Current administrative channels In Madrid, laws related to participation have been implemented in the last decade, following the will of participation that all urban planning acknowledged and recognised in the whole state There is a whole area of laws devoted to publicity and amendments to urban plans proposed by governments
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Publicity of Urban Plans Allegations to plans: period and form ...
There is a specific laws for the cession of spaces, buildings and lands of municipal property
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State has the right to sign a cession contract with a legal association of its resources Insurance must be signed by the association in order to achieve the cession
Temporary Uses Normativa del Plan General TÍTULO 2. INTERVENCIÓN MUNICIPAL EN LA EDIFICACIÓN Y USO DEL SUELO, E INCIDENCIA DEL PLANEAMIENTO SOBRE LAS SITUACIONES EXISTENTES Art. 2.2.7. Destino provisional de los solares: En todos los terrenos que tengan la consideración de solar, hasta el momento en que para el mismo se otorgue la licencia de edificación, podrá autorizarse, con carácter provisional, los usos de carácter público que se indican a continuación: ● ● ●
De descanso y estancia de personas. De recreo para la infancia. De esparcimiento con instalaciones provisionales de carácter desmontable.
Model for a cession contract
Current administrative channels
In Madrid, institutions facilitating the relation between administration and citizens have been existing for many years, and usually they are non- operative for the time being. Meeting with participation politician
The most important of the government offices has been:
Concejalía de Participación (Secretary of Participation)
In the neighbourhood part, the institution that has been acting as the eternal intermediator, making sometimes impossible working without them, has been the historic Neighbours Associations (FRAVM), who gain power and legitimacy in the anti- Franco movement and during the 80s, but has been losing it since the 90s. Still, they have been the only recognised actor for the government
Federación Regional de Asociaciones de Vecinos FRAVM (Regional Federation of Neighbours Associations)
In recent times, Intermediae has been acting as a main connector for many neighbours willing to start fresh new modern processes. ● Intermediae: A cultural office for cultural intermediation.
Current administrative channels In Madrid, the usual relation between administration and citizens initiatives is, basically ignoring each other for a while and then threaten and harass the initiative. For years, no one expected nothing from the municipality. Administration always defends private owners, ordering evictions and even demolition of the squatted building or community garden in empty lots. During the project, the Madrid Municipality evicted
La Traba, Self Cultural Management- they moved onwards to ask for the cession of the Legazpi MarketHall La Revoltosa Community Garden, that was re-opened with the help of la mesa ciudadana (see next page)
Self Managed Cultural Center "La Traba" evicted and demolished, Agusust 2014, Madrid.
Current administrative channels
In Madrid, the relation with administration was developed and prototype through the activities of La Mesa Ciudadana (The citizens table), that started when an strategic plan for the Madrid culture made a call to have new management spaces: the proposal was to have an office for the selfmanagement of cultural and social projects, and of commons in general.
La mesa ciudadana, the first gathering of all projects in december 2012 move onward to become a consultant space for neighbours looking for solutions, experiences and spaces, and later to become CityKitchen, a space for putting together initiatives a public officials (See Pag for more info)
The opening of FRAVM to other associations-
Two of the first original meetings of La Mesa Ciudadana, for the PECAM December 2012, Madrid