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Deaconess/Home Missioner, Order of (DHM

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Deaconesses/Home Missioners are Lay Persons in The United Methodist Church (UMC) who feel called by God to a full-time vocation in service with those who are marginalized and in need in the world today. There is an opportunity to be a part of a supportive community in connection with The UMC as a

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deaconess or home missioner. Deaconesses and home missioners function through diverse forms of service directed toward the world to make Jesus Christ known in the fullness of God’s ministry and 6 mission, which mandate followers to: 7 8 9 10 11 12 a) Alleviate suffering b) Eradicate causes of injustice and all that robs life of dignity and worth c) Facilitate the development of full human potential d) Share in the building global community through the church universal

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Discernment Events for Deaconesses and Home Missioner Ministry

During a period of discernment, we listen for the call of God on our lives. The Deaconess-Home Missioner Discernment event is an opportunity to explore God's call to vocational ministry. During these 2-3 days we explore scripture, hear and share call stories, and learn what it takes to be in relationship as a Deaconess or Home Missioner, all in a retreat-like setting.

Discernment Events are held at various times and locations throughout the year. There is also the option to attend virtual discernment events. There will be an event in August 2022. That information will be shared with Communications to get the word out when the date is set. For additional information and the latest dates for these events, please e-mail: deaconess@unitedmethodistwomen.org

Despite the challenges of COVID, we're continuing to grow! Our current numbers as of Feb. 1, 2022, are:

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 • Deaconesses: Active – 195, Retired – 111 • Home Missioners: Active – 10, Retired - 1 • Home Missionaries: Active – 5, Retired - 90 • D/HM Candidates – 54 (Home Missioner – 15, Deaconess – 40)

In May 2022, we welcomed 19 new DHM and 8 transferring DHM to our order. Also, 45 DHM (those from 2020 and 2021) were consecrated at the United Methodist Women’s National Assembly on May 20, 2022.

Another exciting word of update from Deaconess Megan Hale, Executive with the National DHM Office: February 2022 the Order held our first-ever DHM Racial Justice summit to continue our work towards confronting racism. In October 2021, for the first time, DHM from the US met virtually with DHM in the Philippines fulfilling our fourth mandate of building global community through the church universal! Another event was held in April 2022 to hear from individuals whose lives have been impacted by DHM both in the Philippines and US.

Our Upper New York Conference D/HMs are appointed by the Bishop and serve in their districts and the Conference with their diverse gifts of communications, chaplaincy, healing ministry, and law.

Welcome Janice Dawn Tabangin to the UNY Conference, who serves as a Deaconess in the New Faith Community at First United Methodist Church in Ontario, Canada. Janice serves as the pianist and organist


in her church, facilitates bible studies with children and adults, organizes community outreach and 2 participates in the choir. Welcome, Janice, to The Upper New York Conference! 3 4 If this calling is for you or someone you know, we want to hear from you! 5 6 Susan Silhan, Deaconess , Mountain View District Email: Healing.wholenessministry@gmail.com

7 Denise Walling, Deaconess, Albany District

Email: walling_d@msn.com 8 Kevin Nelson, Home Missioner, Albany District Email: kmichael07@gmail.com 9 10 Contact for National Office 11 12 13 Website: https://www.unitedmethodistwomen.org/dhm Email: deaconess@unitedmethodistwomen.org Call: 212-870-3850

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