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Home> >Funding Opportunities >Local Council >Victorian Government >Affiliated University

Home> >Funding Opportunities >Local Council >Victorian Government >Affiliated University >Local Council>Moreland > >Moreland Community Development Grants Program > to provide financial support to locally based not-for-profit groups, organisations & artists to develop & implement initiatives which enrich the social fabric of Moreland & promote active community participation. -Focus on funding initiatives aligned with Council Plan -Initiatives must demonstrate multiple benefits [social, environmental, heritage, health & well being & community participation] -Initiatives that support cooperation of more than one group -Initiatives that demonstrate inclusiveness >Seeding Grants> up to $2999 designed to support developmental initiatives based in community groups, organisations or individual artists. To support incorporation & strengthening of Moreland based community groups - due 9 April 2009 >Quick Response Grants> less than $500 providing funding to groups needing money to fund essential activities outside Moreland Community Development Grants Program round >Project Grants> up to $5000 providing financial support to groups, organisations & individual artists in the implementation of projects designed to benefit & engage the Moreland community due 5 April 2009 >Partnership Grants> up to $40 000 to provide locally based nonfor-profit organisations to construct or develop facilities to enrich the social, cultural & environmental fabric of Moreland - Applicant required to contribute at least 25% of total cost of project Expression of interest >Related Strategic Documents [summary]

Home> >Funding Opportunities >Local Council >Victorian Government >Affiliated University >Local Council>Moreland> >Related Strategic Documents [summary] >Moreland Arts Strategy [2006-2010] >Strategic document outlining commitment to developing arts in all formats across municipality - Moreland recognises its role as City of the Arts, positioning the arts to be an essential, dynamic, flourishing & enriching. Council recognises that diversity is a key feature of its identity, where diversity existis within cultural, geographic, ability, age, sexuality & disciplinary definitions. The council plans to utilise arts to cultivate a strong community identity through events & programs that engender pride, enhance amenity & promote economic activity. Cultural Principles which underpin the strategy are divided into a list including expression of indigenous culture, multi cultural expression, active participation by diverse representation of community, social vitality & cultivation of shared municipality culture. Key themes of the strategy are outlined under the following headings - 1) Diversity, Engaging communities & Cultural development, 2)Places, Spaces & Assets, 3) Festivals / Events & Cultural Celebrations, 4) Communication & Critical debate & 5) Ongoing Evaluation.

>Council Plan [2007-2009] >Sections of the council plan may be considered as a strategic outline of expectations for applicants to the Community Grants Funding Program. Sections of Council Priorities which may be directly related include the strategic objective ‘Building Communities’ which identifies implementation of an arts infrastructure as a key strategic activity. Environmental objectives relating to urban renewal projects such as the development of an Open Space strategy and provision of high quality leisure activities may also relate to proposed projects.

Home> >Funding Opportunities >Local Council >Victorian Government >Affiliated University >Victorian Government> Arts Victoria>Community Partnerships: Category 1: New Work> > $ awarded based on budget outline to enable collaboration between artists & Victorian communities where community may be defined culturally, geographically or by another defining characteristic. Aim is to foster accessibility of art for all Victorians - due 14 Au>Victorian Multicultural Commission> >Community Grants Program> up to $20 000 aims to address needs of ethnic communities, combat the disadvantages faced by many of these communities and promote multi cultural and multi faith harmony - application by quarterly process >Department of Planning & Human Development> >Community Support Grants> up to $20 000 to provide innovative solutions to local issues and build on strengths & community assets - application by quarterly process >Victorian Government>Guides to Community Grants >Grants Link> >Our Community> >Grant Finder>

Home> >Funding Opportunities >Local Council >Victorian Government >Affiliated University >Affiated University>RMIT> >RMIT SEEDS> up to $25 000 - Student Entrepreneurship, Education and Development in Society (RMIT SEEDS) - student-led initiative at RMIT University, which aims to establish and nurture student-run projects that help communities grow. RMIT SEEDS provides students with funding for project ideas that: are socially entrepreneurial, can be sustained over time, have a positive impact on communities at home or abroad, initiatives must enhance the social, health, educational, environmental or economic means of a community and will be supported with training and mentoring - Due 19 October 2009

Moreland City Council

Community Development Grants Program

Guidelines 2009 / 2010

All application proposals must be discussed with the grants officer on 9240 2301 or email before you submit an application.

Community Development Grants Program Guidelines Contents Purpose of Moreland Community Development Grants Program ........................................... 1 Grant Types Covered ............................................................................................................. 1 Moreland Community Development Grants Program – Eligibility and Assessment................. 1 Eligibility Requirements .......................................................................................................... 1 What will be funded? .............................................................................................................. 1 What won’t be funded?........................................................................................................... 2 Questions we ask before allocating funding ........................................................................... 2 Seeding Grants ...................................................................................................................... 3 Project Grants ........................................................................................................................ 4 Operational Funding – funding re-opens in 2011.................................................................... 5 Quick Response Grants ......................................................................................................... 6 Achievement Grants............................................................................................................... 7 Membership Activity Grants.................................................................................................... 8 Helpful Hints for Completing Your Application ........................................................................ 9 Assessment Steps - Moreland Community Development Grants Program ............................. 9 Conflict of Interest .................................................................................................................. 9 Incorporation .......................................................................................................................... 9 Australian Business Number ................................................................................................ 10 Financial Statements............................................................................................................ 10 Applicants through an auspice ............................................................................................. 10 Public Liability Insurance...................................................................................................... 10 Monitoring and Reporting Obligations .................................................................................. 10 Payment by instalment ......................................................................................................... 11 Auditing of Council Grants.................................................................................................... 11 Withdrawal of funding........................................................................................................... 11 Notification ........................................................................................................................... 11 GST Status .......................................................................................................................... 11 Submitting Applications ........................................................................................................ 11 Privacy Statement ................................................................................................................ 12 Copyright.............................................................................................................................. 12 Moreland Grants Program summary table............................................................................ 12

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Purpose of Moreland Community Development Grants Program 1. To provide financial support to locally based not-for-profit groups, organisations and artists to develop and implement initiatives, which enrich the social fabric of Moreland and promote active community participation.

Grant Types Covered 1. Seeding Grants 2. Project Grants 3. Operational Funding – Funding Round re-opens in 2011 4. Quick Response Grants 5. Achievement Grants 6. Seniors and Membership Activity Grants

Moreland Community Development Grants Program – Eligibility and Assessment All grant applications will be subject to assessment against two sets of eligibility criteria:

the overarching Moreland Community Development Grants Program criteria (refer to Moreland Community Development Grants Program – Eligibility and Assessment below) and

the more specific criteria for each individual grant type, Seeding, Project, Operational, Quick Response, Achievement, Seniors and Membership.

Applicants must submit a written application and provide all information requested on the application form. There are limited funds available under the Moreland Community Development Grants Program and Council’s capacity to fund all projects may be restricted; therefore applications, which do not meet eligibility requirements, will not be funded and some eligible applications may receive only partial funding.

Eligibility Requirements What will be funded?

Initiatives which align with Council priorities set out in the Council Plan

Initiatives which are consistent with Local, State and Federal laws and regulations

Initiatives that demonstrate multiple benefits, which may include cultural, environmental, heritage, health and wellbeing, social support and community participation outcomes

Initiatives that address the needs of residents with limited access to programs, services and activities

Initiatives which demonstrate the support and cooperation of more than one group or community organisation

Initiatives, which demonstrate community inclusiveness and do not discriminate against people on the basis of any characteristics covered by the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995. Page 1

Applications which clearly demonstrate the capacity of the applicant to deliver the project

Applications which demonstrate an in-kind, cash or voluntary contribution by the applicant

What won’t be funded?

Groups and individuals which do not meet incorporation or ABN requirements specified under each grant category

Initiatives that do not focus or directly benefit the Moreland community

Initiatives that are singular, insular in the self-interest to the applicant

Initiatives that promote the business or profit interest of an individual or group

Initiatives, groups or organisations already receiving substantial Council financial or in-kind support

Capital works or minor facility maintenance, including capital expenditure such as the purchase of computers, video recorders etc.

More than one project by a group, organisation or individual artist in any financial year

Core program activities of Neighbourhood Houses

Proposals which fail to provide information requested in the Moreland Community Development Grants Program

Groups or individual artists who do not have an ABN or have no auspice arrangement with an incorporated body

Applicants who fail to demonstrate that they hold a current public liability insurance policy that provides appropriate coverage for proposed activities

Applicants seeking funding to cover outstanding loans or debts

The organisation will be ineligible for consideration of funding grants if it has defaulted in its payment of debts to Council.

Questions we ask before allocating funding

Does the application meet the Moreland Community Development Grants Program eligibility criteria and the requirements under the specific grant category.

Is it possible to achieve the outcomes proposed in the application?

Has the applicant demonstrated the capacity to deliver the project?

Is the application form complete and has all information requested been provided?

Does the proposed initiative benefit a number of groups in Moreland?

What other sources of funding or support are currently being received by the applicant?

Does the application propose an initiative, which will meet an unmet community need?

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Seeding Grants Purpose of Seeding grants The Seeding Grants are designed to support developmental and innovative initiatives by Moreland based community groups, organisations or individual artists. They are also provided to support the incorporation and strengthening of Moreland based community groups, Amounts available Grants of up to $2,999 are available for new initiatives, which meet the eligibility criteria. Groups seeking to become incorporated are eligible for up to $1,000. Application dates Due date 5pm 9 April 2009. Duration and Progression Seeding Grants are available to any one group, organisation or artist on a one off basis only. Seeding grants are strictly valid for a period of 12 months. Projects, which demonstrate merit under the Seeding category, are eligible to apply for Project Funding in the following grant round. Eligibility Criteria – Seeding Grants The following eligibility criteria is specific to the Seeding grant category, however applications must also meet the overall Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements. What will be funded?

Moreland based community groups seeking incorporation. Groups that have previously received support through the Moreland City Council Grants program via an auspice arrangement will be given priority.

Innovative initiatives based on collaboration among a variety of Moreland community groups

Applications demonstrating clear project timelines, budget, outcomes and community benefit

Groups or individual artists applying through an auspice arrangement

Incorporated groups or groups with an ABN

What wont be funded?

Applications which do not meet the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

Projects or groups which have previously received a Seeding grant

Projects which fail to demonstrate the need for developmental support

Applications which do not include a financial statement (excludes new community initiatives applying through an auspice)

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Project Grants Purpose To provide financial support to groups, organisations and individual artists in the implementation of projects designed to benefit and engage the Moreland community. Amounts available Up to $5,000 Application dates Due date 5pm 9 April 2009. Duration and Progression Applicants are eligible to apply under this category for one off projects or for an initiative previously funded under the Seeding category. If an initiative has successfully achieved funding approvals for two years in a row it will then be expected that any further application will be made under the Operational grant category. Projects through an auspice arrangement are eligible to apply for one Project Grant only. Eligibility Criteria The following eligibility criteria is specific to the Project grant category, however applications must also meet the overall Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements. What will be funded?

Priority will be given to applications which demonstrate the extent to which the project will meet the targeted needs of Moreland residents and show a direct link to the Council Plan

Applications which demonstrate the extent to which the project targets disadvantaged residents or major issues of community concern

Applications which clearly demonstrate capacity to deliver the proposed project

Applications demonstrating clear project timelines, budget, outcomes and community benefit

Groups or individual artists applying through an auspice arrangement (one off funding only)

Incorporated groups or groups with an ABN

What will not be funded?

Applications which do not meet or are excluded by the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

Applications, which commence prior to the funding approval (no program will be funded retrospectively).

Applications which do not include a financial statement

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Operational Funding – funding re-opens in 2011 Purpose Operational grants are provided to support key community organisations with operational costs such as rent, administration and core program delivery over a period of three years. Amounts available A maximum of $10,000 per annum or $30,000 over three years. Application dates Applications accepted once a year only; during the Moreland Community Development Grants Program application period. Duration and Progression Community organisations that have demonstrated a long term and significant contribution to Moreland are eligible to apply for an Operational grant. These grants are available over three years providing reporting requirements and agreed outcomes are met. Eligibility Criteria The following eligibility criteria is specific to the Operational grant category, however applications must also meet the overall Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements. What will be funded?

Organisations with an ABN

Community based, not for profit organisations able to demonstrate a history of effective service delivery and support to the Moreland Community.

Applications which demonstrate a focus on service delivery to disadvantaged residents or major issues of community concern

Applications which clearly document financial and service delivery priorities and expected outcomes.

Organisations are able to demonstrate sound governance and management structures.

What will not be funded?

Organisations or groups without an ABN.


Applications which do not meet or are excluded by the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

The payment of outstanding loans or debtors

Applications received outside of the allocated Moreland Community Development Grants Program timelines.

Applications which do not include an audited financial statement for the last 12 months of activity (previous financial year is acceptable)

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Quick Response Grants Purpose To provide funding for groups needing to fund essential activities outside of the Moreland Community Development Grants Program round. Amounts available Up to $500 Application dates Any time during financial year until funds are expended Duration Quick Response grants are provided over a 12 month period and recipients are entitled only to one off funding under this category. Eligibility Criteria The following eligibility criteria is specific to the Quick Response category, however applications must also meet the overall Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements. What will be funded?

