Li offerings 2015

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Serving to enhance the ministry of pastors, church educators, other church leaders, and church members

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LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE UPCOMING EVENTS Christian Educator Certification Course – Presbyterian Polity, Program, and Mission Hybrid class with most of the work done at home, beginning on June 15 On-campus time is July 14-16, 2015 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $295

Learning the polity, program, and mission of the PC(USA) enables one to understand and hopefully appreciate the culture and approach of this denomination in fulfilling the mission of God. Topics to be explored include a theological understanding of our polity using the Book of Confessions and historical principles of church order and government; the calling, election, training, ordination, and duties of those called to ordered ministries; and how to integrate these into educational events you will design. Eighteen hours of this 30-hour course will be completed at home via readings and conversation groups online. This course meets the requirement for those seeking certification in the PC(USA), but is open to anyone desiring to learn more about PC(USA) polity, program, and mission. Led by H. Carson Rhyne, Jr., general presbyter and stated clerk of the Presbytery of the James.

Church Business Administration Seminar


Cost: $550 for both weeks; $275 for one week; $85 per day for individual seminars ($170 for a two-day seminar)

July 21-30, 2015 – Richmond campus

The Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary, in cooperation with the The Church Network (formerly NACBA) is offering this seminar, which meets the entire in-class requirement for certification through TCN and the Presbyterian Church Business Administrators Association (PCBAA). You do not need to be seeking certification to attend. Topics are: Managing Strategic Planning Issues, Managing Human Resources (2-day seminar), Managing Communication Issues, Managing Financial Issues (2-day seminar), Managing Legal and Tax Issues, and Managing Facilities and Property Issues. Led by various leaders with experience and knowledge in church business administration.

Seminary for a Day

Cost: $25 includes lunch and refreshments. Registration must be received by September 18 to guarantee a lunch. Workshops will stay open as long as there is adequate space, so register early!

September 26, 2015 – Richmond campus (Early Center)

Enjoy a full day of keynote addresses and workshops, connections with friends and colleagues, and a taste of seminary education. The day features the faculty of Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond. Frances Taylor Gench, Herbert Worth and Annie H. Jackson Professor of Biblical Interpretation at Union Presbyterian Seminary, and Cleophus J. LaRue, Francis Landey Patton Professor of Homiletics at Princeton Theological Seminary, are the keynote speakers. Gench


Your IT Ministry Toolbox

October 1, 2015 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $95 ($75 for those who register by August 25)

This class will identify and explain an array of tools available to church administrators to assist in managing of your computer environment. We will cover computer equipment, staff, and vendors; explain current threats and concerns to the church, individuals, and data; and outline how everyday best practices and preparation will help you anticipate issues, avoid lasting damage, and recover. At the end of the day you will have more tools and confidence to plan and lead your staff and the church in a complex computer environment. Note: This seminar fulfills CEU requirements of Church Business Administration certification. Led by Bryan Compton, manager of technology for the Virginia Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Christian Educator Certification Course – Worship and Sacraments Hybrid class with most of the work done at home, beginning on September 8 On-campus time is October 6-8, 2015 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $295

This course prepares educators for leadership in the church in the area of Reformed Christian worship including the sacraments. This course seeks to explore the history, theology, and practice of Christian worship and the ways worship practices are spiritually formative for congregations. Eighteen hours of this 30hour course will be completed at home via readings and conversation groups online. This course meets the requirement for those seeking Educator certification in the PC(USA), but is open to anyone desiring to learn more about PC(USA) worship and sacraments. Led by Jane Rogers Vann, professor of Christian education emerita, Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Wealth and Poverty in the Bible and Today October 19-21, 2015 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

October 26-29, 2015– Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)



Cost: $195 ($150 for those who register by September 11)

This seminar will examine the biblical witness on wealth and poverty in both the Old and New Testaments. Such topics as borrowing and lending, tithing, taxation, the most vulnerable members in the society, and the relationship between money and divine judgment will receive attention. Key biblical texts will be examined in light of our present context, both in the church and larger society. This focus on our contemporary setting will demonstrate the enduring relevance of Scripture when it comes to wealth and poverty, since most of the issues we face concerning money are timeless. Led by Samuel L. Adams, associate professor of Old Testament at Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Finding a Way Forward, Personally and Congregationally



Cost: $250 ($195 for those who register by September 18)

Church leaders—whether pastors, Christian educators, or program or administrative staff—often find themselves at key transitional points in their lives and ministries. These transition points often surface personal questions, issues, and opportunities that strike at the heart of their vocational identities. Congregations often find themselves at similar transition points. This seminar is designed for leaders in various stages of their ministry: those in the early years, those at the 8-12 year point, those at significant mid-career points, and those nearing “retirement” who wish to engage in practices of discernment and strategic thinking as they seek to find a way forward. As personal and congregational dynamics of transition often run a parallel course, attention will be given to the interplay of these dynamics in a church leader’s life. Chapel and community lunch on Wednesday, coupled with two dinners, will underscore the importance of placing processes of discernment and strategic thinking in worship and around table fellowship. Led by Ken McFayden, professor of leadership development on the Richmond campus of Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Charlotte Area Asian-American Pastors Continuing Education

There is no cost for this event. Housing in the Charlotte area is on your own. Registrations must be received by October 31. Because of the size of the facility, no walk-in registrations will be allowed.

