Useact lap city of trieste

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USEACT NETWORK TRIESTE LOCAL ACTION PLAN Innovative tools for urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate: from citizens engagement to local economy reactivation

TABLE OF CONTENTS: TABLE OF CONTENTS: USEACT PROJECT FRAMEWORK 4 TITLE OF LAP 5 PROJECT COORDINATION TEAM 6 SECTION 1# LAP target and general context 7 GENERAL STRATEGIC TARGET OF THE LAP ….............................................................................................................................................................................................................8 THE CONTEXT/SETTING and CHALLENGES.................................................................................................................................................................................................................8 INTEGRATION OF THE USEACT LAP WITHIN THE LOCAL STRATEGY AND “ACTION PIPELINE”................................................................................................................................10 SECTION 2# LAP development 13 ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE LAP AND OPTIONS FOR SOLUTIONS..................................................................................................................................14 LAP GENERAL STRUCTURE: GOALS, OBJECTIVES, RESULTS, OUTPUTS AND MAIN ACTIONS...................................................................................................................................15 SECTION #3LAP implementation 29 ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................30 OPPORTUNITIES AND FUNDING...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................30 SECTION #4 LAP Impact Assessment 32 LAP ANALYSIS DEVELOPMENT PROCESS..................................................................................................................................................................................................................33 LAP RISK ASSESSMENT.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................34 LAP TARGET/BENEFICIARIES AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT.........................................................................................................................................................................................36 INNOVATION............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38 SECTION #5 Stakeholders, partnerships, participation 39 MAIN STAKEHOLDERS..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................40 ULSG MAP................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................43 THE PARTIPATION PROCESS: LAP AS CO-PRODUCTION EXERCISE...........................................................................................................................................................................44 ANNEX 1: MAIN ACTION IN DETAIL..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................46 INFORMATION SOURCES.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................48


USEACT PROJECT FRAMEWORK FOREWORD The themes of protection of empty land and the reuse and re-functionalization of inner urban areas are among the European key strategies for the cities’ sustainable development and their growth. Particularly, the link between land consumption and models for land-use management both in cities and in metropolitan areas, with special attention to the Urban Growth Management, started becoming a high matter.

THE CHALLENGES AND AIMS OF USEACT In this context the USEAct project aims at exploring the urban development interventions and new or improved settlement opportunities for people and businesses, taking up residence in existing locations without consumption of further land. Each partner is engaged to develop integrated action plans focused on reducing land consumption, to allow at the same time, a sustainable urban change through a better reuse of inner urban areas.

THEMES/SUBTHEMES The thematic pillar of the project is: how to link Urban Growth Management Planning Tools and incentives/ procedures/ partnerships to implement good interventions in urban areas.

PARTNERSHIP Lead Partner: Municipality of Naples (Italy) Partners: Baia Mare Metropolitan Area Association (Romania) , Municipality of Barakaldo (Spain) , Buckinghamshire Business First (UK), Municipality of Dublin (Ireland) , Municipality of Nitra (Slovak Republic) , Østfold County (Norway) , Riga Planning Region (Latvia) , Municipality of Trieste (Italy) , Municipality of Viladecans (Spain). Istanbul BIMTAŞ (Turkey), Observer Partner: 4

TRIESTE Innovative tools for urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate: from citizens engagement to local economy reactivation KEY WORDS energy-efficiency volumetric credits Eco-districts revitalization of local economy job opportunities



Elena Marchigiani Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Mobility and Traffic, Building, Housing Projects, Complex Projects Marina Cassin Director of City, Territory and Environmental Department Maria Antonietta Genovese Project Coordinator Director of Urban Planning Department Roberto Bertossi Technical expert Carlotta Cesco Gaspere Local Coordinator Head European Affairs Office Beatrice Micovilovich Technical expert Ileana Toscano Useact consultant and LSG coordinator Raffaella Trani Officer Mauro Vivian European Affairs Office 6


LAP target and general context


GENERAL STRATEGIC TARGET OF THE LAP (“MISSION�) To provide an innovative strategy of urban renewal at different urban scales: from the upgrading of entire parts of the city to ordinary interventions of building renovation, with the aim to improve the energy-efficiency and to support the re-activation of local economy

THE CONTEXT/ SETTING AND CHALLENGES Today Trieste counts 208.000 inhabitants and mainly lives out of a service based economy. Though the population is not supposed to dramatically collapse in the next years, the increase of ageing rates combined with the crisis and the slow reactivation of the port activities weaken the perspectives of economic redevelopment and force the abandonment of many buildings and sites. Since 2011 the Municipality of Trieste has started a new frame of urban policies, mainly focused on the definition of a new General Town Plan (GTP), currently in progress. The GTP defines an overall urban vision for the future (over the next 15/20 years), imagining Trieste as the place where to try out an operation of extraordinary urban maintenance and renewal of the existing city. Within GTP documents, many measures against further land consumption are defined: environmental protection of green areas, to support local agriculture and prevent environmental risks; re-use of existing railway lines, to reduce traffic congestion and stop urban sprawl; re-use of large vacant buildings and areas, in order to promote urban and economic regeneration; conservation of architectural features in the historical parts of the city. Moreover, with the aim to improve urban and environmental performances and to give new opportunities to the building sector, the GTP defines specific procedures encouraging the energy improvement of existing buildings in high-density urban areas, through the assignment of volumetric credits. In the frame of the USEAct project, strictly linked to the design of the new GTP, 8

the Local Action Plan (LAP) of Trieste Municipality was developed as an opportunity to provide an innovative strategy for urban renewal and energetic retrofit of existing buildings working at different urban scales: from the upgrading of entire parts of the city to ordinary interventions of building renovation. The LAP intends to present itself as a tool-kit which effectively supports the Administration in the implementation of “projects of city renovation”, to provide innovative measures and processes for the reuse and the retrofitting of existing buildings and abandoned areas and the re-activation of private resources not only in large operations (more affected by the crisis), but also in limited and ordinary interventions of building renovation and private houses upgrading. Moreover the LAP underlines the importance of technical assistance to support the urban interventions, promoting training opportunities for technical experts and employing expertise people in the large operation of urban renewal. To connect the urban regeneration and the re-activation of local economy linked to the building sector is the challenge of Trieste Local Action Plan: from the establishment of a permanent “technical committee” (LSG) to support the project and the implementation of GTP to promote job opportunities for the people working in the building sector at different levels and at different urban and architectural scales.


