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Missional Engagement
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For the Missional Engagement ministry of the Upper New York Conference 2021 was a year of transition. With the retirement of Mike Block, the Director of Missional Engagement, and the transition of Roger and Donna Cullen as the VIM Coordinators for Upper New York there has been no shortage of filling the gaps 4 and strategizing for the days ahead. 5 6 During this transition, however, great work continues to happen in service to Christ and the church. The 7 Mission Central HUB located in the United Methodist Center in Liverpool continued to gather supplies, 8 pack kits, and connect people with the kits during their time of need. The pandemic certainly had an 9 impact on the functioning of the HUB by limiting the size and number of groups. In fact, there was a brief 10 season when there were no groups allowed for the safety of everyone. Moving into 2022, this has begun 11 12 to change, and the HUB is welcoming groups to serve the various expressions of the HUB.
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 The ongoing impacts of the pandemic have limited the Volunteers in Mission groups as well as the Early Response Teams addressing disasters. Of note there was excellent disaster response to flooding the Southern Tier of New York as well as to Casowasco Camp and Retreat Center in the summer of 2021. In both cases, servants showed up to clear the aftermath of significant flooding events.
Looking into 2022, there is reason for great hope. A new Director of Missional Engagement will be hired as well as new VIM Coordinators. It is anticipated that there will be an increase of opportunities to serve at the HUB in Liverpool and great hope there will be a growing number of VIM trip opportunities opening once again.
23 24 25 26 27 You can find more information at the Conference website under the Mission tab. We look forward to serving with you in the near future.
In Christ Missional Engagement Leadership