Incorporated groups or organisations with an ABN

Applications, which clearly document the purpose and need for the Quick Response grant.

Groups or individual artists applying through an auspice arrangement

What will not be funded?

Applications which do not meet or are excluded by the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

The payment of outstanding loans or debtors

Applications which do not include a financial statement

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Achievement Grants Purpose To provide financial assistance to residents of Moreland to pursue achievements in their chosen area of expertise, this may include, but is not limited to significant sporting competitions, academic and artistic endeavours. Amounts available Up to $200 for State level competition and activities Up to $300 for National level competition and activities Up to $500 for International level competition and activities Application dates Any time during financial year until funds are expended Duration Applicants are eligible to apply for one Achievement Grant every 12 months, however priority will be given to applicants who have not previously made application. Eligibility Criteria The following eligibility criteria is specific to the Achievement Grants category, however applications must also meet the overall Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements. What will be funded?


Participation in State, National and International endeavours or within recognised State or National Associations.

Applicants which demonstrate financial hardship with health care card holders given priority

Applicants who have demonstrated a strong commitment to their area of endeavour and can demonstrate a high level of achievement.

Applicants which demonstrate formal recognition by an accredited State, National or International Association.

What will not be funded?

Groups, schools or individual participation in school based endeavours

Applications which do not meet or are excluded by the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

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Seniors and Membership Activity Grants Purpose Seniors and Membership Activity grants are provided to Moreland based community groups who meet on a regular basis to address issues of isolation and active community involvement or who undertake physical and social activities to improve health, mobility, independence and wellbeing. Amounts available The amount of funding available under the Seniors and Membership Activity Grants is proportional to the number of members of a group who live in Moreland and to the level of support and assistance the group receives from Council. •

$250 for groups with up to 20 Moreland residents (members) or up to $500 if receiving no other Council support.

$500 for groups with between 21 and 60 Moreland residents (members) or up to $750 if receiving no other Council support.

$750 for groups with more than 60 Moreland residents (members) or up to $1,000 if receiving no other Council support.

Please note that the above figures are an example only. The proportional amount could change depending on the demand for membership grants. Duration and development Applications for Seniors and Membership Activity Grants are open throughout the year and groups are able to make one application every 12 months. What will be funded?

Expenses associated with membership activities such as transport costs, refreshments, insurance, dinners and general day to day expenses

Groups which have a substantial proportion of their membership base living in Moreland (using above figures as a guide).

Groups applying through an auspice arrangement

Incorporated groups or groups with an ABN

What will not be funded?


Applications which do not meet or are excluded by the Moreland Community Development Grants Program requirements (See eligibility criteria – Page 2 and 3)

Groups who are already receiving in-kind or other financial support from Council

Groups who meet outside of the Moreland Municipality

Groups which fail to provide a membership list, financial statement and a copy of a current public liability insurance policy.

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Helpful Hints for Completing Your Application

Council can give you feedback on your funding ideas. All application proposals must be discussed with the grants officer on 9240 2301 or email before you submit an application. We suggest you do this at least 2 weeks before the application due date. Read the Council Plan 2007 – 2011 Speak to other organisations who are supporting your project and ask them for letters of support for your project or activity Make sure you know which grant type / category you wish to apply for Be sure that you have public liability insurance Work out a clear budget and program time line for the project Be able to provide a copy of a financial statement for the most recent 12 month period

Assessment Steps - Moreland Community Development Grants Program The initial assessment of Seeding and Project grants submitted under the annual Moreland Community Development Grants Program is undertaken by a Council Officer to ensure the application is complete and meets eligibility requirements. If the application passes the initial assessment phase it is then examined in more detail and given a score against each of the eligibility requirements. After this stage all applications and score sheets are handed over to a panel of senior Council officers who are responsible for making the final recommendations for funding allocations. The funding allocations recommended by the Assessment Panel are reported to Council for their consideration, and if appropriate, final approval. Quick Response, Seniors and Membership Activity and Achievement Grants are assessed throughout the financial year and are available until all monies are expended. Applications, which are complete, will be assessed by a Council Officer to ensure all eligibility criteria have been met. The Council Officer will then make a recommendation to Senior Council Officers, and if accepted the grant will be successful and the appropriate level of funding allocated. Groups registering for a Seniors and Membership Activity grant will be assessed in line with their use of Council facilities and the Free and Discounted Use Policies.

Accountability Groups successful in receiving a Community Grant will be required to: Enter in a funding agreement with Council which sets out the conditions and reporting requirements

Upon request, provide Council with evidence of the group’s membership, and or any other documentation mentioned in the application form

Return unspent funds to Council

Conflict of Interest Council Officers and Councillors involved in making assessments or recommendations of applications must declare any conflict of interest that exists, including, but not limited to, personal or business connections with any applicant. The Council Officer or Councillor is required to step down from participating in any vote or decision making process undertaken in regard to that specific applicant.

Incorporation While the criteria under each category vary, it is generally preferable for groups applying under the Moreland Community Development Grants Program to be at least incorporated and preferably have an ABN. Information regarding incorporation for your group can be obtained by contacting Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81 or by visiting Page 9

Australian Business Number An Australian Business Number is mandatory for individual artists (who are not applying through an auspice) and organisations seeking funding under the Operational grant category. Information regarding how to register for an ABN can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office by telephone on 13 28 66 or on the web at

Financial Statements Incorporated groups or organisations must provide a copy of their most recent annual statement lodged with Consumer Affairs Victoria (financial year). Groups with an ABN should provide most recently audited financial statements.

Applicants through an auspice Unincorporated applicants can apply under a number of the funding categories by asking an incorporated organisation to act as auspice. The incorporated body will be accountable for reporting on the expenditure of Council funds and therefore are obligated to ensure that funding is expended within the requirements of the application and funding agreement. Under these circumstances it is recommended that applicants have a written agreement with the organisation acting as auspice to ensure both parties are aware of their obligations. Assistance in developing such an agreement is available by contacting the Council Officer responsible for the grants program.

Public Liability Insurance It is a requirement of the Moreland Community Development Grants Program that grant recipients be covered by an appropriate public liability insurance policy. It is the responsibility of the applicant / recipient to arrange appropriate insurance. This is in the interest of the group, participants and individual artists; providing coverage in the event of a claim made against them arising from their activities. Applications made through an auspice arrangement may fulfil this requirement through the auspice, dependent upon the nature of the activity and the insurance policies held by the auspice organisation.

Monitoring and Reporting Obligations The information provided at the time of application forms the basis of the agreement between Council and the grant recipient. If the funding application is successful, Council requires the applicant to sign a binding agreement to confirm the basis and arrangements for funding. This agreement will include a number of reporting and monitoring requirements in accordance with the amount of funding allocated. Council administers grants of up to $500 through a simple ‘Acceptance of Grant’ contract. This contract requires that a financial and evaluation report be provided to Council at the end of the funding period. Grants over $500 are administered through a Service Agreement, which is negotiated between Council and the Grant recipient. Reporting or Acquittal requirements Grants up to $2,999 (per annum)

One written and financial report required at the end of the funding period

Grants of $3,000 and above (per annum)

Two written reports are required; a progress report (after six months) and a final report due one month after the funding agreement end date.

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Payment by instalment Payment of grants of $3,000 or over per annum will be made in two instalments with the second payment made after a satisfactory progress report is received. Unless otherwise negotiated, each instalment will equate to 50% of the total grant. Applicants who have not satisfied reporting requirements for existing or previous grants will be excluded from future Moreland City Council grant funding.

Auditing of Council Grants Council will, from time to time, appoint an auditor to confirm that funding provided has been expended in a manner consistent with the application and funding agreement. It is anticipated that up to 10% of grant recipients in each category will be audited in any one year. Upon request, the recipient of Council funds must make its records and accounts available for inspection as soon as practicable to Council and its officers, employees and agents, and must permit those records and accounts to be examined and audited. In particular, the recipient must cooperate fully and in a timely manner with any auditor (whether internal or external) of Council or any government inspection agency that wishes to audit the recipient's performance of its obligations under the funding agreement.

Withdrawal of funding Council may withhold, withdraw or require a recipient of grants monies to repay some or all of the funding if the recipient does not meet its obligations under these guidelines or any subsequent agreement. This will mean that a cross-section of grant recipients will be contacted to arrange a meeting to check on all procedures for recording the expenditure of grant funds.

Notification All applicants will receive notification of receipt of their application and be advised in writing regarding the outcome of their application. Notification of the decision made by Council will be provided in writing within 30 days of Council approving funding allocations.

GST Status Applicants are expected to accurately declare their GST status on the application form. Unless otherwise stated Council will consider all grant payments GST inclusive and therefore it is the applicant’s obligation to remit the GST to the Tax Office. More information can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 66 or by visiting

Submitting Applications Applications will not be assessed unless they are formally registered by Council’s Records Department. To ensure this happens applications will only be assessed if submitted as follows: Mail to Moreland Community Development Grants Program Moreland City Council Locked Bag 10 COBURG VIC 3058 In person Moreland City Council Civic Officer 90 Bell Street COBURG VIC 3058 Under no circumstances will late applications be accepted.

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Privacy Statement Council is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information it holds. Any personal information collected is used for the purpose of administering Council’s grants program, including an assessment of whether the applicant is eligible for funding, subsequent evaluation of a funded activity, and the auditing of grant funds (which may be undertaken by or on behalf of Council or any government inspection agency). It may also be used and disclosed as required or permitted by law. You may access your personal information by contacting Council’s privacy officer. If you do not provide all of the information requested, your application will not be processed.

Copyright Where an activity will use copyright material, it is the applicant’s responsibility to seek and obtain all the necessary copyright clearances and permissions.

Moreland Grants Program summary table Type of Grant

Amount Available

Application Dates


Seeding Grants

Application period February to May each year

12 months

Project Grants

Up to $2,999 for new initiatives Up to $1,000 for groups seeking to become incorporated Up to $5,000

Operational Grants

Up to $10,000 per annum

12 months (groups eligible for funding two years in a row) Up to 3 financial years

Quick Response Grants

Up to $500

Application period February to May each year Applications closed – round re-opens in 2011 All year

Achievement Grants

Seniors and Membership Activity Grants

Up to $200 for State endeavours Up to $300 for National endeavours Up to $500 for International endeavours From $250 - $1,000

All year

All year

Any 12 month funding period dependent on application and reporting dates Length of endeavour

Any 12 month funding period dependent on application and reporting dates

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Date Authorised By Council:

8 July 2009

Commencement Date:

8 July 2009

Review Date:

April 2012

Revocation Date:

July 2012

Responsible Department:

Social Development

This policy has been authorised and is included on Council’s Website.

Peter Brown Chief Executive Officer 8 July 2009


MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ 1.

PURPOSE To provide guidance to Council officers to promote and evaluate applications for funding from locally based not-for-profit organisations to contribute to the development of community facilities within Moreland.


OBJECTIVE To provide support to locally based not-for-profit organisations to construct or develop facilities to enrich the social, cultural and environmental fabric of the Moreland community and promote community participation, health, wellbeing and harmony. Specifically, the program supports:


A co-ordinated response through co-operation between community organisations and Council

A strengthened community through sustainable facilities

To ensure as far as practical that all works are carried out in a manner that is safe and free from risk

To increase community participation development and enhancement





BACKGROUND Moreland City Council has been running a community partnership grants program for a number of years. The program’s guidelines and procedures have undergone a number of changes over the years, however the intent has always been to develop strategic alliances with community groups looking to develop community facilities. At its meeting held 11 March 2009, Council resolved to review all guidelines and procedures for the partnership grants program and call for expressions of interest from all eligible community groups when the 2009-2010 budget is adopted by Council. As a result of the above resolution of Council, the guidelines and procedures have been reviewed and developed into the Community Partnership Grants Program Policy. The policy is consistent with the Moreland Community Development Grants Program Policy, and will enable Council to introduce greater transparency and accountability through the program.


DETAILS Applicants must submit a written application and provide all information requested on the Community Partnership Grant Application Form.