INTEGRATION OF THE USEACT LAP WITHIN THE LOCAL STRATEGY AND “ACTION PIPELINE” For Trieste Municipality, USEAct is one of the on-going actions in the frame of a more general vision for a sustainable city. A city that renovates itself limiting the impacts on the environmental system, through processes of recentralization instead of expansion and suburbanization. In this sense, the Municipality is working on many policies aimed to promote a closer synergy between urban renewal and energy retrofit of existing buildings. The Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) of Trieste, approved in January 2014, stands at the background. Carrying out the line established by the European Commission with the Covenant of Mayors, the SEAP directs public and private actions to 20% reduction of CO 2, 20% increase of energy production from renewable sources, 20% reduction of energy consumption. These goals have to be accomplished by 2020: a very ambitious task, that requires the integration of all the planning and building regulations outlined by the Municipality. Energy and ecological issues are equally at the focus of the new General Town Plan of Trieste (GTP). The Plan was adopted in April 2014 and its approval is scheduled by summer 2015. The participatory activities leading to the definition of some of the GTP more innovative tools were included in the USEAct Local Action Plan. Furthermore “L'altra città”, funded by URBAN ITALIA, “Pisus project – Integrated Urban Development Sustainability Plan” funded by EDRF Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and “Piano città” funded by the Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, are innovative urban transformation initiatives promoted by the Municipality over the last decades with the aim to develop important urban renewal projects.



General Town Plan of Trieste (GTP)


Achieving sustainable development, trough reducing land consumption, recovering, rehabilitating, recuperating functions to the existing estate, promoting the quality of the environment and landscape encouraging sustainable mobility.





2011 2015

Trieste Municipality

Funded by Municipality of Trieste

(In progress) Adopted in April 2014 To be approved in the summer of 2015

2014 2020

Trieste Municipality Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Province of Trieste Trieste Trasporti - Public urban transport Company of Trieste ATER - Agency for council housing estate Public Heath Service of Trieste University of Trieste AREA science park – Trieste E.Z.I.T. - Company for the management of industrial areas Port Authority of Trieste ACEGAS APS - Waste and energy public management Company

Funded by Municipality of Trieste € 25000

In progress

To enhance the local economy reducing road traffic; to value the cultural and the scientific aspects of the city. Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

The SEAP directs public and private actions to 20% reduction of CO2, 20% increase of energy production from renewable sources, 20% reduction of energy consumption. These goals have to be accomplished by 2020.








“L’altra città”, Urban Italia Programme

Economic and social regeneration of the abandoned urban areas through renovation, restoration and the re-use of existing buildings and facilities.

2004 2008

Trieste Municipality Company B. Pacorini S.p.A. Public Heath Service of Trieste Welfare Agency for building sector; ATER - Agency for council housing estate Friuli Venezia GiuliaRegion; “Sviluppo Italia” company – Friuli Venezia Giulia E.Z.I.T. - Company for the management of industrial areas

Funded by Urban Italia 11.751 M. euro


PISUS project – Integrated Urban Development Sustainability Plan

Economic revitalization of the historic centre and the comprehensive redevelopment plan of its spatial areas.

2007 2014

Chamber of commerce - Trieste Aciesse/Confesercenti BIC - Bussines incubator for Friuli Venezia Giulia “Confcommercio” - Enterprises for Italy of Trieste Province CNA – Association of Building Enterprises of Trieste Province CRT Fondation – Trieste Province of Trieste Police Headquarters of Trieste

funded by Cohesion Action Plan – Friuli Venezia Giulia Region

In progress

“Piano città”

Reuse of two military areas in a peripheral neighbourhood, where public services are located, such as the municipal archives and two museums. These interventions are a first step towards the urban and social regeneration of a larger district where new council housing has been recently built. This project must be read in the contest of the strategy for urban regeneration called “Areas of large transformation” planned by GTP

2012 2017

Municipality of Trieste Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Cultural heritage departments of Friuli Venezia Giulia Public Heath Service of Trieste

Funded by Ministry of Infrastructures and Transport, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Municipality of Trieste 4 Meuro

In progress



LAP development


ANALYSIS OF CHALLENGES TO BE ADDRESSED BY THE LAP AND OPTIONS FOR SOLUTIONS LAP – CHALLENGES AND SOLUTION TABLE For analysing issues and brainstorming possible solutions Problems Urban areas difficult to be upgraded because they are high - density areas, often in the historical center, with poor energy-efficiency conditions, with high number of inhabitants. Large abandoned and under - utilized areas to be upgraded High level of CO2 production mainly due to residential buildings belong to the historical estate and to the structures built after Second World War (mainly social housing) Crisis of the local economy linked to the building sector Lack of expertise and appropriate skills for working in the great projects of city renovation Lack of normative references for the development of new design tools;

Inadequate investment capacity of owners

Solutions 1.

Need to promote and to incentive building renewal with adequate energy efficiency standards


To promote the reactivation of abandoned buildings and sites addressing private entrepreneurship even through the simplification of administrative procedures

3. 4.

To incentive the energetic upgrade of residential buildings To plan “Eco district” Areas for social housing and public spaces where it could be possible to demolish and rebuild with higher energy and ecologic standards, also using volume awards

5. 6.

Establishment of a permanent technical committee for a constant dialogue between Local Administration and Professional Association for sharing polices and actions for re-activation of local economy To incentive technical innovations for urban renewal and energetic retrofit


To promote professional training for building capacities to implement Technical assistance project


To promote a consultation workshop among Local and Regional Authorities for updating the normative references

9. To promote financial support for energetic building renovation, mainly to co-owner buildings 10. Raise awareness citizens through an info-point office for saving and renewable energy use 11. Families engagement in the energy retrofit interventions through innovative projects and their involvement in new urban policies 14

LAP GENERAL STRUCTURE: GOALS, OBJECTIVES, RESULTS, OUTPUTS AND MAIN ACTIONS TITLE OF LAP: Innovative tools for urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate:

from citizens engagement

to local economy reactivation

GENERAL GOAL: To support the urban renewal and energy retrofit trough the application of new urban procedures and innovative methodologies

OBJECTIVE 1: Building renovation and energy efficiency interventions using innovative tools and procedures

Action 1.1: Establishment of an info-point for promotion of renewable energy use in private houses Action 1.2: To generate and implement the “Volumetric credits” instrument to promote energyefficiency Action 1.3: To support and engage families that want to upgrade their houses with energy efficiency interventions

Action 1.4: To promote the “green roofs” project: heat loss reduction and improved environmental impact for roof renovation Action 1.5: To support the energy efficiency upgrading for public buildings (schools, Hospitals, senior housing)

OBJECTIVE 2: Urban regeneration

OBJECTIVE 3: Promoting innovation

Action 2.1:

Action 3.1: Establishment of a permanent

and energy improvement affecting portions of the city


To support the activation of “Eco-district” model: possibility to demolish and rebuild entire city blocks with higher energy and ecological standards

Action 2.2: Functional reactivation of abandoned building and sites, addressing private entrepreneurship to follow ecological parameters of transformation

and creation of new professions and skills to support the urban renewal

“technical committee” to support the city planning Office (LSG) Action 3.2: Continuous professional development for using new energy efficiency tools and volumetric credits

Action 3.3: Implementation of Technical assistance projects, hiring expertise people, about great projects of energy efficiency and renewable energies use.