November 23-24, 2015 – Charlotte campus

This workshop consists of two parts. Part 1 is entitled, I am a pastor. How can I survive? The Bible distinguishes true prophets from false prophets and the good shepherd from the hired hand. This seminar addresses the question of what kind of pastor will survive before God (coram Deo) today and focuses on the issue of how the pastor should approach the Word of God in order to survive. Part 2, led by Ae Joo Jung, is called A story of my life, the Bible as the standard of my life, and my faith. In this portion, a pastor’s wife shares a story of her life and reflects on the impact of the Bible on her faith. Led by Jae Chul Lee and Ae Joo Jung. Rev. Jae Chul Lee is senior pastor of the 100th Anniversary Memorial Church in Seoul, Korea and his spouse, Ae Joo Jung, is CEO of the Hongsung Publishing Company, Seoul, Korea.

Interim Ministry Education Week 1

November 16-20, 2015 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $395

This week-long training will enable pastors to enter into a congregation in transition with new skills and understanding of healthy processes. Week I training provides the basics for understanding interim ministry and transitional ministry. Using a new curriculum developed by the leaders, this training will enhance the ministry of those considering interim ministry as well as those still serving in called positions. Led by Hart Edmonds, Deborah Fortel, Ken McFayden, and Laura Sherwood, all experienced practitioners and interim ministry trainers. Edmonds




The Blaze

January 5-7, 2016 – Montreat Conference Center

Cost: $202, includes room and meals

The Blaze is an opportunity for leaders of youth to gather for worship, renewal, sharing, and fellowship. Excellent keynotes, inspiring worship, and a wide variety of workshops are available on relevant topics for those who lead youth and young adults. Come to Montreat with your questions, wonderings, and ideas; leave with new colleagues, fresh inspirations, and renewed energy for youth in your congregation. Led by John Vest (keynote addresses) and Jamie Thompson and Laura Thompson (worship and music).



The Sign of Hope: The Three Generation Immigrant Church

Mid-Atlantic Korean-American Pastors Continuing Education February 22-24, 2016 – Richmond campus Cost: $125 for pastors, $175 for couples ($100 for pastors, $150 for couples who register by January 31); includes all meals and housing Using an original theological enterprise, “Se Mool” theology (‘Se’ is three in Korean, and ‘Mool’ is upside down), this workshop will explore the life of the three forefathers of Israel (Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob), as the sign of the Hope in the context of the calling of immigrant churches for the 21st century. Led by Young Ghil Lee, pastor of the Korean Church of Boston for over 20 years.

Growing Into Tomorrow…Today

March 9-10, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)


No cost for the workshop; lunch is available for $12 per day

Planning for retirement can be challenging. Our holistic retirement planning seminar helps mid- to late-career plan members explore steps they can take today for their best retirement tomorrow. Led by the PC(USA) Board of Pensions.

Render Unto Caesar

March 11, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

No cost for the workshop; lunch is available for $12

Clergy taxes and terms of call issues can be complicated. This seminar clarifies them and ensures that active teaching elders and churches and employing organizations can take advantage of the available options, as well as file correctly for tax purposes. Led by the PC(USA) Board of Pensions.

Christian Educator Certification Course – Biblical Interpretation Hybrid class with most of the work done at home, beginning on March 7 On-campus time is April 5-7, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $295

This course is designed to address the calling of Christian educators to interpret and teach the Bible. The course features a historical overview and practical examples of an array of approaches to biblical interpretation, including and emphasizing the “location” and key elements of interpretation within the Reformed tradition. Eighteen hours of this 30-hour course will be completed at home via readings and conversational groups online. This course meets the requirement for those seeking certification in the PC(USA), but is open to anyone desiring to learn more about Reformed biblical interpretation. Led by E. Carson Brisson, associate professor of biblical languages at Union Presbyterian Seminary.


