Susan Hadley Judith A. Selover Julie E. Foos Jeffrey Losey To Be Supplied Kevin Grish (75%) Barbara DeAngelis Stephanie Brown
pt pt pt p pt pt p p p p p pt p pt p pt p p pt pt pt e p p p pt pt p
6 7 7 3 7 6 4 7 9 2 4 6 5 2 1 2 2 7 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 7 1
p p
7 6
pt pt p pt pt pt pt lft p pt pt p
2 3 5 6 7 2 6 2 3 3 1 11
pt lft p
9 16 2
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
# **
Vine Valley Virgil (eff. 7.24.16) Waterloo Weedsport/Mottville: St.Andrews Wolcott: Faith Yatesville/Friend
Natalie Bowerman Stephanie Brown Laura Schaal Calos Valerie White Eunice S. Kim Thomas Wunder
pt p p pt pt pt
5 1 3 10 1 10
Vonda Fossitt
# *
# #
John Laskowski Linda Glantz Ronald Palmer Kimberly Ferrel Matthew French
Adams Basin Albion Allenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Hill (eff. 2.4.16) Avon Bergen Brockport Canadice Canandaigua Carlton (eff. 12.7.15) Churchville Conesus (United)/Scottsburg Covington Dalton Dansville/Sparta Center Eagle Harbor East Bloomfield East Rochester Elba Elmgrove Fairport Farmington Gainesville Geneseo Family Life Ministries Greece Coord. Of Nurturing Ministries Groveland Fed. Parish Hamlin Hemlock Henrietta: Faith Hilton Holley: Disciples Honeoye Falls Ionia Kendall
David Washburn
Margaret Morin Ronald Palmer B. Lee Williams Melanie Ollett (25%) Douglas Hess David W. Hotchkiss Douglas Wilson Sinnathamby Thevanesan Lauren Turner Manilla O. Owen Susan M. Boring Jeri Kober (75%) Todd R. Goddard Harold Coller Kevin Slough Theodore "Ted" Anderson Christian Jewell Jeffery E. Long Lauren Turner Keith Griswold Karen Woodworth Matthew H. Stengel (50%) Deanna Finch Dorothy Hotchkiss Lee Edward Prong Matthew Finch (75%) JinKook Lee Jennifer Green Linda Glantz Mary G. Rublee Mary G. Rublee Sara Merle
pt p
1 3
p p p
1 2 18
pt p lft e e pt
10 6 10 8 1 4
p pt p p p
9 1 4 1 12
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Korean Mission of Rochester LeRoy United Methodist Church of Livonia Macedon Center/South Perinton Naples (Federated) North Chili North Ontario Nunda (eff. 5.1.16) Pavilion/Wyoming Penfield
Perry: First Pittsford (United) Pultneyville Rochester: Aldersgate
** # # **
# # *#
Rochester: Asbury First (eff. 11.15.15) Rochester: Covenant Rochester: Emmanuel Rochester: Korean Rochester: Lake (eff.6.16.16) Rochester: New Horizon UMC (formerly Roch: Grace & West Ave) Rochester: Seneca (eff. 1.1.16) Rochester: Wesley (eff. 1.1.16) Rush Silver Springs
# *# *# #
*# *#
# # #
South Byron Spencerport Springwater Stafford Victor Walworth Warsaw: First Warsaw: Immanuel Wayland Webster Webster’s Crossing Webster: New Life UMC West Barre West Sparta West Walworth: Zion Williamson
(75%) Jin Kook Lee David Jones Daniel J. Finch (50%) Sonya K. Mauser Linda Shevlin Daniel Carr Lawrence Wiliford (25%) Ann Robinson (50%)Wilson Jones Lauren Swanson Ray M. Noell Supplied by American Baptist Sandra Hussey Anne H. O’Connor Hector D. Rivera Stephen M. Cady II Michael Mullin Ann Kemper (75%) Nancy O'Connor Raca Carlos M. Rosa-Laguer (75%) Dong Ki Kim Ray Poling Hoyt Brown
lft pt p lft pt p p lft lft p p
14 4 10 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 4
pt p pt p pt p lft p lft pt p
9 16 5 2 2 12 2 17 11 2 1
(50%) Geraldine Rapino (25%) Geraldine Rapino Cathy Hall Stengel Eric Helms Barbara Mosher Linda Haight John Laskowski Matthew Finch Linda Haight David Underwood Jacque Ruth (25%) Eric Helms Eric Helms Barbara Mosher Osceola W. Wharton Richard "Rick" LaDue Dorothy Hotchkiss (25%) Terry Sue Wiliford Karen (Kit) Snyder Dawn Merritt (75%) Todd R. Goddard Hyun Joon Kim
lft lft p lft pt pt pt pt pt p pt lft lft pt p p e lft p pt lft p
3 2 3 1 1 11 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 20 2 4 7 3 3 16 2
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Abel Roy
Marsha Madore Stephen C. Maddox Charles F. Vollmer Janet Gleason Theresa Grescheck Cindy Makarchuk Donald Kane Marilyn Baissa Henry B. Toner Stephen C. Maddox Jeffrey Hale Abigail Browka Genett Timlin David E. Carnie Susan Tew Walters Jack A. Ford Michaela St. Marie Thomas VanHatten John Reams Michael Tollerton Carl Johnson Christine Ladd Moon Ho Kim Janet Gleason American Baptist Supplied Mark Adsit Jack A. Ford Debra Wollaber To Be Supplied
pt pt pt cp e cp e cp e pt p p pt p p p p pt pt pt cp e p p
3 8 3 3 3 2 2 8 6 14 5 4 6 25 6 4 1 2 2 9 11 19 2 9
e cp pt
1 3 11
Gary Spraker Joelle Faulks Fred Bailey Cindy Makarchuk Robert Lindsay Robert Wollaber Michael A. Smith To Be Supplied Daniel Richter To Be Supplied (50%) Denise Bowen Wayne Clemens Ray Clark Joan Dunn
pt pt pt p pt p p
2 2 7 9 2 15 4
lft pt e pt
3 4 3 6
Bernhards Bay Camden Canastota Cedar Lake
Cherry Valley
Clark Mills
Cleveland Clinton Clockville Cold Brook Constantia Delta/Verona Dolgeville/Oppenheim Earlville/Poolville East Hamilton (eff. 4.19.16) East Schuyler Florence Georgetown
# # # # * **
# *
Hamilton:Park/Waterville Herkimer Jordanville (Fed) Lairdsville Lassellsville Lee Center/Point Rock Leonardsville Living Waters Parish (Oriskany Falls/Bouckville/Madison/Deansboro) Lowell Maynard Middleville/Newport Morning Star Mohawk Valley: Trinity New Creations Ministries Ava Boonville CenterPoint Hawkinsville North Western
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
# # #
* **#
# #
**# *# *
Prospect: Park Remsen Steuben Trenton South Lewis Parish (Turin/Constableville/Glenfield/Greig ) New Hartford New London New Woodstock (Federated) Ohio Oneida:First Oneida:St. Paul's Paines Hollow Peterboro/Perryville Pratts Hollow/Stockbridge Richfield Springs, Church of Christ Uniting Rome:First (eff. 8.1.15) St. Johnsville (eff. 4.19.16) Salisbury Center/Stratford Sauquoit Valley Sherrill: Christ Church South Otselic Stittville/Floyd Taberg/Lee Utica:Asbury (NFC Plant: "New Harvest") (eff. 4.19.16) Van Hornesville (eff. 4.19.16) Vernon Vernon Center
# # #
Vienna West Monroe Westmoreland
# *
West Schuyler West Winfield (Federated) (eff. 7.1.16-8.31.16)
David Hedeen To Be Supplied Joanne Haier Carl Getz Patricia Hubman Bradley Chesebro Susan Holland
pt pt pt p e
8 5 1 2 2
Genett Timlin Abigail Browka Brian Fellows Jack A. Ford Margaret Donaghy (50%) James Fletcher Raymond Lighthall Supplied by PC (USA) Marilyn Baissa Cory Jones Lynn R. Lockwood Carl Getz Robert Kolvik-Campbell Carl Johnson Laurie Percival Pauley Patricia Johnson Jose Rodriguez Cory Jones Francis Loan Marilyn Baissa Wendy Morrison Marsha Madore David E. Carnie Susan Tew Walters Myrtle Delaney-Kipfer Cindy Makarchuk Rebecca Guthrie
pt p p cp e lft cp
5 4 9 4 7 4 1
pt pt pt pt p pt p pt p pt pt cp e pt p cp e p e
2 2 4 4 3 9 15 5 2 2 15 1 1 16 27 5 5 8 1
Nancy Adams
Mark Flandreau (25%) Stephen R. Crowell Sr. Richard C. Hurd (25%) Stephen R. Crowell Sr. Pamela R. Carey Barre Butts Eleanor Collinsworth Donald G. Guiles (50%) Timothy Gleason
pt lft pt lft p pt p pt lft
2 3 1 3 4 4 3 4 1
Supplied by American Baptist
# *# # # #
Addison Alfred Allentown Angelica Arkport Avoca Bath:Centenary Beaver Dams Belmont/Scio
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
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Big Flats: Hillview Bishopville Bolivar: First Breesport Burdett Campbell Canisteo Catlin Caton Chemung/Wilawana(PA) (eff. 8.1.16) Cohocton Coopers Plains Corning: First Corning: Grace Elmira: New Beginnings Elmira: Riverside (eff. 2.1.16) Elmira: Westside Elmira: Oakwood Erin/Sullivanville Garwoods Greenwood Hammondsport Hicks Hornell Horseheads Italy Valley Jasper (United) Kanona Mitchellsville Montour Falls North Chemung North Cohocton Odessa-Catharine Painted Post Pine City: Pennsylvania Ave. Pine Valley Prattsburg Presho (eff. 10.8.15) Rathbone Risingville Short Tract South Canisteo South Corning South Dansville Stannards Swain Troupsburg Tyrone
Eilene Susan Wenner Pamela R. Carey Richard C. Hurd Bernard Possee Robert Briggs Alan J. Jones Beverly Personius Welch To Be Supplied Chad Sayers Charles Carver Cathy Fox Supplied by American Baptist Constance L. Seifert Eilene Susan Wenner Leanne Zeck Patrick Holder Vincent W. Howell Frederick Dyer II Kevin James Austin Gregory White Gary Wickard Paul Rowley To Be Supplied Leonard Fuller Rhonda L. Kouterick Kathy Dye Supplied by Presbyterian Alan J. Jones Barre Butts Sheila Price Bernard Possee Cathy Fox Sheila Price Supplied by the Presbytery William Vallet Frederick Dyer II Kathy Dye Sandra Campbell Morris Gridley Jr. Veronica Seeley (25%) Marian F. Luce Gary Wickard Patrick Holder
Gregory T. White Ruth E. Reppert (25%) Marian F. Luce Erick Potter Beth J. Kottemann
p p pt pt e p pt
2 4 1 7 2 7 6
p e pt
3 1 3
pt p p pt pt pt pt pt pt p
6 2 4 2 6 4 3 8 2 13
pt p pt
2 7 5
p pt p pt pt p
4 4 7 7 3 15
p pt pt pt pt pt lft pt pt pt e lft e p
19 4 5 2 7 6 2 2 5 6 1 2 2 2
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Vincent W. Howell
Gregory DeSalvatore Veronica Seeley Ruth E. Reppert Brian D. Diffenbacher
p pt e pt
2 3 7 1 16
David D. Masland
*# *# **# **# * #
(75%) Gregory P. Stierheim Heather Stierheim Olga Gonzalez Jose Rodriguez John A. Martin Alicia Wood Luis Rivera Sonexay (Sean) Chanthasone Sonexay (Sean) Chanthasone Dee Anne Lowman Sandra L. Perl (75%) Nancy O'Connor Raca (75%) Devin Lyles Patricia Cardin
lft p pt p p p pt p p p p lft lft lft
1 1 2 2 1 2 2 5 5 4 4 2 3 2
K. Wayne Butler
David R. Wickins Ruthellen Hoyle Yohan Moon Cheryl A. Brown James Pollard Larry R. Eastlack John Tyson Cynthia Beth Klopfer-McCune Sheila Paige Pamela S. Klotzbach Jeffrey Snyder James Brown Mary A. Kelly Jose Cotto Giovanna Claudio-Cotto Scott L. Johnson To Be Supplied George F. Nicholas Angela Stewart Iola Aaron Robert J. Franke
p pt p p pt pt p p p p p e p pt e
6 3 2 2 1 4 7 6 3 5 6 1 8 2 2 9
p pt pt pt
6 10 9 1
# *#
Webb Mills Wellsville: First Wheeler Whitesville Woodhull
New Faith Communities District
# # # # # **
Buffalo NFC Casa de Dios (eff. 2.4.16) (eff. 4.19.16) Cornerstone, Vestal Destiny USA Mall NFC Hispanic NFC, South Park Karenni NFC Binghamton Karenni NFC Syracuse Lark Street Together, Albany Living Well, Penn Yan Sophia Community The Pillar, Rochester Urban Edge/Peace of Heart (eff. 9.1.15)
** * # # #
*# # #
Akron: First Alabama/Basom Alexander (eff. 8.13.15) Amherst: Asbury Amherst: Christ Amherst: Trinity Arcade Attica: Trinity Barker: Faith Batavia: First Boston: Churchill Memorial Bowmansville Buffalo: Central Park Buffalo: Cleveland Hill Buffalo:First Buffalo: Korean Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial Buffalo: Metropolitan
Buffalo: Ontario Street
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
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# #
* # # #
Buffalo: Primera Iglesia Buffalo: Seneca Street
Alberto Lanzot Brian T. Rotach (25%) Deanna Finch Evelyn Woodring Jose Cotto Giovanna Claudio-Cotto Matthew Farrell James Barnes II Bruce F. Benson Frederick Holdridge Merrill Bender Cynthia Beth Klopfer-McCune Matthew Golibersuch Rebecca L. Naber Alan Howe Wayne Mort Anne I. Cole David G. Rood Chris R. Klimecko Sung Ho Lee Janet Hubbard Katie A. Zettle Holly Coty Matthew Kofahl Davis A. Kubiak Karen S. Grinnell Robert D. Oyer Thomas M. Kraft Robert J. Franke Jean Edmister Lisa D. Taylor Sherry Mahar Daven Oskvig Bonnie LeValley James Brown Holly Coty Darryl R. Barrow Beth Malone Alice Priset Anthony G. Hipes Marilyn Kasperek James Knapp Kim L. Smith Matthew Kofahl Gregory L. Crispell Karen (Kit) Snyder Richard Kempton Jay G. Roberts III
Buffalo: South Park Buffalo: University Clarence Clarence Center Colden Collins Center County Line Darien East Aurora: Baker Memorial Eden Elma Fillmore Chapel Four Corners Gowanda Grand Island: Trinity Hamburg Harris Hill Hartland Hope UMC of Niagara County Holland Indian Falls Johnsonburg Joshua Connection (Pendleton Center/Niagara Falls: First)
* #
# * # #
Lancaster: Faith Lockport: Clinton Street Lockport: Emmanuel Lyndonville Marilla Medina Medina: The UMC of the Abundant Harvest Middleport Newfane Niagara Falls: St. James North Tonawanda: First Oakfield Olcott Orchard Park
p p lft pt pt e p p pt pt pt p p m p p pt pt pt p p p pt p p p pt p pt pt pt pt p p e pt p p p p p p p p p p pt pt
23 23 1 6 2 2 4 2 4 6 3 4 1 2 2 2 7 5 3 2 1 8 2 5 4 6 10 27 8 15 5 3 2 9 1 2 1 3 9 5 1 5 15 2 10 3 27 1
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Brian K. Scharf John Tyson Richard Heitzenrater Matthew T. Worley William Edmister Davis Kubiak Kevin Costner Dorothea Schweitzer Dorothea Schweitzer David G. Rood Sheila Paige Renee Engels Renee Engels Heather Stierheim (75%) Gregory P. Stierheim Alice Priset (75%) John Loeser
pt p pt p e p p p p pt p pt pt p lft p lft
16 2 16 7 1 7 2 10 17 5 3 5 5 1 1 2 6
Rebekah B. Sweet
Melissa McCarthy Frederica Webb To Be Supplied Robert J. McCarthy To Be Supplied Wendy Rhodehamel Gary Rhodehamel Michael Terrell Sung Ah Choi John Werley To Be Supplied Cora Smith Earl LaLone Howard Cain Helen St. Louis UCC Supply Thomas Nichols Margaret Hance Sally Buyea Thomas Nichols Elizabeth A. Quick Robert J. McCarthy Jeff McArn (75%) Frances Hemstreet Linda Foody To Be Supplied Mark Garrow
p pt
1 7
pt pt p pt cp cp e p e e
2 2 5 2 4
cp e p pt p cp e lft e cp e
6 8 4 6 1 2 3 10 1
# # * # # # # # # # #* #* #
Orchard Park: Emmanuel Protection Quaker Road Ransomville/North Ridge Royalton Sardinia Springville Tonawanda Tonawanda: Bethany Versailles Warrens Corners West Seneca: Covenant West Seneca: New Hope Williamsville Williston Wilson: Exley
# **# **#
# # # * #
Adams/Sulphur Springs Alexandria Bay Antwerp Black River Bombay/Fort Covington (Pres.) Burke (eff. 7.7.15) (eff. 7.7.15) Canton Carthage/Second UMC of Champion Chasm Falls Chateaugay/Brainardsville Clayton/Depauville Constable Colton Copenhagen United DePeyster/Kendrew Dexter/Brownville Galilee Gouverneur: First/North Gouverneur Great Bend: Woodworth Memorial Grindstone Island (Summer only) Harrisville/Natural Bridge Heuvelton Hogansburg
8 3 3 3
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
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* #
**# # # # #
Lake & River Parish (United Church of Cape Vincent/ Three Mile Bay/ Point Peninsula - summer only) Lake Ontario Parish Belleville/Henderson Ellisburg Lowville/Beaver Falls Madrid (United)/Louisville (UCC) (eff. 2.13.16) Malone: Centenary Mannsville/Lorraine Martinsburg Massena: First/Massena: Grace Naumburg: Beaver Valley/Barnes Corners Norfolk/ Brasher Falls Norwood Ogdensburg/Waddington Omar-Fishers Landing Orwell Owls Head Philadelphia/Evans Mills Potsdam Pulaski: Park Raymondville Redwood (eff. 5.1.16) SALT (Serving and Leading Together ) Brushton Moira Nicholville St. Regis Falls Sandy Creek Spragueville Seven Steeples Cooperative Parish DeKalb /DeKalb Junction Edwards /South Edwards Russell/Hermon/Degrasse Stone Mills Watertown: Asbury
# # #
Watertown: First/Watertown: Bethany Wellesley Island West Stockholm
Nancy Stanley
Rebekah Solar Rebekah Solar (75%) David B. Herrmann Richard Lenz Heidi R. Chamberlain Daniel Lincoln Joyce Woodcock Rachael Jordan Tracy L. Cook Carl Chamberlain Supplied by UCC Donna Fitchette Mark Pierce Daniel J. Bradley Lori Buno-Taylor Chilton McPheeters Brooke Newell David Hays To Be Supplied David O'Neil Anthony Bradseth Anthony Bradseth Constance Deno Christian Remick Jeff Burghdurf Daniel J. Bradley To Be Supplied Richard Pickert To Be Supplied Martha Helmer Lori Hickey John Frary To Be Supplied Leon Van Wie Jane Eastham Jeffrey M. Nowak Frederica Webb Brooke Newell Christian Remick
pt cp lft e pt e pt p pt pt
2 2 2 2 1 3 2 1 2 1
p pt pt pt pt p p
1 1 3 7 1 2 3
2 3 3 6 3 8 3
e e e e e e pt cp e
e e e
5 3 4
p pt p pt p e
19 3 3 10 2 8
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Everett Bassett
Schoharie Regional Ministry
Anna Blinn Cole
Afton Bainbridge (eff. 8.1.16) Barnerville Central Bridge Cobleskill
To Be Supplied Cheryl Hine Maryellen Moore Jeffrey M. Smith Pamela Mikel Hayes Anna Blinn Cole Thomas LeBeau Sylvia Barrett Albert C. Bullard Jan Lacey-Markle To Be Supplied To Be Supplied Matthew Rowe
pt pt pt p p p cp e pt
1 2 2 10 1 1 2 11 3
pt pt pt pt pt cp pt pt p pt pt p pt pt pt cp p pt p pt pt pt e pt pt p p cp pt e
3 4 8 7 4 4 3 36 4 26 4 3 1 6 6 2 9 2 9 2 3 4 1 3 4 13 4 2 2 1
* #
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# # *
# # #*
# # # #*
Cooperstown Cooperstown Junction & Emmons Davenport Delanson East Worcester Esperance – Sloanville Fly Creek & Schuyler Lake Franklin & Treadwell Gallupville Grosvenor’s Corners & Middleburgh Guilford Hartwick & Mount Vision Huntersland McDonough & Oxford Middlefield & Roseboom Milford & Portlandville Morris & Edmeston Mount Upton New Berlin
Sharon Ann Rankins-Burd
John H. Hill Matthew Rowe Maryellen Moore Barbara Ibarra Richard Howard R. Carol Coltrain Diane Diluzio Ronald E. Fralick Sylvia Barrett Rebecca Parry Ed Honrath Lyle Linder Mary Ann Linder Thomas Pullyblank Nancy Hale Donna Taylor Martin Teressa McConnell Sivers Brandilynne Craver Thanna Howell Jeffrey M. Smith Penny Harrington Kathy Brumbaugh Jeffrey Rauhauser George W. Gallandorm Thomas Pullyblank Diane Diluzio Brandilynne Craver Penny Harrington
North Afton Norwich: Broad Street Oneonta: Elm Park Oneonta: First Otego Plymouth, Preston & N. Norwich Richmondville Sand Hill Schenevus Sharon Springs Sherburne: First & Smyrna Sidney Smithville Center Unadilla Unadilla Center
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Anna Blinn Cole
# #
Westford Westville West Davenport West Exeter
Daniel J. Martin Rose M Bellen Kathy Brumbaugh Sharon Ann Rankins-Burd Paul Eckert Daniel J. Martin
p pt cp cp e p
2 15 2 2 4 2
Charge Conf. Washington DC: Foundry CC Newark Valley UMC
Year 1971 2013 1983 1955 1992 1977 1974 2004 1993 1990 1958 2013
(Para. 334.4, 344.4) Affiliate Members of Conference (DQ26)
(Para. 360) Honorable Location (DQ43) Name Edward F. Bachman Jane Bensley Benton Benson David W. Blackman Constance P. Bryan Garry L. Camolii Joel B. Chermonte Tracy Cook Richard J. Demers Gordon M. Drake Robert M. Eddy Deborah Hamlin Kenneth B. Holems Francis Emner Kearns, Jr. Phyllis Leland Scott Manzer James R. McCune Sandra McGrady Robert A. Mitchell Dorothy A. Petrie Richard A. Phillips David W. Shipp Robert W. Smith Mary-Beth H. Taylor Hugh Templeton, Jr. Valerie Valentine John J. Waggy Jr. Brian Weeden Ira Wheatly David E. Wood
Status E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E
North Olmstead (W. Ohio) Carthage CC
Laona CC Williamsville Camden CC New Hartford CC New Hartford CC Rush East Aurora: Baker
1973 1985 2002 1999 2013 1999 2000 2002
1971 1996 1978 1988 1971 2002
Canandaigua CC
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
(Paragraph 331.8, 346.1) APPOINTMENTS TO OTHER ANNUAL CONFERENCES (Q 49) Byung Woo Cho
Koch, Richard
Ricketts, Mary
Lighthouse Korean UMC of Philadelphia, Eastern PA Conference First UMC, Brazil, Indiana; West District, Indiana Conference Baltimore-Washington Conf. less than full time to: Smithsburg Charge: St. Paul's & Garfield UMC
(Para. 352) Sabbatical Leave (Q 51)
(Para. 354.2a) Leave of Absence Personal (Q50.a.1, 2) Bartz, Duane Kathy Kerr-Carpenter Brenda Howe William Rowe
(Para. 354.2b) Leave of Absence Family Leave (Q50a.3,4) Dean A. Christian FE Allyson M. Ellis FE Robinson, Ellen W. FE
CC: CC: Saranac UMC CC: Middleburgh UMC
3 7 17 11
CC: Burnt Hills UMC CC: First Oneonta CC: Easton/North Cambridge
14 3 21
(Para. 354.2c) Transitional Leave (Q50a.5)
357 Medical Leave (Q52) Name James M. Brand Patricia L. Carpenter W. Alan Delamater Mary T. Drake Charles E. Hayes Donald M. Langreck Jessie M. Marafioti Maggie McCarey Susan Nowicki Debra Peacock Laurie Smith ** Jeffrey Stratton Christopher Wylie * Lorraine Zimmerman
Charge Conference Malone UMC Syracuse: University CC Shenendehowa
Dolgeville CC CC: West Seneca: New Hope Earlville CC CC: Malta Ridge CC: Buffalo: Central Park
Year 11/16/2008 1986 4/6/2015 11/17/2014 5/1/2012 1986 1996 2/1/2011 2002 6/1/2015 9/28/2008 10/1/2015 7/1/2016 1/28/2008
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
APPOINTMENTS TO EXTENSION MINISTRIES (Paragraphs 316.1, 343, 344) (Para. 344.1a, c) Within the connectional structure of United Methodism (Q77a) Nancy Adams
Nola G. Anderson
Naomi Annandale
Everett Bassett
Aaron M. Bouwens K. Wayne Butler
Douglas R. Childress Wendy J. Deichmann (eff. 1.15.16)
Vonda Fossitt
William Gottschalk-Fielding
W. Lea Harding
Robert A. Hill
Kandice C. Joyce
David W. Kofahl
David D. Masland
Jeffrey McDowell
William Mudge
Jose Rodriguez (eff. 4.19.16)
Carlos Rosa-Laguer
Sherri Rood
Abel Roy
District Superintendent: Mountain View District District Superintendent: Crossroads District Director of Research and Evaluation at Discipleship Ministries
District Superintendent: Oneonta District Director of Vital Congregations District Superintendent: Niagara Frontier District GBGM Missionary to Estonia Professor of History & Theology, United Theological Sem., Dayton, OH District Superintendent, Genesee Valley District Director of Connectional Ministries: UNY/Executive Assistant to the Bishop Director of Pastoral Care, United Methodist Homes â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Hilltop Campus (CC: First Endicott) Dean of Marsh Chapel, Prof. of Pastoral Theology, University Chaplain; Boston University Senior Assistant Director of Financial Assistance: Drew University, Madison, NJ 07940 CC: Shenendehowa UMC District Superintendent: Binghamton District Conference Superintendent of New Faith Communities District Superintendent: Finger Lakes District District Superintendent: Adirondack
Co-Director of Hispanic/Latino planting Co-Director of Hispanic-Latino Planting District Superintendent: Cornerstone District District Superintendent: Mohawk District
2 2
5 6 2 2 1
Scott UMC
Orchard Park UMC
CC: Marcellus
CC: First UMC, Endicott
4 4 3 6
6 2
CC: Shendehow a
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Rebekah Sweet
Richard Weihing
Thomas V. Wolfe
District Superintendent: Northern Flow District District Superintendent Albany District President of Illiff School of Theology, Denver, Colorado, Denver Metro district of the Rocky Mountain Conference
6 5 4
(Para. 344.1b,c) Under Endorsement by the General Board of Higher Education (Q77b) **
Wilifredo Juan Ricardo Baez
David E. Carnie Lamar W. Claypool Thomas Davis
FE/2 lft (eff. 11.1.15) (50%) Chaplain, Greater Binghamton Health Center FE/23 Pastoral Counselor, Brownell Center for Behavioral Health FE/5 Chaplain, Travis County Sheriff Department, Texas FE/6 Chaplain, Kaiser Permanente Home Health and Hospice of San Diego, CA
Jackie Ann Rose Kraft
Chaplain, Air National Guard
Esther Lee
FE/ 7
Keith A. Manry
Timothy Phelps
Andrew Pollock
Robert Searle
Natalie Scholl
Federal Bureau of Prisons Chaplain, Otisville, NY US Air Force Chaplain, Captain, Andersen Air Force Base in Guam Hospice Chautauqua County, Chaplain Halifax Health Systems/Hospice, Florida Annual Conf Chaplain at Canandaigua Veterans Administration Hospital Life Coach
Jennifer Streeter
Cindy Toenniessen
(Para. 344.1d) With Annual Conference Approval (Q77c) ** Inell Claypool FE/1
Steven Clunn
Gail Conners
cc: CC: Ava Hilltop CC: St. Marks, South District Cal Pac Conf. CC: Pendleton Center CC: Hudson Falls CC: Springville: First CC: Bemus Point CC: Holland CC: North Rose CC:
Chaplain Fairport Baptist Home, Fairport NY (lft 50%) Staff Chaplain at University of Maryland Medical Center, Pastoral Care Services
(eff. 3.29.16) Chaplain at Wesleyan at Scenic Nursing and Rehabilitation, Georgetown, TX Coalition Coordinator for the Methodist Federation for Social Action in Washington, DC Chaplain, Clifton Springs Hosp, Clifton Springs, NY
CC: Henrietta: Faith
CC: First UMC â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Schenectady CC: Clifton Springs
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Christopher Evans
Professor, History of Christianity and Methodist Studies at Boston University School of Theology Church consultant for the Samaritan Counseling Center, Scotia, NY (eff. 1.1.16) Director of The ONE Project â&#x20AC;&#x201C; a global prayer initiative sponsored by The Prayer Institute Houston, TX Run River Enterprises, Tully, NY (eff. 4.6.15) Pastoral Care Coordinator at Olean General Hospital Chaplain: United Christian Foundation, Amherst, MA Faithful Citizen Executive Director, Health and Counseling Services, Middlebury College Chaplain, Scott Center for Spiritual Religious Life Middlebury College, Middlebury, VT Executive Director at Community at Sunset Wood Program Development Associate at Capital Region Theological Center
CC Ithaca: St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
James Fenimore
Nadine Graham
Pamela Harris Victoria Hedlund
FE/14 FL/3
Kent Higgins
Dana Horrell Augustus E. Jordan
FE/3 FE/21
Laurel M. Jordan
Carol Jubenville (eff. 5.16.16)
Dee Anne Lowman
Stuart J. Mitchell III
President/CEO of PathStone Corporation, Rochester, NY
CC Middlesex
Robin Olson
Colleen Preuninger
Cynthia K. Stackpole
(eff. 3.25.15) Director of the Spiritual CC: Rochester: Life Center at Bentley Univeristy in Asbury First Waltham,of MA Syr: University Director the Shenandoah University Youth Theology Institute, Virginia Holiday Retirement, Lead Manager CC: Bath: Affiliate church: First UMC, Hudson, Centenary FL, Gulf Central District Flordia AC
Richard L. Stackpole
John R. Tyson
Meredith Vanderminden Jane Wagner
FE/ 10 FE/10
Duane F. Watson
Laurel P. Westover
CC: CC: Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial
CC: Syracuse: CC:
CC: Berlin UMC CC: Centenary CC
Oneida: First
CC: Clinton UMC CC:
Holiday Retirement, Lead Manager CC: Bath: Affiliate church: First UMC, Hudson, Centenary FL, Gulf Central District Flordia AC Full Professor of Church History/ CC: Arcade Director of UMC Studies at CRCDS Executive Director: Art Divina Carthage United Community Church, UCC Professor of New Testament Studies, Department of Theology, Malone University, Canton OH
CC: Saratoga CC: Seven Steeples Evans Mills/ Philadelphia CC CC:
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Stephen Wiggers
Chaplain, Halifax health Hospice Team, Florida
Marilyn N. Wolfe
Centus, Samaritan Institute; therapist and educator
(Para. 331.1) Deacons serving beyond the local church (Q78) Insook Do FD
Molly Golando
Jeffrey Hodge Mahn-Hee Kang
Amy Beth W. Jones
Bruce Maxwell
Susan Russell
Jeffery A. Seeley
William Verity
Vivian R. Waltz
Clinical CC: SYR:
University UMC
(lft 50%) Chaplain/Counselor at Albany Capital City Rescue Mission/New Faith Family Center for Homeless Women, Albany, NY Functional Literacy Ministry/Haiti & CC: Westfield BECALM (Barnabas Ecumenical Compassion and Life Ministry J. Hodge Consulting, Sr. Consultant CC: Pennellville Korean Baptist Theological Seminary Drew University: Interim Director of Theological Lifelong learning; Interim Associate Director of the D-Min program and UMC Liaison Breezewood Trucker Traveler Ministry, PA State Council of Churches, Harrisburg, PA Asbury Camp & Retreat Center Guest Services Coordinator Associate Professor of Church Music at Mercer University in Macon, GA St. Daniel Church, Organist/Accompanist Director: SSJ Sister Karen Klimczak Center for Non-Violence
Oswego First CC
CC: Attica Trinity CC: Horseheads
CC: CC: Hamburg
(Para. 416.6) Appointments to Attend School (Q79)
(1314.3) Deaconess & Home Missionary Denise Walling
Educator for Mission Outreach and Evangelism, & Night Chaplain Ellis Hospital Albany District; Shenendehowa
Appointments Pending: Laurel Westover
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
List of Active New Faith Communities September 2016 Supervised by the Regional District Superintendent: NFCs that are extensions of an existing church’s ministry, and may always be: Yohang Chun Jee Hae Song Olga Gonzalez Tim Decker BJ Norrix Karyl Hopp Cesar Rehnza Drew Sperry Tom Kraft
Asian Student NFC Asian Student NFC Bear Road/Windsor Place Breakfast in the Basement Brown Memorial Restart Café Church Congalese NFC Conversations Covenant Manor
Oswego (Crossroads) Syracuse (Crossroads) Cicero (Crossroads) Unadilla (Oneonta) Syracuse (Crossroads) Troy (Albany) Greece (Genesee Valley) Saratoga Springs (Adirondack) Pendelton Ctr (Niagara Frontier)
Natalie Hanson Anne O’Connor Bill Allen/Tom Holland Bill Vallet
Covenant Manor NFC Edna Wilson NFC FlipSide Fresh Start
Jamestown (Cornerstone) Greece (Genesee Valley) Bemus Point (Cornerstone) Elmira Mall (Mountain View)
Bill Vallet Penny Lacey
Fresh Start, Watkins Hotel NFC
Watkins Glen (Mountain View) Saratoga (Adirondack)
Dongki Kim Jee Hae Song Pastor of Lycoming UMC Bill Vallet Nancy Raca Chris Jewel
Japanese/Korean NFC Korean Hope Restart Ladles of Love Lifetree Café Pint With the Pastor Prayer Group NFC
Rochester (Genesee Valley) Syracuse (Crossroads) Lycoming (Crossroads) Elmira Mall(Mountain View) Rochester (Genesee Valley) Fairport (Genesee Valley)
John Bizimana Matt Rowe Brandin Grecco Teressa Sivers Pastor of Schuylerville UMC Debbie Earthrowl
Reconciliation NFC Refuge The Edge NFC The Gathering The Way Thursday Night NFC
Albany (Albany) Esperance (Oneonta) Mexico (Crossroads) Oneonta (Oneonta) Schuylerville (Adirondack) Salem (Adirondack)
Pam Klotzbach Rose Kingsbury
UMtoo Urban Native Fellowship
Batavia (Niagara Frontier) Syracuse (Crossroads)
NFCs that are being planted by an existing church, but have a vision to move/are moving toward self-sustaining, stand-alone ministry: Hector Rivera *Luis Rivera Jeff Childs/Sandi Perl
Aldersgate Hispanic NFC Hispanic NFC The Living Well
Supervised by the Director of New Faith Communities:
Rochester (Genesee Valley) South Park (Niagara Frontier) Penn Yan (Finger Lakes)
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
NFCs that are not directly connected to the ministry of another existing UMC, and are working toward their own self-sustainability: Planter *Gregg Stierheim
NFC Name Buffalo Medical Corridor NFC
Town (District) Buffalo (Niagara Frontier)
Alicia Wood *Olga and Alexis Gonzalez Robin Blair *John Martin *Sean Chanthasone *Sean Chanthasone *Dee Lowman
Café Shalom Casa de Dios Common Good Radio Cornerstone Karenni Good News/New Hope Karenni NFC Lark Street Together
Destiny Mall (Crossroads) Syracuse (Crossroads) Virtual World (Crossroads) Vestal (Binghamton) Syracuse (Crossroads) Binghamton (Binghamton) Albany (Albany)
*Jose Rodriguez *Hoyt Brown *Patti Cardin *Nancy Raca *Devin Lyles
Multi-Ethnic NFC/Asbury New Horizon UMC Peace of Heart/Urban Edge Sophia Community The Pillar
Utica (Mohawk) Rochester (Genesee Valley) Johnson City (Binghamton) Rochester (Genesee Valley) Rochester (Genesee Valley)
New Faith Communities we are tracking, which have no related appointment at this time… being planted by laity… overseen by NFC Director: Planter Mike & Kari Huber Terri White
NFC Name Encounter Hands Up Community
Town (District) Casowasco (Finger Lakes) Springville (Genesee Valley)
Mariana Rodriguez Theresa Melnyk Stephen Simban James Dan Chapmann Laity Team Abraham Awuok Dau
Hispanic House Church Meeting Jesus On the Road New World Outreach REV Coffeehouse NFC Spiritual/Physical Active (SPA) Sudanese NFC
Schenectady (Albany) Binghamton (Binghamton) Syracuse (Crossroads) Mt. Vision (Oneonta) Heuvelton (Northern Flow) Rochester (Genesee Valley)
Erin Patrick Freddie Webb Shirley Andrews
The Road Truckers Ministry Wesley Community NFC
Syracuse (Crossroads) Northern Flow Saratoga Spgs (Adirondack)
New Faith Communities that are officially “Chartered Churches” this year, and as of July 1, 2016 will no longer be on our list of NFCs… but are now under the supervision of the DS as a fully functioning UM Church: Planter Wayne Clemens
NFC Name Centerpoint
Town (District) Barneveld (Mohawk)
*NFC Director of NFC serves as primary supervisor of this pastor.
Revised: Sept. 2016
2016 Upper New York Conference IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
Ordained as Elders in Full Connection: Upper New York Resident bishop Mark J. Webb, center with Crozier, poses with the 2016 Class of Elders. They are from top left, Matthew French, Andrew Sperry, John Loeser, Rachael Morse, and Pam Carey. Bottom from left to right, Gail Falsetti, and Mary Grace Rublee.
Ordained as Provisional Elders in Full Connection and Commissioned in the Ministry of Deacon: Upper New York Resident Bishop Mark J. Webb, center with Crozier, poses with the 2016 Class of Provisional Elders and those Commissioned in the Ministry of Deacon. They are top row, Kevin Slough. Bottom from left to right, Paul Winkleman, Stephanie Jo Brown, and Susan Ranous 133
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IV. DAILY PROCEEDINGS
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal V. POLICIES AND RESOLUTIONS
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Africa University Report In 2015, the Upper New York Conference returned its investment in the Africa University Fund (AUF) apportionment to the 100 percent level, with a year-on-year increase in giving of 41 percent. This substantial upsurge in giving to the AUF, coupled with the strong support for the ongoing $2 million Africa360 campaign, assure that the local congregations of the Upper New York Conference will continue to save and transform lives through Africa University. Thank you, Upper New York Conference, for planting seeds of hope and transformation through your prayers and gifts. As one of a record 32 annual conferences to give 100 percent or more in 2015, the Upper New York Conference’s outstanding generosity helped the Northeastern Jurisdiction to exceed 100 percent in overall support for the AUF. Institutional Update: Africa University focused on the quality of life and success of its students in 2015. As a result, new development strategies are being implemented and academic programs are being restructured to make them more relevant and marketable. By 2020, full-time enrollment is projected to grow by 60 percent (to about 2,500 students annually). A new strategic plan, (2017-2021), is in development and will assign resources more effectively, while ensuring that fiscal responsibility and accountability are maintained. In addition, the university is increasing its friend-making and fundraising efforts in Africa, particularly among its graduates and their families. Enrollment: Currently, Africa University has a total enrollment about 1,500 full-time students who represent 26 of Africa’s 54 countries. Through intentional recruitment to increase the number of African women leaders, 53 percent of the students are female. An additional 770 students are gaining new skills and knowledge as they pursue undergraduate and graduate degrees on a part-time basis. Alumni: In June 2015, Africa University awarded degrees to its largest graduating class to date, 674 young people. The university has more than 6,200 graduates, dispersed across the continent and engaged in vigorous efforts to improve public health, food security, peace, stability, and the enjoyment of economic prosperity in Africa. Africa University graduates are leaders and role models who inspire a new optimism in the communities where they serve.
Alfred Zigbuo, a Liberian graduate, is a Global Ministries-supported missionary and administrator in the East Congo Episcopal Area. He brings experience as the country director of Operation Classroom and expertise in post-conflict healing/institution-building in Liberia to his new mission field, a recently formed and conflict-ravaged annual conference.
Clare Paidamoyo Katiyo, a young mother who earned a degree in health services management with a United Methodist Church scholarship, is the district administrator overseeing a network of four large hospitals and 37 health centers in rural Zimbabwe. Her skills and commitment have placed her on the frontlines of an ongoing national effort to improve health and save lives.
Pastor Mujinga Mwamba Kora is a lecturer and registrar of Kabongo Methodist University; and the Rev. Dr. Kimba Kyakutala Evariste is the president of Kabongo Methodist University, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. They are two-time graduates of Africa University and represent a growing number of alumni who lead United Methodist higher education institutions on the continent of Africa.
The United Methodist Church benefits greatly from the leadership of Africa University graduates at the general church level.
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The Rev. Manuel João André of West Angola and the Rev. Daniel Mhone of Malawi, serve as board members of the United Methodist Boards of Church and Society, and Global Ministries, respectively; the Rev. Dr. Laishi Bwalya of the Congo Central Conference, serves on the Connectional Table; and the Rev. Dr. Kimba Kyakutala Evariste of North Katanga, is the secretary of the Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters.
The ongoing support of local churches in the Upper New York Conference, and across The United Methodist Church, is crucial to Africa University’s ministry and its impact within Africa. Africa University’s strategic plan for 2017-2021 calls for a significant increase in the proportion of self-funded students and for achieving a 60:40 ratio of international to national students within the next three to five years. To do this, the university is working to add more on-campus student housing and recreational facilities. Scholarships remain crucial to ensuring access to an Africa University education. The scholarship endowment of $1 million that is currently being raised in the Upper New York Conference will open doors for financially disadvantaged students for many years to come. Call to action: Please pray without ceasing for Africa University. Make an individual or church gift to the ongoing Upper New York Conference’s Africa360 campaign. Remember Africa University in your will. Remain resolute in the work of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. As you journey with Africa University, know that you are part of a ministry that equips Africans to grow the experience of God’s promised abundance across the globe. Submitted by: James H. Salley Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement Africa University Development Office P O Box 340007 Nashville, TN 37203-0007 Tel: (615) 340-7438 Email: audevoffice@gbhem.org www.support-africauniversity.org
84 85 86 87
Changing Africa: Learning here. Living here. Leading here. Serving God. All the time. Everywhere.
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2016 Conference Leadership Team Report The Conference Leadership Team (CLT) is charged with helping the Annual Conference remain faithful to its mission and vision and to be the group that makes time-sensitive decisions between sessions of Annual Conference. In 2015-2016 it met six times: August 11, 2015 – CLT met via conference call to discuss two resolutions adopted by the 2015 conference session with assignments tasked to CLT: •
UNYAC2015.7 “Creation of Bridging Team” – CLT decided to speak with the Human Sexuality Task Force and ask if some of it members might consider becoming part of the bridging team. It was also noted that they could recruit other team members by using people who are presently working with some of the issues raised in the motion (such as: Israel/Palestine, BOM, etc.). In addition, two members of CLT agreed to meet with the maker of the petition to seek clarification of his intent and the direction he wants this to go.
UNYAC2015.10 “Fruits of Repentance: An End to the Celebration of Columbus Day” – CLT decided to work in conjunction with the conference’s Committee on Native American Ministries to develop a liturgy by local churches for use on the weekend closest to the traditional commemoration of Columbus Day. A timetable was established to enable the liturgy and accompanying information sheet to be distributed in early Fall.
October 10, 2015 – CLT met in Syracuse to review the work the team had done in the previous year around clarifying the primary task of the conference as increasing the leadership capacity of lay and clergy. Discussion centered around five key questions: 1) What are the barriers that currently keep us from living out this primary task; 2) In what ways does our system need to change; 3) How is our structure aiding our purpose? What needs to change; 4) What is the role of MOTs (Ministry Oversight Teams) and the Connectional Table; and 5) What will our structure look like when we are fully supporting our purpose? The Conference Treasurer Kevin Domanico then shared a report detailing current financial realities. CLT then discussed what it would look like for the Annual Conference to move to a place of financial health. October 20, 2015 – CLT met in Victor, NY with members of the Commission on Equitable Compensation to discuss how to best align grants with missional purposes, i.e., to assist struggling but viable congregations to get on a path of sustainable and fruitful disciple-making ministry. December 5, 2015 – CLT met in Syracuse with Extended Cabinet. Director of Camp and Retreat Ministries, Mike Huber, provided an update on ways CRM expenditures have been brought in line with revenue through staff and program reductions. CLT and Extended Cabinet then discussed the broader issue of how the conference anchors its primary task/culture (growing Christ-following leaders how build healthy congregations) in concrete programs and practices. What will our structure look like when we live our primary task? What pieces of our current structure need to be realigned or put aside? Participants discussed how shifting more mission responsibility and resources to local level via District Leadership Team might lead to greater fruitfulness. January 23, 2016 – CLT met in Syracuse to address financial challenges posed by 2015 deficit in ministry share receipts. Plans for the Cabinet to engage underpaying churches were supported. Spending plan
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for 2016 involving a)shifting some fixed expenses to variable or contingent and some variable expenses to contingent; 2) suspending all MOT funding in 2016; 3) partially funding salaries of Directors of New Faith Communities and Vital Congregations out of New Beginnings Fund and also partially funding Property Manager’s salary out of Trustee funds; 4) suspending funding for SU Chaplain (after July 1), VIM coordinators (after March 1) and eliminating finance area payroll clerk position (immediately). Spending plan decisions were based on reducing funding to areas with least direct impact on local church. CLT acknowledged there were only hard choices to make and attempted to make the “best worst choice,” with hope revenue will increase and funding can be restored. By unanimous vote, the spending plan recommendations were sent to Council on Finance and Administration for consideration. It was also decided a joint letter from CLT and CFA would be sent to the conference outlining the spending plan and its rationale if CFA adopted these recommendations. Decision was also made to disband Ministry Oversight Teams (while noting with appreciation how well they served in their time) and allowing District Leadership Team to take over ministry initiation role. CLT also decided to move to a different configuration of the Connectional Table (after March 19 meeting) whereby CLT would meet with District Leadership Teams for purpose of conversation and alignment. March 19, 2016 – CLT met with extended cabinet and chairpersons of conference teams to review current finances and discuss 2016 funding plan. The Conference Leadership Team has had a very full and demanding year. The team thanks the Conference for the privilege of service and invites interested persons to be in touch to share hopes and concerns. Team members 2015-2016: Blenda Smith, Mary Howard, Janet Rothfuss, Nathan Trost, Bethany Printup-Davis, Rev. Robert Sherburne, Rev. John Martin Ex-officio: Appt. Cab reps: Rev. William Mudge, Rev. Sherri Rood Conference Lay Leader: Scott Johnson Commission on Religion and Race rep.: Barbara Heise Director of Connectional Ministries: Rev. William Gottschalk-Fielding Resident Bishop: Bishop Mark J. Webb Director of Communications: Steven Hustedt
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Global Ministries - Conference Advance Specials Whereas it is the responsibility of the Annual Conference to approve ministries as Conference Advance Specials, which gives these ministries permission to request support from churches in the conference, Therefore be it resolved that the 2016-2017 list of Conference Advance Specials be approved. Upper New York Conference 2016-17 Conference Advance Specials Albany United Methodist Society (AUMS)
Code #3120
Anti-Poverty Initiative (University UMC: Syracuse)
Code #3118
Beechwood Continuing Care/ Pastoral Care
Code #3124
Brown Memorial UMC: Syracuse
Code #3109
Buffalo/Niagara Network of Religious Communities
Code #3125
Campership Fund
Code #3705
Campus Church ConneXion Buffalo
Code #3126
Chautauqua County Rural Ministry, Inc.
Code #3130
The Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Center for the Common Good
Code #3114
Childrenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Home
Code #3132
Emmanuel Faith Community
Code #3138
Epworth Hall
Code #3136
Faithful Citizen
Code #3128
Folts Center Inc.
Code #3412
Friends of Zimbabwe
Code #3142
Gary Bergh Scholarship (Task Force on Peace with Justice in Palestine and Israel)
Code #3144
Gateway-Longview, Inc.
Code #3111
Genesee Area Campus Ministries
Code #3146
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Geneseo Wesley Foundation
Haiti Partnership
Code #3148
Interfaith Caregivers, Inc.
Code #3150
InterFaith Works of Central New York
Code #3200
Kamina Friends
Code #3152
Lao United Methodist Church & Mission
Code #3154
Mutambara Mission Centre Water Project
Code #3156
Native American Mission, Onondaga Nation UMC
Code #3202
Native American Outreach/Transportation Program
Code #3204
The Neighborhood Center, Inc.
Code #3112
New York State Council of Churches
Code #3205
Niagara Frontier City Missions
Code #3158
Protestant Cooperative Ministry at Cornell
Code #3303
Refugee and Immigrant Support Services of Emmaus (RISSE)
Code #3134
Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center
Code #3162
Seneca Street UMC: Buffalo
Code #3164
Southern Sudan Health Projects
Code #3117
UMCOR Kits Shipment Dollars
Code #3708
United Methodist Homes’ Chaplaincy Program
Code #3166
Violet’s Garden: (The Bishop Violet Fisher Grants for Children’s and Youth Ministries) Code #3075 VIVE La Casa, Inc.
Code #3168
Volunteers In Mission – Northeastern Jurisdiction
Code #3706
Volunteers In Mission Scholarship Fund
Code #3707
Watertown Urban Mission
Code #3113
Wesley Gardens
Code #3170 187
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United Methodist Women The United Methodist Women of the Upper New York Annual Conference completed another year in supporting ministries with women, children, and youth around the world through the larger organization of United Methodist Women. We are proud to uphold the purpose of United Methodist Women by being a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Each of the twelve districts is organized and function as the connection from the local unit to the Conference, and to the national organization of United Methodist Women. We had three participants attend national seminar in Chicago in July, 2015. The four quadrennial focus areas were introduced. Special emphasis will be focused on mass nncareration, maternal health care, climate justice, and economic injustice. Our annual fall meeting was held in Malone, N.Y. in October, 2015 with approximately 50 in attendance. Special presentation was made Friday night by Joni Lincoln on their ministry in Africa. On Saturday, election and installation of officers was held. The program of the day was vignettes related to the legacy th of the United Methodist Women in preparation of our 150 anniversary in 2019. We are looking forward to stepping into the future remembering our legacy and creating the legacy for generations to come. Ilah Sisson Walser President, Upper New York United Methodist Women
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Drew University Theological School
A Cohering Vision: Curriculum, Community, Co-Curricular Initiatives After much collaborative discussion, discernment, and evaluation of the current state of theological education, those of us who lead, teach, and support Drew Theological School have launched on an ambitious course. Nearly 150 years after our founding, we envision a future as bright as the best eras in our past. I am pleased to share with you here the concrete steps we have taken— and are taking— to bring this future to light. First, our efforts have been attentive to the history of Drew, in particular its Methodist roots, it’s long commitment to the Church and its ministries, and draw from this wellspring for inspiration and direction. Also, we have honored our progress to achieve denominational, ethnic, gender, and racial diversity in our faculty and student body. This rich diversity has become both a hallmark of Drew and an expansion of our wellspring. Forces beyond our campus—notably, that the reasons for pursuing a theological education and expected outcomes are shifting dramatically—further press the need for us to align our vision and its supporting systems with our communal reality. Given this imperative, we are focused on the three “Cs” of our cohering vision: redesigning our curriculum, strengthening our community of learning, and deepening training through revived cocurricular initiatives. These three aspect of a Drew Theological School education will work together to enable us to empower creative thought and courageous action to advance justice, peace, and love of God, neighbor, and the earth—as well as uniquely position us to lead evolving expressions of Christianity. Designing distinct pathways from curriculum to vocation To remain meaningful and offer the greatest value to our students, each of the six degree paths that we offer must be as distinct as the ministry to which it leads. For example, our Master of Arts in Ministry program, which forms students for the broadest spectrum of theologically-informed advocacy and ministry, or our DMin program, which has become the “new” terminal vocational degree, must be custom rebuilt for current and emerging student needs and outcomes. This also holds true for our Master of Arts, Master of Sacred Theology, PhD, and, most critically, our Master of Divinity programs. We have achieved our roadmap for curricular change through a period of intentional discernment, which included discussion with consultants, and with colleagues at peer institutions, who led a curricular formation retreats with our faculty; through the discernment and guidance of our faculty, and with the generous financial support of the Jesse Ball duPont Fund. Our next steps include a comprehensive analysis of pedagogical and technological trends in theological education, enrollment, and outcomes. Our redesigned curricular paths will be announced in the fall of 2017, concurrent with the 150th anniversary of the founding of Drew Theological School and the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Student experiences rooted in community Despite the increase in students pursuing their education through evening classes and online enrollment, we remain committed to the on-campus experience of community. This begins with a student-centered educational experience that better attends to the scheduling needs of our students, offers broader course content and availability, and more intentionally integrates vocational or career aspirations with coursework.
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The success of these efforts are inextricably linked to scholarship support. Only by removing the financial barriers for students pursuing vocations can we hope to attract and retain the most promising students and free them to learn and grow in community. Related to tuition support is the need for more affordable and modernized housing for those students who choose to live on campus. Together, scholarship support and housing relief will also unburden our students from unsustainable debt. Fostering innovation in ministry and the work of spirit-filled justice To round out changes in our curriculum and on-campus learning experiences, we are also reviving cocurricular initiatives. The existing Center for Lifelong Learning will be recast as the new Center for Innovation and Leadership in Ministry and serve students, alumni, and others seeking to find creative and courageous approaches to revitalizing ministry. Here, programming will train pastoral leaders, in particular, for service in rapidly changing church environments, as well as position them to lead fearlessly and prophetically. Our second co-curricular center will be an expansion of the current Communities of Shalom. This initiative will focus on action, advocacy, and social justice work in both pastoral and lay environments. Projects will range from student interns supporting the work of A Future with Hope in our home state of New Jersey, advancing social justice in non-profit settings across the country and around the world, initiatives which seek to transform and end systemic poverty, expansion of our Partnership for Religion and Education in Prisons (PREP) program, and teaching residencies at Drew for prophetic leaders. Success so far through our One and All Campaign As the 14th dean of Drew Theological School, I am deeply committed to continuing our long and distinguished legacy. To this end, our vision is innovative, forward-looking, and grounded in the practical needs of our students—we hope, too, that it is an inspiration to the various constituencies we serve. I fully subscribe to the inimitable words of Antonio Machado, that “we make the road by walking.” The road to this bright future we envision will be made by the dedication, determination, and generosity of those who love Drew and believe in its future. Our vision is coming to light, in part, because of the generosity of our many alumni-donors and friends. Our One and All fundraising campaign has raised more than $12 million to date for the Theological School and has seed-funded many of our burgeoning efforts. Also, I encourage our alumni to embrace your power of influence to help grow philanthropic support for Drew Theological School. Many of our largest gifts have come from the influence of alumni, particularly pastors who serve in our church communities. Yes, the needs ahead are many, yet our hope is high for a bright future for Drew Theological School. The road is made by walking. Let’s walk it together. The Reverend Dr. Javier A. Viera Dean of the Theological School Professor of Pastoral Theology
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
David was passionate about lepidoptera from the age of 10 when his father showed him a cecropia moth on the screen door of a restaurant in the Catskill Mountains. He traveled the world to study them, traveling from Tierra del Fuego to Alaska and in between, from Australia to Palau, and from Guam, Nepal, Bhutan, Greenland, Europe, Caribbean, West Africa, East Africa to all USA and Canada. He became renowned throughout the lepidoptera world for his knowledge of butterflies and moths. He loved sharing his passion and knowledge with many organizations and schools. Through the years he moved from collecting to observing and photographing insects and natural areas. He especially enjoyed relating with the people he met along the way. His love and compassion touched many lives as he traveled the world and through life. His photographs have been published and exhibited often. After retirement, he wrote The Monarch Butterfly: A Fragile Tissue in the Wind and On Being butterfly Friendly, revised as Creating a Butterfly Friendly Environment, as well as several books of poetry, life, and his nature travels. He was a contributing author to Kaatskill Life Magazine for ten years and published numerous articles in other publications. As a member of the N.Y. State Outdoor Educators he was a presenter at their annual conference for several years. David taught many classes at S.U.N.Y Broome in Binghamton, N.Y., and designed and built a permanent butterfly display in the new S.U.N.Y Broome science building. He is survived by his loving long-time partner Judith Besanceney of Osceola Pa. and her family, his children Rev. Barbara Bouton Snyder and Webster Lee Bouton, and two grandchildren, Rachael and Diana Bouton. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery in Oneonta near his parents, sister Mary, and his grandparents and great grandparents. Submitted by Judie Besanceney
Hildred Brothers Cayce
Hildred Brothers Cayce, 99, went to her heavenly home on March 15, 2016 at Grace Manor Suites of Lakeland, Fla. She was born April 5, 1916 in Altoona, Iowa. She was a faithful member of the Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene where she was known as a "Great Prayer Warrior." She was preceded in death by her husband of 45 years, the Rev. Rae Brothers in 1985 and her husband of 19 years, William Rae Cayce in 2007. Hildred is survived by her daughter, Carole Rae Noble (Richard) of Lakeland, Fla.; her son, Pastor Fletcher Brothers of Freedom Village, Lakemont, N.Y.; step-sons, Charles Cayce (Linda) of Ocala, Fla. and Donald Cayce (Mona) of Gainesville, Fla.; step-daughter, Ann Redman of Fayetteville, Ga.; three grandchildren, Pamela Piorkowski (Todd) of Orlando, Fla., Jeremy Brothers (Amy) of Cullman, Ala. and Jamie Kimenski (Dan) of Gulfport, Miss.; several step grandchildren, great-grandchildren and step great-grandchildren. A visitation was held on her 100th birthday, Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at the Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene, 6868 N. Socrum Loop Road, Lakeland, Fla. Services followed. In lieu of flowers donations were requested to the Lake Gibson Church of the Nazarene Mission Fund, 6868 N. Socrum Loop Road, Lakeland, Fla. 33809, Freedom Village USA, P.O. Box 24, Lakemont, N.Y. 14857 or Good Shepherd Hospice, 105 Arneson Ave., Auburndale, Fla. 33823.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
world affairs. He loved his family and was extremely proud of their many diverse achievements. His wit and friendliness will be remembered and missed by all. His memorial service and cremation were held in South Carolina with Rev. Carol Wray officiating. Submitted by wife, Janet Fitts
Elizabeth Ann (Williford) Freeman
Elizabeth Ann Williford Freeman, of Crestview, completed her earthly Christian ministry on February 16, 2015. Elizabeth was born on March 24, 1931 to William and Mary Louise Williford of Riverdale, Md. She leaves behind her husband of 38 years, Paul E. Freeman; four daughters, Susan, Paula, Rosemary, and Rebecca; six grandchildren; and a number of great-grandchildren. Her parents, all her siblings and one granddaughter preceded her in death. Elizabeth, known as Betty, loved her Lord Jesus Christ, her family, all the children she had the opportunity to meet, her friends and the people of the body of Christ. She was a member of the United Methodist Church since 1983, having accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior in Port Byron, N.Y. She and her husband served in the United Methodist pastoral ministry from 1986 to 2008 in upstate N.Y. near the Canadian border, serving in six appointments until their 2008 retirement, when they moved to Crestview and joined Crosspoint United Methodist Church. Her loving presence, compassion and friendship will be missed by many and remembered with gratefulness. A memorial service was Saturday, March 21 at Crosspoint, with a time of fellowship to following.
