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Peace with Justice

1 The conference board of church and society or equivalent structure shall also name a conference Peace

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with Justice Coordinator who will be responsible for administering the conference Peace with Justice Special Sunday Offering receipts and for coordinating peace with justice ministries. (2016 Book of 4 Discipline ¶629.2) 5 6 In 2021 we received the most Peace with Justice grant applications in the history of the Upper New York 7 Conference! Each year, the Social Holiness Team considers applications for financial support of new and 8 emerging justice ministries. In April we received three requests and in October we had another six. We 9 were thrilled to be able to support every one of the following ministries: 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1. First UMC of Phoenix, NY Loads of Love Laundry & Feeding Missions $2,000 2. Labor-Religion Coalition of NYS Clergy Connections with Farmworker Organizing $2,000 3. Faithful Citizen, Inc Mobilizing Vaccine Turnout: Resources for Church Leaders $1,803 4. African Ministries of Aldersgate UMC (Rochester, NY) African Community Youth Education to Live Beyond Drug Addiction $1,000 5. North Main St. UMC (Gloversville, NY) Gun Violence - It's time to talk. $1,185 6. Jonesville UMC (Clifton Park, NY) STAHL Alcohol & Addiction Recovery Center $2,000 7. Eastern Parkway UMC (Schenectady, NY) Scholarship to Black Methodists for Church Renewal Gathering $2,000 8. New York State Council of Churches Anti-Racism Conversations on Approach, Policy, and Community Building $2,000 9. Clara's Closet Refugee Services (Buffalo, NY) Welcome the Stranger $2,000

24 25 26 27 If you have questions about any of these ministries, I would be happy to share more information or put you in touch with those in charge. Additionally, some of these projects have already been highlighted in Conference Communications.

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 These grants are made possible by your continued support of the Peace with Justice Sunday offering - one of the six Special Sunday Offerings listed in ¶824 of The United Methodist Book of Discipline. It is my hope that as we move into the future - be it as United Methodists or otherwise - each one of us will continue to support - with our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness - the justice and social action ministries begun in the Upper NY area.

Respectfully, Heather Smith Peace with Justice Coordinator peacewithjustice@unyumc.org

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