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Young Adult Council
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Due to pandemic burnout and a fresh leadership team, the Young Adult Council has spent the last year rebuilding. In addition to forming a new committee and setting new expectations and goals, the group also conducted a survey of the young adults in the Conference to get a better understanding of the needs and wants of others our age across the connection.
Guided by survey results, the Young Adult Council has set several goals for 2022 including a more robust social media presence, hosting a minimum of two in-person gatherings, creating a packet of contact information for young adult groups that exist around the Conference, as well as suggestions on how to create a new one, and host at least one small group bible study. We are looking forward to creating new opportunities to connect after a couple of years hiatus.
Hannah Lasher and Sam Lasher both deserve special thanks and recognition for survey development, graphic design, and generally going above and beyond the call of duty in this group. We cannot thank them enough.
To contact the Young Adult Council and find out about upcoming events, you may find our information on the Conference website under Young Adult Ministries, email us at youngadults@unyumc.org, or follow us on Facebook under the name Upper NY Young Adults.