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MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ Amounts available There is a limited amount of funds available under the Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program and Council’s capacity to fund all projects is restricted. Council often receives requests for funding which exceed the amount of funding available, therefore applications which do not meet eligibility requirements will not be funded and some eligible applications may only receive partial funding. Up to $40,000 is available for individual projects. Applicants are required to contribute at least 25% of the total project cost through cash and in-kind contributions. A Voluntary Labour and In-kind Support Information Sheet is included within the Application Form. Grant funding allocation The total budget available for Community Partnership Grants is confirmed on an annual basis through the Council budget process. Application dates Applications are accepted once a year only following an expression of interest process. Additional funding rounds may be held subject to funding availability. Eligibility Requirements What will be funded? •

Projects which align with Key Strategic Objectives of Council as listed in the Council Plan,

Projects which are consistent with Local, State and Federal laws,

Projects on Council land will be considered favourably

Projects that promote greater community access

Projects that demonstrate multiple benefits, which may include cultural, environmental, heritage, health and wellbeing, social support and community participation outcomes

Projects that improve or develop program and meeting space, disability access, change facilities for junior or female use and sports surface development

Projects encouraging interaction of all age groups including joint-use facilities, associated facilities for families and carers e.g. toilets, change rooms, seating, shade etc

Projects that improve energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, and/or reduced water consumption

Projects with evidence of land owner approval

Projects which have been fully costed and include detailed plans, permits and timelines

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MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________

Projects which can be completed within 12 months

Projects with evidence of an appropriately qualified and experienced project manager and use of appropriate tradespeople, i.e. Applications which clearly demonstrate the capacity of the applicant to deliver the project

Projects which demonstrate collaboration between groups that will result in greater use of facilities by community groups

Projects which are completed on non-Council land will need to demonstrate a commitment and means to ensuring ongoing community access

Incorporated Associations with evidence of open membership

Not-for-profit organisations with open membership and audited financial statements

What will not be funded? •

Requests for retrospective funding, where projects have commenced or are completed prior to receiving funding approval

The purchase of land

Projects that are singular, insular or in self interest to the applicant

Projects that promote the business or profit interest of an individual group

Projects that have little or no benefit to the Moreland community

Projects that require ongoing funding or support other than the initial grant

Facilities where little or no public access is available

Direct funding of organisations that do not meet legal status as being incorporated or not-for-profit

Applications where the recipient organisation/s promote and/or benefit directly from electronic gaming machines

Requests for ongoing operational costs such as, but not limited to, salary subsidies, electricity, water and other utilities

Costs associated with the purchase or hire of community transport or any other type of vehicle

Organisations that have failed to complete any previous projects funded by Moreland City Council

Organisations that have defaulted in its payment of debts to Moreland City Council

Purchasing or maintaining recreation, entertainment, sporting, computer, video recorders, televisions or any other equipment

Applicants seeking funding to cover outstanding loans or debts

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MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________

Projects or facilities that are considered to be the responsibility of another sphere of government or are a duplication of an existing service or an on-going activity

Applicants who fail to demonstrate that they hold a current public liability insurance policy that provides appropriate coverage for proposed works and activities

Questions we ask before allocating funding •

Does the application meet the Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program eligibility criteria and the requirements?

Is it possible to achieve the outcomes proposed in the application?

Has the applicant demonstrated the capacity to deliver the project?

Is the application form complete and has all information requested been provided?

Does the proposed initiative benefit a number of groups in Moreland?

What other sources of funding or support are currently being received by the applicant?

Does the application propose an initiative, which will meet an unmet community need?

Has a representative of the applicant spoken with a relevant Council officer about the application?

Does the applicant have land owner approval to undertake the proposal?

Accountability •

Groups successful in receiving a Community Grant will be required to:

Enter in a funding agreement with Council which sets out the conditions and reporting requirements

Council must inform the participating organisation, of all funding arrangements and obligations in relation to the grant allocation. This includes ensuring the funded project does not commence prior to the confirmation of funding and finalisation of the Funding Agreement

A request to vary an approved project must be submitted to Moreland City Council for approval prior to implementation

Submit a Final Report at the completion of the funded project, provide Council acknowledgement and include all original receipts and evidence of in-kind support

Return unspent funds to Council

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MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ Conflict of Interest Council Officers and Councillors involved in making assessments or recommendations of applications must declare any conflict of interest they may have, which includes, but is not limited to personal or business connections with any applicant. The Council Officer or Councillor is required to step down from participating in any vote or decision making process undertaken in regard to that specific applicant – Refer relevant sections of the Local Government Act 1989, specifically, Sections 77A & 79D. Incorporation Not-for-profit organisations and groups applying under the Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program must either be incorporated or have an ABN. Information regarding incorporation can be obtained by contacting Consumer Affairs Victoria on 1300 55 81 81 or by visiting Australian Business Number Information regarding how to register for an ABN can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office by telephone on 13 28 66 or on the web at Public liability insurance It is a requirement of the Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program that grant recipients, volunteers and tradespeople be covered by a minimum $2 million public liability insurance policy. Monitoring and reporting obligations The information provided at the time of application forms the basis of the agreement between Council and the grant recipient. If the funding application is successful, Council requires the applicant to sign a binding agreement to confirm the basis and arrangements for funding. This agreement will include a number of reporting and monitoring requirements. Payment by instalment Payment of grants above $15,000 will be made in two instalments with the second payment made after a satisfactory progress report is received. Unless otherwise negotiated, each instalment will equate to 50% of the total grant. Financial Statements Incorporated Associations must provide a copy of their most recent annual statement lodged with Consumer Affairs Victoria (financial year). Groups with an ABN must provide a copy of audited financial statements for the most recent financial year.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 5


MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ Auditing of Council Grants Council will, from time to time, appoint an auditor to confirm that funding provided has been expended in a manner consistent with the application and funding agreement. It is anticipated that up to 25% of grant recipients will be audited in any one year. Upon request, the recipient of Council funds must make its records and accounts available for inspection as soon as practicable to Council and its officers, employees and agents, and must permit those records and accounts to be examined and audited. In particular, the recipient must cooperate fully and in a timely manner with any auditor (whether internal or external) of Council or government inspection agency who wishes to audit the recipient's performance of its obligations under the funding agreement. Withdrawal of funding Council may withhold, withdraw or require a recipient of grants monies to repay some or all of the funding if the recipient does not met its obligations under this policy or any subsequent agreement. Notification All applicants will receive notification of receipt of their application and be advised in writing regarding the outcome of their application. Notification of the decision made by Council will be provided in writing within 30 days of Council approving funding allocations. GST Applicants are expected to accurately declare their GST status on the application form. Unless otherwise stated Council will consider all grant payments GST inclusive and therefore it is the applicant’s obligation to remit the GST to the Tax Office. More information can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 66 or by visiting Submitting Applications Applications will not be assessed unless they are formally registered by Council’s Records Department. To ensure this happens applications will only be assessed if submitted as follows: Mail to Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program Moreland City Council Locked Bag 10 COBURG VIC 3058 In person Moreland City Council Civic Officer 90 Bell Street MORELAND VIC 3058 _________________________________________________________________________________ 6


MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ Privacy Statement Council is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information it holds. Any personal information collected is used for the purpose of administering Council’s grants program, including an assessment of whether the applicant is eligible for funding, subsequent evaluation of a funded activity, and the auditing of grant funds (which may be undertaken by or on behalf of Council or any government inspection agency). It may also be used and disclosed as required or permitted by law. You may access your personal information by contacting Council’s privacy officer. If you do not provide all of the information requested, your application will not be processed. Copyright Where a project will use copyright material including design, it is the applicant’s responsibility to seek and obtain all the necessary copyright clearances and permissions. Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program Type of Grant Partnership

Amount Available Up to $40,000

Application Dates Expression of Interest to be advertised annually by Council.

Duration 12 months

Assessment Steps - Moreland Community Partnership Grants Program The initial assessment of partnership grants is undertaken by a Council Officer to ensure the application is complete and meets eligibility requirements. If the application passes the initial assessment phase it is then examined in more detail and given a score against each of the following eligibility requirements. Why

Demonstrate how the planning process:

20% •

responds to identified community needs and issues, based on broad consultation and support, and addresses a gap in local provision of facilities; and,

considers community strengthening initiatives and aligns with Council priorities.


Demonstrate the extent to which the project:

20% •

includes innovative, sustainable and environmentally friendly project components and practices,

has a clearly identified project scope, methodology and proposed outcomes; and

addresses issues around safety and risk management and compliance with relevant anti-discrimination legislation such as the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Victorian Government Disability Act 2006. Particular reference should be made to any relevant technical guides or audits.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 7


MORELAND COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIP GRANTS PROGRAM POLICY & GUIDELINES _________________________________________________________________________ Does the application: •

provide evidence that the project will be completed within the prescribed timeframe including provision of quotations and other documentation?

include concept/design plans for the project based on consultation with all stakeholders, partners and potential users?

identify community involvement and contribution?


Demonstrate the extent to which the project:

10% •

consults and collaborates with a variety of stakeholders,

will be managed by an appropriately qualified team,

involves volunteers and/or community members in the planning and implementation of the project and how their involvement will increase their skill base,

considers inter-organisational linkages and issues where appropriate; and,

provides evidence of support from other community organisations and partners.


Demonstrate the extent to which the project:

50% •

increases, or in certain cases, maintains participation and addresses the demand for facilities,

improves the quality and range of formal and/or informal opportunities for recreation, health, wellbeing and harmony,

maximises the use or multi-use of the facility or facilities and improves the capacity for organisations to deliver activities to the community,

improves access to those groups traditionally disadvantaged; and,

e.g. people with a disability, women, young people, older adults, people from nonEnglish speaking backgrounds, Indigenous people and those socially isolated.

After this stage all applications and score sheets are handed over to a panel of senior Council officers including the Director Social Development and Director Corporate Services or delegated senior officer as advised by the Chief Executive Officer who are responsible for making the final recommendations for funding allocations. The funding allocations recommended by the Assessment Panel are reported to Council for consideration, and if appropriate, final approval.

_________________________________________________________________________________ 8

Community Development Grants Program Application Form 3 Use this form to apply for a

Quick Response Grant Applications may be submitted throughout the year, with funding dependent upon suitability of application and available funds. Quick Response grants are provided over a 12 month period and recipients are entitled only to one off funding under this category.

Name of group, organisation or individual artist undertaking activities proposed Quick Response grants are provided over a 12month period and recipients are entitled to one off funding under this category. Applicants currently in receipt of other Council Community Development Grants are ineligible.

Name of auspice organisation (if applicable) If the applicant is not incorporated or does not have an ABN then a third party will be required to take responsibility for the administration of the grants money.

Postal address of the applicant Postal address of auspice organisation Contact person authorised by the applicant to make this application Telephone numbers

Business hours telephone( After hours telephone ( ) Mobile -

Fax (





Incorporation registration number Australian Business Number


Email address




Privacy Statement: Council is committee to protecting the privacy of personal information it holds. Any personal information collected is used for the purpose of administering Council’s grants program, including an assessment of whether the applicant is eligible for funding, subsequent evaluation of a funded activity, and the auditing of grant funds (which may be undertaken by or on behalf of Council or any government inspection agency). It may also be used and disclosed as required or permitted by law. You may access your personal information by contacting Council’s privacy officer. You must discuss your application with a Council Officer Name of Officer: Office use:

File Number: H08/319-2

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

GST status

Registered for the GST Not Registered for the GST

Applicants are required to accurately declare their GST status. Unless otherwise stated Council will consider all grant payments GST inclusive and therefore it is the applicant’s obligation to pay and remit the GST to the Australian Taxation Office. More information can be obtained from the Australian Taxation Office on 13 28 66 or by visiting

Public Liability Insurance It is a requirement of the Moreland Community Development Grants program that all applicants be covered by an appropriate public liability insurance policy. It is the responsibility of the applicant / recipient to arrange appropriate insurance for the duration of the project / initiative. This is in the interest of the group, participants and individual artists; providing coverage in the event of a claim made arising from their activities. Applications made through an auspice arrangement may fulfil this requirement through the auspice, dependent upon the nature of the activity and the insurance policies held by the auspice organisation.

What is the name of your insurance provider?

What is your policy number?

Please attach a copy of your public liability insurance policy.

Did you receive a Moreland Council Grant in 2008? Yes No If Yes, please indicate the amount? $

Other funding and support received from Moreland City Council

Do you use any Council facility for meeting / exhibition space? Please provide address/venue.

How much do you pay to rent this space?

Has Council supported your group with in-kind support*? If so please provide details:

*In kind support means any non-financial assistance provided to the applicant by Council.

Page 2

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

Purpose of Funding In no more than 50 words, explain why you are seeking a Quick Response Grant and explain why the an application has not been made in the major grants funding round. If you wish to use a typed version of the description, the details must fit within the space provided.

What is the name of the project or activity?

Community Benefit Grant applications are assessed primarily on the overall community benefit and their contribution to the strategic activities outlined in the Council plan (for example culture, arts, heritage). In no more than 50 words, please list the benefits of this project to the Moreland community. . (If you wish to use a typed version of this section, the details must fit within the space provided.

Page 3

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

Collaboration and Partnership Applications, which demonstrate evidence of support and cooperation from more than one Moreland based community group or community organisation will be given priority. Applicants are encouraged to include letters of support from participating partners. In no more than 50 words, please list the community groups or organisations who are supporting this application. (Please attach letters of support from other organisations that support or are involved in this proposal).

Enhancing Community Participation Council is seeking to support initiatives that demonstrate community inclusiveness and do not discriminate against people on any characteristic listed in the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 1995. In no more than 50 words, please indicate how this project will promote community participation and inclusiveness.

Council Plan In no more than 50 words, please indicate below how this proposal aligns with Strategic Objectives set out in the Council plan 2007-2011 (If you wish to use a typed version of this section, the details must fit within the space provided).

Page 4

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

Budget The following section is to be completed by all applicants. Only complete the items which are relevant for your group / activity. In addition to completing this form, applicants are required to provide a financial statement covering the last financial year. Incorporated community groups must also supply a copy of their financial statement as provided to Consumer Affairs Victoria. Groups with an ABN should supply their most recent audited financial statement. Applications through an auspice – complete the budget section below and attach a copy of the most recent audited financial statement for the auspice organisation.