LAP ACTIONS LIST TABLES OBJECTIVE 1: Building renovation and energy efficiency interventions using innovative tools and procedures

The Objective 1 collects actions promoted by the Municipality of Trieste to support building renovation at small urban scale: from the energetic upgrading of houses/apartments with small interventions for saving energy and developing a better energy-efficiency (e.g. windows and boiler replacement, insulation, etc) to the energetic retrofit of an entire building. Starting from raising awareness citizens about the importance of CO2 reduction through energy retrofit of exiting buildings, the families and stakeholders engagement is an asset for the success of the planned policies. The involvement of citizens is ensured through the action/project called “Fiesta” where families could benefit for free of a technical supervisor for an energetic audit for their house retrofitting. Workshops about “changing uses” of energy in the private housings are planned to support a change in the behavior towards energy saving and the use of renewable energies.

For many buildings, age and technique of construction, persistence of abandonment processes, high density, location in a context of historical and environmental value make energy retrofit particularly difficult. Trieste Municipality encourages these interventions, through the acknowledgment of “volumetric credits” to be sold and used in other parts of the city (mainly plots that are already built and can be further densified). The sale of credits will result in a significant improvement of the energy performance of the city, as scheduled by the SEAP. Volumetric credits to promote energy efficiency is also one of the main strategies (the Plan designs three urban strategies) for urban regeneration planned by new General Town Plan for the densification of low density areas and the retrofitting of buildings in the historical heritage areas and in parts of the city built in the Sixties and in the Seventies with a poor level of energy-efficiency.


PARTNER: Trieste TITLE OF THE LAP: Innovative tools for urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate: from citizens engagement to reactivation of the local economy

OBJECTIVE 1: Building renovation and energy efficiency interventions using innovative tools and procedures ACTION 1.1: Establishment of info-point for promotion of renewable energy use in private houses Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities in charge)

Estimated cost

Municipality of Trieste

50.000 euros

Legal/official planning framework

Expected Outputs and corresponding Result Indicators

Resources 1-Financing secured

Establishment of an info-point for promotion of renewable energy use in private houses. Informing the citizen about the importance of energy saving and housing refitting is a first step for involving the people in retrofit projects.

Outputs:  Informed citizens  enhancement of energetic standards of private houses Results Indicators:  N. Citizens  N. energyefficiency interventions

The Info-point is located in the Municipality building for giving informations to citizens want to upgrade their house. An engineer is available every day during working hours

Phase: B) In progress

Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

(Potential funding already allocated) Public funds /Municipality funds 2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for

A) Already carried out B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: 10 years


ACTION 1.2: To generate and implement the “Volumetric credits” instrument to promote energy-efficiency Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities in charge)

The use of “Volumetric credit” is oriented to rehabilitate buildings in the historical heritage areas and in parts of the city built in the Sixties and in the Seventies with a poor level of energy efficiency. The volumetric credit is a planning tool of the “New General Town Plan” of Trieste Municipality which identifies the areas where the retrofitting gives the possibility to obtain the volumetric awards. The energy retrofit is converted in a percentage of volume, to be used in low density areas, designed by New General Town Plan. Implementation activities:  institutional meetings among Municipality of Trieste, FVG Region and Land register office about the legislative procedure;

A) Already carried out

design the Guidelines for Volumetric credits application with the LSG

Estimated cost to be defined

Legal/official planning framework

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator

Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

Output:  Guidelines for Volumetric credits application;  regenerating areas of historical city center difficult to upgrade;  densified low density areas;  energy saving.

General Town Plan 2015

Municipality of Trieste Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Land Register Office Municipality of Trieste

A) Already carried out

Municipality of Trieste

creation of “rotation credit” fund for incentive the building rehabilitation investment

Municipality of Trieste

C) To be carried out

Establishment of “Volumetric credit” management office

Results Indicators:  Report of meeting for design Guidelines application  % of Volumetric credits used  square meters / Cubic meters of building  …. € “rotation credits” used

Resources 1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated) Public funds: Municipality funds for the GTP design

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for Public funds Private funds (bank investment funds or foundations) EU funds

B) In progress

Phase: B) In progress

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out


Timetable: 10 YEARS

ACTION 1.3: To support and engage families that want to upgrade their houses with the energy efficiency intervention Title and brief description of the specific LAP Responsible Estimated cost Legal/official Expected Output and Resources Action (Institutions/Authorities in planning corresponding Result charge) framework Indicator Area science Park (ld partner) 1-Financing secured To support and engage families that want to 2.379.827,00 Sustainable Outputs: Trieste Municipality (IT) upgrade their houses with the energy efficiency euro Energy Action  Families involved in (Potential funding Forlì Municipality (IT) intervention - “FIESTA” project: Plan (SEAP) the project of energy already allocated) Ravenna Municipality (IT)  to organise events (suitable for all ages) project and energy Logroño Municipality (ES) UE funds for citizens raise awareness about saving Huesca Municipality (ES) domestic energy saving; C) To be carried  Families informed programme: Limassol and Larnaca out about the “Intelligent Energy Municipality (Cyprus);  to design and publish a brochure as a Vratsa Municipality (Bulgaria) importance of saving Europe” – EU 2013 cofininacing by project tool kit for domestic energy saving (e.g. Burgas Municipality (Bulgaria) energy partners meter reading); C) To be carried out Pazardzhik Municipality  Citizens engaged in  to launch a workshop for promoting (Bulgaria) the city upgrading agreement and partnership between Rijeka Municipality (Croatia) 2-Funding and energy users and energy market; C) To be Pula Municipality (Croatia) Results Indicators: programmes that carried out CIRCE - Research center for  Number of families partners can apply for  to hire an engineer or an architect for energy-efficiency innovation involved energetic audit and survey of refitting (ES) STRATAGEM ENERGY LTD  Quantity of Energy interventions of private houses and (Cipro) saved flats; A) Already carried out REAP- Agenzia Regionale per  Number of energy  to engage citizens into refitting with a l’Energia di Pazardjik efficiency “city lottery”: people joint the project (Bulgaria), interventions will have the possibility to win a REA KVARNER Regional “sustainable” award (e.g. electric bike, Agency for Kvarner energy etc) C) To be carried out supply (Croazia)

Phase: B) In progress

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: 2 years


ACTION 1.4: To promote the “green roofs” project: heat loss reduction and improved environmental impact for roof renovation Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action The green roofs project, called GreenIT, aims at demonstrating that an effective implementation of green roof technology in the Mediterranean region is possible, and at highlighting the consequent environmental benefits, especially focusing to mitigation of urban climate and conservation of biodiversity. Demonstrative green roofs will be established in pilot sites in three Italian towns, along a north-south climatic gradient (Udine, Trieste, Messina), from humid submediterranean to eu-mediterranean conditions.  Demonstration of effectiveness of green roofs in Mediterranean towns, Three green roofs with autoctonous vegetation will be settled in three Italian towns;  Use of autoctonous plants which are resistant to drought stress;  Potential for greening Mediterranean towns: to explore and quantify the economical and social benefits of the green roof technology in three Italian town, by citizens and policy makers involvement;  assessment of expectations related to private and public benefits;  monitoring and dissemination.

