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UNYAC2023.6 - Beginning the Work of Reparations

Book of Discipline (¶): 1

Book of Resolutions paragraph (¶): Reference 3066 2 Conference Committee/Agency affected by/responsible for implementation if passed: new task force in consultation with the UNYAC Commission on Religion and Race


Whereas Resolution 3066 of the 2016 Book of Resolutions of the United Methodist Church states that the

General Conference acknowledges and profoundly regrets the massive human suffering and the tragic plight of millions of men, women, and children caused by slavery and the transatlantic slave trade; and

Whereas (Resolution 3066 continues) at the conclusion of the Civil War, the plan for the economic 13 redistribution of land and resources on behalf of the former slaves of the Confederacy was never enacted; 14 and 15

Whereas (Resolution 3066 continues) the failure to distribute land prevented newly freed Blacks from 16 achieving true autonomy and made their civil and political rights all but meaningless; and 17

Whereas (Resolution 3066 continues) conditions comparable to “economic depression” continue for 18 millions of African Americans in communities where unemployment often exceeds 50 percent; and 19

Whereas (Resolution 3066 continues) justice requires that African American descendants of the transatlantic slave trade be assured of having access to effective and appropriate protection and remedies, including the right to seek just and adequate reparation or satisfaction for the legacy of damages, consequent structures of racism and racial discrimination suffered as a result of the slave trade; and 24

Whereas (Resolution 3066 continues) Isaiah 61:1-3 provides a model for reparations: “He has sent me … to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim release for the captives, … to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, … to provide for Zion’s mourners, to give them a crown in place of ashes, oil of joy in place of mourning, and a mantle of praise in place of discouragement”; and,

Whereas HR-40 was reintroduced in 2023 by Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee to the House of Representatives, calling for the establishment of the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African Americans,

“acknowledging the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality and inhumanity of slavery in the United

States from 1619 to the present day,” for the purpose of submitting a report to Congress for further action and consideration with respect to slavery’s effects on African American lives, economics, and politics;

Therefore, be it resolved that the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church establish a taskforce to explore reparations for African Americans in Black churches in the Annual Conference. This taskforce will be selected by the Conference Commission on Religion and Race (CCORR) and be comprised of two (2) members of CCORR, two (2) members of the Conference Board of Trustees, two (2) members of the Cabinet, and two (2) at-large members. It is recommended this taskforce be comprised of at least

1/3 clergy; 1/3 laity; 1/3 women; and 1/3 men; and

Therefore, be it further resolved that the taskforce track H.R. 40 and when released, study and 1 disseminate the conclusions of its report to local churches; and 2

Therefore, be it further resolved that the Task Force, in collaboration with the Conference Board of 3 Trustees, report to the regular 2024 session of Annual Conference on the feasibility of directing the Annual 4 Conference to designate a share of the net proceeds from the sale of properties as a result of closure of local churches for the ministries of Black churches in the Annual Conference.


Submission: March 15, 2023

Submitted by: Rev. George F. Nicholas

Mailing address: 641 Masten Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209

Phone number: 716-364-4476

Email address: gfnicholas1@gmail.com

UNY local church/charge membership: Lincoln Memorial

Other signees:

Name: Rev. Vivian Ruth Waltz, Deacon

Mailing address: 641 Masten Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14209

Phone number: 716-982-6501

Email address: rev.vivianruth@gmail.com

UNY local church/charge membership: Lincoln Memorial

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