URBsociAL Journal . September 23th

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Rosario, 24th September 2011


THE 2011 ROSARIO AGENDA SETS THE PACE FOR URBSOCIAL After three days of hard work, the second URBsociAL meeting, held at the city of Rosario, Santa Fe, came to a close yesterday. The closing session was attended by the Coordinator of the socioeconomic sector at the Directorate-General and Cooperation of the European Commission, Vittorio Tonutti; the Councillor Adjoint to the Presidency, Diputació de Barcelona, Joan Carles García Cañizares, and the Deputy Secretary of International Cooperation of the Province of Santa Fe, María del Huerto Romero. They highlighted the significance of the recommendations and the commitments to social cohesion summarized in the 2011 Rosario Agenda. In his speech, Mr. Tonutti stated that "this second edition has turned out as we expected, without academic digressions and with concrete experiences." He added that "regional cooperation with Latin America will continue." Mr. Cañizares, on the other hand, put the emphasis on the "qualitative improvement from Sitges to Rosario." Finally, Ms. Del Huerto Romero closed the speech thanking all the people who made this meeting possible. •

THE FIGURES OF ROSARIO More than 500 people from 150 cities in Latin America and Europe attended the opening of the European-Latin American Dialogue on Social Cohesion and Local Public Policies. During the three days of the meeting, politicians, state officers, people in the technology field and members of the academia analysed the main challenges faced by local governments in the current social and economic context. In this edition we inaugurated the first Fair of Local Experiences on Social Cohesion, including the 20 URB-AL III projects and guests cities such as Lima, Rio Grande do Sul, Curitiba, Rosario, and Medellín. •

URBsociAL Newsletter // URBsociAL 2011 Agenda

September 24th

2011 Rosario AGENDA The organising institutions of URBsociAL make public the following findings, recommendations and commitments. Complete declaration in www.urbsocial.eu

Having taken up the baton of the 2010 Sitges Agenda, the second URBsociAL meeting has left in Rosario views and reflections of more than 500 participants from 23 countries in Latin America and the European Union. LucĂ­a Sala, Deputy Director of the FIIAPP, presented the recommendations and commitments to social cohesion drawn from workshops.

RECOMMENDATIONS Potentialities of Local Development for Cohesion and Inclusive Growth Restore the essentially endogenous nature of development from appreciation and mobilization of productive, natural and human resources in the territory. Build a strategic vision that combines economic development with social and territorial cohesion, increasing the identity and sense of belonging and the recognition of all the members of the community. Include all the actors of the public and private territories in the complete development cycle, in order to initially ensure their participation in the process and in the equitative distribution of economic and social benefits. Support the innovation in every field of local government action in order to improve the efficiency of public administration and the rendering of services to the citizens.

Land Use Planning and Sustainable Development Integrate goals and elements of social cohesion in the design of the city and the regions explicitly; i.e., in the use of spaces, the location of infrastructure and equipment, or in matters of mobility, ensuring urban development sustainability. Generate an institutional architecture that, in its different layers, allows public participation in the formulation and execution of public policies of land use planning. Provide the local governments with effective tools for monitoring and assessment of different processes and components of urban development. Prioritize the improvement of urban and long-distance mobility, as the main element that contributes to the quality of life of citizens and, particularly, in matters of access to public spaces, road and citizen safety, and the environment. Institutional Innovation Design and build new coalitions among neighbouring municipalities (associations of communities) that include cross-border spaces, and create European-Latin American cooperation networks to confront new demographic, migration and territorial realities. Establish consensus with active participation of citizens and actors present in the territory so as to increase confi-


Institutions are committed to appreciating and promoting cooperation among territorial governments as a space for innovation.

URBsociAL Newsletter // URBsociAL 2011 Agenda

September 24th

erate reference frameworks in design, execution and evaluation of local public policies. In addition, they will ensure that the national governments and international organisations receive this 2011 Rosario Agenda of URBsociAL, as well as -and especially- the institutions of the European Union, with the aim of encouraging the preparation of the agenda.

dence and legitimacy as vectors of social cohesion. Increase institutional and human capabilities that make it possible to strengthen political leaderships committed to the preparation of a local public agenda which fosters social cohesion and warrants the full exercise of their citizenship rights. Adopt tools that encourage and improve the exterior projection of local and regional governments; this has proven to be a key factor for promotion of development opportunities and it is particularly important in today’s context. Promote and consolidate decentralised cooperation as a strengthening instrument of institutions and of the development policy of local and regional governments.