Budget for Funds Requested Please provide specific details of the total budget for the funds. This may include details on salaries, labour costs, materials, equipment, venue hire. All in-kind (volunteer) labour, donations must be allocated a monetary figure in part A.

What is the total cost of the Project? (list each item)

Please attach quotes

e.g. Venue Hire, consumables, contract staff, advertising, admin

$ $ $


$ $ Total Project Cost



What is your organisations contributing? Cash Donated/In-kind labour


Donated Materials, (please specify)

$ $



$ Who else is contributing (specify organisation confirmed/unconfirmed) $ $ $ $ Total contribution to the project





Total project cost (A from above) $


LESS Total contributions (B from above) $ Grant requested from Council (A minus B) Page 5


(B) (C)

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

Check list Before submitting your application, please check that you have: Have you discussed your project with Council Officer? Taken a Copy of your application form The application form is signed by the Director, President, CEO, or Chair of organisation Completed any due acquittal/evaluation forms for any previous funding that your organisation has received from the Moreland City Council Attached copies of the following documents: Certificate of Incorporation for your organisation or your auspicing organisation Latest Annual Report including Financial Statement Proof of ABN Certificate of current Public Liability Insurance Attached copies of other documents that may be required, for example: Approval and permits form necessary parties if required for the project Acknowledgement of venue booking Two recent quotes of contractors/instructors One copy of support material eg: letters of support, Curriculum Vitae, images of previous artworks or projects .

Mail to Moreland Community Development Grants Program Moreland City Council Locked Bag 10 COBURG VIC 3058

Page 6

Moreland Community Development Grants Form 3 – Quick Response Grant

Payment details If this application is successful, please indicate how you wish the funding to be paid by completing banking details below. Preferred method of payment (tick one)

Electronic Funds Transfer Cheque

Name on cheque or Bank Account name: Address Name of Bank BSB Number Bank Account Number Signature of authorised officer: Title of authorised officer: Telephone:


Mailing Address: Email address:


Declaration I, ……………………………………….. (contact person) on behalf of …………………………… (applicant name) declare that the information provided in this application is true and correct. I also declare that this form has been submitted with the full support of the applicant group / organisation and I understand that making any false statements can lead to Council rejecting the application and pursuing other penalties available under law.

Date of declaration………………………………………………………………..

Witness Name (please print) ………………………………………………………… Signature …………………………………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………………………………………

Page 7




Contents Mayor’s Forward A. Introduction



B. Cultural Principals


C. Key Themes


1. Introduction 2. Diversity 3. Places, Spaces and Assets 4. Festivals, Events and Cultural Celebrations 5. Communication and Citical Debate 6. Evaluation

12 14 24 30 36 40



Mayor’s Forward

Cr Anthony Helou JP

The Moreland Arts Strategy 2006 – 2010 articulates Council’s belief that the arts are integral to the life of our community. The Moreland Arts Strategy 2006 – 2010 is built on the foundation of the 2001 – 2005 Arts Strategy, which recognised Moreland’s role as a ‘city for the arts’ for the first time and made a commitment to the development of the arts in all their forms across the municipality. Both Strategies reiterate Council’s belief that diversity is intrinsic to our identity. The ‘Moreland Arts Strategy 2006 – 2010’ articulates Council’s role as a key facilitator and provider of arts and cultural opportunities for its community and acknowledges that people increasingly engage in the arts, which play a powerful role in the building of culture and the enhancement of individual and community wellbeing. The Moreland Arts Strategy provides direction for Council in positioning the arts as essential, dynamic, flourishing and enriching of the cultural life of the City. I would like to thank all those people who contributed to the development of the Strategy, in particular: the Moreland Arts Board, representatives from the arts community, representatives from the general community, Councillors and Council Officers.




A. INTRODUCTION The Moreland Arts Strategy has been developed within the context that the arts, in all its forms, contribute to a vital, participatory and evolving community culture. According to the last Census in 2001, Moreland is a city of 136,894 people. Residents in Moreland come from a range of culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. Just over one third (33.5%) of Moreland residents were born overseas and 41% of residents speak a language other than English at home. Moreland has been and continues to be the first Australian home for many newly-arrived migrants. The City of Moreland consists of the suburbs of Brunswick, Brunswick East, Brunswick West, Coburg, Coburg North, Fawkner, Glenroy, Gowanbrae, Hadfield, Merlynston, Newlands, Oak Park, Pascoe Vale, Pascoe Vale South and Westbreen. These areas all have their own unique histories with the south of the municipality having a long involvement with professional arts practice. In the 2001 Census, of those Moreland residents who identified their employment as artists and related professionals, 67% lived in the Brunswick area. However, whilst Brunswick can be identified as the area most associated with professional artists, other areas of the municipality also have a strong involvement in arts and cultural activity. In the north of the municipality several groups exist that have had a long standing involvement with the arts. These include groups such as the Glenroy Art Group, the Pascoe Vale Handspinners and Weavers Group, the Fawkner MATS Theatre Group and Night Owl Productions in Pascoe Vale. In addition to these groups, many of the Neighbourhood Houses and facilities in the north are very proactive in developing programs that encourage the community to participate in the arts.


Cover image: Noel Counihan, Tete 1969, oil on canvas Moreland Art Collection Reproduced courtesy of the Estate of Mrs P Counihan


Above: Yandell Walton, Transcendant 2005 Midsumma Festival exhibition Transitions: Space and Perception, Counihan Gallery in Brunswick


A. INTRODUCTION The Moreland Arts Strategy for 2006 – 2010 is built on the foundation of the 2001 – 2005 Arts Strategy. It was in this document that Moreland recognised its role as a ‘city for the arts’ for the first time and made a commitment to the development of the arts in all their forms across the municipality. The first Strategy also reiterated Council’s belief that diversity was intrinsic to its identity. Diversity as described by the Arts Strategy means diversity of cultural background, geographic location, ability, age, gender, sexuality and diversity of art form. The Moreland Arts Strategy 2006 – 2010 recognises that people increasingly desire to engage in the arts. According to statistics provided by Arts Victoria, over 80% of all Victorians attend a cultural venue or arts event each year. According to 2004/2005 financial year data, over 140,000 people attended arts and cultural activities either presented or partnered by Moreland City Council. Council acknowledges that arts and culture play an important role in fostering a strong community identity. Arts events and programs in Moreland engender pride, enhance amenity and promote and contribute to economic activity. Arts and cultural activity play a powerful role in the enhancement of individual and community wellbeing. The Moreland Municipal Public Health Plan 2003 states that: “arts, cultural and leisure activities can make a major contribution to health and wellbeing by connecting people with each other through shared experiences that strengthen community identity and build trust between people.” (Health, Safety and Wellbeing: Moreland Municipal Public Health Plan, 2003).


The Victorian Health Promotion Foundation, through the organization ‘VicHealth’, states that “…the arts have a well-recognised potential to promote health and wellbeing. One of the arts’ most powerful contributions to health is that they reflect and create an inclusive sense of community. There is now considerable evidence that the stronger people feel this sense of belonging, the healthier they are.” (VicHealth Community Arts Participation Scheme Funding Guidelines, 2006). Moreland Council accepts its role as a key provider of arts and cultural opportunities for its community.


Below: 2006 Brunswick Music Festival

Above: 2006 Brunswick Music Festival


B. CULTURAL PRINCIPLES In 2001 a set of Cultural Principles - statements of belief about the ways in which arts and culture, social wellbeing and economic vitality are intertwined - were devised as part of the development of the Moreland Arts Strategy. These principles were intended to underpin the planning of all arts and cultural activity that occurred in the city. The Cultural Principles still hold relevance for the ‘2006 – 2010 Moreland Arts Strategy’: Cultural Principles • Understanding and expression of the area’s Indigenous culture is fundamental to the integrity of the City. • The cultural identity of the City is based on the recognition, understanding and support of the many cultural heritages of its people. • The recognition, awareness and celebration of the ever-evolving diversity represented in the City is a cornerstone to building and nurturing a strong and shared cultural identity for Moreland. • Active participation and representation by the City’s diverse community in the City’s cultural life is an important ingredient in developing and promoting wellbeing, a sense of place and belonging for all citizens. • Arts and cultural expression have the potential to engage, to educate and to challenge, and therefore to strengthen and contribute to the development of individual and community identity as well as to a shared culture across the municipality. • Artists and arts organisations producing and presenting quality work within the City play an important role in contributing to Moreland’s economic and social vitality. • Ongoing discourse and debate are vital to the health and vitality of arts and culture within Moreland.



Above: Uncle Herb Patten, Gunnai Country-Salt water meets fresh water, 2005, Acrylic and pumice on paper 2006 NAIDOC Week exhibition Koori Elders Talkin Up Country Counihan Gallery in Brunswick


C. KEY THEMES Introduction Five Key Themes have been identified for the ‘2006 – 2010 Moreland Arts Strategy’. These Key Themes reflect the strategic direction that the arts will take in order to be an essential, dynamic and flourishing element of the cultural life of the City. The themes and the corresponding priorities and initiatives were developed after a consultation process that involved discussions with the Moreland Arts Board, representatives from the arts community, representatives from the general community, Councillors and Council Officers.



Above: Ezgi Turkish Folk Dancing Group, Fawkner Community Concert, June 2006


C. KEY THEMES 1. Diversity Moreland has a culturally diverse population with high proportions of residents from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The varying needs and interests of people from a range of cultures and religious faiths also have implications for arts and cultural services. Moreland’s role as a key destination for new arrivals – many of them refugees – challenges Council to find arts activities that provide opportunities for these groups to tell their stories in an inclusive and welcoming environment. Moreland recognises that it is located on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people. Council acknowledges that it has a role to play in the promotion of the artistic expression of Wurundjeri culture, as well as providing opportunities for the community to participate in activities that celebrate Indigenous culture. Council acknowledges that it has a commitment to many diverse groups in the community. Major policy initiatives and strategic statements support the relationships that Council has developed with these groups. However strong relationships also exist with some groups that have come about through a need being met by Council and a tradition has developed, such as the relationship developed with the Midsumma Festival. The diversity of community values and cultural identities to be found within Moreland is intrinsically linked with the various histories of development of localities within the city. The historical, political, industrial and environmental influences on the various neighbourhoods of Moreland have been, and continue to be, important factors affecting the social and cultural identity of the city.



Above: 2003 Reconciliation Week activity, Counihan Gallery in Brunswick


C. KEY THEMES 1. Diversity cont. Priorities Involve Moreland’s culturally diverse community in Council delivered and supported arts activity. Promote cultural awareness and appreciation through the inclusion of strong and positive representations of arts and cultural achievements by Moreland’s diverse community. Encourage relationships that support the development of arts projects which reflect the experience of refugees and new arrivals. Ensure that Indigenous art and culture is reflected and supported in a variety of Council projects. Promote and develop opportunities for women’s participation in the arts in line with Council’s Statement of Commitment to Women. Ensure that arts and cultural activities are programmed that reflect Moreland’s Disability Action Plan. Forge stronger links with Council’s Youth Services Unit to ensure that young people are included in the planning, development and facilitation of arts projects relevant to them. Continue to support arts activities that explore issues of age, gender, sexuality and spirituality.



Above: 2006 Sydney Road Street Party


C. KEY THEMES 1. Diversity cont. Initiatives for 2006 - 2010 Ensure that arts activity occurs in the municipality which involves engagement with a diverse range of groups for a shared outcome. Work with existing networks, such as Focus on Fawkner, Linking Glenroy and the Gowanbrae community to develop the potential for arts and cultural projects that explore neighbourhood identity. Explore opportunities with the Council’s Youth Services Unit to develop art projects for young people at risk.



Above: 2004 Disability Dinner Dance, Coburg Town Hall


C. KEY THEMES 2. Engaging Communities and Cultural Development Council supports the principles of Community Cultural Development practice. Community Cultural Development is about involving the community at all levels of a project or activity. Council believes that communities should develop skills in all aspects of projects in which they are involved. This includes competency in project and risk management as well as in the development of artistic skills. Cultural and arts projects have the potential to build strong communities and to create community vitality and a shared identity. The arts also enable individuals to explore a range of issues that affect their health and wellbeing. Community engagement in arts and cultural projects strengthen social inclusion, create partnerships and result in sustainable benefits for the whole community.




C. KEY THEMES 2. Engaging Communities and Cultural Development cont. Priorities Continue to work closely with existing networks, such as Focus on Fawkner, Linking Glenroy and the Gowanbrae community to ensure that the partnership with the Arts and Culture Unit results in the delivery of innovative projects involving the community and artists. Continue to offer the Cultural Grant and the Cultural Exchange Initiative Programs. Review the guidelines for all grants and investigate increasing the Cultural Grant Program grant base to enable communities to produce a wider variety of arts and culture projects with cultural development outcomes.

Initiatives for 2006 - 2010 Develop arts projects that have relevance to the various life stages, i.e. young people, adults and older adults. Ensure that the Art in Public Places program develops objectives that promote wellbeing and social inclusion. Work in collaboration with Council’s Youth Services and Social Policy Units in the development of projects that use the arts to engage communities and explore issues of concern. Establish a working group comprising of representatives from the three above-mentioned Council Units to identify opportunities for projects. Pursue external funding for projects identified by this working group.