Alberta Marriott Geisler
Alberta Marriott Geisler, passed away Saturday, September 19, 2015 at the Kingsway Arms Nursing Center in Schenectady. Born January 30, 1924 in Jamestown, N.Y., she was the daughter of the late Rev. Dr. Albert and Florence Marriott. Alberta was educated at Allegheny College in Meadville, Pa. and Teachers College in N.Y.C. She married the love of her life, Rev. Charles N. Geisler Jr., on August 16, 1948. She taught countless piano students and directed many church choirs throughout her life. Survivors include her son, Charles Dale (Susan) Geisler of Scotia; daughter, Hope (Paul) Rulison of Galway; grandchildren, Ben and Jenifer Geisler of Queensbury, Chris and Paige Geisler of Canal Winchester, OH, Jacob Geisler of Guilderland and Marguerite and Ethan Canfield of Fla.; nieces, Barby and Al Brower of Industry, Pa., Betty Hemphill of Fla.; and nephew, Albert McColgin of Beaver Hills, Pa. A celebration of Alberta's life was held September 22, 2015 at the Centenary United Methodist Church, 1 Gray Ave, Greenwich, N.Y., 12834, with the Rev. Debbie Earthrowl, officiating. Burial was at the convenience of the family. Donations in Alberta's name can be made to the Centenary United Methodist Church, Organ Fund or the Geisler Study.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
The years brought four children and many life experiences in Miss., Ky., N.J., TX,, the Philippines and N.Y. Danielle and her family settled in upstate N.Y. Steve taught military science at Syracuse University and attended seminary, becoming a United Methodist minister. Rev. Kish served Borodino UMC and Amber Congregational Church. Danielle embraced her role in the religious community and eagerly took on many responsibilities which she loved, including Sunday school and organizing events for the congregation. Danielle was predeceased by her husband, Stephen A. Kish and her son, Stephen A. Kish Jr., also a UMC minister. She is survived by her daughter Carole (Richard) Walton of Oak Bluffs; daughter Robin (Michael) Barrett of Enfield, Conn.; son David Kish and partner Mariko Kawaguchi of West Tisbury; and daughter-in-law Mary Lou Kish of Silver Spring, Md. Danielle is also survived by ten grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. A funeral service was held at United Methodist Church of Marthaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Vineyard on January 4, 2016, the Richard Rego officiating. Danielleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s place of interment is in the Oak Bluffs, Mass. Cemetery. Submitted by daughter, Robin Barrett
Rev. Herbert D. Loomis
Rev. Herbert D. Loomis, 96, of Bradenton, Fla. passed away on Thursday, August 13, 2015. Mr. Loomis was a retired Minister and was preceded in death by his wife, Betty G. Loomis. "Herb" was raised and spent most of his life around Syracuse. After high school, Herb graduated from Houghton College and Boston University School of Theology. His wife, Betty, graduated from Keuka College. They served churches in Ava and West Leyden, Clinton, West Winfield, Minoa, Syracuse, Cortland and Auburn. Herb was a compulsive collector of sorts, collecting cups, plates, art glass, early advertising, political items, and postcards. Herb has served in many civic, fraternal, and religious groups over the years. He was Grand Chaplain of the N.Y. State Masons, President of a Kiwanis Club in 1958 and a Rotary Club in 1985, President of Church Councils in Syracuse and Cortland, President of the American Heart Association's Upstate Chapter, President of Cayuga County Red Cross, Cortland County Salvation Army, and three different historical societies. Across the years Herb wrote for a number of religious and antique periodicals, and had religious programs broadcast over Syracuse and Cortland television and radio stations. Herb and Betty retired and moved to Gulf Gate Lakes in Sarasota in 1981. They entered Westminster Asbury-The Towers, in December of 1989. His wife Betty, passed away on May 26, 2002. Herb was an extremely generous man, having made donations to the Westminster library, assisted living dining room and chapel. All told, Herb spent 26 years of his life ministering to the staff and residents of Westminster Towers and Shores. "Well done, good and faithful servant... Enter into the joy of your Lord." Matthew 25:21. A memorial service was held August 19, 2015 at Westminster Towers in Bradenton.
Wilma J. MacLaughlin
Wilma J. MacLaughlin was called to heaven on March 9, 2016 in Wyoming County Community Hospital, Warsaw. She was born on August 5, 1930 in Wiscoy, a daughter of the late Everette and Eva Hotchkiss Hall. She married the Rev. Frank MacLaughlin who survives. Wilma was a member of the United Methodist Church for 79 years, teaching Sunday school and youth groups for many years. Her faith was strong and never faltered.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
The foundation for Verne's heartfelt call to the ministry began during his childhood and youth, through weekly worship and Sunday school at the Walworth and Macedon Center Methodist Churches. These early experiences helped him develop a deep sense of Christ's presence and solidified the importance of faith in his life. Verne served in the U. S. Army from 1942 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1945. He was Assistant Army Chaplain at the 305th Station Hospital in England at the time of the Normandy invasion. Ministering to the daily casualties arriving at the hospital deeply affected him and intensified his sincere call to enter full-time ministry. After being honorably discharged from the Army, Verne began his college education at Kendall College in Evanston, Illinois, and then continued on to Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas. He received his graduate degree in Theology in 1953 from Drew University Theological Seminary in Madison, N.J. In February 1954, Verne began his pastorate at the Cohocton and North Cohocton Methodist Churches in the Olean District of the Genesee Conference. He was ordained Deacon on June 6, 1954 by Bishop Earl Ledden at Annual Conference in Buffalo. He was ordained Elder the following year on June 5, 1955 also by Bishop Ledden at Annual Conference in Rochester. Verne served the Cohocton and North Cohocton United Methodist Churches until his retirement in 1990. He was a dedicated, true servant of God in a ministry encompassing three generations. Verne's guidance, encouragement, and support, especially of the youth and elderly characterized his ministry. He led youth groups within his two churches, worked with the local Boy Scouts, and was active in the International Fellowship Student Exchange Program. Verne and Lillian hosted three South American exchange students, as well as several Fresh Air children from N.Y.C. Counseling at church camps was also an enjoyable part of their ministry together. Verne organized and led an area Senior Citizen group from 1968 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 2013, planning many interesting programs and promoting fellowship among the elderly of Cohocton and North Cohocton. Verne received many letters, notes, visits, and calls during his ministry and well into retirement. One such letter stated, "I'll never forget youth group meetings at the Cohocton Methodist Church. The perfect thing you did for us as teen-agers, was to help us know the Lord in a meaningful way." Verne passed away peacefully at home, May 29, 2015. His strong faith sustained him to the very last moment of his life. At that time, our loving Lord walked alongside him, gently leading him into a glorious rebirth into eternity. Verne's funeral was June 2, 2015 at the Cohocton Methodist Church. Pastor Cathy Fox and the Rev. Dr. James Stevens officiated. Many friends shared heartfelt memories of his influence upon their lives. Burial was in the Clearview Cemetery in North Cohocton. Submitted by wife, Lillian Schattner
Marguerite Shumway
Marguerite Shumway was born on Oct. 18, 1924, the only child of Mac Hibbard and Gertrude Rhodes Hibbard. She grew up on a small farm in Powell, Bradford County. She graduated from New Albany High School in 1941, completed two years of college at Albright College, and at the age of 19 began her teaching career at the two-room Spring Hill School, part of the Wyalusing Valley School District. She eventually received a degree in education from S.U.N.Y. at Oneonta in 1972.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
HONOR ROLL OF DECEASED MINISTERIAL MEMBERS "Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord henceforth." "Blessed, indeed, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!" (Rev. 14:13 RSV) Information concerning deaths of ministerial members prior to May 1, 2009 may be found in past Yearbooks of the former Western New York, North Central New York, Wyoming, and Troy Annual Conferences. Relationship Code: E = Effective; R = Retired; D = Disability; P = Provisional; A = Associate Member; L = Local Pastor
Name William Highfield Franklin Littell Thurman B. Beavers William Bouton Philip W. Mitchell Richard L. Hudson Earl F. Barfoot Charles N. Graham Franklyn N. Wright Stanley J. Moore Frederick L. Turner Oren J. Lane James H. Clouser Daryl Hansen Howard R. Caldwell Robert E. Leno Tracey K. Jones, Jr. Harlow T. Doliber Esther Wheeler M. William Jenkins Arthur J. Teft Bong Hee Sung Robert R. Morse Alfred Ruggles Clark E. Gilmour Gary Bryden G. Calvin Sheasley, Jr. George E. Clarkson Earl E. Andrews Victor L. Smith Robert Bromfield Elizabeth Dyre Joseph Timlin
Date of Death 5/18/2009 5/23/2009 5/30/2009 6/18/2009 7/7/2009 7/10/2009 8/9/2009 9/4/2009 9/22/2009 10/5/2009 10/16/2009 11/6/2009 11/10/2009 11/12/2009 11/20/2009 11/29/2009 12/16/2009 12/27/2009 12/29/2009 1/4/2010 2/2/2010 2/5/2010 2/14/2010 2/22/2010 2/24/2010 3/15/2010 3/15/2010 4/12/2010 4/16/2010 5/5/2010 5/14/2010 5/20/2010 5/23/2010
Age 79 92 88 68 90 88 92 66 88 91 92 69 76 60 78 75 92 85 84 81 89 62 88 72 84 64 74 92 82 87 81 76 84
Place of Burial Hartwick Seminary Cemetery Easton Rural Cemetery, Easton, NY Oneonta, NY University of S. Alabama, Mobile, AL Center Cemetery, North Haven, CT Cremated Groton NY: Village Cemetery Prospect Cemetery, Northville, NY Cabot Plains, VT Wellsboro, PA Little Clear Pond, Saranac Lake, NY Trout Run Cemetery, Trout Run, PA Cremated Georgia National Cemetery Middlesex VT: North Branch Valley View Cem., Ticonderoga, NY E Bridgewater City Cemetery, MA Mt. Pleasant Cem., Canastota, NY Gray NY: Fairview Queen of Heaven Cem. Lafayette, CA Cremated East Burke, VT Morristown NY: Pine Hill Dansville NY: Greenmount Danby N:Y Rural Cemetery Ithaca NY: South Hill Canastota NY: Mt. Pleasant Windsor Village Cemetery, NY
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
Name Howard Bacon Irving Hill Rudolph Libeck Donna Kyttle David Quick Frank Brandon Jr Robert F Trost Robert J Pascoe Jerald Lipsius Kenneth Snyder Nancye Halm Melvin R McGaughey William Barney William Dobson Roger Day Kevin Stockwell Franklyn Cism Alan Barnes Virgil Versteeg Kathryn Austin James Snedeker Jr John E Martin Melba Meyer Donald H Bishop Peek, Maxine Robert Bird Kenneth Dodd Deborah Roe Paul Stockmyer Paul James Olcott Freeman Ashworth Richard Brown John Kamaras Kathryn Lewis William Davies Rowland Conklin Margaret Chauncey Margie Mayson Robert Jewell John Karan Lois Sutton Leon Stillman Walter Barger Maxwell Tow
Date of Death 6/18/2010 6/18/2010 6/24/2010 6/24/2010 7/4/2010 8/20/2010 10/21/2010 11/9/2010 11/13/2010 11/21/2010 11/24/2010 12/5/2010 12/22/2010 12/24/2010 1/1/2011 1/6/2011 1/10/2011 1/14/2011 2/10/2011 2/20/2011 3/3/2011 3/9/2011 3/20/2011 3/25/2011 04/02/2011 4/26/2011 5/27/2011 6/2/2011 6/18/2011 4/4/2011 6/24/2011 7/7/2011 8/18/2011 8/31/2011 10/21/2011 10/25/2011 10/27/2011 11/8/2011 11/11/2011 12/6/2011 1/31/2012 2/13/2012 3/11/2012 3/22/2012
Age 99 81 94 69 60 90 80 68 70 79 78 96 66 86 82 58 92 97 54 57 90 81 78 91 80 89 70 65 60 77 80 85 74 95 92 89 95 60 81 83 86 93 82 77
Place of Burial Bethel Cemetery, Cato, NY Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, NY Ford City, PA Cremated Saratoga Springs: Maplewood Stump Church Cemetery, N Cambridge, NY Perry NY: Glenwood Cremated Falconer NY: Pine Hill Riverside Cemetery, Killington, VT Duxbury VT: Graves Keene NY: Monadnock View Copenhagen: Riverside Harpursville: Riverview Ed Weir: Pine Hill Cremated Newport, NY Chemung:Forest Lawn White Haven Mem., Fairport Pullman ,WA Glenview Cemetery, Pultney, NY Pennsylvania
Evergreen Cemetery, Levanna, NY
Vesper Cemetery, NY Jermyn, PA Fair View Cemetery, Elmhurst, PA Jonesville, NY Greenlawn Cemetery, Bainbridge, NY Cremated Methodist Cemetery, Barnard, VT Pine Plains Cemetery, Clay, NY New Milford Cemetery, NY Adams Rural Cemetery Buchanan Cemetery Cremated
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
Name Christopher Mickel Marvin Willard Rodney Scoville Margaret Smith David Claydon Barbara Fisk Arthur Northrup Jr W. Russell Clark Perley Bertrand Jr James A Farrell Dawn Robbins Elinor R Hare George E Fandt Glen V Woike Melvin, Lavender William C. Pettibon Wade Jarrett Bryson M Smith David Dik Cynthia Chidsey Sorley, James Ross Whetstone Paul Jaquith Carlos Rosa Charles Marks Everett Hendrickson Arland Rees Norman C. McLean Wayne G. Warner John W. Annas, Jr. Bertram M. Croop Luther A. Patton William Cruikshank Revere Perkins Robert Overmier David Stanton E. Carolyn Byrne Leon Frank Jr. James F. Allen Clyde Relyea Stephan Calos Hani Khoury Roberta Poorman Gerald Harris
Date of Death 4/5/2012 4/8/2012 4/21/2012 4/21/2012 5/3/2012 5/4/2012 5/26/2012 6/6/2012 6/25/2012 7/1/2012 7/29/2012 7/25/2012 8/4/2012 8/18/2012 9/25/2012 10/17/2012 10/20/2012 10/21/2012 11/07/2012 11/15/2012 11/27/2012 11/04/2012 12/14/2012 1/11/2013 1/15/2013 1/13/2013 1/19/2013 1/29/2013 03/19/2013 04/07/2013 04/21/2013 04/26/2013 05/10/2013 6/30/2013 10/2/2013 10/27/2013 10/29/2013 11/5/2013 11/6/2013 11/8/2013 12/5/2013 12/12/2013 12/14/2013 12/16/2013
Age 56 84 94 86 81 69 87 93 82 79 55 84
Place of Burial Gallupville Rural Cemetery, NY Williamsburg, NY Cremated
67 95 78 71 94 78 66 86 93 88 78 82 79 90 86 73 108 90 95 75 88 85 82 85 87 88 76 69 86 64 93
Williamsville, NY Cremated Sunset Hill Cemetery Greenlawn Cemetery, Warners, NY Green Ridge Cemetery, Saratoga, NY Cremated Bath National Cemetery, Bath, NY N. Elba Cemetery, Lake Placid Double Brick Church, Friends Cove, PA
Greenfield Center, NY Stockbridge, NY Riverside Cemetery, Gouverneur, NY Woodlawn Cemetery, Syracuse, NY First Schenectady UMC Warrensburg Cemetery Levant Cemetery
Cremated New Haven, NY Cold Springs Cemetery Mt. Pleasant, Houghton, NY Cremated Cremated Elmlawn Cemetery, Tonawanda Memory Gardens, Colonie Cremated Hallsport Cemetery North Syracuse Cemetery, N Syr., NY Rivermont in Springfield, MO Wappingers Falls Cremated North East Cemetery, North East , PA Oneida Castle, NY Canandaigua Lakeview Cem. Rushville Rural Cemetery Port Gibson Sinking Spring Cem, Abingdon, VA
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
Name William F. Rogers John R Watkins Jr. R. Philip Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Hara Sheldon Stephenson Regina Shaw Nola Carroll Stanley Vollmer Betty Denick Frank Halse Jr. Willard Steele Farrell Edgar Evans Kathryn Hemstreet Norman Tiffany Margaret Rockwell David Franke Ruth Gray Daniel Berry Eric Blidberg Frederick Jackson Eric Roy King Arthur Andrews Arthur Melius Charles Hess III Joseph Fiske Richard Elliott Alice Hobbs Malcolm Howard Marian Thomas L Alden Smith Claude Corbett Jane Borden Billie Jean Melton Robert V Smith Donald H Turk Peter Hanson Victor Zaccaro Verne Schattner Everett Fitts Theressa Hough Robert A Johnson Herbert Loomis Theodore Richards Andrew Russ Charles Warner Norman J Mead Jon C Stenberg Walter G Connor James Barrett Stephen Parr David W Bouton
Date of Death 12/19/2013 12/25/2013 12/31/2013 1/4/2014 1/10/2014 1/11/2014 1/14/2014 1/28/2014 3/9/2014 3/14/2014 3/16/2014 3/23/2014 4/6/2014 6/25/2014 7/5/2014 7/9/2014 7/26/2014 7/30/2014 8/20/2014 9/16/2014 9/30/2014 10/2/2014 10/24/2014 10/26/2014 11/6/2014 12/2/2014 12/13/2014 12/12/2014 12/19/2014 1/14/2015 1/15/2015 2/13/2015 2/12/2015 3/4/2015 3/8/2015 3/18/2015 5/29/2015 7/28/2015 7/31/2015 8/8/2015 8/13/2015 9/11/2015 9/29/2015 10/6/2015 10/7/2015 10/22/2015 11/2/2015 11/12/2015 11/25/2015 11/22/2015
Age 89 79 73 93 65 70 86 83 86 99 97 94 83 66 70 84 74 68 90 100 87 78 79 92 75 77 81 106 97 92 86 77 95 93 85 85 94 93 100 89 76 76 62 91 94 59 88 89 80 79
Place of Burial Forest View Cemetery, Winsted, CT Shady Lane Cemetery, Clark Summit, PA Lakeside Cemetery, Penn Yan, NY Richmond Center Cemetery Chemung Cemetery Collamer Cemetery Cremated Pine Hill Cemetery Hillcrest Memorial Park Kenmore UMC Columbarium Donated to Science Forest Lawn Mem. Park, Elmira NY Woodlands Cemetery , Cambridge Spring Arbor Cemetery Crown Hill Memorial Park Rosewell First Columbarian, NM South Montrose, PA cemetery Cremated Hillington Cemetery, Morris NY Cremated Elmwood Cemetery, Schaghicoke Cortland Rural Cemetery Lakeside Cemetery, Hamburg NY Garden of Hope, Penney Farms FL
Colgate University Cemetery Pennellville Cemetery NY Nanson Homestead, East Poultney Clearview Cemetery, N Cohocton Cremated Fairview Cemetery
Garfield Cemetery, Stephentown Fern Memorial Gardens, Stuart, FL cremated Bath National Cemetery Middletown Cemetery PA Glenwood Cemetery, Oneonta NY 233
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VII. MEMOIRS
Dolen Morris James Carr Roger Crout Roger Smith
12/25/2015 2/8/2016 2/22/2016 2/24/2016
90 80 66 66
Emerson Rugh David L Derk Richard Santella Donald Schalk Elizabeth Fribance Douglas Akers Sandra Olmstead Vincent Rothwell John Nuessle
2/24/2016 3/17/2016 4/22/2016 5/2/2016 5/6/2016 5/17/2016 5/31/2016 6/1/2016 6/4/2016
96 88 77 85 95 78 76 91 63
Brown Capel Cemetery, Broseley Ava Cemetery Greensprings Natural Cemetery, Newfield NY Liberty Park Cemetery Hillcrest Memory Gardens Jeffersonton, VA cremated Addison Rural Cemetery
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VIII. HISTORIC
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VIII. HISTORIC
HISTORIC 1. Sessions of the Conference SESSION
June 19, 2010
Oncenter ‐ Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
September 11, 2010
Convention Plaza ‐ Albany, NY
J. Hodge
Rochester Conv. Center
J. Hodge
Adjourned Session 2
June 8 – 11, 2011
May 31 – June 2, 2012
Oncenter ‐ Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
May 30 – June 1, 2013
Oncenter ‐ Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
May 29 – 31, 2014
Oncenter – Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
October 18, 2014
Oncenter – Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
May 27 – 30, 2015
Oncenter – Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
June 2‐4, 2016
Oncenter – Syracuse, NY
J. Hodge
Adjourned Session
2. General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegates General Conference – May 10‐20, 2016 – Oregon Convention Center: Portland, OR Clergy:
Bill Allen, Bill Mudge, Rebekah Sweet, Colleen Preuninger, Thom White Wolf Fassett, and John Martin
Michelle Bogue-Trost and Holly Nye
Scott Johnson, Greg Forrester, Riley O’Flynn, Carmen Vianese, Marthalyn Sweet, and Blenda Smith
Ian Urriola and JJ. Warren
Jurisdictional Conference – July 11‐15, 2016 – Lancaster, PA Clergy:
Michelle Bogue-Trost, Holly Nye, Cathy Hall Stengel, Sherri Rood, Darryl Barrow, Aaron Bouwens
Stephen Cady II and Richard LaDue
Ian Urriola, J.J. Warren, Ashley Riddell, Julius Archibald, Laurel O’Connor, Shirley Readdean
Suzanne Allen and Hudda Aswad
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal VIII. HISTORIC
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Clergy Service Records As of July 1, 2016 Elders in Full Connection/Full Members Adams, Nancy J. PM 1990 FE 1992 1989 (WYO) At School 1990 Northern Otsego Coop. Parish/Hartwick 1995 Endwell, Associate 1997 Apalachin: Park Terrace 2003 Ransom 2007 Newark Valley 2010 (UNY) Caring Covenant Coop Parish; CP & Newark Valley 2014 Dist Superintendent of Mountain View District
2000 SW Oswego, Oswego Center 2007 Massena: First 2010 (UNY) Massena: First, Massena: Grace 2012 Vestal Center Akers, Douglas N FL 1960 PM 1961 FM 1963 RE 1997 1960 (WYO) FL: (5/22/60) Wanamie 1961 Wanamie 1964 Hawley 1970 Dallas 1982 Oneonta District Superintendent 1988 Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial 1994 Endicott: First 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Adriance, Carter B. PM 1967 FM 1970 RE 2006 1967 Baltimore Conference 1969 (Troy), Associate Albany: Pine Grove 1972 Cambridge, North Cambridge & White Creek 1976 Northville & Edinburg 1979 (6/24/79) Center Brunswick 1987 First: Cohoes 1989 Schuylerville & Quaker Springs 1993 Central Bridge, Barnerville & Grosvenor's Corners 1994 Ames-Sprout Brook 1998 Windsor: Rachel Harlow & Brownsville 2001 Appointed in Wyoming Conference 2003 Fort Plain 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Albrecht, Frederick SP 1978 FL 1974 PM 1980 FM 1983 RE 2005 *1974 (WYO) Rome *1978 At School *1979 (1979-81) Canaan, Edison, Ohio 1980 At School 1981 Ransom 1985 Afton 1990 Gospel Hills Coop. Parish, Director/Afton 1994 Otego 2003 Upper Butternut/Wharton Valley, Yoked Parish Director 2005 Retired 2007 (2007-08) Otego 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (07/17/11-6/30/12) Hartwick/Mt. Vision 2013 (9/1/13-6/30/14) CP- Hartwick/Mt. Vision; (11/1/13-6/30/14) CP-Edmeston/W. Exeter
Agnew, Peter PM 1980 FE 1997 1980 (C TX) PM: In School 1981 (1/1/82) (Okla.) In School 1983 Leave of Absence 1986 (C TX) SL: Italy: First 1988 Leave of Absence 1989 PM: Trinity 1996 Everman 1999 (N. IL) Embury 2004 Leave of Absence 2005 (NCNY) Transfer In: Borodino LFT 2010 (UNY) Borodino LFT
Alderman, Judy SP 1994 FL 1995 PM 1996 FM 1998 RE 2012 1994 (NCNY) SL: Middlesex 1995 FL: Weedsport, Mottville: St. Andrews 2002 Fulton: State Street 2008 Syracuse: Bellevue Heights 2010 (UNY) Syracuse: Bellevue Heights 2012 Retired, Syracuse: Gethsemane (25%) 2014 Ira / Syracuse: Gethsemane (50%) 2015 Ira (25%) 2016 Warners 50%
Aiosa, Jeffrey SP 1993 FL 1996 PM 1999 FE 2002 1993 (NCNY) SL: Countryside, Victory 1996 FL: Canastota; Peterboro
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Allen, Joyce K. PM 1996 FE 1999 1996 (WYO) Worcester 2001 Harmony Coop. Parish/New Milford 2007 Windsor 2010 (UNY) Binghamton: Ogden-Hillcrest
Anderson, Frank H. PM 1953 FM 1955 RE 1992 1953 (CNY) At School 1955 Odessa, Associate 1956 Rushville 1957 Rushville; Potter 1960 Supernumerary 1962 Congo Polytechnic Institute, Africa 1964 (WNY) Dickersonville 1966 Kenmore, Associate 1971 Board of Global Ministries 1978 Rochester Urban Ministry 1985 Asbury Delaware; Ontario Street 1986 (3/1/86) West Side Cluster, Coord; Asbury 1990 Warsaw: First; Warsaw: Immanuel 1992 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Allen, Kristen Amy Roth PM 1997 FE 2002 1997 (WNY) Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 1998 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 1999 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2000 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2001 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2002 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2003 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2004 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2005 Family Leave 2006 Olean: Christ (75%) 2010 (UNY) Olean: Christ (75%) 2013 Bemus Point
Anderson, Nola OE FE 2005 2003 (WYO) Davenport & West Davenport 2007 Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial 2011 Rochester West Ave/Rochester Grace 2015 Crossroads District Superintendent
Allen, Robert D. PM 1971 FM 1974 RE 2007 1971 (WYO) At School 1973 Cooperstown 1978 Waymart 1980 Castle Creek 1988 Oxford 1993 Greentown: Hemlock Grove 2002 Lynchburg, VA: Monroe 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Anderson, Robert T. PM 1951 FM 1953 RE 1966 1951 (CNY) In School 1959 Prof. Dept. of Religion, Michigan State Univ. 1966 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Anderson, Theodore C. PM 1975 FM 1982 1975 (FL) At School 1978 (6/1/78) (WNY) Adams Basin; Garland 1985 Amherst: Christ, Associate 1989 Chatauqua: Hurlbut Memorial 2008 Genesee Valley District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Genesee Valley District Superintendent 2016 Fairport
Allen, William A. PM 1997 FE 2002 1997 (WNY) Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 1998 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 1999 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2000 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2001 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2002 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2003 Arkport/Bishopville (75%) 2004 Arkport/Bishopville (50%) 2005 Appointed to Attend School 2006 Olean: Christ (50%) 2007 Olean: Christ (50%); Coord. Great Valley, Limestone 2009 Olean: Christ (50%) 2010 (UNY) Olean: Christ (50%) 2013 Bemus Point
Annandale, Naomi FL 2002 PE 2003 FE 2006 2001 (NCNY) Oswego: First 2008 In School 2010 (UNY) Attend School (Vanderbilt) 2014 Marcellus 2015 Ext. Min.: Dir. of Research & Evaluation at Discipleship Min.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Archer, Voigt D. PM 1956 FM 1960 RE 1999 1956 (CNY) In School 1959 Clockville 1960 Ithaca: State St. 1961 Ithaca: State St. and First (Assoc.) 1962 Homer 1969 Skaneateles 1976 Elmira: Centenary 1983 Sodus 1992 (NCNY) Syr: Bellevue Heights 1999 Retired 2003 (7/1/03-6/30/10) Phoenix 2010 (UNY) Retired 2010 (7/1/10-6/30/14) Baldwinsville Associate
1995 Buffalo: Central Park 1996 North Ridge 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Babcock, Kenneth B PM 1970 FE 1973 RE 1992 1970 (WNY) At School 1972 Swain; Garwoods; Grove 1977 Olcott; County Line 1983 Sanborn 1985 Sheridan 1990 Edwards Chapel 1992 Retired; North Harmony 1998 Wilson: Exley 2002 Buffalo: South Park 2010 (UNY) Buffalo: South Park 2011 Return to retirement 2015 (7/1/15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8/9/15) Buffalo: Ontario St (25%)
Arnold, Neil Lynn PM 1952 FM 1954 RE 1993 1952 (Gen. Conf.) At School 1954 Belmont; Phillips Creek 1957 Fillmore; East Canedea; Hume 1961 Perry 1964 Newfane 1965 (WNY) Newfane 1969 Walworth; West Walworth 1977 East Rochester 1989 Clarence Center 1993 Retired 1995 (10/1-11/27) Indian Falls 2010 (UNY) Retired
Babcock, Naomi B. PM 1985 FM 1988 RE 2014 1984 (WNY) Grand Island: Emmanuel 1985 Forestville; Nashville 1990 Ripley; South Ripley 1997 Warrens Corners 2002 Buffalo Woodside 2006 (8/1/06) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2014 Retired Baez, Wilfredo R. Juan SP 1996 FL 1998 PM 1999 FE 2002 1996 (WNY) SL: Adams Basin 1998 Adams Basin, Rochester: Lake 1999 (NCNY) Odessa/Catharine 2002 Danby Fed. 2005 Gouverneur, N. Gouverneur 2008 Gouverneur, N. Gouverneur & CP Antwerp, Spragueville 2010 (UNY) Gouverneur, N. Gouverneur & CP Antwerp, Spragueville 2011 North Chili 2014 Binghamton: Tabernacle 2015 Wilmington: Whiteface 2015 (11/1/15) Chaplain @ Greater Binghamton Health Center
Austin, Dale E. PM 1977 FM 1981 1977 (NNY) In School 1979 Bernhards Bay, Cleveland, Constantia 1983 (Oct) Clayton, Depauville 1989 (NCNY) Newfield 1993 Lyons 1996 Red Creek-Westbury/Sterling 2002 Freeville 2010 (UNY) Freeville; Cortland Homer Ave. 2013 Endicott First/Park Terrace Babcock, Calvin W. PM 1962 FM 1965 RE 1997 1962 (WNY) At School 1965 Batavia, Associate 1967 Niagara Falls; St. Paul's, Associate 1971 Middleport 1976 (2/1/76) Niagara Frontier Community Missions 1988 Lewiston: Meadows 1994 Buffalo District Community Minister
Bailey, Frederick L PM 1960 EUB FM 1965 RE 2006 1960 In School: (Erie) Union Valley 1964 In School: Plum Island, MA 1965 Diamond, PA
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Baker, Jane SP 1993 PM 1995 FM 1998 RE 2016 1993 (Troy) SL: Voorheesville 1994 PL: Delanson, Burtonville & Gallupville (75%) (PM: 7/1/95) 1998 Delanson & Gallupville 2000 Clifton Park: Jonesville 2001 Cambridge: Embury, Shushan 2004 Cambridge; Embury & White Creek Supply 2007 (4/15/07) Cambridge & Covered Bridge Circuit 2010 (UNY) Round Lake 2013 UNY) Albany: Pine Grove UMC 2016 Retired
1966 Mayville, NY 1969 (Maine) Bethel 1972 Saco 1973 (NNY) Raquette River, Hogansburg 1977 Russell, Degrasse, Hermon 1982 Morristown, Galilee 1985 Westmoreland, Clark Mills 1992 (NCNY) S. Onondaga, Cardiff 1997 Lee Center, Point Rock 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired; Lowell 2011 Lowell Bailey, James D. PM 1976 FM 1979 RE 2014 1976 (WNY) At School 1977 Alabama; Basom 1981 Sinclairville; Gerry 1987 Sinclairville Park 1997 (2/1/97) Greater Sinclairville-Pleasant Valley CP; Sinclairville: Park 2009 (1/18-6/30/2009) (WNY) Coord. Pastor for Jamestown Cooperative Parish; Sinclairville: Park 2010 (UNY) Sinclairville: Park 2014 Retired
Barden, Bruce S. PM 1967 FM 1970 RE 2000 1967 (CNY) In School 1969 Lansing 1974 Painted Post 1982 Oneida: First 1989 (NCNY) Mohawk Dist. Supt. 1995 N. Syracuse: Andrews Memorial 2000 Retired *2001 (11/1/00) Caz/Erieville/Nelson Associate 2003 Syracuse: Gethsemane 2005 (05-09) Little Utica 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (11/1/12 - 11/30/12) Interim: Little Utica
Baird, Larry R. PM 1972 FM 1976 RE 2015 1972 (WNY) Wyoming; Covington 1975 (1/1/75) East Bloomfield; Ionia 1980 Westfield 1986 (1/1/86) Clarence 2003 Cornerstone District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Cornerstone District Superintendent 2011 Grand Island: Trinity 2015 Retired
Baron, Sara E. PE 2006 FE 2009 2005 Provisional Elder 2005 (WYO) Appointment to attend School 2006 Morris 2010 (UNY) Park Terrace Community 2013 Schenectady: First
Baissa, Marilyn PL 1996 PM 1998 FE 2002 RE 2013 1996 (NCNY) PL: 75%New Hartford Assist. 1996 (Dec.) PL: 75% Sauquoit Valley 1996 PL; (4/97) Sauquoit Valley (75%) (PM 5/29/98) 2003 Mohawk Valley: Trinity 2004 (1/9/05) Mohawk Valley: Trinity; Coord. E. Schuyler 2010 (UNY) Mohawk Valley: Trinity; CP Clark Mills 2013 Retired, CP Clark Mills 2014 CP Clark Mills/ Hamilton Park 2015 Clark Mills CP 2015 (7/5-9/26/15) Interim: Rome: First 2016 Rome: First, CP Vernon Center & Clark Mills
Barrow, Darryl R. PM 1988 FM 1991 FE 2007 1988 (Meth Ch. in Carib. & Amer.) (9/1/88-8/31/91) Montego Bay, Mt. Ward 1991 (9/1/91-8/31/94) Manchester Circuit 1994 (9/1/04-7/31/96) Dominica Circuit 1996 (AL-W Fla) (8/1/96) OD: Pensacola First 2004 (2/1/05) Frederick: Calvary 2005 (NCNY) (8/15/05) OD: NCNY Conf Dir. of Spiritual Leadership 2007 Admitted: NCNY Conf. Dir. of Spir. Leadership 2009 Crossroads District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Crossroads District Superintendent 2015 Amherst: Christ 2016 Lockport: Emmanuel
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Barton, Richard E. PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2014 1972 (NNY) In School 1973 Clayton, Omar-Fishers Landing 1978 Earlville, Poolville 1980 Sabbatical Leave 1981 (CNY) Phoenix 1990 (NCNY) Clinton 2004 Marcellus 2008 Finger Lakes District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Finger Lakes District Superintendent 2014 Retired
2014 Retired Beane, Earl R. PM 1964 FM 1967 RE 2006 1964 (WYO) At School 1968 Berkshire 1969 Endwell, Associate 1973 Vestal, Associate 1976 Dir. Adm & Student Svcs, BU School of Theology 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Beck, Helen PL 1997 FL 1999 PE 2008 FE 2010 1997 (NCNY) PL: Lake & River Parish Assist. (75%) 1998 SL: Lake & River Parish Assist. 1998 (1/1/99) FL: Alexandria Bay, Plessis Redwood 2008 Alex Bay, Redwood; coord. Thousand Is Parish 2009 Madrid United, Louisville UCC 2010 (UNY) Madrid United, Louisville UCC 2011 Madrid, Louisville/Waddington;(3/1/11) coordinating pastor Raymondville 2012 (1/1/2012) Madrid/Louisville (75%) 2016 (2/10/16) Wilmington: Whiteface Community 100%
Bartz, Duane M. PE 2006 FE 2009 2001 (WNY) Canadice 2002 Not Appointed 2006 West Webster 2010 (UNY) Middleport 2012 (1/1/2012) (UNY) Ballston Spa 2013 (4/1/14-6/30/14) Medical leave 2014 Personal Leave Bassett, Everett J. PL 1977 FL 1979 SP 1981 PM 1986 FE 1988 1977 (NNY) PL: Burke, Constable (FL 7/1/79) 1981 (CNY) Benton, Yatesville 1986 (NCNY) Union Springs (Yoked) 1989 Liverpool (Assoc.) 1991 Auburn: First 1998 Cicero 2007 Cicero; Supervising Cicero Ctr 2010 (UNY) Cicero; Supervising Cicero Ctr 2011 Cicero 2016 Ontario District Superintendent
Beeson, John F. PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1997 1957 (WNY) Indian Falls; Indian Falls Mission 1962 Fairport 1966 (CNY) Syracuse: Erwin 1971 (WNY) Williamsville 1977 Wesley Theol Seminary, Assist to the President 1978 Barker 1981 Greece 1985 Jamestown: First 1990 Buffalo District Superintendent 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Baumback, Alan R. PM 1978 FM 1981 RE 2014 1978 (Troy) Newcomb & Long Lake 1986 Cambridge & Sushan 1991 North Ferrisburgh; Freeisburgh 1996 Fort Plain and Freysbush 2002 Ravena, Grace 2010 (UNY) Ravena: Grace 2011 Schenectady: Rotterdam 2014 Retired
Beman, Larry F. PM 1969 FM 1970 RE 2007 1969 (WNY) At School 1970 Grand Island: Emmanuel 1971 Kendall 1980 Amherst: Christ, Minister of Education 1985 St. Paul's , Jacksonville, FL, Minister of Program 1986 East Aurora, Associate 1988 Portville 1990 Avon 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Baums, Roosevelt PL 2006 FL 2007 PE 2010 FE 2012 RE 2014 2006 (NCNY) PL: Cicero Center (50%) 2007 FL: Syracuse: James St; Minoa 2010 (UNY) Syracuse: James St.; Minoa 2012 Syr: James St. & Crossroads Dist. Conn Min.
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Bement, Betty PM 1995 FM 2000 RE 2010 1995 (NCNY) Appointed to Attend School 1995 (4/26/96) Breesport, N.Chemung LFT 1998 Caton 2003 Williamson 2005 Campbell 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (11/25/12 - 12/27/12) Beaver Dams
Benton, Benson A. FL 1952 PM 1953 FM 1957 HL 1967 RHL 1983 1952 (WNY) Holland; Protection 1953 Genesee Conference 1959 Eden 1962 Sanborn 1967 Honorable Location 1983 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Benham, Beth O. FL 1982 PM 1984 FM 1986 1982 Waddington 1984 (NNY) Oswego Center, Southwest Oswego 1993 (NCNY) Marcellus 1996 Massena 2004 Northern Flow District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Northern Flow District Superintendent 2011 (7/1/11) Gouverneur/N Gouverneur, CP Spragueville, Heuvelton 2013 Gouvernuer/N Gouvernuer & CP Spragueville 2014 Gouvernuer 2016 Binghamton: Tabernacle 75%/Binghamton: Centenary-Chenango Street 25%
Black Jr, J Allen PM 1975 FM 1977 RE 2000 1975 (NNY) Rome: Calvary 1979 Waterville, East Hamilton 1989 (NCNY) (Sept.) Appointed in S. New Eng. Conf. 1998 Appt. to Attend School 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Blair, Ann S. PM 1987 FM 1989 1987 (WYO) Clarks Summit, Associate 1989 Windsor 1990 Scranton Urban Coop Min/Simpson-W Park 1995 Scranton Urban Coop Min/Simpson-W Park/ Court St. 1996 Scranton Urban Coop Min, Dir/Simpson-W Park 1997 Endless Mountains Coop Parish/ Skinners Eddy 1998 Endless Mtns Coop Parish, Dir/Skinners Eddy 2002 Morris 2006 High Street 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 Binghamton: High Street 2012 Red Creek/Westbury & Sterling
Benjamin, Keith F. PM 1989 FM 1991 RE 2012 1988 (WYO) At School 1989 (1/1/89) Great Bend 1993 Noxen 2001 Wilkes-Barre: First & Abbott 2004 Wilkes-Barre: First & Ashley: Centenary 2008 Carbondale 2010 (UNY) Deposit/Hale Eddy 2012 Retired
Blair, Robin PL 2003 PD 2005 FD 2007 FE 2014 2002 Empl. By LC: Alton 2003 (NCNY)(7/6/03) PL: Vernon (75%) 2004 PL: Rome:1st; Child Ctr/Common Good (75%) 2007 PD: Childrens Ctr for the Common Good (50%) 2008 FD: Lâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;pool Assoc.; Children's Ctr/Common Good 2008 (1/14/2009) Children's Ctr for Common Good 2010 (9/15/10) Children's Center for Common Good; Finlayson UMC/Sandstone UCC (75%) 2010 (UNY) Children's Ctr for Common Good (75%) 2011 Finlayson UMC/Sandstone UCC, Minnesota Conf./(UNY) Children's Ctr for Common Good (75%) 2012 FD: Cazenovia/Nelson: Common Good Radio 2013 FD: Middlesex/Rushville/Common Good Radio 2014 Interim (11/1/14) Newark First 2015 Marcellus
Bergner, David C. PL 1974 FM 1975 RE 2007 1974 (NNY) Mannsville, Lorraine 1978 Delta 1984 Vernon, Lairdsville 1992 (NCNY) Lowville, Martinsburg 2000 Oswego: First 2001 (5/15/02) Sodus 2004 Sodus; Sodus Point 2005 Camillus: First, Warners 2007 Retired 2009 Vine Valley 2010 (UNY) Vine Valley 2011 Retired
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Bleck-Doran, Theodore L. PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2016 1972 (WNY) Appointed to attend school 1973 Jamestown First (Assoc.) 1976 In School 1980 Chaplain, Canandaigua Veterans Hosp. 1993 (NCNY) V.A. Medical Center, Canandaigua 2006 Chpln, Jas H. Quillen VA Med Ctr, Mt Home, TN 2010 (UNY) chief Chpln, James H. Quillen VA Med Ctr, Mountain Home, TN 2015 (7/10/2015) Retired
2012 Liverpool & Assoc. Director of Cong. Vitality 2014 Director of Vital Congregations Bouwens, Beth M. FL 2003 PE 2004 FE 2007 2003 (NCNY) FL: Caton 2010 (UNY) Caton 2014 Moravia Christ 2016 Retired Bowen, Herbert B. PM 1954 FM 1956 RE 1997 1954 (Troy) At School 1956 (Baltimore) 1957 (Troy) Granville 1961 Glen Falls 1965 Voluntarily Located 1980 (11/80) (WYO) Cooperstown (Readmitted and Transferred) 1986 Cooperstown 1988 (11/15/88) Waverly, NY 1997 Retired *1997 (1997-2007) Westover 2010 (UNY) Retired
Block, Suzanne SP 1998 PE 2000 FE 2004 1998 (WNY) SL: Pendelton Cener (25%) 2000 Pendelton Center (75%) 2001 Pendelton Center 2009 (On loan NCNY) Homer: First 2010 (UNY) Homer: First 2013 Olean:Christ Bogue-Trost, Michelle SP 1996 PM 1998 FE 2002 1996 SL: N. Bush (25%) 1996 Drew Theological School 1999 (Troy) Niverville-Chatham Center 2001 Associate, Saratoga Springs 2005 Newtonville 2010 (UNY) Newtonville 2011 Saratoga Springs 2013 (1/1/14-6/30/14) Leave of Absence 2014 Endicott:Central
Bowen, James PL 1985 PM 1987 FM 1991 RE 2003 * 1985 (Troy) Hyndsville & Mineral Springs (PT) 1986 Without Appointment, attending school 1987 At School 1988 At School 1989 Associate, Burlington: First 1994 Vergennes & West Addison 1999 Cobleskill 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Boston, Robert S. P 1962 F 1965 R 1998 1962 Idaho Conference 1964 South Glens Falls & Fortsville 1968 (6/1/68) (Troy) Enosburg Falls & W Enosburg 1971 Johnson 1973 Center Brunswick 1979 Troy: Pawling Ave. 1984 Schenectady: Broadway 1987 Esperance-Sloansville 1992 Appointment in Wyoming Conference 1995 Mendon 1998 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Bowman, Leland PM 1962 FM 1966 RE 1989 1956 (WNY) Whitesville; North Bingham 1960 Caton; South Corning 1961 Avon 1962 West Barre; East Shelby 1966 Alden 1969 Newfane 1977 At School 1978 Royalton; South Royalton 1979 Leave of Absence 1981 Bowmansville 1986 Warren's Corners 1989 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Bouwens, Aaron FL 2003 PE 2003 FE 2006 2003 (NCNY) FL: Wolcott:Faith 2006 Cortland: First 2010 (UNY) Cortland: First
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Brand, James M. PM 1982 FM 1985 1982 (NNY) In School 1982 (June '83) Norfolk, Raymondville 1986 (NCNY)(Nov) NYWA Assoc. for Admin. & Comm 1989 Sherrill 1991 Sherrill; supervising 1993 Sherrill, Bennetts Corners 1994 Cicero 1998 Canton 2007 Canton; superv. Raymondville 2008 (11/16/08) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Medical Leave
2003 Christ Church, Glens Falls 2005 Faith, South Burlington 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Brittain, John FE 2010 RE 2012 1970 (P:E.Ohio 1970. F: E.Ohio 1973) 1970 School 1972 Creston-Canaan 1975 Oak Chapel 1976 Bethesda Salisbury Assoc. 1979 Chaplain, Wesley College 1985 Dir., Univ. Chapel Fellowship, U SF, Tampa 1987 Chaplain, Univ. of Evansville 1988 (6/7/88) Trans. S.Ind.; Univ. Evansville 2003 (S Ind) on loan to WNY Dean of Chapel & Prof. Religion, Houghton College 2009 (S. Indiana) (1/1/2010) Trans in WNY Dean of Chapel & Prof of Rel at Houghton College 2010 (UNY) Dn of Chapel & Prof of Rel Houghton Coll 2012 Retired
Breunig, Michael PL 2001 PE 2006 FE 2010 RE 2001 (WNY) South Byron (25%) 2005 (10/16/2005) Elba (25%) 2006 Falconer 2010 (UNY) Falconer 2011 Big Flats: Hillview, Webb Mills, South Corning 2012 Germany Hill/Candor:McKendree 2016 Retired
Brocklehurst, JoAnne PM 1978 FM 1981 RE 2003 1978 (WNY) At School 1979 East Aurora, Associate 1981 Barker 1983 The Samaritan Pastoral Counseling Center 1988 Bowmansville 1991 Geneseo 1994 Leave of Absence 1995 Ext Min: Dist Counseling Services, Batavia District 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Brewster, James N. PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 2002 1962 Central New York Conference 1967 (WNY) Buffalo Wesley Foundation 1972 Buffalo: Kensington 1974 Buffalo METRO Director 1978 (3/1/78) Niagara Falls: St. Paul's 1990 Tonawanda 2001 Retired; Tonawanda 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Brewster, John N. PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1998 1958 (WNY) At School 1960 Warsaw 1962 Canisteo 1966 Orchard Park 1976 Rochester: Aldersgate 1981 Batavia District Superintendent 1987 Webster 1998 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Brown, Hoyt W. L 1999 PE 2003 FE 2006 1999 (8/1999) West Ohio Conference: Ross Community 2000 Oxford UMC 2002 No Appointment 2003 Commissioned in West Ohio Conference, (WNY) Henrietta: Christview 2002 No Appointment 2004 Transfer to WNY: Faith (Henrietta) 2010 (UNY) Faith Henrietta 2014 Faith Henrietta 2015 Adams Basin / Spencerport / Grace/West Ave (75%)2016 Rochester: New Horizons
Briggs-Harris, Calvin PM 1983 FM 1990 RE 2009 1983 (Troy) Waterford 1990 Cobleskill 1995 Amsterdam: United
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Brown, Patricia L. PL 1999 FL 2000 PE 2002 FE 2005 RE 2015 1999 (WNY) PL: Springwater/Websters Crossing 2000 FL: Buffalo: South Park 2002 Warrens Corners 2006 Niagara Falls: First 2008 (1/1/08) Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial 2010 (UNY) Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial 2011 Elmira Heights: Oakwood UMC 2013 Port Gibson /Newark Emmanuel /Clyde 2014 Tyrone 2015 Retired
Burdick, William E. PM 1961 FM 1964 RE 2001 1961 (W.PA) At School 1966 Ecumenical Institute 1967 Pittsburgh: Calvary 1971 Homestead: First 1974 Bethel Park: Christ, Associate 1980 (11/1/80) Center 1982 (WNY) Rochester: Asbury First, Associate 1988 Akron 1994 Rochester: Aldersgate 2001 Retired 2006 (11/1-12/31/2006) (WNY) Spencerport 2007 (4/29-6/30/2007) LeRoy/Stafford 2008 (11/16/2008-6/30/2009) North Ontario 2010 (UNY) Retired 2015 (7/7/15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9/6/15) Carlton (25%)
Brown, Thomas PM 1959 FM 1961 RE 2000 1959 (Detroit) In School 1960 (CNY) Union Springs 1965 Sodus 1971 Sabbatical 1972 North Rose 1974 (Sept.) Exchange pastor, England 1975 North Rose 1981 Auburn: First 1991 Massena 1996 Marcellus 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Burgess Jr, E Clayton PM 1955 FM 1958 RE 1997 1955 Minnesota Conference 1958 (Troy) At School 1959 North Chatham & Niverville 1964 South Glens Falls 1984 Hartford (PT) 1985 Hartford (PT) & Dayspring Counseling Ctr (PT) 1992 Dayspring Counseling Center 1993 St. Johnsbury: Grace 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Bruen, Harold W. SP 1968 PM 1969 FM 1972 RE 2004 *1968 (Balt.) SL: Bunker Hill, W.Va. 1969 Bunker Hill 1972 Fairview, Phoenix, Md. 1974 (CNY) Corning:First (Assoc) 1980 Cortland:First 1986 (NCNY) Syracuse:St. Paul's, Onondaga Nation 1988 Syracuse:St. Paul's 1996 Syracuse:St. Paul's/Onondaga Nation 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Burlew, Elizabeth J. SP 1997 PM 1998 FM 2001 RE 2012 1997 (NCNY) SL: Apulia, Onativia 2000 Cazenovia, Erieville, Nelson 2003 Cazenovia, Nelson; supervising Erieville 2003 (10/1/03) Cazenovia, Nelson 2010 (UNY) Cazenovia, Nelson 2012 Retired Burnop Jr, Alan PM 1982 FM 1986 RE 2002 *1979 (CNY) Aloquin, Flint 1982 (school) Aloquin, Chapin 1983 (NNY) North Western, Steuben, Westernville 1987 (NCNY) Watkins Glen, Beaver Dams 1989 Stittville, Floyd 1998 Trenton LFT 2002 (8/1/02) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Buckey, Donald R. PM 1956 FM 1960 RE 1998 1956 (CNY) In School 1963 Assoc. Prof. of Rel. and Chaplain, Bucknell Univ. 1970 Faculty, MacMurray College 1974 Faculty, Mount Union College 1998 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Burt, Guy L. PM 1961 FM 1963 RE 1999 *Wesley/Whittemore Hill North East OH Conference 1961 Erie Conference 1963 (W. PA) Summit 1965 Brownsville: First/West Bend 1968 (WYO) Scranton: Elm Park, Associate 1971 Wilkes-Barre: Parish Street 1979 Wyoming 1984 Sayre 1986 Candor 1994 Endicott: Central, Associate 1999 Retired 2001 Whittemore Hill 2004 Hop Bottom 2006-08 Meshoppen 2010 (UNY) Retired
Cady II, Stephen PE 2008 FE 2012 2008 Kingston (50%) 2012 Transferred in from Kansas E: Rochester Asbury First, Associate Pastor 2015 Rochester: Asbury Senior Pastor Caldwell, Richard A. PM 1972 FM 1975 RE 2006 1972 (WNY) At School 1974 Belfast; Oramel 1979 Lakewood 1989 Eden 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Calos, Laura Schaal SP 1985 PM 1988 FM 1992 1985 (9/20/85) (WNY) SL: Hemlock 1989 Hamburg, Associate 1993 LeRoy; Stafford 2003 Honeoye Falls 2007 Macedon Center/South Perinton 2010 (UNY) Macedon Center/South Perinton 2011 Macedon Center/South Perinton 2012 9/17/2012 - 1/6/2013) Leave of absence 2013 Macedon Center/South Perinton 2014 Waterloo
Bush, Patricia A PM 1985 FM 1987 1977 (Troy) At School 1980 Withdrew to Join United Church of Canada 1985 Utd Church of Canada Orders Recognized (Prob.) 1985 (Troy) Broadalbin 2003 West Sand Lake: Salem 2010 (UNY) West Sand Lake: Salem Butler, K. Wayne SP 1979 PM 1980 FM 1984 *1978 (CNY)(Oct) Northern Cayuga Parish Sterling (Asst.) *1979 In School, SL: Conquest:Countryside 1980 In School, Conquest:Countryside 1982 Cuyler, Fabius 1988 (NCNY) Dryden 1995 Penn Yan 2010 (UNY) Penn Yan 2011 (7/1/11) Niagara Frontier Dist Superintendent
Campbell, Garry PM 1962 F 1964 RE 2003 1962 (Troy) At School 1964 Hartford & Argyle 1966 (10/16/66) Middlebury, E Middlebury & Ripton 1971 Shelburne 1979 Amsterdam 1985 Burnt Hills 1989 Assist Admin, Troy Conf Geriatric Foundation 1991 Troy: Memorial, Center Brunswick 1997 Interim Council Director 2000 East Greenbush 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Butler, Stephen C. PM 1973 FM 1976 RE 2014 1973 (Troy) Appt to attend School 1974 Associate, Albany: Trinity 1978 South Burlington 1987 Sabbatical Leave 1988 South Burlington 1989 South Glens Falls 2003 Albany/McKnownville 2010 (UNY) Albany/McKnownville 2014 Retired
Campbell, Richard E. PM 1965 FM 1969 RE 2000 1965 (WNY) At School 1967 Dean, Jr. College, Spartanburg, South Carolina 1969-89 Faculty, Spartanburg Meth College, SC 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
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Canfield, Anne Bey PM 1988 FM 1990 1988 (WYO) Camptown 1992 Sayre 1994 Family Leave 1995 Owego, Associate LFT 1997 Family Leave 1998 Barton LFT 1999 Barton/Halsey Valley LFT 2000 Waverly, NY 2010 (UNY) Waverly