Phase: C) To be carried out

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities charge)


University of Architecture of Trieste (IT) University of Architecture of Udine (IT) University of Architecture of Messina (IT)

Estimated cost To be defined

Legal/official planning framework General Town Plan 2015

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator Outputs: 

standardized technical solutions for an effective use of the green roof technology;

an increased awareness on the advantages of green roof technology;

Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

Municipality of Trieste

reduction of heat island effect in Mediterranean towns as a function of green roofs extension;


1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated)

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for EU funds public funds

Results indicators: 

Guidelines with data and recommendations

communication plan about private and public benefits of green roof technology

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: 5 years 20

ACTION 1.5: To support the energy efficiency upgrading for public buildings (shools, Hospitals, senior housing) Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action To support the energy efficiency upgrading for public buildings (shools, Hospitals, senior housing):  providing an inventory of public buildings which need to retrofit the energy standards: schools built between 1946 and 1976, historical buildings excluded, and health centres for elderly population;  assessment and design the pilot projects of refitting (external wall insulation, loft insulation, windows replacement, renewable energy supply, smart building interventions, etc)  upgrade selected public buildings with an open call

Phase: C) To be carried out

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities charge) Trieste Municipality


Estimated cost To be defined

Legal/official planning framework General Town Plan 2015 Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP)

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator Output:  Upgraded Public buildings;  improved energetic standards;  energy saving. Results Indicators:  inventory of public buildings to retrofit;  N. of Public Building;  % heat loss reduction;


1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated)

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for Public funds EU funds: PoR-FeSR


A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: 5 years


OBJECTIVE 2: Projects affecting portions of the city of urban regeneration and energy improvement The Objective 2 focus on projects affecting portions of the city, working at great urban scale, where a great intervention of urban regeneration and refitting is required for planning higher energetic and architectural standards and new urban facilities. The new General Town Plan proposes other two strategies of urban regeneration, insert also in the LAP: 1. Areas of replacement and renovation The “Eco-districts� are areas where, in return for the possibility to demolish and rebuild with volume awards, the Plan requires higher energy and ecological standards, and the creation of social housing and public spaces. The purpose is to promote the renewal of neighbourhoods that are mostly composed by public buildings. 2. Areas of large transformation The functional reactivation of abandoned buildings and sites (e.g. military district, Old City Port) gives the opportunity to rethink larger parts of the city. Here the Administration plays a major role in addressing private entrepreneurship, through the definition of aims of transformation, ecological parameters to follow (from the reuse of rain water to the permeability and vegetal cover of soils), facilities of public interest to be carried out. The engagement of public-private financial capacity and the community and stakeholders involvement is necessary to provide the required urban changes.


OBJECTIVE 2: Urban regeneration and energy improvement projects affecting portions of the city ACTION 2.1.: To support the activation of “Eco-district” model: possibility to demolish and rebuild entire city blocks with higher energy and ecological standards Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action To support the activation of “Eco-district” model, with the presence of public social housing and high density inhabited neighborhood: possibility to demolish and rebuild entire city blocks with higher energy and ecological standards :    

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities charge) Municipality of Trieste


ATER - Agency for council housing estate

Estimated cost to be defined

Legal/official planning framework General Town Plan 2015

Public Heath Service of Trieste

mapping urban areas; designing pilot projects of upgrading, creating new social housing and public spaces; stakeholders and citizens involvement engagement of private enterprises (small and big)

Phase: C) To be carried out

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator Outputs:  upgraded urban areas  higher energy and ecological standards  new public spaces  new or upgraded social housings Result Indicators:  square meters of urban upgrading  N. interventions  N. investments  N. apartments for social housing

Resources 1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated)

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for Public funds Private funds EU funds

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: minimum 10 years


ACTION 2.2: Functional reactivation of abandoned building and sites, addressing private entrepreneurship to follow ecological parameters of transformation Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities charge)


Estimated cost to be defined

Legal/official planning framework

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator

General Town Plan 2015

Outputs:  upgraded great urban areas  higher energy and ecological standards  new spaces for the citizens

Functional reactivation of abandoned building and sites, addressing private entrepreneurship to follow ecological parameters of transformation (from re-use of rain-water to permeability and vegetable cover of soil) – GTP: Areas of large transformation where there are unused and abandoned big urban blocks as the “Old Port”.  mapping abandoned buildings and sites  designing pilot projects of upgrading: new urban areas with facilities, services and public spaces  stakeholders and citizens involvement  strong engagement of private enterprises (small and big)  private and public investment supported by Municipality policy

Municipality of Trieste

Phase: C) To be carried out

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

to be involved: Port Authority Chamber of commerce - Trieste Business incubator for Friuli Venezia Giulia CNA – Association of Building Enterprises of Trieste Province, Province of Trieste Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Cultural Heritage department

Result Indicators:  square meters of urban upgrade  N. interventions  N. investments

Resources 1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated)

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for Public funds Private funds EU funds

Timetable: minimum 10 years


OBJECTIVE 3: Promoting innovation and creation of new professions and skills to support the urban renewal

The application of new urban tools for city renovation requires professional commitment and expertise on great projects of urban regeneration and energy efficiency. The administration wants to provide the expertise for making real the city change, promoting the professional upgrading through organization of trainings and thematic conferences. Working in partnership with the “technical committee” (LSG) and the educational institutions, the Municipality intends to guarantee the commitment of promoting job inclusion in the project of city renovation. To connect the urban regeneration and the re-activation of local economy linked at building sector is the challenge of Trieste Local Action Plan: from the establishment of a permanent “technical committee” (LSG) to support the project and the implementation of GTP to promote job opportunities for the people working in the building sector at different levels and at different urban and architectural scales.

Together with the LSG in the frame of the USEAct project, last October the Administration yet organized a public Conference, called “Energy-efficiency and volumetric credits: new perspective for urban regeneration” dealt with the many issues related to energy and urban regeneration, also bringing the experiences developed in other national contexts: property and legal aspects; planning techniques; costs of building interventions and opportunities to partially repay them by means of financial loans and reduction of tax burdens.


