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"Heartburn No More" (in both book and e-book versions) was developed and written by Jeff Martin, a medical researcher, nutritionist, and health adviser of more than 10 years' standing. This heartburn-control program has helped thousands permanently alleviate their acid reflux/heartburn problems. Focusing on the root causes and not the symptoms, unlike physician-recommended medications, Martin's regimen is completely natural and works as a stable, lasting remedy without having to use antacids or any other prescription drugs. 100% All-Natural The Heartburn No More program uses a combination of proper diet, dietary supplements (vitamins and minerals), and herbal remedies such as papaya, apple cider, almonds, and slippery elm to provide relief to acid reflux/heartburn. It evinces no harmful side-effects and is totally safe to use and practice. Initial relief may be expected in as few as two or three days after following the regimen, and in about a week or two there is significant reduction of heartburn-related problems. Best of all, you can read the entire 150-page book in about 30 minutes - no pages and pages of unintelligible medical terminology and difficult-to-follow procedures and rituals. All natural, all beneficial, all the time. 5-Step Holistic System The 5-step holistic system that Martin espouses gives you useful information on how to eliminate heartburn and most, if not all, digestive problems - naturally and permanently. Some of the data you will find inside the book are: (1) the top ten most important foods you should be eating if you're prone to acid reflux (and, conversely, the top ten worst foods you shouldn't be eating); (2) the best and most powerful natural remedies to cure esophageal swelling, in order to bring down inflammation within the digestive system that triggers heartburn; and (3) how to prevent heartburn from occurring ever again, as well as associated ailments like bloating, constipation, excessive burping and belching, flatulence, and intermittent stomach upset. Money-Back Guarantee While Martin makes no promises that his Heartburn No More system will work for you for sure, with the 60-day money-back guarantee, 3 months of free one-on-one online counseling, and an amazingly high success rate, it may very well be the best idea for you if you suffer from heartburn to check out his program - before wasting money on other drugs and treatments that could ultimately prove useless!
Heartburn No More unfortunately is only available online in eBook form, however it is a worthwhile purchase for a natural alternative to relief. For additional reviews and product comparisons Heartburn No More and Start Living are great resources for getting the pros and cons of different remedy solutions.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_D_Silver
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