Above: Jan Saric, Bonboniere 2006 Moreland Sculpture Show, Sparta Place, Brunswick


C. KEY THEMES 3. Places, Spaces and Assets Council will continue to provide arts infrastructure that articulates Moreland’s unique identity. Council will support activities taking place in the public realm that celebrate Moreland’s culture and its diverse and shared identity. Council has shown considerable commitment to the provision of traditional and contemporary arts practice in Moreland by investing in significant arts facilities and venues. Key venues include the Counihan Gallery In Brunswick and the Mechanics Institute Performing Arts Centre. Council also recognises and supports the value of our outdoor venues as locales for community cultural events and for arts activity. Public art has an important role in the ongoing development of Moreland. Council recognises the key role of the artist in contributing to the cultural vitality of the city through the development of innovative ideas, interpretation of place, and in the development of creative activity. Art in public places is about collaboration and a shared creative vision of accessible and innovative artwork. Council has invested in a unique collection of art through the commissioning and acquisition of works that reflect or speak to the cultural identity of the City. Council will continue to preserve and exhibit these artworks, whilst also seeking opportunities to continue to develop the municipal art collection.



Above: artworks on display as part of SHOP fronts / ART fronts Art in Public Places project, Bonwick Street, Fawkner, 2004


C. KEY THEMES 3. Places, Spaces and Assets cont. Priorities Ensure that the Festival and Event Sites Register is accessible to the community. Develop a community arts centre in the north of the City in partnership with the Box Forest College. Finalise a strategic plan for the Mechanics Institute Performing Arts Centre. Review the Service Profile for the Counihan Gallery In Brunswick. Review the Acquisition Policy for the Municipal Art Collection. Continue to deliver a program of ephemeral public art projects that engages with communities in their local neighbourhoods. Continue to provide public programs alongside gallery exhibitions to encourage a wide range of people to visit the gallery to ensure that the public program is extended to a wide variety of educational institutions throughout the municipality. Finalise negotiations regarding the Robert Smith Trust, in which Mr Smith intends to give over into Trust his collection of valuable artworks and associated reference material. Develop a signage strategy for arts and cultural facilities, activities and events that takes into consideration issues such as branding, opportunities for attracting new visitors or participants, marketing and sponsorship opportunities.



Above: James Parret, Leftover 2006 Moreland Sculpture Show, Coburg Lake Reserve


C. KEY THEMES 3. Places, Spaces and Assets cont. Initiatives for 2006 - 2010 In collaboration with Council’s Property Unit, conduct an audit of Council owned and managed spaces that may be used as arts venues and make the results available to the community on Council’s website. Ensure that arts venue provision and the commissioning of public art projects are discussed in the development of Principal and Major Activity Centre Structure Plans. Develop an Art in Public Places Strategy, with the establishment of a Developer Contribution Scheme for public art as a key objective, for endorsement by Council. This Scheme is to be implemented as part of the Activity Centre Structure Planning process. Develop a public art kit, which includes models for community engagement and advice on the engagement of artists and which provides guidelines in regard to the installation of public art, for use within Council and by independent developers.



2006 Sydney Road Street Party, Brunswick


C. KEY THEMES 4. Festivals, Events and Cultural Celebrations Festivals and events animate public spaces, celebrate and build community identity and promote cultural expression through arts activity. Community cultural celebrations provide an opportunity for members of the community to explore, develop and display their culture. Community neighbourhood celebrations enable communities to discover their unique identity and to enjoy the spirit of the place in which they live. Council also recognizes the value of events that draw the community together in celebration of a common theme or activity. Festivals and events promote capacity building by providing the opportunity for people to participate in the planning, development and delivery of community events. Council supports festivals and events that improve the wellbeing of the community by providing stimulating and innovative arts and cultural activity. Council has significant investment in two cultural events that bring the community together primarily in the celebration of music. The Brunswick Music Festival and the Sydney Road Street Party are events that receive national recognition and produce significant economic benefits to Moreland.



Above: 2001 Pascoe Vale Festival


C. KEY THEMES 4. Festivals, Events and Cultural Celebrations cont. Priorities Develop clear objectives and outcomes for all festivals and events managed by Council. Oversee the process of transferring the management of the Brunswick Music Festival and Sydney Road Street Party to a Company Limited by Guarantee, with Council’s role changing from being the presenter of these events to that of a major sponsor. Continue to present events and celebrations for people with disabilities and develop a plan to ensure that these events continue to be meaningful and enjoyable for their target groups. Develop a strategy for the Moreland Sculpture Show that identifies future locations for the show and identifies partnership opportunities with other cultural celebrations occurring in the municipality.




C. KEY THEMES 4. Festivals, Events and Cultural Celebrations cont. Initiatives for 2006 - 2010 Evaluate the viability of redirecting funds from the festivals program to the cultural grants program in order to facilitate greater community involvement in the planning of arts and cultural activity. Identify opportunities for community cultural development projects to be presented in conjunction with community festivals and events. Conduct a risk evaluation of continuing to present the Sydney Road Street Party community event on Sydney Road, prior to the management of the event being transferred from Council to a Company Limited by Guarantee. Investigate the viability of attracting external funding for the Moreland Sculpture Show in order to increase the value of the acquisitive award.



Above: Judge Dan Wollmering discusses sculpture at the 2006 Moreland Sculpture Show public launch


C. KEY THEMES 5. Communication and Critical Debate Council actively seeks the contribution of its citizens in the development of the ideas, values and principles that shape the cultural identity of the city. Council recognises its role in the promotion of a place that is “one city, proudly diverse.� To that end Council will actively converse with the Moreland community in the development of the policies and strategies that shape the arts in the municipality. Council recognises the need to keep the community informed about arts projects and activities that occur in and outside Moreland. Council realises that the arts community and the general community need to be informed and educated on developments in a number of spheres that impact on the delivery of cultural and arts activity. Council sees the arts as a way of illuminating global and local concerns. The arts have the capacity to challenge long held notions and are a powerful agent for change.




C. KEY THEMES 5. Communication and Critical Debate cont. Priorities Continue to engage with the Moreland Arts Board in the development of arts policy. Promote the role of the Moreland Arts Board throughout the municipality. Develop a marketing and communications strategy for Council’s Arts and Culture Unit in collaboration with its Public Relations Unit. Upgrade the process whereby artists register their details with Council. Provide networking opportunities for artists and for the community to collaborate and exchange ideas. Continue a dialogue with artists to ensure that creative ideas are incorporated into the planning process for a range of Council services and activities. Continue to collaborate with the Council’s library service to present joint projects.

Initiatives for 2006 - 2010 Present a series of arts and cultural public forums that facilitate exploration and discussion of areas of concern and interest in the community. Provide education seminars that inform the arts community of issues relevant to them, such as risk management, insurance, business planning and writing of funding applications.




C. KEY THEMES 6. Evaluation Evaluating the outcomes of arts activities and projects is essential for the ongoing sustainability of arts activity. Council’s Best Value process also identifies the necessity of having good evaluation tools in order to achieve a culture of continuous improvement. A key element of the ‘2006 – 2010 Moreland Arts Strategy’ will be the development of an appropriate evaluation tool for the wide range of projects and activities that are implemented by Council’s Arts and Culture Unit. This tool will encompass project or service aims and objectives, the target audience, resources, key evaluation indicators, data collection tools, data collection processes, the findings, and the identified process improvements that can be made.



How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Closing Dates 14 August 2009 1 March 2010

Please note: It takes approximately 15 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available.

Community Partnerships is supported by the Victorian Government through the Community Support Fund.


How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Closing Dates 14 August 2009 1 March 2010 Please note: It takes approximately 15 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available.

General Information Before you begin your application please read these guidelines carefully. They explain the priorities, selection criteria and the information you must provide in your application for this funding program. It is also important that you read the Arts Victoria Funding Program Overview 2009-10 booklet for general information regarding Arts Victoria’s funding policies. This is available on the Arts Victoria website, or by contacting Arts Victoria Reception on (03) 8683 3100. While an application may be assessed as meeting program requirements, funding is highly competitive and there is no guarantee of success. Previous support does not commit Arts Victoria to further funding of that applicant or activity.

Introduction – Community Partnerships The Community Partnerships program enables collaborations involving professional artists, arts companies and Victorian communities. The program accommodates different community contexts and settings in urban and regional Victoria. A community may be defined culturally, geographically and/or by other defining characteristics. It may be a school, prison, university, hospital or a community with special interests such as the environment. By supporting opportunities for professional artists to collaborate with Victoria’s diverse communities, access to the arts will become more widespread in Victoria.

All applicants are encouraged to contact the Community Partnerships program manager before submitting an application.

The Community Partnerships program is part of the Government's commitment, through the Creative Capacity + policy for the arts, to develop artists, ideas and knowledge and to engage creative communities.

Please note that it is your responsibility to provide the information and support material requested in these guidelines.

This program is managed by Arts Victoria and supported through the Community Support Fund.

Please keep a copy of your application for your records.

Aims and Objectives

If you require disability-specific services in presenting an application to any Arts Victoria program, please advise the relevant program staff as soon as possible. If you have difficulty understanding these guidelines, or would prefer discussing them in your first language, please contact the Victorian Interpreting and Translating Services on 131 450 and ask to be connected to Arts Victoria.

The Community Partnerships program aims to: ! Enable collaborations and partnerships involving professional artists, arts companies and Victorian communities that bring about mutually beneficial and positive results. ! Provide opportunities for artists and arts companies to develop their professional practices and extend the reach and viability of their activities. ! Ensure that all Victorian communities are able to access, engage with and participate in a diverse range of artistic and cultural experiences. Level of Funding Funding for Category 1 New Work is not capped. However, funding offered is generally in the range of $5,000 - $40,000.

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Eligibility The Community Partnerships program accepts applications from individuals, organisations and local government. The proposal must involve: ! A professional Victorian artist, group of artists or arts company. ! An artistic project and/or activity. ! Demonstrated community support. ! At least one confirmed community partner. Funding sought from Arts Victoria must be directed towards costs associated with the artistic work, such as artist fees, materials, development, construction and production. Information on auspiced applications can be found in the Arts Victoria Funding Program Overview booklet. Categories Community Partnerships has two program categories. These guidelines and application form are for Category 1: New Work. Category 1: New Work enables professional artists to create new artistic work in collaboration with Victorian communities where the achieved outcomes are significant for a particular community. Funding is for fixed-term projects.

What will not be funded The following activities are not funded through the Community Partnerships program: ! Projects seeking funding for recurrent administrative, infrastructure or other organisational costs. ! Projects that do not involve professional artists. ! Projects that have already commenced or will begin prior to the notification date of the outcome of your application. ! Projects submitted by applicants who have failed to acquit previous Arts Victoria funding in accordance with prescribed funding conditions. ! Projects or activities that would be more appropriately supported through other Arts Victoria funding programs. For further details on eligibility, please refer to Arts Victoria’s Funding Program Overview 2009-10 booklet. Evaluation Criteria Applications for this program will be assessed according to the following criteria: ! Artistic merit - based on a clearly articulated artistic concept and creative process, the capability and suitability of the artist(s) and a project that demonstrates best practice in the contemporary community-based arts field. !

Community – based on a strong process for genuinely engaging the community, including consultation, demonstrated community support and significant opportunities for community participation. This should include details on how the target community will gain access to the project.


Management plan - the project management plan and budget are achievable and structured appropriately to the scale and complexity of the project. A timeline and suitable measures should be included to ensure management of the proposed relationship between the artist/s and the community. Also include details of how you intend to evaluate your project.


Outcomes & benefits - based on the project delivering benefits and value to the artist/s, participants and wider community.

Proposals to the program must demonstrate capacity to develop a collaborative relationship between the artist(s) and a defined community group. Either party can initiate the project. Projects may involve a single art form of any type or a combination of art forms and can include new and experimental forms. The role of the professional artist(s) and the project’s artistic dimension must be central to achieving its overall purpose. It is expected that the project culminate in a finished new work.

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

How to Apply Read the guidelines carefully before submitting a proposal. It is strongly recommended that you discuss your proposal with the Community Partnerships program manager before making a submission. The application form has six sections that must be completed: Section 1 – Contact Information To be completed by all applicants. Section 2 – Application Summary To be completed by all applicants. Section 3 – Budget To be completed by all applicants. ! Use the budget form provided to detail all expenditure items and estimated income for the project. ! If the budget form does not provide adequate space, use it as a summary and attach a detailed budget and any explanatory notes to your submission. Significant costs such as artists’ fees should be broken down and detailed in the table provided. ! Expenditure items that Arts Victoria funding will be used to offset must be identified with an asterisk. ! All expected income relevant to the project, including funding submissions to Local, State and Federal government agencies must be included in the budget. Please indicate whether these amounts are confirmed (C) or unconfirmed (NC). ! The amount of funding sought from Arts Victoria should be represented as projected income. ! The budget should represent a breakeven result once the amount sought from Arts Victoria is included. Section 4 – Written Proposal To be completed by all applicants. This section forms the main part of the submission. Use a maximum of six A4 pages.