Commitments The institutions which organised this second European-Latin American Dialogue on Social Cohesion and Local Public Policies are committed to: Disseminating the current 2011 Rosario Agenda of URBsociAL. Promoting adherence to it by the local governments in Europe and Latin American through the associations and networks which represent them. Maintaining social cohesion as one of the three themes of European-Latin American cooperation along with political dialogue and economic partnership. Promoting forums for dialogue, reflection and exchange of experiences among participants that make it possible to gen-


They are also committed to appreciating and promoting cooperation among territorial governments as a space for innovation and learning, and to exploring new ways and instruments of decentralised cooperation. Moreover, all the experiences identified by the participants in all the workshops will be collected and disseminated so that it is possible to generate common reference frameworks. The organising institutions will promote complementation and the search for synergies among the various programmes for international cooperation oriented towards encouraging social cohesion. While the organising institutions adhere and evaluate the recommendations contained in the present Agenda, they also recognize the value and need to generate forums for dialogue on social cohesion and public policies among European-Latin American territorial governments and are committed to seeking mechanisms for the continuity of URBsociAL.

URBsociAL Newsletter // News

September 24th

Complementation of the regional programmes of the CE The European Commission headed a session to promote synergy between its Latin American programmes causes of university student's desertion in the middle of their studies. As regards the programme Al-Invest, which supports the internationalisation of Latin American SMEs, they presented the strategy to help companies improve competitiveness according to international parameters that help new foreign markets to be open. The programme @LIS, also introduced during the session, analyses the digital gap between Latin America and the industrialised countries, and its consequences of underdevelopment in the region.

Eight speakers presented the regional programmes of the EC.


he coordinator of the socio-economic sector at the Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation of the European Commission, Vittorio Tonutti, conducted yesterday an introductory session about the main programmes that channel regional cooperation in Latin America in order to promote complementation among them. The session aimed at making people aware of the different programmes to promote synergies. Firstly, they introduced the ALFA programme, which is focused on the exchange between universities from Europe and Latin America. Among the projects presented, speakers emphasised on Sapuvetnet, a veterinary public health network.

During the session, collaboration between regional programmes was enhanced. ALFA, Al-Invest, @ LIS and EUROsociAL were the initiatives presented within URBsociAL.

During the presentation of the programme, speakers stressed out that Latin America's successful performance regarding economic growth was not translated into a decrease of inequalities. As an example, they mentioned the situation of broadband rates in Latin America; they are ten times more expensive in industrialised countries -and even slower- due to the oligopoly market managed by the service provider companies. In this respect, they emphasised that Brazil is taking action to implement new fiber-optic networks that will help the emergence of larger service providers. Additionally, Mr. Tonutti mentioned the advances in telemedicine and teleeducation as initiatives to help reduce the digital gap, as well as the technologies used in the successful implementation of the Brazilian social assistance programme Bolsa Familia. EUROsociAL was the last programme to be introduced in the complementation session. This initiative is working at the level of European and Latin American official organisations in terms of cooperation. Due to its nature, EUROsociAL can establish strong synergies with URB-AL, focused on local governments •

Another one was the CID (Knowledge, Inclusion and Development) project, aimed at the outplacement of workers over 40 years old and women who missed their jobs due to personal reasons. Thirdly, they introduced the project called Integrated University Management of Students Desertion, focused on the


URBsociAL Newsletter // News

September 24th

actual development potential The conclusions of the first workshop, focused on the potentialities of local development, go for the transversal structure and growth of competitive synergies.


he speakers of the workshop on potentialities of local development got together again yesterday morning in order to produce a summary document, based on the experiences of the first session, to articulate the list of conclusions. Key diagnostic points were established stating the proposal of the public policies to be adopted. Silvia Estillarte, UNE’s coordinator project from Irún, mentioned the case of the Central Department of Paraguay regarding the importance of recovering the sense of territorial belonging and the generation of employment policies aimed at youth and women. The second case to be analysed was the city of San Juan, where the Government articulates with the productive sectors and the scientific-technological-educational areas. Finally, the city of Medellín helped analyse an alliance between sectors of the civil society. In the employment creation field, the importance of recovering identity and the sense of territorial belonging was stressed out as a starting point. The need to focus employment creation policies on youth and women was also emphasised.

Additionally, in connection with the role of the State, the analysis considered whether it should be a promoter of social cohesion within the framework of territorial competitiveness. The need to articulate the actors in the territory in order to have an instrument of action was also mentioned. Finally, the necessity to reinforce local entrepreneurship and its relation with knowledge management was discussed.

The second analysis of the subtopic was centred on the search of integral and transversal policies. For the creation and implementation of such policies, the institutionalisation of specific dialogue spaces -such as centres (usinas) or Training Pacts- was considered essential. The last issue of the discussion was the need to democratise information using new technologies.

In the third subtopic regarding innovative cities, the significance of institutionalising an international cooperation policy in agreement with the characteristics of the territory was presented. Thus, the path to conceptually transform innovative cities into innovative regions was drawn. In this expansive sense, the idea of connecting civil society with this institutional innovation process was pointed out.