OBJECTIVE 3: Promoting innovation and creation of new professions and skills to support the urban renewal ACTION 3.1: Establishment of a permanent “technical committee” to support the city planning Office (LSG) Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action Establishment of a permanent “technical committee” to support the city planning Office (LSG)

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities in charge) Municipality of Trieste Professional Associations

Estimated cost Human resources contribution (valorization)

Legal/official framework


General Town Plan 2015

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator Output:  permanent “technical commitee” for co-planning and monitoring  stakeholders engagement in the urban projects of regeneration, in particular by volumetric credits application

Resources 1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated)

2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for

Results Indicators:  meetings report;  attendance sheets.

Phase: B) In progress

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: 5 years


OBJECTIVE 3: Promoting innovation and creation of new professions and skills to support the urban renewal ACTION 3.2: Continuous professional upgrade for using new energy efficiency tools and volumetric credit instrument Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action Continuous professional development for using new energy efficiency tools and volumetric credit instrument:  organization of an open conference on energy-efficiency and urban regeneration;

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities in charge) Professional Associations Municipality of Trieste Area science Park Universities

Estimated cost

Legal/official framework

to be defined

General Town Plan 2015

A) Already carried out

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator Outputs:  Updated Professionals  New job opportunities  Built Capacities Results Indicators:

planning of technical trainings C) To be carried out


promoting of partnerships with Educational Entities as University or Professional Institutes

meetings report;

attendance sheet s.

Resources 1-Financing secured (Potential funding already allocated) Public funds: Municipality funds and EU funds 2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for Private and Public funds ESF funds

C) To be carried out Phase: B In progress

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable 1- 5 years


ACTION 3.3: Implementation of Technical assistance projects, hiring expertise people, about great projects of energy efficiency and renewable energies use. Title and brief description of the specific LAP Action

Responsible (Institutions/Authorities charge)


ELENA Project - European Local Municipality of Trieste: Energy Assistance:  European Affairs Implementation of Technical Office; assistance projects, hiring expertise  Energy saving and people, about great projects of renewable energy energy efficiency and renewable Office: energies use.  Financial and Involving expertise people in the economic design of refitting and energydevelopment Office; efficiency projects will help the  Energy supply Administration to reach funds for Office; project of energy retrofit  Public school and implementation as: sport building  energy-efficiency for public Office; and private buildings;  Public works Office;  Tender and Open  promotion of sustainable call Office. buildings and refitting programmes; Area Science Park  renewal energy supply; 

sustainable public transport and public illumination;

communities engagement for energy saving and urban retrofitting


Phase: C

Estimated cost

Legal/official planning framework

Expected Output and corresponding Result Indicator

Resources 1-Financing secured

To be defined 90% of total cost of technical assistance

Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) General Town Plan 2015

10% (cash) covered by applicant

Outcomes:  created job opportunities;  feasibility studies for great projects of urban transformation Indicators Results:  N. of technicians involved  N. of projects of energy efficiency and urban regeneration

(Potential funding already allocated) 2-Funding and programmes that partners can apply for EIB funds EU funds Public funds

Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and other Local Authorities

A) Already carried out / B) In progress or C) To be carried out

Timetable: submit proposal within 2016 – implementation: 2018 - 2020 28




ORGANIZATIONAL SOLUTIONS Starting from the good experience carried out with the active listening and the stakeholders involvement for GTP design and LAP definition, Municipality of Trieste will make en effort to support the engagement of local communities and main stakeholders for making real the shared actions of USEAct project. The great challenge of working at different urban scales and making connections between economic revitalization and urban regeneration need to be supported by good partnership and strong public and private investment. To provide the urban renewal the Administration will be very active to promote citizen participation for the development of refitting projects and large transformation projects for buildings and under-used areas. It will be necessary to organize workshops and meetings to engage private enterprises and great investors for city renewal process. Moreover, as retrofitting is multidisciplinary process, in the next years the departments of the Municipality will commit to work together with synergy to guarantee the expected outcomes of LAP and GTP implementation.

FUNDING To connect the urban regeneration with the necessity to re-start the city economy is a challenge as well as an opportunity for reaching public-private funds for the LAP implementation. Working at different urban scales and the involvement of local stakeholders gives the possibility of project frameworks design for EU funds with thematic priorities as laid out in the ERDF and ESF requirements: for promoting job and social inclusion, investing in education, supporting quality employment, promoting building interventions for CO2

reduction. To support the activation of Eco-district model, mainly for social housing, and the reactivation of abandoned buildings and great areas, the Municipality aims to promote project of territorial cooperation as Cross Borders projects (Italy-Slovenia or Italy-Croatia) and Central Europe programme or to reach national funds for the rehabilitation of military areas or Old city port as for “Piano città” project. Public and private financial mechanisms will be encouraged by Municipality to upgrade great areas of the 30

city. Moreover the implementation of Technical assistance projects about great project of energy efficiency and renewable use will be fund by EIB. ERDF Operational Programmes 2014-2020 of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region covers also the Thematic Objective 4 (TO4) : supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors. The investment priority focuses on supporting energy efficiency, smart energy management and renewable energy use in public infra structure, including in public buildings, and in the housing sector. Priority will be given to hospitals, hospices and schools. The Municipality will apply in order to retrofit some of its schools and hospices as soon as the OP will be approved by the European Commission and the first call opened. The Municipality will be working according to the Thematic Objective 4 also trough other instrument such as ELENA tool, which will provide the Municipality with the skills and expertise needed for retrofitting its more energy consuming buildings, to improve the public lightening system and to

enhance the use of renewable energy through innovative financial instruments. This TO4 will being achieved also focusing on private building trough building retrofitting, use of renewable energy, changed attitudes towards energy consumption thanks to FIESTA project. The project is co-funded by EU Intelligent Energy Program and is focused mainly to families with children even though every citizen can take part on it. Also the info-point for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency consumption in private houses set up in the Municipality through a scholarship promoted together with the research center Area Science Park will be working on the shift towards a low-carbon economy. It will be working mainly with citizens and professional experts but also with the city’s main private and public energy consuming bodies and Enterprises.



Impact Assessment


Analysis of the LAP Development Process Strengths  

  

Weaknesses Approved New General Town Plan within 2015 with the goal of reduce land taken and actions to support the urban regeneration and the energy retrofit of public and private estate. Establishment of the “technical committee”, starting from USLG, supporting the administration in the LAP implementation with the promotion of active participation of professionals and stakeholders of the building sector. Dissemination of ideas and proposals through local media and USLG about the importance to energy retrofit and energy saving. Strong involvement of Local Authorities (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Province of Trieste, Heritage Office, Land register office) for the design the new GTP measures with a focus on volumetric credits. Recent agreement between Municipality and Port Authority for regeneration of Old Port Area.