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It is important to explain how the proposal will meet the stated aims, objectives and evaluation criteria for the Community Partnerships program. It is recommended that your application addresses each of the evaluation criteria under a separate heading. You must provide a full account of what it is that you propose to do and how it will be achieved. Central to this is a detailed description of the artistic project or activity that will take place during the project. Include CVs of performers, artists, curatorial or other key creative personnel involved in the project. Section 5 – Support Material To be completed if required. ! Support material should be concise, relevant, of high quality and demonstrate recent work. ! All written attachments must be A4 size. ! Resumes must be a maximum of one page. ! Support material may be submitted in any appropriate format, including high quality CDs, 35mm slides, photographs, DVD or CD-ROM. Section 6 – Declaration To be completed by all applicants.


How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Assessment Process Applications are assessed by a panel of respected external arts sector representatives. The panel is appointed by the Minister for the Arts. The panel assesses and prioritises each application against the program objectives and evaluation criteria as described in these guidelines. Recommendations are submitted to the Minister for the Arts for final approval. It takes approximately 15 weeks from the closing date until funding results are available. Applicants will then be advised in writing of the outcome of their submission.

Presentation Tips All written material must be easily readable when photocopied. Please note the following: ! Use plain white A4 paper for originals and photocopies. ! Present all material on one side of the page only. ! Use black ink only. ! Do not use a font smaller than Times New Roman 12 or Helvetica 11 ! Do not staple, bind or place your application in a folder. ! Faxed, digital or email applications will not be accepted.

Checklist Before you submit your application, make sure you have:

Number of copies

Carefully read these guidelines Contacted the Community Partnerships program manager to discuss your project Completed an application form, including budget

Original and one photocopy

Provided extra budget information (as required)

Original and one photocopy

Completed a written proposal (maximum of six A4 pages)

Original and one photocopy

Provided print based support material (eg CVs, letter from community host, other letters of support, manuscript excerpt)

Original and one photocopy

Provided other support material (eg CDs, 35mm slides, photographs, DVD or CD-ROM)

One set only

Signed the declaration Retained a copy of the application for your own records

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Program Enquiries Further information about the program can be obtained from the Community Partnerships program manager at Arts Victoria. Telephone: 03 8683 3112 Fax: 03 9686 6186 Email: Freecall: 1800 134 894 (Regional Victoria only) Information on Arts Victoria and other funding programs is also available on the website at Where to Send your Application Applications postmarked up to and including the specified closing dates will be accepted. Postal Address Community Partnerships Arts Victoria Private Bag 1 South Melbourne VIC 3205 Street Address Arts Victoria Level 6 2 Kavanagh Street Southbank VIC 3006 Hand deliveries can be made during business hours only – 8:30am to 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.


How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Section 1 – Contact Information If you are an: ! Individual applying, complete Part A ! Organisation applying, complete Part B ! Auspice applying for an individual, complete Parts A & C ! Auspice applying for an organisation, complete Parts B & C PART A – INDIVIDUAL DETAILS Salutation First Name Family Name Street Address: Postcode Postal Address (if different): Postcode Business Phone After Hours Mobile Fax Email Website Trading Name ABN Are you GST Registered?

! Yes

! No

PART B – ORGANISATION DETAILS Please enter your organisation details here. If you are applying using an Auspice, enter details of the Organisation that is being auspiced. Full Name of Organisation: Street Address: Postcode Postal Address (if different): Postcode

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Contact Details: Salutation First Name of Contact Person Family Name of Contact Person Position of Application Contact Person Business Hours Phone Alternative Phone/Mobile Fax Email Organisation website Please note: If this application is through an Auspice body the following organisation details may not be applicable. Organisation Details: Trading Name ABN Are you GST Registered?

! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

Legal Status of Organisation Under its articles or constitution, is the organisation a not-for-profit body? In what year was the organisation formed? Key Personnel/Permanent/ Senior Staff


Name (Salutation/First Name/Family Name)

CEO/Equivalent Chair/Equivalent

PART C – AUSPICE DETAILS Enter the details of the Auspice organisation here. Full Name of Organisation: Street Address: Postcode Postal Address (if different): Postcode

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Contact Details: Salutation First Name of Individual Family Name of Individual Business Hours Phone Mobile Fax Email Website Organisation Details: Trading Name ABN Are you GST Registered?

! Yes

! No

! Yes

! No

Legal Status of Organisation Under its articles or constitution, is the organisation a not-for-profit body? In what year was the organisation formed? Key Personnel/Permanent/ Senior Staff CEO/Equivalent Chair/Equivalent

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Name (Salutation/First Name/Family Name)


How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Section 2 – Application Summary Applicant: Auspice body (if applicable): Project Title This is the title that will be used on all correspondence. Please keep your Project Title to 60 characters or less.

Project Summary Provide a brief overview of your project.

Amount Requested: Total Expenditure: Project Start Date: Project End Date:

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Section 3 – Budget All applicants must complete this form. If it does not provide enough space, you must use it to summarise your budget and provide a detailed budget on separate sheets. Costs to be supported by the Community Partnerships grant must be identified with an asterisk (*). Total income (all support for the project, including the Community Partnership grant) must equal total expenditure (all costs of the project). If you are registered for GST, your expenditure and income should be exclusive of GST. If you are not registered for GST, your expenditure should include the GST to be paid. Please indicate whether other listed funding is confirmed (C) or unconfirmed (NC). $

Income 1


$ 4

Earned Income

Project/Production Costs

Artists and Others Contribution2 Cash

Marketing and Promotion5


Government Grants Administration6

Arts Victoria Australia Council (please specify) Local Government Grant Local Government In-kind Other Non Government Grants & Support3 (please specify)

Salaries, Fees, On-costs



Total Income

Total Expenditure Notes 1. Box office (Provide details on how this figure was calculated)/Merchandise/Membership/Entry fees 2. Self investment/Value of materials 3. Business Sponsorship/Donations/Community Fundraising/Local Arts Council 4. Development costs/Production/Technical/Materials/Freight 5. Promotions/Publicity/Advertising/Printing and design/Programs 6. Office costs/Admin overheads/Insurance

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Salaries & Fees Please provide details of all people who will be paid for working on this project. If the payment is allocated against Arts Victoria funding, please indicate in the fourth column. Name

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Rate of Pay (Per hour or weekly)

Total Fee or Salary



How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Section 4 - Written Proposal To be completed by all applicants. This proposal should be typed on a maximum of six A4 pages. Refer to the Guidelines for further information on this section. Please provide a comprehensive project description that addresses the following criteria: Artistic Merit, Community, Management Plan and Outcomes and Benefits. Artistic Merit ! Explain what you want to do - a clear artistic concept ! Explain how you will do it, that is the creative processes you will use to create the work and enable the community to participate ! Demonstrate that the artist(s) meet Arts Victoria’s definition of a ‘professional’ practicing artist and is suitable for your project i.e. (CV) ! specialised training in their field (not necessarily academic institutions), ! recognised by their peers (professional practitioners working in the art form area), ! committed to devoting a significant time to artistic activity and has a history of public presentation ! experienced in an appropriate art form and working in community contexts. ! Explain the relevance of the project to the contemporary community-based arts field. Is the ‘art’ challenging and interesting? Community ! Define the target community and expected number of participants ! Explain the relevance of the art form to the defined community ! Demonstrate community support, including details of community partners. The latter should be supported by a letter from the organisation(s) confirming their support and role. ! Demonstrate a genuine process of engagement with the community ! Demonstrate significant opportunities for community participation ! Describe how the community will gain access to the project Management Plan ! Present an appropriate level of administrative and management support ! Detail how the community/artist relationship will be managed ! Provide a project timeline which adequately details the proposed development plan e.g. # of workshops, rehearsals, performances, etc. ! Explain how your budget will be managed. Outcomes and Benefits ! Describe the public outcomes/presentations the project will deliver ! Describe the benefits that community participants, artists and the wider community will gain

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How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Section 5 - Support Material Provide a list of the support material accompanying your application. Important: All material must be clearly marked with your name and project title. While all due care will be taken, Arts Victoria takes no responsibility for damage or loss that may occur to support material. Do not send original material. Type (may include the following)

Title/description (if applicable)

Return Yes/No

Curriculum Vitae Confirmation Letter from Community Host Other Letters of Support CD/CD-ROM DVD Score Slides/Photos Book/Magazine Internet site Press Kit/ Media Portfolio Other:

Section 6 – Declaration I have read the program guidelines, eligibility and evaluation criteria and certify that to the best of my knowledge the information provided in this application is true. I have provided a completed application form, budget, written proposal and appropriate support material.

Signature Name (Please print)

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/ Date



How to Apply Guidelines and Application Forms

Statistical Information: This section is not used to assess your application and is not seen by those assessing your application. Information provided will be collated with other statistical information for the purpose of evaluating broader aspects of Arts Victoria’s policies.

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Does your project involve artists from any of the following groups? " Youth " Senior Adult " Women " Aboriginal/Torres " Culturally & " People with a Strait Islander Linguistically Diverse disability (CALD)

" Regional " General

Is your project aimed at a specific target audience(s)? " Youth " Senior Adult " Women " Aboriginal/Torres " Culturally & " People with a Strait Islander Linguistically Diverse disability (CALD)

" Regional " General

Community Grants Program 2009 Guidelines and Application Form For programs and projects held during July 2009 to June 2010

The Victorian Multicultural Commission’s (VMC) Community Grants Program 2009 provides support to Victoria’s culturally, religiously and linguistically diverse communities to develop and sustain local community organisations and programs.


Victorian Multicultural Commission Level 11, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne GPO Box 2392 Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356 Email: Website:

Contents About the Grants


Section 1


- Applicant Details (all applicants to complete)

Section 2 – Category Guidelines & Application Forms Organisational Support Strengthening Multicultural Communities Buildings and Facilities Improvement Educational Programs Promoting Harmony: Multifaith Initiatives and Interfaith Networks

9 10 12 14 19

Referees & Declaration (all applicants to complete)


Grant terms explained


Community Grants Program 2009

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ABOUT THE COMMUNITY GRANTS GRANTS PROGRAM The Victorian Multicultural Commission’s (VMC) Community Grants Program 2009 provides support to Victoria’s culturally, linguistically and religiously diverse communities, especially new and emerging communities, to develop and sustain local community organisations and programs, to promote social, cultural and economic inclusion and encourage greater community participation, understanding and mutual respect.

Why is the Victorian Government funding these grants? The Victorian Government aims to strengthen the capacity of organisations to manage their own affairs, to participate in and influence their local communities and to participate in the benefits available to them as members of society. The program aims to address the needs of ethnic communities, combat the disadvantages faced by many of these communities and promote multicultural and multifaith harmony.

What grant categories are available? Applicants can apply for one or more of the following five categories: Organisational Support category Grants of up to $5,000 (excluding GST) are available to support the general activities of ethnic and multicultural organisations and groups that are voluntary, charitable and non-profit making. Strengthening Multicultural Communities category Grants of up to $20,000 (excluding GST) are available for projects that address the unmet needs of Victoria’s culturally and linguistically diverse communities. Buildings and Facilities Improvements category Grants of up to $15,000 (excluding GST) are available for the minor upgrade or improvement of buildings and/or facilities. Educational Programs category Provides funding support to out-of-hours ethnic schools within Victoria. There are four subcategories available: • Professional Development of Teachers Grants of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) to support Victoria’s ethnic schools to provide school-based professional development programs for their teachers. • Materials Development – Grants of up to $20,000 (excluding GST) to support the development of classroom teaching materials for a language taught in community languages schools sector where there are few readily available resources suitable for students living in Victoria. • Support for new community language schools – Grants of up to $2,000 (excluding GST) to assist with the establishment costs of a new community language school. • Support for existing community language schools – Grants of up to $2,500 (excluding GST) to assist with the operational costs of a community language school. Promoting Harmony: Multifaith and Interfaith category Provides funding to a range of projects that bring different faith and community groups together to promote community harmony, celebrate our shared values and increase our understanding of, and respect for, our differences. Priority will be given to projects displaying strong collaborative links between partner organisations, faith and community organisations. There are two subcategories of funding available; • Multifaith Initiatives - Grants of up to $10,000 (excluding GST) to bring together at least two different faith based organisations or a faith and a community based organisation (including a local council) to develop activities which promote understanding about the diversity of faiths within Victoria and engage the wider Victorian community. • Interfaith Networks – Grants of up to $20,000 (excluding GST to assist in the establishment of new interfaith networks or to build the capacity and sustainability of existing interfaith networks, promote understanding about the diversity of faiths within Victoria and engage the wider Victorian community. Community Grants Program 2009

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What type of projects might be funded? Examples of the types of projects/activities that will be considered for funding include: Category

Examples of project/activities

Organisational Support

• • • •

Strengthening Multicultural Communities

• • • • •

Running costs for multicultural clubs including rental, utilities, stationery, postage and public liability insurance Discussion groups and seminar series Social and cultural gatherings Printing and disseminating of a club’s newsletter Activities that increase capacity within emerging communities and multicultural networks to self-manage and engage in community life Provision of assistance to migrant and refugee women and/or young people Local heritage projects that acknowledge and document the contribution of migrants and refugees in Victoria Partnership projects between organisations, communities and government agencies that address community needs Activities that address disadvantages and/or provide supporting information and services

Building and Facilities Improvement

• • • • • • • •

Education Programs

Support for new and existing community languages schools: • Payment of teacher salaries • Hire or purchase of language training materials (books, computer software, audiotapes and videotapes) or equipment to support the language teaching program (eg audio visual, computer and reprographic equipment) • Costs associated with the provision of accommodation for classes (eg heating, lighting, cleaning and rental of premises)

Projects to improve disability access to buildings Repair to building infrastructure such as roofing or flooring Kitchen renovations to improve health and safety standards Projects that address safety or risk management issues Activities that provide assistance to senior citizens Projects that clearly demonstrate community benefit and improved usability of facilities. Activities that support the facilities use by more than one community group

Professional development of teachers: • The cost of speakers, materials, hire of venue and equipment Materials Development • Payment of teachers and university personnel involved in content development and design • Purchase of stationery, computer supplies etc as required for the project • Payment for graphic design and reproduction Multifaith Initiatives and Interfaith Networks

Community Grants Program 2009

Seminars, conferences, workshops and cultural events/festivals promoting interfaith dialogue and understanding • Resource development, interfaith network activities and visiting places of worship • Educational programs and leadership training • Dialogue bringing together people of different faiths to share their ideas •

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What will not be funded? Funding is not available for organisations that: • are primarily commercial organisations or bodies established for profit-making purposes • are seeking retrospective funding for projects or programs that have already started or have been completed • are seeking funding for competitions, commercial, political or fund raising activities • are seeking funding for events held for the sole benefit of members of the applicant organisation • are seeking funding for events held outside of Victoria • are seeking funding for transport to interstate conferences or event • have failed to abide by the terms and conditions of previously provided VMC grants • receive income from electronic gaming machines The VMC will not fund applications from individuals. If you are unsure whether your organisation or project is eligible for funding please contact the VMC on (03) 9208 3028.