1990 (NCNY) W. Monroe LFT 1993 Onon. Pastoral C.C.; W. Monroe;Costantia 2010 (UNY) W. Monroe; Constantia & Ext. Min. Onon Pastoral Coun Ctr 2011 Constantia/West Monroe/Pastoral Couseling Center Brownell Center for Behavioral Health Carpenter, Gailey PM 1958M FM 1963 RE 1997 1958 (W. VA) At School 1963 (Genesee) Belmont; Phillips Creek 1964 Hornell: Spencer 1968 (WNY) Jamestown: Brooklyn Heights 1973 Alfred; Wesley Foundation 1979 Brockport 1993 Elmgrove 1997 Retired 1998 (3/9-6/30/1998) Kendall (50%) 2010 (UNY) Retired
Capron, Richard PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2011 2000 (NJ) Delanson 2002 (Troy) Transferred In; Delanson 2007 (onloan NE Conference) Lexington UMC 2010 (UNY) (on loan NE) Lexington UMC 2011 Retired Carey, Pamela R. PE 2013 FE 2016 2013 Arkport, Bishopville 2014 Arkport, Bishopville
Carrillo, Rene SP 1994 PM 1998 FE 2002 1994 (NCNY) SL: Yatesville,Friend 1999 Avoca 2003 Elmira:Christ 2005 (7/6/05) Incapacity Leave 2006 Wolcott: Faith 2006 (4/1/07) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2015 Retired
Carlsen, Fredrick M. PM 1940 FM 1944 RE 1982 1943 (EUB)(Ohio-Sandusky) Leesville, Biddle 1945 (Iowa) Garwin 1946 Cedarville College, Cedarville, OH 1951 (Florida) Tampa: Floral Park 1957 (NY) Warsaw, Attica, Bennington 1959 Syracuse:First (EUB) 1965 Ebenezer, W. Seneca 1968 (WNY) Canisteo 1975 Fredonia, Laona 1978 (NNY) Mannsville, Lorraine 1982 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Carroll, Dana PM 1985 FM 1989 RE 2011 1985 (Troy) Ctrl Bridge, Barnerville/Grosvenors Corners 1990 Centre Glenville & Galway 1998 Schenectady: Fisher 2005 Rotterdam 2008 Scotia 2010 (UNY) Scotia 2011 Retired
Carlson, Leland J. PM 1991 FM 1995 1992 (WNY) At School 1992 Belfast 1998 Webster 2010 (UNY) Webster 2015 Shenendehowa
Carroll, James PM 1984 FM 1986 RE 2007 1984 (CNY) Navarino, Cedarvale 1988 (NCNY) Mt.Pleasant, S.Scriba 1992 Mt. Pleasant, N. Volney 1996 Lyons 2002 Weedsport, Mottville: St. Andrews 2005 Weedsport, Mottville: St. Andrews, Port Byron, New Hope: Midlakes 2007 Retired 2009 (1/1/10 5/31/10) Sodus/Sodus Point 2010 (UNY) Retired
Carnie, David E. PM 1976 FM 1981 1976 Scool 1978 Madison, Bouckville 1983 Central Square, W. Monroe
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Carter, Roy A. FM 1984 RE 2014 1970 (WVA) Deacon 1972 St. Albans: St. Andrews, Associate 1973 (WVA) Elder 1976 Chaplain Intern, Meth Hospital, Indianapolis 1978 Buchanan Counl Ctr, Past Coun Intern, Meth Hspl 1979 Attend School 1984 (WYO) (10/84) (335.1d) Samaritan Couns Ctr 2010 (UNY) Samaritan Counseling Center 2013 Chaplain Elmira & Binghamton Psych Center 2014 Retired
Chaney, Melba Varner PM 1982 FM 1985 RE 2010 1982 Baltimore Conference: At School 1983 Lanham; Ebenezer 1986 (WNY) Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial 1995 Newfane 2002 Hilton 2008 Lyndonville 2010 (UNY) Retired Chapman, Bruce PM 1957 FM 1960 RE 1993 1957 (NNY) Glenfield,Martinsburg,Greig,Otter Ck 1961 (Feb. '62) Earlville, Poolville (Fed.) 1970 (Aug 31) Sabattical Leave (School) Pershing, Morrison, MO (UCC) 1971 Beaver Falls, Beaver Valley at Naumburg 1978 Supt. Mohawk District 1984 Watertown: Asbury 1993 (NCNY) Retired 1993 Raquette River, Hogansburg 1995 (1995-2002) Great Bend 2010 (UNY) Retired
Carver, Sherwood SP 1950 PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1995 1956 (Troy) Weston & Landgrove 1958 Eagle Mills 1961 Min to Youth, First Community Church, Columbus, OH 1965 South Burlington 1971 Gloversville: First 1975 Voorheesville 1982 Latham 1989 Burnt Hills 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Chase, Duane B. PM 1971M FM 1975 RE 2003 *1970 (CNY) Aloquin, Flint 1971 Aloquin, Flint 1974 (Jan.) Syracuse:Onondaga Hill 1980 Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1985 Auburn:Trinity, Troopsville Community 1989 (NCNY) (Oct.31) Missionary Serv Training 1991 Missionary Service (GBGM) 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Cauvel, Paul Earnest PM 1951 FM 1953 RE 1991 1949 Bliss: Eagle 1950 Avondale, Chatam, Pennsylvania 1951 At School 1953 Penn York Cooperative Parish 1956 Machias; Sardinia 1961 North Chili 1967 (NNY) Belleville; Henderson 1971 (WNY) Macedon Center; South Perinton 1977 Lakewood 1979 Nunda 1991 Retired; Olean: Christ, Assistant 2010 (UNY) Retired
Chatelle, Laura FL 2000 PE 2001 FE 2004 RE 2008 2000 (WNY) FL: Nunda / W. Sparta 2004 Marilla 2006 (7/24/06) Bowmansville/Alden 2008 (1/1/08) Bowmansville 2008 (7/1/08) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Chamberlain, Carl D. PL 1995 FL 1998 PE 2000 FE 2006 RE 2016 1995 (8/1/95) (WNY) Obi 1996 PL: Collins Center, Perrysburg-Dayton (75%) 1998 FL: Canisteo 2004 Nunda/West Sparta 2006 Warrens Corners 2010 (UNY) Warrens Corners 2014 Amsterdam 2016 Retired / Norfolk 50% / Brasher Falls 25%
Chatterton, Richard PM 1960 FM 1962 RE 2002 *1960 At School 1962 (Troy) Long Lake 1964 Warrensburg 1968 Associate, Delmar 1971 South Burlington 1978 Troy, Lansingburgh
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Cho, Byung Woo FM 1990 1990 (North Arkansas) 1990 (Jan 1) Arkansas Korean Mission 1991 (Nov 1) Florida Korean Mission 1992 Albany Korean Mission; 2005 Transferred to Troy Conference 2009 (346.1 E PA Conf) Lighthouse Korean UMC of Phil 2010 (UNY)(346.1 Eastern PA Conf) Lighthouse Korean UMC of Philadelphia
1979 Saranac Lake 1986 Cobleskill 1990 Albany District Superintendent 1998 Ravena: Grace 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Chesney, John FL 1968 PM 1971 FM 1973 RE 2006 *1968 FL: Burke-Haven Parish, (St.) *1972 Worcester & Riverton (St.) 1974 (3/1/74) (Troy) Swanton & West Swanton 1978 Ticonderoga 1983 Troy, Memorial 1987 South Glens Falls 1989 Greenwich; Centenary 1994 Greenwich/Centenary/Easton/N. Cambridge 1995 Fields of the Lord-Coop Par/Greenwich, Centenary 1996 Exploring Parish South-Corinth 1997 Southern Adirondack Parish-Coor/Corinth 1998 Alpaus 2003 Broadalbin 2005 Edinburgh 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (9/1/12-6/30/13) Hudson Falls 2013 (1/1/13-6/30/13) Bolton Landing 2013 (7/1/13-6/30/15) Bolton Landing (25%)
Christian, Dean PM 1979 FM 1987 1979 (Troy) At School 1984 Schenectady, Stanford 1997 Pastor of Evangelism-Delmar 2003 Family Leave (CC; Burnt Hills) 2010 (UNY) Family Leave Chun, Yohang FL 2003 PM 2009 FE 2009 2003 FL: Alplaus (Troy) 2006 FL: Alplaus 2007 FL: Saratoga Springs 2009 Saratoga Springs 2010 (UNY) Saratoga Springs 2011 Oswego First Clark, Douglas A. SP 1984 PM 1985 FM 1987 1985 (WYO) Owego, Associate 1989 Apalachin: First, Associate LFT 1996 Shavertown 2006 Endicott: Central 2010 (UNY) Windsor
Childress, Douglas R. FL 2007 PE 2009 FE 2011 2006 (WNY)(8/13/2006) New Hope Cluster 2007 (5/15/2007) FL: Belmont/Scio 2010 (UNY) Belmont/Scio 2011 Alexander/Darrien/Warsaw Imm. 2012 Alexander 2015 GBGM Missionary
Clark, Janet B. PM 1985 FM 1987 1984 At School 1985 Endicott: Central, Associate 1989 Apalachin: First 1996 Shavertown, Associate 2004 West Pittston 2006 (2/1/06) Leave of Absence 2009 Children's Home Wyoming Conference 2010 (UNY) Fairview
Childs, Jeffrey Brian SP 1983 PM 1983 FM 1985 1982 (1/1/83) (Minn.) At School 1983 Lamberton 1988 Park Rapids 1995 Hopkins 2002 (NCNY) Transfer In: Wolcott:Faith 2003 Rome:First 2007 Auburn: First 2008 (WNY) Grand Island: Trinity 2010 (UNY) Grand Island: Trinity 2011 Penn Yan
Claypool, Inell R. PM 1988 FE 1996 1988 (New Eng) In School 1991 Haverhill, Mass.: Peoples 1994 Warren: Bristol First 1996 Family Leave
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Cleveland, J Fay SP 1960 FL 1961 PM 1965 FM 1967 RE 2001 1965 (WNY) At School 1966 Belmont 1972 Rochester: Grace 1979 Jamestown District Superintendent 1985 Conference Executive 1988 Conference Council Director 1994 Lockport: Emmanuel 2001 Retired 2003 (1/1-6/30/2003) Interim Amherst: Asbury 2005 (10/17/05-6/30/06) Interim: Lancaster: Faith 2008 (1/1/08-6/30/2008) Akron; (7/1/08-5/31/09) Harris Hill, Bowmansville Assoc 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (1/1-6/30/2012) Middleport
2000 (NCNY) Ava 2002 Transfer In: Ava 2005 Delta 2006 (1/1/07) Delta LFT 2010 (UNY) Delta LFT 2011 Personal Leave 2014 (346.1 Ctrl TX Conf) Interim St. Paul, Georgetown TX (25%) 2015 Personal Leave 2016 Ext. Min. Wesleyan at Scenic Nursing & Rehabilitation, Georgetown, Texas Claypool, Lamar W. PM 1988 FE 1990 1988 (N. Ind.) Gary: Centennial 1989 Michigan City: First 1991 Leave of Absence 1992 Special Appointment 1994 (New Eng) (8/1/94) Providence: Trinity 1997 Warren: Bristol First 1997 (1/1/96) Providence: Trinity 1998 No Record of Appt. 1999 Mohawk Correctional Facility 2002 (NCNY) Transfer In: Ava, Mohawk Correct Fac 2004 (7/1-12/31/04) Florence, Mohawk Correct Fac 2004 (1/1/05) Mohawk Correctional Facility 2006 (1/1/07) Mohawk Correct Facility; Delta LFT 2008 (12/1/08) Rome Correct Facility; Delta; Ava 2010 (UNY) Rome Correctional Facility; Delta; Ava 2011 Ext Ministry: Mohawk Correct.& Ava only 2012 (11/19/12) interim Ext Min: Chpln at Travis Cty Sheriff Dept, TX
Clunn, Steven C. PM 1988 FM 1990 1988 (Troy) North Chatham & Malden Bridge 1992 Gloversville: North Main St. 1997 Appointed to Southern NJ Conference 1999 Schenectady: First st 2010 (UNY) (7/1/10) Schenectady: 1 (9/1/10) Leave of Absence 2011 Ext Min, Coalition Coor for MFSA in Wash DC Cole, Judith E SP 1994 FM 1997 RE 2007 1993 Webster, Associate 1994 Sheridan 1997 North Ridge 2000 Albion 2007 (1/1-6/30/2007) (WNY) Spencerport 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Clemow II, Thomas A. SP 1964 FL 1967 PM 1969 FM 1973 RE 2008 *1964 SL: (2/1964) West Exeter *1967 FL: Carley Brook *1968 At School, Sherwood Bayside Charge 1969 School (Peninsula) Sherwood Bayside Charge 1970 At School (Peninsula) Queenstown 1972 (WYO) Sherburne 1976 District Prog Coor, Scranton and Wilkes-Barre 1977 Conf Coun Dir/Dist Pr Coor, Scranton/WilkesBarre 1980 Trucksville 1985 Clarks Summit 1992 Vestal 1996 Oneonta District Superintendent 2003 Oneonta: First 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Coller, Harold N. FL 1959 PM 1961 FM 1963 RE 1981 1960 (WNY) FL: Dalton: Brooks Grove 1962 Rushford; Caneadea 1965 Walworth 1969 Perry 1981 Retired 1982-86 Sardinia 1988 Johnsonburg 1991 Elba; South Byron 2002 Covington (part time) 2010 (UNY) Covington (part time) 2011 return to retirement 2013 (1/1/13) Elba
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Collinsworth, Eleanor Gross PL 2008 FL 2010 PE 2010 FE 2013 2008 (WNY) PL: Carlton (50%) 2010 (UNY) FL: Seneca Falls 2014 Bath Centenary
1993 Schuylerville & Quaker Springs 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 Easton & North Cambridge Corretorre III, Daniel A. PM 1979 FM 1984 RE 1979 (WNY) At School, Lysander, Little Utica 1980 At School 1981 (CNY) At School 1982 Odessa, Catherine 1987 (NCNY) Norwood 1997 North Rose 2010 (UNY) North Rose 2016 Retired
Comer, Michael P. PM 1972 FM 1975 RE 2009 1972 (CNY) In School 1974 Cuyler, Fabius 1978 At School 1982 Samaritan Center, Battle Creek, MI 1990 (NCNY) Private Counseling, Battle Creek, MI 2005 Michigan State Police 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2013 Police Psychol Mich State Police & Psychologist with Michigan Dept of Natural Resources
Cotant, William PM 1967 FM 1973 RE 2008 * 1966 Nebraska Conference, School 1967 At School 1968 Student Intern, Alliance First 1971 Chpln Intern, Rush Presb-St. Luke's Med Ctr, Chicago, IL 1972 Clarks-Pierce Chapel 1974 Associate, St. Paul's Omaha 1978 (3/1/78) (Troy) Dir of Camping/Local Church Youth Enabler 1983 Williston Federated 1988 St. Johnsbury: Grace 1993 East Greenbush 2000 Delmar 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Connor, Martha PE 2000 FE 2003 RE 2007 * 1 997 (11/1997) Ellenburg: United & Ellenburg Ctr 2000 (Troy) Ellenburg: United & Ellenburg Center & Protestant Campus Ministry, Plattsburgh State U. 2002 Wilmington; White Face Community 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) 2011 Coor Pastor Lyon Mt Chateaugay/Brainardsville 2016 Return to Retirement Cooke, David J. Pastoral Record: FL 2008 PE 2009 FE 2011 2008 FL: Belfast/Caneadea 2010 (UNY) Belfast/Caneadea 2012 Findley Lake Cooke, John D. PM 1967 FM 1969 RE 2008 1967 At School 1969 (WNY) Ashville; Blockville 1974 Jamestown: Epworth Parish 1975 Jamestown: Epworth Christ 1981 Rochester: Aldersgate 1994 East Aurora: Baker Memorial 2003 Niagara Falls: St. James 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Covell, Warren PM 1956 FM 1959 RE 1996 1956 (N.Eng.S.) Vernon 1960 (CNY) Ithaca: First (Assoc.) 1962 Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1966 Gorham United 1971 Syracuse:Bellevue 1977 Corning:Grace 1985 Syracuse:James St. 1996 (NCNY) Retired *1996 (Dec - July '97) Newfield *1999-00 Cedarvale 2010 (UNY) Retired
Cornell, Virginia PM 1988 FM 1990 RE 2000 1986 At School 1988 (TROY) Windsor 1992 Windsor & Brownsville
Crawford, Jeffrey C. PM 1973 FM 1977 RE 2009 1973 At School 1976 (WNY) Arkport 1987 Barker
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1991 Olean District Superintendent 1995 Penfield 2004 (on Loan NCNY) Canandaigua 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2012 Retired 11/29/12 2013 Pastoral Counselor, Private Practice, Ext. Min. Davidson, Shirley M. PM 1986 FM 1989 RE 2000 1986 (WNY) Batavia, Associate 1986 (11/1/86) Williston; Alden 1992 Alden 1995 Bowmansville / Alden 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Crispell, Gregory L. PM 1979 FM 1984 1979 (WNY) At School 1980 Batavia: First, Assistant 1982 Salamanca: First, West Salamanca 1985 Carlton 1993 Clarence Center 1999 (WNY) Interim Council Director 2001 Director of Connectional WNY Ministries 2004 Oakfield 2007 North Tonawanda: First 2010 (UNY) North Tonawanda: First
Davidson, Violet A. PL 2001 FL 2004 PM 2005 FE 2008 RE 2014 2001 (WNY) PL: Kennedy (75%) 2004 FL: Kennedy 2005 (11/27/05) Lakewood 2010 (UNY) Lakewood 2011 Lakewood; Ashville 2014 (4/30/2014) Retired
Crowell, Sr, Stephen PL 2007 FL 2010 PE 2011 FE 2013 2007 (WNY) PL: Great Valley, Limestone (50%) 2010 (UNY) FL: Rushford/Centerville, Delevan, Limestone 2012 Cambridge, Greenwich & Ext. Min: Assist to the Pres for Church Relations at United Theol Seminary 2014 Alfred 25% & Angelica (25%)
Davis, Susan E. SP 1998 PE 1999 FE 2002 RE 2013 1998 (1/1/98) (WYO) Scranton Urban Coop. Ministries/Elm Park, Associate 1999 Christians United Together/Ransom 2000 Christians United Together, Director/Ransom 2003 Endicott: First 2010 (UNY) Endicott: First 2012 (4/1/12) Grace Adven & (7/1/12) Endicott 1st 2013 Retired
Darling, Robert H. FL 1957 FM 1971 RM 1987 1957 (5/26/57) (WYO) Hornbrook 1960 Kirkwood 1967 Vestal, Assistant 1969 Vestal, Assistant 1972 Unadilla 1979 Whitney Point 1982 New Milford 1987 Retired 1987 (10/1/1987-6/30/1988) Interim: Naticoke 1993 (4/1-6/30/1993) Interim: Litchfield 1998 (7/1-7/31/98) Interim: Choconut Ctr/W Chenango 2010 (UNY) Retired
Davis, Thomas E. PE 1997 FE 2000 1995 (Feb. '96) (NCNY) Brushton, N. Bangor 1999 Malone: Centenary/Constable 2005 Malone: Centenary/Constable; Hospice 2007 Massena: Grace LFT; Hospice 2010 (UNY) (8/15/2010) At School 2011 (9/12/11) Ext. Min: Kaiser Permanente Home Health & Hospice of San Diego Dean, Robert Alvan PL 2008 PE 2010 FE 2012 2008 (WNY) PL: Canisteo (75%) 2010 (UNY) Canisteo / Andover 2011 Caughdenoy 2012 Caughdenoy / Pennellville 2012 Boonville (11/1/12) 2013 Boonville & New Creations Ministries 2014 Maine Federated
Darnell, Paul R. PM 1971 FM 1973 RE2012 1971 (NNY) Edwards, Oswegatchie, South Edwards 1975 Hamilton 1982 Sabbatical 1983 At School, Chicago Theological Seminary 1985 Onondaga Pastoral Counseling Center 2010 (UNY) Counselor, Hutchings Psychiatric Center
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DeAngelis, Barbara PL 2001 FL 2007 PE 2008 FE 2012 2000 (9/17/00-4/30/01) Empl. By LC: Fleming Fed. 2001 (NCNY) PL: Varick (50%) 2006 PL: Varick; Clyde (75%) 2007 FL: Varick, Clyde 2010 (UNY) Varick; Clyde 2013 Varick (75%) LTF
2005 Dean, United Theol Seminary, Dayton, OH 2008 (2/25/08) President, United Theol Seminary 2010 (UNY) Pres, United Theol Seminary Dayton, OH 2015 (1/15/16) Professor of History & Theol Seminary Dayton, OH Delamater, W. Alan PM 1975 FE 1980 1975 At School 1978 (Troy) Albany: Calvary-Pine Hills (St.) 1979 Albany: Calvary-Pine Hills 1985 Associate, Burnt Hills (PT) 1988 Social Worker, Charlton School 1990 Associate, Clifton Park: Jonesville 1993 Charlton School 1995 Schenectady: Fisher 1998 Adirondack District Superintendent 2006 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2010 (UNY) Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2011 Clifton Park: Shenendoehowa 2015 4/6/15 Medical leave
Dearstyne, Eleanor PM 1985 FM 1988 RE 1997 1985 At School 1986 (Troy) Newcomb & Long Lake 1997 Retired: Richmondville & Warnerville 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Deckard, Stephen PM 1970 FE 1972 1970 (CNY) Syracuse: First (Assoc.) 1971 (WNY) Kenmore (Assoc.) 1975 (CNY) Collamer 1982 Williamson 1987 (NCNY) Cicero 1994 Fayetteville 1999 (1/1/00) Seven Valleys District Superintendent 2004 NCNY Director of Connectional Ministries 2010 (UNY) New Hartford 2015 Clifton Springs
Delia, William PL 2005 PD 2009 FE 2012 RE 2005 (WNY)(8/1/2005) PL: Edinburg (25%) 2006 PL: Broadalbin & Edinburg (75%) 2009 Broadalbin & Edinburg 2010 (UNY) Broadalbin & Edinburg 2012 Broadalbin & Edinburg (75%) 2013 Cooperstown 2016 Retired
DeGroote, Joseph A. PM 1961 FM 1965 HL 1974 RE 2000 1961 At School 1964 (CNY) McGraw 1966 Delphi Falls Fed. 1967 Auburn:First (Assoc.) 1969 Supernumerary 1974 Honorable Location 1992 (NCNY) (FL) Clayton, Depauville 1993 (Readmitted - FM) Clayton, Depauville 2000 Retired 2003-05 Wellesley Island (summer) 2010 (UNY) Retired
Deichmann, Wendy 1984 PM 1989 FM 1984 Attend School 1989 No reford of appointment 1990 Orchard Park 1993 Leave of absence 1994 Ext. Min. United Theological Seminary Deming, Eileen PM 1977 FM 1981 RE 2009 1977 At School 1979 (Troy) Associate, Schenectady: First 1981 (11/1/81) Waterbury 1986 Champlain: Three Steeples 1996 Granville 1999 Willsboro & Reber 2005 Valley Falls & Tomhannock 2007 (6/1/07) Valley Falls & Greenwich 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Deichmann, Wendy J. PM 1984 FM 1989 1984 At School 1987 (WNY) Faculty, Colgate Roch Divinity School 1989 At School 1990 Orchard Park 1994 Faculty: Ashland Theol Seminary, Ashland, OH, and United Theol Seminary, Dayton, OH (50%) 2001 United Theological Seminary. Buffalo, NY
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
DeMocker, Janice PM 1990 FM 1995 RE 1998 1988 (WNY) Geneseo, Associate 1989 At School 1990 Countryside Cooperative Parish: Hemlock, Ionia 1994 Hemlock (25%) 1996 Hemlock, Chaplain, Wesley-On-East (50%) 1998 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2014 Wellsville Dewey, Keith M. PM 1954 FM 1955 RE 1990 1949 Tioga, PA 1950 Nelson; Tompkins 1954 At School: Adelphia, Harmony, NJ 1955 (WNY) Alexander; Darien 1959 Niagara Falls: St. James 1964 Henrietta: Christ View 1965 Voluntary Location 1967 Griegsville 1975 Victor (3 months) 1975 Churchville (6 months) 1976 (2/1/76) Honeoye Falls 1986 Falconer: First 1990 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Dempsey, David PM 1976 FM 1978 RE 2010 1976 (W. PA), At School 1977 Espyville & Westford 1980 Rheedlen Foundation, Inc., New York, NY 1983 (Troy) Pittstown, Pownal & North Petersburg 1987 Associate, Glens Falls 1989 Leave of Absence 1990 Granville 1996 Poultney and Chpln, Green MT College, VT 1998 Family Leave 1999 Appointed to W. PA 2000 At School 2004 Family Leave 2010 (UNY) Retired
Deyo, Virginia PL 1996 PM 1999 FE 2003 RE 2015 *1995 Associate, Springfield *1996 PL: 75% South Reading: Old Stone Church *1997 PL: Proctorsville & S Reading: Old Stone Church 75% 1999 At School 2000 (Troy) Waits River/West Topsham: New Hope 2002 Associate, Shenendehowa 2006 Granville 2007 (10/1/07) Granville & North Granville 2008 Whitehall & North Granville 2010 (UNY) Whitehall & North Granville & Raceville 2011 Mechanicville/Melrose 2015 Retired; Melrose (25%)
Denny, Jacob G. PM 1977 FE 1982 RE 2016 1977 (WNY) At School 1980 Rushford; Caneadea 1984 Ransomville/Fillmore Chapel 2003 Alexander 2007 Alexander, Coord Pastor Warsaw: Immanuel 2010 (UNY) Alexander, CP Warsaw: Immanuel 2010 (11/28/2010) Wolcott: Faith 2014 Wolcott:Faith/Sodus Point
Dickinson, Allan PM 1964 FM 1966 RE 1995 1963 (WNY) Gainesville, N. Gainesville (School) 1965 (NNY) Black River, Felts Mills 1967 (WNY) Hamburg (Assoc.) 1969 (NNY) Palermo, Caughdenoy, Pennellville 1970 (Dec) Voluntary Location 1975 Fernwood, Dugway, Altmar, Riverside (PL) 1976 Returned to Effective Relation: Fernwood, Dugway, Altmar, Riverside 1977 Clinton 1990 (NCNY) Camden; Supervising Florence 1993 Camden 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Derk, David C. PM 1978 FM 1982 1978 (WNY) Appointed to Attend School 1980 Cuba 1987 Springville 2005 Springville, Springville Partnership Ministries 2006 (8/15/06) East Aurora: Baker Memorial 2011 East Aurora: Baker Memorial 2016 Cicero DeSalvatore, Gregory B. PE 2003 FE 2007 2003 Commissioned 2004 (Troy) Sharon Springs & Ames-Sprout Brook 2006 Amsterdam 2010 (UNY) Amsterdam
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Dillon, Christopher PM 1977 FM 1980 RE 2014 *1976 (6/1/76) Greensboro Bend, Elmore & North Wolcott 1977 (Troy) Greensboro Bend, Lake Elmore & North Wolcott 1978 Elmore, Worcester & Greensboro Bend 1980 Northville & Edinburgh 1984 Troy: Pawling Ave. 1990 Clifton Park: Exit 8 Ministries 1991 Clifton Park: Family of Christ 1992 Clifton Park: Family of Christ & Porter Corners 1993 Waterford & Clifton Park: Family of Christ 1995 Waterford 2000 Staff, Shelter care, Inc., Akron, OH 2004 Samaritan House for Boys, Stuart, FL 2006 (12/26/06) Leave of Absence 2008 (on loan Florida) Calvary UMC Lake Worth, FL 2010 (UNY) (on loan FL) Calvary UMC Lake Worth 2013 Ext. Min @ Place of Hope & Calvary UMC Lake Worth FL 2013 (10/1/13) Retired
Dolch, Rebecca W. PM 1976 FM 1980 RE 2010 1976 (WNY) Attend School 1977 Rochester:Wesley (Assoc.) 1980 Leave of Absence 1981 (Mar.15'82) Chaplain, St.John Fisher College 1982 Ionia 1987 Batavia Dist. Supt. 1992 (NCNY) Ithaca:St. Paul's 2008 Sabbatical 2009 Leave of Absence 2010 (UNY) (7/1/10) Leave of Absence (11/1/10) Retired 2011 Ithaca: Forest Home Doupe, Gary E. PM 1965 FM 1969 RE 2005 1965 At School 1969 Endicott: St. Paul's 1970 Peckville 1975 Oneonta: First, Associate 1980 Oneonta College Ministries 1983 (10/83)(WYO) Coventry/Oneonta Coll Min. LFT 1991 Binghamton: Chenango Street/Choconut Ctr 1996 Binghamton: Centenary/Chenango Street 1999 Binghamton: Centenary/Chenango Street 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2015 (1/1/16 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/16) <25% Centenary-Chenango Street
DiLuzio, Diane PL 2005 PE 2010 FE 2012 2005 (NCNY)PL: Hannibal Center/S. Hannibal (25%) 2008 (on loan GNJ) PL: Rockaway Valley, Skylands Dist. (50%) 2010 (UNY) Dolgeville/Oppenheim and Coord. Pastor @ Lassellsville/Paines Hollow 2013 Oxford /McDonough 2015 Oxford/McDonough: CP Smithvill Center
Drake, Mary T. PL 1994 PM 1997 FE 2003 1994 (NCNY) PL: Syracuse:Calvary (25%) 1995 Syracuse:Christ Community Assistant 1997 Clyde 1999 Disability leave 2001 Syracuse: Christ Community Assist. LFT 2003 Mannsville, Lorraine 2010 (UNY) Mannsville, Lorraine 2012 Mannsville, Lorraine/ cp Martinsburg 2013 Mannsville, Loraine 2014 (11/17/2014) Medical Leave
Dolch, Arthur PM 1971 FM 1994 RE 2007 1971 (CNY) In School 1973 Liverpool (Assoc.) 1974 (WNY) Rochester: Asbury First (Assoc.) 1982 Sabbatical 1983 (Feb.5 '84) E.Bloomfield 1987 Batavia (Assoc.) LFT 1992 (NCNY) Leave of Absence 1993 (Feb.'94) Jacksonville LFT 1994 Jacksonville; Ellis Hollow LFT 1995 (8/15) Jacksonville LFT 1998 Ithaca: St. Paul Assist. LFT 2006 (8/1/06) Incapacity Leave 2007 (4/11/08) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Drown, Maurice PM 1971 FM 1973 RE 2007 1971 (Troy) At School 1972 Schenectady: Albany Street 1978 (9/10/78) Troy: Christ 1985 Albany: Trinity 2007 (12/31/07) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Durham, David E. PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1995 1956 (CNY) Wellsburg; Lowman 1957 Morrisville; Eaton 1959 Watkins Glen 1966 (S.Illinois) Chaplain, McKendree College 1969 North Central College Chaplain 1972 (CNY) Cornell University Wesley Foundation 1975 Cornell University United Ministries 1976 Elmira: Christ 1984 Canandaigua 1989 (WNY) Buffalo: Central Park 1995 Retired 1995-96 Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial (50%) 2010 (UNY) Retired
Easttey, Thomas E. PM 1992 FE 1994 1992 (W.Oh) PM: Catawba 1992 (10/1/92) Stratford:St.Paul's 1994 FM: Stratford: St. Paul 1996 Dayton: Grace 2000 (NCNY) (7/15/00) Waterloo 2002 Transferred In: Waterloo 2004 (7/11/04) Waterloo, Clyde 2005 Waterloo 2010 (UNY) Waterloo 2014 Binghamton: Boulevard Eddy, Gail P 1982 F 1986 HL 1997 RHL 2015 1982 (NCNY) In School 1984 Van Etten 1989 North Western, Steuben, Westernville 1990 Leave of Absence 1991 Maynard 1992 Leave of Absence 1997 Honorable Location 2010 (UNY) Honorable Location: S. Lewis Parish CC 2015 Retired
Earthrowl, Deborah DM1993 FL 1993 PM 1996 FM 2001 1993 (Troy) (9/27/93 FL) Director of Christian Education, Delmar 1994 FL: Salem & West Hebron 2010 (UNY) Salem & West Hebron 2014 CP The Greater Parish: Salem & West Hebron /Cambridge (Embury UMC)/Greenwich (Centenary UMC) & Argyle UMC 2015 CP Greater Parish: Salem & West Hebron/Cambridge (Embury)/Greenwich(Centenary) & Argyle
Eddy, Steven PM 1980 FM 1986 RE 2014 1980 (W.Va.) In School 1983 Baker 1989 (NCNY) Delta 1993 Scott 1996 Turin, Constableville, Glenfield, Greig 2006 Caughdenoy 2008 Oswego: Trinity; Lycoming 2010 (UNY) Oswego: Trinity; Lycoming 2013 Oswego Center /Oswego Trinity 2014 Retired
Easton, Donald PM 1970 FM 1973 RE 2007 1970 (CNY) In School 1972 Wayuga (Assoc.) 1973 Conquest:Countryside 1975 Odessa, Catharine, Cayutaville 1977 Leave of Absence 1978 Rose, Alton 1980 (Jan.'81) Rose 1983 Honorably Located *1985 Elmira:Epworth 1986 (NCNY) Readmitted, Elmira:Epworth, Catlin LFT 1988 Cuyler, Fabius 1989 Fernwood, Altmar, Dugway; superv. Amboy Ctr 1990 Fernwood, Altmar, Dugway 1994 Adams, Sulphur Springs 1998 Lysander, Little Utica 2005 United Oswegatchie Parish 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Eldred, Robert PM 1953 FM 1955 RE 1991 1953 (Virginia) At School 1955 (Genesee) Chaplain, Buffalo State Hospital 1991 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Eller, Peggi PL 2008 FL 2009 PE 2011 FE 2014 2008 (WYO) PL: Endwell, Associate (50%) 2009 FL: Mt Upton/Mission Hub Coor/House Ch Start 2010 FL: UNY) Mount Upton & Guilford (PE 2011) 2013 Nimmonsburg 2015 North Fenton / Nimmonsburg 2016 Peru Community Fed.
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Ellis, Allyson M. PE 2009 FE 2012 2009 (WYO) New Berlin 2010 (UNY) New Berlin 2011 Oxford/McDonough 2013 (2/16/13) Medical Leave 2014 Family Leave
2010 (UNY) PL: Wilton: Trinity (75%) 2012 PL: Burnt Hills (75%) 2014 Burnt Hills Farmer, Robert PM 1961 FM 1965 RE 2001 1965 At School 1965 (Troy) Poultney 1967 Associate, Scotia 1969 Waterbury & Waterbury Center 1974 Vergennes & West Addison 1981 Schenectady: Carmen 1989 Sabbatical 1990 Schenectady: Carmen 1999 Newtonville 2000 Gloversville: Fremont Street 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Elmendorf, Wendell PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1995 1957 East Harlem Parish, New York, NY 1963 (Troy) Albany: St. Luke's 1969 Essex Junction 1974 Schenectady: Eastern Parkway 1982 Albany: Pine Grove 1988 Gloversville: Fremont 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Emerson, Richard D. PM 1976 FM 1982 RE 2006 1972 (WNY) Dalton 1976 At School; Dalton 1980 Panama 1984 Avon 1985 West Seneca: Covenant 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Farrell, Matthew FL 2003 PE 2006 FE 2014 2003 (WNY)FL: Webster 2007 Bergen 2010 (UNY) Bergen 2013 Clarence (PE) 2014 Clarence (FE) Farrington, Penni L. PL 2003 PE 2005 FE 2008 2003 (NCNY) PL: LaFargeville, Omar-Fishers Landing; supervising Stone Mills (75%) 2005 Philadelphia, Evans Mills 2008 Philadelphia, Evans Mills; supervising Black River 2009 Philadelphia, Evans Mills 2010 (UNY) Palmyra, Manchester
Evans, Christopher H. PM 1986 FM 1988 1986 (NCNY) Freeville, Varna 1989 Appointed to Attend School 1994 Minetto 1997 Asst. Prof. & Dir. U.M. Studies at CRDS 2010 (UNY) Asst. Prof. & Dir. U.M. Studies at CRDS 2010 (11/1/2010) Prof, History of Christianity & Meth Studies at BU School of Theology
Fassett, Thomas W W. PM 1965 FM 1967 RE 2008 1965 (WNY) Millville 1967 Rochester: Spencer Ripley Assoc. 1969 Rochester Urban Ministry 1973 Xerox Urban Affairs 1975 United States Senate - Special Assistant 1976 Assoc Gen. Sec. - Gen. Bd. of Church & Society 1983 Nat’l Div. – GBGM: Conf. Superintendet, Alaska Missionary Conf 1988 Gen Secretary - Gen. Bd. of Church & Society 2000 (NCNY) General Secretary - GBC&S 2000 (11/1/00) Finger Lakes District Superintendent 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Excell, Charles V. PM 1978 FM 1983 RE 2007 1977 (WNY) Hamlin; Kendall Mills 1978 At School; Hamlin; Kendall Mills 1989 Niagara Falls: First 1998 Hamburg 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Falsetti, Gail PL 2005 PE 2013 FE 2016 2005 (Troy) PL: Faith Schenectady (50%) 2008 No Appointment 2008 (9/1/08) PL: Wilton: Trinity (75%)
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Fellows, Brian C. PL 2004 PE 2007 FE 2010 2004 (NCNY) PL: Pultneyville 25% 2008 Oneida: St. Paul's 2010 (UNY) Oneida: St. Paul's 2012 Oneida: St. Paul's/Coor pastor for Taberg & Lee 2012 (8/15/12) Oneida: St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s
Fike, Francis G. PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1977 1955 (NCNY) School; Bowens Corners, Granby Center 1956 School; New Haven, Lycoming 1963 Cornell University, Prof. of English 1968 Hope College (Holland, MI), Prof. of English 1977 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Fellows, Norma Jean V. PL 1997 PE 2002 FE 2005 RE 2008 1997 (NCNY) PL: S. Onondaga, Cardiff, Navarino Assist. (75%) 1998 No record of appointment 1999 PL: (9/8/99-1/1/00) New Hope: Midlakes (75%) 2001 PL: Truxton, East Homer (7/1/02 PE) (75%) 2005 Living Waters Parish: Oriskany Falls, Deansboro, Madison, Bouckville 2005 (10-9-05) Living Waters Parish: Oriskany Falls, Deansboro, Madison, Bouckville, CP Cuyler 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Filiatreau, Shirley SP 1992 PM 1995 FM 1998 RE 2003 1991 (NCNY) (Jan.) Empl. by LC: Fosterville 1992 (NCNY) PL: Savannah, Butler, Montezuma; Fosterville 1993 Savannah, Fosterville 1995 Auburn:Trinity 2000 (10/1/00) Phelps United 2003 Retired 2003-07 Phelps United 2010 (UNY) Retired Finch, Daniel J. PL 1977 PM 1978 FM 1982 1977 (WNY) PL: Allens Hill; Canadice 1978 At School; Allen Hill; Canadice 1980 West Henrietta: Genesee Valley 1985 Rochester: Grace, Associate 1988 Bergen 2007 United Church of Livonia 2010 (UNY) United Church of Livonia 2014 Livonia; AllensHill CP 2015 (2/4/16) Livonia
Fenimore, James PM 1991 FE 1996 1991 (Troy) Appointment to attend School 1993 Schenectady: Faith 1997 Troy: Christ 2006 Albany District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Albany District Superintendent 2011 Saratoga Springs 2014 Ext. Min. Church Consultant for the Samaritan Counseling Center in Scotia NY Ferguson, Gene M. PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1995 1955 At School 1957 (NE Ohio) LaGrange 1961 (Genesee) West Webster 1968 (WNY) Rochester: Trinity 1973 Rochester Urban Ministry 1978 Kenmore 1990 Jamestown: First 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Fischer, Martha T. PM 1989 FM 1992 RE 2007 1989 (NCNY) Attend School 1990 Weedsport, Mottville 1995 Rushville 1999 Rose/Lock Berlin 2002 Sabbatical Leave 2003 Leave of Absence 2004 Canastota, Peterboro, Perryville 2006 Retired 2006 (1/1/07) Peterboro, Perryville 2010 (UNY) Peterboro, Perryville 2013 Retired 2014 Living Waters Parish 2015 Return to retirement
Ferrel, Kimberly PL 2008 PE 2010 FE 2012 2008 (WNY) PL: Adams Basin (25%) 2009 PL: Adams Basin / Holley: Disciples (75%) 2010 (UNY) Avon 2014 Avon; Fowlerville coordinating pastor 2015 Avon
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Fletcher, James FL 1981 PM 1983 FE 1986 *1981 (NNY)(Sept)FL: Chateaugay, Brainardsville, Earlville 1983 (NNY) Chateaugay, Brainardsville, Earlville 1984 St. Johnsville, Lassellsville 1988 (NCNY) Leave of Absence 1990 Vernon Center, Knoxboro LFT 2002 Vernon Center LFT 2003 Leonardsville LFT 2010 (UNY) Leonardsville (50%) 2013 Perryville / Peterboro (50%)
1989 Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1990 (Oct.) Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) LFT 1992 Seneca Falls 2010 (UNY) Retired Foster, Myrna PL 1977 FL 1980 SP 1987 PM 1990 FM 1993 RE 2005 1977 (NNY) PL: Bowens Corners, S. Hannibal Fed. (75%) 1978 PL: S. Hannibal Fed. (75%) 1980 FL: S. Hannibal Fed. 1981 Mt. Pleasant, N. Volney 1986 SL: No Record of Appt. 1987 New Hope: Midlakes 1988 Seneca Castle 1988 (Sept. 1) No Record of Appt. 1989 (E.Ohio) Martel 1990 (NCNY) In School 1991 Mexico 1998 United Oswegatchie Parish 2000 Waterville, E. Hamilton 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Flohr, LeRoy W. FL 1960 PM 1962 FM 1971 RE 1996 1960 (Susquehanna) (EUB)- Bryansville 1962 Lycoming 1966 (WYO) West Nanticoke/Ransom 1970 Calvary 1971 West Nanticoke, PA: Calvary 1973 Union Center 1985 Nimmonsburg 1996 Retired 2009 Central Endicott 2010 (UNY) Retired
Franklin, Gregory A. SP 1982 PM 1983 FM 1987 FE 2005 RE 2009 1978 (WNY) Buffalo: Seneca Street 1981 Waterport, Kenyonville, Kuckville 1984 At School 1984 (8/1/84) Garwoods, Swain 1985 Hamburg, Associate 1989 Buffalo: Cleveland Hill 1993 Springwater, Webster's Crossing 1994 Orchard Park 2005 Perry 2007 (3/5/07) Perry, Gainesville, CP 2008 Perry 2009 (11/1/09) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Fossitt, Vonda PL 2006 FL 2007 PE 2008 FE 2010 2006 (WNY)PL: Rochester: Wesley Assoc. (25%) 2007 FL: Rochester: Wesley Assoc. 2009 Albion 2010 (UNY) Albion 2012 Binghamton: High St / Brookvale 2014 Binghamton: High St 2016 Genesee Valley District Superintendent Foster, Allyn C. FL 1960 PM 1961 FM 1962 RE 1995 1960 (NNY) FL: Belleville; Henderson 1967 (WNY) Barker: Faith 1971 Grand Island: Trinity 1982 Buffalo: Asbury Delaware; Ontario Street 1985 (CNY) Manlius 1989 (WNY) Fairport 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Frederick, Roger L. PM 1997 FE 2000 1997 (WYO) AGAPE Cooperative Parish/N. Fenton 2000 Christians United Together/Newton 2006 Vestal Center 2010 (UNY) Vestal Center 2011 Chenango Bridge
Foster, Marilyn M. SP 1983 PM 1987 FM 1989 RE 2010 1977 (CNY)(Dec) Fleming (Fed.) 1982 Without Appointment 1983 Aloquin, Chapin 1987 (NCNY) Aloquin, Chapin
French, Craig FL 1973 PM 1974 FE 1981 RE 2015 1973 (WNY) FL: OLP: Buffalo: Otterbein 1973 (9/1/73) In School 1976 Genesee Valley 1977 W. Henrietta, Genesee Valley
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1980 Buffalo: Woodside 1987 Metropolitan Commission 1994 Geneseo 2000 (NCNY on loan) Camillus: Immanuel 2002 (NCNY Transfer In:) Camillus: Immanuel 2008 Syracuse: University 2010 (UNY) Syracuse: University 2015 Retired
2012 (11/20/12) Ext Min Chaplain Hospice of Schenectady & Ext Min at EcoSabbath Min 2016 Retired Fryer, Dale T. P 1994 F 1997 HL 2004 RHL 2015 1992 (WNY) (9/23) Rochester: Seneca 1993 (11/1) Honeoye Falls 2001 (1/3) Leave of Absence 2004 Honorable Location (CC: Roch: :Wesley) 2010 (UNY) Honorable Location (CC: Syr. University) 2015 Retired
French, Matthew PL 2004 FL 2007 PE 2014 FE 2016 2004 (WNY) (4/2/2004) PL: Rush: Youth Ministries 50% 2006 (7/1/06) Withdrew 2007 (WNY) FL: Honeoye Falls 2010 (UNY) FL: Honeoye Falls 2013 FL: Bergen 2014 PE: Bergen
Fulton, John W. PM 1963 FE 1965 RE 2013 1963 (W.Pa.) In School 1965 (NNY) Trenton 1967 Willowvale, Sauquoit 1975 (CNY) (Oct.) Marcellus 1983 (Oct.) Leave of Absence 1986 (NCNY) Fulton: First 1993 Syracuse:First 1997 Syracuse:Rockefeller 2010 (UNY) Syracuse:Rockefeller 2013 Retired 2013 Chittenango/CP @ Minoa
French, Vernon C. PM 1950 FM 1952 RE 1991 1950 (New Hamp.) Henniker 1952 Franklin, Tilton 1957 Franklin 1958 Rochester, NH: First 1963 Concord, NH: Wesley 1966 (WNY) Associate Director Program Council 1969 East Aurora 1974 Jamestown District Superintendent 1979 Conference Executive 1985 Akron 1988 Amherst: Christ 1991 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Garman, Harold PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1998 1958 (CNY) In School 1962 (N. Eng.) Malden Cntr (Assoc.) 1964 (Mo.W.) Kansas City: Independence Ave., Dir. Inner City Parish 1967 (CNY) Ex. Sec. Metro., Dir. of Renewal 1970 Ex. Sec. Syr. Metropolitan Commission 1971 Ex. Sec. Syr. Metropolitan Comm.; Oran 1972 Ex.Div. Priority One of Greater Syracuse; Oran 1977 Syracuse:Bellevue 1981 Syracuse:University 1998 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Fribance, Elizabeth W. PM 1978 FM 1980 RE 1986 1978 (WNY) At School; Fowlerville 1979 Andover; Greenwood 1986 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Frueh, Henry C. PM 1979 FM 1981 RE 2016 1979 (Troy) Associate, Shenendehowa 1983 Keeseville & Harkness 1988 Williston: Federated 1998 Glens Falls: Christ 2003 East Greenbush 2006 Adirondack District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Adirondack District Superintendent 2011 Bolton Lndg: Emmanuel & EcoSabbath Min: Ext Min (50%)
Geer, David A. PL 1959 SP 1962 PM 1963 FM 1967 RE 2001 *1959 (CNY) PL: 75% Syracuse: Ch. of Redeemer 1960-61 Belle Isle 1963 In School 1964 (Part) Baldwinsville (Assoc.) 1970 Dundee, Starkey 1976 (Sept.) Homer 1983 Lyons 1987 (NCNY) Massena 1988 Massena; superv N. Stockholm, W.Potsdam
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1991 Sup't.- St. Lawrence Dist. 1997 Asst. to Bishop; Appt. in WNY 2001 Retired 2001-02 Asst. to Bishop 2010 (UNY) Retired
2001 (7/1/01) Walworth/West Walworth: Zion 2003 West Walworth: Zion (50%) 2005 (9/28/05) Transfer to WNY Conference 2005 (12/1/05) W. Walworth: Zion, Alzheimer's Assoc Learning Inst 2010 (UNY) W. Walworth: Zion, Alzheimer's Assoc Learning Inst 2011 W. Walworth:Zion, Alzheimer Assoc. 2012 (1/20/2012) W. Walworth Zion (25%) 2012 W. Walworth: Zion (50%) 2013 E. Rochester/W. Walworth Zion (75%) 2014 ltf: E Rochester / W. Walworth Zion (75%)
George, Loise L SP 1981 PM 1982 FM 1985 RE 1992 *1975 Deaconess Candidate, Puerto Rico *1977 Deaconess (Comm by BOGM), Puerto Rico *1978 NY Conf Diaconal Minister, Hartley House *1980 Diac Min, National Conf of Christians & Jews *1981 Diaconal Minister, Coun of Churches of NY *1981 (8/8/81) (Troy) N Hoosick, Eagle Bridge & S Cambridge 1984 (Troy) Sharon Springs & Dorloo 1987 Castleton-on-Hudson 1992 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Goff, Richelle PE 2006 FE 2008 2005 (NCNY) Oswego: Trinity, Martville 2008 Auburn 2010 (UNY) Auburn Golibersuch, Matthew SP 1996 FL 2000 PE 2001 FE 2004 1996 (WNY)SL: Silver Springs/Gainesville 2000 FL: Silver Springs/Warsaw: Immanuel 2004 Westfield 2010 (UNY) Westfield 2011 Westfield: First 2016 East Aurora: Baker Memorial
Gleason, Janet L. SP 1994 PM 1996 FE 2000 1994 (NCNY) (Sept. 15) SL: Tully Intern 1996 Tully Assist.; In School 1998 South Onondaga, Cardiff, Navarino 2006 Apple Valley 2008 Herkimer 2010 (UNY) Herkimer 2014 Herkimer/ Cedar Lake coordinating pastor 2014 Herkimer 2014 (1/1/2015) Herkimer; CP- St. Johnsville 2015 Herkimer; CP- St. Johnsville & Van Hornesville 2016 (4/19/16)Herkimer; Cedar Lake cp
Gongloff, Paul D. PM 1971 FM 1974 RE 2011 1971 (SNJ) At School 1972 (CNY) At School 1973 Kanona 1974 Fayetteville, Associate 1977 Syracuse: Christ Community 1981 Syracuse: Bellevue Heights 1990 (Transfer in WNY) Asbury First, Associate 1991 Henrietta: Christ View 2003 Rochester: Covenant 2010 (UNY) Rochester: Covenant 2011 Retired
Gleason, Timothy SP 1994 FL 1997 PM 2000 FE 2003 2008 (337.1) NCNY: Oswego First 2009 (NCNY) Transfer In: Oswego First 2010 (UNY) Oswego First 2011 Findley Lake 2012 Friends in Christ, Cuba 2014 Friendship/Cuba 2015 (10/1/15) Friendship 50% 2016 Belmont 25%/Scio 25%
Goodell, John PM 1965 FM 1969 RE 2003 1965 (Baltimore) At School 1968 (Central IL) Wesley Foundation 1971 At School 1976 (WYO) Bainbridge 1980 Vestal, Associate 1988 Fairview 1995 Windsor 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Goddard, Todd R. PM 1986 FM 1988 1986 (NCNY) Dresden, Milo Center 1989 Canandaigua, Associate 1991 Palmyra 1998 Palmyra, Port Gibson 1999 Disability Leave 2001 (3/19/01) Honeoye Falls LFT
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Goodrich, Kim PE 2008 FE 2011 2007 (Troy) (9/1/2007) Assistant, Scotia 2008 Waterford & Melrose 2010 (UNY) Waterford & Melrose 2011 Waterford & Clifton Park 2013 Waterford (75%) 2014 Clifton Park /Waterford (75%) LFT
Churches, Lancaster, PA 1986 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Green, Jennifer L. PM 1998 FE 2002 1998 (WNY) Belfast/Caneadea 2002 Lyndonville 2008 Hilton 2010 (UNY) Hilton
Gottschalk-Fielding, William PM 1990 FE 1992 1990 (NCNY) Trumansburg 1997 Geneva 2003 Lansing 2004 Lansing; Superv. Ledyard 2010 (UNY) Director of Connectional Ministries 2015 Executive Assist. To Bishop/ combined DCM/A2B
Gregory, Amy PD 1997 PM 1998 FM 2001 1998 (WYO) Arts Min Coor, Park Ave. Christian Church 1999 Worship Art & Prog Min, Min Coor Church of St. Paul & St. Andrew 2002 NYAC: East Avenue UMC 2007 Leave of Absence 2009 Greene/Smithville Center 2010 (UNY) Greene/Smithville Center 2010 (2/1/11) Greene 2016 Greene 60%/North Fenton 40%
Gould, Brian FL. 1999 PM 2001 FE 2004 RE 2016 *1999 FL: Voorheesville *2000 Troy: Lansingburgh 2002 (Troy) Albany: Emmaus 2006 Voorheesville 2009 Broadalbin & Edinburgh 2010 (UNY) Broadalbin & Edinburgh (50%) 2012 Chaplain Community Hospice, Ext Min 2016 Retired
Grimm, Charles B. PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1999 1957 (WNY) At School 1960 Chaplain, Otisville Training School 1964 Spencerport 1967 Chaplain, Otisville Training School 1971 Chaplain, NY State School at Industry 1991 Chaplain, New York State Division for Youth 1999 (7/31/99) Retired
Graham, Nadine R.M. P 1997 FE 1999 1994 Caruthers 1996 Burlingame 1998 Hanford 2000 8/2000 (¶337.1 from Cal-Nev Conf) Geneseo 2001 Transfer to WNY; Geneseo 2005 Incapacity Leave 2006 Elmgrove 2007 Family Leave 2007 (1/1/2008) (346.1 Texas) Houston: Christ 2010 (UNY) (346.1 Texas) Houston: Christ 2016 Ext. Min. Director of the One Project
Grinnell, Karen S. SP 1999 PL 2000 PE 2003 FE 2006 1999 (WNY)SL: Alabama, Basom (7/1/00 PL 75%) 2002 PL: Emmanuel: Lockport (75%) 2003 Emmanuel: Lockport 2006 Middleport 2010 (UNY) Appointment to Attend School 2011 Indian Falls (7-1-11 - 12-31-11) 2012 (1/1/12) Indian Falls
Grant, Richard E. FL 1944 PM 1948 FM 1950 RE 1986 1944 (NNY) FL: Fernwood 1945 Parish, Dugway; Parish Center 1947 (Genesee)FL: Avon; Fowlerville 1950 East Bloomfield, Allens Hill 1951 Rochester: Grace, Associate 1952 Rochester: Centenary 1956 (NNY) Mohawk, Cedarville 1959 (Genesee) Special Appt: Lancaster Cty Council of
Griswold, Keith E. PL 1997 PE 2000 FE 2004 1997 (WNY) PL: Spencerport (50%) 2000 Spencerport (75%) 2002 (1/1/02) Spencerport (full time) 2004 Harris Hill 2008 Geneseo 2010 (UNY) Geneseo
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Grossman, William SP 1963 PM 1965 FM 1968 RE 2000 1963 (NNJ) Millbrook 1965 At School 1967 (WNY) Scio, Allentown 1970 (WNY) Scio, Allentown; Friendship 1972 Jamestown: First 1977 Williamsville 1979 (10/1/79) Livonia (United) 1991 Amherst: Saint Andrews 1993 Amherst: Asbury 1997 (3/1/97) Ecum Appt: Longboat Island Chapel, FL 1999 Consultant, Interim Ministries, Florida 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2010 (UNY)(7/1/10-11/14/11) Elmira: Westside 2013 (9/1/2013) Beaver Dams /Corning Grace 2015 Beaver Dams (25%) Gutekunst Jr, Gurney FM 1964 RE 1988 1964 NY Conference 1967 (6/1/67) (Troy) Glens Falls: Christ 1976 Sabbatical 1977 Assoc, Prof., N Ctry Comm Coll, Saranac Lk, NY 1985 Leave of Absence 1988 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Guy, Mary PL 1996 SP 1998 PE 2000 FE 2003 RE 2011 *1995 (NCNY) (Aug. 15) Ellis Hollow (empl.) 1996 PL: Ellis Hollow (75%) 1997 SL: Ellis Hollow; Harmony 1998 Harmony 2000 Lowville, Martinsburg 2004 Potsdam 2007 Wolcott: Faith 2010 (UNY)Wolcott: Faith 2010 (12/31/10) Retired
Guariniello, Louis N PM 1963 FM 1965 RE 2003 1963 (TROY) Danville, W Danville, Walden & S Alden 1966 Enosburg Falls & West Enosburg 1968 Eagle Mills 1972 Johnstown 1981 (11/1/81) Associate, Schenectady: First 1985 Ravena 1987 Bennington 1993 West Sand Lake: Salem 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hackett Jr, Edward A PM 1982 FM 1986 1982 (Troy) Appt to attend School 1983 N Hero, Grand Isle, Isle LaMotte & S Alburg 1987 Enosburg Falls & West Enosburg 1996 Rutland 2007 Burnt Hills 2010 (UNY) Burnt Hills 2012 Gloversville:Foot Hills
Guiles, Donald PM 1961 FM 1964 RE 2001 1961 (CNY) In School 1962 Shortsville 1964 (NNY) Delta 1968 (CNY) Chaplain: US Air Force 1971 S. Otselic 1973 Supernumerary 1974 Watkins Glen, Beaver Dams 1974 (12/15) Honorable Location 1977 (CNY) LP: Cicero Center; (Oct.) Oran 1977 (Oct.) Oran 1978 Oran; New Woodstock 1979 Oran 1981 (12/31) Discontinued 1988 (NCNY)(Mar.'89) Pultneyville, Sodus Pt (Moravian) 1990 Readmitted (PM): Pultneyville, Sodus Point 1995 Elmira Heights:Oakwood 1998 Elmira Heights: Oakwood; Elmira: Epworth 2001 Retired *2003 Elmira: Westside 2005 Elmira: Westside, Elmira:Epworth
Hadley, Helen J. FL 2002 PE 2003 FE 2006 RE 2015 2002 (NCNY) (9/1/02) FL: United Oswegatchie Parish 2005 Dexter, Brownsville 2008 Butler, Countryside, Montezuma, Victory 2009 (on loan to WNY) Eden 2010 (UNY) Eden 2015 Retired Hagy Jr, Arthur PM 1954 FM 1957 RE 2000 1954 (Troy) No Appointment, At School 1956 At School 1957 Esperance & Sloansville 1960 (10/15/60) Granville 1962 Granville & Rupert 1967 Albany: Calvary
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1967 (10/15/67) Calvary, Pine Hills/Calvary, Delaware Ave. 1972 Schenectady, Trinity 1976 Glens Falls: Christ 1985 Delmar 1992 Superintendent, Embury District 2000 Retired Troy: Center Brunswick 2010 (UNY) Troy: Center Brunswick
Haley, Patrick PM 1974 FM 1976 RE 2004 1974 (CNY) In School 1975 Manchester 1977 Chaplain, US Air Force 2002 (NCNY) Elmira: Centenary, Webb Mills 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hakes, Gary FL 1957 PM 1959 FM 1962 RE 1998 *1954 (Mo.) Kearney, Holt *1957 (Gen.) FL: Knoxville, Austinburg 1959 Knoxville, Austinburg 1960 In School (Supplied Takoma Park:Grace, Md. 1962 (CNY) Syracuse: Woodlawn 1968 Syracuse:Gethsemane 1972 Corning:Grace 1977 Seneca Falls 1984 Syracuse:St.Paul's, Onondaga Nation 1986 (NCNY) Phelps (United) 1993 Cazenovia, Nelson, Erieville 1995 Syracuse:West Genesee 1998 Retired 1998-00 Camillus:Immanuel Assoc. 2010 Retired
Hall, Russell C. PM 1970 FM 1973 RE 2012 1970 (CNY) In School 1972 Port Byron 1974 Port Byron, Auburn: Wall St. 1979 Syracuse:Rockefeller 1986 (NCNY) Syracuse:Rockefeller 1997 (NCNY) Liverpool 2010 (UNY) Liverpool 2012 Retired 2016 (3/15/16 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/16) Camillus: Immanuel 75% Hamm, Christopher PL 1995 FL 1996 PM 1997 FE 2000 RE 2016 1995 (TROY)PL:75% N. Bush & Assoc. Gloversville/N. Main 1996 FL: Fonda-Fultonville & Fort Hunter 1999 (Troy) Fonda-Fultonville & East Stone Arabia 2000 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2002 Gloversville/North Main Street 2010 (UNY) Gloversville/North Main Street 2016 Retired