As regards the topic of local competitiveness, it was discussed whether the role of State should be as guarantor and promoter of such competitiveness, or just another actor.


URBsociAL Newsletter // News

September 24th

the inclusive city The second workshop set the priority to establish long-term strategies in the search of a redistributive city which inspires a feeling of territoriality.


he conclusions of the second workshop were presented by Maria LluĂŻsa FerrĂŠ. She used the cases of the cities of Quito and Curitiba as a trigger to speak about the need to establish long-term strategies -20 to 30 years- to build the vision of a city. Ms. FerrĂŠ also stressed the need to think about urban mobility not only in relation to public transportation but also in relation to how people move about their city using pedestrian areas. In the search of a distributive and an inclusive city, education is a crucial agent that goes beyond school. Its objective is to educate people so that they relate responsibly to urban space and environmental care. Lastly, she emphasized the importance of regulating land tenure as an element that strengthens the territorial sentiment and its corresponding protection.

From the practical case studies of Quito (Ecuador) and Curitiba (Brazil), the workshop focused in land use planning and sustainable development and arose a good number of questions and discussions that require further analysis. The majority of the reflections dealt with the two subtopics in a generic manner: urban mobility and integrated urban design.

In this sense, participants also discussed the need to bear in mind social cohesion when reflecting about urban mobility and the way of living in and moving about the cities. In other words, cohesion must be considered as a variable in master or strategic plans affecting mobility. The debate focused on a third aspect: education -whose aim is to educate responsible citizens who are committed to urban spaces and environmental care. In this line of argument, the focus was on the need to reappraise environment by thinking of a balanced and integrated urban development in the territory, in opposition to classic models of urban segregation.

Among other conclusions, speakers mentioned the need to sensitize local governments in order to develop strategic plans at a local and regional level, taking into account multilevel governance. Another aspect that appeared repeatedly during the debate was the restoration of sovereignty over land use planning, removing the strictly private and speculative interest of the land use planning criterion.


URBsociAL Newsletter // News

September 24th

public participation The third workshop highlighted the need to increase the capabilities of local management agents in the creation of public participation mechanisms.


he conclusions of this workshop were presented by HĂŠctor Navarro and were drawn from the cases of the Province of Santa Fe (Argentina), the San Salvador Metropolitan Area, and the municipalities of Calacoto and San Pedro de Quemes. As a result, the conclusions emphasised the need to strengthen institutional capabilities through the training of their public officers, and the incorporation of new coordination mechanisms within the organisations. This may be reinforced by establishing a relation between universities and local governments and the civil society. To this end, debate systems have been implemented as a place for transversal discussions that lead to identifying and owning policies on part of the citizens, in order to create a sense of collective belonging. Finally, Mr. Navarro clearly expressed the need to resignify the concept of borders between countries.

The first theme dealt with the articulation of territorial actors, and was based on the case of the Province of Santa Fe. Its purpose is to strengthen the institutional capabilities of governments and local states through the incorporation of coordination mechanisms within the organisations. The workshop focused on the revalorisation of knowledge by finding a relation between universities and local governments and the civil society.

The third theme centred on cross-border cooperation and was based on the case of Calacoto and San Pedro de Quemes. It analysed the importance of multilevel cooperation at the local, regional and national levels. The role of national governments in this type of cooperation was also discussed, since such cooperation involves several countries. In this sense, it was clearly expressed that there is the need to resignify the concept of borders in relation to the opportunities provided by such perspective. This leads to the identification of problems that are common to the territories so as to generate shared approaches and stimulate endogenous resources. In the end, from this we can establish the need of considering cross-border cooperation not only in terms strictly related to economy, but also in terms of culture, society, identification and the territory.

The second theme revolved around local pooling and associativism, and was based on the case of the San Salvador Metropolitan Area. It was a place for discussing the experiences about pooling and associativism, about the elements that make these experiences sustainable, and it highlighted public participation and its potential as an enabler factor for these processes.


URBsociAL Newsletter // Report

September 24th

PHOTO ALBUM The second edition of URBsociAL, held in the City of Rosario (Argentina), closed yesterday after three days of conferences and intense work sessions with social cohesion as the main theme. These are the photos of the event.


URBsociAL Newsletter // Report

September 24th


URBsociAL Newsletter // News

September 24th

The Experience Fair offers a new dimension to URB-AL The second edition of URBsociAL has been a useful forum for dialogue, using new tools and fostering a renewed commitment. laboratory to create solutions in the framework of globalisation and crisis." He also focused on the journalistic discourse in official communications, which were "based on pedagogical considerations of questions with open debates." These were the words of the Governor of Río Grande do Sul, Tarso Genro, who proposed interesting challenges in his keynote speech.

