3 minute read
Trustees, Board of
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The activities of the trustees for 2022 include the purchase, sale, and maintenance of Conference properties. The trustees also manage the Conference’s master insurance program. A brief explanation of 3 the trustees’ activities for the past year follows: 4 5 Properties 6 The Board of Trustees is currently managing 36 closed churches, two land-only properties, 11 district 7 parsonages, one episcopal residence, one conference center, five camp and retreat centers, and seven 8 legacy-issue properties. Each property has two trustees assigned to oversee these properties and 9 buildings. The trustees also work to market and sell the closed churches, land, and legacy properties. They 10 coordinate their parsonage work with district parsonage coordinators to maintain and address issues at 11 each parsonage. District boards of Church Location and Buildings work to support the trustees on closed
12 13 14 church properties within their Districts. Peter Abdella from Harter Secrest & Emery LLP serves as our Conference chancellor as we work to sell these properties. Working with municipalities (tax exempt issues), private groups (cemetery associations, tenants), real estate brokers and others, we resolve issues
15 16 associated with these properties.
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The Annual Conference Board of Trustees maintains an insurance subcommittee who helps to design, implement, and monitor our Conference-wide insurance program. This program has been underwritten by Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company since Jan. 1, 2000. Our local representatives are American Church Group of New York and agents from American Church group have been working to visit each of our local churches and establish accurate replacement costs for our properties. This project involves over 900 site visits and will be completed in the fall of this year. Any local church is invited to contact American Church group (contact information is found on our Conference web site) to set up an in-person meeting with their local representative. Look for the Brotherhood Mutual booth at our Annual Conference gathering this year!
Financial Report
Trustee financial activity is accounted for and reported as a separate fund in the Conference. Net Assets: Net assets are categorized in accordance with Conference or donor designations as follows:
32 33 34 35 36 • Unrestricted Net Assets: Net assets that are not subject to donor-imposed restrictions.
• Designated Unrestricted Net Assets: Net assets that are internally designated for a specific purpose or activity by the Conference.
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 • Temporarily Restricted Net Assets: Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met either by actions of the Conference and/or the passage of time. Also includes camp and retreat centers, the Conference center and district parsonages.
• Permanently Restricted Net Assets: Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may be maintained permanently by the Conference. Generally, the donors of these assets permit the
Conference to use all or part of the income earned on related investments for program operations.
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There are currently three-member churches with loan guarantees provided by the Conference with an outstanding loan balance of approximately $850,000.
Child Victims Act
The Trustees are continuing to work with our legal team as well as other Conference boards to monitor the lawsuits that have been brought against the Conference. With the guidance of our legal team and the boards involved, we will review these cases as they move forward. Further information will be shared at Annual Conference 2022.
Faithfully, Rev. Pamela Klotzbach, Trustee President