Hale, Jeffrey PL 1982 PM 1993 FE 1995 1982 PL: Lockwood 1983 (9/1/83) Withdrew (75%) 1987 (WYO) PL: Hornbrook (75%) 1990 FL: Scranton Urban Ministries/Providence 1993 Scranton Urban Ministries/Providence 1995 Northern Otsego Cooperative Parish/Cooperstown 1997 Northern Otsego Coop Parish Dir/Cooperstown 2001 Endicott: Central, Associate 2003 Hancock: Emory 2005 Norwich: Broad Street 2010 (UNY) Norwich: Broad Street 2012 (1/1/2012-6/30/2012) Sabbatical Leave 2012 Clinton
Handy, David PM 1979 FM 1982 RE 2006 1979 (Troy) At School 1980 Associate, Plattsburgh 1981 Cambridge & Shushan 1986 Rensselaer: Broadway & First 1988 Johnstown 1995 Cobleskill 1999 Schenectady: Carman 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hale, Nancy PL 10/1/98 FL 2001 PE 2009 FE 2010 1998 (WYO) (10/1/1998) PL: Milford (75%) 2001 FL: AGAPE Coop. Parish/Harpursville 2002 Incapacity Leave 2008 Norwich: Broad Street, Associate 2010 (UNY) Norwich: Broad Street, Associate 2012 (1/1/2012) Norwich: Broad St
Hansen, Roy E. PM 1969 FM 1972 RE 2011 1969 (Det.) In School 1971 (CNY) Syracuse:First (Assoc.) 1973 Dryden 1979 Clay:Trinity 1985 Sabbatical 1986 (NCNY) Chaplain, Hartford Hospital 1987 Dir. of Pastoral Serv., Robert Packer Hospital
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1993 Dir. Pastoral Serv., R. Packer Hosp.; South Corning 1997 Dir. of Pastoral Services, R. Packer Hosp. 2004 Dir. Of Pastoral Care, Arnot Ogden Medical Ctr 2010 (UNY) Dir. of Pastoral Care, Arnot Ogden Med Ctr 2011 Retirement
1969 Amherst: Trinity 1974 Rochester District Superintendent 1980 Amherst: Christ 1988 Pendleton Center 1990 Lockport: Emmanuel 1994 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hanson, Natalie A. PM 1977 FL 1985 PM 1988 FE 1996 1977 (WNY) Attend School 1980 Hemlock, Conesus (United) 1984 Pendleton Center 1985 FL: West Henrietta: Genesee Valley 1988 Rochester: West Avenue 1993 Union Hill; Rochester: Lake 1998 Rochester: Covenant 2003 Niagara Frontier District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Niagara Frontier District Superintendent 2011 Jamestown: Christ First
Harris, Linda J. PL 1987 PM 1988 FE 1990 RE 2014 1987 (NCNY)(July-Sept.)PL: Westdale Fed. (25%) 1988 Sterling, Martville, Bethel 1993 Ogdensburg; United Oswegatchie Parish 1997 Norwood 2001 Living Waters Parish [Oriskany Falls/Bouckville/Madison/Deansboro} 2005 Sandy Creek; Ellisburg 2007 Three River Valleys Parish (Barnes Corners, Beaver Falls, Carthage, Champion, Great Bend: Woodworth Memorial, Naumberg: Beaver Valley) 2010 (UNY) Three River Valleys Parish (Barnes Corners, Beaver Falls, Carthage, Champion, Great Bend: Woodworth Memorial, Naumberg: Beaver Valley) 2014 (1/1/2015) Retirement 2014 (1/1/15 - 6/30/25) Three River Valley Parish 2015 (7/1/15) return to retirement
Harding, Olu W. PL 2000 PE 2002 FE 2005 RE 2015 2000 (WYO) PL: Davenport (75%) 2002 Vestal: Calvary 2007 Elm Park (NY) 2010 (UNY) Oneonta: Elm Park 2015 Retired Harding, W. Lea PM 1997 FE 1999 1997 (WYO) Saint Paul's/Campville 1999 Dir Pastoral Care Hilltop Chpln UMH, Hilltop 334.1a 2010 (UNY) Dir Pastoral Care Hilltop Chpln UMH, Hilltop
Harris, Pamela J. PM 1980 FE 1984 1980 (Penin-Del) Whaleysville 1983 Denton:St. Juke's (Assoc.) 1986 Cheswold 1988 Assoc. Council Director - Drayton Retreat Center 1991 Assoc. Council Director - Spiritual Formation 1992 (426.1) (6/1/93) NCNY: Dir. CCRM 1996 (NCNY) Dir. of CCRM 1998 (1/1/99) Sabbatical 1999 (1/1/00) Leave of Absence 2003 (12/2/03) Ext Min: Run River Enterprises 2010 (UNY) Extension Ministry: Run River Enterprises
Hardman, Glen T. PM 2001 FE 2003 2000 (WNY) (OE American Baptist) West Valley: St. Paul's (75%) 2001 West Valley: St. Paul's 2006 Eden 2009 North Ontario 2010 (UNY) North Ontario 2014 Jordan
Harrison, Mark C. PM 1981 FM 1985 1981 (CNY) In School 1983 Pultneyville, Sodus Point 1988 (NCNY) (Feb.15,'89) Brewerton 1997 Jamesville Community 2010 (UNY) Jamesville Community
Harrington, Richard W. SP 1955 PM 1959 FM 1961 RE 1994 1955 (WNY) Galeton, PA 1959 At School 1961 Amherst: Christ, Associate 1962 Brockport 1965 Farmers in World Affairs 1966 Rochester: Spencer Ripley
Hart, William G. PM 1961 FM 1966 RE 1990 Eff. 1999 RE 2008 1962 (NNY) Assoc. Ilion 1964 In School
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1966 Raquette River, Hogansburg 1970 (Oct.) Canton 1978 Minister in Higher Education 1982 (CNY) Ovid (Fed.) 1986 (NCNY)(July 15) W. Stockholm, Parishville LFT 1990 Retired *1996 DeKalb, DeKalb Junction 1999 (Ret. To Eff. Rel.) DeKalb, DeKalb Junc. LFT 2000 DeKalb/DeKalb Junc/Russell/Degrasse/Hermon LFT 2003 DeKalb/DeKalb Junc/Russell/Degrasse/Hermon/ Edwards/S Edwards 2008 Retired - DeKalb/DeKalb Junc/Russell/Degrasse/ Hermon/ Edwards/S Edwards 2010 (UNY) Seven Steeples Coop Parish: DeKalb, DeKalb Junc/Russell/Degrasse/Hermon/Edwards/S Edwards 2012 Retired
1998 Ext. Min. Norris Religious Fellowship 2010 (UNY) Norris Religious Fellowship TN 2014 Retired 3/15/15 Hayes, Charles Edward PM 1986 FM 1991 1986 (Troy) At School 1987 Clifton Park 2001 South Bethlehem 2010 (UNY) South Bethlehem 2012 (5-1-12Medical leave Haynes, Charles PM 1978 FM 1985 RE 2001 *1978 (1/1/78) Danville, West Danville, Walden & South Walden 1983 (Troy) Milton Federated 1987 Troy, Memorial 1991 Albany, Calvary Pine Hills 1993 Albany: Calvary-Pine Hills & Albany: Calvary- St. Luke's 1995 Albany: The Emmaus Parish 1998 Centre Glenville & Galway 1999 Leave of Absence 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Harvey, Mark S. PM 1970 FM 1974 RE 2005 1970 (WYO) At School 1974 Ministry with Jazz Arts Community, Boston 1999 Ministry with jazz Arts Community, Boston 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Havens, L Bradley PM 1942 FM 1945 RE 1981 1941 (Indiana) Lanesville 1942 (New Jersey) Almonesson 1943 (WYO) Montdale 1946 Lake Ariel 1950 Dunmore 1957 Binghamton: Boulevard 1963 Endicott: Central 1970 Sabbatical 1971 Windsor 1974 Binghamton: High Street 1978 Binghamton: Ogden 1981 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hays, David PL 1988 SP 1991 PM 1992 FE 1996 1988 (NCNY)(June'89) PL: Homer (Assist.) (50%) 1990 SL: Homer (Assist.) (75%) 1990 (Sept.) No Appointment 1990 (1/15/91) New Hope:Midlakes 1992 McGraw, Blodgett Mills 1993 McGraw 1996 (June '97) Elmira:Centenary, Webb Mills 2002 Moravia 2010 (UNY) Moravia; CP at New Hope:Mid-Lakes 2014 Pulaski: Park Hays, Robyn L. PM 1994 FM 1988 1994 (NCNY) North Syracuse Assoc. 1995 Horseheads (Assoc.) 1999 Pennellville 2003 Trumansburg 2006 New Hope: Mid-Lakes LFT 2009 (5/1/2010) Family Leave 2010 (UNY) Family Leave 2015 Amboy Center (25%)
Haverkamp, Keith SP 1983 PM 1985 FE 1987 RE 2014 *1983 (CNY) N. Syracuse (Asst.) 1985 Elmira:Westside 1987 (NCNY) Elmira:Westside 1990 Oneida: First 1993 Elmira:Centenary, Webb Mills 1996 (4/1/97) Spirit Venture Min. 1997 (Nov.) Cazenovia, Erieville, Nelson
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Hazlett, F Ray FL 1958 PM 1959 FM 1963 RE 1996 1958 (Genesee Conf) FL: Angelica, Birdsall, West Almond 1960 Delevan, Yorkshire 1964 Jamestown: Brooklyn Heights 1967 (WNY) Wesley Foundation at Alfred, Alfred 1970 Lyndonville 1980 Williamsville 1991 Amherst: Trinity 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hemstreet, Frances K. PM 1980 FM 1983 1980 (WNY) PM: In School 1981 Hamburg Assoc. 1982 Hamburg 1983 FM: Hamburg 1985 Buffalo Street 1986 Kennedy 1990 Jasper Fed. 1995 (8/25/95) Alfred 2000 (On loan NCNY) Beaver Falls, Naumburg: Beaver Valley 2003 (NCNY Transfer In) Beaver Falls, Carthage 2005 Three River Valley Parish: Beaver Falls, Carthage, Champion, Naumburg: Beaver Valley 2007 Harrisville, Natural Bridge (75%) LFT 2010 (UNY) Harrisville, Natural Bridge (75%)LFT
Heiss, Stephen R. PM 1974 FM 1978 RE 2014 1974 (WYO) At School 1976 Schenevus 1978 Endicott: Central, Associate 1984 Clarks, Green 1988 Norwich 1996 Sabbatical 1997 Oneonta: Elm Park 2000 Binghamton: Tabernacle 2010 (UNY) Binghamton: Tabernacle and CentenaryChenango Street 2012 Binghamton: Tabernacle 2014 Retired
Herrmann, David B. SP 1992 PM 1994 FE 2000 1991 Aloquin, Chapin Assist. (empl.by local church) 1992 (NCNY) St.LP: Aloquin, Chapin 1994 Aloquin-Flint, Chapin 2001 Palmyra, Port Gibson LFT 2007 Appt to Attend School 2008 Attend School 2010 (UNY) Attend School (George Fox Evangelical Seminary, Tigard OR) 2015 Lowville/Beaver Falls (75%)
Heitzenrater, W Drew PM 1967 FM 1969 RE 2007 1967 (W.PA) At School 1969 (WNY) Clymer, North Clymer 1973 Springville 1983 Hamburg 1991 Amherst: Christ 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hess, Douglas E. PL 2007 PE 2010 FE 2013 * 2006 (WNY) Fowlerville 2007 Churchville (25%) 2009 Churchville (25%), St. John's Home Chaplain 2010 (UNY) Churchville / St. John's Home Chaplain (75%) 2015 Churchville (25%)
Heleine, Fred FL 1960 PM 1962 FM 1965 RE 2005 1960 FL: Hettick Scottville-Illinois Great River 1962 Central Illinois Conference 1965 (5/1/65) (Troy) Albany District Missionary 1972 Sabbatical 1973 Director, South Mall Towers 1976 Dept of Field Work & Church Extension, BGOM 1978 Field Representative, National Division BGOM 1985 (11/1/85) Assis Ad, Pitman Manor, UM Homes NJ 1987 Administrator, Asbury Manor, UM Homes of NJ 1995 Field Rep Cong Dev, Prog Mgmt Unit, BGOM 1996 Exec Director, The House of the Good Shephard 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Higgins, Kent PM 1981 FE 1984 1981 Virginia Conference 1982 (Troy) Berlin & Grafton 1985 School 1994 University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 2010 (UNY) Chaplain: Utd Christian Fdtn, Amherst, MA Hill, Dean E. PM 1952 FM 1954 RE 1991 1952 (CNY) School 1954 Freeville, Ellis 1957 Freeville, Ellis, Varna 1958 Elmira:Westside
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Hoff, Donald R. PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 2003 1962 (N.Y.E.) In School 1963 Monroe East Village 1966 (CNY) Elmira:First (Assoc.) 1968 Elmira:Christ's (Assoc.) 1969 Metro Interchurch Agcy of Chemung Valley 1970 NYS Division of Youth 1981 NYS Division of Youth, Webb Mills 1990 (NCNY) NYS Div. of Youth; Webb Mills; Wellsburg, Lowman 1993 Elmira:Riverside; Wellsburg, Lowman 1997 Elmira: Riverside 2003 Retired 2003-06 Elmira: Riverside 2010 (UNY) Retired
1962 Weedsport, Brick Church 1966 Sabbatical 1967 Clifton Springs 1969 Supernumerary (Honorable Location) 1974 Retired *1974 Lyons, Lock Berlin (Assoc:) 1981 Effective: (NNY) Parish, West Amboy 1985 Adams, Sulphur Springs 1991 (NCNY) Retired 1991-93 Painted Post 2010 (UNY) Retired Hill, Robert A. PM 1979 FM 1981 FE 1998 1978 (CNY) Ithaca: Forest Home 1981 At School 1984 Syracuse: Erwin 1995 Appointed in WNY: Rochester: Asbury First 1998 (5/15/98) (WNY) Rochester: Asbury First 2006 Dn of Marsh Chapel, Prof. of Pastoral Theology, University Chaplain; BU 2010 (UNY) Dean of Marsh Chapel, Prof. of Pastoral Theology, University Chaplain; BU
Hoffman, Ronald PM 1966 FM 1970 RE 2001 1966 (CNY) In School 1969 Clifton Springs 1975 Canastota: United 1979 Syracuse: Gethsemane 1985 Clay:Trinity 2001 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hipes, Anthony G. PL 1996 PM 1998 FE 2002 1996 (WYO) PL: Damascus (75%) 1998 Damascus LFT (50%) 1999 Gospel Hills Coop. Parish, Director/Afton 2004 Boulevard 2010 (UNY) Boulevard 2011 Binghamton: Boulevard 2012 Medina
Holder, Patrick FL 1989 PM 1996 FE 2005 RE 2008 *1988 (NCNY) FL: Liverpool (Assist.) 1989 Parish, West Amboy 2001 Elmira Heights: Oakwood 2006 Elmira Heights: Oakwood; CP Elmira: Epworth 2008 (1/31/09) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 7/1 – 7/6 2011 Cohocton & North Cohocton 2011 (10/1/11) Wellsburg 2012 Wellsburg & South Corning 2013 (11/30/13)South Corning; Wellsburg closed 2015 South Corning 50%; (2/1/16) Elmira Riverside 25%
Hodgins, Kenneth PE 1965 FM 1969 RE 2007 1965 School 1967 Collins Center 1973 Collins Center / Dayton (6/9/73 – 8/31/73) 1973 Jamestown/Brooklyn 1982 New Heights 1991 Bolivar 1994 Canisteo 1998 Seneca: Rochester 2002 Frewsburg: Trinity 2007 Retired 2011 (10/23/11) Clymer/North Clymer 100% 2014 New Beginnings Fellowship: Jamestown Coop. Parish 25%
Homan, Brian S. L 1980 SP 1982 PM 1983 FE 1985 1980 (CNY) Sterling, Martville, Victory 1982 Sterling, Martville, Bethel 1985 Tyrone 1992 (NCNY) Williamson 2002 (5/15/03) Cortland:First 2006 Pulaski 2010 (UNY) Pulaski & coord pastor @ Christ Church Parish (Altma/Dugway/Fernwood) 2014 Liverpool
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Homer, Wenona C. PM 1982 FM 1986 RE 1988 1982 (CNY) In School, Oran 1984 Skaneateles 1988 (NCNY) Retired *1988 Baldwinsville (Assist.) *1989 Baldwinsville (Assist.); Fleming, Half Acre *1990 Baldwinsville (Assist.); CP Auburn: Wall Street 1991 Baldwinsville (Assist.) 1992 Westmoreland, Clark Mills 2010 (UNY) Retired
2013 Jordan Ext Min Exec Dir of Ctr for Cong in Public Life at CRCDS (50%) 2014 Ext Min: Exec Dir of Center for Congregation in Public Life at CRCDS 2016 Ext. Min: Faithful Citizen 50%/ S Bethlehem 50% Hoskins, Herbert FL 1951 PM 1953 FM 1956 RE 1990 *1949 (Troy) Williamstown, VT *1951 FL: Brewerton 1953 Lawrence,MA 1953 (CNY) In School 1955 Lysander, Little Utica 1957 Blossburg 1960 Wesley Fdn., Alfred U. 1963 Elmira:Riverside 1970 Cicero 1978 Syracuse:W.Genesee 1985 Newark:First 1990 (NCNY) Retired 1990 (7/1/90-9/1/04) Kirkville 2010 (UNY) Retired
Horner, David J. PM 1967 FM 1968 RE 1996 1967 (WNY) Spencerport 1970 Hilton 1977 Newfane 1986 Macedon Center; South Perinton 1988 Oakfield; Elba 1989 Oakfield 1993 Colden; Orchard Park: Emmanuel 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Howe, Alan G. PM 1979 FE 1984 1979 (WNY) In School 1982 Frewsburg: Weidler Memorial, Wheeler Hill 1986 Henrietta: Christ View 1991 Filmore, Hume 1995 Hornell 2002 (NCNY) Transfer In: New Church Development 2005 Brewerton 2009 Rome: First 2010 (UNY) Rome: First 2015 Eden
Horrell, Dana PM 1981 PL 1989 FL 1990 PM 1992 FM 1994 FE 1997 1981 (Jan.'82) (S.IL) In School 1982 (New Hamp) Peterborough 1982 (Jan.'83) FL: Peterborough 1983 In School 1983 (Jan.'84) PM 1984 (S.IL) Shiloah 1985 In School 1986 (NCNY) Bethel 1986 (Oct) In School 1987 (Jan.'88) (N.IL) Brookfield Community 1989 PL: Brookfield Comm. (75%) 1989 (Jan.'90') No Appointment 1990 FL: Brookfield Comm. 1991 (NCNY) PM: S. Onondaga, Cardiff 1992 Eco-Justice Project LFT 1995 Ithaca:St. Paul's Interim Pastor of Visitation LFT 1995 (1/1/96) Center for the Environment 1997 Trumansburg 1999 Appointed to Attend School 2000 (10/1/00) McGraw 2002 Appointed to Attend School 2004 (12/1/04) Clay: Trinity, Phoenix LFT (25%) 2005 Global Disciple, Inc. 2005 (11/6/05) Auburn:Trinity; Global Disciple 2008 Jordan; Camillus: First 2009 Jordan 2010 (UNY) Jordan
Howe, Brenda PE 1997 FE 2001 1997 (Troy) Chelsea: Federated 2000 Chelsea: Federated and West Hill 2001 Lyon Mountain & Saranac 2002 Leave of Absence 2010 (UNY) Leave of Absence Hoyle, Ruthellen PM 1987 FM 1989 RE 2010 1987 (WNY) Friendship 1991 Holley: Disciples 1996 Hilton 2000 Genesee Valley District Superintendent 2008 Rochester: Wesley 2010 (UNY) Retired
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2013 CP Warsaw Immanuel & North Gainesville 2014 Alabama Basom
1986 Saranac 1995 Windsor: Rachel South Harlow & Brownsville 1998 Esperance-Sloanville 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Hubbard, Janet PM 1989 FM 1994 FE 2007 1984 Salisbury, NC (Co-Director of Northeast Community Mission) 1987-90 Highland Park, NJ: Trinity, Assistant Pastor 1989 W. NC 1990-91 Sayreville, NJ ¶426.1 888 BOD) 1991 (10/91) Winfield Comm UMC ¶426.1 "08" BOD) 1992 (9/92) Chicago, IL: Joyce (¶426.1 "08" BOD) 1994 Buffalo: University (¶426.1 "08" BOD) 1995 (WNY) Bflo: University 1996 (3/1/96) Buffalo: Central Park 2001 Amherst Trinity 2006 (8/7/06) Family Justice Center of Erie County 2007 Hope of Niagara County 2010 (UNY) Hope of Niagara County 2012 Hamburg Presbyterian Church 2014 Orchard Park 2016 Hamburg
Hunt, Bradford D. SP 1976 PM 1979 FM 1984 1976 (NNY) (11/76) St.LP: Wellesley Island Parish 1977 SL: St. Lawrence Valley Parish 1978 (7/78-8/78) SL: Waddington 1979 In School 1980 (5/80-8/80) Beaver Falls, Beaver Valley Assoc 1981 Brasher Falls, Buckton, North Lawrence 1985 Lowville, Martinsburg 1990 (NCNY) Penn Yan 1995 Utica: Central 1996 Mohawk Valley: Trinity 2003 North Syracuse: Andrews Mem. 2010 (UNY) North Syracuse: Andrews Mem 2011 North Syracuse: Andrews Mem & Clay Trinity 2015 (11/5/15) Clay & N. Syr. Merged to become Faith Journey
Hudson, Bryant T. PM 1982 FM 1986 RE 1997 1980 (Troy) Old Forge: Stewart Memorial 1981 Old Forge: Stewart Memorial/Moosic 1982 Old Forge: Stewart Memorial/Moosic 1985 Director Pastoral Care, Homes for the Aging 1989 Apalachin: Park Terrace 1996 (10/6/96) Chpln, Hilltop/Elizabeth Church Manor 1997 Retired 1998 (1/1/98-1/28/99) Chpln, Elizabeth Church Manor 2000 (1/3-6/30/2000) Interim: Lounsberry 2000 (9/1/00 – 6/30/02) Endwell: Associate 2010 (UNY) Retired
Huyge, Emily PE 2012 FE 2015 2012 Oneonta First Assoc – Otego 2015 Mexico First (12/14/15 – 2/6/16) maturinty leave Ingerson, Steven A. PM 1973 FM 1979 RE 2016 1973 (CNY) In School 1977 Manchester 1983 Syracuse:Calvary 1994 (NCNY) Oswego:Trinity 2000 Hannibal, Bowens Corners 2007 (4/1/08) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2016 Retired
Humphrey-Fox, Judith PM 1987 FM 1991 1987 (Troy) At School 1989 Ames-Sprout Brook 1995 Appt. in WYO Davenport/W. Davenport 2000 Porter Corners 2002 Lake George, First; South Corinth (50%) 2008 Lake Luzerne & Middle Grove 2010 (UNY) Lake Luzerne & South Corinth (50%) 2013 Broadalbin / Edinburg 2016 Amsterdam 50% / Broadalbin 50%
Ingraham, Clarence Joseph PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1997 1955 (New York) At School 1956 Stockport & Stockville 1959 Lake Mahopac & Mt. Hope 1962 At School 1965 Prof of Psychol, Endicott Jr College, Beverly, MA 1969 At School 1971 Assist Prof of Psychol & Couns, Essex Comm College, Balt, MD 1975 (9/1/75) Associate, White Plains: Memorial 1979 (6/10/79) (Troy) Ravena 1985 Troy: Christ
Hundemann, Robert PM 1980 FM 1988 RE 2004 1980 (Troy) Shaftsbury 1983 Mooers & Mooers Forks
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1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Jonesville Jefferson, Milton T. PM 1954 FM 1956 RE 1989 1954 (CNY) In School 1955 Trumansburg 1959 Sodus 1965 Liverpool 1989 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Isaman, Ronald V. PL 1978 PM 1983 FM 1985 FE 2010 RE 2014 1978 (WNY) (12/1/78) PL: Allentown 1979 Short Tract; Wiscoy 1981 (on loan to Kentucky) Mt. Olivet UMC 1983 (WNY) Edwards Chapel 1990 Olean: Christ (Coor of Enchanted Mt Probe Staff) 2000 (9/1/00) Mountain View District Superintendent 2007 Coor of Leadership and Congreg Development 2010 (UNY) Penfield 2014 Retired 2014 (7/1/14 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 8/31/14) Penfield
Jelinek, Patricia B. FL 1976 PM 1979 FM 1982 RE 1997 1976 (CNY) FL: Syracuse:St. Paul's (Asst.) 1979 Syr:St. Paul's (Assoc.); (Jan.) To attend school 1980 Onondaga Hill 1984 Elmira:Christ's Church 1986 (NCNY) Sup't. Seven Valleys District 1991 Assist. to the Bishop; (Aug.) Jamesville Fed. 1992 Jamesville Fed. 1997 Retired 1997 (1/18-5/31/98) Cortland:First Interim 2001 (1/1-6/30/02) Fayetteville 2003 (1/1-6/30/03) Clay: Trinity 2010 (UNY) Retired
Jagger, Alan R. PL 1976 PM 1977 FM 1986 RE 2015 1976 (WYO) PL: Clifford, TA (50%) 1977 Clifford 1978 At School 1979 Leave of Absence 1984 (1/1984) Bethany 1991 Ogden-Hillcrest 2004 Owego 2010 (UNY) Owego 2014 (2/1/15) Retired
Johnson, Carl Keith PM 1964 FM 1966 RE 2007 1964 (CNY) Geneva (Assoc.) 1966 (Part) Lyons 1970 (Part) Clay 1976 Syracuse:James St. 1982 (April'83) Protestant Chaplain, SU 1987 (NCNY) New Hartford 1993 Horseheads 1999 (1/1/00) Mohawk Dist. Supt. 2007 Retired ; CP Georgetown 2007 (10/7/07-6/30/08) Oneida: St. Paul's 2008 South Otselic & CP Georgetown 2010 (UNY) South Otselic & coord pastor Georgetown
James, Janet A.M. PM 2008 FE 2011 2005 (WNY)(3/15/2005) Chaplain, Nazareth College 2008 Rochester: Asbury First Assoc-Discipleship 2009 Orchard Park 2010 (UNY) Orchard Park 2014 Latham Calvary James, Richard P. PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1978 1957 (WYO) Lake Como 1960 Factoryville 1964 Binghamton: Tabernacle. Associate 1969 Union Ceneter 1973 Supernumerary 1977 Leave of Absence 1978 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Johnson, Richard A. PM 1953 FM 1956 RE 1992 1953 (Troy) At School 1955 Rotterdam Jct. 1958 (5/1/58) CNY 1960 (6/1/60) (Troy) Hartford & Argyle 1964 Middleburgh & Huntersland 1968 Schenectady: Carmen 1981 Troy: Memorial 1983 Averill Park 1992 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Jee, Youngjae PE 2010 FE 2014 2010 (UNY) Buffalo: Korean 2011 Attend School 2011 (12-4-11) Buffalo: Korean 2012 Buffalo: Korean & Bowmansville
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Johnson Jr, Robert L. PM 1954 FM 1955 RE 2000 1954 (N.Car.) In School 1955 White Temple, FL 1957 Wesley Foundation Dir., UNC Chapel Hill 1975 Southern Prog. Dir. Nat'l. Inst. for Campus Min 1979 Pres. Nat'l. Inst. for Campus Ministries 1982 Dir., Cornell United Religious Work 1983 (CNY) Dir., Cornell United Religious Work 2000 (NCNY) (3/15/01) Retired 2004 Ithaca: Forest Home 2010 (UNY) Retired
Jones, Robert A. FL 1954 PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1999 1953 (Genesee) FL: East Otto 1956 FL: Canaseraga 1957 Greenwood; South Canisteo 1959 Buffalo: University, Associate 1963 Wesley Foundation, Buffalo 1967 (WNY) Buffalo: Woodside 1974 East Aurora 1980 Rochester District Superintendent 1986 Buffalo: Central Park 1989 Bishop's Administrative Assistant 1991 Williamsville 1999 Retired 2002 (10/21-12/31/02) (WNY) Interim Asbury: Amherst 2010 (UNY) Retired
Johnson-Siebold, Judith PM 1970 FM 1972 1970 (CNY) At School, 1971 (WYO) McClure 1973 At School 1975 Endicott: Central Associate 1978 Peckville 1979 Westover 1982 Director Christian Alternate School 1987 Lounsberry 1988 Teaching Assit. Syracuse University 1989 Owego 1991 Endicott: St. Paul's 1993 Binghamton: Tabernacle 1995 Adjunct Prof Colgate Rochester Divinity School 1996 Marathon & Killawog 2000 Moscow 2002 (On loan Troy) Centenary & Greenwich 2004 Waterford 2007 (4/1/07) Transfer to Troy 2008 Rotterdam 2010 (UNY) Rotterdam 2011 Ravena:Grace 2014 (9/1-9/30/14) Personal Leave 2014 (10/1/14) South Bethlehem (50%) 2016 Gloversville: North Main 50%
Jones, Thomas H. FL 1981 PM 1983 FM 1989 RE 2014 *1981 (NNY)(Oct) FL: Heuvelton, DePeyster 1983 Heuvelton, DePeyster 1990 (NCNY) Harrisville, Natural Bridge 1993 Waddington, Louisville(UCC) 2001 Norwood 2005 Incapacity Leave 2007 Loaves & Fish Ministries, UMC 2009 Canton 2010 (UNY) Canton 2012 (5/1/2012) incapacity leave 2012 (5-1-12) cp Seven Steeples Parish 2014 Retired Jones, Wilson OE Wesleyan PM 2000 FE 2002 1999 (WNY) Dalton/Swain (75%) 2001 Full Time Dalton/Swain 2002 Tonawanda 2007 Avon 2009 (11/1/09) Perry: First 2010 (UNY) Perry: First 2012 Perry & (Covington 9/9/12) 2013 Pavillion & Wyoming
Jones, Alan J. PM 1979 FM 1981 1979 (WNY) Belfast 1984 Indian Falls 1989 Wayland 1997 Mayville 2010 (UNY) Campbell 2013 Campbell /Kanona
Jordan, Augustus E. PM 1981 FM 1985 1981 (CNY) In School 1983 Baldwinsville (Assoc.) 1985 Elmira:Centenary 1987 (NCNY) In School 1994 Counseling Center, Indiana 1996 Faculty, Middlebury College 2010 (UNY) Faculty, Middlebury College, Exec Dir Health & Counseling Services, Ext. Ministry
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Jordan, Laurel M. PM 1981 FM 1985 1981 (CNY) In School 1983 Warners 1985 Conf. Benevolence Interpreter LFT 1986 (NCNY)(Jan.'87) Elmira Heights: Oakwood 1987 In School 1996 Chaplain, Middlebury College 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, Middlebury College, Chaplain, Scott Center for Spiritual Religious Life
1982 Scenectady: Eastern Parkway 1994 Delmar 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Kark, William FL 1965 AM 1970 PM 1982 FM 1985 RE 1993 *1965 FL: Lyndonville, East Lyndon & Lyndon 1970 (Troy) Lyndonville, East Lyndon & Lyndon 1971 At School 1973 Supernumerary 1974 At School, Highgate Center 1977 Willsboro & Reber 1985 Schenectady: Albany St. 1993 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Joyce, Kandice Caldwell PM 1987 FM 1990 1987 Associate, Melrose, MA (PT) 1988 (Troy) Moretown & Middlesex 1993 Latham: Calvary 1995 Schenectady: Broadway 1999 Family Leave 2004 Financial Aid Counselor, Drew University 2010 (UNY) Sr. Assist Dir. of Fin. Assistance, Drew Univ
Kauffman, Gerald PM1965 FM 1967 RE 2002 1965 School 1967 Hyndsville, Mineral Springs & Assoc, Cobleskill 1971 N Chatham & Niverville (9-15-76 W Sand Lake) 1983 Schenectady: Fisher 1992 Mechanicville 2002 Retired
Judson, W Garrett PM 1962 FM 1969 RE 2004 1962 (CNY) In School 1968 Odessa 1970 Odessa, Alpine 1971 Odessa, Alpine, Catharine, Cayutaville 1975 Sabbatical 1976 Newfield, Trumbulls 1979 Newfield, Kennedys, Mecklenburg, Trumbulls (Union) 1980 Newfield, Trumbulls (Union) 1982 Sabbatical 1983 Canastota 1989 (NCNY) Supt. Finger Lakes District 1992 Central Lakes Dist. Supt. 1995 Canandaigua 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Keiper, Allen S. PM 1968 FM 1971 RE 1997 1968 (WNY) Warren's Corners 1971 Attica: First; Darien 1973 Attica 1983 Victor 1997 Retired 1998 Chaplain, Wesley On East 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, Wesley On East 2012 (1/31/2012) Retired Keller, Carol PL 1984 PM 1989 FM 1991 RE 2013 1984 (NCNY) PL: Pine Valley (75%) 1985 Appt. to attend School 1986 (6/13-30/86) SL: In School 1986 (N. GA) SL: Dixie 1989 (NCNY) North Syracuse (Assoc) 1993 (Aug.) North Syracuse 1995 Skaneateles 2001 Corning: Grace 2005 Manlius 2010 (UNY) Manlius 2013 Retired 2015 Interim (11/1/15 – 12/31/15) Syracuse St. Paul’s <25%
Kaiser, Sue PL 1985 SP 1986 PM 1987 FM 1990 RE 2002 1985 (WNY) PL: Buffalo: Seneca (75%) 1988 Colden; Orchard Park: Emmanuel 1993 Wilson: Exley 1997 Ripley/South Ripley 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Kanuck, Robert PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2000 1972 (Troy) Associate, Burlington & Winooski 1974 Northfield & Northfield Falls
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Kelly, Mary A. PL 2003 PM 2006 FE 2009 2003 (WNY) PL: Buffalo: University (50%) 2006 Buffalo: University, Buffalo: Cleveland Hill (75%) 2007 Buffalo: Cleveland Hill , Buffalo: University 2009 Buff: Univ, Cleveland Hill, Buff: Central Pk CP 2010 (UNY) Buff: Univ, Cleveland Hill, Buff: Ctrl Pk CP 2012 Buffalo: Central Park
1999 Appt in Calif.-Nevada Conf. 2003 Family Leave 2009 (on loan Calf-Nev.) Point Pleasant UMC 2010 (UNY)(on loan Calf-Nev) Pt Pleasant, Elk Grove CA 2010 (8/30/2010) Personal Leave Kessler Jr, Charles W PM 1968 FE 1970 RE 2012 1968 (TROY) At School 1970 Associate, Chaplain, NE Deaconess Hospital 1972 Waitsfield Federated & Warren UCC 1975 Chaplain, NE Deaconess Hospital, Boston 1998 Dir of Pastoral Care, Beth Israel-Deaconess Hospital, Boston, MA 1999 CPE Supervisor, Interfaith Health Care Min, Dir Pastoral Care, Eleanor Slater Hosp, Cranston & Burrilville, RI 2007 Dir of Clinical Pastoral Ed, Chaplaincy Ctr, Prov, RI 2010 (UNY) Dir of Clin Pastoral Ed, Chalcy Ctr, Prov, RI 2012 Retired
Kelly, Peter PL 1995 SP 1997 PM 1999 FM 2002 RE 2010 *1995 PL: Greenfield Center (75%) *1996 Exploring Parish South-Greenfield Center *1997 Without Appointment *1998 Troy/Pawling Avenue (7/1/97) 1999 (Troy) Troy/Pawling Avenue & Cohoes/St. James 2002 Green Island-Troy Pawling Avenue (Yoked) 2005 Galway LFT 2010 (UNY) Retired Kelsey, Fred PM 1961 FM 1963 RE 2003 1961 (CNY) In School 1963 Groton 1964 Groton, Locke 1966 Horseheads 1971 Fayetteville 1977 Canandaigua 1984 Baldwinsville 1994 (NCNY) Elmira: Christ's; Supervising Pastor 2003 Retired 2003 (2/1-6/30/04) Hammondsport 2005 (1/1-6/30/05) Avoca 2007 (10/8/07-6/30/08) Ithaca: Forest Home 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (8/20/12 -10/21/2012) Owego 2013 Returned to Retirement 2015 (3/1/16 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/16) Wilawana/Chemung
Kettinger, LeRoy FE 1999 RE 2007 1998 Auburn: First 1999 (NCNY) Auburn: First 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Kahng, Raymond A. PL 1996 FD 1999 FE 2001 RE 2008 1999 (NCNY) United Ministries at Harvard 2008 Retired; Harvard Chaplains @ Harvard Univ. & Harvard Korean Mission UMC 2010 (UNY) Retired; Harvard Chaplains @ Harvard Univ. & Harvard Korean Mission UMC 2013 Harvard Korean Mission: Cambridge MA Kibbe, George R. PM 1955 FM 1956 RE 1995 1956 (EUB) Howard, PA 1959 Sonestown, PA 1961 Penna Creek, PA 1962 Columbia Circuit, PA 1966 Baltimore:Calvary 1970 Baltimore:Keen 1976 Leave of Absence (Human Rights Comm.) 1978 (NNY) Lowville, Martinsburg, Greig, Watson Petries Corners 1982 Dolgeville, Oppenheim 1991 Appt. in Central PA Conf. 1995 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kemper, Ann PL 2006 PE 2007 FE 2010 2006 (WNY) PL: Rochester: Covenant (50%) 2007 Roch: Covenant / Adm Assist NYW Area 2008 Roch: Covenant 2010 (UNY) Rochester Covenant, Associate pastor 2011 Rochester Covenant Kerr-Carpenter, Kathy W. FL 1985 PM 1986 FM 1988 1985 (NNY) FL: Antwerp, Spragueville 1986 (NCNY) Antwerp, Spragueville 1990 Oswego:Trinity 1994 Family Leave
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Kim, Dong Ki PM 2010 FE 2012 2007 (OE Korean Methodist) (1/1/07) Roch: Korean LFT 2010 (UNY) Rochester: Korean LFT 2012 Rochester: Korean (75%) LFT
1986 Andover: N. Boston Korean 1996 (1/1/96) Leave of Absence 1998 (8/1/98) (NCNY) Syracuse Hope Korean 1998 (12/2/98) Syr: Hope Korean, Amboy Belle Isle 1999 Syracuse: Hope Korean, Onondaga Hill 2004 (8/15/04) Appt. in WNY: Rochester Korean 2006 (10/1/06) Transfer to WNY Conference 2007 (1/1/07) (WNY) Albion 2007 (7/1/07) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kim, Hyun Joon PM 1990 FM 1993 1990 (NY) PM: Jackson Heights 1994 (2/1/95) Bayside Korean 1999 (11/1/99) Transfer to WNY: BFLO: Korean 2004 (8/15/04) on Loan NCNY: Onon Hill, Syr: Hope Korean 2010 (UNY) Onondaga Hill, SYR: Hope Korean 2011 Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial 2015 Williamson
Kim, Tae Kun FE 2000 2000 (337.1 from EPA) Rochester: Korean 2004 (8/15/04) Buffalo Korean 2005 (6/1/05) Transfer to WNY Conf: Buffalo: Korean 2009 (8/1/09) On loan Troy Conf.: Vermont: Korean 2010 (UNY) Geneva First
Kim, Joseph I. PE 2000 FE 2004 2000 (7/15/00) (on loan NCNY) Dolgeville, Oppenheim 2003 (1/1/04) Transfer In: Dolgeville, Oppenheim 2004 Elmira: Centenary, Webb Mills 2008 Fulton: State St. 2010 (UNY) Fulton: State St. 2011 Fulton State St & Phoenix 2013 Manlius
Kimpland, Diane PL 1986 FL 1988 PM 1992 FE 1995 RE 2000 1986 (NCNY) PL:Sterling, Martville, Bethel (Asst.) (25%) 1988 FL: Copenhagen, Rodman UCC 1992 Pennellville 1999 Hannibal/Bowens Corners 2000 Retired 2000 Cicero Center 2001 Syracuse: Gethsemane 2003 Phoenix 2004 Orwell 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kim, Moon Ho PM 1981 FM 1983 1981 (Greater NJ) In School 1981 (Troy) (10/1/81) In School 1982 (Greater NJ) In School 1982 Morristown Korean 1985 (Troy) Berlin 1987 Granville 1990 Alplaus 1997 (12/31/97) Unchartered Church in GNJ Conf. 2000 (on loan to NCNY) Marcellus 2002 Transferred in NCNY: Marcellus 2004 Clinton 2008 Caughdenoy 2010 (UNY) Caughdenoy 2011 (3/1/11) Waterville/East Hamilton 2015 Hamilton: Park/Watervile
Kimpland, Mark D. SP 1986 PM 1988 FE 1991 1987 (Nov. 87) (Balt.) Dickerson 1988 (NCNY) Appt. to School 1988 (Jan. '89) Seneca Castle 1995 Fulton: First 2010 (UNY) Fulton 1st, CP Granby Ctr, Hannibal Ctr, S Hannibal 2012 Fulton 1st, CP Ira, Hannibal Ctr & S Hannibal 2013 Endwell King, Horace B. PM 1967 FM 1969 RE 2010 1966 (5/22/66) (WYO) PL: Clifford 1967 Clifford 1969 Scranton: Embury 1976 Firwood 1985 Waverly, NY 1988 (9/15/88) Leave of Absence 1989 Retired 1989 (9/26/89) Surrender of Ministerial Office
Kim, Sung C. SP 1982 FM 1984 1980 (1/1/81) (New Eng.) Other LP: Korean Ch. 1980 (1/1/80) Korean Church (New England AC) 1981 Portland: Washington Ave. 1981 Portland: Washington Ave 1981 (1/1/82) Rainbow 1984 Thomaston Federated
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Kissel, Jack PM 1959 FM 1962 RE 1997 1959 (CNY) In School 1962 Newfield, Trumbulls 1966 Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1970 (Nov.) Lyons 1973 Lyons, Lock Berlin 1980 Lyons 1983 Syracuse:James St. 1985 Minoa 1990 (NCNY) Central Square 1991 Solvay 1993 Solvay, Warners 1997 Retired 1997-10 Solvay 2010 (UNY) Retired
1992 Northern Otsego Cooperative Parish/Fly Creek 1993 Northern Otsego Coop Parish, Dir./Fly Creek 1997 Montrose 2004 Ogden-Hillcrest 2010 (UNY) Retired Kinnell, Christopher S. PM 1972 FE 1976 RE 2014 1972 (Balt.) In School 1975 Jessup, Guilford 1979 Baltimore: Canton, Chesaco Ave. 1983 Chesaco Ave. 1989 (NCNY) Bridgeport 1999 Syracuse: Bellevue Heights 2008 Sabbatical 2009 Sherrill: Christ Church 2010 (UNY) Sherrill: Christ Church 2014 Retired
Klopfer-McCune, Cynthia Beth PM 1982 FM 1986 1982 (CNY) At School 1984 Freeville, Varna 1986 (NCNY) Corning: First, Associate 1987 Coopers Plain/Presho LFT 1990 Countryside, Victory 1992 (Jan. 1, '93) Countryside, Victory LFT 1993 (7/1/1993) Leave of Absence 1995 Tyre LFT 1997 Dolgeville, Oppenheim 2000 Clayton, Depauville 2004 Harrisville, Natural Bridge 2007 Appointed in WNY: Elmgrove 2010 (UNY) Elmgrove 2011 Attica: Trinity/North Gainesville 2013 Attica:Trinity/Darien
Kinney, Alan D. PL 1978 PM 1979 FE 1981 1978 (CNY) PL: Clockville 1979 Clockville 1984 Cayuga, Auburn:Wall St. 1990 (NCNY) Phoenix 1995 (Sept.) Gouverneur, North Gouverneur 2005 Dryden 2010 (UNY) Greece 2011 Schenectady: Eastern Parkway Kirk Jr, James T. PM 1990 FM 1994 RE 2008 1990 (NCNY) In School 1992 Prot. Chaplain, Craig Dev. Disabilities Services 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Klotzbach, Pamela S. SP 2005 FL 2007 PE 2008 FE 2010 2005 (WNY) Akron (50%) 2006 Not Appointed 2007 FL: Friends in Christ: Fillmore and Hume 2010 (UNY) Friends in Christ 2012 Batavia: First
Kisakye, Patience PL 2003 PE 2005 FE 2009 2003 (Gr. NJ) PL: Keyport: Calvary (75%) 2003 (1/1/04) PL: Oceanport (75%) 2005 Avon & Bradley Beach 2006 Bradley Beach & Belmar: First 2007 (Transfer in NCNY) Sandy Creek; Parish 2008 Clay: Trinity 2010 (UNY) Clay: Trinity 2011 Pennellville/Onondaga Hill 2012 Syracuse: Bellevue Heights 2014 Syr. Bellevue Hghts/Syr Gethsemane/Syr Brown 2015 Lyons / Newark Emmanuel
Knapp, Gordon W. PM 1956 FM 1959 RE 1995 *1954 (NNY) Cherry Valley, Salt Springville *1955 (CNY) Pultneyville 1956 Pultneyville 1959 N.Syracuse (Assoc.) 1962 Minoa 1965 Cicero 1970 Syracuse:St. Paul's 1978 Syracuse:First
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Kofahl, David W. PM 1977 FM 1981 1977 (WNY) At School 1979 Olean: Showers 1980 Olean: Showers; Knapp Creek 1987 Niagara Falls: St James 1999 (1999-5/31/2000) At School 2000 (6/1/00) Niagara Falls: St James 2003 Clarence 2010 (UNY) Clarence 2013 Binghamton District Superintendent
1982 Baldwinsville 1984 Ithaca:St. Paul's 1987 (NCNY) Utica:Central 1995 Retired 1995 (Aug. 1) Syracuse:First Associate 1997 (7/1-12/31) Syracuse:First 1997 (4/13/98 - 6/30/02) Baldwinsville Assoc. 2010 (UNY) Retired Knapp, James PE 2003 FE 2010 2003 (Troy) N Creek & Johnsburg, Riparius & Weavertown 2005 Conf Youth Coor; Johnsburg, Riparius, Weavertown 2007 (4/4/2007) Johnsburg, Riparius & Weavertown 2007 Speculator & Lake Pleasant 2010 (UNY) Schuylerville & Quaker Springs 2012 Middleport
Kolvik-Campbell, Robert B. PM 1978 FM 1982 1978 (Missouri W) At School 1980 (New Engl) At School 1981 (Missouri W) Green City 1982 Wesley Heights 1985 (New Engl) Marlboro 1988 (Missouri W) Chillicothe 1990 (Wyoming) New Berlin 1993 Wesley Village-Homes for Aging 1999 Paupack 2009 (Troy) Latham: Calvary 1990 No Appointment 2010 (UNY) Latham: Calvary 2014 Sherrill:Christ Church
Knappenberger, Lyston R. PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1997 1957 (W.PA) At School 1959 Waterford 1963 Youngsville 1974 (WNY) Mayville Parish 1980 Mayville 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kottemann, Beth J. PM 1998 FE 2001 1998 Transferred in: (WNY) Fillmore/Hume 2002 Hornell 2008 Harris Hill, Bowmansville 2010 (UNY) Lyndonville 2012 Clarence Center 2015 Tyrone
Knopp, Douglas M. PM 1969 FM 1972 RE 2011 1969 (WNY) At School 1971 Sheridan 1977 Hilton 1982 (8/1/82) Leave of Absence 1983 Ripley 1986 Fredonia 1995 Jamestown: First 1996 (5/26/96) Jamestown: Christ First 2010 (UNY) Jamestown: Christ First 2011 Retired
Kouterick, Rhonda L. PM 1982 FM 1986 1982 (CNY) In School 1984 Trumansburg 1990 (NCNY) Newark:First 1998 Baldwinsville 2010 (UNY) Horseheads
Koch, Richard E. PL 2000 PE 2004 FE 2009 2000 (WNY) PL: Machias (75%) 2001 PL: Williston (75%) 2004 Williston 2007 Baker Memorial, Associate, Williston 2010 (UNY) Baker Mem. Associate, Williston 2014 Baker Memorial/Williston/Seneca Babcock NFC 2015 (346.1 Indiana) Brazil: First
Kraft, Jackie Ann Rose SP 1988 PM 1989 FE 1993 1988 (WNY) North Gainesville 1990 Warren's Corners 1997 Boston: Churchill Memorial 1999 WNY Conf Camps, and Retreat Min Team Leader 2003 Amherst: Asbury 2010 (UNY) Amherst: Asbury
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Langreck, Donald PM 1976 FM 1985 1976 (WNY) At School 1981 Leave of Absence 1982 Williamsville, Associate 1984 Friendship 1986 (9/1986) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave
2015 Chaplain, Air National Guard Kraft, Thomas M. SP 1985 PM 1988 FM 1991 1985 (WNY) Wyoming Comm Min; Wyoming; Covington 1990 Pendleton Center 2009 Joshua Conn (Pendleton Ctr, Niagara Falls: 1st) 2010 (UNY) Joshua Conn (Pendleton Ctr, Niag Falls: 1st)
Lanzot, Alberto PM 1994 FM 1998 1994 (WNY) Buffalo: Primera Iglesia (50%) 1995 Buffalo: Primera Iglesia (100%) 2010 (UNY) Buffalo: Primera Iglesia
LaCroix, Janet PM 1973 FM 1975 RE 2003 *1972 Clayton, Omar-Fishers Landing 1973 (School) Scottsburg, East Groveland 1974 (NNY) Harrisville, Natural Bridge 1979 West Stockholm, Parishville 1985 (Oct) Sandy Creek, Orwell 1993 (NCNY) Fulton:First 1995 Raquette River:Grace, Hogansburg LFT 1999 Camden 2003 Retired *2006 (2/1/06-6/30/07) Parishville, W. Stockholm, Colton 2010 (UNY) Retired
LaRoe, David PM 1986 FE 1992 RE 2013 1986 (NE) Glendale, Everret, MA 1990 (Troy): Albany United Methodist Society, Executive Director 1993 Schenectady: Albany Street 1997 Sabbatical 1998 Cohoes: St. James 1999 Leave of Absence 2010 (UNY) Leave of Absence 2013 Retired
LaDue, Richard PL 2003 FL 2005 PE 2007 FE 2010 2003 (WNY)(12/21/03) PL: Roch: Wesley Assoc (50%) 2005 FL: Celoron, Gerry 2007 Jamestown: Kidder 2010 (UNY) Jamestown: Kidder 2015 Webster
Lasher, Sandra L. PL 1994 PE 2002 FE 2005 RE 2008 1994 (WNY) PL: Limestone (75%) 1998 7/1/98 PL: Gerrardstown-Balt-Wash Conf (75%) 2002 Belmont/Scio 2006 (8/15/06) Marilla 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Laird, Rebecca SP 2005 PE 2006 FE 2009 2005 (NCNY) SL: In School 2006 Dolgeville/Oppenheim 2010 (UNY) Syracuse: Calvary; Syracuse: Gethsemane 2011 Syr: Calvary, Gethsemane, West Genesee 2012 Jordan, Cicero, Road at West Genesee 2013 Jordan/Cicero/Road at W. Genesee 2014 The Road at W. Genesee/Cicero 2016 Moravia: Christ
Lasher, William A PM 1963 FM 1966 RE 2004 1963 (Troy) At School 1965 Whitehall & East Whitehall 1970 Assoc, Clifton Pk: Shenendehowa & Rotterdam Jct. 1973 Associate , Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 1976 Montpelier 1981 CCOM Executive Director 1988 Adirondack District Superintendent 1994 Saratoga Springs 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lake, Lawrence SP 2000 PE 2004 FE 2011 2000 (4/1/2000 - 6/30/2004)Otsego East Ohio Conf 2004 (Troy) Esperance-Sloansville 2010 (UNY) Saranac & Morrisonville & Peasleeville
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Laun, James A. PM 1974 FM 1980 RE 2011 1974 (CNY) At School 1976 Port Gibson; E. Palmyra (UP) 1980 Addison; Woodhull 1985 (WNY) South Park 1988 Obi; Western Mills 1991 Cattaraugus: Wesley 1999 Boston: Churchill Memorial 2010 (UNY) Boston: Churchill Memorial 2011 Retirement
Corinth (25%) 2010 (UNY) Federal Bureaus of Prisons Chaplain Lee, Jin Kook OE FE 2006 2003 (NEJ Korean Amer Miss) Korean Miss of W Webster 2006 (10/1/06) (Transfer in WNY) Korean Mission of W Webster 2010 (UNY) Korean Mission of Rochester 2015 Korean Mission of Rochester / Henrietta: Faith Preaching Point (75%)
Lavery, James M PM 1964 FM 1967 RE 1999 1964 (Troy) At School 1967 Galway 1971 Schenectady: Fisher 1975 (9/1975-8/1976) Blaydon Circuit Newcastle-upon-Tyne, England 1977 Gloversville: First 1981 Ballston Spa 1992 Sabbatical 1993 Newtonville 1999 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lee, M Russell PM 1965 FM 1967 RE 2003 1965 (NNY) St. Regis Falls, Dickinson Center, Fort Jackson, Nicholville 1968 Norwood 1973 Massena 1980 Supt. St. Lawrence District 1986 (NCNY) Elmira:Christ's 1994 Sherrill 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Lee, Sung Ho FL 1995 PE 1996 FE 1998 1994 (NCNY) (Feb. 21, 1995) FL: Ithaca: Korean, Burdett 1996 Hamilton 2000 Corning: First 2007 Mohawk District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Mohawk District Superintendent 2015 Grand Island: Trinity
Leach, Robert B. PM 1949 FM 1955 RE 1991 1949 Erie Conference EUB 1950 Wabash (IN) Circuit: Lebanon and Union Chapel 1952 Wabash (IN): Northside and Speikerville 1955 Alma 1956 New York Conference EUB: West Valley 1963 Buffalo: Seneca 1968 WNY 1991 Retired 1991 (7/1-9/30/1991)Grand Island: Emmanuel 1996 (9/1-12/31/1996) Harris Hill 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lee, Vernon L. PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1994 1955 (CNY) In School 1957 Watkins Glen 1959 Syracuse:First (Assoc.) 1961 Auburn:Trinity 1965 Geneva 1968 Elmira:Christ's 1972 Sup't. Elmira District 1976 Conference Executive 1983 Fayetteville 1994 (NCNY) Retired 1997 (5/18-7/31/98) Pine City: Pa Ave Interim 2001 (1/1-6/30/02) Fayetteville 2008 (11/9/08-6/30/09) Interim: Sherrill 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (10/1/11 - 3/31/11) Interim Borodino
LeBeau, Thomas A. PL 1999 FL 2002 PE 2003 FE 2006 1999 (7/15/99)(WNY) PL: Groveland Fed.Parish (75%) 2002 FL: Rochester: Seneca 2008 Lancaster: Faith 2010 (UNY) Lancaster: Faith 2016 Cooperstown Lee, Esther Eunkyung PL 2005 PE 2006 FE 2010 2005 (Troy)PL: Hartford & North Granville (75%) 2007 (8/1/07) Family Leave 2008 (9/1/08) Ext. Min. Chpln Albany Hospice & South
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Lee-Clark, Bruce C. PM 1975 FM 1978 RE 2012 1975 (NNY) School 1977 Raquette River, Hogansburg 1982 Oswego: Trinity 1990 (NCNY) In School 1993 Legal Services of CNY 1996 SW Vermont Career Development Center 2010 (UNY) SW Vermont Career Development Center 2012 Retired
2015 Retired Lewis, Gail M. PM 1986 FM 1988 RE 2008 1985 (WNY) Kenmore, Associate 1993 (11/28/93) Marilla 1997 Niagara Frontier Community Ministries (75%), AIDS Family Services (25%) 1998 (1/1/98) Buff Dist: Exec Dir, Asbury Shalom Zone (100%) 2000 (9/1/00) Williamsville 2008 Retired, Williamsville, Associate 2009 (7/1/09-6/30/10) Niagara Frontier City Ministries 2010 (UNY) Retired
LeGro, James M. PM 1962 FM 1965 RE 1997 1962 (CNY) In School 1964 S. Onondaga, Cardiff 1966 Marcellus 1970 Newark:First 1976 (W.Pa.) Exec. Dir., Olmsted Manor 1979 Oakwood Learning Ctr 1981 (N.Ind.) Oakwood L. C. 1982 (June) Leesburg 1982 (CNY) Minoa 1985 (WNY) Asbury:First 1989 (NCNY) (Mar.'90) Liverpool 1997 Retired 1997-02 Borodino 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lewis, Robert B. PM 1978 FM 1982 RE 2010 *1977 (CNY) In School; Kanona, Wheeler 1978 In School; Kanona, Wheeler 1980 Elmira:Westside 1985 Waterloo 1989 (NCNY) (Oct.2) Disability 1991 Disability; *Elmira: Westside 1996 Disability 2010 Retired Lincoln, M Edward PL 1963 PM 1968 FM 1971 RE 1992 *1964 (CNY) PL: 75% Erieville, Nelson *1967 PL: 75% Montezuma, Fosterville 1968 Montezuma, Fosterville 1971 Waterloo 1979 Syracuse:Lafayette Ave. 1984 Sup't. Elmira District 1986 (NCNY) Sup't. Chemung Valley District (07-10/31) 1986 (Jan.'87) Chaplain, Bethany Retirement Center 1988 (May 8,'89) Leave of Absence 1992 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lesch, James E. PM 1973 FM 1976 RE 2008 1973 (WNY) At School 1975 Niagara Falls: St. Paul's, Associate 1976 Warrens Corners 1978 Amherst: Trinity, Associate 1981 Holley 1984 Clarence, Associate (50%) 1986 Wesley Foundation, Buffalo 1989 Buffalo, Campus Church Coalition 1990 Ashville; Blockville 1993 Appointed in NCNY: Great Bend 1996 Montour Falls 2005 Sodus/Sodus Point 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Linder, Lyle PM 1981 FM 1983 RE 2005 1981 (6/6/81) Nebraska Conference, Olive Crest 1982 (1/1/82) Renaitre Parish 1982 (6/1/82) Pleasanton 1985 (6/1/85) Blue Hill 1992 (6/1/92) Sabbatical 1993 (WYO) Edmeston 1994 Edmeston 1997 Franklin 2005 Retired 2011 New Berlin (50%) 2005-06 Harpursville
LeValley, Peter W. PM 1979 FM 1982 RE 2015 1979 (WNY) At School 1980 Kenmore, Associate 1983 Sweet Home; Tonawanda: Bethany 1988 Elma 2006 Kenmore 2010 (UNY) Kenmore
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Lippy, Charles H. PM 1966 FM 1968 RE 2006 1966 (WYO) At School 1972 Oberlin College, Assistant Professor, Religion 1974 Miami University, Oxford OH 1975 Assist Prof, Bible & Rel, W Va Wesleyan College 1976 Assistant Professor, Clemson University 1980 Assoc Prof of Rel & History, Clemson University 1985 Professor of Religion, Clemson University 1994 Leroy A. Martin Prof of Rel Studies, Univ of TN 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 New Berlin Ling, Daniel H. PM 1975 FM 1977 RE 2013 1975 (WYO) At School, Sterling 1979 At School 1981 Beach Lake 1987 Sabbatical 1988 Moscow 1991 Binghamton District Superintendent 1999 Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial 2007 Chenango Bridge 2010 (UNY) Chenango Bridge 2011 Schenectady NY: First UMC 2013 Retired (7/1/13-12/31-13) Vestal 2013 Vestal (1/1/14-6/30/14) 2014 Retired
Lockwood, David L. PM 1974 FM 1977 RE 2016 1974 (Troy) At School 1976 Associate, Glens Falls: Christ 1980 Rensselaer: Broadway 1985 Gloversville: North Main St. 1992 Latham: Calvary 2009 Clifton Park: Jonesville 2010 (UNY) Clifton Park: Jonesville 2016 Retired
Lintern, J Edwin PM 1955 FM 1959 RE 1996 1955 At School 1959 Center Moreland 1962 Chinchilla 1965 (3/65) Factoryville/Camp Min-Keystone Jr College 1967 Campus Minister, Wesley House, Oneonta 1975 (5/1975) (N Dakota) Utd Camp Min, ND Ste Univ 1980 (3/80) Exe Dir, Mich Com. For U. Min in Higher Ed 1984 (10/1984) (WYO) Scranton: Providence 1987 Chaplain, Wesley Village/Scranton: Providence 1988 Waverly, PA 1991 Unadilla 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Loeser, John PL 2011 PE 2012 FE 2016 2011 (UNY) PL: Wilson: Exley (50%) 2013 (1/1/14) Wilson: Exley 75% London, Harlan PM 1953 FM 1958 RE 1999 1953 (S.W.) In School 1957 Prot. Chaplain, Eastern N.Carolina Sanatorium 1960 Prot. Chaplain, Dept. of Correction, Wash DC 1961 Prot. Chaplain, Onondaga Co. Family Court, Syr. 1965 (CNY) Prot. Chaplain, Onondaga Co. Family Court 1971 (Part) Prof., Syracuse U. 1999 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Linza, Raymond E. PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 1996 1962 (NNY) Brasie Corners 1964 Harrisville, Natural Bridge 1967 Frankfort, East Schuyler 1979 Camden, Florence 1987 (WNY) Arkport 1991 Jamestown: Brooklyn Heights 1996 Retired 1998 (9/1/1998-6/30/1999) Clymer/North Clymer 1998 (1/2-1/31/1998) (WNY) Fredonia: First 1999-00 (10/1/99-6/30/00) Cherry Ck-Leon/S Dayton 2000 (7/1-7/31/2000) Cherry Creek-Leon 2000-01 (8/1/00-6/30/01) Findley Lake (Interim) 2001 Charlotte Center 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Long, Jeffery E. PM 1988 FM 1990 OE (Wesleyan Church 1987 (NCNY)(Jan.'88) Wolcott, North Wolcott 1993 Wolcott-N.Wolcott:Faith 1996 Appt. to Attend School 1997 Transferred to: (WNY) Amherst: Asbury 1998 (on loan NCNY) Farmington 1999 Transfer to: (NCNY) (6/1/99) Farmington 2010 (UNY) Farmington