Opportunities     

To animate and regenerate great urban areas of Trieste New stakeholders involvement and investors for the urban renewal through USLG and events To encourage the local community engagement for greening project opportunities To provide an effective CO2 reduction New job opportunities and possibility of technical innovation

    

Actual economic crisis of building sector while strong financial investment is required in the great refitting projects Limited economic availability for citizens investments Energy retrofit and energy saving are not a priority for citizens Multi-owners buildings: for volumetric credit using is necessary making an agreement among people live in the same building Long term use and related value of volumetric credits and economic loss


   

Lacking of private investments for great operation of urban refitting; Not used volumetric credits: economic loss and not improved densification in the low density urban areas Lacking of public funds for supporting urban renewal Lacking of active citizen engagement for refitting intervention


LAP RISK ASSESSMENT Promoting energy retrofit of public and private estate at different urban scale is a big challenge for the city renewal. This operation need to be supported by a strong local policy who believes in the importance of urban retrofitting because it could be meet different risks. First, this operation need a strong investment both public and private and in the crisis economic time it could be not an easy task to reach. Moreover for citizens the energy saving and green energy are not a priority in their value scale and daily expenditures. Identify Hazards and subsequent Risks Hazards/Issues/Risks

Analyse Risks Evaluate Risks Consequence

Lacking of private investments for great operation of urban refitting;

4 – Major

Not used volumetric credits: economic loss and not improved densification in the low density urban areas

4 – Moderate

Lacking of public funds for supporting urban renewal

4 – Moderate

Public funds are available but not easy to reach by italian public administrations because they could be miss expertise people supported them. A good local governance matching by the approval of new General Town Plan will be the right framework for managing the urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate.

Identify and evaluate existing risk controls Likelihood D - Unlikely to occur but could happen

Risk level High

What we are doing now to manage this risk.  

C- Possible and likely to occur at some time


D - Unlikely to occur but could happen

Mediu m

 

 

Effectiveness our strategies

Further Risk Treatments of

New risk level

Simplification and shortening of administrate procedures; possibility to demolish and rebuild.

Easier assess on Public-private management


Simplification and shortening of administrate procedures; Strong involvement of Professional association and construction sector representatives to promote the measure partnership building for UE funds application agreements amoung pubilc Authorities (e.g. Municipality of Trieste signed an agreement with Old Port Authority 2 month ago) involvement of expertise people supporting funds application (starting from ULSG)

Real interest of professionals and stakeholders


Shared actions and projects closer to city needs and public funds priorities


Further action needed Opportunities for improvement

To promote meetings and event for enterprises and private great investors

 

 

To support the action with “rotation funds” To involve buildings administrators to promote the volumetric credit action

to enforce partnerships to participate/apply UE funds with innovative ideas and projects


Lacking of active citizen engagement for refitting intervention

4 - Moderate

C- Possible and likely to occur at some time

Mediu m

 

promoting citizen engagement (focus on familes) with FIESTA project (providing technical assistance for making energy audit and assessment) organising events on energyefficiency and energy saving establishment of “info-point”

Families encouraged on refitting


to support citizens with “awards” or tax reduction

Legend of Risk level Extreme

Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering control measures.


Act immediately to mitigate the risk. Either eliminate, substitute or implement engineering control measures. If these controls are not immediately accessible, set a timeframe for their implementation and establish interim risk reduction strategies for the period of the set timeframe.


Take reasonable steps to mitigate the risk. Until elimination, substitution or engineering controls can be implemented, institute administrative or personal protective equipment controls. These “lower level” controls must not be considered permanent solutions. The time for which they are established must be based on risk. At the end of the time, if the risk has not been addressed by elimination, substitution or engineering controls a further risk assessment must be undertaken.


Take reasonable steps to mitigate and monitor the risk. Institute permanent controls in the long term. Permanent controls may be administrative in nature if the hazard has low frequency, rare likelihood and insignificant consequence.

Legend of Likelihood A

Almost certain to occur in most circumstances


Likely to occur frequently


Possible and likely to occur sometime


Unlikely to occur but could happen


May occur but only in rare and exceptional circumstances


LAP TARGET/BENEFICIARIES AND IMPACT ASSESSMENT Citizens/families Citizens will benefit of a sustainable city with high standard of living and Co2 reduction through urban regeneration and energy retrofit. Ensuring citizens awareness about energy saving and energy-efficiency and citizens engagement in the retrofitting projects. Buildings and houses retrofit supported by public policy, guaranteeing the families/citizens access. New social housing, facilities and public spaces built with local community involvement, promoting sustainable communities for residents. A better quality of living is guaranteeing by improved energy-efficiency for public buildings. Economic Actors Improved economic activities linked to the building sector, job opportunities and public-private partnership for the intervention of urban regeneration and refitting Municipality To provide the urban renewal promoting citizens participation and private enterprises and great investors engagement in accordance with the strategies of the new General Town Plan. To ensure the multidisciplinary process within the Administration working with the involvement of different Municipality departments to guarantee the expected outcomes of LAP and GTP implementation. Other cities Cities with similar features will benefit in projects of best practices exchange. Moreover the Municipality of Trieste intends to promote Cross-border projects for the energy retrofit of public and private estate involving closer Municipalities of Slovenia, Austria and Croatia. 36

Subjects/categories affected by the LAP Citizens: families and co-owner buildings which will refit their house or building

Citizens: schools, hospitals, senior housing users where public intervention of energy retrofit is expected Citizens and economic actors which benefit the volumetric credits in low density areas, increasing densification and new built opportunities. Citizens which benefit refitting projects affecting portions of the city Economic actors

Impact on the subject  Household energy consumption reduction ;  Co2 reduction;  livable city;

Expected impact figures and indicators  % energy consumption  energy bills  N. retrofitting private interventions

      

Better comfort living; Energy consumption reduction; Co2 reduction; livable city; Densification of low density areas; New land use reduction; New job opportunities

  

% energy consumption energy bills N. retrofitting private interventions

  

square or cubic meters of densifications N. of interventions using volumetric credits N. people employed

 

inclusive city; livable city;

 

increased city economy new job opportunities

    

N. of social housing interventions N. of “new” public spaces Types and n. of facilities City income; N. people employed


INNOVATION In the frame of the USEAct project, the Local Action Plan (LAP) of Trieste Municipality, strictly linked to the design of the new GTP, was developed as an opportunity to provide an innovative strategy of urban renewal and energetic retrofit of existing buildings and abandoned areas working at different urban scales: from the upgrading of entire parts of the city to ordinary interventions of building renovation. The LAP intents to present itself as a tool-kit which effectively supports the Administration in the implementation of “projects of city renovation”, to provide innovative measures and processes for the reuse of existing buildings and the reactivation of private resources not only in large operations (more affected by the crisis), but also in limited and ordinary interventions of building renovation and private houses upgrading. The innovations of Trieste LAP are:

 to design the new urban tools for Urban Growth Management through a real local Governance with the establishment of a

permanent “technical committee” (LSG) to support the project and the implementation of GTP and LAP;

 to promote the “volumetric credits”, looking on Italian and European

experiences, as an instrument to retrofit the public and private estate and to address the urban densification in low density areas. The LSG was extremely important in the definition of the volumetric credits guidelines, supported the Administration to make realistic a GTP strategy. The volumetric credits instrument allows the reuse of existing buildings (with particular regard to run-down parts of the city), and the re-activation of private resources not only in large operations (more affected by the crisis), but also in limited and ordinary interventions of building renovation;

 To support projects of urban regeneration and refitting affecting great city portions with the citizens involvement and private investors engagement.