Who can apply? Not-for-profit and non-political organisations, can apply for funding in all categories provided that the organisation is: • incorporated under the Australian Corporations Act or as an Association under the Associations Incorporation Act and has an Australian Business Number (ABN) or registration with the Office of Registrar of Aboriginal Corporations (ORAC) • keeps proper accounting records and has yearly financial statements • has submitted applications in accordance with specific timelines and processes • has satisfactorily acquitted all previous grants from the VMC Organisations should refer to any additional guidelines or conditions, as specified for each grant category, on the relevant application form. Organisations that are not incorporated who wish to apply for funding, must arrange for an incorporated organisation to manage the grant funds. This organisation will act as the ‘auspice’ organisation for the application and their details must be provided in the application form.

What are the funding conditions? The following conditions will apply to projects that receive a grant: • the grant recipient must enter into a funding agreement with the VMC that sets out the conditions and reporting requirements • any unspent funds must be returned to the VMC • organisations must provide the VMC with a full membership list of at least 20 current and registered financial members, or a list of member organisations • The Victorian Government and the Victorian Multicultural Commission must be appropriately acknowledged in any relevant publication, promotional material, or news releases, after having received written authority to do so by the Commission • funded organisations must have public liability or other insurance to cover loss or injury occurring to any person during their activities • the grant must be acquitted through an Accountability Report, to be lodged upon project completion in the time specified

Community Grants Program 2009

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What is the application process? Applications must be submitted by 4:00pm on Thursday 18 December 2008. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. Successful grant recipients will be notified by the end of June 2009. Applications can be submitted in hard copy or electronic format; •

by mail to the: Victorian Multicultural Commission GPO Box 2392, Melbourne Vic 3001 in person to the: Grants Box Level 15, 1 Spring Street Melbourne Vic

by email to

by fax 03 9208 3179

How will applications be assessed? Applications will be assessed using the questions Why?, How?, Who?, and What will the project achieve? Each equally weighted at 25%. Applications will be assessed by a Grants Sub-Committee of the VMC between February and April 2009. Successful applicants will be offered a funding agreement outlining their obligations to the VMC in return for funding of their program, project or activity. Conditions relate to; • Timely completion of the project; • Appropriate financial management (including timely reporting); and • Compliance with VMC evaluation processes. Note: funding is for programs and projects held during July 2009 to June 2010

More information For more information, please call the VMC Grants Information Line on 9208 3028 on any weekday between 9am and 5.00pm (except Public Holidays) or visit Application forms and information about the full range of DPCD grants are available from

Community Grants Program 2009

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Part A: Applicant Organisation details Name of Organisation: Postal Address: Town / Suburb:





Meeting Place Address: Town / Suburb: Person authorised by the organisation to make the application Title:

First name:

Last name:

Position: Telephone:





Can the VMC use the above details to compile a directory of Victorian Multicultural Organisations? Type of Organisation:

Incorporated Association

Local Government




Other (please specify)

Applicant Organisation’s Australian Business Number (ABN) Is your organisation registered for GST



Are you a not for profit organisation


No – your application is not eligible for further consideration

Have you attached a copy of your latest statement








If not, why

Have you attached a full membership list of your club or list of member organisation? Has your organisation previously applied for VMC funding

Do you need an auspice for this application? If your organisation is not incorporated, you must arrange for an incorporated organisation to manage the grant funds. This organisation will be the ‘auspice’ organisation for the application. Yes, I need an auspice organisation for this application

Provide Auspice Organisation details in Part B

No, I do not require an auspice organisation for this (Go to Part C) application

Part B: Auspice Organisation details Name of Auspice Organisation: Postal Address Town / Suburb:



Authorised person Title:

First name:

Last name:

Position: Telephone: Type of of Incorporated Association Organisation:

Email: Mobile: Local Government

Fax: School (non-Government)

Other (please specify)

Organisation’s Australian Business Number (ABN): Please provide an auspice agreement or letter by a legally constituted organisation who will manage the grant funds.

Community Grants Program 2009

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Part C: Applicant Organisation History Do not complete this section if these details have recently been provided to the Victorian Multicultural Commission When was your organisation established? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What are your organisation’s aims? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... What have been the major achievements of your organisation? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... What are the current activities of your organisation? ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Where do you meet and hold activities (e.g. clubrooms, community centre, member’s house) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... How often and when do you meet? (e.g. weekly, Mondays at 7pm) .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Community Grants Program 2009

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It is essential that you read pages 3 to 6 before you complete this application form. Note that government departments, mainstream service providers, migrant resource centres, hospitals, community health centres, neighbourhood houses, community centres and schools are ineligible to apply for Organisational Support grants. Groups who have applied for Seniors Citizens organisational support or are currently receiving Organisational Support grants under two year agreements need not apply.

Project Overview What are you going to do? Describe the activities for which you are seeking funding .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... Which communities will benefit from your activities/project? Describe any groups or communities that will benefit from your activities (for example, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people with disabilities, women, youth and/or older adults) ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Project Budget Please provide details of expenditure budget for your project, excluding GST. Attach a separate sheet (or sheets) if you require more room. Expenditure Venue/Meeting Room Hire


Office supplies




Office Equipment




Other (please specify)

$ $ $

Total Amount requested from VMC – maximum grant $5000

Community Grants Program 2009


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It is essential that you read pages 3 to 6 before you complete this application form. Non-profit organisations, councils and schools are eligible to apply for funding under this category. Applicants may be invited to discuss their project plan with VMC representatives.

Project Overview Project name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

When will your project take place? Anticipated project start date:

Anticipated project completion date:

Where will your project happen? Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town / suburb and postcode. Please indicate if your program targets, as a priority, any one the following groups: migrant and refugee women

young people

new and emerging communities

What are you going to do? Provide a detailed description of your proposed project. Attach additional pages if necessary. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... Who will benefit from your activities/project? Describe any groups or communities that will benefit from your activities/project (for example, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people with disabilities, women, youth and/or seniors) and/or places (for example neighbourhood, local government area, region or state-wide) .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... Why do you want to do this project? What are the specific issues or community needs that will be addressed by this project? Attach supporting evidence detailing the disadvantage faced by the target community .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................

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How will you carry out the project? Indicate if there is a current project plan, what are the project stages and any key dates. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Who will be involved in the project? Who will manage the project? List any other organisations you will work with or partnerships you have formed regarding this project. Attach letter(s) of support that define their contribution to the project.

............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................................. What will the project achieve? What specific outcomes will be achieved? .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure budget for your project, excluding GST. Note that the total income should equal total expenditure. Attach a separate sheet (or sheets) if you require more room. Income


Amount requested from this grant (up to $20,000)




Total funds from other sources


In-kind Labour


In-kind from your organisation


Administration Overheads


Contributions from other organisations and businesses


Venue/Meeting Room Hire


Other (please specify)


Other (please specify)


Total income

Community Grants Program 2009








Total expenditure


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It is essential that you read pages 3 to 6 before you complete this application form. Two quotes must be included with the application. A representative of the VMC may visit the building to determine if the proposed work is required. The organisation must have full insurance for works and the property that is the subject of the application and ensure that all Work Cover Occupational Health and Safety Standards, planning and building permit regulations are complied with during the renovation works.

Project Overview Project name


Building address ....................................................................................................................................................

Does your organisation own the building where your planned activity will take place? Yes, fully owned / mortgaged

No. Your organisation is not eligible for this category

Yes, jointly owned. Please list co-owners Who owns the land where the building is located? .....................................................................................................................................................................................

When will your project take place? Anticipated project start date:

Anticipated project completion date:

Does this project address disability access, health and safety or risk management issues? No.


What are you planning to do? Provide a detailed description of your proposed project. Attach additional pages if necessary. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Who will benefit from your activities? Describe any groups or communities that will benefit from your activities/project (for example, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people with disabilities, women, youth and/or seniors). ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

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Why do you want to do this project? Describe the specific issues and/or community needs that will be addressed by the project. How did you establish a need for this project? (e.g. community consultations, council advice, builder’s assessment). ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... How will you carry out the project? Indicate if a project plan has been developed with project stages and key dates and if an external consultant will be used. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Who will be involved in the project? Who will manage the project? ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Income


Amount requested from this program (up to $15,000)




Funds from your Organisation


Project fees (for example administration, planning)


Funds from other sources (for example business contributions, agencies)


Site Preparation


In-kind from your Organisation


Construction Materials


Community Fund Raising


Other (please specify)


Other (please specify)





Total income

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Total expenditure


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It is essential that you read pages 3 to 6 before you complete this application form. Only not-for-profit community language schools can apply for funding. Funds cannot be used to support the following: • political, religious and/or purely cultural programs such as distinct and separate programs for the teaching of traditional arts, crafts, dance, or the study of religious texts • the purchase of musical instruments, or activities such as choirs • capital works, and the purchase of furniture or buildings • administrative costs not directly related to supporting teaching and learning • classes intended to provide coaching for students in curriculum areas other than languages tuition, regardless of the language in which these classes are conducted


Project Overview Educational program or activity name Does your school have accreditation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) under the Community Languages Schools program?



What are you going to do? Provide a short description of the proposed activity (include duration of sessions, number of participants and activities involved)

.............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. Who will benefit from your project? Describe the people your project is directed at and/or the place(s) that will benefit.

.............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. Why do you want to do this project? Describe the demonstrated need for this project. Why is it necessary?

.............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. How will you carry out the project? Indicate if a project plan has been agreed, the project stages and key dates.

.............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................................................................................................................. Community Grants Program 2009

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What will the project achieve? What specific outcomes will be achieved? …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Who will be involved in the project? Who will manage the project? List any other organisations you will work with on this project. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Where will your program/activity happen? Please provide the address of the school where the activity will take place including town/suburb and postcode. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What language/s are taught in your school?


How many students are currently enrolled in your school? In what year was your school established?



When will your project take place?

Anticipated project completion date:

Anticipated project start date:

Did your organisation receive a grant from VMC in 2008 for professional development? No.

Yes – how much?

If you answered yes, your current application will only be processed if the following has been attached: • A copy of the Accountability statement on how the grant to your organisation was expended • A summary report describing the activity funded (topic covered, duration of sessions, number of participants and instructors involved)

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Note that the total income should equal total expenditure. Expenditure Amount requested from this program (up to $10,000)


Venue / Meeting Room Hire


Administration / Overheads




Equipment & Materials


Other (please specify)

$ $

Total expenditure Community Grants Program 2009

$ Page 15 of 24


Project Overview Educational program or activity name ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Does your school have accreditation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) under the Community Languages Schools program? No. Yes What are you going to do? Provide a short description of the proposed activity Include which language you are intending to produce material for. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Who will be your project partners? The application must demonstrate collaboration between a community language school or a group of schools and a language, linguistic or education faculty of a Victorian university. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... What are the average age, year level and proficiency level of the target student group for your project? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Who will benefit from your project? Describe the people your project is directed at and/or the place(s) that will benefit. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... Which language skills will the resource focus on? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................

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How will you carry out the project? Indicate what type of resource is going to be developed in this project. For example, a series of readers, CD-ROM with vocabulary building games, a video resource depicting aspects of community life with teachers’ notes and follow-up class activities. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... How will the resource connect with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VESL) and how will it be integrated into the school’s teaching program? ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Where will your program/activity happen? Please provide the address of the school where the activity will take place including town/suburb and postcode. How many students are currently enrolled in your school? In what year was your school established?



When will your project take place? Anticipated project start date:

Anticipated project completion date:

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST.