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Long, Robert PM 1961 FM 1964 RE 2003 1961 (Troy) At School 1966 Associate, Albany: Pine Grove 1969 Nassau 1973 Ballston Spa 1981 Montpelier 1985 Saratoga Springs 1994 Schenectady: Eastern Parkway 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2013 Interim Troy: Christ (6/30-9/8/13) (11/312/31/13)
1995 Essex Junction: Grace 2001 Green Mountain District Superintendent 2009 East Greenbush 2010 (UNY) East Greenbush 2013 Retired 2013 Interim Troy:Christ (9/15/13-11/3/13) Lowman, DeeAnne PE 1994 FE 2001 1994 (Troy) Memorial & Center Brunswick 1995 Wilton: Trinity 1997 Director of Camping and Spiritual Formation 1999 (8/1999-6/2000) Glens Falls: Christ 2000 Montpelier, Associate 2001 Plainfield & Adamant 2002 Burlington: First 2005 (on loan Balt-Wash) Foundry UMC, Wash DC 2010 (UNY) (on loan Balt-Wash) Foundry UMC 2011 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa Associate 2013 New Church Start:Lark Street Belonging (50%) 2014 (10/6/14) New Church Start: Lark Street Belonging; Ext. Min. Program Dev. Assoc. CTRC
Losey, Jeffrey PM 1979 FM 1983 HL 1989 PL 2003 FE 2004 HL(PL 2003 Readm 2004) 1979 (NCNY) PM: In School 1981 Weedsport 1983 FM: Weedsport 1986 Oneida: St. Pauls 1987 Leave of Absence 1989 Honorable Location 2003 Readmitted as PL: Varna 2004 Readmitted as FM: Dolgeville, Oppenheim 2006 Trumansburg 2010 (UNY) Trumansburg
Lubba, David P. FL 1952 PM 1956 FM 1959 RE 2000 1952 New York Conference EUB: FL: At School 1959 Tonawanda 1965 Board of Global Ministries: Philippines 1968 WNY 1974 Westfield 1980 Penfield 1985 East Aurora 1994 Rochester District Superintendent 2000 Retired 2008 (4/1-6/30/2008) Penfield 2009 (11/1/09-6/30/10) Avon 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (9/1/11-6/30/12) Interim Pittsford 2013 (2/14/13 - 4/11/13) Interim Walworth
Love, John L. PM 1953 FM 1955 RE 1996 1953 (CNY) Spring Lake, Conquest 1954 In School 1955 Chemung, Wilawana, Owen Mills 1956 Supernumerary 1957 Elmira:Riverside (Assoc.) 1958 Newfield, Trumbulls 1962 (Part) Dewitt (Assoc.) 1964 Syracuse:Furman 1968 Cazenovia 1973 N.Syracuse 1988 (NCNY) Supt. Onondaga Dist. 1992 Supt. Ontario Dist. 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lucas, Robert D. PM 1964 FM 1969 RE 1991 1964 (CNY) In School 1967 Elmira:Westside 1969 Phelps 1972 In School 1976 (Nov.) Warners 1981 Liverpool (Assoc.) 1985 Syracuse:West Genesee 1991 (NCNY)(Jan.'92) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Lowenthal, Robert FL 1971 PM 1973 FM 1977 RE 2013 1971 FL: Easton 1973 (Troy) At School 1975 Stephentown & Petersburg 1980 Corinth 1986 Saranac Lake 1992 Saranac Lake & Bloomingdale
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Luce, Marian F. PL 2001 PE 2008 FE 2010 2001 (WNY) PL: Fowlerville 2004 PL: Springwater, Canadice (50%) 2008 Hornell 2010 (UNY) Hornell 2015 Short Tract & Swain 50%
1991 Hornell: Park 1995 Retired 1995-99 (11/1/1995-1999) (WNY) Friendship 2010 (UNY) Retired Manry, Keith A PL 2001 FL 2003 PM 2003 FE 2007 1998 (WNY) Whitesville/Stannards; Springville, Assist 2002 Belfast/Canadea (FL 1/1/03) 2008 Akron 2010 (UNY) Akron 2011 (10/1/11) Ext. Min.: US Air Force Chaplain Malmstrom AF Base MT
Lum, Allen H. PM 1960 FM 1963 RE 1984 *1959 Brownville, Glen Park 1960 (NNY) Brownville, Glen Park 1963 Nicholville, Dickinson Ctr, Ft Jackson, St. Regis Falls 1965 Leonardsville, Brookfield 1966 W.Frankfort, W.Schuyler 1969 Bernhards Bay, Cleveland, Constantia 1976 New Haven, Lycoming 1984 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Marafioti, Jessie PM 1981 FM 1983 1981 (CNY) Lysander, Little Utica, Bowens Corners, Hannibal Center, South Hannibal: Yoked Parish 1983 (Jan.'84)(NNY) Bowens Corners, Hannibal Center, South Hannibal 1984 (Sept) Leave of Absence 1986 (NCNY) Sheds LFT 1989 Union Springs (United) 1991 Dolgeville, Oppenheim 1996 Disability 1998 Disability; Van Hornesville (7/1/98- 12/31/98) 1998 (1/1/99) Disability 2010 (UNY) Disability
Lundgren, Lawrence E. PM 1974 FM 1977 1974 (WNY) At School 1976 Jamestown: Kidder, Associate 1979 (1/1/79) Alexander, Darien 1990 Rochester: Covenant 1997 Buffalo District Superintendent 2004 WNY Director of Connectional Ministries 2010 (UNY) Baldwinsville
Marino, Mark B. PM 1979 FM 1982 RE 2014 1979 (WYO) At School 1980 Binghamton: Chenango Street 1987 (9/1/87) Binghamton: Chenango St/Chpln, Children's Home 1989 (1/1/89) Chaplain, Children's Home 1992 Endwell, Associate 1994 Johnson City: Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial 1999 Binghamton District: Superintendent 2006 Conference Director of Connectional Ministries 2010 (UNY) Endicott: Central 2014 Retired 7/1/14
Mackey, Douglas SP 2011 PE 2013 FE 2015 2010 (9/1/2010-6/30/2011)Interim Schenectady 1st (4/01/11) Student Local Pastor 2013 Syracuse:Rockefeller 2014 Syr: James St / Syr: Rockefeller 2014 (9/1/14) Syr: James St / Syr: Erwin First 2015 Tully United Church MacLaughlin, Frank M. FL 1955 PM 1960 FM 1962 RE 1995 1955 FL: Wiscoy 1956 FL: Alabama, Basom 1959 FL: Greenwood, South Canisteo 1962 (CNY) Pultneyville 1965 LaFargeville 1967 Madison, Bouckville 1970 (WNY) Ransomville, Fillmore Chapel 1977 Warsaw: First; Immanuel 1982 Bolivar 1985 Hornell: Park 1988 Hornell: Park; Bishopville, Fillmore Chapel
Marino, Ralph PM 1964 FM 1967 RE 2006 1964 (Troy) At School 1967 Chelsea Federated 1971 Waterford 1978 (1/1/78) Valley Falls & Melrose 1986 (10/1/86) Queensbury & Sanford's Ridge 2001 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Marshall, Karen R. PE 2004 FE 2007 RE 2012 2004 (NCNY) Norfolk, Raymondville 2006 Norfolk; Brasher Falls 2008 Clinton 2010 (UNY) Clinton 2012 Retired 2014 (1/1/14 - 6/30/14) Interim Christ Church Troy
Masland, David D. SP 1987 PM 1989 FE 1992 1987 SL: S.NJ/Roebling 1990 S.NJ/Roebling 1993 (WYO) Castle Creek 1997 AGAPE Cooperative Parish Director/Castle Creek 1998 Sidney 2006 Binghamton District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Binghamton District Superintendent 2013 Director of New Faith Communities
Marsi, Janice M. PM 1992 FM 1995 RE 2013 1992 (WYO) Binghamton: Tabernacle, Associate LFT 1993 Endicott: St. Paul's/Campville LFT 1997 Endicott: First 2003 Oneonta District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Endwell 2013 Retired 2014 Interim (4/15/15-6/30/15) Binghamton: Tabernacle 2016 Returned to Retirement
Matthews, Jeffrey A. PM 1980 FM 1985 1980 (Troy) Appt to Attend School 1983 Schuylerville & Quaker Springs 1989 Slingerlands 2004 Leave of Absence 2008 (5/1/08) Trinity, Albany 2010 (UNY) Trinity, Albany Matthews, Robert L. PM 1955 FM 1959 RE 1982 1955 (CNY) In School 1959 Lansing Parish 1963 Chaplain, US Air Force 1981 Gen. Bd. of Church and Society, Consultant 1982 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Martin, David W FL 1988 PM 1989 FE 1991 1988 (TROY) FL: Port Henry & Moriah 1991 Brattleboro: First 1998 Plattsburgh 2000 Troy: Hope 2010 (UNY) Troy: Hope Martin, John A. PE 2007 FE 2010 2007 (WYO) Oxford 2010 (UNY) Oxford; McDonough 2011 Lake Placid: Adirondack Commun. Ch 2016 Vestal-Cornerstone
Mauser, Sonya K. PE 2005 FE 2008 *1999 (9/1/1999) Empl. By LC: Hannibal Center, S Hannibal Fed. 2000 (NCNY) PL: Hannibal Center, S Hannibal 2005 (on loan WNY) Cuba 2010 (UNY) Cuba 2012 Lyndonville 2014 Macedon Center/South Perinton 2016 lft: Macedon Center / S Perinton 50%
Martin, Mary E. FL 1978 PM 1979 FM 1983 RE 2002 1978 (WNY) (8/2/78) FL: Rochester: Emmanuel 1979 At School 1981 Ellicottville (United) 1984 Hartland 1988 Tonawanda 1990 Tonawanda: Bethany 1994 Sabbatical Leave 1995 District Counseling Services, Rochester 2002 Retired 2008 Canadice (25%) 2010 (UNY) Canadice (25%) 2013 Retired
Maxwell, James FL 1996 SP 1998 FL 2000 PE 2001 FE 2004 RE 2012 1996 (WNY) FL: Royalton 1998 SL: Royalton; Eagle Harbor 2000 FL: Medina 2010 (UNY) Medina 2012 Retired McBride, Daniel G. PM 1972 FM 1975 RE 2013 1972 (WNY) At School 1974 Bergen 1980 Bemus Point
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2010 (UNY) Bemus Point 2013 Retired
1958 Ex. Sec., Cortland Council of Churches 1958 College Student Christian Work 1960 Cortland:Homer Ave. 1964 Elmira:First 1968 Sup't. Elmira District 1972 Sup't. Syracuse District 1974 Ithaca:St. Paul's 1983 Conference Executive 1986 (NCNY) Supt. St. Lawrence District 1991 Supt. Seven Valleys Dist. 1992 Retired 1992 NY West Area Bishop's Asst. 1993-95 NYWA Bishop's Asst.; Ithaca:St. Paul's Assoc 1999 (9/1-12/31/1999) Interim Supt. Seven Valleys 2010 (UNY) Retired
McCarey, Maggie PM 1987 FM 1989 1987 (Troy) Associate, Delmar 1988 Calvary-Pine Hills 1991 Alaska Missionary Conference 1993 Leave of Absence 1996 Swanton: Mem & W Swanton, Sheldon and Rice Hill 1999 Schenectady: Broadway 2002 Cohoes, Two Rivers of Peace 2007 (8/19/2007) Saranac Lake 2010 (UNY) Saranac Lake 2011 (2-1-12)Incapacity Leave
McDonald, Bruce PM 1969 FM 1975 RE 2013 1972 Central Texas Conference 1972 (Troy) Georgia & St. Albans Bay 1978 Argyle & Fortsville 1988 At School 1994 Leave of Absence 1995 Associate Professor, Texas Wesleyan University 2010 (UNY) Assoc. Prof, Texas Wesleyan University 2013 Retired
McCaughey, Richard C. PM 1969 FM 1976 RE 2007 1969 (CNY) School 1971 Ithaca:St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1976 Camillus:First 1980 (NNY) Gouverneur, North Gouverneur 1985 Rome:First 1989 (NCNY) Canandaigua 1995 Chpln, Thompson Health Systems, Canandaigua 2007 (12/22/07) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
McDowell, Jeffrey A. FL 1988 PM 1989 FE 1991 1988 (NCNY) FL: Clyde 1997 Bath:Centenary 2010 (UNY) Bath:Centenary 2014 District Superintendent of Finger Lakes
McCombe, Kathleen PM 1975 FM 1979 RE 2013 1975 (E.Ohio) In School 1977 (NNY) Nicholville, Fort Jackson, St. Regis Falls 1979 Little Falls: First 1981 "For Steeples Parish" 1983 (Trans out to NY) Staten Island: Summerfield 1986 East Hampton & Sag Harbor 1990 Chaplain, Hospice of Jefferson County Inc. 1994 (NCNY) (426.1) Pulaski: Park Assoc.; Bereavement Coord - Oswego Co. Hospice 1996 Liverpool Assoc. 1997 (NCNY) Transferred in: Liverpool Assoc. 2003 Sherrill 2005 Corning: Grace 2010 (UNY) Corning: Grace 2011 (1/1/2011) Corning:Grace (50%) 2011 Victor 2013 Retired
McFarland, William FL 1987 PM 1988 FE 1991 RE 2006 1987 (NCNY) FL: Addison, Woodhull 1989 Caton, South Corning 1993 Caton LFT 1994 Bernhards Bay, Cleveland 1996 Madrid United LFT 1997 Ogdensburg; Heuvelton, DePeyster 1997 (12/23/97) Leave of Absence 1999 Copenhagen United LFT 2001 Chemung, Wilawana LFT 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired McGaughey, Douglas R PM 1970 FM 1978 1970 (TROY) At School 1971 Brownsville 1972 At School
McCune, Robert J. PM 1952 FM 1954 RE 1992 1952 (CNY) In School 1953 Truxton, E.Homer, Cheningo
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Metivier, F Victor PM 1959 FM 1961 RE 1998 1959 (WNY) At School 1961 East Aurora, Associate 1963 Hilton 1968 Elma 1977 Fredonia 1984 Amherst: Trinity 1991 Hamburg 1998 Retired 2008 (5/1-7/14/2008) Elma 2010 (UNY) Retired
1977 Berlin & Grafton 1979 At School 1983 Instr, Rel & Philosophy, Greensboro College, NC 1988 Prof of Religion Willamette University, Salem, OR 2010 (UNY) Prof of Rel Studies Willamette Univ OR McNeill, John W. PL 1982 PM 1983 FM 1986 1982 (WNY) PL: South Byron 1983 Attend School 1984 Panama 1989 (8/15/1989) Indiana Univ, Pa, Campus Pastor 1995 Fairport: First 2010 (UNY) Fairport: First 2012 Ithaca St. Paul's
Middleton Sr., Timothy M. FL 2001 AM 2009 2001 (WNY)(9/1/01) FL: Panama 2008 FL: Alfred & Angelica 2010 (UNY) Angelica; Alfred 2014 Newark Valley/Caring Covenant Coop Parish CP
Meade, David G. PE 1973 FE 1976 RE 2015 1973 (W.PA) At School 1975 Johnstown: Westmont 1979 At School 1984 Houghton College Faculty 1990 (1/1/1990) (WNY) Salamanca: First 1990 Niagara Falls: St. Paul's 1993 Brockport 1999 Ext Min: Dir United Theol Seminary at Buffalo 2001 Lancaster Faith 2005 (10/5/2005) Incapacity Leave 2006 Elma 2008 (5/1/2008) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2015 Retired
Mikel Hayes, Pamela PL 2004 PE 2006 FE 2009 2004 (Troy)PL: Malta Ridge UMC (50%) 2006 Faith Schenectady 2008 Cobleskill UMC 2010 (UNY) Cobleskill UMC 2015 Cobleskill/ cp at Hyndesville/Dorloo/Warnerville/Mineral Springs 2015 (10/1/2015) Cobleskill/ CP Warnerville Mileham, Rodney PL 1995 PM 1999 FE 2002 1995 (WNY) PL; (75%) Akron, Associate 1997 PL: Alabama, Basom (75%) 1999 Oakfield 2004 Laona 2010 (UNY) Laona 2011 East Randolph
Megnin, Donald F. PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1994 1958 (CNY) In School 1960 Syracuse:First Ward 1963 In School 1967 Assoc. Prof., Slippery Rock State College, Pa. 1974 Prof., Slippery Rock State College, Pa. 1994 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Millbyer, Terrance E. PM 1966 FM 1969 RE 2006 1966 (CNY) In School 1968 Savannah 1974 Phoenix 1981 North Rose 1990 (NCNY) Cornerstone 1992 Syracuse:Gethsemane; Cornerstone 1999 Cornerstone 2006 Retired; Cornerstone 2010 (UNY) Cornerstone
Merle, Sara SP 1998 PE 2000 FE 2003 1998 (WNY) SL: North Gainesville/Covington 2000 PE: Knowlesville/Millville 2005 Kendall 2010 (UNY) Kendall
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Miller, Duane R. PM 1958 FM 1961 RE 2000 1958 Oregon Conference: At School 1964 Corvallis-Wesley Foundation 1968 At School 1970 Dir Adm & Financial Aid, Boston Univ Sch of Theol 1974 (WNY) Fillmore, Hume 1978 Fairport 1983 Elma 1988 Rochester: Grace 1995 (1/1/1995) Dir, Grace Urban Min, Rochester 2000 (1/1/2000) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
1979 (2/1980) Potsdam 1983 (CNY) Big Flats 1993 (NCNY) Newfield 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Minnigh, Wendell E. PM 1961 FM 1964 RE 1997 1961 (W.PA) In School 1964 McKeesport:First (Assoc.) 1966 S.Harbor Creek 1968 (NY) Rockhill, Wurtsboro, Mamakating 1971 (CNY) Bath 1986 (2/1987) (NCNY) Geneva:First 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Miller, George F PM 1958 FM 1969 RE 2000 *1957 Pownal & Eagle Bridge 1958 (Troy) Pownal, Eagle Bridge & North Petersburg 1959 North Hoosick, Eagle Bridge, & North Petersburg 1960 North Hoosick & Eagle Bridge 1961 North Hoosick, Eagle Bridge, & South Cambridge 1964 (4/1/1964) Conference Director Youth work 1968 Granville 1970 Green Island, Good Shepherd 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Mitchell, Gilbert C. PM 1953 FM 1956 RE 1993 1953 (WYO)In School 1955 (CNY) Millerton, Jackson Cntr 1957 Millerton 1960 Jordan 1976 Newark:First 1985 Horseheads 1993 (NCNY) Retired 1993-00 Corning: Grace (Assoc.) 2010 (UNY) Retired
Miller, Ida M.T. PM 1982 FM 1984 RE 2000 1982 (WNY) Fairport, Associate 1983 Colden; Orchard Park: Emmanuel 1988 Rochester: Grace 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Mitchell III, Stuart J. PM 1968 FM 1970 1967 (CNY) In School 1968 Newark:First (Assoc.) 1969 In School 1970 Staff, Wayne Co. Comm. Action Prg 1974 Dpty Dir., Prog. Fndng 1981 Ex. Dir., Rural NY Farmworker Opp. 2010 (UNY) President/CEO PathStone Corporation 2011 Rural Opportunities Inc. Rochester 2013 President/CEO of Path Stone Corp, Rochester
Miller, Roy L. PM 1973 FM 1976 RE 2014 1973 (WNY) At School 1975 Jamestown: Grace 1978 Jamestown: Grace; Buffalo Street 1983 Wellsville 1997 Jamestown District Superintendent 2003 Dir, The Better Place, Cornerstone District 2010 (UNY) Dir, The Better Place, Cornerstone Dist. 2014 Retired 6/30/14
Modisher, Donald E. PM 1943 FM 1947 RE 1984 1943 Erie Conference (Meth): At School 1945 Chaplain, U.S. Army 1946 Conneaut Lake, PA 1949 Girard, PA 1959 Fredonia 1962 Genesee Conference 1968 (WNY) Jamestown District Superintendent 1974 Conference Executive 1979 Jamestown: Kidder 1984 Retired
Mills, Paul FL 1957 PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 1997 *1957 (NNY) FL: Bowens Corners, Granby Center *1961 (Peninsula) FL: In School, St.Thomas Charge *1962 Bayside Charge 1964 (NNY) Oriskany Falls, Deansboro 1968 (Sept) Camden, Florence
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Moore-Colgan, Marion PM 1985 FE 1991 RE 2015 1985 (Troy) At School 1986 Lake Luzerne, Lake George & Stoney Creek 1990 Keeseville & Harkness 1998 Enosburg Falls & West Ensoburg 2000 Fair Haven & Poultney 2006 Plattsburgh 2010 (UNY) Plattsburgh 2013 Phoenix /Fulton State St 2015 Retired
1998 (1998-5/31/1999) Fredonia 2010 (UNY) Retired Mohler, Hallock N. PM 1954 FM 1957 RE 1995 1955 (Texas) Houston: Love 1958 (Baltimore)Hollywood, MD 1960 Olney; Oakdale-Emory 1963 Brussels, Belgium: American Protestant Church 1968 Switzerland-France Conf: Dir of the European Prog for Laymen Abroad 1974 (WNY) Victor 1979 Rochester: Wesley 1985 Penfield 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Morey, Betty SP 1994 PM 1996 FM 2000 RE 2010 1993 Syr: Brown Memorial (empl. by local church) 1994 (NCNY) SL: Syr:Brown Memorial 1998 Syracuse: W; Syr: Brown Memorial 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (11/1/12 - 6/30/13) Interim Warners & (12/1/12 6/30/13) Little Utica 2015 (1/1/16 – 4/30/16) Syracuse St. Paul’s
Molik, Patricia PL 2009 PE 2011 FE 2014 2009 (Troy) (12/1/09) PL: <25% Sanford's Ridge 2010 (UNY) PL: Sanford's Ridge(25%) 2012 Wilton Trinity 2014 Ballston Spa 2016 Adirondack Community
Morris, G. Ewart PM 1994 FM 1998 1994 (2/1/1994) (WNY) Rochester: Resurrection 1995 South Park 2000 Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial 2006 West Seneca: Covenant 2010 (UNY) West Seneca: Covenant 2012 Albany: Emmaus, Valley Falls
Montgomery, Thomas E. FL 1971 PM 1977 FM 1980 RE 1998 *1971 (CNY) FL: Lysander, Little Utica *1975 In School 1977 In School 1978 Palmyra 1985 Chittenango 1992 (NCNY) Sodus 1995 Caughdenoy 1998 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Morse, Rachel FL 2010 PE 2014 FE 2016 2010 (UNY) FL: Sidney Center/Unadilla 2011 (1/1/2012) FL: Unadilla 2013 FL: Homer 2014 PE: Homer: First
Moore, Daniel T. PM 1977 FM 1981 RE 2002 1977 (CNY) In School 1979 Port Byron 1982 Dundee, Starkey 1985 NYW Area Radio Ministry, N. Syracuse (Assoc.) 1986 (NCNY) NYW Area Radio Ministry LFT 1987 NYWA Radio Min.; NCNY Dir. of Communications 1988 (Sept) NYWA Radio Min.; Appt. to School 1990 ABLC: Macon Urban Min. Good News Television 1993 (Oct.) Lee Center, Point Rock LFT 1995 Lee Center, Point Rock 1996 Syracuse: James St. 2000 Baldwinsville Assoc. LFT 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Mort, Wayne A. PL 2001 FL 2003 PE 2004 FE 2007 2001 (NCNY) PL: Aloquin-Flint, Chapin (75%) 2003 FL: Caughdenoy 2006 Williamson 2010 (UNY) Williamson 2015 Elma Mosher, Barbara ROE 2011 2011 Gainesville Coordinating Pastor 2014 Warsaw Immanuel
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Mourice, Camillus J PL 1990 PE 1991 FE 1994 1990 PL: Chatham Center (75%) 1991 (Troy) Delanson, Burtonville & Gallupville 1994 Canajoharie & East Stone Arabia 1999 Canajoharie 2001 Clifton Park 2010 (UNY) Clifton Park, Mechanicville 2011 Johnsonville and Pittstown UMCs
Muzzy, Virgil P. SP 1982 PM 1984 FM 1987 RE 2005 1977 (W.PA) Trinity Yoke Parish 1981 (WNY) Pond Eddy 1982 (W.PA) SL: Miller 1985 Sigel 1989 Chaplain, US Navy 1990 (WYO) Chinchilla 1996 Norwich 2000 Apalachin: First 2003 Chaplain, United States Army 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, United States Army
Mowry, Elizabeth F. FL 1971 PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2009 1971 (NNY) FL: Great Bend, Champion 1972 Great Bend, Champion 1974 Alexandria Bay, Redwood 1977 Madrid (United), W.Potsdam 1979 Madrid (United) 1985 Beaver Falls, Beaver Valley at Naumburg 1989 (NCNY) Pulaski 2000 Oneida: First 2004 (1/16/2005) Oneida: First; CP Clockville 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Naik, R. Brown FL 1979 PM 1980 FM 1984 RE 2015 1979 (WYO) FL: Gibson 1980 Gibson 1982 Nichols/Lounsberry 1986 Nichols 1990 Union Center 2005 Union Center/Wesley 2010 (UNY) Union Center/Wesley 2015 Retired / Marathon (50%)
Moyer, Mardean PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 1995 1962 (CNY) Montour Falls 1965 (Part) Big Flats 1969 Bath 1971 Gorham:United 1979 Waterloo 1985 Syracuse:Gethsemane 1992 (NCNY) Skaneateles 1995 Retired 1995-00 Cazenovia, Erieville, Nelson (Assoc) 2000-04 Canastota, Peterboro - 04 2004 (9/1/2004) Kirkville 2010 (UNY) Kirkville 2011 Retired
Neal, Richard W. SP 1984 PM 1985 FM 1987 1984 Southern Illinois Conference 1985 (Troy) Associate, Delmar 1992 Associate, N Presbyterian Church, Williamsville 1993 Appointed in WNY 1994 Leave of Absence 1995 Union Road Community UCC, South Cheektowaga 1996 Mary Vale Dr Presby Church, Cheektowaga 1997 Middlebury & East Middlebury/Ripton 2003 Clifton Park/Jonesville 2005 Church of the Covenant, Averill Park 2007 (on loan WNY) Buffalo: Central Park 2009 Williamsville 2010 (UNY) Williamsville 2016 North Rose
Mudge, William A. SP 1983 PM 1988 FE 1991 1983 (NNY)(Oct.) SL: Cherry Valley, Salt Springville 1986 (NCNY)(Aug) SL: Branchport, Bluff Point 1989 Maynard, West Schuyler 1991 Boonville 2004 New Creation Ministries; CP Westernville 2008 (11/2/08) New Creation Min; CP Westernville & Trenton 2010 (UNY) New Creation Min, CP Westernville, Trenton 2011 (7/1/2011) Adirondack District Superintendent 2013 Glens Falls: Christ & Adirondack DS
Newell, Brooke PE 1990 FE 1997 1990 (VA) Attend School 1991 St.Luke's Assoc. 1993 Poquosn:Trinity Assoc. 1994 (NCNY) Caton LFT 1998 Big Flats: Hillview 1999 Horseheads Associate/Pine Valley 2000 Hamilton: Park 2003 (1/2-11/1/03) Prog. Dir. Seminar Design â&#x20AC;&#x201C; GBCS
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Nowak, Jeffrey M. PM 1994 FE 2000 1994 (WNY) At School 1995 Delevan, Sardinia 2001 Delevan, Machias 2003 West Seneca: Seneca 2006 (7/23/2006) New Hope 2010 (UNY) West Seneca: New Hope 2012 Belfast & Friendship 2014 Watertown Bethany & First
2003 (11/2/03) (Troy) 2006-09 Family Leave 2009 Synod. of the NE, Presb. 2010 (UNY) Synod. of the NE, Presb. 2011 Willmington: Whiteface Comm. 2015 Potsdam; coordinating pastor West Stockholm Nicholas, George F. FL 2000 PE 2002 FE 2005 2000 (WNY) FL: Rochester: Grace 2010 (UNY) Rochester: Grace 2011 (7/1/11) Buffalo's Metropolitan/Lincoln 2014 (7/1/14) Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial
Nowicki, Susan E. PM 1981 FM 1985 1981 (WNY) At School 1983 Hornell: East Avenue; Big Creek 1984 Rushford, Caneadea 1986 (2/1/1986) Olean: Trinity 1989 Pavillion 1993 Attica: Trinity 1998 (7/15/1998-6/30/1999) Interim W Seneca: Seneca 1999 Colden/Orchard Park: Emmanuel 2001 Alfred 2001 (1/11/2002) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave
Nicholls, David PM 1991 FE 1997 RE 2005 1991 (NCNY) (Sept.15) Watertown: Bethany 1995 Dryden 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Nicholls, Grant T. FL 2001 PE 2004 FE 2008 RE 2011 1999 (Gr. NJ) SL: No Record of Appt. 2000 (WNY) Buttzville 2001 (NCNY) FL: Watkins Glen, Beaver Dams 2003 (12/1/2003) Beaver Dams 2007 Minetto 2008 Elmira Heights: Oakwood 2011 (3/30/11) Retirement
Nye, Holly E. PL 1988 PM 1989 FM 1991 1988 (Northern NJ Conf.)PL: Rahway: First, NJ (75%) 1989 Associate, Maplewood: Morrow Memorial 1993 (NNJ) ¶426.1 Associate, Burnt Hills 1995 (NNJ) Family Leave 1996 (TROY) Hartford 1998 Media Editor 2000 Director of Communications 2005 Associate, Saratoga Springs 2007 Troy Conference Minister 2010 (UNY) Albany: Emmaus LFT 2012 Burnt Hills
Nolen, Bonnie B. PM 1993 FE 1997 RE 2006 1993 (WNY) At School 1994 Kenmore, Associate 1997 Rochester: Elmgrove 2006 Retired 2009 (12/7/09 - 6/30/10) Penfield 2010 (UNY) Retired 2015 (10/4/15 – 12/20/15) Ionia 50%/ (10/25/15 – 12/20/15) Canadice 25%
O'Connor, Anne H. PM 1986 FM 1990 1986 (WNY) At School 1988 Walworth, West Walworth 2001 Rochester Aldersgate 2010 (UNY) Rochester Aldersgate
Norrix, Robert "BJ" PM 1980 FM 1984 1980 (CNY) In School 1981 Leave of Absence 1982 (NNY) Waddington, Louisville (UCC) 1984 (CNY) Onondaga Hill 1987 (NCNY)(June'88) Syr: Christ Community 2010 (UNY) Syr: Christ Community 2011 Amherst: Christ 2015 Syracuse City UM Churches
O'Connor-Slater, Deborah PM 1981 FM 1984 1981 (NNY) Appt. to School 1982 Belleville, Ellisburg, Henderson, Woodville 1986 (NCNY) Solvay 1991 Liverpool (Assoc.)
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1996 Fulton:State St. 2002 Central Lakes District Superintendent 2009 NY West Area Dir. Of Transitional Ministry 2010 (UNY) (1/1/2011 - 6/30/2011) Transitional Leave 2011 Delmar First
1981 (Sept) Mecklenburg, Enfield 1983 Mecklenburg, Enfield, Ellis Hollow 1985 Dir. Cont. Ed. & D. Min. Prg, Utd Theol Seminary 1995 (3/7/96) W. Ohio Conf 2001 Appt. in N. Arkansas Conf. 2008 Walnut Street Works Inc. 2008 (4/1/09) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
O'Neill, Terrence M. D 1979 PM 1979 FE 1982 RE 2010 1979 School 1980 6-15-80 Fort Ann & West Fort Ann 1983 Ticonderoga 1989 Albany: McKownville 2003 Chaplain, St. Peter's Hospital, Albany, NY 2009 Gloversville-Foothills 2010 (UNY) Gloversville-Foothills 2011 Retired 2011 (9/30/10 – 6/30/12) Gloversville: Foothills 2015 (4/6/15 – 6/30/15) Shenendehowa
Olson, Robin PM 1986 FM 1988 1986 (NCNY) Ithaca: St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1989 Appt. in Wisc. Conf.: Wilmot 1994 Family Leave 1999 Appointed in WNY Conf. 2002 Family Leave 2007 Appt in WNY Conf. Chaplain Nazareth College 2010 (UNY) Chaplain Nazareth College 2011 BU Sch of Theo. Coor of Spirit Life MA (50%)
Oertel, David PM 1965 FM 1968 RE 2004 1965 (CNY) In School 1967 (Balt.) Hyattsville (Assoc.) 1968 (CNY) Seneca Castle, Flint 1970 Seneca Castle 1971 Horseheads 1982 Sup't. Elmira District 1984 Sup't. Syracuse District 1986 (NCNY) Sup't Onondaga Dist 1988 N. Syracuse: Andrews Memorial 1993 (Aug.1) Leave of Absence 1994 (Aug.1) Baldwinsville 1998 Folts Home Chaplain 2004 (1/1/05) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Oskvig, Daven W. FL 2002 PE 2003 FE 2006 2002 (WNY) FL: Niagara Falls: First 2006 Lancaster: Faith 2008 Elma 2010 (UNY) Elma 2015 Kenmore Ostrander, Wayne B. PM 1954 FM 1961 RE 1996 1954 At School, Erie Conference EUB 1956 Cable Hollow 1960 Dewittville 1964 Frewsburg: Weidler Memorial, Wheeler Hill 1971 Western New York Conference 1979 Elmgrove 1991 Livonia 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Olmstead, Patricia J. PM 1983 FM 1986 RE 2014 1983 (WNY) Appointed to Attend School 1984 Williamsville Associate 1998 (on loan WYO)AGAPE Coop Parish/Castle Creek (337.1) 2000 (transfer in WYO) Morris 2001 (2/1/02) Incapacity 2002 (8/1/02) Chinchilla 2004 North Fenton 2008 Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2014 Retired 11/1/13
Owen, Manilla SP 1989 PM 1990 FE 1995 1989 (6/2/1989)SL: Okla Conf: Springer, Gene Autry 1990 Springer, Fitzhugh 1991 (6/1/1991) At School 1992 (6/1/92) (Kansas E) Gridley, Turkey Creek 1995 (6/1/95) (Kansas W) Woodbine, Lyona: Tri-Cty Parish Dir 1997 Bennington 2001 Family Leave 2003 (WNY) Pavilion/Wyoming 2010 (UNY) Seneca Castle 2014 Seneca Castle /Newark Emmanuel
Olson, Mary L. PM 1981 FM 1984 RE 2009 1981 (CNY) In School; Mecklenburg
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Parsons, Norman W. PM 1948 FM 1955 RE 1991 1948 (WNY) J3 work in Japan 1953 At School 1955 Board of Global Ministries: Japan 1974 (2/1/1974) Chaplain at Erie County Home 1976 (10/1/1976) Buffalo: South Park 1980 East Aurora 1985 Jamestown District Superintendent 1991 Retired 1994 (12/1/94-12/31/96) Assist NY West Area Bishop 2010 (UNY) Retired
2015 Dansville / Sparta Center Palm, Janice W. PM 1987 FE 1992 RE 2011 1987 (Troy) At School 1988 (10/1/1988) Wilmington/Whiteface United 1993 Ballston Spa 2000 Embury District Superintendent 2008 Delmar 2010 (UNY) Delmar 2011 Retired 2012 Interim Albany District DS (1/1/12 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 9/30/12) Parker, Brolin C PM 1973 FE 1977 RE 2012 1973 (Yellowstone Conf.) At School 1975 Denton 1978 Miles City: Associate 1980 Boseman, MT 1984 (transfer to Wyoming) Waverly, Fleetwood 1988 Binghamton: High Street 1993 Clarks Green 1996 Sabbatical 1997 Moscow 2000 Wilkes Barre: District Superintendent 2004 (on loan to Troy) 2009 (6/7/10) Transfer in Troy: Saratoga Springs 2010 (UNY) Saratoga Springs 2011 District Superintendent of Albany District 2012 (8/1/2012) Incapacity Leave 2012 Retired 10/1/2012
Pattison, G William PM 1970 FM 1974 RE 2010 1970 (Troy) At School 1970 (10/1/1970) Lake Luzerne, Lake George Stoney Creek (St.) 1971 At School 1973 Esperance-Sloansville 1976 (9/15/1976) North Chatham & Niverville 1979 Rensselaer: First 1986 Round Lake 1991 Valley Falls and Melrose 2001 Valley Falls 2005 Albany: Pine Grove 2010 (UNY) Retired 2010 (9/1/10-6/30/11) Interim Schenectady First Paufler, Denis J. PM 1983 FM 1986 RE 2001 *1981 (NNY) Hannawa Falls, Colton *1982 Westmoreland, Clark Mills 1983 Westmoreland, Clark Mills 1985 Brasher Falls, Buckton, North Lawrence 1989 (NCNY) Brasher Falls, Buckton, N. Lawrence; CP Nicholville, Ft. Jackson, St. Regis Falls 1989 (Aug.20) Canastota 1990 (Jan.1'91) Willowvale, Sauquoit 1994 Attend School 1997 Counselor-Catholic Charities 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Parr, Nancy GW PM 1981 FM 1984 RE 2003 1980 (CNY) Fosterville 1981 In School; Fosterville 1982 Penn Yan (Assoc.), Keuka College Chaplain 1987 (NCNY) Horseheads (Assoc.) 1995 Folts Home Chaplain 1998 Elmira: Westside LFT 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Parsons, Mark E. PM 1986 FM 1989 1986 (WNY) At School 1987 Adams Basin, Garland 1992 Harris Hill 1995 Jamestown: Camp Street 2010 (UNY) Mayville First 2011 (7/1/11) Mayville First, Dewittville-Hartfield
Pegg, William J PM 1967 FM 1975 RE 2014 1967 (Oklahoma) At School 1973 (Tennessee) Nashville: Belmont, Associate 1974 (WNY) Buffalo: Ontario Street 1977 Buff: Coop Parish: Asbury Delaware, Ontario St 1982 Rochester: Seneca 1986 Rochester District Superintendent 1992 Rush
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
2010 (UNY) Rush 2014 Retired
1993 Falconer 2006 Edwards Chapel, Ext. Min. Hospice 2010 (UNY) Edwards Chapel, & Ext. Min. Hospice Chautaugua Cnty 2014 Ext. Min. Hospice
Perry, Carmen PL 2009 PE 2010 FE 2012 2009 (SW TX) Leave of Absence 2009 (WNY-11/17/09)PL: Buff: C. Park/C. Hill/Univ. (50%) 2010 (UNY) Buff: C. Park/C. Hill/University & Williamsville 2012 Boulevard 2014 Chautauqua: Hurlbut Memorial Community
Phillippe, John SP 1964 PM 1965 FM 1968 RE 1996 1963 (Minnesota) Racine-Grand Meadow 1970 LaCrescent-Dakota-Dresbach 1982 Buffalo 1990 (10/1/1990) (WYO) Worcester 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Perry, Nicholas PL 2010 PE 2012 FE 2014 2010 (UNY) (9/30/10) PL: Bowmansville/Alden 2011 PL: Bowmansville/Alden (75%) 2012 Deposit/Hale Eddy 2014 Lakewood /Ashville 2016 Westfield First
Piatt, David C. PL 1999 FL 2000 PE 2004 FE 2009 1997 (WNY) Rushford; Centerville (9/1/1999 PL 75%) 2000 FL: Frewsburg: Trinity 2002 FL: Cattaraugus/Wesley 2010 (UNY) Ogdensburg, Morristown 2013 (8/25/2013) Ogdensburg / Waddington 2016 Hawleyton 65% & Conklin Forks 35%
Peters, Robert PM 1968 FL 1975 HL 1983 PL 1987 RHL 2015 1968 (Troy) PM: At School 1971 At School 1974 FL: Rock City Falls, Middlegrove & East Galway 1978 Leave of Absence 1983 Honorable Location 1987 PL: Watervliet (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Watervliet & Honorable Location 2015 Retired
Pierce, Mark L. PE 1990 FE 1994 RE 2014 1989 (NCNY)(May 14'90) Canton Asst.; DeKalb Junction, DeKalb Asst. (SL) 1990 Canton Assist. 1990 (Sept) In School 1990 (Oct.) In School; LaFargeville, Stone Mills 1991 LaFargeville, Wellesley Island, Densmore, OmarFishers Landing "Thousand Islands Parish" 1993 LaFargeville, Wellesley Island-Densmore, Omar-Fishers Landing "Thousand Is Parish Stone Mills 1995 Cape Vincent, Three Mile Bay, Point Peninsula 2010 (UNY) Lake & River Parish (Cape Vincent, Three Mile Bay, Point Peninsula) 2014 Retired/CP for Belleville 2015 (3/13/16 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/16) Adams & Sulpher Springs 50% 2016 Omar-Fishers Landing
Phelps, David Wesley PM 1957 FM 1959 RE 1993 1955 (Genesee) East Otto 1958 Eldred, Pennsylvania 1962 Walworth 1965 (WNY) Livonia 1969 Sabbatical Leave 1970 Rochester: Grace, Associate 1972 Oakfield; Elba 1982 (9/15/82) Hilton 1984 (3/15/84) Chaplain, Veterans Administration 1991 Alabama; Basom 1993 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Piper, Gerald C. SP 1978 PM 1979 FM 1984 RE 2008 1978 (WNY) SL: Millville 1985 Dewittville; Hartfield 1994 Olean: Trinity/Knapp Creek 2008 (8/1/08) Retired; Olean: Trinity/Knapp Creek 2010 (UNY) Retired; Knapp Creek 2011 Knapp Creek Trinity
Phelps, Timothy D. PM 1983 FE 1987 1983 (WNY) At School 1985 Wellsville, Associate 1986 Hornell: East Avenue; South Dansville 1988 Attica
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Pitkin, L Paul PM 1970 FM 1972 RE 2007 1970 (WYO)In School 1971 (CNY) Webb Mills 1974 Lansing 1987 (NCNY) In School 1990 Family Couns. Min. of Susquehanna Assoc. 2007 (12/31/07) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 Family Couseling Ministry of Susquehanna
1978 Holland; Protection 2001 Retired; Protection (PT) 2010 (UNY) Retired Potter, Edwin A. PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1998 1956 (NNY) School 1958 Moira, Bruston, Lawrenceville 1962 Central Square, W. Monroe 1970 Pulaski 1975 Watertown:Asbury 1984 Supt. Mohawk District 1989 (NCNY)(01/1990) Manlius 1993 Ilion 1998 Retired 1998 (2/15/99-5/1/99) Interim Supt. Mohawk District 1999 (10/1-12/31/99) Interim Supt. Mohawk District 2001 (*2/1-6/30/02) Oran 2010 (UNY) Retired
Poland, Edith A. PL 2004 FL 2006 PE 2007 FE 2015 2004 (NCNY) PL: Williamstown: United Federated (25%) 2006 (Troy) FL: Keeseville & Harkness 2010 (UNY) (1/25/2010) 75% Keeseville & Harkness 2016 Keeseville & Harkness 75%/ CP Willsboro & Reber Pollard, James M. PM 1961 FM 1964 RE 2003 1961 (WNY) At School 1964 Pekin 1967 Amherst: Christ, Associate 1969 Lakewood 1977 Associate Conference Executive 1983 Webster 1987 (NCNY) Conference Council Director 1992 (WNY) Rochester District Superintendent 1994 WNY Conference Council Director 1999 Williamsville 2003 Retired 2006 (7/1/2006-6/30/2007) Interim Roch: Asbury 1st 2007 (11/1-12/31/2007) Buffalo: Lincoln Memorial 2010 (UNY) Retired 2016 Amherst: Christ
Prentice, Diane E. PL 1999 SP 2000 PE 2003 FE 2008 1999 (WYO) PL: 75% Nanticoke, NY 2003 Maine Federated 2004 Wyalusing 2008 Kirkwood: First LFT 2010 (UNY) Kirkwood: First 2011 (1/1/11) Ext. Min. Hilltop, Kirkwood 2011 Kirkwood, Ext. Min. Chaplain Hilltop 2016 Kirkwood 50% Preuninger, Colleen PL 2009 2011 PE 2009 (NCNY) (11/3/09) PL: Oneida: First (75%) 2010 (UNY)PL: Oneida: First (75%) 2011 Oneida: First; (7/1/11) CP Hamilton:Park 2012 Oneida:First 2013 Ecumenical Chaplain @ Hendricks Chapel SU 2016 Director of SUTI
Pollock, Andrew W. SP 1987 PE 1994 FE 1998 1987 (WNY) SL: Centerville, Sandusky 1989 Troupsburg, South Canisteo 1995 Middleport 2006 Akron 2007 (12/3/07) Halifax Health System/Hospice, Florida 2010 (UNY) Halifax Health System/Hospice, Florida
Priset, Alice (Fung Kiu) PL 2001 PE 2004 FE 2008 2001 (WNY)PL: Elba (25%) 2004 Carlton (75%) 2008 Marilla (75%)LFT 2009 Marilla 2010 (UNY) Marilla 2012 (7/30/12) Marilla LFT (75%) 2015 Williston / Marilla
Pollock, Wilbur W. PM 1978 FM 1979 RE 2001 1959 (NNY) At School 1961 Lee Center, Point Rock 1966 (WNY) Pavilion 1971 Westfield 1972 (3/1/72) Honorable Location
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Priset, Duane W. PM 1976 FM 1979 RE 2016 1976 (WNY) At School 1977 Wayland 1986 Lancaster: Faith 2001 Lockport Emmanuel 2010 (UNY) Lockport Emmanuel 2016 Retired
Quick, Elizabeth PE 2003 FE 2006 2003 (NCNY) Oneida:St. Paul's 2007 (9/1/07) Appointed in Greater New Jersey Conf. 2009 East Syracuse (United) 2010 (UNY) East Syracuse (United) 2012 Liverpool 2014 Sabattical Leave 2015 Apple Valley; St. Johnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Meadows 2016 Gouverneur/ North Governeur
Pritts, Deborah L. PM 1980 FM 1984 RE 2007 1980 (NNY) Leonardsville 1984 Willowvale, Sauquoit 1988 (NCNY) Skaneateles 1992 Seven Valleys Disrict Superintendent 1999 (Sept.) Trumansburg 2003 Windsor 2005 (WYO) Windsor 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rapino, Geraldine PL 2010 PE 2012 FE 2015 2010 (UNY) PL: South Dansville (25%) 2011 PL: Alma/Bolivar (25%) 2012 Alma/Bolivar (50%) 2012 (2/4/13) Family leave 2012 (3/3/13) Bolivar & Alma (50%) 2013 Adams Basin /Rochester: Wesley 2014 Rochester: Wesley / Seneca 2015 (1/1/16)Rochester: Wesley 25%/ Roch: Seneca 50%
Proper, Roberta PM 1974 FM 1977 RE 1994 1974 (Troy) Worcester 1976 Johnsburg, Wevertown & Riparius 1981 Bristol: Federated 1985 Whitehall 1990 Rock City Falls & Middle Grove East Galway 1991 Rock City Falls, Middle Grove 1992 School, State University of New York 1994 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 Raceville 2012 Returned to retirement
Rauscher, Richard C. PM 1987 FM 1989 RE 2005 1987 (NCNY) Dir., Southern Tier Pastoral Counseling 1987 (Aug 3) Chaplain, Keuka College 1991 Dir., Naples Family Counseling 2005 Retired Reece, Belynda M. PE 1996 FE 2000 1996 (WNY) At School 1997 Kenmore, Associate 2000 North Chili 2004 Attend School 2010 (Cal Pac) (346.1) Joshua Tree Community, Riverside District (75%) 2011 (Cal Pac) (346.1) Joshua Tree Comm & 29 Palms (75%)
Pullyblank, Thomas SP 2001 PE 2005 FE 2009 2001 (WYO) SL: Fly Creek 2005 Fly Creek LFT (75%) 2010 (UNY) Fly Creek LFT (75%) 2011 Fly Creek & Schuyler Lake (75%) LFT 2013 Sidney 2015 Sidney / CP North Afton
Reed, Kim Weihing PE 1993 FE 1999 1993 (TROY) Appointed to Attend School 1994 Associate, Delmar 1996 Leave of Absence (1/1/97-6/30/97) Malta Ridge 1997 Associate Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2000 Leave of Absence 2003 Family Leave 2010 (UNY) Galway (LFT, 50%)
Puthuparampil, John Joseph PM 1996 FE 1998 RE 2005 1995 (NCNY) Onondaga Hill, Cedarvale 1999 Brushton/North Bangor 2000 (1/1/01) Brushton 2003 (5/1/03) Rose/Lock Berlin 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Reeder, William D. FL 1962 PM 1964 FM 1966 RE 1990 1962 (WNY) FL: Pavilion 1966 At School 1967 North Chili 1978 Sabbatical 1979 Rochester: Covenant 1990 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Reppert, Nelson PM 1959 FM 1964 RE 1982 Eff 1987 RE 2002 1959 (NNY) W. Canada Valley Parish 1960 In School 1964 Orwell (Union), Altmar, Pinevlle, Ricard Richland 1967 Pulaski 1970 Activity Cntr, Elmira: Christ's 1972 (CNY) Staff, Activity Center, Elmira; Christ's 1973 Corning: Grace (Assoc.) 1976 Ithaca: St. Paul's (Assoc.) 1980 Sabbatical 1981 In School 1982 Retired *1986 (NCNY)(Oct) Tully United (Interim) 1987 Returned to Effective Relation; Tully United 1998 Syracuse: University 2002 Retired 2003 (11/1/03) Enfield 2006 Enfield; Jacksonville 2008 Jacksonville 2010 (UNY) Jacksonville 2015 Return to retirement
Rehberg, Wesley S. PL 1996 PE 1999 FE 2002 RE 2002 1996 (NCNY) PL: Reynoldsville; Mecklenburg (75%) 1997 PL: Reynoldsville (75%) 1999 Rushville 2002 (11/12/02) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Rehkugler, Nancy C. SP 1990 PE 1994 FE 1997 RE 2008 1989 (NCNY)(Aug.) Mecklenburg, Enfield, W. Danby Assist. 1990 Mecklenburg 1994 Attend School 1995 Moravia 2002 Fayetteville 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rhodehamel, Gary PM 1975 FM 1977 HL 1994 Reinstated 1998 RE 2008 1975 (CNY) Liverpool Assoc. 1978 Cuyler, Fabius 1982 Newark: Emanuel 1987 (NCNY) Bath: Centenary 1991 Camillus: First 1992 (1/1/93) Camillus: First LFT 1993 Leave of Absence 1994 Honorable Location *1997 (01/1998) United Oswegatchie Parish Interim 1998 Readmitted to Effective Relation: United Oswegatchie Parish LFT 1999 (5/1/00) Potsdam 2004 Syracuse: St.Pauls 2008 Retired 2008-10 Syracuse: St. Paul's 2010 (UNY) Dannemora, UMC of Ellenburg 2015 Dannemora & Burke (25%)
Reichman, Ronald L. PL 1968 PM 1969 FM 1973 RE 2001 1968 (WNY) PL: At School 1972 Angelica 1979 Canisteo 1987 Cuba 2000 Leave of Absence 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Reist, Irwin W. PL 1970 PM 1978 FM 1984 RE 1998 1970 (WNY) PL: Short Tract, Wiscoy (75%) 1978 Springwater, Webster Crossing 1978 (9/19/78) Leave of Absence 1982 Kennedy; Ellington 1985 (3/17/85) Dunkirk 1993 West Seneca: Seneca 1998 Retired 2000 (5/1/00) East Otto (25%) 2010 (UNY) Ripley/South Ripley 2012 (4/16/2012) return to retirement
Rhodehamel, Wendy SP 1987 PM 1988 FM 1990 RE 2010 1986 (WNY) Penfield (Assist.) 1987 (NCNY) Starkey 1988 Avoca, Wallace 1991 Camillus: Immanuel 1997 St. Lawrence Dist. Supt. 2004 Syracuse: Erwin First 2010 (UNY) Retired, Dannemora 2015 Dannemora & Burke (25%)
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Rhodes, Alan C. PM 1974 FM 1977 RE 2014 1974 (Troy) At School 1976 Associate, Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 1979 Fort Plain & Freysbush 1983 Castleton-on-Hudson 1987 Ravena: Grace 1998 Gloversville: North Main Street 2002 Mechanicville 2010 (UNY) Esperance-Sloanville 2014 Retired
2010 (UNY) Vestal 2012 Family Leave 2012 (1/1/13) Vestal 2013 (346.1 B-W Conf) Smithburg MD: St. Paul's 2014 346.1 B-W Conf) Smithburg MD: St. Paul's /Garfield (75%) Roberts, Jay G. PL 1975 PM 1976 FM 1981 RE 2016 1975 (WNY) PL: Wyoming Covington 1976 At School 1979 Buffalo: First 1982 (8/1/82) Buffalo: First; Grand Island: Emmanuel 1984 Warsaw: First; Immanuel 1990 Jamestown: Epworth Christ 1996 (5/26/96) Jamestown: Christ First 1998 North Tonawanda: First 2007 Hamburg 2010 (UNY) Hamburg 2016 Retired, Orchard Park 50%
Richards, Philip PE 1992 FE 1996 1992 (Troy) Niverville-Chatham Center 1996 Associate, Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2000 Newtonville 2005 Glens Falls: Christ 2010 (UNY) Glens Falls: Christ 2013 Plattsburgh Richards, Roger G. PM 1975 FM 1978 RE 2010 1983 (WYO) Carverton 1988 Vestal, Associate 1992 Tunkhannock 1999 (9/6/99) Sabbatical 2003 Endwell 2010 (UNY) Retired
Robinson-Raschi, Ann L 1989 PM 1991 FE 1996 1989 (WNY) PL: Webster Associate 1991 West Barre 1992 Garland (25%) 1996 Garland 1997 Rochester: Wesley 2001 Honeoye Falls 2002 (10/14/02) Family Leave 2005 Lake Rochester 2010 (UNY) Rochester Lake 2013 Rochester Lake (25%) 2015 (5/1/2016) Nunda 25%
Ricker, Richard PM 1979 FM 1980 RE 2004 1962 New York Conference EUB FE 1961: Grove; Swain 1963 Scarboro, IL 1965 Lyons: First 1967 Laona 1968 (WNY) Laona 1970 Jamestown: Camp Street 1977 (12/31/77) Withdrew 1979 (WNY) Readmitted: Clarence Center 1989 Lakewood 1994 North Ontario 2001 Laona Emmanuel 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Robinson, Ellen PM 1981 FM 1985 RE 2016 1981 (11/81) Easton 1982 (3/1/82) Easton & North Cambridge 1982 (Troy) Easton & North Cambridge 1987 (3/1/87) Leave of Absence 1992 Associate, Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 1995 Family Leave 2010 (UNY) Family Leave 2016 Retired (9/18/2016)
Ricketts, Mary L. PL 1984 PM 1985 FM 1988 1984 (WYO) PL: 75% Exeter Center 1985 Edmeston 1988 Huntsville LFT 1991 Tunkhannock, Associate LFT 2001 Vestal, Associate LFT (50%)
Robinson, Paul E. PM 1968 FM 1972 RE 2005 1968 (CNY) At School 1971 Basel, Switzerland 1972 (WNY) Bemus Point 1980 Olean: Christ 1990 Grand Island: Trinity
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Rothwell, Vincent PM 1950 FM 1955 RE 1977 1952 Florence Station, Illinois 1955 Warren: Bethal 1957 Chaplain, U.S. Army 1977 Retired 1986 Western New York Conference 1986 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Rockwell, David A. PM 1969 FM 1993 RE 2007 1969 (Baltimore) At School; Piney Plains 1972 (WYO) Oneonta: First Assoc. 1974 Greene 1983 Oneonta: Elm Park 1989 Endicott: First 1994 Owego 2000 Nimmonsburg 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rublee, Mary PL 2010 PE 2012 FE 2016 2010 (UNY)(10/28/2010 - 6/30/2011)PL: Interim Victor 2011 not appointed 2012 Newark Emmanuel & Port Gibson 2013 Honeoye Falls
Rogers, Sandra H. PE 1990 FE 1993 RE 2006 1990 (WNY) Delevan, Yorkshire 1994 (1/1/94) Delevan (50%) LFT 1995 St Joseph's Ctr for Spirituality, E Aurora (75%)LFT 1997 Medina 2000 (5/1/00) Leave of Absence 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rough, R John PM 1954 FM 1959 RE 1996 1954 Erie Conference EUB: At School 1959 Hickernell 1963 Hartfield 1966 Jamestown: Stillwater 1971 (WNY) Jamestown: Stillwater 1974 Avon 1975 Sinclairville, Gerry 1981 North Chili 1986 Clymer, North Clymer 1996 Retired 1998 (8/12/1998-1/1/2000) Salamanca 2000 (1/16-6/30/2000) Little Valley 2002 (6/1/2002-6/1/2003) (W.PA) Bear Lake 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rood, Sherri A. SP 1992 PE 1996 FE 1999 1992 (WNY) Adams Basin 1996 Warsaw: First, Immanuel 2000 Warsaw: First 2004 (10/1/04) North Chili 2010 (UNY) North Chili 2011 (7/1/2011) Cornerstone District Superintendent Rosa-Laguer, Carlos M. FL 2000 PE 2013 FE 2015 2000 (WNY) FLL: Rochester: Emmanuel 2010 (UNY)FL: Rochester: Emmanuel (PE 7/1/13) 2015 Rochester: Emmanuel & Co-Dir. of Hispanic Latino Planting
Rowe, Robert A. PM 1960 FM 1963 RE 1995 1960 (CNY) In School 1962 Millport 1963 Syracuse:Brown Mem 1966 (WNY) Without appt 1967 (NNY) Located 1971 Readmitted 1971 (CNY) Stockbridge, Peterboro, Pratts, Bennetts 1973 Wolcott, N.Wolcott 1975 Disability 1976 Rushville 1979 Addison, Woodhull 1980 Disability 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rotach, Brian PM 1978 FM 1983 1978 (WNY) At School 1981 East Aurora, Associate 1986 Buffalo: University 1994 Buffalo: Woodside/Seneca Street 2002 Buffalo: Seneca Street 2006 (1/15/07) Buff: Seneca Street, Buff: First (25%) 2007 Buffalo: Seneca Street 2010 (UNY) Buffalo: Seneca Street
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Rowe IV, William S SP 1988 PL 1989 PM 1991 FE 1996 *1988 North Bush (6/4/89 PL 75%) 1992 (Troy) Middleburgh & Fultonham (6/2/96 LFT) 2002 Rotterdam Junction LFT 2007 Leave of Absence 2010 (UNY) Leave of Absence
2010 (UNY) Retired Ryan, Roland PM 1960 FM 1962 RE 2000 1960 (CNY) In School 1962 Navarino, Cedarvale 1966 Syracuse:Christ Comm. 1977 Cortland:First 1980 Camillus:First 1987 (NCNY) Lyons 1993 Jordan 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rowell, Jan PM 1976 FM 1981 RE 2016 1976 (Troy) At School 1978 Rock City Falls, Middle Grove & East Galway 1981 Rock City Falls 1983 West Sand Lake & Salem 1988 Leave of Absence 1990 (11/25/90) Associate (PT), Schenectady: First 1992 First Schenectady 1997 Scotia 2008 Embury: District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Oneonta District Superintendent 2016 Retired
Sabin, Norman S. PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1988 *1953 Riceville, PA 1956 (Erie) Valier, PA 1959 Frewsburg 1962 (WNY) Brocton, Portland 1964 Alexander 1968 Golden 1975 (NNY) West Winfield (Fed.) 1978 Cape Vincent (United), Three Mile Bay 1984 Nicholville, Fort Jackson, St. Regis Falls 1987 (NCNY) Truxton, E. Homer, Cheningo 1988 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Roy, Abel PM 1985 FE 1990 1985 (Iowa Conf) Probationary Member. 1990 (Iowa Conf.) Full Member 1996 (WNY) East Randolph; Steamburg 1997 East Randolph 1998 transfer to WNY; East Randolph 2010 (UNY) East Randolph 2011 Springville 2015 Mohawk District Superintendent