SECTION #5 Stakeholders,

partnerships, participation


MAIN STAKEHOLDERS Donato Riccesi, Fabio Millevoi, Sabina Diragogna ANCE (National Builder Association - Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili ) Donato Riccesi is an architect and president of ANCE TS, Fabio Millevoi is the director of ANCE Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, Sabina Diragogna is member of the administrative committee of ANCE Trieste. ANCE (National Builder Association - Associazione Nazionale Costruttori Edili )Trieste was established in 1955 and represents in the Province of Trieste the companies of the construction industry. ANCE Trieste is a private law Body, a non-profit employers’ Organization that: assists the member companies in dealing with problems of administrative, economic, legal, labour, social, technical and tax; carries out with public and private Agencies and Bodies any programs and plans for the construction industry and promotes the law of the sector with appropriate contacts with Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, studying problems related to the construction industry; collects and compiles statistical and economic data which can affect the activity of the category; participates directly or indirectly in any initiative of local, regional or national level which the category might be interested; provides technical assistance to members on administrative, legal and tax, representing their requests in judgement and individual disputes; supports the enterprises in contracts for the regulation of all relationships with trade Unions, Bodies and Institutes, also in collective agreements.

Paolo Vrabec Architects Professional Association of the Province of Trieste (Ordine Architetti Pianificatori, Paesaggisti, Conservatori della Provincia di Trieste) Paolo Vrabec is an architect and president of Architects Professional Association of the Province of Trieste. The Association promotes the role of profession of architect in the Province of Trieste and in the organization of training events about professional upgrading. The Architects Professional Association has been promoter the event “Piazza dell’architettura” with meetings, conferences and exhibitions about local and international architecture. Within USEact project Architects Professional Association has been involved in the LSG for sharing the contents of the new General Town Plan project and volumetric credit tool for energy efficiency upgrading.


Giulio Gregori , Elisabetta Delben Engineers Professional Association of Trieste Province (Ordine degli Ingegneri della Provincia di Trieste) Giulio Gregori and Elisabetta Delben are engineers and members of Engineers Professional Association board. Engineers Professional Association of the Province of Trieste adhered to USEact project by committing to provide technical elements and contributions. Under Italian law, the Association is qualified as non profit public organization and is supervised by the highauthority of the Italian Ministry of Justice. Its activities include collaboration with local Governmental Institutions as well as those expressly attributed – e.g. training, yearly publishing and updating the list of members, monitoring committee of the professional duties. The Engineers Professional Association is part of the “permanent technical table” for the Future of Trieste carried out by the Professional Associations of the Province of Trieste. By taking into account the importance of the current times, Engineers Professional Association has drafted a report that highlights the core problems, inadequacies, and deficiencies of the Province’s territory. Its purpose is to monitor the local Governmental Institutions’ efforts towards meeting the commitments undertaken with Local Support Group.

Sergio Bisiani Industrial Expert Professional Association of Trieste Province (Collegio dei Periti Industriali della Provincia di Trieste) Sergio Bisiani is a member of Industrial Expert Professional Association, which works in the Province of Trieste in the promotion of Industrial Expert Profession and in the organization of training about professional upgrading. In the USEact project it has an active role in the Local Support Group in the definition of Energy efficiency actions for Local Action Plan.

Alessandro Gerdina Surveyors Professional Association of Trieste Province (Collegio dei Geometri della Provincia di Trieste) Alessandro Gerdina is segretary of Surveyors Professional Association. Surveyors Professional Association works in the Province of Trieste in the promotion of the Profession and in the organization of professional training. In the USEact project it has an active role in the Local Support Group in the definition of Energy efficiency actions for Local Action Plan.

Nunzio Maglione Association of Building Enterprises of Trieste Province (CNA Trieste) Nunzio Maglione is a surveyor and holder of a building enterprise. He is president of CNA building, an Association of Building Enterprises of Trieste Province. CNA Trieste represents craft sector and small enterprises of Trieste Province in front of local Institutions. CNA supports its associated enterprises with many services as problem solving assistance, development of new business projects and well timed information. 41

Michela Crevatin Non profit organization for urban sustainable development – Kallipolis Michela Crevatin is an architect specialized on community planning and project management of international cooperation project, she works with Kallipolis, non profit organization based in Trieste, which aims at using the tools of urban planning to improve the livability of cities both in Europe and in the developing countries. Kallipolis sets up projects, both in Italy and abroad, promoting the practice of sustainable development, social inclusion and urban safety. Kallipolis acknowledges the main goals and priorities affirmed in the United Nations Habitat Agenda (two goals: adequate shelter for all and sustainable development of human settlements) and looks forward to contributing with its activities to the implementation of the Agenda. Kallipolis adopts the methodology of community planning and the Agenda 21 procedure, dealing also with self-help housing and training.

Fabio Bosso Geologists Assosiation of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Fabio Bosso geologist - freelancer in Trieste since 1991 – represents the Geologists Assosiation of Friuli Venezia Giulia Region. Co-founder, in 1994, of GEORICERCHE s.n.c., a service company for civil engineering and in 2000, of BOSSO & ROTA, a geological consulting office. Since 2000, member of several municipal technical committees and examination boards. In the geographic North-East Italy, Fabio has been consultant for projects focus on: territorial planning, infrastructure (bridges, tunnels, highways), public and private construction (residential and directional buildings, parks, sports buildings, hospitals). Designer for interventions in the fields of: environmental protection, preservation and restoration of hydro-geological balance, quarry activities / mining.



