Universities’ Police Science Institute
Sefydliad y Prifysgolion ar Wyddorau’r Heddlu
ABOUT UPSI The Universities’ Police Science Institute [UPSI] has a national and international reputation for developing and using rigorous research evidence to design, test and mainstream key policing innovations. The Institute is particularly known for its policy development work in the areas of: Police homicide investigations; Neighbourhood Policing; counter-terrorism; social media analytics; and anti-social behaviour. UPSI’s impact upon police policy and practice has stemmed from its commitment to two defining principles:
The Co-production of Knowledge
Our approach starts from researchers and police practitioners working together: Co-defining the problems to be worked upon; Co-designing a response; and Co-delivering that response.
The Research-Practitioner Concept
Changing the capacity of individual police staff members and the police service as a whole to produce, interpret and use high quality research evidence to inform their practice, in order for it to deliver improved outcomes for the public. KEY FUNDERS:
European Commission & European Parliament Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Welsh Government Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC)
“UPSI have been one of our foremost partners in advising on an evidence based approach to major challenges in policing. It has demonstrated flexibility and an imaginative drive to understand, explain in accessible terms. Most of all it has sought to demonstrate how findings can be applied in the real world. This is clearly evident in our report ‘Stop the Rot’ published in October 2010.”
Sir Denis O’Connor Former Chief HMIC
Innovation Award for Social, Cultural or Policy Impact UPSI’s pioneering research has changed the way that the police respond to crime and disorder within communities. This work has been recognised by an award for policy impact and innovation.
“As part of our vision “To be the best at understanding and responding to our communities’ needs”, South Wales Police has worked in close partnership with UPSI for the last four years to develop evidence based policing approaches to tackling crime and anti-social behaviour. Through engaging with our communities in new and innovative ways about the issues which matter to them most, we have been able to deliver a service which meets people’s needs. We have achieved important results which include the effective use of intelligence to disrupt localised drug dealing activity. The introduction of other groundbreaking initiatives such as Master classes have helped us to harness our respective operational and academic expertise in order to develop the knowledge and skills of our staff and spread good practice initiatives across the force area.”
— Peter Vaughan, Chief Constable South Wales Police
KEY PUBLICATIONS: Innes, M. (2014) ‘Signal Crimes: Social Reactions to Crime, Disorder and Social Control’ ’, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Innes, M., Roberts, C. & Rogers, D., (2014) ‘Critical Timing’. Police Professional Magazine Roberts, C. et al. (2013) ‘Understanding Who Commits Hate Crime and Why They Do It’. A Report to the Welsh Assembly Government. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Innes, H. & Innes, M., (2013) ‘Personal, Situational and Incidental Vulnerabilities to ASB Harm. A Follow Up Study’. A Report to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary. Innes, M. & O’Connor, D.; (2013) ‘Can Police Predict Crimes?’ Prospect Magazine Lowe, T. & M. Innes (2012) ‘Can We Speak in Confidence? Community Intelligence and Neighbourhood Policing’ ; Policing & Society, 22/3: 295-316 Innes, M. et al. (2011) ‘Assessing The Effects of PREVENT Policing’.’ A Report to the Association of Chief Police Officers
AREAS OF EXPERTISE Prof. Martin Innes Policing / Murder Investigation / CounterTerrorism / Neighborhood Policing Dr. Colin Roberts Counter-Terrorism / Gangs / Gun Crime / Violence Trudy Lowe Qualitative Research Methods / Young People & Crime / Neighbourhood Policing / Restorative Justice Helen Innes Analysis Of Large Data-Sets / Community Cohesion / Links Between Health And Crime / Designing Methods For Complex Policy Evaluations Daniel Grinnell GIS / Crime Hot Spots / Analysis Of Large Data-Sets Sarah Tucker Public Protection / Reactive Policing / Hate Crime / Focus Groups PARTNERSHIPS:
Innes, M. & A. Clarke (2009) ‘Policing the Past: Cold Case Studies, Forensic Evidence and Retroactive Social Control’, Britsih Journal of Sociology, 60/3: 544-563. Innes, M. (2003) ‘Investigating Murder: Detective Work and the police response to Criminal Homicide’ ’, Oxford. Clarendon Press
For further information go to: www.upsi.org.uk e: upsi@cardiff.ac.uk