Salisbury, Catherine PM 1982 FM 1985 RE 1987 1982 (NNY) Philadelphia, Evans Mills 1985 Mannsville, Lorraine 1987 (NCNY) Ret; *Belleville, Ellisburg, Henderson (Assoc.) -'89 1993 Watertown: Asbury Assoc. -'96 1998 (7/1/98-1/1/00) Fernwood, Altmar, Dugway 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rublee, Mary PL 2010 PE 2012 FE 2016 2010 (UNY) (10/28/2010 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/2011) PL: interim Victor 2011 Not appointed 2012 Newark: Emmanuel & Port Gibson 2013 Honeoye Falls 2016 Honeoye Falls 60%/ Ionia 40%
Samuel, Sundar PE 2010 FE 2013 2003 (WYO) Cooperstown 2010 (UNY) Cooperstown 2013 East Greenbush
Rudd, Charles A. PM 1955 FM 1958 RE 1996 1955 (NNY) School 1958 Madrid, Chase Mills, Bucks Bridge 1961 Parish, West Amboy 1966 (Aug) Hamilton 1968 Delta 1978 Richfield Springs 1987 (NCNY) Whitesboro 1992 Vernon, Lairdsville LFT 1996 Retired
Sauer, Sharon PE 1990 FE 1993 RE 2015 1991 (Troy) Chestertown & Pottersville 1996 Rock Cty Falls: Exploring Parish S & Middle Grove 1997 Rock City Falls & Middle Grove 2001 North Chatham & Malden Bridge 2003 Chaplain, Schenectady Hospice 2006 Chestertown & Pottersville LFT
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Schaus, Sharon L PL 1992 PE 1998 FE 2002 RE 2012 1992 PL: (WNY) Royalton 1995 PL: Lockport: Emmanuel, Associate 2001 Batavia First 2010 (UNY) Batavia First 2012 Retired 2013 (4/15/2013 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 7/1/2013) Amherst: Trinity
2010 (UNY) Chestertown & Pottersville, 50% LFT 2011 Whitehall & Fort Ann Fed. (50%) LFT 2015 Retired Sautter, Jane F. SP 1994 PE 1996 FE 1998 RE 2016 1994 (NCNY) SL: In School 1996 Mannsville, Lorraine 1999 Transferred to Pacific NW Conf: White Swan 2003 (NCNY) Transfer In: Camden 2007 New Hartford 2010 (UNY) Lansing; cood. Pastor at Varna 2015 Lansing 2016 Retired
Schlansker, David H PM 1966 FM 1969 RE 2004 1966 (Troy) At School 1969 Scotia, Associate 1971 Esperance & Sloansville 1973 Berlin & Grafton 1977 Lake Luzerne, Lake George & Stony Creek 1982 Lyndonville 1985 (7/15/85) Centre Glenville & Galway 1990 Fonda-Fultonville & Fort Hunter 1996 Chestertown & Pottersville 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Savage, John S. PM 1959 FM 1962 RE 1978 1959 (CNY) Benton; Yatesville 1961 Geneva, Associate 1964 (WNY) Rochester: Asbury First, Associate 1969 Henrietta: Christ View 1977 Sabbatical 1978 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Schneider, Dora J. PM 1983 FM 1986 RE 2009 1983 (NNY) School (Drew) 1984 Cape Vincent, Three Mile Bay 1989 (NCNY) Fulton:State St. 1996 Canton 1998 Watertown: First 2005 Watertown: First, Stone Mills 2007 Rome: First 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Scandrol, Donald M PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1992 1958 Pittsburgh Conference 1960 (5/20/60) (Troy) N Ferrisburgh & Ferrisburgh 1962 At School 1964 Chaplain, Children's Village, Dobbs Ferry, NY 1965 (10/11/65) NJ State Hospital, Greystone Park, NJ 1992 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Schafer, Thomas F. PM 1958 FM 1961 RE 2000 1958 (CNY) In School 1961 Beaver Dams 1965 Jacksonville, Kennedys 1967 Onondaga Hill 1970 (Part) Oneida:First 1970 (Jan. 71) Oneida First; Bennetts Corners 1970 Oneida First 1982 Syracuse:First 1990 (NCNY) Syr:Lafayette Ave. 1999 Syracuse: Gethsemene/ Lafayette Ave 1999 (1/1/00) Retired 1999 (1/1/00-6/30/01) Syr: Gethsemane 2003 (7/1/03-6/30/05) Warners 2007 (7/1/07-6/30/09) Warners 2010 (UNY) Retired
Scholl, Natalie PE 1998 FE 2001 1978 (NCNY) In school 1979 (Cal-Nev) Dunsmuir 1980 Salinas: First Assoc. 1981 Discontinued 1997 (NCNY) Employed by LC: Mecklenburg 1998 Reinstated: (Aug. 15) (NCNY) Mecklenburg LFT 1998 (Aug. 15) Mecklenburg, Jacksonville LFT 2001 Skaneateles 2010 (UNY) Sabbatical 2011 Family leave 2014 (2/1/2015) Interim Owego; Ext Min Life Coach 2015 Ext. Min. Soul Ways Coaching 100%
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Schweitzer, Dorothea E. PL 1995 FL 1997 PE 1998 FE 2002 1995 PL: (9/17/95) (WNY) Grand Is: Immanuel (25%) 1997 FL: Buffalo: First 2001 Buffalo: First, Tonawanda: Bethany 2006 Tonawanda: Bethany, 1/15-6/30/07) Amherst: Trinity 2007 Tonawanda: Bethany, Tonawanda: First 2010 (UNY)Tonawanda: Bethany,Tonawanda:First
1966 Watervliet, First & Third Avenue 1967 Watervliet: United 1974 Essex Junction 1983 East Greenbush 1986 (8/17/86) Lake Placid 1995 Johnstown & Gloversville: First 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Seifert, Constance L. PM 1986 FE 1990 RE 2013 1986 (WNY) Spencerport; Churchville 1994 Dunkirk 1997 (on loan NCNY) Edwards, S.Edwards 2001 Transferred In NCNY: Edwards, S. Edwards 2003 Pennellville 2005 Pennellville; Phoenix 2010 (UNY) Pennellville; Phoenix 2011 Corning First & Corning Grace 2013 Retired, Corning First
Scott, Margaret A. PM 1986 FM 1988 RE 2016 1986 (WNY) Fairport, Associate 1995 Fairport 2010 (UNY) Fairport 2016 Retired Scoville, Stan VH PM 1976 FM 1979 RE 2014 1976 Oklahoma Conference 1978 (WNY) Marilla 1984 Holley: Disciples 1991 Laona: Emmanuel 1997 Albion 2000 Cuba 2005 North Ontario 2008 (11/16/08) Family Leave 2009 Bolivar/Stannards (75%) 2010 (UNY) Bolivar/Stannards (75%) 2010 (12/1/2010-6/30/2011) Alexander; CP-Darien/ Warsaw: Immanuel 2011 Wellsville First 2013 (1/1/14) Retired
Sellers, Ronald H. PM 1965 FM 1967 RE 1999 1965 (W.PA) At School 1966 Bruin 1968 Henderson, Sandy Lake 1972 Withdrawal 1973 Reinstated; (WNY) Clymer; North Clymer 1979 Akron 1985 Lockport: Emmanuel 1989 (12/15/89) North Ridge 1994 Belmont (United)/Scio 1999 Retired 2005 (10/1-6/30/2006) Interim Olean: Christ 2007 (7/1/07-6/30/08) Troupsburg 2010 (UNY) Retired
Searle, Robert PM 1978 FM 1980 1978 (CNY) McGraw, Freetown, 1979 McGraw, Freetown, Blodgett Mills 1984 Elmira:Pennsylvania Ave. 1997 (June '98) Sabbatical 1999 Clyde 2002 (3/15/03) Military Leave (Reserves) 2003 (1/1-6/30/04) Interim: Red Ck-Westbury, Sterling 2004 Red Creek-Westbury, Sterling 2010 (UNY) Red Creek-Westbury, Sterling 2012 Ext Min: Spvr Chpln Bath & Canandaigua VA Hospital (1/28/2012) 2014 Chaplain at Canandaigua VA
Shafer, Susan S. PM 1981 FM 1984 RE 2015 1981 (WNY) At School 1982 Rochester: Asbury First 2006 Rochester: Asbury First Senior Pastor 2007 Rochester: Asbury First 2010 (UNY) Rochester: Asbury First 2011 Rochester: Asbury First 2015 Retired Shaw, Raymond PE 2002 FE 2004 RE 2010 1992 (NCNY) Russell 1996 (NCNY) Woodstock Federated 2002 (WNY) Andover/Greenwood, Whitesville/Stannards
Sears, Richard PM 1961 FM 1963 RE 2001 1961 (Troy) At School 1963 Watervliet: Third Avenue
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2004 Joshua Cluster Coor: Canisteo/South Canisteo 2008 Barker: Faith 2010 Retired 2010 (UNY) Holley: Disciples 2012 Springwater 2016 Returned to retirement
1985 Enwell 1992 Vestal 1995 Greene 2000 Clarks Green 2002 (Troy) Lansingburgh 2007 (4/1/07) Transfer to Troy Conference 2007 Cornerstone Community Church of Lansingburgh 2010 (UNY) Cornerstone Comm of Lansingburgh
Sherburne, Robert O. PM 1972 FM 1975 1972 (NY) In School 1973 (CNY) N.Syracuse (Assoc.) 1977 Chittenango 1983 Corning: First 1992 Finger Lakes South Dist. Supt. 2000 (8/1/00) Horseheads; Interim Finger Lakes South Dist. Supt. 2000 (11/1/00) Horseheads 2010 (UNY) Fayetteville
Silk, Barbara PM 1986 FM 1989 RE 2016 1986 (Troy) At School 1987 Berlin & Grafton 1990 Waterford 1993 Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2016 Retired Simmons, Caroline FL 2006 PE 2008 FE 2010 2005 (WNY) Fowlerville 2006 FL: Lockport: Emmanuel (Associate) 2009 On loan NCNY: Little Utica, Warners 2010 (UNY) Collamer United, Syracuse: St. Paul's 2015 Collamer /Bridgeport
Shippey, Harold A. PM 1969 FM 1974 RE 2008 1969 (Troy) At School 1973 Associate, Latham Calvary 1976 Skye Farm Steward 1984 (9/1/84) At School 1986 Leave of Absence 1992 Honorably Located 2000 Readmitted 2000 Dir of Camping/Exe Dir of Skye Farm Camps 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Simmons, David E. PM 1962 FM 1966 RE 1986 1962 (NNY) School 1964 North Bangor, Bangor 1968 Stittville, Floyd 1974 School, Sabbatical 1975 Malone 1983 Canton 1984 (May '85) Leave of Absence 1986 (NCNY) Retired 1988 (01/88-07/91) Fineview, Densmore, OmarFishers Lndg 1991 (Oct.15-July'92) Lowville, Martinsburg 2003 Belleville, Henderson 2010 (UNY) Retired
Showers, Merle E. PM 1970 FM 1973 RE 2007 1970 At School 1971 Western Pennsylvania Conference 1972 (WNY) Webster, Associate 1977 Dunkirk 1984 Buffalo: First; Ripley Memorial 1986 (3/1/86) Ripley Memorial, Ontario Street 1994 Westside Cluster 1995 Ripley Memorial, Buffalo District Community Min 1996 Ext Ministry: Buffalo District Community Minister 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Simonin, Mary Jean PE 2000 FE 2003 2000 (Wyoming) Maple Grove 2003 Center Moreland 2007 Apalachin First & Little Meadows 2010 (UNY) Apalachin First 2011 Apalachin First & Whittemore Hill 2015 Nichols /Tioga Center /Smithboro
Siebold, E. Allen PM 1969 FM 1972 1969 (WYO) At School 1971 Lanesboro 1973 Skinners Eddy 1975 Endicott: central 1978 Lake Ariel 1979 Kirkwood
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Sivers, Richard H. PM 1977 FM 1981 RE 2014 1977 (NNY) School; Grindstone Isl. (summer) 1978 Leonardsville 1980 Remsen, Prospect 1984 Delta 1989 (NCNY) Leave of Absence 1989 (July 22) Stockbridge, Bennetts, Pratts LFT 1991 Leave of Absence 1993 (Jan.'94) Palermo LFT 1997 Minetto 2007 Corning: First 2010 (UNY) Dryden 2014 Retired
2012 (3/4/12 - 6/24/12) Springwater 2013 (1/1/14 - 6/30/14) Wellsville First 2014 (2/8/15-4/12/15) Naples Trinity Fed (25%) 2015 (10/1/15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 6/30/16) Cuba 50% Smith, Carlos R. FM 1968 RE 2007 * 1967 (Panama) New Cristobal, Colon 1970 MCCA of Bocas del Toro 1974 Iglesia Metodista El Verbo Divino, Chiriqui 1975 Iglesia Metodista La Resurreccion 1981 (CNY) Varna 1982 (Panama) Iglesia Metodista La Resurreccion 1987 (NCNY)(Aug.10) Gorham 1990 Gorham, Benton 1992 (03/93) Gorham, Benton; Newark Hispanic Mission 1995 Newark:Emmanuel, Hispanic Mission 1999 Newark: Emmanuel 2003 Newark: Emmanuel LFT 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Ret; Chaplain Newark-Wayne Comm Hosp
Sivers, Teressa PL 2001 PE 2002 FE 2005 2001 PL: (Wyoming) Lakeville 2008 Oneonta First 2010 (UNY) Oneonta First Slighter, Verne A. PM 1953 FM 1955 RE 1980 1953 (Gen. Conf) At School 1958 Chaplain, U.S. Army 1976 (WNY) Leave of Absence 1980 Retired
Smith, Charles G. PM 1992 FE 1996 1988 (WNY) Machias 1988 Machias, Sardinia 1989 Machias 1993 East Randolph 1994 East Randolph, Steamburg 1996 Westfield: First 2004 Clarence Center 2010 (UNY) Clarence Center 2012 Cortland First
Sloth, Eileen J. FL 1990 PE 1991 FE 1993 RE 2013 1990 PL: (WYO) Peckville (Scranton Urban Coop Parish) 1997 Fly Creek/ Northern Otsego Coop Parish 2001 Oneonta Elm Park 2007 Deposit 2010 (UNY) Nimmonsburg 2011 Binghamton: Nimmonsburg 2013 Retired
Smith, David E. PM 1978 FM 1985 RE 2009 * 1976 (6/17/76) Dannemora & Lyon Mountain 1978 (Troy) Dannemora & Lyon Mountain 1979 (11/4/79) Middleburgh 1982 Fonda-Fultonville & Fort Hunter 1990 Whitehall 1998 Whitehall 1998 Raceville 1999 Swanton: Mem & W Swanton, Sheldon & Rice Hill 2001 Chelsea: Federated & Chelsea: West Hill 2005 Willsboro & Reber 2008 (8/1/08) Shaftsbury & Bennington 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2014 (9/1/14) Ravena: Grace (50%) 2015 (9/1/15) Ravena: Grace (75%)
Smith, Burton L. PM 1984 FM 1988 RE 2011 HL 1996 PL 2004 FE 2006 1981 (9/13/81) (WNY) Stafford 1982 North Ridge 1988 Cherry Creek, Conewango Valley, Leon 1991 Indian Falls 1995 (9/15/95) Leave of Absence 1996 (7/1/96) Honorable Location 2004 (7/3/04) PL, Dalton (25%) 2006 New Hope Cluster: Dalton, Nunda/West Sparta 2006 (WNY) 6/6/06 reinstated as Full Member 2010 (UNY) New Hope Cluster: Dalton, Nunda/W Sparta 2011 Retired
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Smith, Earl M. PM 1964 FM 1966 RE 1996 1964 (NNY) School 1966 Vernon, Lairdsville 1968 Vernon 1969 Clinton 1973 Oswego:Trinity 1982 Pulaski 1989 (NCNY) Onondaga Hill, Onondaga Nation 1993 Onondaga Hill, Onon Nation, Cedarvale 1995 Onondaga Nation LFT 1996 Retired 1996-01 Syracuse: St. Paul's/Onondaga Nation 2010 (UNY) Retired
2003 Leave of Absence 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Smith, Karen L. PL 2001 PM 2007 FM 2010 2001 PL: (WNY) Lockport Emmanuel 2002 PL: County Line 2010 (UNY) County Line & Barker: Faith 2014 Schenectady: Rotterdam Smith, Kim L. SP 1991 PE 1999 FE 2002 1988 (WNY) Royalton 1991 SL: Millville 1994 SL: Millville, Knowlesville 2000 Hilton 2002 Newfane 2010 (UNY) Newfane
Smith, Erik PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2009 1972 (Troy) Saranac 1976 Associate, Latham 1978 Green Mountain Parish 1981 Alpaus 1989 Warrensburg & Bolton Ld. 1995 Gloversville: Fremont Street 2000 Green Island: Good Shepherd 2002 Chpln, Nursing Home Tm of Schenectady Community Hospice 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Smith, Laurie PM 1988 FE 1990 1988 (NCNY) Raquette River, Hogansburg 1992 Whitesboro, Maynard 1993 (Oct.) Leave of Absence 1993 (Jan.'94) Disability 1999 Counselor - Family Services of Mohawk Valley Inc. 2004 Berkshire Farm Center 2008 (9/28/08) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave
Smith, Huston C. PM 1947 FM 1949 RE 1978 * 1944 (Calif Nev) Seaside * 1946 (Rocky Mt.) Fac., Univ. of Denver 1947 (Missouri E.) Prof., Washington Univ. 1958 (Southern N.E.)Prof.,MIT 1973 Prof., Syracuse Univ. 1977 (CNY) (Nov) Prof., Syracuse Univ. 1978 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Smith, Michael A. FL 2007 PE 2009 FE 2011 2007 FL: (WNY) Arkport 2010 (UNY) Arkport 2013 Mohawk Valley: Trinity 2015 Mohawk Valley: Trinity/ cp Lairdsville Smith, Russell D PM 1960 FM 1962 RE 2001 1960 Wyoming Conference 1969 (Troy) Valley Falls & Melrose 1973 Schenectady: Calvary 1978 (2/1/78) East Greenbush 1983 Superintendent, Adirondack District 1988 (10/1/88) Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Smith, Jonathan W PM 1975 FM 1978 RE 2004 1975 West Michigan Conference: At School 1975 (11/15/75) (WNY) At School 1977 LeRoy 1982 Cattaraugus 1987 Buffalo: Woodside 1991 Buffalo: First, Richmond Avenue 1994 Richmond Avenue 1995 Richmond Avenue; Ontario Street 1996 Amherst: Trinity 2001 Colden, Sardinia 2002 Sardinia (50%)
Smith, Steven M PE 1997 FE 2002 1997 Schenectady: Faith 2003 (Troy) Schenectady: Eastern Parkway
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Sperry, Andrew PE 2014 FE 2016 2014 (UNY) Saratoga Springs
2010 (UNY) Schenectady: Eastern Parkway 2011 Newtonville Snyder, Eldon D. PM 1948 FM 1952 RE 1988 1948 New York Conference EUB 1952 Syracuse: Calvary 1957 Grand Island: Emmanuel 1962 Ebenezer 1965 Tonawanda 1968 (WNY) Tonawanda 1988 Retired; Kenmore, Associate 2010 (UNY) Retired
Sprenger, James PM 1987 FE 1990 RE 2014 1987 (Troy) At School 1988 Fort Ann Federated & West Fort Ann 1992 Gloversville First & North Bush 1995 Saranac Lake & Bloomingdale 1997 Bloomingdale 1999 Protestant Chaplain, Bare Hill Correctional Facility 2003 Protestant Chaplain, Clinton Correctional Facility 2010 (UNY) Protestant Chaplain, Clinton Corr Facility 2013 (01/01/14) Retired
Snyder, Karen (Kit) P. PM 1978 FM 1983 1978 At School 1980 Westons Mills, Allegany 1983 At School 1983 (9/1/83) Limestone; Killbuck 1986 Leave of Absence 1986 (South Carolina) 9/15/86 Cayce UMC 1988 (WNY) (11/30/88) Leave of Absence 1990 Leave of Absence 1992 Bowmansville 1995 Fredonia: First 1997 (11/29/97) Family Leave 1998 (2/1/98) Fredonia: First 1998 Instructor-Africa University, Zimbabwe 1999 Hope UMC of Niagara County 2007 Brockport 2010 (UNY) Brockport 2014 West Barre / Oakfield
St. Marie, Michaela E. PE 2002 FE 2005 2002 (NCNY) Penn Yan Associate; Dresden 2006 Chittenango 2010 (UNY) Chittenango 2012 Chittenango, coordinating pastor Minoa 2013 Little Utica /Warners 2015 Little Utica /Warners /Phoenix 2016 Earlville/Poolville Stackpole, Cynthia PM 1985 FM 1987 1985 (W.Oh.) Troy: First (Assoc.) 1987 (NCNY) Reynoldsville LFT 1988 Leave of Absence 1991 Chaplain, Folts Home LFT 1991 (June '92) Rushville LFT 1995 Chaplain, The Hermitage Richmond, VA 1998 Appt in WV Conf. Virginia Univ Campus Ministry 2010 (UNY) (on loan WVA Conf) VA Univ Campus Min 2015 Co-Managers @ Cypress Woods 2016 Lead Manager, Regency Residence Independent Living Ret. Community
Spence, Lynn B. SLP 1989 PE 1991 FE 1995 1987 (NCNY) Fleming Fed 1987 (June'88) Fleming Fed/Half Acre Union 1989 SL: Clifton Springs 1991 Clifton Springs 2010 (UNY) Clifton Springs 2015 Retired
Stackpole, Richard L. PM 1987 FM 1987 (NCNY) Odessa, Catharine 1988 (Mar.'89) Mgr/Dir Aldersgate 1991 (June '92) Rushville LFT 1995 Attend School 1998 Appointed in W.Virginia Conf. 2008 (on loan WVA) Harner Chapel UMC 2010 (UNY) (on loan WVA Conf) Harner Chapel UMC 2015 Co-Managers @ Cypress Woods 2016 Lead Manager, Regency Residence Independent Living Ret. Community
Spencer, Douglas F. PM 1973 FM 1977 RE 2007 1972 (WNY) Warrens Corners 1976 Rush 1980 Hornell: Park 1985 Batavia 2001 Buffalo: Central Park 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
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Stafford Jr, H Nelson PM 1979 FM 1983 RE 2014 1979 (NNY) School 1980 Earlville, Poolville 1987 (NCNY) Chpln, US Navy 1991 N.Columbia, Columbia Center LFT 1992 N. Columbia, Columbia Ctr.LFT; Chaplain, Folts Home; Supervising Paines Hollow 1995 Carthage, Champion 2000 Minoa 2003 Oran Community 2003 (10/1/03) Oran Community; Erieville 2007 Truxton, East Homer; Erieville, 2008 (12/1/08) Truxton/East Homer; Erieville 2010 (UNY) Truxton/East Homer; Erieville 2011 E. Home/Truxton/ (10%) Cuyler 2013 (1/1/14) Retired 2016 Cuyler
Stengel, Cathy Hall PM 1982 FM 1985 1982 (WNY) At School 1983 Allens Hill; Canadice 1985 Portville 1988 Medina 1993 Carlton 1997 Harris Hill 2004 Penfield 2007 Mountain View District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Mountain View District Superintendent 2014 Rush Stengel, Matthew H. SLP 1986 PM 1988 FE 1990 1986 (WNY)SLP (<25%) Limestone 1988 Medina 1997 Marilla 2004 Macedon Center/South Perinton 2007 Fredonia: First 2010 (UNY) Corning: First; Big Flats 2011 Greece
Stanley, Nancy J. PL 2006 PE 2010 FE 2012 *2006 PL: (11/1/06) Sanitaria Springs/Port Crane (50%) *2009 PL: Sanitaria Springs 2010 (UNY) FL: Morris 2012 Morris/Sand Hill 2014 Lake/River Parish (Cape Vincent /3 Mile Bay/Point Peninsula) (71%)
Stevens, Dena PL 2003 PE 2009 FE 2012 2003 (WNY) PL: Angelica (75%) 2004 PL: Ashville/Blockville (75%) 2009 (on loan NCNY) Lowville/Martinsburg 2010 (UNY) Lowville/Martinsburg 2011 St. Paul's West Valley 2015 Clymer/North Clymer
Stees, Ray PM 1975 FM 1982 RE 2009 1975 (S.NJ) At School 1980 (6/11/80) (Troy) Associate, Delmar 1983 Cohoes: First 1987 Associate, Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 1992 Sabbatical 1993 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 1996 Albany: Pine Grove 2005 Clifton Park: Jonesville 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 (10/15/12-6/30/13) Queensbury
Stevens, Garrie F PM 1966 FM 1970 RE 1999 1966 (NNY) School 1968 Brasher Falls, Brushton, North Lawrence 1969 School 1970 Madison, Bouckville 1974 Norwood 1987 (NCNY) Sup't. Ontario Dist. 1992 NCNY Conf.Coun.on Min. Director 1998 Sabbatical 1999 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Steinert, Babette PL 1991 PE 1997 FE 2001 RE 2010 1991 (NCNY) PL: Savannah, Butler, Montezuma (Assist.) (75%) 1992 PL: Savannah, Montezuma, Fosterville (Assist.) 1993 PL: Montezuma, Butler 1997 Gorham, Benton 2001 Hammondsport 2004 Seneca Castle 2010 (UNY) Retired
Stevens, James W. PM 1983 FM 1985 1983 (WNY) Lockport: Emmanuel, Associate 1989 (3/1/89) Lyndonville 1997 Dansville/Sparta Center 2010 (UNY) Dansville/Sparta Center 2015 Owego
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Stevens, Marilyn B. SP 1989 PE 1991 FE 1995 RE 2006 1988 (Aug.) Harmony (Empl. by LC) 1989 (NCNY) (Dec.) SL: Harmony 1991 Harmony 1993 Oswego Center, Southwest Oswego 2000 Pulaski: Park 2006 Retired 2008 Ithaca: Forest Home 2010 (UNY) Ithaca: Forest Home 2011 Return to retirement
1994 (Sept. 1) Attend School 1995 Central Lakes Dist. Supt. 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Stow, Carolyn PL 2007 PE 2012 FE 2014 2007 (WNY)PL: Magnolia, N Harmony (50%) 2009 PL: Celoron, North Harmony 2010 (UNY) PL: Celoron, North Harmony 2011 PL: Dunkirk (50%) 2012Clymer & North Clymer 2015 Jamestown: Kidder Memorial
Stierheim, Gregory FL 2012 PE 2013 FE 2015 2012 FL: Norfolk & Brasher Falls; Buckton cp (PE 7/1/13) 2016 Williamsville & Buffalo NFC 75%
Stratton, Jeffrey PM 1983 FM 1986 1983 New York Conference 1983 (Troy) North Ferrisburgh & Ferrisburgh 1991 Round Lake 2010 (UNY) South Glens Falls 2015 Rome: First 2015 (10/1/2015) Medical Leave
Stierheim, Heather FL 2012 PE 2013 FE 2015 2012 FL: Massena First & Massena Grace (PE 7/1/13) 2016 Williamsville & Buffalo NFC Stoll, Harry L. PM 1959 FM 1961 RE 1993 1959 (CNY) In School 1961 Cortland:First (Assoc.) 1964 Syr:W.Genesee (Assoc.) 1966 Weedsport, Brick Church 1969 Homer 1974 Sodus 1983 Chittenango 1985 Corning:Grace 1988 (NCNY) Ilion 1993 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Stratton, Rolland Kipton SP 1967 PM 1970 FM 1977 RE 2005 1967 (W.OH) Morris Chapel Zion 1969 Linden: Assistant 1970 (WYO) At School 1973 (W.OH) At School 1976 (WYO) Faculty, Hartwick College 1977 Faculty, Hartwick College 1978 DS Program, Coordinator 1982 Wyoming Conference 1985 Disability 1986 Morris 2000 Sabbatical 2001 Unadilla 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Stoppert, Robert M. PM 1962 FM 1964 RE 2002 1962 (Det.) In School 1964 Detroit:Aldersgate (Assoc.) 1965 Franklin (Assoc.) 1967 Oak Grove 1969 In School 1972 Dept. of History, Keuka College, Keuka NY 1975 In School 1975 (CNY) (Oct) Mgr/Dir.Casowasco 1985 Dir. Camps/Conferences, Casowasco 1987 (NCNY) Dir. of Camping; Onon Dist. Local Ch Resource Person 1989 (Sept) Onon Dist. LCRP 1989 (Nov.16) Onon Dist.LCRP; Syr. Area Interr.Council 1990 (Jan.'91) CNY Interreligious Council LFT
Streeter, Jennifer Castle PE 2010 FE 2012 2009 (WNY) (10/20/09) Walworth; Chaplain, Fairport Baptist Home 2010 (UNY) Walworth; Chaplain, Fairport Baptist Home 2013 (2/14/13 - 4/11/13) maternity leave 2013 (7/1/2013) Chaplain Fairport Baptist Home (50%) Stringer, Denise L. L 1976 PM 1977 FM 1980 RE 2009 1976 (6/1/76) Greensboro Bend, Elmore & N Wolcott 1977 (Troy) Greensboro Bd, Lk Elmore & N Wolcott 1978 Elmore, Worcester & Greensboro Bend
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Swords-Horrell, Marti PM 1983 FM 1985 1983 (N.IL) Parish of Reconciliation 1985 (1/1/86) In School 1986 (Jan.'87) Brookfield Comm. 1991 (NCNY) Appointed to School 1992 Chaplain, Tompkins Co. Hosp. LFT 1994 Chpln, Tompkins Co. Hosp; Ithaca: St. Paul's Assoc. LFT 1995 Lansing 2003 Appt in PA-Delaware Conf: St. Michael's-St. Luke 2004 (10/01/04) Clay: Trinity; Phoenix 2005 Clay: Trinity 2008 Fayetteville 2010 (UNY) Syr: Brown Mem., Syracuse: West Genesee 2011 Syr Brown Memorial; Project Dir SWUM; CP-W Genesee (7/1/11-12/31/11) 2012 Project Dir. SWUM & Syr. Brown Memorial 2014 Troy: Christ Church
1980 Leave of Absence 1982 Speculator & Lake Pleasant (PT) 1984 Associate, East Greenbush (PT) 1985 Rensselaer: Broadway 1986 Eagle Mills 1993 Schenectady: Faith 2001 Voorheesville 2006 Albany: Emmaus 2009 (11/15/09) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Swanger, Shiela G. PM 1983 FM 1986 RE 2003 1983 (WNY) At School 1984 Springwater; Websters Crossing 1988 Rush 1992 Batavia District Superintendent 1997 Victor 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Tabor, Eunice PE 1996 FE 1999 RE 2007 1996 (NCNY) Appointed to Attend School 1997 Madrid United 2002 Madrid United; Supervising Waddington, Louisville (UCC) 2004 Massena: First 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Swanson, Lauren PL 1987 PE 1993 FE 1996 1986 Williamstown (Union) (empl. by local church) 1987 (NCNY) PL: Williamstown (Union) 1991 Without Appointment; In School 1993 (NCNY) In School 1994 Whitesboro, Maynard 1996 Mohawk Valley: Trinity; Maynard 2001 Maynard, Mohawk District Redevelopment 2003 (1/1/04) Maynard, NCNY Congregational Ministry 2005 Dir. of Congregational Dev. 2010 (UNY) Syracuse: Erwin First 2014 Penfield (9/1/14)
Tanner, Stanley C. PM 1964 FM 1967 RE 1999 1964 (NE) School 1966 (NE) Chebeaugue Is 1968 Kezar Falls 1970 Redfield, N Vienna, Wayne 1971 Redfield, Wayne 1973 (NNY) Cape Vincent (Fed.), Three Mile Bay 1978 Sandy Creek, Orwell 1984 Ilion 1988 (NCNY) Jordan 1993 Dexter, Brownville 1995 Malone:Centenary, Constable 1999 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Sweet, Rebekah B. PM 1985 FM 1988 1982 McClure (WYO) 1985 McClure 1986 Willow Glen (California-Nevada) 1987 Rome PA (Wyoming) 1988 Rome PA 1989 Sky Lake of Wyoming Conference Inc. 1992 Terminated 1992 Forest City 1993 Litchfield PA 1996 Apalachin First 2000 Norwich Broad Street 2005 Honesdale Central 2010 (UNY) Lake Placid: Adirondack Community 2011 (7/1/2011) N Flow District Superintendent
Taylor, Steven FL 2003 PE 2009 FE 2011 2003 (WNY) FL: (9/1/2003) Little Valley 2010 (UNY) Panama
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Taylor, Thomas G. PM 1973 FM 1977 RE 1996 1973 (WYO) At School 1976 Scranton & Embury 1977 Scranton & Embury 1979 Norwich 1982 Norwich Broad Street 1986 Binghamton: Boulevard 1988 Fairbanks: St. Paul (Alaska United Methodist) 1988 Fairbanks: First 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2010 (UNY) Christ: Amherst 2011 Retired 2012 Darien/Warsaw 2013 Fairport Associate 2014 Returned to Retirement 2015 Covington (<25%) Thistle, Judith PM 1978 FE 1981 RE 2011 1978 (WYO) Appointed to attend School 1979 Upper Chenango Charge 1980 Sanataria Springs 1983 Schenevus 1985 Chaplain, Fox Hospital, Oneonta 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, Fox Hospital, Oneonta 2011 Retired
Taylor, Walter E PM 1950 FM 1952 RE 1989 1950 New England Conference 1951 (Troy) Associate, Delmar 1952 Voorheesville 1975 East Greenbush 1978 (1/1/78) Exec Dir, Albany UM Society 1989 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Thompson, Spencer G. PM 1966 FM 1969 RE 2003 1966 (WNY) At School 1967 Director, Nickerson Home MSPCC, Boston, MA 1968 Director, Thompson Family Homes, Boston, MA 1979 Honorable Location 1981 Chaplain and Director Foster Care, Gateway 1984 ABLC 1996 VP, Foster Care, Gateway-Longview Services 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Teuchert, Harry RO 2011 2011 St. Johnsville Thayer, Carol A. PE 1993 FE 2000 RE 2008 1990 (WNY) Limestone 1993 At School 1994 Western Pennsylvania Conference 1995 (7/1-7/31/1995) Ceres 1995 Leave of Absence 1995 (9/24/95) Olean: Christ, Cuba 1995 (11/1/95) Friendship and Coor of Alleghany Crossroads Ministries (25%) 1999 Portville 2003 Portville; Weston Mills: St. Andrews 2007 Family Leave 2010 (UNY) Retired
Thorick, Philip J. PM 1971 FM 1976 RE 2007 1971 (WYO) At School 1974 Great Bend 1976 Great Bend 1978 Tioga Center 1982 Tioga Center 1983 St Pauls: Endicott 1987 UM Homes for Aging 1990 Marathon 1996 Nimmonsburg 2000 Oxford 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2013 (5/1/14) Abbot: West Chenango
Thevanesan, Sinnathamby PM 1989 FE 1990 RE 2011 1970 Sri Lanka Methodist Conference 1986 (WNY,OE) Allens Hill; Canadice 1986 Millville 1988 Rochester: Wesley, Associate 1989 Transfer in (WNY Conference) 1991 Arcade 1997 Laona: Emmanuel 2001 Brockport 2007 Christ: Amherst
Timlin, Genett PL 2002 PE 2005 FE 2008 RE 2011 2002 (NCNY) (4/1/03) PL: Morningstar Ministries, Lassellsville (75%) 2004 (1/2/05) PL: Morningstar Ministries (75%) 2004 (3/2005-6/2005)PL: Salisbury Ctr, Stratford (75%) 2005 Waterville, East Hamilton 2010 (UNY) Waterville, East Hamilton
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2011 (3/1/11-6/30/11) Interim Caughdenoy 2011 Retired 2011 Cold Brook (25%) 2012 Cold Brook & Ohio
2015 Ticonderoga First/ cp Whitehall/Ft Ann United Tyson, John PE 1975 FE 2012 1974 (WPA) 1975 Nichols, Appointment to Attend School 1979-83 Houghton College: Asst. Prof. of Theology 1983 (6/8/83) Discontinued WPA 2009 (June 2010) (WPA) Reinstated PE 2010 (xfer UNY) Arcade 2011 Arcade; CRCDS 2013 Prof of Church History/Dir of UMC Studies at CRCDS; Arcade 2015 CRCDS; Arcade & Protection (<25%)
Toenniessen, Cindy L PE 1997 FE 2001 1996 (NCNY) (6/1/97) Elmira: Westside 1998 Stittville, Floyd 2002 Assistant, L'Arche Syracuse Community 2003 (11/6/03) Leave of Absence 2009 Alexandria Bay/Redwood 2010 (UNY) Alexandria Bay LFT (50%) 2010 (9/8/10) Leave of Absence 2013 (2/1/2014) Ext. Min. Univ of Md Med. Ctr, Chpln
Underwood, David M. PM 1979 FM 1982 1979 (NNY) School 1980 Lee Center, Point Rock 1984 (Nov) Herkimer 1995 (NCNY) Syracuse: Erwin 1997 (1/1/98) Syracuse: Erwin, Syracuse: First 1998 Syracuse: Erwin First 2004 Crossroads District Superintendent 2009 Central Lakes District Superintendent 2010 (UNY) Rochester: Wesley 2013 Victor
Tucker, Rexford PM 1954 FM 1956 RE 1995 1954 (Troy) Assistant, Delmar 1956 (2/1/56) Schaghtocoke: Federated 1960 At School 1966 Instructor, NC Wesleyan College 1968 Assistant Professor, NC Wesleyan College 1973 Associate Professor, NC Wesleyan College 1977 Professor, NC Wesleyan College 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Tulip, Richard OF 2011 2011 West Winfield Fed.
Vahey, Milton T. PM 1959 FM 1964 RE 1993 * 1958 (Genesee) Ellicottville, West Valley 1959 (WNY) Elkland, Osceola 1962 School 1963 Hornell: East Ave., Big Creek 1967 (NNY)(Jan.'68) Copenhagen 1972 Remsen, Prospect 1974 Little Falls 1979 Rome:Calvary 1981 Rome: Calvary, Rome: First (Assoc.) 1982 Raquette River, Hogansburg 1988 (NCNY) Navarino, Cedarvale 1993 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Turnpenny, Corey PE 2013 FE 2015 2013 Whitney Point Tuttle, Joellyn W. PL 2004 PE 2005 FE 2008 1989 (NCNY) DM: Christian Ed Intern: 7 Valleys Dist. 1991 United Church of Fayetteville 1993 Lansing 1995 (1/1/96) NCNY Christian Educ. Consultant 2000 N. Syracuse: Andrews Mem: Christian Educator 2004 PL: Syracuse: Calvary (75%) 2005 Syracuse: Calvary; Syracuse: Gethsemane 2010 (UNY) Skaneateles
Valencia Jr, Jose L. SP 1952 PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1995 1952 SL: Morley (Iowa) 1953 No Appointment 1955 (WYO) Lake Como 1957 At School 1958 Edmeston & Burlington 1961 Afton & North Afton 1966 Windsor & East Windsor
Tyler, Scott FL 2009 PE 2002 FE 2005 2001 Jonesville 2005 (Troy) Canajoharie 2007 Ticonderoga First 2010 (UNY) Ticonderoga First
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Vanderminden, Meredith SP 1997 PE 1999 FE 2003 1997 (Troy) SL: Queensbury & Sanford's Ridge 1998 SL: Lake George 1999 Hartford: North Granville 2003 (Troy) Faith Development Coordinator 2008 (1/1/08) Director of "Entheos" 2009 Lake George 2010 (UNY) Lake George + Extension Ministry, Entheos Center for Spirituality & Creativity Director 2015 (1/24/2016) Glens Falls: Christ Church & Ext. Min: Art Divina
1971 Binghamton: High St. 1974 Elm Park, Associate 1978 Endicott & Endwell 1982 Endwell 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Vallet, William W. FL 1979 PM 1980 FM 1983 1979 (CNY) (Sept) FL: VanEtten, W.Danby, In School 1980 School;VanEtten, W.Danby 1983 Manchester 1987 (NCNY)Manchester, Farmington 1988 Farmington 1997 Sabbatical 1998 (9/1/98) Pine City: Pennsylvania Ave. 2010 (UNY) Pine City: Pennsylvania Ave.
VanWie, Leon I. SY 1973 PM 1977 FM 1982 1973 (NNY)(employed by DS) Knoxboro 1974 (WNY) (employed by DS) Scottsburg, E. Groveland 1976 (School) Groveland Coop. Parish 1977 Groveland Coop Parish 1980 (NNY) DeKalb Junction, DeKalb 1983 (Mar.'84) Dexter, Brownville 1993 (NCNY) Oneida: First 1998 (Aug. 1) Watertown: Asbury 2010 (UNY) Watertown: Asbury
Van Arnam, William W. PM 1960 FM 1962 RE 1998 1960 (Troy) In School 1962 Saratoga Sprgs (Assoc.) 1964 In School 1966 (Wyo)Campus Min, Binghamton 1972 (CNY) Un. Min Higher Ed., Syracuse 1980 Utica Pastor Coun. Center 1998 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Venzor, Cheryl Zandt PE 2000 FE 2004 2000 Chaplain, INOVA Alexandria Hosp, VA. (335.1b) 2010 (UNY) Chpln & Asst. to Dir of Pastoral Care, INOVA Alexandria Hosp, VA 2013 Chpln/Dir of Spiritual Care, INOVA, Alexandria Hospital 2015 Interim (2/5/16) Withdrew
Van Dussen, D Gregory PM 1972 FM 1974 RE 2011 1972 (WNY) Batavia, Associate 1974 Cattaraugus, Wesley 1980 Bergen 1988 Albion 1997 Batavia District Superintendent 2003 East Aurora: Baker Memorial 2006 (8/15/06) Springville Partnership Min: Springville 2010 (UNY) Springville 2011 Retired
Wagner, Jane SP 1998 PE 2000 FE 2003 1997 (NCNY) (6/21/98) SL: Grindstone Is (summer) 1998 (Sept. 7) SL: Philadelphia, Evans Mills 2005 Tyrone 2007 Leave of Absence 2007 (10/1/07) Ecumenical Appt: Carthage UCC 2010 (UNY) Ecumenical Appt: Carthage UCC
Van Ornum, Carlton G. FL 1941 PM 1944 FM 1946 RE 1985 *1941 (NNY) FL: N. Stockholm, W. Stockholm *1943 FL: N. Bangor, W. Bangor 1944 School 1947 W. Frankfort, Utica: Central (Assist.) 1949 Camden, Florence 1955 Ilion 1966 Supt. Mohawk District 1972 Rome: First 1985 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wait, Kenneth PM 1949 FM 1953 RE 1989 1949 (Troy) Berlin & Stephentown: Federated 1951 At School 1953 Galway 1956 Mayfield & Bleecker 1960 (4/1/60) North-East Ohio Conference 1975 (6/1/75) (Troy) Assoc Prof, Orange Cty Comm College, Middletown, NY 1981 Prof, Orange Cty Comm College, Middletown, NY
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Walz, Patricia Lee FL 2008 PE 2009 FE 2011 2008 (NCNY) FL: Dexter, Brownville 2010 (UNY) Dexter, Brownville 2013 (June 2,2013) leave of absence 2014 (8/17/14) Baldwinsville Congregation Care (50%) 2015 Baldwinsville Congregation Care (25%)
1989 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Walker, Diane PL 2003 PE 2006 FE 2009 RE 2014 2003 (NCNY) PL: Cayuga, Tyre 2007 Ovid Fed. 2010 (UNY) Ovid Fed 2014 (12/1/2014) Retirement
Ward, Jerome D. PM 1969 FM 1972 RE 2011 1969 (WNY) At School 1971 Panama; Watts Flats 1980 Findley Lake 1984 Jamestown: Kidder Memorial 2002 (4/1/02) Fredonia 2006 (9/1/06) Incapacity Leave 2008 Wellsville: First 2010 (UNY) Wellsville: First 2011 Retired
Wallace, Joseph C. PM 1989 FE 1993 RE 2005 1982 (NNY) Pennellville 1987 In School 1989 (NCNY) In School 1991 Carthage, Champion 1995 Kanona, Wheeler, Prattsburg 1998 Mexico 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Warner, Kelly PE 1997 FE 2000 1997 (Troy) Georgia & St. Albans Bay 2001 Georgia 2003 South Glens Falls 2010 (UNY) Albany: Pine Grove 2013(5/6/2013) Medical leave 2014 (2/1/2014 ) Personal Leave 2014 (7/1/14) Hartford (25%) 2015 Hartford/ CP Sanfords Ridge
Walter, William N PM 1955 FM 1957 RE 1978 1955 (CNY) In School 1957 Lodi, Logan 1959 Tyrone, Wayne 1960 S.Otselic, Pharsalia 1967 Otselic Valley Parish 1968 S.Otselic, Pharsalia 1971 Weedsport, Brick Church 1974 Weedsport 1977 Honorable Location *1977 Weedsport 1978 Retired 1978 Montezuma 1989-92 (1989-9/30/1992) (NCNY) Borodino 2010 (UNY) Retired
Washburn, Donald PM 1964 FM 1966 RE 2007 1964 (WYO) At School 1966 Bainbridge 1971 Newark Valley 1976 Northwest Group Ministry, Newark Valley 1977 Coordinator, Binghamton & Oneonta Districts 1978 Windsor 1981 (Troy) Associate, Burnt Hills 1984 (10/15/84) Mechanicville 1992 Amsterdam: United 1995 Burnt Hills 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Walters, Susan Tew FL 1984 PM 1986 FM 1988 1984 FL: (2/1/84) (WNY) Dalton 1986 Lydonville 1988 Olcott 1990 Alexander; Darien 1993 Alabama/Basom (50%) 1997 Hartland 2006 (9/1/06) Hartland (75%) 2007 East Bloomfield 2010 (UNY) East Bloomfield 2011 Delta/Verona 2013 Delta/Verona (2/1/13 CP Westmoreland)
Waters, Raoul J FL 1952 PM 1955 FM 1958 RE 1992 *1952 (NNY) Lay Pastor 1952 FL: Madrid, Chases Mills & Bucks Bridge 1955 (NNY) DeKalb Junction & DeKalb 1957 Delta 1961 Remsen & Prospect
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Webster, Bruce F. FL 1974 PM 1977 FM 1980 RE 2007 *1974 (CNY) FL: Sodus Point *1975 In School 1977 (CNY) In School 1978 Syracuse: Brown Mem, Onon Indian Mission 1981 Syracuse: St. Paul's, Brown Memorial, Onon Indian Mission (Assoc.) 1982 Syracuse: St. Paul's, Onondaga Nation (Assoc.) 1985 Liverpool (Assoc.) 1988 (NCNY) Onondaga Hill 1989 Rome: First 1999 (1/16/00) New Hartford 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 Kirkville 2012 Kirkville; (8/1/12) UM Prot Chaplain SU 2013 Kirkville
1963 (NY) Croton-on-Hudson 1972 Bristol, CT 1976 Newburgh: Grace 1985 (Troy) Glens Falls: Christ 1992 Retired 1992 Eagle Bridge & South Cambridge 2004 Shushan 2010 (UNY) Retired; Shushan 2011 Shushan 2014 Retired Watson, Duane F. PM 1980 FM 1989 1980 (NNY) School (Princeton) 1981 School (Duke) 1986 (NCNY) Leave of Absence 1987 North Western, Steuben, Westernville 1989 Faculty, Malone Coll, OH 2010 (UNY) Prof NT Studies, Dept of Theol, Malone Univ, OH
Weeden, Michael PM 1984 FE 1991 1984 (WNY) At School 1986 Appointed to another Conf. 1989 Indian Falls 1991 Westons Mills: St. Andrews 1997 (NCNY) Canandaigua Assoc. 1997 (Oct.1) Wolcott: Faith 2002 Leave of Absence 2007 Newark: Emmanuel 2008 Elmira: New Beginnings 2010 (UNY) Elmira: New Beginnings 2013 Fulton First
Watters, Merry PM 1986 FM 1988 RE 2014 1986 (Troy) Essex Center 1996 South Burlington: Faith 2005 Saranac Lake 2007 Averill Park 2010 (UNY) Averill Park 2014 Retired Weaver, Donald L. FL 1957 PM 1958 FM 1962 RE 1997 1957 (WNY) Kendall 1959 Olean: Peoples 1962 Warsaw 1964 Interboard Council, Associate Director 1965 Boston: Churchill Memorial 1970 Wellsville 1974 Amherst: Trinity 1984 Buffalo District Superintendent 1990 Kenmore 1997 Retired 2001-02 (12/1/2001-3/31/2002) Interim Fredonia 2006 (6/15-8/15/06) Interim E Aurora: Baker Memorial 2006-07 (9/15/06-6/10/07) Interim Amherst: Trinity 2008 (1/1-6/10/2008) Interim Kenmore 2009-10 (4/1/10-6/30/10) Interim Niagara Falls: St. James 2010 (UNY) Retired
Theodore J. Weeden PM 1955 FM 1958 RE 1995 1955 (North Georgia) Hall Court 1956 Five Springs 1959 (California-Arizona) At School 1960 South Ontario: First, Associate 1961 Asbury 1966 Shaw University Faculty 1968 Wake Forest University Faculty 1969 Crozier Theological Seminary Faculty, Chester, PA 1970 Peninsula Conference 1970 Colgate Rochester Divinity School Faculty 1971 Western New York Conference 1974 Rochester: Wesley, Associate 1977 Rochester: Asbury First 1995 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Weihing, Richard PE 1993 FE 1999 1993 (Louisianna Conf) Attend School 1994 (Troy) Associate, Albany: McKownville 1995 Associate, Burnt Hills 2000 Ballston Spa 2004 Queensbury 2010 (UNY) Queensbury 2011 Glens Falls: Queensbury 2012 (10/15/2012) Albany District Superintendent
Point Circuit 2012 Whitney Point 2013 (7/1/13-9/7/13) Cortland Homer Ave & Freeville 2013 (2/20/14 - 6/30/14) Unadilla/Unadilla Ctr 2014 Sand Hill, Unadilla/Unadilla Center 2015 SJJ Memorial, Johnson City (75%) West, Harland J. PM 1953 FM 1955 RE 1978 1953 (WNY) At School 1955 Geneseo, Greigsville 1961 (9/1/61) Rochester: Asbury First, Associate 1963 Chaplain, State University of New York, Fredonia 1978 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Welkley, Richard PM 1967 FM 1969 RE 2000 *1966 Mooers, Mooers Forks & Scotia 1967 (Troy) Mooers, Mooers Forks & Scotia 1970 Associate, Glens Falls: Christ 1972 Eagle Mills 1979 Troy: Lansingburgh 1995 Troy: Lansingburgh & Cohoes: First 2000 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
West, Wayne M. PM 1968 FM 1971 RE 2006 1968 (WNY) Rochester: Emmanuel 1971 Amherst: Sweet Home 1974 Buffalo: Woodside 1977 Elma 1983 Associate Conf. Executive 1988 Conference Director of Discipleship Ministries 1994 Akron: First 2006 Retired 2007 (9/9/07 -6/30/10) Hartland (50%) 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (4/1/11- 6/30/2011) Wilson:Exley & Hartland 2011 Retired 2014 (5/18/14-6/29/14) Niagara Falls: St. James
Wenner, Eilene Susan PE 1998 FE 2000 1998 (WYO) Methodist Urban Ministry & Albright 2000 Director Methodist Urban Ministry & Albright 2001 Scott Valley 2004 Skinners Eddy 2007 Waymart Calvary 2009 Worcester 2010 (UNY) Worcester 2012 Worchester & Westford 2015 Big Flats & Corning Grace
Westover, Laurel W. PE 1997 FE 2000 1997 (Troy) AuSable Forks & Clintonville 1998 Associate, Schenectady: First 1999 Schenectady: First 2001 Galway 2003 Cobleskill 2007 (12/31/07) Leave of Absence 2010 (UNY) Slingerlands (75%) 2012 (1/1/2012) Slingerlands 2014 Ext. Min Chpln CPE program at Albany Med Ctr
Wenzinger, Cynthia J. SP 1997 PE 1999 FE 2006 1997 (WYO)SL: Chenango Bridge 2000 Kirkwood 2008 North Fenton UMC 2010 (UNY) North Fenton & Sanitaria Springs 2012 North Fenton (75%) 2015 Appalachin/Whittemore Hill (75%) Wenzinger, Ronald SP 1983 PM 1987 FE 1991 RE 2013 1983 (WYO) SL: Choconut Center 1985 SL: W. Chenango 1987 Mount Upton 1992 LFT Sanitaria Springs 1997 LFT Sanitaria Spring & Agape Coop. Parish 2002 Whitney Point 2010 (UNY) Whitney Point 2011 (1/1/2011) Whitney Point (75%); CP-Whitney
Wetherwax, John R. PM 1978 FM 1980 RE 2014 1978 (WNY) Grand Island: Trinity (Associate); 1982 Forestville; Nashville 1985 Boston: Churchill Memorial 1993 Buffalo: Cleveland Hill 1999 (9/1) Extension Ministry: Niagara Hospice 2003 Ransomville/Fillmore Chapel 2007 Williamsville (25%)
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2008 Williamsville (50%) 2009 (On Loan NCNY) Canandaigua 2010 (UNY) Canandaigua 2014 Retired
*1954 (CNY) Port Gibson, Fairville 1956 (NNY) In School 1958 Westmoreland,Clark Mills 1962 Watertown:Bethany 1968 Hamilton 1975 (CNY)Cortlnd:Homer Ave 1987 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wharton, Osceola W. PM 1987 FE 1992 RE 2004 1986 (WNY) Andover; Greenwood 1997 Wayland 2004 Retired 2004 (7/1/04) Wayland 2010 (UNY) Wayland
Whitefield, William I. PM 1959 FM 1963 RE 1996 1959 (CNY) E.Canton 1961 Big Flats 1966 In School 1967 Honorable Location *1979 Wolcott, N.Wolcott 1981 Reinstated; Wolcott, N. WolÂÂcott 1984 S. Otselic 1989 (NCNY)(Aug.13) Cuyler 1993 Chaplain, Georgetown Correctional Fac.; Cuyler 1995 Chaplain:Georgetown Corr. Fac. 1995 (2/11/96) Chpln: Georgetown Corr. Fac.; Georgetown 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wheat, Harold PE 2008 FE 2011 2008 (8/1/08) Norfolk, Brasher Falls 2010 (UNY) Norfolk, Brasher Falls & CP @ Hogansburg 2011 Norfolk/Brasher Falls/Buckton 2012 East Syracuse 2014 Dryden White, Elaine S PM 1986 FM 1989 HL 2000 Reinstated 2007 RE 2010 1985 (CNY) Chemung, Wilawana PA 1986 (NCNY) PM: Chemung, Wilawana 1989 FM: Chemung, Wilawana 1990 Freeville, Varna, Ellis Hollow 1994 Philadelphia, Evans Mills LFT 1998 (348.3) Barnes Corners LFT 1999 Oran 2000 Honorable Location *2003 (12/1/03) Watkins Glen *2005 Watkins Glen; Montour Falls 2006 FL: Watkins Glen, Montour Falls 2007 Reinstated: Watkins Glen, Montour Falls 2008 Living Waters Parish: Oriskany Falls, Madison, Bouckville, Deansboro 2010 Retired 2010 (UNY) Living Waters Parish (Oriskany Falls/Bouckville/Madison/Deansboro 2012 Return to Retirement
White-Wunder, Judy D. SP 1985 PM 1988 FE 1990 RE 2003 1985 (CNY) SL: Enfield 1987 (NCNY) SL: Auburn: First (Assist.) 1989 Savannah, Butler, Montezuma 1992 Tyrone 1997 Painted Post, S. Corning 2000 S. Corning 2000 (9/1/00) S. Corning; Corning: Grace Assoc. 2001 S. Corning LFT 2003 Retired 2009 Bluff Point 2010 (UNY) Bluff Point 2015 (12/31/15) returned to retirement Wickett, Thomas F. PM 1989 FE 1991 RE 2005 1989 (WNY) West Webster 1993 North Tonawanda: First 1998 (Florida) Riverview 1999 (WNY) Wellsville 2001 (1/14-6/30/2001) Leave of Absence 2001 (7/1/01) North Ontario 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2013 (12/1/13-6/30/14) Allen's Hill 25%
White, Sarah Chase L 1999 PE 2003 FE 2006 RE 2010 2001 Keeseville & Harkness 2006 (Troy) Ballston Spa & Malta Ridge 2007 Ballston Spa 2010 (UNY) Ballston Spa 2010 (12/31/10) Retired 2012 Mooers White, Wiley H. PM 1956 FM 1958 RE 1987
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Wickins, David R. SP 1995 FL 2001 PE 2003 FE 2008 1994 (WNY) County Line, Quaker Road 1995 SL: (11/30/95) County Line, Quaker Road 2001 FL: County Line, Lockport Emmanuel 2002 Fillmore/Hume 2007 Clymer/North Clymer 2010 (UNY) Clymer/North Clymer 2011 (10-16-11) Akron:First
2013 Union Hill & West Webster (New Life) (75%) 2014 New Life (50%) 2015 Webster: New Life / Seneca Castle (75%) Wilks, Harold Thomas PM 1984 FM 1985 RE 2009 1984 (8/1/84) (WNY) Buffalo: Kensington Memorial 1990 (07/1990) Incapacity Leave 2009 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wiggers, Stephen J. PE 1990 FE 1995 1990 (WNY) At School 1991 Arkport 1997 Panama 2010 (UNY) Fredonia: First 2014 (11/17/14) Ext Min.: Chaplain, Halifax Health Hospice Team, Florida
Williams, Heather A. SP 2000 PE 2003 FE 2006 2000 (NCNY) SL: Countryside, Victory 2003 Liverpool Associate 2008 Camillus: Immanuel 2010 (UNY) Camillus: Immanuel 2014 Saratoga Springs
Wiggins, James B. FL 1957 PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1997 1957 (C.Tex.) FL: In School 1959 Fort Worth:Arlington Heights (Assoc.) 1960 In School 1963 Prof. Syracuse University 1965 (CNY) Prof. Syr Univ 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Williams, James A. PM 1963 FM 1964 RE 1975 *1962 (WNY) Bergen 1963 Rochester: Corn Hill 1964 Chaplain, US Navy 1968 (Memphis) Chaplain, US Navy 1975 Retired 1980-81 (CNY) Savannah, Butler 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wiliford, Lawrence PM 1974 FM 1977 1973 (East Ohio) At School 1976 West Michigan Conference 1983 Wisconsin Conference 1990 (2/1/90) NCNY Director of Camping 2000 (1/1/00) Kansas East Conference 2005 (9/1/05) (WNY) Exec Dir CCRM and Dir Camp Asbury 2010 (UNY) Director Camp Asbury 2011 Elba; West Barre 2012 (1/1/2013 - 6/30/2013) West Barre (75%) 2013 West Barre /Oakfield 2014 North Ontario
Williams, Jr., B. Lee PM 1986 FM 1988 1986 (NCNY) Hammondsport, Mitchellsville 1997 Hammondsport 2001 Appt. in WNY: Wellsville First 2008 Marcellus 2010 (UNY) Marcellus 2014 Canandaigua Willis, Michael K. PM 1984 FM 1986 1984 (WYO) Fly Creek 1988 Noxen 1993 Dorranceton 2001 Vestal 2010 (UNY) Vestal
Wiliford, Terry Sue PE 2006 FE 2010 2006 (6/3/2006) Transfer to WNY Conference 2006 (WNY)(8/13/2006) Johnsonburg (25%) 2006 (9/10/2006) Darien (50%) 2007 Silver Springs/Darien 2008 Delevan, Sardinia 2010 (UNY) Union Hill; West Webster
Wilson, Douglas PM 1970 FM 1972 RE 2008 1970 (WNY) At School 1971 Niagara Falls: St. Paul's, Associate 1975 At School 1978 Portville 1985 Perry: First
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2005 Geneseo 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (1/24/11 - 5/31/11) Wayland 2012 (7/1/12 - 9/2/12) Covington 2015 Covington (<25%)
2013 Family Leave 2014 Extension Min @ Centus,Samaritan Institute Wolfe, Thomas V. PM 1980 FM 1983 1980 (CNY) In School 1981 Ithaca:Forest Home 1984 Moravia 1990 (NCNY) Prot. Chaplain, Syracuse University 1998 (1/1/99) Dean of Hendricks Chapel, SU 2009 Sr. VP-Dean, Div. of Student Affairs, SU 2010 (UNY) Sr. VP-Dean, Div. of Student Affairs, SU 2013 Pres. Iliff School of Theology, Ext. Min.
