UWP Viewbook

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Multi-Country Travel, Volunteer and Study Abroad Semester and Year ~ Gap Programs ~ Post-Graduate

Over view - 1 Inter national P ar ticipants - 3 Inter national Tr avel and Host Fam ilies - 5 P er for m ing Ar ts - 7 C om m unity Im pact - 9 Leader ship, Lear ning and P r ofessional Developm ent - 10 Academ ic P r ogr am for C ollege C r edit - 11 Application P r ocess and Finances - 12 Inter national Alum ni Association - 13


Tr a vel with a p u rp o se. Per form f or t h ou san d s. Impac t commu n it ie s. Over the past four decades, 21,000+ participants from over 70 countries have travelled abroad in the Up with People program. Many have gone on to become leaders in their communities, their countries and for the world. Equipped with the life skills, cultural perspectives and immeasurable other talents gained during international experience, they continue making a difference in big and small ways. They continue to demonstrate what it

PROGRAMS ASPECT •M ulti-Country Travel •C ommunity Impact Projects •P erforming Arts • International Participants • Host Family Living

means to be global citizens. Apply to go global with UWP today. Experience the difference this unique cultural experience can have for you and your future.

• Global Education and College Credit • Professional Development

Visit www.upwithpeople.org to learn more. Select Apply Now to get started!



International Participants

new language, understanding cultural

Few volunteer and study abroad

stereotypes, UWP students find they

programs can match the student

learn as much about themselves during

diversity found in the Up with People

their time abroad as they do about the

(UWP) program. Each semester we

world around them.

traditions, or challenging their own

welcome approximately 100 students from 20 countries who will travel, learn

The value of our student diversity

and live together for 22 or more weeks.

lasts well beyond our students’ time abroad. Our participants form lifelong

Our student diversity delivers on the

friendships, and as alumni of our

UWP global experience every day.

program, they continue to connect

No matter what city or country our

with one another and with other UWP

students are visiting, they have the

alumni around the world for many years

opportunity to develop their global

to come. The personal, professional

competency through daily interactions

and cultural benefits of these global

with others in the program.

connections are immeasurable.

There are countless opportunities for students to learn about culture in the places they visit and from one another. Whether they are learning a

It didn’t matter what our cultures and traditions were - the goal was to know each other better. I challenged myself to make friends, communicate with people around me and to speak in front of a group in a foreign language. I know I can go all around the world to countries like Pakistan, Mongolia, China, Norway, Venezuela or Namibia to see my new friends. Up with People opened the doors for me to travel everywhere. - Alice from Belgium

International Participants



International Travel and Host Families The Up with People (UWP) program is a unique multi-continent tour reaching 20 destinations on at least two continents in one 22-week semester. Each semester students travel together in groups referred to as “casts� and spend nearly one week in each community. UWP students experience the sights, sounds and tastes of the places they

One of the most unique cultural

difficult to attain through any other type

features of the UWP experience is the

of travel. In many cases, host family

opportunity to live with host families

stays can also turn into international

in each community. Students live with

friendships which last a lifetime.

and learn from local families who open their hearts and homes to share in this cultural experience. Whether hosted in an urban flat or a rural farmhouse, the level of cultural immersion and understanding gained through the host family experience is

visit. Whether engaging with the locals through service projects, taking in the region as tourists, or gaining VIP access to places and people, the cultural opportunities are endless.

International Travel and Host Families


Photo by Angela Pauly

6 Photo by Paul Hartmann

From a small gymnasium in

relevant and that our positive messages

Nebraska to a prestigious concert

resonate with the current issues facing

hall in Europe or a sports arena full

our world today.

of school children in Thailand, UWP

Performing Arts

students have performed for diverse

All participants are involved in the UWP

audiences in a wide variety of venues

musical stage production. However,

all over the world.

we do not require that applicants

Up with People (UWP) was founded on

demonstrate extensive experience

the principle of using music as a means

Performance highlights from the last

in the performing arts in order to be

to communicate with and inspire

few decades include four Super Bowl

accepted to travel in the UWP Global

people. Performing arts has been a

halftime shows, Macy’s Thanksgiving

Education Program.

unique feature of the UWP experience

Day Parade, performances in Red

since we were founded in 1965.

