Upton Master Plan Community Congress News
Upton Master Plan Development
“Engaging the Upton
The Empowerment and Wellness Center in partnership with the Upton Planning Committee hosted an Upton Master Plan Community Congress on December 10, 2016 at Furman L. Templeton School from 10:00 – 2:00 p.m. The Community Congress meeting had over 70 participants including state, and local politicians, Baltimore City housing agency officials, information experts, and community members.
community to reimagine
The Upton Master Plan Community Congress continued a process to review the Upton Community’s 2004 Master Plan and chart a course for the future. The Congress provided participants information on the Upton Master Plan background; Upton Community demographic overview; Upton Community maps; and Master Plan community recommendations. Sincere thanks to our co-facilitator Mr. V. Lamar Wilson, from V. Lamar Wilson Associates, the Baltimore City Planning Department and Vacants to Value for all of the community demographic and statistical information.
to be celebrated and
what a healthy and prosperous neighborhood looks like in 10-years is critical. Upton’s rich African
American history is ripe transformed into new ideas for growth and development.” - Darroll Cribb, Chair Upton Planning Committee
In This Issue
Community Congress Participants
Upton Master Plan Development
Community Congress Group Discussions
Closing Plenary & Next Steps
Implementation Activities
Congress Collage
Community Congress Small Group Discussions Following the morning plenary participants had a working lunch and participated in one of the nine small groups. 1. Housing This group discussed the Upton housing market and generated ideas about what type of housing is needed in the Upton area, community housing standards, and rehabilitation priorities and strategies. The group also discussed ways the City can assist in effecting positive change in Upton’s housing market. 2. Economic/Business Development This group discussed Upton’s main street commercial corridor and proposed/future economic development projects. Ideas were generated around viable business and economic development opportunities within the community. 3. Education This group discussed education in the Upton community. Ideas were generated around education and supports that are needed to help improve educational attainment within the community. 4. Open Space, Green Space, Recreation This group discussed proposed and future Upton development projects for open space and lots. Ideas were generated around open space development and utilization. 5. Healthcare This group explored health disparities in the Upton community and identified ways in which these issues can be addressed holistically. 6. Community Heritage, History, Culture This group discussed the viability of Upton becoming a heritage tourism community. Ideas were generated around ways to position Upton as an African American cultural arts mecca in Baltimore. This group identified resources needed to support historic preservation efforts in the community. 7. Transportation and Infrastructure This group discussed Upton’s transportation infrastructure and made recommendations regarding streetscape, traffic patterns, and public transportation within the community. 8. Public Safety This group discussed public safety issues in Upton and identified a set of viable strategies to address community crime and safety concerns. 9. Human Capital Development This group explored social service programs available in the Upton Community. Best practices and promising and proven strategies for engagement were also discussed.
Special Thanks Special thanks to all of the Community Congress organizers and our event sponsors, and supporters for continuing a community planning process that has the potential to lead to significant community change!
Baltimore City Planning Department
Sincere gratitude to the Upton Master Plan Steering Committee for all of their event support. Neighborhood Building: Wanda Best Darroll Cribb Chad Haynes Jules Dunham Howie, Stuart Hudgins Chief Ganesha Martin Gus Augustas Economic Development: Adrian Harpool Richard D. Sussman Eric Costello John Wesley Affordable Housing: Howard Tutman III Gladys Medder Marion Blackwell Chad Hayes
Social Services: Larry Rosenberg James Hill Education: Bronwyn Mayden Rosalyn Lockwood
Planning Activities The following immediate action plan for workgroups has been developed.
Education Workgroup Participants
Closing Plenary & Next Steps The Community Congress concluded with a closing plenary session featuring reports from each of the small group sessions. A blue print for immediate next steps was discussed and participants were invited to join working groups that corresponded with the small group sessions. The Bethel Empowerment and Wellness Center and the Upton Planning Committee will provide logistical supports for workgroup management. Workgroups will be hosted at monthly community and Upton Planning Committee meetings. Participants were encouraged to download the Upton Community Conditions presentation from the UPC website at www.historicupton.com. The Community Congress concluded with a group photo and event evaluation. Tshirts were offered as an incentive for all who completed the event evaluation.
1. January 18, 2017: Coordination of Green Space Strategy Session A meeting to discuss the green space in Upton, Druid Heights, and Penn North. Participants will share ideas and help think about future development. Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Place: Dr uid Heights Community Center (2140 McCulloh Street) 2. January 23, 2017: Main Street Economic Development Committee Meeting A meeting to discuss economic development ideas for the Pennsylvania Avenue main street corridor. Time: 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. Place: Avenue Mar ket (1700 Pennsylvania Avenue) 3. February 9, 2017: Upton MTA Transportation Discussion The UPC meeting will focus on proposed transportation changes in the Upton community. Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Place: Pr ovidence Baptist Chur ch (1401 Pennsylvania Avenue) 4. March 3, 2017: Upton Developer Meeting A meeting for all current and perspective developers and contractors in the Upton community. The meeting will allow developers to discuss past experiences, current projects, potential future community development efforts. Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Avenue Mar ket (1700 Pennsylvania Avenue) 5. March 9, 2017: Upton Education & Public Space Discussion The UPC meeting will focus on proposed public recreational space in the Upton community. Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Place: Pr ovidence Baptist Chur ch (1401 Pennsylvania Avenue)
Upton Master Plan Community Congress December 10, 2016
Contact Us Upton Planning Committee 828 N. Carrollton Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217 Phone: (410) 299-1535 Email: upton@historicupton.com Internet: www.historicupton.com Like is on Facebook: Historic Upton Neighborhoods