What Makes A Hojo Magnetic Motor?

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Magnetic Motor - Renewable energy device? Articles on the Magnetic Motor concept are to be fair full of different opinions regarding the validity of the claims made by the competing lobbyists. Some claim that it is the way to cheap, clean energy for the masses. Yet others claim that it is a complete scam and that there is no such thing as a free lunch! Perhaps there is a grain of truth in both of these claims in as much as nothing is truly 'free' especially when it comes to energy, be it electrical or otherwise. The Hojo Motor: This is a device by one Howard Johnson that claims to be able to produce free energy from the comfort of your own garage or workshop. It is a DIY eBook with full instructions on how to build this machine that is able to produce enough energy to light up your entire house. The reviews on it are very convincing to say the least! Anything that will take power away from 'the man' and give it to the 'people' is very popular in these turbulent times. How does the Magnet Motor concept differ from the other alternative energy sources on the market? Well for a start, it does not produce any harmful pollutants in the form of exhaust fumes or smoke from burning for instance. Also unlike solar energy, the magnet motor does not need the sunshine to produce the goods. When compared to Wind farms for example, the magnetic motor does not need the wind to power it, or indeed does it need acres of ground (or sea) in which to site it before it can produce any energy. Solar energy is perhaps one of the 'biggies' when it comes to alternative energy sources, however is it really that 'green'? The answer perhaps lies not here in the UK or indeed in any of the western countries; but instead we should be asking that question to the thousands who have been deprived of their livelihood in areas of China or India. This is due to the fact that the by-product of producing solar panels is a highly toxic substance called silicon tetrachloride, this makes any land that has been contaminated totally unproductive. Subsequently many farmers and communities in the developing world have been made poor and homeless with the production of this 'green energy' product. Alternative Energy Sources all seem to have a price on their heads, or at least a price that is acceptable to pay not only in monetary value but also in terms on a 'trade off' between the advantages and the disadvantages of using the system. With Solar it could be the toxic byproducts, with Wind farms it may be the harm to the immediate environment with regards to land used up or indeed the 300 cube of concrete for each windmill. With regard to Nuclear power it's obviously the radioactive contamination, whereas with Hydro-electric it is again the amount of concrete used in the construction of the Dams needed (the process of concrete production being the main issue here).

What about the Magnetic Motor? Well it is indeed hard to find any real issues with regard to environmental harm that the Magnet Motor may do. The fact is with the various magnet motor designs on the market the Hojo Magnetic Motor for example is a fairly simple design that can be built in a workshop and produces no pollutants in the form of smoke, exhaust etc. It does not need petrol products to run it and is not reliant on the weather to produce energy. In fact I wonder why the 'big boys' are not producing magnetic power on a grand scale and then selling us the power is it perhaps not in their interests to do so?

The magnetic motor is a concept that I find quite fascinating. If you would like to know more about this then please visit my website at Magnetic Motor

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=James_W_Paris

==== ==== For more information please go to: http://pushbc1.hojomotor.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ====

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