Wilson, Gwendolyn T. PM 1988 FE 1991 RE 2005 1987 (WNY) Dalton 1988 Baker Memorial, Associate 1990 Collins Center; Perrysburg-Dayton 1996 At School 1997 Carlton 1997 (11/1/97) Rochester District Minister at Large 1998 West Henrietta: Genesee Valley, Union Hill 2001 (10/1/01) Lakeshore Behavioral Health (75%) 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wollaber, Robert C. PM 1975 FM 1982 1975 (NNY) School 1975 (Sept) Westmoreland, Clark Mills 1979 At School 1980 Oswego Center, Southwest Oswego 1984 Remsen, Prospect 1990 (NCNY) Cazenovia 1993 Delta, Ava 1995 Delta, Rome: Calvary; Vienna, Lowell 1996 Rome:Calvary; Vernon, Lairdsville 1998 Ilion 2002 Ilion, Mohawk,Frankfort;"Morningstar Ministries" 2005 Morningstar Ministries: E Schuyler, Frankfort, Ilion, Mohawk; CP, Lassellsville 2010 (UNY) Morning Star Ministrie: E Schuyler, Frankfort, Ilion, Mohawk; CP, Lassellsville 2012 Morning Star
Wilson, Jeannetta K. PM 1983 FM 1985 RE 2006 1983 (WNY) Webster, Associate 1985 Orchard Park 1990 Newfane 1995 Kendall (75%) 1997 Sabbatical Leave 1998 Incapacity Leave 2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Wolcott, David PM 1958 FM 1960 RE 1997 * 1957 (WNY) Canaseraga, Garwoods 1958 Canaseraga, Garwoods 1959 (CNY) Kanona, Wheeler 1963 (NNY) Adams 1972 Earlville, Poolville 1978 Canton 1983 Mexico 1991 (NCNY) Bath 1997 Retired 1997-05 Coopers Plains 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wolter, Gerald A. FL 1968 AM 1974 PM 1977 FM 1979 RE 1997 1967 (WNY) Andover, Greenwood 1972 Hornell: Spencer 1974 Associate Member 1979 Rochester: Grace 1988 North Tonawanda: First 1993 Rochester: Wesley 1997 Retired 1997 (8/1/97) Rochester: Aldersgate, Associate 2010 (UNY) Retired
Wolfe, Marilyn Nichols PE 1993 FE 1996 1993 (NCNY) In School 1994 Collamer (United) 2000 Syracuse: University Assoc. 2002 Syracuse: University 2008 Attend School 2010 (UNY) Solvay LFT (25%)
Womack, J Paul PM 1971 FM 1974 RE 2014 1971 Holston Conference: At School 1973 Eastdale, TN 1975 (WNY) Buffalo: Kensington; Buffalo: Memorial 1977 (9/1/77) Buffalo: Kensington Memorial 1978 Buffalo: Kensington Memorial; Sumner-Lovejoy 1981 Pavilion
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
1983 Kenmore, Associate 1985 Rochester District Community Minister 1992 Rochester: Seneca 1998 Rochester: Covenant 2003 Williamsville 2004 (3/8/04) Chaplain, U.S. Army 2005 Grand Island: Trinity 2008 Chautauqua: Hurlbut Memorial 2010 (UNY) Chautauqua: Hurlbut Memorial 2014 Retired
2010 (UNY) Watertown: First 2011 (1/1/2012) Watertown: First/Stone Mills (75%) 2014 Retired 2014 (1/1/2015) Lowville /Martinsburg (50%) 2015 Martinsburg (<25%) Wylie, Christopher PE 2010 FE 2012 2007 (WNY) Hartland (Interim) (25%) 2008 Alden (25%) 2010 (UNY) Pavilion/Wyoming (75%) 2011 (1/1/2011) Pavilion/Wyoming 2013 Millville / Knowlesville 2015 (1/1/15) Medina: The UMC of the Abundant Harvest 2016 Medical Leave
Won, Duk SP 1995 FL 1997 PE 1998 FE 2001 RE 2004 1995 (NCNY) SL: Savannah, Fosterville 1997 FL: Savannah, Montezuma, Butler 1998 Savannah, Montezuma, Butler 2000 Jordan 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Yang, Cheol - Hee (Charlie) FE 2002 2002 (Troy) Transferred In 2002 Vermont Korean-American and Jericho 2009 Voorheesville 2010 (UNY) Voorheesville 2014 Albany: McKnownville
Wood, Franklin R. PM 1952 FM 1959 RE 1990 1952 Erie Conference EUB: At School 1959 Little Cooley 1964 Warren: Bethal 1967 Tonawanda: Bethany 1971 (WNY) Tonawanda: Bethany 1972 Buffalo: White Memorial 1978 Collins Center, Perrysburg-Dayton 1990 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Yang, Hyun Joo PE 1992 FE 1994 1991 (W. PA) Lowville 1992 Lowville/Lake Pleasant 1995 Strattanville 1997 (on loan NCNY) Tyrone 2002 Transfer In NCNY: Tyrone 2003 Bridgeport 2010 (UNY) Bridgeport 2011 Bridgeport; Syr Hope Korean 2015 Newark: First
Wood, Kenneth E. PM 1967 FM 1970 RE 2006 1967 (WYO) At School 1970 Tioga Center 1974 Windsor 1978 Vestal & Calvary First 1982 Vestal 1985 Wyoming Conference Council Director 1990 Owego 1994 Endicott Central 2006 Retired; (9/1/06) Owego Associate 2010 (UNY) Owego Associate 2011 (12/31/10) Retired
Yang, Jay Suh PM 1982 FM 1984 RE 2008 1982 (Ala-W. Fla.) Korean: Montgomery 1984 (7/1-12/31/84) Leave of Absence 1984 (Jan. '85) (Des-SW) Korean: Las Vegas 1987 (10/1/87) (W.Pa) Student; Pittsburgh: First Korean 1990 Erie: Glenwood 1991 North East: Immanuel 1995 Summerville 1996 (7/1-12/31/96) Leave of Absence 1996 (Jan. 1, 1997) (NCNY) Odessa 1999 Yatesville, Friend LFT 2000 Dundee LFT 2003 Apulia/Onativia LFT 2004 Transfer In: Apulia, Onativia LFT
Woodcock, Joyce M. PL 2002 PE 2004 FE 2007 RE 2014 2002 (NCNY) PL: Great Bend 2003 PL: Champion, Great Bend 2005 Three River Valley Parish: Beaver Falls, Carthage, Champion, Naumburg: Beaver Valley 2007 Watertown: First
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2007 Camillus: First LFT 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2012 New London/Westmoreland 2012 (9/22/12) New London 2015 (7/26/15) Rushvill50%
2007 (1/28/08) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave Zimmerman, Robert W. SP 1996 PE 2000 FE 2004 RE 2013 1996 (WNY) SL: Tonawanda: Bethany 2000 Tonawanda: Bethany (50%) 2001 Holland 2007 Holland, Coordinating Pastor: Protection 2010 (UNY) Holland & Coor. Pastor: Protection 2011 Holland; Colden & Coor. Pastor: Protection 2012 Holland, Colden 2013 Retired
Young, Carl Phillip FE 2002 RE 2016 2002 (WYO) Professor of Art, Hartwick College 335.1d 2010 (UNY) Professor of Art, Hartwick College 335.1d 2016 Retired Young, Donna J. FL 2001 PE 2002 FE 2005 RE 2005 2000 (NCNY) (6/1/01) FL: Port Byron 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Zittel, Robert J. PE 1994 FE 1997 RE 2010 1994 (Troy) North Chatham & Malden Bridge 2001 Averill Park: Church of the Covenant 2005 Slingerlands 2010 (UNY) Retired 2010 (9/1/2011-6/30/2011) Schenectady First
Zeck, Leanne PE 2009 FE 2011 2009 (WNY) Leroy/Stafford 2010 (UNY) Leroy/Stafford 2013 New Beginnings: Elmira Zimmer, Calvin F. PM 1951 FM 1953 RE 1977 1951 (WNY) 1955 (NNY) Frankfort, W. Schuyler 1957 Willowvale, Sauquoit 1961 Mexico, North Mexico 1964 Canton 1970 Canton Ag. & Tech. Inst. 1977 Retired 1977-81 (77-4/81) Colton, Hannawa Falls, S. Colton 2010 (UNY) Retired Zimmerman, Joan FL 2000 PE 2001 FE 2004 RE 2011 2000 FL: Alden, Bowmansville 2006 (7/15/06) West Valley: St. Paul's 2010 (UNY) West Valley: St. Paul's 2011 Retired Zimmerman, Lorraine PM 1988 FE 1992 1988 (NCNY) Apulia, Onativia 1989 (Jan.'90) In School 1990 Coopers Plains, Presho 1993 Sandy Creek, Orwell 1997 Leave of Absence 1999 Leonardsville, Wyoming Conf.: Edmeston 2003 Butler, Countryside, Montezuma, Victory
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Deacons in Full Connection Barden, Kathleen B. DM 1993 FD 1997 RD 2007 1990 Intern: Fayetteville 1993 (NCNY) Fayetteville 1997 FD: Fayetteville 2003 (1/1/04) Syracuse: Brown Memorial Westside Neighborhood Project 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2002 (8/12/02) Medina 2003 (3/3/03) Medina; Indian Falls 2007 Greece: Coor. of Nurturing Ministries 2010 (UNY) Greece: Coor. of Nurturing Ministries 2015 Greece (50%) 2016 Buffalo: Seneca St 25% / Greece 50% Hodge, Jeff PD 2008 FD 2010 2008 (NCNY) PD: Baldwinsville Assist.; J. Hodge Consulting 2010 (UNY) FD: Baldwinsville Assist.; J. Hodge Consulting 2011 Baldwinsville Children's Activities & Family Ministries; J. Hodge Consulting 2012 (11/1/12 - 6/30/13) Baldwinsville Children's Activities & Family Ministries; J. Hodge Consulting; Pennellville 2014 Oswego Trinity, Pennellville; J. Hodge Consulting
Bowen, Denise PD 2002 FD 2007 2002 (GNJ) Summit: First Associate 2007 (GNJ) Transitional Leave 2007 (NCNY) (6/1/08) Syracuse: Christ Comm. Assistant 2008 Syracuse: Christ Comm. Assist; Sandy Creek 2010 (UNY) Sandy Creek, Orwell 2011 Lake Ontario Parish; Orwell, Sandy Creek 2013 Sandy Creek 2014 Boonville; Chaplain, Folts Center 2015 Boonville (50%)
Hussey, Sandra H. DM 1995 FD 1998 RD 2007 1980 (WNY) (7/1/80-6/30/82) Jamestown District Resource Person for Christian Education 1985 Greece: Coordinator Nurturing Ministries 1998 Greece 2007 Retired 2008 (12/3/08) Pultneyville 2010 (UNY) Pultneyville
Cardin, Patricia PD 2010 FD 2014 2010 (UNY) Sarah Jane Johnson Memorial, NFC: Dream Center 2014 NFC: Urban Edge (25%) Do, Insook PL 1994 PD 2009 FD 2012 1994 (Troy) PL 75%: Galway 2005 No Appointment 2009 (TROY) Hospice, St. Peters Hospital, Albany 2010 (UNY) Hospice, St. Peters Hospital, Albany 2013 Chaplain/Counselor, Capital City Rescue Mission New Faith Family Center for Homeless Women, Albany
Jones, Amy PD 2007 FD 2010 2007 (WNY) VA Conf: Trinity UMC 2009 Appointed To Attend School (Drew) 2010 (UNY) FD: Appointed To Attend School (Drew) 2015 Interim Dir. of Theological Lifelong Learning; Assoc Dir of D-Min Program; UMC Liaison
Finch, Deanna M. DM 1991 FD 1997 *1980 Washington, NJ: Christian Educator *1985 Syracuse, NY: Christian Educator *1986 Manlius, NY: Educational Associate *1989 (12/1/89) Amherst: Christ Pastoral Associate 1991 DM: Amherst: Christ Pastoral Associate 1995 (12/1/95) Hamburg: Christian Educator 1997 (WNY) FD: Hamburg 2001 (6/1/01) Program Director, Camp Asbury 2002 (2/1/02) Perry (Missional)
Kang, Mahn-Hee PD 1999 FD 1999 1998 (TROY) Transferred from West Ohio 1994 Albany: Korean Minister of Music; Hartwick College Professor of Music 2000 Hartwick College Professor of Music 2002 Korean Baptist Theological Seminary
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Lee, Catherine PL 2003 PD 2008 FD 2011 RD 2014 *2000 (10/1/00) Harmony 2003 (NCNY) PL 25%: Scott 2008 PD: Cortland: First Assoc. (25%) 2009 (10/1/09) Chaplain, Folts Home 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, Folts Home 2011 FD: Chaplain, Folts Home 2014 Retired 2015 McGraw
Liverpool Associate 2011 (7/1/11-6/30/13) Loretto Nursing Home
LeValley, Bonnie M. DM 1991 FD 1997 *1981 Kenmore: Dir of Christian Education *1983 Brighton Community Church (American Baptist) *1986 Amherst: Christ, Dir of Children's Ministries *1988 Elma: Dir of Christian Ed and Youth Ministries 1991 (WNY) DM: Elma: Dir of Christian Ed and Youth Min. 1997 FD: Elma (50%) 2007 (8/1/07) Akron Nurturing Minister (50%) 2008 Kenmore 2010 (UNY) Kenmore
Russell, Susan FD 1998 *1997 Attica: Trinity Associate 1998 (WNY) FD: Attica: Trinity (Missional) 1998 (1/1/99) Alexander Youth Pastor (50%) 2010 (UNY) Transitional Leave 2011 Camp Asbury Retreat Center Guest Services Coordinator
Price, Sheila M. DM 1998 FD 2001 1998 (WNY) DM: Lockport: Emmanuel Christian Ed Dir 2000 WNY Resource Center Coordinator 2001 FD: United Theological Seminary, Buffalo 2002 (346.1 NCNY) FL: Odessa, Catharine 2010 (UNY) Montour Falls, Odessa-Catharine
Seeley, Jeffery A FD 2014 2014 (UNY) (7/30/2014) Dir. Of Choral Activities, Elmira College; Horseheads 2016 Associate Professor of Church Music @ Mercer University at Macon GA
Maxwell, Bruce B. PM 1989 FD 1997 1989 (NCNY) PM: In School 1990 Leave of Absence 1993 PaSCC Truck Stop Ministry (LTFT) 1997 FD: PaSCC Truck Stop Ministry 2010 (UNY) PaSCC Truck Stop Ministry
Verity, William DM 1997 FD 2001 1997 (NCNY) DM: Fayetteville Dir of Music 2001 FD: Fayetteville Director of Music 2005 (10-1-05) St. Daniels Roman Catholic Church 2007 Camillus: Immanuel Music Director 2010 (UNY) Camillus Roman Catholic Church, Director of Music 2013 Music teacher, Plattsburgh High School 2013 (8/15/2013) Organist DeWitt Community
McKibben, Florence DM1987 FD1997 RD 2001 *1967 Schenectady: Trinity Dir of Christian Ed 1987 (Troy) DM: Schenectady: Trinity Dir of Christian Ed 1988 Scotia Director of Christian Ed. 1990 Leave of Absence 1993 Coor. of Christian Education, CCOM 1997 FD: Teaching Ministries Coor., CCOM 2001 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Waltz, Vivian R. PD 2001 FD 2009 *1996 (CPA) Bedford (Associate) *1999 Shawnee Charge (Associate) 2001 (11/1) PD: Johnstown Prison Ministries 2006 (11/1) (Transfer in WNY) Hamburg (Associate) 2007 (9/6/07) Hamburg Minister of Discipleship; Sister Karen Klimczak Ctr for Nonviolence 2010 (UNY) FD: Hamburg Minister of Discipleship; Sister Karen Klimczak Ctr for Nonviolence 2010 (9/23/2010) Sister Karen Klimczak Ctr for Nonviolence 2011 (5-9-11) Dir., Sister Karen Klimczak Ctr for Nonviolence
Moore-Krackhardt, Shirley DM 1993 FD 1997 RD 2005 1993 (NCNY) DM: Interreligious Council of CNY 1997 FD: Interreligious Council of CNY 2005 Retired 2008 (7/1/08-12/31/09) Liverpool Associate 2009 (1/1/10) Chpln, Loretto Nursing Home; Liverpool Assoc 2010 (UNY) Chaplain, Loretto Nursing Home;
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Associate Members Armitage Jr, G Dewey FL 1968 AM 1976 RA 1996 1967 (Troy) (5/25/1968) FL: Schuyler Falls, Morrisonville, Peasleeville 1976 Schuyler Falls, Morrisonville, Peasleeville 1978 Esperance-Sloansville 1987 Johnsonville: Christ 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2005 (7/1/2005-6/20/2006) Mitchellsville 2010 (UNY) Retired Beaudry, Barbara A. FL 1968 AM 1971 RA 1988 1968 (NNY) FL: Parishville 1969 FL: Edwards, Fine, Oswegatchie, S. Edwards (Asst.) 1971 Waddington 1978 Trenton, W. Schuyler 1982 (10/1) W. Schuyler, Utica: Asbury 1984 Leave of Absence 1986 (NCNY) (8/1/1986) Leonardsville 1988 Retired 2008 Supervising Cherry Valley 2010 (UNY) Retired
Asbornsen, Alden FL 1992 AM 1995 RA 1998 1992 FL: (Troy) Esperance & Sloansville 1998 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Atkins, Janet W. FL 1983 AM 1987 RA 1991 1980 (WNY) Alma; Allentown 1983 FL: Jamestown: Camp Street 1987 AM: Jamestown: Camp Street 1991 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Beaudry, Harold A AM 1969 RA 1989 *1964 (NNY) Colton, Hannawa Falls, S. Colton *1968 Edwards, Fine, Oswegatchie, S. Edwards 1969 Edwards, Fine Oswegatchie, S. Edwards 1971 Ogdensburg 1978 Maynard, Marcy Community 1989 (NCNY) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Bates, Bonita PL 1991 FL 1999 AM 2001 1991 (Troy) PL 75%: Rensselaer: First 1996 PL 75%: Rensselaer: First; Brainard 2000 FL: Schuylerville, Quaker Springs 2001 AM: Schuylerville, Quaker Springs 2010 (UNY) Corinth, Middle Grove
Bloomberg, C Gordon FL 1970 AM 1980 RA 1989 1970 (WNY) FL: Centralia, Charlotte Center 1971 FL: Jamestown: Epworth, Associate 1974 FL: Sardinia 1978 FL: Interim(1/15/79) Edwards Chapel 1983 Busti Federated 1989 Retired 1989 (1/15-7/1/90) Jamestown: Epworth Christ (Interim) 1991-92 Magnolia 2010 (UNY) Retired
Battist, Sharon FL 1985 AM 1991 RA 2005 1985 (CNY) FL: Rose, Lock Berlin 1991 (NCNY) Rose, Lock Berlin 1995 Pultneyville, Sodus Point 2001 Campbell 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Cliver, Clifford K. PL 1991 FL 1997 AM 2000 RA 2008 1991 (WNY) PL: Cottage 1993 PL: Cottage, Watts Falls 1994 PL: Celoron, Watts Falls, Dunkirk/Hamlet 1997 FL: Dunkirk/Hamlet 1998 FL: Dunkirk 2000 AM: Dunkirk 2005 Dunkirk (75%) 2006 Incapacity Leave
Beardslee, Melanie A. FL 1978 AM 1984 RA 2001 *1978 (CNY) Caton, S. Corning 1984 Elmira: Riverside 1993 (NCNY) Big Flats 1998 Campbell 2000 (1/1/2001) Retired 2002 Mitchellsville 2002 (12/1/2002) Mitchellsville, Wallace
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2004 Sherburne, Smyrna 2010 (UNY) Sherburne, Smyrna 2011 Sherburne, Smyrna, Plymouth, Preston, North Norwich 2012 Sherburne, Smyrna
Cook, Gary N. FL 1982 AM 1991 RA 2003 1981 (Louisiana) FL: Patterson, Bayou Vista 1984 FL: Houma, Clanton Chapel, Pecan Grove 1985 (Troy) FL: Lyndonville, VT 1989 (WNY) FL: Olean: Trinity 1992 Olean: Trinity, Olean: Showers 1994 Bolivar 1996 Clymer, North Clymer 1998 (8/15/98) Jamestown: Stillwater/Wheeler Hill 2001 (346.1 W PA) Johnsonburg Charge 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Gazzilli, Mario SP 1986 FL 1987 AM 2003 RA 2013 *1983 (NNY)(9/1/1983) Columbia Center, S. Ilion 1986 (NCNY) Columbia Center, S. Ilion, N. Columbia 1989 FL: Columbia Center, N. Columbia 1989 (11/1/1989) FL: Beaver Falls, Naumburg: Beaver Valley 1995 FL: Dexter, Brownville 2000 FL: Earlville, Poolville 2007 (1/1/2008) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2013 Retired
Danielson, Olav FL 1978 AM 1982 RA 1986 1977 (WNY) FL: Pekin, Dickersonville 1978 FL: Dickersonville 1982 Pendleton Center 1983 Buffalo: Richmond Avenue; North Delaware 1986 (3/1/86) Buffalo: Richmond Ave, First 1986 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Golden, Edward A. FL 1979 AM 1986 RA 2011 1979 (WNY) FL: East Otto 1983 FL: Pekin 1991 Tri-Church Parish 1995 Edwards Chapel 2006 (6/20/06) Incapacity Leave 2010 (UNY) Incapacity Leave 2011 Retired
Drayer, Leslie FL 1994 AM 2001 RA 2010 1994 (WNY) FL: Dewittville; Hartfield 2002 Ripley; South Ripley 2007 Ransomville/Fillmore Chapel 2010 (UNY) Retired 2014 Interim (8/1/2014-6/30/2015) South Ripley
Holzhauer, Phyllis PL 1986 FL 1989 AM 1992 RA 2007 1986 (Troy) PL: Alpaus Assist. 1989 FL: Fort Plain & Freysbush 1996 Fields of the Lord Parish, Greenwich: Centenary 2002 Sabbatical Leave 2004 Clifton Park: Shenendehowa 2006 (3/1/07) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Dufford Jr, Paul L AM 1979 RA 2004 1958 (Troy) FL: South Plattsburgh 1961 (Troy) SL: Chazy & West Chazy 1965 SL: Greenfield Ctr, Porter's Crnr & S Corinth 1967 SL: Gansevoort & Gurn Springs 1967 (11/19/67) SL: Gansevoort, Gurn Spgs/S Wilton 1979 AM: Gansevoort, Gurn Springs & S Wilton 1980 Warrensburg & Bolton Landing 1989 Ticonderoga: First & Chilson 2004 Retired; Fortsville 2010 (UNY) Retired; Fortsville
Hutchins, Margaret E. SP 1989 PL 1991 AM 1997 RA 2016 1988 (NCNY) Varick, Fayette UCC 1989 (9/1/1989) SP: Varick 1990 PL: Cayuga 75% 1999 (12/1/1999) Attend School 2009 Special Appt: Asbury Theol. Seminary 2010 (UNY) Adm Assist to the Dean/Chapel & Vice Pres of Comm Life, Asbury Theological Seminary 2011 Dir of Healing, Spiritual Formation, Community Formation @ Asbury Theo Seminary 2016 Retired
Gallandorm, George W. PL 1994 FL 1996 PL 1999 AM 2002 1994 (WYO) (10/94)PL: 75% Lake Como 1996 FL: Three C's Coop Parish/Stewart Memorial 1999 (7/15/99) PL 75%: Damascus
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Jensen, Eugene B. FL 1988 AM 1992 RA 2001 *1983 (WYO) (1/84) West Chenango *1985 (10/85) Not Appointed *1986 (11/86) Kirkwood *1988 (7/15/88) Thompson *1991 Schenevus 1992 Schenevus 1994 Sayre 1997 Springville *2001 Springville 2001 Retired 2002 Marathon 2010 (UNY) Retired 2010 (7/1/10-6/30/15) Marathon
1993 Watkins Glen, Beaver Dams 2001 Retired 2002 (7/1/02-6/30/06) Burdett 2008 (7/1/08-6/30/10) Dundee 2010 (UNY) Retired
Jerzak, Nora M. PL 1990 AM 1997 RA 2009 1990 (NCNY) PL: Webb Mills: Wellsburg, Lowman Assoc. 1993 PL 75%: Truxton, East Homer 2001 AM: United Oswegatchie Parish 2006 Ogdensburg, Morristown 2009 (12/1/09) Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Manly, David E. PL 1986 FL 1989 AM 1993 RA 1996 1986 (WNY) PL 75%: Allens Hill, Canadice 1989 FL: Countryside Cooperative Parish 1992 FL: Warsaw: First, Immanuel 1993 AM: Warsaw: First, Immanuel 1996 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Knapp, Roscoe A. PL 1976 FL 1977 AM 1985 RA 1993 1976 (WNY) PL 75%: North Harmony 1977 FL: Swain; Garwoods; Grove 1982 FL: Delevan; Yorkshire 1985 AM: Olean: Christ, Associate 1988 Frewsburg United; Wheeler Hill 1993 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Mayo, Alvin H. PL 1983 FL 1988 AM 1993 RA 1999 1983 (NNY) PL 75%: Utica: Central (Assist.) 1984 PL 75%: Utica: Asbury 1988 (NCNY) FL: St. Johnsville, Lassellsville 1993 AM: Madison, Bouckville 1995 Alexandria Bay, Plessis, Redwood 1998 (9/1/99) Leave of Absence 1999 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kibbe, Thana M. SP 1989 PL 1991 FL 1993 AM 1999 RM 2011 1989 (NCNY) SP: Freeville, Varna 1990 (1/1/91) PL 75%: Wolcott, N. Wolcott (Assist.) 1993 FL: Moira, Brushton, North Bangor 1995 FL: (2/1/96) LaFargeville, Wellesley Island, Densmore, Omar-Fishers Landing 2003 AM: Newfield 2008 Earlville, Poolville 2010 (UNY) Earlville, Poolville 2011 Retirement
McCauley, Lionel B. FL 1988 AM 1998 RA 2007 1988 (WNY) FL: South Park 1995 FL: Tri-Church Parish 1997 FL: Hope UMC of Niagara County 1999 Clymer/North Clymer 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kissel, Keith PL 1961 FL 1963 PL 1964 FL 1966 PL 1968 FL 1975 AM 1976 RA 2001 1961 (CNY) PL 75%: Ledyard, W. Genoa, Venice Ctr 1962 PL 75%: Clockville, Siloa 1963 FL: Clockville, Siloa 1964 PL 75% Lysander, Little Utica 1966 FL: Lysander, Little Utica 1968 PL: Granby Center 1969 Discontinued 1970 (CNY) PL 75%: Warners 1975 FL: Warners 1976 (Nov.) AM: Dundee, Starkey 1982 Gorham 1987 (NCNY) Elmira:Centenary
McCracken, George PL 1982 FL 1985 AM 1990 RA 2002 1982 (CNY) PL 75%: Mottville, Half Acre Union 1986 (NCNY) FL: Weedsport, Mottville 1990 AM: Waterloo 1997 Farmington 1998 Caughdenoy 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 327
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2007(7/1/07-6/30/10) Johnsonburg 2010 (UNY) Johnsonburg 2006 Retired 2006 (7/1/06-8/28/07) Port Byron 2010 (UNY) Retired
Middleton Sr, Timothy M. FL 2001 AM 2009 2001 (WNY) (9/1/01) FL: Panama 2008 FL: Alfred, Angelica 2009 AM: Alfred, Angelica 2010 (UNY) Alfred, Angelica 2014 Newark Valley; cp-Caring Covenant Coop Parish
Newkirk, David D 1962 FL 1964 AM 1969 RA 2004 1964 (TROY) FL: Pawlet, Wells 1969 AM: Pawlet, Wells 1981 Mayfield, Bleecker 1992 Mayfield, Bleecker, Thurman 1996 Mayfield, Bleecker 2004 Retired 2004 (7/1/04-6/30/08) Mayfield, Bleecker 2010 (UNY) Retired
Moyer, Carol SP 1981 FL 1985 AM 1989 PM 1993 AM 2004 RA 2006 *1980 (CNY) Lock Berlin *1981 (12/81) SP: Varick, Fayette(UCC) 1985 FL: Warners 1989 AM: Warners 1993 (NCNY) PM: Camillus: First 1999 (4/1/00) Chittenango 2004 AM: Chittenango
Palmer, William J. PL 1995 FL 2000 AM 2005 RE 2014 1995 (NCNY) (8/95) PL: Belleville, Henderson 2000 FL: Dexter, Brownville 2005 Mexico 2010 (UNY) Mexico 2014 (1/1/2015) Retired
Noell, Ray M. PL 1997 FL 1999 AM 2011 1997 (WNY) PL 50%: Buffalo: Ontario Street 1998 PL 75%: Buffalo: Ontario Street, Grand Island: Emmanuel 1999 (1/1/99) FL: Buffalo: Ontario Street 2005 (7/10/05) Millville, Knowlesville 2010 (UNY) Millville, Knowlesville 2011 AM: Millville, Knowlesville 2013 Perry First, Covington 2015 Perry
Pearsall, Gordon G. PL 1959 Deacon 1963 FL 1965 PL 1967 AM 1969 RA 1997 *1957 N. Georgia Conference 1959 (CNY) PL 75%: Montezuma, Fosterville 1963 PL: 75% Peterboro, Pratts Hollow 1965 FL: Collamer 1969 AM: Meck Hill Parish 1970 Mecklenburg 1973 (9/73) Naples, Italy Valley 1982 Auburn: Trinity, Wall St 1983 Auburn: Trinity 1984 (1/1/85) Auburn: Trinity, Trooopsville 1985 New Hope 1987 (NCNY) Bowens Corners; Ontario Dist Local Church Resource Person 1990 (1/1/1991) 50% Bowens Corners 1991 Ovid Fed. 1997 Retired 1997 (7/1/97-6/30/99) Tyre 2002 (7/1/2002-6/30/2003) Savannah 2003 (7/1/2003-6/30/2004) Savannah, Clyde 2010 (UNY) Retired
Nonnenberg, Charles W. FL 1969 AM 1974 RA 1989 1969 (WNY) FL: South Dayton, Hamlet 1975 Silver Springs, Gainesville 1983 Pavilion 1989 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Oyer, Robert D. PL 1977 FL 1982 AM 1987 RA 2002 1977 (WNY) PL: Bishopville, South Dansville 1981 (8/16/81) PL 75%: Swain, Garwoods, Grove 1982 (8/1/82) FL: Dickersonville 1987 AM: Dickersonville 1988 Findley Lake 1996 Holley: Disciples 1999 (8/1/99) Cattaraugus, Wesley 2002 Retired 2002 (7/8/02-6/30/2007) Darien
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Pierce, Virginia FL 1997 AM 2005 RA 2010 1996 (Troy) Discontinued 1997 Reinstated 1998 FL: AuSable Forks & Clintonville 2005 AM: Family Leave 2006 AuSable Forks & Clintonville 2008 Morrisonville & Peasleeville 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 (7/1/2011-8/3/2014) Ausable Forks
2006 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Russell, Diana S. PL 1986 FL 1990 AM 1997 RA 1999 1986 (NCNY)PL 75%: Fosterville 1989 (11/1/89) FL: Auburn: Trinity, Troopsville Community 1990 FL: Auburn: Trinity 1995 FL: Rose, Lock Berlin 1987 AM: Rose, Lock Berlin 1999 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Pouncy, John E. PL 1990 FL 1995 AM 1997 RA 2002 1988 (WNY) Limestone 1990 PL 75%: Kennedy; Ellington 1995 FL: Rochester: Resurrection 1997 AM: Rochester: Resurrection 1998 (2/15/99) Roch: Resurrection, Groveland Fed. 1998 (5/1/99) Groveland Fed. 1999 Sheridan 2001 Incapacity Leave 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Sierk, Carol PL 1994 AM 2000 RA 2011 1994 (WNY) PL 75%: Darien, Johnsonburg 2001 Attica: Trinity 2004 Attica: Trinity; Pastor-WNY Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis Community 2010 (UNY) Attica: Trinity & Pastor-Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis Community 2011 Retired 2012 East Rochester 2015 (4/1/16) retire to retirement
Puckey, William L. PL 1993 AM 2000 1993 (WYO) PL 75%: Harmony Cooperative Parish, Thompson 1994 PL 75%: Christians United Together; Newton 1999 PL 75%: Dir., Christians United Together; Newton 2000 AM: Castle Creek 2005 Hawleyton, Conklin Forks 2010 (UNY) Hawleyton, Conklin Forks 2015 South Glens Falls
Smith, Lawrence T. FL 1975 AM 1990 RA 2005 1975 (CNY) FL: Burdett, Logan 1978 (WNY) FL: Kennedy; Ellington 1982 FL: South Dayton, Hamlet, Cottage 1986 FL: Sanborn 1990 AM: Sanborn 1991 West Valley: St. Paul's 2000 Weston's Mills: St. Andrews (50%) 2002 Weston's Mills: St. Andrews; Bolivar 2003 Bolivar 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Rhodes, Jacqueline S. PL 1989 FL 1991 AM 1995 RA 2007 *1988 (WNY) Watts Falls 1989 PL 75%: Jamestown: First 1991 FL: Brocton: Tri-Church Parish 2002 Jamestown: Kidder Memorial 2007 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Southcott, Janet S. PL 1982 FL 1983 AM 1987 RA 1999 1981 (WNY) (1/1/82) PL 75%: Albion 1985 FL: Delevan, Yorkshire 1990 Leave of Absence 1991 Wyoming, Covington 1993 Lockport: Emmanuel Associate 1995 Little Valley 1999 Retired 2004 (7/1/04-10/16/05) Elba 2008 (5/24-6/30/09) Holley: Disciples 2010 (UNY) Retired
Richardson, Mary E. PL 1991 FL 1992 AM 1999 RA 2006 1991 (WNY) PL 75%: Centerville, Sandusky 1992 FL: Friendship 1995 (10/14/95) FL: Jasper United (Jasper/Hedgesville) 1999 Adams Basin, Rochester: Lake Avenue 2003 Adams Basin, Hamlin
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Stewart, Elizabeth PL 1987 FL 1994 AM 2001 RA 2010 1988 (Troy) PL 75%: Petersburg 1989 PL 75%: Cohoes: First 1994 FL: Ctrl Bridge, Barnerville, Grosvenor's Cnrs 2001 AM: Central Bridge, Grosvenor's Corner 2004 Indian Lake, Blue Mt. Lake (75%) 2009 (12/1/09) Indian Lake, Blue Mt. Lake (25%) 2010 (UNY) Indian Lake & Blue Mt. Lake (25%) 2011 (10/31/2011) Retired
Vineyard, Joanne W. PL 1991 AM 1995 RA 1995 *1984 (WNY) Alma *1988 Alma, Shongo *1989 Sardinia 1991 PL 75%: Sardinia 1995 Retired 1999 (7/1/1991) WNY Walk to Emmaus Community 2010 (UNY) Retired Wendt, Ruth Deacon 1979 PL 1982 AM 1989 RA 2003 *1976 (NNY) Cold Brook, Gray, Morehouse, Ohio 1981 PL 75%: Turin, Constableville, Glenfield, Greig 1989 (NCNY) AM: Turin, Constableville, Glenfield, Greig 1990 Turin, Constableville, Glenfield, Greig (25%) 1993 Turin, Constableville, Glenfield, Greig (75%) 1996 Mt. Pleasant, N. Volney 2000 Mannsville, Lorraine 2003 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Summerville, Vivian C. PL 1987 FL 1994 AM 1998 RA 2008 1987 (NCNY) PL 75%: Hannibal Center, S Hannibal 1989 PL 75%: Fulton: First Assist. 1993 PL 75%: Pulaski: Park Assist. 1994 FL: New Haven, Lycoming 1998 AM: New Haven, Lycoming 2003 New Haven, Lycoming; cp-N. Mexico 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired Tongue, Wrightson Jr. FL 1979 AM 1981 RA 2008 1979 (NNY) FL: Edwards, S. Edwards 1981 AM: Edwards, S. Edwards 1985 Oriskany Falls, Deansboro 1993 (NCNY) Naples Fed. 2002 Herkimer 2008 Herkimer; cp-Van Hornesville 2008 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Yauchzy, Lois C.O. AM 1997 RA 2002 *1989 (NCNY) (9/1/1989) Fabius 1997 AM: Phoenix 2002 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Provisional Members Anderson, Andy M. J. PL 2009 PE 2015 2009 (WYO)PL: Franklin Forks 2010 (Susquehanna) PL: Franklin Forks 2011 (UNY)PL: Rochester: Seneca (50%) 2014 PL: Spencerport, Adams Basin (75%) 2015 Syracuse City UM Churches
Hadley, Susan PL 2011 PE 2014 2010 (WNY) (4-17-11) PL: East Otto (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: East Otto (25%) 2012 (1/1/13 ) PL: East Otto (50%) 2014 Seneca Falls Hansen, Derek PL2011 PE 2013 2011 (UNY) PL: Adams Basin (25%) 2011 (10/1/2011) Adams Basin; Rochester: Aldersgate Youth Minister (50%) 2013 Hudson Falls, Glens Falls 2015 Hudson Falls 100%
Brown, Stephanie PL 2015 PE 2016 2015 PL: (8/1/15) Harmony (25%) & (8/9/15) Varna (<25%) 2016 PE: Harmony / Virgil Browka, Abigail Cady FL 2013 PE 2015 2013 FL: Oneida First, Clockville 2015 PE: Oneida First, Clockville
Jensen, Eric PL 2007 PE 2011 2007 (WYO) PL: Westover (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Westover (25%) 2011 Vestal: Calvary / Westover 2015 (8/15/15) Vestal Calvary (75%) 2016 Vestal: Calvary 75% / Binghamton: Brookvale 25%
Buyea, Sally PL 2008 PE 2013 2007 (3/27/08) (NCNY) PL: Clark Mills (50%) 2008 PL: Canastota (50%) 2009 PL: Canastota, Clockville (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Canastota, Clockville (75%) 2013 Dexter, Brownville
Kleinstuber, David H PM 1962 PL 1996 FL 2001 PE 2003 RP 2004 1962 (WNY) Millvale 1964 Discontinued 1966 (Gr. NJ) PL: Sand Hill PA (75%) 1968 Discontinued 1994 (WYO) PL: Norwich: Broad Street, Assistant 1999 (11/1/99) PL: Sherburne 2000 (1/1/01) FL: Sherburne 2004 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Clemow, Linda McMillion PD 2010 RPD 2014 2010 (UNY) (9/9/10) Oneonta: Elm Park & Plains at Parish Homestead-Chaplain 2011 (9/13/11) Family Leave 2012 (12/4/12) Asbury First, missional 2014 Retired Davis, Bennie PM 1994 RP 1997 1992 Buffalo: Seneca St. 1994 (WNY) First Buffalo 1997 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired
Kubitz, Gary PL 2011 PE 2015 2011 (UNY) PL: Afton/Bainbridge (75%) 2015 Afton, Bainbridge, Sidney 2016 Voorheesville Lacy, Penny L PL 2006 FL 2013 PE 2015 2006 (Troy) PL: Wells (25%) 2007 PL: Malta Ridge (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Malta Ridge (50%) 2013 FL: Round Lake, Malta Ridge 2015 PE: Round Lake, Malta Ridge
Golando, Molly PL 2006 PD 2013 2006 (WNY) PL: Sheridan (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Sheridan; Perrysburg-Dayton (75%) 2013 (2/12/13) transitional leave 2014 Westfield UMC & Ext. Min: Functional Literacy Ministry/Haiti & BECALM
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Linder, Mary Ann FL 1999 RP 2005 1999 (WYO) FL: Mount Upton/Guilford 2004 FL: Mount Upton 2005 Retired 2010 (UNY) Retired 2011 New Berlin
Chaplain @ Nazareth College (50%) 2014 FL: Liverpool: First 2016 Lansing Slough, Kevin PL 2006 FL 2008 PE 2016 2005 (WNY) PL: Hosanna Junction (50%) 2008 FL: Rochester: Seneca/East Rochester 2010 (UNY) FL: Rochester: Seneca/East Rochester 2011 FL: E. Rochester/Elmgrove 2013 FL: Elmgrove
Lyles, Devin PL 2013 PE 2013 2012 (UNY) (3/2/2013) Rush Youth & Outreach (50%) 2014 Rush; New Faith Communities 2014 (3/1/2015) Rush; NFC: The Pillar (75%) 2015 NFC: The Pillar (75%)
Tierson, Adrian J. PL 2006 PE 2008 2005 (NCNY) (5/1/06) PL: Phelps United Assist. (25%) 2007 PL: Phelps United 25% 2008 Phelps United (75%) 2010 (UNY) Phelps United (75%)
Moon, Yohan OE 2015 PE 2015 2015 OE: Alexander (8/13/15) Transfer In: PE: Alexander
Ward, Rebecca J. PL 2001 FL 2009 PE 2010 2000 (WNY) PL: Conewango Valley (75%) 2003 PL: Forestville (75%) 2008 PL: Forestville, Perrysburg-Dayton (75%) 2009 FL: Northern Cornerstone Coop Parish (Forestville& Perrysburg) CP-Collins Center, Cottage, Versailles 2010 (UNY) Hartland; Wilson: Exley 2010 (4/01/2011) Incapacity Leave 2013 South Dayton 2014 Cattaraugus, Wesley
Naber, Rebecca PD 2015 2015 (UNY) East Aurora: Baker Memorial (Missional) Phaneuf, Phillip W. PL 2008 FL 2009 PE 2010 2008 (WNY) (11/12/08) PL: Asbury First, Associate 2008 (1/1/09) FL: Asbury First Associate 2010 (UNY) Asbury First, Associate 2013 Queensbury Raca, Nancy Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;Connor PE 2015 2015 Rochester: Covenant Assoc; New Faith Communities (75%)
White, Rodger PL 2000 PE 2008 RP 2012 2000 (Troy) PL: Morrisonville/Peasleeville: Zion (75%) 2006 PL: West Fort Ann (25%) 2007 PL: West Fort Ann & Sanford's Ridge (50%) 2008 Johnsonville & Pittstown 2010 (UNY) Johnsonville & Pittstown 2011 RW Johnsburg, Pottersville 2012 Retired 2012 (3/1/13) Mooers
Ranous, Susan PD 2016 2016 Ira 25% Sayers, Chad PL 2011 FL 2014 PE 2015 2010 (UNY)(5/8/2011) PL: Napoli (50%) 2011 PL: Falconer; Napoli (75%) 2012 PL: Falconer 50% 2014 FL: Caton 2015 PE: Caton
Winkelman, Paul PL 2012 FL 2013 PE 2016 2012 PL: RW Johnsburg/Pottersville (25%) 2012 (12/5/2012) PL: RW Johnsburg/Pottersville (50%) 2013 (9/8/13) FL: Cortland Homer Ave & Freeville
Schmied, Alison PL 2011 FL 2014 PE 2015 2010 (UNY)(4/03/2011) PL: Elba (<25%) 2011 (9/7/11) PL: Rush-Program Devt & Support (50%) 2012 PL: Rush-Program Devt & Support; Protestant
Wolfe, Carrie PD 2015 2015 (UNY) Olean: Christ
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Worley, Matthew FL 2007 PE 2009 2007 (WNY) FL: River's Edge 2009 PE: Riverâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Edge 2010 (UNY) Ransomville/Northridge
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Full Time Local Pastors Ames, Carol PL 2003 FL 2007 RL 2015 2003 PL: (Troy) Bolton Landing (50%) 2007 PL: (1/1/07-6/30/07) Bolton Landing (75%) 2007 FL: Long Lake & Newcomb 2010 (UNY) FL: Long Lake & Newcomb 2015 Retired
Berdan, Dion (Marquit) FL 2003 PL 2005 FL 2008 2003 (9/1/2003) FL: Argyle 2004 (Troy) FL: Slingerlands 2005 PL: North Creek (50%) 2007 (1/1/07) PL: North Creek (75%) 2008 (9/1/08) FL: St. Paul's Castleton & Nassau 2010 (UNY)(9/1/10) FL: St. Paul's Castleton & Nassau Grace
Araujo, Nancy PL 1996 FL 2002 RL 2016 1996 (NCNY) PL: Paines Hollow, Van Hornesville (75%) 1998 PL: Verona (75%) 2002 FL: Verona 2010 (UNY) FL: Verona 2011 FL: Earlville/Poolville 2016 Retired
Brewer, Barbara A. PL 2012 FL 2014 2012 (7/30/12) PL: Alden (25%) 2014 FL: Brocton Tri Church Parish Briant, Donald FL 2003 RL 2015 2003 (NCNY) FL: Clayton, DePauville 2005 (8/1/05) FL: Clayton, DePauville, Wellesley Is 2008 FL: Clayton, DePauville, Wellesley Island; CPLaFargeville/Omar-Fishers Landing 2009 FL: Clayton, Depauville; CP-LaFargeville/Omar-Fishers Ldg 2010 (UNY) FL: Clayton, Depauville ; CP-LaFargeville/ OmarFishers Ldg 2011 FL: Clayton/Depauville; CP-Thousand Island Parish 2014 (1/1/15) Retirement
Auslander, Joseph PL1997 SP 1998 PL 1999 FL 2001 1997 (NCNY) PL Granby Center 75% 1997 (Oct. 1) PL: Granby Center; Martville (75%) 1998 SL: Granby Center; Martville 1999 PL: Granby Center; Martville (75%) 2001 FL: Parish, West Amboy 2006 FL: Parish, North Volney 2007 FL: Tyrone 2010 (UNY) FL: Tyrone 2014 Church of the Covenant Averill Park Barnes II, James E. PL 1995 FL 2002 1995 (NCNY) PL: Jordanville (Fed.) (75%) 1998 (1/1/98)PL: Jordanville(Fed.);Van Hornesville (75%) 2002 FL: Massena: Grace, Hogansburg 2007 FL: Potsdam 2009 FL: Potsdam; West Stockholm 2010 (UNY) FL: Potsdam; CP-West Stockholm 2015 FL: Clarence Center Benton, Katharine M. FL 1999 PL 2011 FL 2013 1999 (NCNY) FL: Kanona, Wheeler, Prattsburg 2008 FL: Gorham 2010 FL:(UNY) Gorham 2011 PL: Gorham (75%) 2012 (1/1/2013) FL: Gorham
Brown, Cheryl A. PL2011 FL 2015 2011 (3/01/11) PL: Lockport: Clinton St (<25%) 2011 (7/1/2011) PL: Hartland & Lockport: Clinton St (75%) 2015 FL: Amherst: Asbury Carner, Kelly PL 2011 FL 2016 2011 (10-1-11) PL: Webster Wrshp & Teaching Pastor (50%) 2012 PL: Webster Assistant (50%) 2013 PL: Webster Assist.; Hamlin (75%) 2016 FL: Candor: McKendree/Germany Hill Carpenter, Patricia L. FL 1985 1984 (CNY) (4/1/85) FL: Moravia Asst 1985 (9/1/85) FL: Cicero (Assist.) 1986 (NCNY) Disability 2010 (UNY) Disability
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Carr, Daniel L. PL 2010 FL 2010 2010 (WNY) (3/10/2010) PL: Rushford (50%) 2010 (UNY) FL: Cattaraugus, Wesley 2014 FL: North Chili
2016 (3/11/16) Retired Donna Fitchette SY 2012 LM 2013 FL 2016 2012 Omar Fishers Landing (8/1/12) 2016 Ogdensburg 65%/Waddington 35%
Chanthasone, Sonexay PL 2011 FL 2013 2011 PL: Lao Good News (25%) 2013 FL: Lao Good News; NFC: SE Asia Ministries 2015 FL: Lao Good News; NFC: SE Asia Min. Westover
Ford, Jack PL 2004 FL 2013 2003 (NCNY) (4/6/04) Cedar Lake 2004 PL: McGraw (50%) 2008 (9/22/08) PL: McGraw; Virgil (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: McGraw; Virgil (75%) 2013 FL: Dolgeville/Oppenheim; CP-Paines Hollow 2014 (10/13/14) FL: Dolgeville/Oppenheim; CP-Paines Hollow, Lassellsville
Chesebro, Bradley D. PL 2002 FL 2010 2000 (WNY) Oramel/Short Tract 2001 (1/1/01) Centerville, Rushford 2008 PL: Olean: Trinity/Knapp Creek 2010 (UNY) FL: Olean Trinity 2015 New Hartford
Gilman, Raymond C. PL 2012 FL 2013 2012 PL: Caneadea/Rushford/Centerville (75%) 2013 (10/15/13) FL: Salamanca 2015 Frewsburg: Trinity 2016 Ashville 33%/Lakewood 67%
Cole, Anna Blinn FL 2016 2016 Warnerville 25%, Cobleskill 25%, Schoharie Region 50%
Hedlund, Victoria PL 2011 FL 2015 2011 (UNY) PL: Allentown (50%) 2013 PL: Inter (2/4/13-3/27/13) Bolivar/Alma (25%) 2013 PL: Interim (3/3/13) Allentown (25%) 2013 PL: Bolivar <25%/Allentown (25%) 2014 PL: Bolivar /Allentown (75%) 2014 (4/6/15) FL: Ext. Ministry: Pastoral Care Coordinator at Olean General Hospital
Collins, Jr., James G. FL 2001 2001 (WYO) Plymouth, NY 2005 Castle Creek & Glen Castle 2010 (UNY) Castle Creek & Glen Castle Costner, Kevin FL 2010 2010 (UNY) (11/1/10) FL: Jamestown: Camp St 2015 Springville: First
Hicks, Ann PL 2002 RL 2011 2001 (3/7/02)(NCNY) PL: Starkey 2003 Dundee, Starkey 2008 (9/1/08) Rushville 2010 (UNY) Rushville 2011 Retired 2011 (7/18/2011-06/30/2013) Rushville, Middlesex 2014 (1/1/15-6/30/15) Middlesex & Rushville (75%)
Delahoy, Jennifer J. PL 2002 FL 2015 2001 (WNY) PL: (1/1/102) Magnolia (25%) 2007 (WNY) PL: Jamestown: Kennedy (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Jamestown: Kennedy (75%) 2015 Jamestown: Kennedy and Camp Street Dupont, Patrick J FL 2015 2015 (UNY) FL: Delmar
Hood, Justin PL 2015 FL 2016 2015 (UNY) PL: Mt Upton/Unadilla Center/Sand Hill (50%) 2016 FL: Brewerton 75%/ Phoenix 25%
Fargo, Mona FL 2001 RL 2016 2001 (NCNY)(1/1/02) PL: Adams, Sulphur Springs 2001 (5/1/02) FL: Adams, Sulphur Springs 2010 (UNY) FL: Adams, Sulphur Springs
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Hotchkiss, David W. PL 1980 FL 1989 1977 (WNY) Dansville Lay Assistant 1980 PL: Scottsburg (50%) 1989 FL: Countryside Cooperative Parish: Conesus (United), Scottsburg 2010 (UNY) FL: Conesus (United)/Scottsburg Jewell, Christian SY 2014 FL 2015 2015 (UNY) FL: Fairport Associate Jordan Rachel FL 2016 2016 FL: Massena: First/Grace
Lacy, Penny PL 2006 FL 2013 2006 (Troy) PL: Wells, (25%) 2007 (9/1/07) PL: Malta Ridge (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Malta Ridge (50%) 2013 FL: Malta Ridge & Round Lake LaLone, Earl SY 2012 PL 2013 FL 2015 *2012 Martinsburg (25%) 2013 PL: Martinsburg (25%) 2014 (1/1/2015) FL: Clayton/DePauville Lange, Nathanael E. PL 2010 FL 2014 2010 (UNY) (9/30/10) PL: Buffalo: Ontario St. 2010 (10/20/10) Buffalo: Ontario St., Grand Is: Trinity Assoc. (75%) 2011 PL: Grand Is: Trinity / Buff: Ontario St. (75%) 2014 FL: Little Valley
Kasperek, Marilyn PL 2015 FL 2016 2015 PL: (2/14/2016 – 3/20/2016) Oakfield/West Barre 25% 2015 PL: (3/28/2016 – 5/31/2016) Interim: Medina: Abundant Harvest 25% 2016 FL: Medina: Abundant Harvest
Lenz, Richard FL 1995 RL 2004 SY 2016 1995 FL Norfold, Raymondville 2004 Without appointment 2016 SY Madrid 50%
Keating III, John (Jack) H. PL 2006 FL 2011 2006 (NCNY) PL: Cicero Asst. (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Cicero Asst. 25% 2011 FL: Cicero Asst. & Brewerton 2012 FL: Syracuse: Calvary, Brewerton 2013 FL: Brewerton 2016 FL: Camillus: Immanuel Kofahl, Matthew D. FL 2005 PL 2010 FL 2015 2005 (WNY) (8/21/05) FL: Bolivar 2008 FL: Bolivar: First /Stannards 2009 FL: Joshua Connection (Pendleton Center, Niagara Falls: First) 2010 (UNY) PL: Joshua Connection [Pendleton Center, Niagara Falls First (75%) 2012 PL: Hope of Niagara County (75%) 2015 FL: Hope of Niagara County /Niagara Falls: St James Kubiak, Davis PL 2005 FL 2013 2005 (WNY)(7/17/05) PL: Buffalo: Ontario St. (50%) 2010 (UNY)PL: Machias & Sardinia (50%) 2011 PL: Machias & Sardinia (75%) 2013 FL: Sardinia & Holland
Makarchuk, Cindy PL 2002 FL 2009 2002 (NCNY)(10/31/02) PL: Starkville, Van Hornesville (25%) 2006 PL: Van Hornesville (50%) 2008 PL: Maynard (75%) 2009 FL: Maynard, West Schuyler 2010 (UNY) FL: Maynard, West Schuyler 2012 (12/1/12) FL: Maynard, W. Schuyler; CP-E. Schuyler 2015 FL: Maynard/W Schuyler; CP-Cherry Valley, E Hamilton 2015 (3/15/16) Maynard/W Schuyler; CP Cherry Valley 2016 Maynard/W Schuyler; cp East Schuyler & Cherry Valley Malone, Beth PL 2004 FL 2014 2004 (WNY) PL: Rush (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Rush (25%) 2011 PL: Nunda; W. Sparta (50%) 2014 FL: Lyndonville
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Mann, Keith RL 2015 (1/3/16) Wilton Trinity <25%
Parry, Rebecca PL 2012 FL 2014 2012 (UNY) (1/1/12) PL: Lee / Taberg (50%) 2012 (1/23/2012) PL: Living Waters Parish Deansboro/Bouckville/Madison/Oriskany Falls (50%) 2014 FL: Morris/Edmeston
Martin, Daniel J. PL 2000 FL 2006 2000 (WYO) PL: Berkshire (75%) 2006 FL: Nichols 2010 (UNY) FL: Nichols 2015 Worchester/Westford
Pascoe, Joseph J. PL 2010 FL 2010 2009 (WNY) (2/25/10) PL: Napoli (50%) 2010 (UNY) FL: Little Valley 2014 FL: Sinclairville: Park
McCarthy, Melissa SY 2010 PL 2013 FL 2016 *2010 Delanson 2013 (3/1/2013) PL: Delanson (25%) 2013 PL: Vernon Center (50%) 2016 FL Adams 60% & Sulphur Springs 40%
Pasieka, Peter J FL 2016 2016 FL: Frewsburg: Trinity Pauley, Laurie Percival FL 1999 1999 (NCNY) FL: New Hartford Associate 2002 FL: Stittville, Floyd 2010 (UNY) FL: Stittville, Floyd
McKinney, David PL 2010 FL 2015 2010 (UNY) PL: Barker: Faith & County Line (25%) 2013 PL: Barker: Faith (25%) 2014 Niagara Falls: St. James /Buffalo: Ontario St (75%) 2015 FL: Union Center/ Wesley
Peacock, Debra PL 1998 FL 2004 1998 (Troy) PL: Malta Ridge (75%) 2004 FL: Argyle 2010 (UNY) FL: Argyle 2014 FL: Argyle /Greenwich (Centenary UMC) 2014 (6/1/2015) Medical Leave
Mosher, Clair PL 2008 PL 2011 FL 2016 2008 (NCNY) PL: Sodus/Sodus Point (75%) 2008 (6/15/09) Not Appointed 2011 (UNY) PL: Onativia, Erieville (25%) 2013 PL: Onativia /Apple Valley (75%) 2014 PL: Onativia ; Syracuse: Christ Community (75%) 2015 PL: Christ Community (50%); (9/1/15) 75%; (1/1/2016) 100%
Perl, Sandi PL 2008 FL 2015 2008 (NCNY) PL: Milo Center (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Milo Center (25%) 2012 PL: Milo Center, Branchport (25%) 2013 (1/1/14) Milo Center, Branchport 2013 (4/1/14) PL: Milo Ctr, Branchport; NFC: Living Well 2015 (1/1/16) Bluff Point 75%/ Living Well 25%
O'Connor, Benjamin PL 2014 FL 2015 2014 (UNY) PL: Lycoming (50%) 2015 FL: Lycoming / Fulton: State St 2016 Binghamton: High Street
Puleff, Annette PL 2014 FL 2014 2013 (UNY) (5/1/14) Fredonia: First 50% 2014 (11/13/14) FL: Fredonia: First
Paige, Sheila PL 2007 FL 2014 2007 (NCNY) PL: W. Stockholm, St. Regis Falls (50%) 2009 PL: Brushton, Nicholville; CP- Hogansburg, Moira (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Brushton, Nicholville; CP-Hogansburg, Moira (75%) 2011 PL: Brushton, Nicholville, Hogansburg (75%) 2012 PL: Brushton, Nicholville (75%), CP-CLOG 2014 FL: Warrens Corners & Barker : Faith
Robinson, Martha FL 2009 2009 (NCNY)FL: Butler, Countryside, Victory 2010 (UNY)FL: Amazing Grace Parish: Butler, Countryside, Victory
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Rodriguez, Mariana A. FL 2001 RL 2016 2001 (Troy) FL: Albany: Emmanuel Faith Community 2004 FL: Rensselaer: First & Albany: Emmanuel 2010 (UNY) FL: Rensselaer: First & Emmanuel 2016 Retired
Terrell, Michael H. PL 2002 FL 2003 *2002 (TROY) PL: Barnerville (75%) 2002 (10/1/02)PL Barnerville (75%) 2003 FL: Northville 2007 (9/1/07) FL: Northville First & Wells 2010 (UNY)FL: Northville First & Wells 2012 FL: Canton