Stewardship: In an era when there isn’t enough, how do we teach/preach generosity? April 11-14, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $250 ($195 for those who register by March 4)

In the context of your own congregation, we will explore how, when, where, why it is important to teach/preach stewardship. This is not just about making the budget but rather about “taking hold of the life that really is life.” (I Timothy 6:18-19) Led by Laura Mendenhall, senior philanthropy advisor for the Texas Presbyterian Foundation, former president of Columbia Theological Seminary; and Chuck Mendenhall, who has served six congregations and headed four church related non-profit agencies where stewardship and capital campaigns have been vital to mission and ministry. L. Mendenhall

C. Mendenhall

Trent @ Montreat: Your calling; Our commitment April 18-21, 2016 – Montreat Conference Center

Cost: Program fee $100 (to register for this event, go to

Trent @ Montreat is an event about practical ministry. It is perfect for pastors in their first five years of ministry, those looking to improve in particular areas of their ministry, or those who are just wanting to pick up some new skills. Each participant will pick one track that will have a particular focus and leave with a network of support, resources, and ideas in that area of interest. Trent @ Montreat is a cooperative effort of Union Presbyterian Seminary, Montreat Conference Center, NEXT Church, Macedonian Ministry, and Second Presbyterian Church of Roanoke, VA.

What’s the Status of the PC(USA)? April 19-21, 2016 – Richmond campus

Cost: $195 ($150 for those who register by March 11)

A conversation with the moderator of the General Assembly of the PC(USA) and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency of the PC(USA) concerning the current position of the denomination relative to programs, mission, and vision. This will be an opportunity to hear plans and ideas from our leaders, and to provide input and suggestions for the future direction of the denomination. Heath Rada, moderator of the General Assembly of the PC(USA) and former president of the Presbyterian School of Christian Education, and Linda Valentine, executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, PC(USA), have been invited to lead this workshop. Rada


Welcoming the Stranger in the Small Church April 26-28, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)

Cost: $130 ($95 for those who register by March 18)

Most folks in small congregations talk about wanting more members, especially the prized “young families.” But is our small church sending a message of openness and welcome, or are we undermining our own mission? Do we really want new people to disrupt our status quo? In this workshop, we will look at how we present ourselves to our communities, ways of reaching out, and how to show hospitality with visitors and new members. Led by Marilyn Johns, director of program development for the Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary.

Not by Bread Alone: Faith and the politics of food May 17-19, 2016 – Richmond campus (Paisley Hall)




Cost: $195 ($150 for those who register by April 8)

This seminar explores the spiritual, theological and ethical implications entailed in the production, distribution, preparation, and consumption of food. Moving beyond the impulse to feed the hungry, we will consider deeper theological questions involved in this most basic of human needs. Along the way, we will investigate how scriptural interpretation, table gatherings, and practices of fasting developed among diverse early Christian communities, and consider how this historical inheritance might speak to contemporary concerns. Our goals will be to gain a deeper understanding of the way in which the everyday practice of eating can be a source for the exercise of Christian faith and responsibility, and to imagine ways in which churches can creatively engage in such practices. Led by Union Presbyterian Seminary faculty members Dawn DeVries, John Newton Thomas Professor of Systematic Theology, Paul Galbreath, professor of worship and preaching, and Christine Luckritz Marquis, assistant professor of church history.

Church Business Administration Seminar July 19-28, 2016 – Richmond campus


Cost: $550 for both weeks; $275 for one week; $85 per day for individual courses ($170 for a two-day course)

The Leadership Institute at Union Presbyterian Seminary, in cooperation with the The Church Network (formerly NACBA) is offering this seminar, which meets the entire in-class requirement for certification through TCN and the Presbyterian Church Business Administrators Association (PCBAA). You do not need to be seeking certification to attend. Topics are: Managing Financial Issues (2-day course), Managing Legal and Tax Issues, Managing Facilities and Property Issues, Managing Strategic Planning Issues, Managing Human Resources (2-day course), and Managing Communication Issues. Led by various leaders with experience and knowledge in church business administration.

NEW! Church Business Administration Seminars will be offered on the Charlotte campus! Seminars will be held on four Thursdays in the fall of 2015 and four

Thursdays in the spring of 2016. Completion of all eight seminars will fulfill the core course requirement for certification through The Church Network (formerly NACBA). Check our website for more information, including schedules, costs, and registration.

All events offer Continuing Education Units (CEUs). Visit our website to register and for further information on these and other events offered by Union Presbyterian Seminary’s Leadership Institute. LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE UPCOMING FREE PUBLIC EVENTS March 14, 2016

DAWE LECTURE: “A Global Covenant of Religions?” with Peter W. Ochs, Ph.D.

April 4, 2016

THE HOWIE CENTER: Afternoon Session: “What is a Bible Scholar to do with Science? A Hermeneutical Adventure”

Evening Lecture: “From Ash Heap to Asteroids: How Astrobiology Rewrites the Book of Job” with Bill Brown, Ph.D.

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