THE PARTIPATION PROCESS: LAP AS CO-PRODUCTION EXERCISE In the frame of the USEAct project, the Local Action Plan (LAP) of Trieste Municipality was developed through several activities supporting the participatory construction of the General Town Plan and its more innovative tools. The new General Town Plan was built starting from the active listening of citizens, with the idea of better understanding the city problems and thinking on solutions closer to inhabitants needs. Therefore, during the preparation of the Plan, many consultation activities have been organized through open meetings and questionnaires, and through technical meetings involving economic categories, professionals and environmental organizations. The listening stage for Plan design process was structured in public sessions held directly at the local districts, together with a questionnaires delivery. Focus groups

and topic groups were organized for sharing ideas and informations about energy efficiency and saving energy, urban planning and building parameters. Many important suggestions came out from participatory process, as the idea to promote the volumetric credits instrument for improving the energy efficiency of buildings and areas difficult to refit, with the aim to reduce the land taken and to support the local economy reactivation. Furthermore a citizen help desk have been held on June 2014 where project staff met citizens and stakeholders to give clarifications about General Town Plan draft and informations for proposals or oppositions.

Active citizens listening in numbers: 7 meetings in the 7 Municipality districts 7 weeks of work; 2500 questionnaires: 1500 questionnaires filled on line; 8000 web site accesses; 28 representatives of business activities worked on the 3 technical tables/topic group; 155 stakeholders from Local Authorities, associations, non profit organizations involved in the topic groups.

With specific reference to the promotion of energy efficiency as a tool of urban regeneration and retrofitting interventions, the LAP has focused on the settlement of a permanent technical table, starting from the Local Support Group (LSG) created for the GTP and the USEact project. All Professional Associations and representatives of the main categories from the building sector are involved in the LSG, with the aim to develop the Local Action Plan, linked to the GTP and to Urban Growth Management

of Trieste Municipality. Topic groups on Volumetric credits were organized for SWOT analysis and for sharing the actions to support for making them useful and realistic. Brainstorming and GOOP (Goal Oriented Project Planning) methodologies were used to engage local stakeholders and work on clusters, priorities and funds of the LAP. 44

Together with the ULSG - technical table, in the frame of the USEAct project, within the ULSG activities, last October the Urban planning Office organized a public Conference, called “Energy-efficiency and volumetric credits: new perspective for urban regeneration” with the aim to share information and best practices that can be useful to define new planning rules, and thus bring the process to its final result. During the Conference, speakers dealt with the many issues related to energy and urban regeneration, also bringing the experiences developed in other national contexts: property and legal aspects; planning techniques; costs of building interventions and opportunities to partially repay them by means of financial loans and reduction of tax burdens. At the end of the meeting, the Local Support Group representatives from the building sector were invited to discuss opportunities and

threats for the implementation of the “volumetric credits” tool. A tool whose objectives are twofold. On the one hand, upgrade the existing city without further urbanization; on the other hand, re-launch building economies, by means of a stronger cooperation between local Administration, professionals and private enterprises. Actors, these latter, who will be furthermore involved, in order to share the final definition of GTP planning rules and to make the new tool more effective. Furthermore the public Conference, organized with the support of the Professional Association, was the first event of Professional Upgrading, forecast by the LAP as an asset for the city renewal.



Innovative tools for urban regeneration and energy retrofit of public and private estate: from citizens engagement

to local economy reactivation


support the urban renewal and energy retrofit trough the application of new urban procedures and innovative


OBJECTIVE 1: Building renovation and energy efficiency interventions using innovative tools and procedures ACTION 1.2: To generate and implement the “Volumetric credits” instrument to promote energy-efficiency Actors/responsible: Municipality of Trieste Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Land Register Office Professional Associations Targets/Beneficiaries: - Citizens and co-owner buildings which will refit their house or building; – Citizens and economic actors which benefit the volumetric credits in low density areas, increasing densification and new built opportunities. – Estimated costs: to be defined Allocated funds: to be defined Funding and programmes actors can apply for: Public funds

Description: The use of “Volumetric credit” is oriented to rehabilitate buildings in the historical heritage areas and in parts of the city built in the Sixties and in the Seventies with a poor level of energy efficiency. The volumetric credit is a planning tool of the “New General Town Plan” of Trieste Municipality which identifies the areas where the retrofitting gives the possibility to obtain the volumetric awards. The energy retrofit is converted in a percentage of volume, to be used in low density areas, designed by New General Town Plan. Implementation activities:  institutional meetings among Municipality of Trieste, FVG Region and Land register office about the legislative procedure;

A) Already carried out

participatory design of the Guidelines for Volumetric credits application with the support of ULSG;

A) Already carried out 

creation of “rotation credit” fund for incentive the building rehabilitation investment as refitting intervention; C) To be carried out

Establishment of “Volumetric credit” management office in the Municipality. B) In progress

Concrete expected results/outputs/results Output: that

Guidelines for Volumetric credits application;

regenerating areas of historical city center difficult to upgrade; 46

Private funds (bank investment funds or private foundations) EU funds Timetable: 10 years: the volumetric credits will have to be used within 10 years

refitted buildings;

densified low density areas;

energy saving quantification.

Results Indicators:  reports of meetings for guidelines design  % of Volumetric credits used  Square meters / Cubic meters of buildings  …. € “rotation credits” used General Impact and indicators: Impact:  Household energy consumption reduction;  Co2 reduction;  livable city. Indicators:  % energy consumption  energy bills  N. retrofitting private interventions. Governance and Legal/official planning framework: Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) General Town Plan 2015


INFORMATION SOURCES USEAct Urban Sustainable Environmental Actions Project Partner Municipality of Trieste Urban Planning Department / Director of City, Territory and Environmental Department / European Affairs Office Elena Marchigiani Deputy Mayor for Urban Planning, Mobility and Traffic, Building, Housing Projects, Complex Projects Marina Cassin Director of City, Territory and Environmental Department Maria Antonietta Genovese Partner Project coordinator and Director of Urban Planning Department Roberto Bertossi Technical expert Carlotta Cesco Gaspere Local coordinator and Head European Affairs Office Beatrice Micovilovich Local coordinator and Technical expert Ileana Toscano USEAct consultant and ULSG coordinator Raffaella Trani Officer Mauro Vivian European Affairs Office Municipality of Trieste, passo Costanzi 2

INFORMATION SOURCES USEAct Urban Sustainable Environmental Actions Lead Partner City of Naples Urban Planning Department URBACT Projects and Networks on Integrated Urban Development Policies - Central Direction Urban Planning and Management - UNESCO Site Gaetano Mollura USEAct Project coordinator Anna Arena Finance officer Maria Luna Nobile Communication officer Vincenzo Fusco LSG coordinator Contacts: phone +39 081 7958932 - 34 - 17 Lead Expert Vittorio Alberto Torbianelli USEAct Project Lead Expert Contacts: Thematic Expert Pauline Geoghegan USEAct Project Thematic Expert Contacts:

URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development. It enables cities to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role they play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. URBACT helps cites to develop pragmatic solutions that are new and sustainable, and that integrate economic, social and environmental dimensions. It enables cities to share good practices and lessons learned with all professionals involved in urban policy throughout Europe. URBACT is 500 cities, 29 countries, and 7,000 active participants. URBACT is jointly financed by ERDF and the Member States.

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