Rodriguez, Jose FL 2015 2015 (4/19/16) Co-Dir Hispanic/Latino planting, Casa de Dios, Utica New Faith Community
Wood, Alicia FL 2015 2015 (UNY) FL: Syracuse City UM Churches: NFC Destiny USA Mall
Rowley, Paul FL 1990 1990 (NCNY) FL: Russell, Degrasse, Herman 1992 SL: Served in NNJ Conf. 1995 FL: Harrisville, Natural Bridge 2004 FL: Hammondsport 2010 (UNY) FL: Hammondsport
Zettle, Katie A. PL 2009 FL 2011 2009 (10/1/2009) PL: Harris Hill/Bowmansville (50%) 2010 PL: Harris Hill (75%) 2011 (2/01/2011) FL: Harris Hill
Russell, Nancy L. PL 1998 FL 2003 PL 2007 FL 2014 1998 (WYO) PL: Equinunk (75%) 2000 PL: South Montrose (75%) 2003 FL: Lehman 2004 FL: Lehman-Idetown 2007 PL: Davenport & West Davenport (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Davenport & West Davenport (75%) 2014 FL: Belfast /Friends in Christ Snyder, Jeffrey PL 2004 FL 2011 2004 (WNY)(3/8/04) PL: Colden (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Colden & Protection (50%) 2011 FL: Boston: Churchill Memorial/ Protection 2012 FL: Boston: Churchill Memorial Song, Jee Hae FL 2016 2016 Syracuse: St Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s 50%/ Syracuse: Hope Korean 50% Spell, Michael S. PL 2005 FL 2007 2005 (WNY) PL: Charlotte Center (25%) 2007 FL: Celoron, Dewittville-Hartfield 2009 FL: Ashville/Blockville, Dewittville-Hartfield; CPChautauqua Lake 2010 (UNY)FL: Ashville/Blockville, Dewittville-Hartfield; CPChautauqua Lake 2011 FL: Laona: Emmanuel
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Part-time Local Pastors Aaron, Iola PL 2008 2008 (WNY) (12/1/08) PL: Buffalo: Metro Assoc. 2010 (UNY) PL: Buffalo: Metro Assoc. (m) 2014 (2/15/15) PL: Buffalo: Metro Assoc. (25%)
Aukema, John PL 1997, PL 2010 1997 (NCNY) PL: Scott (75%) 2000 (1/31/01) Discontinued 2009 NCNY (6/17/10) Reinstated LP 2010 (UNY)PL: New Hope: Mid-Lakes (50%) 2011 (6/28/11) PL: Scott & New Hope: Mid-Lakes (75%) 2011 PL: Scott & New Hope: Mid-Lakes (50%)
Adams, Rene PL 2005; PL 2012 2005 (WNY) Napoli 2007 (11/1/07) Not Appointed 2008 discontinued 2012 (UNY) Reinstated PL: Napoli (< 25%)
Austin, Kevin James PL 2014 2014 (UNY)(9/29/14) PL: Erin & Sullivanville (50%)
Allport-Cohoon, Heather PL 1986 1986 (WNY) PL: Wellsville 1988 PL: North Ridge 1999 No Appointment 2004 PL: Watts Falls 2005 PL: Watts Falls , North Harmony (50%) 2007 PL: Gerry (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Gerry (75%) 2011 PL: Gerry & Celoron (75%)
Austin, Jon L. PL 2003 2003 (WYO) PL: Litchfield (50%) 2007 PL: Litchfield & Lounsberry (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Litchfield & Lounsberry (50%) Barling, Richard C. PL 2001 2001 (NCNY) PL: Granby Center (25%) 2001 (10/1/01) PL: Granby Ctr, Fulton: First Assist. 2002 PL: Granby Center; Ira (<50%) 2008 PL: Parish; New Haven (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Parish; New Haven (75%)
Anderson, Richard PL 2003 RL 2011 2003 (WYO) Upper Butternut/Wharton Valley 2005 Plymouth, NY 2010 (UNY) Plymouth/North Norwich/Preston 2011 Retired 2013 Leonardsville (25%) 2015 (7/1/15-6/30/16) Leonardsville (<25%)
Batcher, Marvin PL 2003 2003 (Troy) PL: Richmondville & Warnerville (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Richmondville & Warnerville (75%) 2011 not appointed 2012 PL: Stanford & Schenectady: Carman (75%) 2013 (11/17/13) PL: Schenectady: Carman (25%) 2015 (7/14/15) PL: Schenectady: Carman (50%)
Andrews, Stephen J. PL2010 2010 (UNY)(8/1/10) PL: Warrensburg (75%) 2011 PL: Warrensburg (75%) 2012 (9/9/12) PL: Warrensburg & North River (75%)
Bellen, Rose M. PL 2001 2001 (WYO) PL: Westville (75%) 2007 PL: Westernville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Westville (25%)
Andrews, Viki S. PL 2007 RL 2016 2007 (WYO) PL: East Berkshire & Jenksville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: East Berkshire & Jenksville (50%) 2011 PL: Berkshire: First; East Berkshire & Jenksville (50%) 2013 (12/31/13) PL: East Berkshire & Jenksville (25%) 2016 Retired
Bender, Merrill SY 2012 PL 2012 2012 (10/25/12) PL: Alabama Basom (50%) 2014 PL: County Line (50%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Bennett, Daryl J PL 2004 FL 2005 PL 2007 2004 (WNY) PL: Williamsville, Associate (75%) 2005 FL Williamsville 2007 PL: Williamsville (75%) 2008 (1/1/09) PL: Williamsville (50%) 2009 PL: Joshua Connection (75%) 2009 (11/1/09) Not Appointed 2010 (UNY) PL: Niagara Falls: St. James (50%) 2013 (5/1/2014) Not appointed 2014 (8/11/2014) Ext. Ministry: Chaplain, Erie County Medical Center (50%) 2015 (8/1/15) Not Appointed
Bowerman, Natalie PL 2012 2012 (10/1/12) PL: Benton & Vine Valley (50%) Bradley, Casey SY 2013 PL 2014 *2013 Lake Luzerne/South Corinth 2014 (10/1/14) PL: Lake Luzerne/S Corinth (50%) Bradley, Daniel PL 2003 FL 2007 PL 2010 2003 (WNY)PL: South Dayton (50%) 2005 PL: South Dayton/Hamlet (75%) 2006 (1/1/06) PL: Jamestown: Kennedy First (75%) 2007 FL: Albion: First 2007 (3/15/08) Incapacity Leave 2008 (9/8/08-6/30/09) Discontinued 2009 (WNY Reinstated 6/1/10)(NCNY) PL: Sodus/Sodus Point (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Sodus/Sodus Point (75%) 2014 Sandy Creek / Orwell (75%)
Bennett, Edward PL 2010 RL 2016 2010 (UNY) PL: Christ Church Parish: Altmar/Dugway/Fernwood (25%) 2016 Retired: 25% Altmar/Dugway/Fernwood Benson, Bruce PL 2013 2013 (UNY) PL: Colden (50%)
Buelow, Craig FL 2012 PL 2016 2012 (UNY) FL: Ripley 2015 FL: Ripley /South Ripley 2016 PL: Ripley 50% / South Ripley 25%
Bill, Alan S. PL 2002 2002 (WYO) PL: Lockwood (25%) 2005 PL: Barton & Halsey Valley & Lockwood (75%) 2009 PL: Barton & Lockwood (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Barton & Lockwood (50%) 2012 PL: Barton (25%)
Buno-Taylor, Lori PL 2011 *2010 SY: Owls Head 2010 (2/1/10) PL: Owls Head (25%)
Bond Jr., William PL 2004 2004 (10/15/04) PL: Buckton, Nicholville (75%) 2007 PL: Malone: Centenary, Constable (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Malone: Centenary, Constable (75%) 2014 (9/1/14) PL: Malone Centenary 2015 (1/10/16) discontinued
Burgess, Daniel PL 2006 2006 (NCNY) PL: Chemung, Wilawana PA (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Chemung, Wilawana (50%) 2010 (1/01/2011) PL: Speculator & Lake Pleasant (75%) 2015 Speculator /Lake Pleasant /Wells (75%) Butts, Barre SY 2011 PL 2014 *2011 (8/1/2011) Mitchellsville *2013 Mitchellsville & Avoca (50%) 2013 (4/22/14) PL: Mitchellsville & Avoca (75%)
Boring, Susan M. PL 2000 2000 (WNY) PL: Eagle Harbor (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Eagle Harbor (25%) Bowen, John R. PL 2009 1999 (WNY) Open Meadows (25%) 2009 PL: Open Meadows, & Magnolia (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Open Meadows & Magnolia (25%)
Campbell, Sandra SY 2015 RL 2015 2015 Presho 25%
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Capodagli, Lee SY 2012 PL 2014 *2012 S. Cambridge, Eagle Bridge, N. Cambridge, Easton 2014 (UNY)(10/1/14) PL: S. Cambridge, Eagle Bridge, N. Cambridge (25%) Chamberlain, Heidi PL 2009 FL 2011 PL 2013 2009 (NCNY) PL: Heuvelton, DePeyster (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Heuvelton, DePeyster, CPHomespun Ministry (50%) 2011 FL: Dalton 2013 PL: Dalton (75%) 2014 PL: Fonda, Fultonville & Salem (50%) 2016 PL: Malone: Centenary 75%
Coltrain, Carol PL 1981 1981 (Troy) PL Huntersland (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Huntersland (25%) Conners, Gail PL 2005 2005 (NCNY) PL: Chpln, Clifton Sprgs Hospital (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Chpln, Clifton Sprgs Hospital (50%) Cook, Tracy L. PM 1983 FM 1987 HL 2004 PL 2015 1983 (NNY) Watertown: Asbury (Student Intern) 1984 School 1985 Edwards, S. Edwards 1989 (NCNY) Edwards, S. Edwards; supervising Russell, Degrasse, Hermon 1991 Adams, Sulphur Springs 1994 Leave of Absence 1995 Watertown: Bethany, Black River 1999 Black River 2003 Family Leave 2004 Honorable Location 2010 (UNY) Honorable Location Carthage CC 2015 PL: Naumburg: Beaver Valley/Barnes Corners (25%)
Chawgo-Nipper, Tammie PL 2006 2006 (NCNY) PL: Palermo (50%) 2007 PL: Palermo; North Volney (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Palermo; North Volney (50%) Cheney, Dawn L PL 2015 2015 (UNY) PL: Aloquin-Flint / Chapin (50%) Choi, Sung Ah PL 2015 2015 (UNY) PL: Carthage & Champion (50%)
Cotto, Jose PL 2015 2015 (UNY) Buffalo: Cleveland Hill/ Buffalo University (25%)
Clemens, Wayne PL 2008 2008 (NCNY)(11/19/08) PL: Van Hornesville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Van Hornesville (25%) 2013 PL: Center Point Christian Fellowship (50%) 2014 (1/1/14) PL: Ctr Point Christian Fellowship (75%)
Coty, Holly PL 2012 2012 (UNY) PL: Buffalo: Cleveland Hill & University (75%) 2015 Hartland / Lockport: Clinton St (75%) Craver, Brandilynne PL 2007 2007 (WYO) PL Sand Hill (25%) 2008 PL: N Afton (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: N Afton 2010 (2/1/11) PL: Smithville Center (<25%) 2011 PL: Smithville Center; Greene: N Afton 2011 (1/1/12) PL: Smithville Center 2013 PL: Smithville / Mt. Upton (50%) 2015 PL: Otego / Unadila (75%)
Cole, Anne I. PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Fillmore Chapel (50%) Cole, Judith M. SY 2012 PL 2013 *2012 Dunkirk (50%) 2013 (UNY)(11/17/13) PL: Dunkirk (50%) Cole, Lynnette SY 2015 PL 2015 2015 Newman (Shushan) 25%; (8/26/15) PL 2016 PL: Schroon Lake Community 50%
Crawson-Brizzolara, Susan D. PL 2006 2006 (WYO) PL: Harpursville & Ouaquaga (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Harpursville & Ouaquaga (50%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Currier, Margaret PL 2012 2012 (UNY) PL: Clifton Park: Jonesville Asst.(25%) 2014 PL: Scotia (50%)
Dye, Kathy SY 2011 PL 2013 *2011 Prattsburgh *2012 Prattsburgh, Italy Valley (25%) 2013 (UNY) PL: Prattsburgh, Italy Valley (50%)
DeFelice, Robert PL 2004 FL 2010 2004 (Troy) PL: N. Chatham & Malden Bridge (75%) 2006 SL: North Chatham (50%) 2010 (UNY) FL: Schenectady: Faith 2014 FL: Voorheeseville 2016 PL: Ballston Spa 50%
Dyer II, Frederick L PL 2009 2009 (NCNY) (10/14/09) PL: Montour Falls, Watkins Glen (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Avoca, Kanona (75%) 2013 PL: Pine Valley / Elmira: Oakwood (75%)
DeWalt, Stephen SLP 1999 PL 2003 1999 (WNY) SLP: Interim Allens Hill 100% 2003 (NCNY) PL: Cayutaville (25%) 2008 (1/1/09) PL: Cayutaville, Van Etten (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Cayutaville, Van Etten (25%) 2010 (12/5/10) PL: Cayutaville, Mecklenburg (25%) 2011 PL: Cayutaville, Mecklenburg, Alpine 2011 (9/25/11) PL: Cayutaville, Alpine (25%) 2013 PL: Cayutaville <(25%)
Eastham, Jane LM 2011 PL 2012 RL 2014 *2011 Lake Ontario Parish 2012 (UNY) PL: Lake Ontario Parish (Ellisburg, Henderson, Belleville) & Watertown: Bethany (50%) 2013 PL: Watertown: Bethany & Henderson (50%); CPLake Ontario Parish 2014 Retired 2014 Watertown: Asbury (<25%) Eastlack, Lawrence R. FL 2010 PL 2013 2007 (WNY) (OE Wesleyan) Oakfield 2010 FL: (UNY) Oakfield 2013 PL: Amherst: Trinity (75%)
Dickinson, Nina SY 2013 PL 2013 *2013 SY: Indian Lake/Blue Mountain Lake 2013 (UNY)(8/27/2013) PL: Indian Lake/Blue Mt. Lake (<25%) 2013 (1/1/14) PL: Indian Lake/Blue Mt. Lake (25%)
Edmister, Jean E. PL 2002 2002 (WNY)(12/22/02) PL: Pendleton Ctr (75%) 2009 PL: Joshua Conn: Pendleton Ctr, Niag Falls: First (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Joshua Connection: Pendleton Ctr, Niagara Falls: First (75%)
Dill, Carol CLM 2011 PL 2014 *2011 Cottage *2012 Cottage/ Hamlet *2013 (eff. 7.14.13)Hamlet (25%) 2014 (UNY)(10/1/14) PL: Hamlet / South Dayton (50%)
Engels, Renee PL 2005 2005 (WNY)(8/1/05) PL: Alabama-Basom (50%) 2009 PL: Alabama-Basom; WNY Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis Community (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Alabama-Basom; Walk to Emmaus & Chrysalis Community (50%) 2012 PL: W Seneca: Cov& W Seneca: New Hope (75%) 2013 (2/27/13) PL: West Seneca: Covenant & West Seneca: New Hope (75%)
Dulkis, Nancy PL 2006 2006 (WYO) PL: East Worcester (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: East Worcester (25%) 2011 PL: East Worchester, Richmondville (50%) 2013 PL: East Worcester (25%) 2016 Discontinued Dunn, Joan PL 2009 2009 (NCNY) PL: Cold Brook (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Cold Brook (25%) 2011 PL: North Western (25%)
English, Glynn PL 2009 2009 (NCNY) (11/3/09) PL: Port Byron (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Port Byron (50%) 2011 PL: Fleming (Federated) (50%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Enstine, Edward SY 2009 PL 2011 *2008 (6/7/09) SY: Danby Federated 2010 (UNY)(1/24/11) PL: Danby Fed (75%)
Focht, Marcia SY 2012 PL 2013 *2012 Binghamton: Centenary-Chenango St (<25%) 2013 (UNY) PL: Centenary-Chenango St (25%)
Erway, Mark PL 2008 RL 2015 2008 (NCNY) PL: Pine City: Penn. Ave. Assist.(50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Pine City: Penn. Ave. Assist. (50%) 2015 Retired
Foos, Julie PL 2011 2011 not appointed 2012 (UNY) PL: Fowlerville (<25%) 2013 PL: Fowlerville & Canadice (25%) 2014 PL: Canadice 25%, Ionia 50% 2015 PL: Medical Leave 10/4/15 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 12/21/15 2015 (1/1/16) No appointed 2016 PL: Sodus Point 25%
Faulks, Joelle PL 2013 2013 PL: Van Hornesville (50%) 2015 PL: Living Waters Parish (50%)
Forbes, Charles PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Minetto (50%) 2012 PL: Minetto (75%)
Finch, Matthew PL 2012 2012 (UNY) PL: Livonia Assistant (25%) 2013 (1/1/2014) PL: Livonia Assistant, Hemlock (50%) 2015 PL: Livonia, Hemlock (25%) Fish, Bruce A. PL 2004 2004 (WNY) PL: Cherry Creek-Leon (50%) 2007 (3/1/08) PL: Cherry Crk-Leon, Conewango Vy (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Cherry Crk-Leon, Conewango Valley (75%) 2015 (1/1/16) discontinued Flandreau, Mark PL 2009 2009 (NCNY)(10/19/09) PL: Burdett (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Burdett & Watkins Glen (75%) 2015 Watkins Glen / Addison (50%)
Fox, Cathy SY 2011 PL 2014 *2011 (9/1/2011)North Cohocton (25%) *2012 North Cohocton / Cohocton (50%) 2014 (UNY) PL: North Cohocton & Cohocton (<25%) 2015 PL: North Cohocton & Cohocton (50%) Franke, Robert J. PL 2003 RL 2016 2003 (WNY) PL: Royalton (25%) 2009 (9/16/09) PL: Royalton/Joshua Connection 2010 (UNY) PL: Royalton/Joshua Connection (50%) 2016 Retired Freeland, Gary L. PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Flemingville & Fairfield (50%)
Flemming, Dean PM 1974 FM 1977 HL 1982 PL 2008 RL 2016 1974 (WNY) PM: In School 1975 (NCNY) In School 1976 Syracuse: Furman St. 1977 FM: Syracuse: Furman St. 1980 Fayetteville Assoc. 1981 (1/1/82) Fayetteville 1982 Honorable Location 2008 PL: Martville; CP-Granby Ctr, Hannibal Ctr, S. Hannibal (25%) 2008 (11/1/08) PL: Martville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Martville (25%) 2012 PL: Granby Ctr /Hannibal / Martville (50%) 2015 PL: Hannibal & Martville (50%) 2016 RL: Hannibal 25%
Fuller, Daniel PL 2013 2013 (UNY) PL: Sanitaria Springs (25%) 2016 not appointed Fuller, Leonard PL 2012 2012 (UNY) PL: Big Flats (50%) 2013 (5/1/2014 )PL: Big Flats, Catlin (50%) 2015 Hornell (50%) Getz, Carl PL 2013 *2011 (5/1/11 ) Trenton 2013 (UNY) PL: Trenton & Sauquoit Valley (50%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Gisotti, Denise PL 2014 2014 (UNY) Delmar (50%)
2007 (1/1/08) PL: Fort Plain & Freysbush (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Fort Plain & Freysbush (75%) 2015 PL: Fort Plain (50%)
Glantz, Linda PL 2014 2014 (UNY) PL: Dalton / Gainesville (75%) 2016 PL: Albion 50&; Holley Disicples 25%
Grish, Kevin PL 2008 2008 (NCNY) (12/8/08) PL: Cayuga, Tyre (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Cayuga, Tyre (50%)
Gonzalez, Olga PL 2015 2015 Casa de Dios 50% 2016 PL: Casa de Dios 25%: Cicero 50%
Haier, Joanne PL 2006 2006 (NCNY) PL: Florence (25%) 2008 PL: North Western, Steuben (50%) 2010 (UNY)PL: North Western, Steuben (75%) 2011 PL: Steuben (25%)
Green, Barbara Thornington FL 1990 RL 2010 1990 (WYO) (10/1/90) Brookvale 1992 Brookvale; West Chenango 1996 Choconut Center; West Chenango 2001 (8/6/01) Campville 2002 Endwell: Associate 2004 Sanitaria Springs & Port Crane 2006 Sidney 2010 (UNY) Retired 2013 (2/16/13 - 6/30/13) Interim Oxford/McDonough 2014 (11/20/2014) Brookvale (<25%)
Haight, Linda PL 2007 2006 (5/6/07) PL: South Byron (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: South Byron (25%) 2013 PL: South Byron & Stafford (50%) Hankey, James D. PL 2006 RL 2011 2006 (WNY) PL: Eden (25%) 2007 Ripley/South Ripley (50%) 2008 (1/1/09) Ripley/South Ripley (75%) 2010 (UNY) Forestville (50%) 2011 Retired 2011 Forestville (50%)
Green, John LM 2011 PL 2013 *2011 Great Valley 2013 (UNY) (11/17/13) PL: Great Valley (25%)
Harris, Sharon C. PL 2008 2008 (WYO) PL: McClure & North Sanford (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: McClure & North Sanford (50%)
Greenough, John PL 2008 2008 (Troy) PL: Hartford & Raceville (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Hartford (50%) 2012 PL: Hartford / Sanford's Ridge (75%) 2014 PL: Green Island (<25%) 2014 (1/1/2015) PL: Green Island (25%) 2015 (11/29/15) not appointed
Hart, Penelope PL 2008 RL 2016 2008 (NCNY) PL: Liverpool Assist. (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Liverpool Pstr of Mission/Outreach (25%) 2012 PL: Liverpool Assist.; Syracuse: Gethsemane (50%) 2012 (12/31/12) PL: Syracuse: Gethsemane (25%) 2014 PL: Apple Valley (25%) 2014 (9/1/14) PL: Apple Valley/Syr: Rockefeller (25%) 2015 Not Appointed 2015 (2/27/16) Ext Min Chpln-Elderwood Health Care, Birchwood 2016 Retired 2016 RL: Apple Valley, Liverpool ext. ministry
Gridley, Jr, Morris A. PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Cameron Mills/Rathbone (25%) 2013 PL: Rathbone (25%) Griffith, Alan Lee PL 1994 FL 2004 PL 2006 1994 (Troy) PL: Hyndsville, Mineral Sprgs & Dorloo 2002 PL: Schenectady: Broadway (75%) 2004 FL: Mayfield & Bleecker 2006 PL: Fort Plain & Bleecker (75%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Heise, David R L 9/1/89 RL 2012 1991 (TROY) Sharon Springs & Dorloo 1992 Discontinued 1997 Reinstated 1997 Schenectady/Stanford & Rexford 2001 Schenectady/Stanford & Albany St. (Cpld Seminary) 2010 (UNY) Schenectady Albany Street & Stanford 2012 Retired 2014 (9/23/14) RL: Schenectady: Rotterdam <25%
Howell, Thanna SY 2011 PL 2013 *2011 Willet (25%) 2012 (UNY) (2/2/13) PL: Willet (<25%) 2014 PL: Plymouth/Preston/North Norwich (25%)
Heit, Karen PL 2010 2010 (UNY) (11/7/2010) PL: Rose (50%) 2010 (12/12/10) Rose, Amazing Grace Parish: Butler/Victory/Countryside (75%) 2014 PL: Rose /Clyde (75%)
Hurd, Richard C PL 1995 1995 (NCNY) PL: Cameron Mills, Rathbone (25%) 1996 PL: Cameron Mills, Rathbone; Risingville (50%) 2003 PL: S. Corning, Risingville (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: S. Corning, Risingville (50%) 2011 PL: Belmont/Scio (75%) 2016 PL: Allentown 50%/ Bolivar 25%
Hester, Thomas B SY 2014 PL 2016 2014 Johnson City: Choconut Center 2015 Johnson City: Choconut Center 25% 2015 PtL (4/19/16) Johnson City: Choconut City 50%
Hubman, Patricia PL 2015 2015 (UNY) PL: Remsen (25%) 2016 PL: Constableville, Glenfield, Turin, Greig 75%
Jackson, John SY 2011 PL 2012 2011 North Harmony (25%) 2012 (UNY) (12/5/2012) PL: North Harmony (25%)
Hine, Cheryl SY 2011 PL 2012 2011 (9/25/11) Mecklenburg (<25%) 2012 (UNY)(3/12/12) PL: Mecklenburg (<25%) 2013PL: Mecklenburg (25%)
Jeffers, Robert PL 1982 RL 1998 2012 (UNY) (5/9/12) Rochester: Aldersgate Assist. Pastor (m) Johnson, Albert W. PL 1999 FL 2002 PL 2004 FL 2012 1999 (Troy) PL: Wells75% 2002 FL: Ellenburg Center United & Ellenburg Center; Mooers & Mooers Forks (Yoked) 2004 PL: Mooers & Mooers Forks (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Mooers & Mooers Forks (75%) 2011 PL: Mooers (75%) 2012 FL: Schuylerville /Quaker Springs 2016 PL: Pine Grove 50%
Holdridge, Frederick L. PL 2011 2011 (UNY) PL: Collins Center (25%) 2012 (10/1/12) PL: Collins Center, Gowanda (25%) 2013 (6/22/2014) PL: Collins Center (25%) Hopp, Karyl PL 2007 2007 (Troy) PL: Troy: Pawling Ave.(75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Troy: Pawling Ave. (75%)
Johnson, Brett SY 2013 PL 2014 *2013 Harmony & Varna (25%) 2013 (UNY) (5/13/14) PL: Harmony, Varna (25%) 2015 PL: Port Byron / Ledyard (75%)
Honrath, Ed PL 2016 2016 Mount Upton <25% Howard, Richard PL 2014 2014 (UNY)(9/29/14) PL: Hartwick/Mt. Vision (25%)
Johnson, Mary SY 2011 PL 2012 2011 Granby Center 2012 PL: Bowens Corners (25%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Johnson, Patricia SY 2006 PL 2012 *2006 Morning Star (50%) *2007 Canastota (50%) 2012 (UNY) (8/15/12) PL: Taberg /Lee (50%) 2013 PL: Taberg/Lee (50%)
Klimecko, Chris R. PL 2014 2014 (UNY) PL: Gowanda (25%) Knight, Ellen L. PL 2006 RL 2015 2006 (NCNY) PL: Dresden (50%) 2008 PL: Dresden; Lyons (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Lyons (75%) 2015 Retired
Jones, Cory SY 2015 PL 2016 2014 Interim (1/1/15) St. Johnsville 25% 2015 Van Hornesville 2016 PL: (4/19/16) Van Hornesville & St. Johnsville
Knopf, Daniel PL 2005 RL 2015 2005 (WNY) (12/6/05) PL: Alfred (50%) 2008 PL: South Canisteo, Troupsburg (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: S. Canisteo , Troupsburg (75%) 2012 (11/1/12) PL: South Canisteo (25%) 2013 PL: South Canisteo /Greenwood (<50%) 2015 Retired
Jones, Susan PL 2010 2009 (NCNY) PL: (4/1/10) Utica: Asbury 2010 (UNY) PL: Utica: Asbury (25%) 2013 PL: Utica: Asbury/ Cedar Lake (<25%) 2014 PL: Utica: Asbury (25%) 2015 not appointed
Knopf, Margaret PL 2005 RL 2015 2005 (WNY) PL: Andover/Greenwood (50%) 2010 (UNY) not appointed 2010 (2/13/11) PL: Addison (25%) 2015 Retired
Jubenville, Carol PL 2001 2001 (NCNY) PL: New Hartford Assist. 2010 (UNY) PL: New Hartford Assist (<25%) 2016 Extension Ministry Judd, Geri PL 2015 2014 (UNY)(5/6/15) Trumansburg (25%) 2015 PL: Jacksonville Community (50%)
Kober, Jeri PL 2004 2004 (WNY)(8/1/04) PL: Webster's Crossing (25%) 2007 PL: Webster's Crossing & Allen's Hill (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL:Webster's Crossing /Allen's Hill (50%) 2011 PL: Allen's Hill & East Broomfield (75%) 2013 PL: East Bloomfield (50%)
Kelly, Mike J. SY 2009 PL 2011 *2009 Reynoldsville 2011 (UNY) PL: Reynoldsville (<25%) 2013 (1/1/14) PL: Reynoldsville (50%) 2014 PL: Newfield /Reynoldsville (75%)
Kramer, Sandra PL 2014 2013 (UNY)(4/1/2014) PL: Batavia: First UMC Assoc for Outreach & Adult Education (25%) 2015 Warsaw Immanuel PP <25% 2016 discontinued
Kempton, Richard PL 1993 1993 (WNY) PL: Olcott (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Olcott (25%)
Lacey-Markle, Jan LM 2014 PL 2015 *2014 Davenport (25%) 2014 (UNY)(5/20/2015) PL: Davenport (25%)
Kerwath, Eric G. PL 2009 2009 PL: (Troy) Centre Glenville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Centre Glenville (25%)
Laskowski, John F. PL 2001 FL 2009 PL 2011 FL 2012 PL 2016 2001 (Wyo) PL: Wesley Endicott (75%) 2005 PL: Wilkes Barre Central (75%) 2009 FL: Wilkes Barre Central & Askam 2011 (UNY) PL: Covington (25%)
Kim, Eunice S PL 2016 2016 PL: Wolcott:Faith 25%
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Loan, Francis A. PL 1992 FL 2004 PL 2013 1992 (NCNY) PL: Stockbridge 1994 PL: Perryville (75%) 2003 PL: Perryville, Vernon Center (75%) 2004 FL: Vernon Center, Vernon 2005 PL: (1/1/06) Vernon Center, Vernon (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Vernon Center, Vernon(75%) 2013 PL: Vernon (25%)
2011 (8/1/11) PL: Covington, Fowlerville (25%) 2012 FL: Albion /Holley: Disciples 2016 PL: Adams Basin 25%/Spencerport 50% Leet, Joyru SP 1989 PL 1994 1989 (NCNY) (1/1/89) SP: Tyre 1989 Aloquin-Flint 1991 Aloquin-Flint (75%) 1994 PL: Port Gibson, E. Palmyra (Presb.) (75%) 1995 Without Appointment 1996 PL: Middlesex; Vine Valley 1997 PL: Middlesex (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Middlesex (25%) 2011 PL: Port Byron (7-18-11) (75%) 2015 Middlesex (25%)
Loan, Stephen W. SP 1989 PL 1993 1989 Madison 100% 1993 (Troy) PL: Prospect Harbor (75%) 2005 PL: Champlain: 3 Steeples (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Champlain: 3 Steeples (75%) 2015 Retired
Lenz, Richard FL 1995 RL 2004 1995 Norfolk 2004 Retired 2016 Madrid & Louisville UCC (2/12/2016) 50%
Lockwood, Lynn PL 2010 2010 (UNY)(9/20/2010) PL: Boonville/New Creations 2011 (7/1/11) PL: Center Point/New Creations (50%) 2013 PL: Salisbury Center /Stratford (50%)
Leonard, Cynthia FL 2002 PL 2004 2002 (TROY) FL: Hagaman (Seminary Student) 2004 (1/1/05) Hagaman (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Hagaman (75%) 2013 PL: Hagaman (50%) 2014 (11/16/14) not appointed 2015 Freysbush (25%)
Lothridge, Brian PL 2014 2014 (UNY)( 10/1/14) PL: Falconer (50%) Lowenthal, Joy PL 1992 FL 1999 PL 2002 1992 (Troy) PL: Bloomingdale Associate 1993 PL: Saranac Lake & Bloomingdale (75%) 1995 Without Appointment 1998 PL: Waterbury: Wesley (75%) 2000 FL: Waterbury, Wesley & Waterbury Center: Community 2003 PL: Waterbury Center(50%) 2006 Without Appointment 2010 (UNY) PL: Grafton, Berlin (50%) 2010 (1/1/2011) PL: Berlin (50%)
Lighthall, Raymond PL 2003 RL 2015 2003 (NCNY) PL: Living Waters Parish: Oriskany Falls/Bouckville/Madison/ Deansboro (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Living Waters Parish: Oriskany Falls/Bouckville/Madison/ Deansboro (50%) 2014 Living Waters Parish (75%) 2015 Retired Lindsay, Robert PL 1988 RL 1999 1988 (6/12/88-12/31/88) Folts Home 1992 (5/31/92-6/30/94) Utica Asbury 1994 West Schuyler 2005 West Schuyler; CP- Florence 2007 West Schuyler & Utica Asbury 2008 West Schuyler; CP- Utica Asbury 2009 Not appointed 2010 (UNY)(3/6/11) RL: Lassellsville 2015 RL: Newport/Middleville (25%)
Maddox, Stephen C. PL 2002 2002 (NCNY) PL: Cicero Center 2003 PL: Bernhards Bay/Cleveland (50%) 2009 PL: Camden, Cleveland (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Camden, Cleveland (75%) Madore, Marsha PL 2001 2001 (NCNY) PL: Vienna (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Vienna (25%) 2014 PL: Vienna /Bernhards Bay (75%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Mahar, Sherry PL 2014 2014 (UNY)(1/1/15) PL: Pendleton Center (75%)
Moore, MaryEllen SL 2005 PL 2007 2005 (WYO) SL: Milford & Portlandville 2010 (UNY) PL: Milford & Portlandville (75%) 2013 (9/1/2013) PL: Grosvenor Cnrs/Middleburgh (50%) 2015 Grosvenor Crnrs /Middleburgh/Barnerville (75%)
Mann, Keith PL 2002 RL 2004 2002 PL: Melrose 75% 2004 Retired 2016 Wilton:Trinity <25%
Moore, Samuel PL 2010 2010 (UNY)(11/14/10) PL: Amboy Center (25%) 2011 PL: Amboy Center (25%) 2013 PL: Caughdenoy (25%)
Martin, Donna Taylor PL 2006 FL 2009 PL 2015 2005 (WYO) (5/12/06) PL: Flemingville (50%) 2009 FL: Tioga Center /Smithboro 2010 (UNY) FL: Tioga Center /Smithboro 2015 PL: Oneonta: Elm Park (75%)
Morin, Margaret (Meg) PL 2007 2007 (WNY)(10/3/07) PL: Ionia (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Ionia (50%) 2013 PL: Ionia /Allen's Hill (75%) 2013 (11/24/13) Ionia (50%) 2014 PL: Brockport (75%)
McCarthy, Robert James PL 2009 2009 (NCNY) PL: Black River (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Black River (25%) 2013 (1/1/14) PL: Black River (50%) 2015 PL: Black River; CP- Great Bend: Woolworth Memorial (50%)
Mott, Thomas E. PL 2005 RL 2016 2005 (WYO) McClure 25% 2007 (WYO) McClure 50% 2008 (SUS) Meshoppen 50%/ Russell Hill 25% 2013 (UNY) PL: Nanticoke <(25%) 2014 PL: Nanticoke, Killawog (25%) 2016 Retired
Melnyk, Theresa PL2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Killawog, Lisle Associated, Willet (75%) 2011 PL: Killawog /Lisle Associated (50%) 2012 PL: Killawog, Sanitaria Springs (50%) 2013 Not appointed 2014 PL: Brookvale (25%) 2014 (11/20/14) Not appointed
Mullin, Michael PL 2015 2015 PL: Rochester: Asbury First 50%
Merriman, Katherine PL 2016 2016 PL: Mecklenburg 25%
Nichols, Thomas PL 2011 2011 (UNY) PL: Galilee (25%); CP-DePeyster & Kendrew
Merritt, Dawn PL 2005 FL 2008 PL 2014 2005 (WNY) PL: Union Hill (50%) 2008 FL: Spencerport 2010 (UNY) FL: Spencerport 2014 PL: Nunda/West Sparta (50%) 2015 PL (2/8/16) West Sparta 25%
Ollette, Melanie SY 2015 PL 2015 2015 (9/9/15) SY: Carlton 25% 2015 (12/7/15) PL: Carlton O'Neil, Beth PL 2011 RL 2014 2011 (UNY) PL: Lowville/Martinsburg (50%) 2012 PL: Lowville (50%) (3/30/2012) 2014 (1/1/15) Retired
Meyerhoff, Douglas J. SY 2011 PL 2012 2011 (7/11/2011) Chestertown (25%) 2011 (1/23/12) PL: Chestertown (25%) 2015 (1/1/16) PL: Glens Falls Christ Church (25%)
Palmer, Ronald SY 2015 PL 2015 2015 (2/4/16) Allens Hill 25% 2016 PL: Allens Hill 25% / Canadice 25%
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Peters, Richard L. SY 2011 PL 2012 *2011 Steamburg 2012 PL: Steamburg (<25%)
Puhak, Peter G. L 2006 RL 2008 2000 (NCNY) Canandaigua 2002 (1/1/03) Aloquin-Flint 2004 (3/6/05) Chapin 2006 PL: Aloquin-Flint, Chapin 2008 Retired 2008 Aloquin-Flint, Chapin 2010 (UNY)(7/1/10-6/30/15) Aloquin-Flint, Chapin (50%)
Peters, Robert PM 1968 FL 1975 HL 1983 PL 1987 1968 (Troy) PM: At School 1971 At School 1974 FL: Rock City Falls, Middlegrove & East Galway 1978 Leave of Absence 1983 Honorable Location 1987 PL: Watervliet (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Watervliet (25%)
Quesenberry, Dawn LM 2011 PL 2012 *2011 Versailles 2012 (UNY) PL: Delevan /Protection (50%) 2015 PL: Delevan /West Valley: St. Paulâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s (75%)
Phillips, Todd SY 2010 PL 2012 *2010 (8/15/10) Carlton (50%) 2012 PL: Carlton (50%) 2015 Discontinued
Rankins-Burd, Sharon PL 2005 2005 (NCNY) PL: Sauquoit Valley (50%) 2009 PL: Sauquoit Valley & Cedar Lake (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Sauquoit Valley & Cedar Lake (50%) 2013 PL: Fly Creek/ Schuyler Lake (75%) 2014 PL: Fly Creek/Schuyler Lake (75%) 2015 PL: Fly Creek/Schuyler Lake (50%); CP West Exeter
Piatt, Jennifer PL 2015 2015 (UNY) PL: Huevelton (<25%) 2016 Nimmonsburg 50%
Rauhauser, Jeff PL 2008 2008 (Troy)(8/1/08) PL: Grosvenors Corners (25%) 2008 (9/1/08) PL: Grosvenors Cnrs & Middleburgh (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Grosvenors Corners & Middleburgh (50%) 2013 PL: Sharon Springs; Ames/Sprout Brook (50%)
Poling, Ray SY 2016 PL 2016 2016 Rochester: Lake 25% Possee, Bernard PL 2005 2005 (NCNY) PL: Addison (25%) 2010 (6/22/10) PL: Breesport (25%) 2010 (UNY)PL: Breesport & North Chemung (75%)
Reams, John 2015 (UNY) RL: East Schuyler (<25%) Reed, Paul D. SY 2011 PL 2012 *2011 Little Meadows 2012 (UNY)(12/5/2012) PL: Little Meadows <(25%)
Prentice, William C. PL 2003 2003 (WYO) PL: Campville (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Campville (50%) 2011 PL: Endicott: Campville & Gibson Corners (50%)
Reese, Kathy L. PL 2008 2008 (Troy)(8/1/08) PL: Bleecker (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Bleecker & North Bush (50%) 2015 PL: Bleecker (25%) 2015 (10/25/15)PL: Bleecker 25%; Northville First 50% 2016 PL: Northville First 75%
Preston, Nancy SY 2013 PL 2014 *2013 Machias (25%) 2014 (UNY) PL: Machias (<25%) Prince, Katherine PL 2011 2011 (UNY) PL: Harmony (25%) 2013 PL: Virgil /McGraw (50%) 2015 PL: Virgil (25%) 2016 not appointed
Rhodes, Christopher PL 2005 SY 2010 PL 2014 2005 (WNY)(7/3/05) PL: Fentonville (25%) 2010 (UNY) SY: Fentonville 2014 PL: Fentonville (<25%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Richter, Daniel R. PL 2013 RL 2004 2012 (UNY)(3/15/13) Ava Hilltop (25%) 2013 Retired 2014 Boonville/Ava (75%) 2016 Ava 50%
Scharf, Brian K. PL 1993 1993 (WNY) PL: Machias (75%) 2001 PL: Orchard Park: Emmanuel (50%) 2007 PL: Orch Park: Emmanuel, Walk to Emmaus (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Orch Park: Emmanuel, Walk to Emmaus (50%) 2012 (2/27/13) PL: Orchard Park: Emmanuel (25%)
Rivera, Hector D. PL 2012 2012 (UNY) PL: Rochester: Aldersgate (<25%) 2015 (1/1/16) 25%
Schneeberger, Dale F. PM 1976 FM 1981 HL 1996 PL 2013 1976 (NCNY) PM: In School 1979 Westmoreland, Clarks Mills 1981 (1/1/82) Fayetteville 1987 Special Appointment 1988 Syracuse Caring Coalition 1989 Leave of Absence 1996 Honorable Location 2010 (UNY) Honorable Location 2013 PL: Delanson (50%)
Rivera, Luis PL 2015 2015 (UNY) NFC: Buffalo South Park (25%) Rood, David G. PL 2008 2008 (WNY) PL: Hamburg (25%) 2010 (UNY)PL: Hamburg (25%) 2012 PL: Versailles (25%) 2012 (10/1/2012) Versailles, Four Corners (50%)
Schulte, Cindy SY 2012 PL 2013 *2012 Lockwood 2013 (UNY) PL: Lockwood (<25%)
Routh, David SY 2014 PL 2016 2014 (7/27/14) Lake George First 2016 PL Lake George First
Seeley, Veronica PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Wheeler/Campbell (25%) 2011 PL: Risingville/Wheeler (75%)
Rowe, Matthew PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Gallupville (25%) 2014 PL: Gallupville / Esperance (75%)
Selover, Judy PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: Ledyard (25%) 2014 Port Gibson, Sodus (50%)
Russell, Lawrence R. SP 1992 FL 1994 PL 2003 1992 (Troy) Richford 1995 (10/1/95) FL: Harmony Cooperative Parish/Susquehanna 2000 FL: Fairdale 2003 PL: Courtdale (75%) 2004 PL: Courtdale/Larksville (75%) 2007 PL: Schenevus & Westford (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Schenevus & Westford (50%) 2012 PL: Plymouth/Preston/N. Norwich (50%) 2014 PL: Caneadea /Rushford (50%)
Skiles, Elyse PL 2007 2007 (NCNY) PL: Oswego Center, SW Oswego (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Oswego Center, SW Oswego (75%) 2013 PL: SW Oswego /Lycoming (75%) 2014 PL: Oswego: Journey of Faith (50%) Smith, Jeffrey M. PL 2010 2009 (Troy)(6/1/10) PL: Sharon Springs (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Sharon Springs (50%) 2012 PL: Sharon Springs & Cherry Valley (75%) 2013 PL: Cherry Valley & Richmondville (75%) 2015 PL: Richmondville & Central Bridge (75%)
Ruth, Jacque SY 2012 PL 2013 *2012 (5/1/12-6/30/12) Webster's Crossing (<25%) 2013 (UNY) PL: Walworth (50%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Snyder, David PL 2008 RL 2015 2008 (NCNY) PL: North Mexico, Orwell (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Philadelphia/Evans Mills (50%) 2011 PL: Philadelphia/Evans Mills (50%); CP-Antwerp 2012 (11/1/12) PL: Philadelphia/Evans Mills (75%) 2015 Retired
2003 (Troy)(1/1/04) PL: Barnerville (25%) 2005 PL: Barnerville, Central Bridge (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Barnerville, Central Bridge (75%) 2015 Mechanicville (50%) Townsend, Susan PL 2008 2008 (NCNY) PL: Ira (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Ira (25%) 2012 PL: Oran (50%)
Solar, Rebekah PL 2015 2015 (UNY) Bellevue/Henderson (50%); CP-Ellisburg
Turner, Lauren K. PL 1990 FL 1998 PL 2013 1990 (WNY) (9/1/90) PL: East Otto (75%) 1994 PL: Jamestown: Christ First (Youth Pastor)(75%) 1998 FL: Celoron, Gerry 2005 FL: Warsaw: First 2008 FL: Warsaw: First, Silver Springs 2010 (UNY) FL: Warsaw: First, Silver Springs 2013 (1/1/14) PL: Warsaw First, Silver Springs (75%) 2016 PL: Dalton 75% & Gainesville PP
Spraker, Gary PL 2005 2005 (NCNY) PL: Clockville (25%) 2009 PL: Stockbridge, Pratts Hollow (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Stockbridge, Pratts Hollow (25%) 2015 PL: Living Waters Parish (50%) Stevens, Arnold LM 2014 PL 2015 2014 Interim (7/20/2014)RW Johnsburg/Pottersville 2015(1/3/16) RW Johnsburg/Pottersville; coordinating pastor Chestertown 50% 2016 (5/31/2016) RW Johnsburg/Pottersville
VanDewark, Warren PL 2010 2009 (WNY)(2/25/10) PL: Watts Flats (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Watts Flats (25%) 2011 (1/1/12) PL: Watts Flats (50%) 2014 PL: Edwards Chapel/Watts Flats (75%)
Stewart, Angela PL 2012 *2007 (WNY) Metropolitan (Youth Pastor) *2010 Buffalo: Metropolitan (Youth Pastor) 2012 (UNY) PL: Buffalo: Metropolitan (25%) 2014 PL: Buffalo: Metropolitan (50%)
VanHatten, Thomas SY 2015 PL 2016 2015 PL: East Hamilton (3/15/16 part time local 25%)
Taylor, Lisa D. PL 2011 2011 (UNY) PL: Gowanda/Four Corners (50%) 2012 (10/1/12) PL: Pendleton Center (50%)
Van Patten, Kristi Culver PL 2001 2001 (Troy) Riparius & Johnsburg 2003 (5/1/2003) FL: Hartford UMC 2004 (1/1/05-6/30/05) Hartford UMC (75%) 2005 No Appointment 2009 PL: North Creek (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: North Creek (25%) 2011 PL: North Creek and North River (25%) 2012 PL: Green Island (25%) 2013 No Appointment 2014 PL: Alplaus (50%)
Tessey, Westley SY 2014 PL 2015 *2014 SY: East Otto 2015 (UNY) (7/15/2015) PL: East Otto (25%) Tollerton, Michael PL 2005 2005 (NCNY) PL: Lowell (25%) 2007 (10/1/07) Without Appointment 2008 PL: Lowell (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Florence (25%) 2014 Florence (<25%)
Vercant, Michael LM 2011 PL 2012 *2011 Frewsburg: Wheeler Hill 2012 (UNY) PL: Frewsburg: Wheeler Hill (<25%) 2013 PL: Blockville (<25%) 2014 PL: Pleasant Valley (25%)/Blockville <25%
Tompkins, Brenda PL 2004
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Waldron, Deborah PL 1998 RL 2012 1998 (NCNY) PL: Parishville, West Stockholm 2000 (3/1/01) FL: Adirondack Cooperative Parish 2004 Waddington, Louisville (UCC) 2006 Waddington, Louisville (UCC); Brushton; Moira; Chasm Falls 2007 Brushton, Moira, Chasm Falls, Owls Head, Nicholville, Hogansburg 2009 Richfield Springs, Cherry Valley 2010 (UNY) Richfield Springs, Cherry Valley 2012 Retired 2012 Middleville/Newport (50%) 2015 Bolton Landing-Emmanuel (25%)
2012 PL: Wellesley Island, Alexandria Bay, Redwood (75%) 2014 (1/1/15) PL: Alexandria Bay & Wellesley Island (50%) 2016 PL Alexandria Bay & Wellesley Island (5/1/16) Welch, Beverly Personius SY 2011 PL 2012 *2011 Canisteo (75%) 2012 (UNY) PL: Canisteo (75%)
Waldron, Roger W FL 1994 RL 2007 1994 (Troy) Lake George 1997 (NCNY) (4/1/98) FL: Brasher Falls, N. Lawrence, Buckton 2002 (5/1/03) Brushton, Brasher Falls 2004 Brushton, Brasher Falls, CP- Moira 2006 PL: Brushton; Moira; Chasm Falls, Waddington, Louisville(UCC) 2007 Retired 2007 (7/1/07-6/30/09) Brushton, Moira, Chasm Falls, Owls Head, Nicholville, Hogansburg 2009 (7/1/09-6/30/10) Hamilton: Park 2010 (UNY)(7/1/10-6/30/13) Salisbury Center/ Stratford 2014 (9/1/14) Scrooon Lake Community (25%) 2016 (4/23/2016) not appointed return to retirement Walter, Jonathan PL 2010 2010 (UNY) PL: North Chatham (25%) 2012 PL: N. Chatham & N. Petersburgh (25%) 2013 PL: North Petersburgh (<25%) 2013 (12/8/2013) PL: Stanford (50%) Washburn, David PL 2013 2012 (UNY)(3/20/2013) PL: Bergen (<25%)
White, Gregory PL 2009 2009 (WNY)(10/12/09) PL: Garwoods (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Garwoods (25%) 2011 PL: South Dansville & Garwoods (25%) 2013 PL: South Dansville & Garwoods (50%) White, Valerie PL 2008 2008 (NCNY) PL: Weedsport, Mottville (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Weedsport, Mottville: St. Andrews (50%) Whited, Edward George PL 1996 RL 2014 1996 (TROY) PL: Petersburg & Boyntonville (75%) 2002 PL: Rensselaer: Broadway (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Rensselaer: Broadway (25%) 2014 (10/5/14) Retired Wickert, Marcia PL 1996 FL 2004 RL 2010 1996 (NCNY) PL: Syracuse: Calvary Assist. 1997 Syracuse: Calvary 1998 SL: Syracuse: Calvary 1999 PL: Syracuse: Calvary 2000 SL: Syracuse: Calvary 2001 PL: Syracuse: Calvary 2004 FL: Lowville, Martinsburg 2009 Retired : Camillus: First (50%) 2010 (UNY) Camillus: First (50%) Wilder, Clara PL 2007 2007 (WNY) (10/3/07) PL: Alma (25%) 2009 (11/1/09) PL: Alma/Whitesville (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Alma & River Edge (50%) 2011 PL: River's Edge (50%) 2012 PL: River’s Edge (75%) 2016 PL: River’s Edge & Friendship (75%)
Webb, Frederica PL 2008 2007 (NCNY)(1/1/08) PL: Wellesley Island; Watertown; Bethany 2008 (NCNY) PL: Watertown: Bethany, Wellesley Island (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Watertown: Bethany, Wellesley Island (75%) 2010 (10/21/2010) Watertown: Bethany, Wellesley Island, Alexandria Bay (75%)
2016 Upper New York Conference Journal IX. PASTORAL SERVICE RECORDS
Wilson, Gail PL 2006 RL 2016 2006 (NCNY) PL: Elmira RIverside (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Elmira Riverside (25%) 2012 PL: Elmira Riverside & Webb Mills (50%) 2014 PL: Elmira Riverside / Webb Mills (75%) 2015 PL: Elmira Riverside 25% 2016 (11/9/15) Retired
Woodworth, Karen L. PL 2001 2001 (WNY) PL: Allen's Hill 2007 (8/1/07) PL: Geneseo Associate of Family Life Ministries (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Geneseo, Associate Family Life Ministries (25%) Wunder, Thomas PL 2007 2007 (NCNY) PL: Yatesville, Friend (50%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Yatesville, Friend (50%)
Winnie, Amy E SY 2015 PL 2016 2015 North Bush 25% 2016 North Bush <25%
Young, Richard "Buck" PL 2011 2011 (UNY) PL: Hinsdale/Ischua (Fed.) (25%)
Wollaber, Debra PL 1992 FL 1996 PL 2006 1992 (NCNY) PL: Syracuse: First Assist. (75%) 1995 PL: Delta, Rome: Calvary, Vienna, Lowell (75%) 1996 FL: Westmoreland, Clark Mills 1999 (12/1/99) FL: Mohawk, Paines Hollow 2002 FL: Morningstar Ministries: Ilion, Mohawk, Frankfort, 2005 FL: Morningstar Ministries: E. Schuyler, Frankfort, Ilion, Mohawk 2006 PL: Lee Center/Point Rock (75%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Lee Center/Point Rock (75%) Wood, Marilyn PL 2000 FL 2007 RL 2015 2000 (NCNY) PL: Kanona, Prattsburg, Wheeler Assist. (25%) 2007 FL: Palmyra, Port Gibson 2010 (UNY) FL: Dresden, Dundee, & Starkey 2010 (12/31/2010) Dresden, Dundee 2015 Retired 2015 Dresden, Dundee (75%) Woodring, Evelyn A. PL 2005 2005 (WNY)(7/10/05) PL: Buffalo: Cleveland Hill (50%) 2005 (11/1/05) PL: Lackawanna: Roland Ave (25%) 2010 (UNY) PL: Lackawanna: Roland Ave (25%) 2011 PL: Buffalo: South Park, Lackawanna: Roland Ave (50%) 2011 (12/15/2011) Buffalo: South Park (25%) 2013 Buffalo: South Park (50%) 2015 Buffalo: South Park (25%)
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2016 Upper New York Conference Journal X. STATISTICAL TABLES
Treasurerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s and Statisticianâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Report
Submitted by Kevin Domanico
Summary of Membership as reported by churches: Total professing members reported and adjusted for at close of 2014 Add: Professions of Faith, affirmations, corrections Transferred in from other UM churches Transferred in from non-UM churches Less: Removals by charge, withdrawn membership, correction Transferred out to other UM churches Transferred out to non-UM churches Removed by death Total professing members reported at close of 2015 Other Select Summary Statistics for 2015: Average weekly worship attendance Average weekly attendance in Sunday church school (all ages) Persons baptized this year (all ages) Enrolled in confirmation classes Participants in Vacation Bible School Active in covenant discipleship groups, learning in Sunday Church School, learning other than Sunday Church School, and short-term classes/ groups for learning Number in Christian formation/small group ministries: Children 9,742 Youth 4,990 Young adults 1,755 Other adults 16,747 Membership in United Methodist Men Membership in United Methodist Women Mission Teams: UMVIM teams (795 persons) 113 Number of persons engaged in mission at least once a month to those outside congregation Number of persons served by community ministries: Daycare and/or education Outreach, justice, and mercy
161,369 3,565 652 316 4,957 1,569 474 2,241 156,661 43,753 10,297 1,600 803 13,223 4,635
1,532 8,438
13,683 28,467 586,734
The overall total number participating in Christian formation/small group ministries decreased by 1,582 over 2014 and the number of UMVIM teams decreased by 34 over 2014. The number of persons served for outreach, justice and mercy ministries increased by 68,647 over the previous year and the number of persons served in Daycare/education increased by 4,508 also. There was a decline in almost all other statistics over the previous year. Ministry Shares: For 2015, the UNYAC paid 68.13% apportioned for ALL funds to the General Church. For 2014, 55% was paid for all funds to the General Church by the Conference. Of the total share of ministry apportioned to local churches for 2015, 76.13% was paid by the end of 2015. This was slightly down from 76.76% paid for all of 2014. 357
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