From left to right: Octavi de la Varga, José Luis Furlan and Alberto Enríquez.



he Executive Director of the OCO, Octavi de la Varga, introduced the reporters for the second edition of URBsociAL. De la Varga introduced José Luís Furlan, Director of the Latin American Centre of Local Studies (CELADEL) and Alberto Enríquez Villacorta, expert in the field of Decentralised Cooperation and Local Public Policies, as "two silent witnesses" responsible for reporting the three days of the meeting. Enríquez, who addressed the audience on behalf of the two reporters, highlighted the most interesting concepts in relation to the main topic of URBsociAL: the link between the methodology and the contents. A link that is "difficult to manage; however, this initiative has shown it is possible." The first aspect to note is the context of the meeting. According to Enríquez "the URBsociAL environment is a fabric that unites territories. Its first stop was Sitges and its second stop is Rosario. Two completely different scenarios with shared challenges." Rosario is

Organization of Urbsocial: OCO-URB-AL III

the ideal local setting because it is a city undergoing a deep transformation process, where the value of strategic planning as a tool has been made evident. Enríquez briefly mentioned the chronological sequence of the meeting, starting by the combination of the first day with an opening and official inauguration, led by institu-

Decentralised cooperation is a learning experience for different territories. tional authorities. He singled out three ideas from the inauguration: "Social Cohesion is only achieved when Governments are committed to uphold the rights of their citizens. Decentralised cooperation is a learning experience in which the territories learn and URBAL is a space characterised by the sharing and living of experiences." In his address, Enríquez highlighted that "the local level is the most adequate

From this speech to the inauguration of the projects fair, this edition showed a vast qualitative improvement with respect to the first one. "An ideal setting that allowed us to know a range of different projects in an integrating and easy way," according to the meeting reporters. In relation to the methodology used, Enríquez indicated video as "the best way to reach out to people," as well as the way in which "the URBsociAL newsletter has been a key factor in reflecting contents and making them visible." The methodology used in the workshops during this second edition satisfied the need expressed at Sitges for a method that allowed fast exchange of experiences "where we can all talk and listen," Enríquez added. Finally, the reporters focused on the "real value of the meeting for sectors and territories that are working on it, as a place for a learning experience." According to Enríquez, in a time of global crisis "Europe and Latin America are affected by the crisis differently, but we need to find the answers together. In this respect, our territories have a huge responsibility to find these answers." To sum up, URBsociAL "provides new tools and a renewed commitment." Enríquez ended his report thanking and acknowledging those who made this second edition possible. •


OCO Consortium: Barcelona Provincial Council, international and Ibero-American Foundation of Government and Public Policy, FIIAPP (Spain); Province of Santa Fe (Argentina); Mayoral Office of Bogotá (Colombia); Municipality of San José (Costa Rica) and Region of Tuscany (Italy). Diputació de Barcelona, September 2011. Coordination and supervision: Office of Coordination and Orientation of URB-AL III Program. Edition and layout: Pauta Media S.L. Photography: Diputació de Barcelona (Òscar Ferrer, camaleó), Government of Santa Fe (Marcelo Beltrame), OCO and proyectos URB-AL III archives.

URBsociAL Newsletter // Agenda

September 24th

UPCOMING EVENTS URBsociAL reuses creative material 29 November - 3 December 2011 Second Seminar of the second meeting of the Local Leadership Platform La Antigua (Guatemala) The Local Leadership Platform, consisting of 34 Latin American elected bodies, is an academically excellent training space promoted by the OCO and aimed at local leaders in Latin America. The Platform operates in the framework of the URB-AL III Programme of the European Commission. 29-30 November 2011

Now that the second edition is over, there is one last challenge: to reuse all the materials designed for the Experiences Fair. All printed materials exhibited at the stands have been made available for the different projects to reuse them.

Third Regional Dialogue on Social Cohesion Lima (Peru) The next Regional Dialogue on Social Cohesion of the URB-AL III Programme will deal with “The challenges of inclusive development.”

Meetings planned for 2012 (the exact dates and venues are to be determined) Two Seminars of the third meeting of the Local Leadership Platform Three Regional Dialogues on Social Cohesion Third URBsociAL meeting


URBsociAL Newsletter // Back page

September 24th

Sentences of the day

The path we have walked reinforces the meaning of continued cooperation."

The Fair and the methodology have been two hits of this second meeting.”

It has been a team work with the participation of every actor involved."

The local level is the most adequate laboratory to create solutions in a global world."

Vittorio Tonutti

JC García Cañizares

Maria del Huerto Romero

Alberto Enríquez

Directorate-General for Development and Cooperation of the EC

Councillor Adjoint to the Presidency, Diputació de Barcelona


Deputy Secretary of International Cooperation, Province of Santa Fe

Expert on Decentralised Cooperation and Local Public Policies

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