Square in Moscow and at the Great Wall of China. We have performed for royalty

In each city we visit, our students

and heads of state, including Jordan’s

collaborate to perform a vibrant musical

Queen Noor, Pope John Paul II, King

stage show that brings the community

Juan Carlos of Spain and for several

together. Local partner organizations

U.S. Presidents.

are featured and together we aim to spark people to action in meeting the

While our commitment to the

needs of their communities, countries

performing arts remains the same,

and the world.

what has evolved with each decade is our style of performance, music and dance. We produce a new show every few years to ensure we are Photo by Angela Pauly

Performing Arts


Community Impact

from volunteering with cancer patients in a

In all that we do, we aim to make a

hospital to serving meals to the homeless at

difference. Developing in our students

a soup kitchen.

the value of social responsibility through hands-on community service is a primary

UWP students have lifted sandbags during

goal of the Up with People (UWP) program.

floods in The Netherlands, hand-formed

Community impact projects are an integral

cement bricks to build homes in the slums

part of our time in every city we visit.

of Manila, sung to residents in a nursing home in Quebec, led sports programs with

By meeting the specific needs of each

orphaned children in The Philippines and

community, students develop insight

painted over graffiti in Mexico.

into how different cultures address social and political challenges. They find that

Wherever UWP delivers a community impact

working to improve the lives of others has

project, the hearts and minds of both our

a positive impact on their own lives. UWP

students and the local community are

aims to help its young leaders internalize

changed forever.

that it’s not ‘getting’ but ‘giving’ that leads to personal growth. The volunteer projects are as diverse as our students and our destinations. They range from building and painting homes to trail development in a national park;

“One moment that really sticks out in my mind is a brick throwing line that stretched 50 yards on the ground, up an unstable ladder, across a balcony, and into a home. I realized that in the line were 5 Americans, 2 Danish, 1 Ugandan, 4 Filipinos, 1 Swede, and 1 German, all working together to rebuild people’s lives. It was difficult labor, but I was so honored to be a part of this life-changing project.” - Matt from USA

Community Impact


Leadership and Learning

Photo by Angela Pauly

Our aim is to develop global citizens

Professional Development and Internships

through all aspects of the of the

While traveling, all students are invited

Up with People (UWP) program.

to apply to participate in our internship

Our well-developed experiential

program, facilitated by UWP program

education curriculum is delivered

staff. Internships are available in areas

through workshops and facilitated

such as marketing, public relations,

learning. We focus on cultural

education, event logistics, performing

awareness, leadership, group

arts and technical theatre.

development and communication. Each city we visit is a classroom

UWP internships available during the

and learning laboratory.

abroad semester are hands-on and allow participants to develop skills

Participants meet with political,

in a particular area of interest,

corporate and social leaders, visit

many involving direct interaction

regional points of interest and discuss

with local business and community

as a group timely and regionally-

leaders in the various places we

relevant topics and issues. The UWP

visit. In addition to specific

Global Education Program offers truly

skills training, UWP internships

unique access to opportunities that

also focus on developing broadly

develop and refine leadership skills

applicable skills relevant to any

beneficial to any career or life path.

career, including leadership, public speaking, critical thinking and communication.

Leadership, Learning and Professional Development

Internship placements are made following a competitive application process which takes place during the semester. Internships opportunities cannot be guaranteed.

Academic Program for College Credit Are you a study abroad student or seeking to enhance your international experience by earning college credit? Up with People was a life-changer for both of our children, even though they are entirely different people at different stages of their lives. Traveling and experiencing entirely new cultures gave them new framework and fresh perspective on the world. There is no other program that could have challenged them, shaped them, stretched them, perplexed them, and satisfied them like Up with People. We think they came back with more questions than answers, about the world and their future, but that is priceless and invaluable in today’s world. - Cathy & Chris (Parents of UWP participants)

In collaboration with our academic partner, Florida Southern College (FSC), we offer our students the opportunity to enroll in an academic program adding great value to our already one-of-a-kind global education experience. Students who enroll in the academic program will complete three (3) university courses to earn 12 university credit hours during the Up with People (UWP) semester abroad. Coursework is delivered in a blended format, combining in-classroom instruction, experiential learning and online course facilitation. All coursework is administered, and transcripts are issued, by FSC. This program is optional and open to any student who meets specific academic program admissions criteria. Courses

can vary each semester and may be offered in Humanities, Social Sciences, Business, Education or Creative Arts. U.S. university students who enroll in the academic program may be able to apply their federal financial aid toward payment of the UWP program fee. Florida Southern College was founded in 1883 and is an award-winning and fully accredited institution of higher education located in Lakeland, Florida. For more information about the academic program application procedures, admissions criteria, program fees and course details, visit www.upwithpeople.org.

Independent Study Students may also choose to earn academic credit through an independent study agreement with their home university. These agreements are student-driven and unique to each individual and university. UWP does not facilitate these agreements but the UWP admissions staff can provide advice on the process.

Academic Program for College Credit


Application Process

toward the program fee, is required

UWP students are encouraged to

to secure a place in the program.

research opportunities for scholarships

Programs begin in January and July

The program fee must be paid in full

and grants from external sources. In

of each year. One and two semester

before the start of a student’s selected

the past many participants have also

(term) programs are available. To

program. Payment plan options are

raised some or all of their program fee

apply, students must complete the

available. Advice on budgeting for

through creative fundraising efforts.

online application and a personal

personal expenses during a semester

interview. All applicants should be

abroad in the UWP program will be

U.S. university students who enroll

age 17 to 29, in good health, a high

provided during enrollment.

in our academic program for college

school graduate (or equivalent) and be

credit (see page 11) may be eligible to use their federal financial aid and other

program. Musical and performance

Scholarships and Financial Aid

ability are welcome but not required.

Up with People has a Scholarship


There is no audition process.

Program and all students are invited

able to participate in all aspects of the

to apply. Scholarship awards are

scholarships available from their home

Health Insurance

Students interested in adding the

determined based on a variety of

academic program option (see page 11)

criteria, including but not limited to

international health insurance which

must meet additional enrollment criteria.

financial need, academic and extra-

provides primary coverage in the event

Visit our website for more details.

curricular merit, personal efforts to

of accident or illness. Students are

raise funds to cover the program

responsible for all medical expenses,

Start your application today at

fee and musical ability. Information

including those not covered by their


about the Scholarship Program will be

policy. Proof of insurance must be

provided during the enrollment process.

provided during program enrollment.


All students are required to have

Our current program fees are published at www.upwithpeople.org. A nonrefundable deposit, which is applied


“I truly believe that my days in UWP have been the most incredible days of my educational background. The value of this tour is overwhelmingly worth every dollar my family and I worked so hard for to make this adventure a reality.� - Russ from USA

International Alumni Association

The Up with People International Alumni

At the conclusion of the Up with People

a group of alumni created the volunteer

“UWP helped me in every way and affects my everyday life. Global awareness that I have shared on a local level here in our youth center has made an impact on those I mentor.”

Association (UWPIAA) was founded when

program, participants join the

organization to promote, encourage

ranks of over 21,000 Up with

and plan alumni connection,

People alumni worldwide.

networking, programs and

This international network

recognition. The UWPIAA

of friends is often cited by

keeps alumni around the

alumni as one of the most valuable and enduring aspects of their experience.

world connected. This volunteer organization is an independent body with its own mandate. Its goals include serving alumni worldwide with quality programs and services; creating a personal and professional network among Up with People alumni; and supporting and strengthening the goals of Up with People. To alumni young and old in such diverse careers as marketing, medicine, performing arts, teaching, politics and public service, the worldwide network of contacts is invaluable.

Georges Andrade Social Worker with Youth • Luxembourg

“I have gained self-confidence, public speaking and leadership skills and the ability to interact with a very diverse group. The international component is evident – this adventure has enlightened me on making an impact on the global level and has inspired my career goals.” Jessica Kendra Pennsylvania, USA

“Through UWP I was inspired to step out of my comfort zone and learn about other cultures and countries. This has enabled me to work effectively with clients from around the world, including Japan, Hong Kong, Austria and others, to break down cultural barriers.” Ty Jernstedt Leadership Coach • Chicago, USA

International Alumni Association

urpose p a h wit ands s u o h for t

ities n u m m o c

In Academic Partnership with

World Headquarters Up with People 6830 Broadway, Unit A Denver, CO 80221 USA

Phone: +1 303 460 7100 Fax: +1 303 225 4649 Toll-Free: +1 877 264 8856 Europe: +32 2 808 16 35 Mexico: +52 (55) 5912 7120 info@upwithpeople.org

Follow Us Online www.uwpontour.com www.facebook.com/upwithpeople www.youtube.com/uwpontour www.twitter.com/uwpontour In Latin America, www.vivalagente.org Download UWP music on iTunes


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