Expenditure Amount requested from this program (up to $20,000)


Venue / Meeting Room Hire


Administration Overheads / Printing




Equipment & Materials


Research and Study


Education and Training


Other (please specify)

$ $ $ Total expenditure

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2D SUB CATEGORY 3 – SUPPORT FOR NEW OR EXISTING COMMUNITY LANGUAGE SCHOOLS What category are you applying for? Note: You can only apply for one of these categories

Support for New Community Language Schools maximum grant $2,000 Support for Existing Community Language Schools maximum grant $2,500

Project Overview Project name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Does your school have accreditation with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD) under the Community Languages Schools program? No. Yes What are you going to do? Please provide a short description of the proposed expenditure. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................... Who will benefit from your project? Describe the people your project is directed at and/or will benefit. ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... Where will your project happen? Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town/suburb and postcode.

When will your project take place? Anticipated project start date:

Anticipated project completion date:

Who will be involved in the project? Who will manage the project? List any other organisations you will work with on this project and attach letter(s) of support that define their contribution to the project.

............................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Expenditure Amount requested from this program (up to $2,000 OR $2,500)




Equipment & Materials


Education and Training

$ $ $ TOTAL

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Promoting Harmony grants foster community harmony and social cohesion in the Victorian community through initiatives that: • support faith groups to develop capacity to build links with the broader community; • support Victoria's diverse communities to engage in multifaith activities; • promote engagement with a broad range of faith and community members, in particular young people and women: • promote education and awareness of racial and religious tolerance in Victoria; and • increase understanding of other faiths and cultures.

2E SUB CATEGORY 1 – MULTIFAITH INITIATIVES INITIATIVES Please note that while most projects/activities funded will be under $10,000, the VMC will consider funding over this threshold for certain projects/activities should the scope, scale and strategic importance necessitate it. Attach additional pages to support your application where necessary

Project Overview Project name …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… What are you going to do? Provide a detailed description of your proposed project/activity. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Where will your project/activity happen? Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town/suburb and postcode. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... When will your project/activity take place? Anticipated start date:

Anticipated completion date:

Project details that address the Assessment Criteria Why do you want to do this project/activity? Describe the demonstrated need for this project. What issues will this project help to resolve? Please detail any facts or figures that underline the need for this project. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

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How will you carry out the project/activity? Describe how you will implement the project proposal. Indicate if a project plan has been agreed, the project stages and key dates. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Who will be involved in the project/activity? Provide details of the organisations and communities involved in this project and whether the management of the project includes representatives of all stakeholders. Provide details of the stakeholder’s active support. ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

What will the project achieve? What specific outcomes will be achieved? ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................................................................................

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Note that the total income should equal total expenditure. Income


Amount requested from this program (up to $ $10,000)














Other (please specify)

$ Total income $

Community Grants Program 2009

Other (please specify)


Total expenditure $

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2E SUB CATEGORY 2 – INTERFAITH NETWORKS Attach additional pages to support your application where necessary

Project Overview Project name ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

What are you going to do? Provide a detailed description of your proposed project/activity. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................

Where will your project/activity happen? Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town/suburb and postcode. .................................................................................................................................................................................... When will your project/activity take place? Anticipated start date:

Anticipated end date:

Project details that address the Assessment Criteria

Why do you want to do this project/activity? Describe the demonstrated need for this project. What issues will this project help to resolve? Please detail any facts or figures that underline the need for this project. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... How will you carry out the project/activity? Describe how you will implement the project proposal. Indicate if a project plan has been agreed, the project stages and key dates. ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................... .....................................................................................................................................................................................

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Who will be involved in the project/activity? Provide details of the organisations and communities involved in this project and whether the management of the project includes representatives of all stakeholders. Provide details of the stakeholders active support. .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................

What will the project achieve? What specific outcomes will be achieved? .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................................................................................

Project Budget Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Note that the total income should equal total expenditure. You are required to submit your budget using the categories provided. If you cannot provide enough details in this section please provide a summary here and the details on a separate sheet (or sheets) using the same categories. Income Amount requested from this program (up to $20,000)

Expenditure $














Other (please specify)


Other (please specify)


Total income


Total expenditure


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to be signed by all applicants

I state that the information in this application and attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I will notify the VMC of any changes to this information and any circumstances that may affect this application. I acknowledge that the VMC may refer this application to external experts or other Government Departments for assessment, reporting, advice, comment or for discussions regarding alternative or collaborative grant funding opportunities. I understand that the VMC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and that if a Freedom of Information request is made, the VMC will consult with the applicant before any decision is made to release the application or supporting documentation. I understand that this is an application only and may not necessarily result in funding approval.



Print name:



(this section is optional)

A referee should be someone who is not a member of your association and who knows the organisation and will vouch for it. Name: ……………………………………………………. Telephone: …………………………………. Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………. Email: ……………………………………………………………………………………………..………………..

Name: ……………………………………………………. Telephone: ………………………..……….. Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..……. Email: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..

Privacy Statement The information requested by the Victorian Multicultural Commission in this application form is to be used for the purposes of determining whether or not an organisation is eligible for funding. The Victorian Multicultural Commission also uses the information supplied to distribute mail of interest such as: the Multicultural Victoria magazine and events and funding opportunities. Information about groups may also be provided to government agencies for the purposes of compiling directories of multicultural organisations in Victoria. Members of Parliament may be supplied with details of successful applications to keep them informed of funding in their electorate. Organisations that do not wish to be on this mailing list should notify the Victorian Multicultural Commission.

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This information has been developed to explain some of the terms used in the Victorian Multicultural Grants booklet. It is to be used as a guide only. Accountability report Accountability report, sometimes referred to as an acquittal report, is a form to complete once the funding money provided by the VMC has been spent. It includes details of what items or services were purchased with the funds and the events or programs it supported. Application guidelines These guidelines give detailed information on who can apply for the grant and for what purposes. It is vital you read all the guidelines in Community Grants Program booklet 2008-09. Auspicing body If your organisation cannot meet the financial requirements of the VMC, for example the organisation is not incorporated, the organisation must arrange for another body or organisation, which is incorporated, to manage the grant funds. This organisation will be the ‘auspice’ organisation for the application. Funding agreement The funding agreement specifies the purpose for which the organisation will be allocated funds by the VMC. All successful applicants will be offered a funding agreement outlining their obligations to VMC in return for funding of their program, project or activity. This must be signed and returned prior to any cheques being issued to the group or organisation. In kind support Non financial support provided for the project or program, which would have to be purchased if not donated, for example venue, promotional material and invitations. Letters of Support Letters written by local government, service agencies and /or community groups that show that they are in support of a program or project. They demonstrate the need and importance of a project. Milestones Key accomplishments achieved during the life of the project. Outcome The aim that the project plans to achieve.

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Victorian Community Support Grants

Guidelines and application update May 2008

Minister’s foreword The Victorian Government is working with communities across the state to bring an exciting array of communitybased activities to life.

Peter Batchelor MP

Victorian Community Support Grants bring people together around a common goal to build stronger, active and more inclusive communities in which we live, work and play. Since 2004 these grants have supported more than 380 projects – worth $66 million. From the creation and upgrade of community facilities through to the development of plans and priorities for the future, Victorian Community Support Grants help communities to achieve the outcomes that mean the most to them. These community driven projects gather support, commitments and contributions from a range of sources to develop local solutions to address local priorities. Managed by the Department of Planning and Community Development and funded through the Community Support Fund, Victorian Community Support Grants are central to the Victorian Government’s goal of building vibrant and liveable communities. I have now had the opportunity to see first hand the practical benefits and lasting impact the Victorian Community Support Grants are having on communities across Victoria. I look forward to seeing the results of many more.

Peter Batchelor MP Minister for Community Development

What is the Department of Planning and Community Development? The Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) was created in August 2007 to link planning and community development to build active, confident and inclusive communities. Victorian Community Support Grants, funded from the Community Support Fund, are an important part of the Department’s approach to achieving these goals. DPCD has a range of grant programs. We provide grants to support communities and organisations that create facilities and networks of lasting impact in local neighbourhoods or across the entire State. All of our grant programs contribute to: – planning; – strengthening communities; and – building community infrastructure. Information about the full range of DPCD grants is available at our website or call our Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356.

What is the source of funding for Victorian Community Support Grants? The Community Support Fund (CSF) was established under Section 138 of the Gaming Machine Control Act 1991 to make a proportion of the revenue received from electronic gaming machines in hotels available to projects that benefit the Victorian community. The CSF now operates under the Gambling Regulation Act 2003. Under the Act, the Minister for Community Development may direct money in the fund towards: – gambling research; – preventing problem gambling and providing assistance to people with gambling problems; – drug education, treatment and rehabilitation; – financial counselling services and assisting families in crisis; – youth, sport or recreation programs; – community advancement; and – arts and tourism.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

What is the purpose Before you get started of Victorian Community Good applications are well planned, have the right approach, involve the Support Grants? right people and know what they are Funding is provided for three categories of grants – Planning, Strengthening Communities and Building Community Infrastructure – to support projects that: – create more opportunities for people to get involved in community activities; – encourage greater community participation in local planning and decision making; – invest in locally based projects that address the impacts of disadvantage; – bring communities together around common goals or issues, such as population growth or drought and develop local responses; – encourage local leadership to drive community projects; – improve community facilities and spaces to increase participation and diversity of use; – develop new community infrastructure in areas experiencing growth; – increase social connectedness and reduce isolation; and – encourage the involvement of volunteers. Grant applications must demonstrate a strong focus on community driven activities.

aiming to achieve. There are some important steps you should take before submitting an application for a Victorian Community Support Grant:

1.  Check that the project activity and your organisation are eligible to apply for a Victorian Community Support Grant – see page 9.

2.  Contact your DPCD Regional Team to discuss your project idea. Call the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356 for your regional contact.

3.  Ensure you have fully answered the “why”, “how”, “who”, and “what will the project achieve” criteria on pages 6-7. Your grant application will be assessed against these criteria.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008


Projects should aim to:

Lasting community projects are based on sound local planning. These grants support projects proposed by local councils and community partnerships that respond to an emerging community need. DPCD also supports projects that involve communities in developing and gathering better information and data about their community. These projects may lead to further applications under other categories of the Victorian Community Support Grants. Completion of a DPCD funded planning project, however, is not a requirement for applications under other categories.

– increase the level, quality and coordination of community planning; – put local people at the heart of community planning and decision making; – deliver planning processes that involve a broad range of people in the community; – provide effective and innovative solutions to local issues; – build on the strengths of the community and its assets; – provide a basis for well-researched ideas, networks and partnerships; – develop more sustainable community projects; and – invest in better planned community infrastructure.

Projects may include:

– community engagement and consultation processes around a common or emerging issue; – local community action planning; – short term trialling of community strengthening activities to ‘pilot’ their effectiveness or test sustainability; – feasibility analysis and project planning for community strengthening or infrastructure activities; or – community-led research, analysis and evaluation.

Examples of Planning projects Carrum Downs Connections Project

Purple Starfish

Mortlake Community Action Plans

Heathdale Hub Feasibility Study

Development of a community plan to enhance connections between residents and their place of residence.

A feasibility study focusing on the creation of a permanent community centre in Kaniva and its long term sustainability.

The development of action plans empowering residents to participate in their rural community and enhance their role in community planning.

A feasibility study assessing the future options for planning, managing and funding a full service community hub in a Neighbourhood Renewal area.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Strengthening Communities Strong communities are active, confident and resilient. People get together to do things that are important or enjoyable to them. Groups work together on things they care about. They take the initiative on local issues and challenges, and know how to access information, resources and facilities. Strengthening Communities grants support organisations, networks and partnerships to become stronger by: – implementing projects that advance the interests of their communities; – creating opportunities for people to develop their skills and leadership abilities; and – connecting and building on existing resources and investments. These projects are community owned and are therefore more likely to be sustained into the future.

Projects should aim to: – develop activities that help individuals build confidence to lead and participate in community projects; – invest in priority projects identified by communities themselves; – develop skills to encourage greater community participation and local leadership; – increase the level and diversity of participation in social, learning, recreational, cultural and civic life and community organisations; – build stronger, more inclusive and capable local networks; and – build upon volunteer contributions to community well being.

Projects may include:

– opportunities to develop community leadership, mentoring or governance skills; – activities that build the skills and knowledge community members need to manage local projects; – activities that engage communities and build partnerships to identify community priorities; – implementation of community priorities and actions; and – a proportion of associated project costs e.g. facilitation, transport or materials necessary to make the project happen.

Examples of Strengthening Communities projects

Strengthening Wellington Shire

Come and have a look at yourself

Focus on Fawkner

The adoption of a Township Committee Model across the Shire designed to lead the future development of local communities.

Increasing the profile and capacity of Indigenous people in Swan Hill by presenting positive images of the local community developed by local Indigenous students.

Implementing a range of activities over a three year period in a disadvantaged area to increase the profile of the local community and encourage community connectedness.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Strengthening Communities – Enterprising Women Implement a financial education program for women from culturally and linguistically diverse communities that promotes social inclusion, economic participation and financial independence.

Building Community Infrastructure Strong, active communities rely on well designed and operated facilities and spaces. The development of new facilities or better use of existing facilities are priority areas for investment by the Victorian Government. Community centres are a vital part of community infrastructure. These centres provide a “hub” for many community activities including local meetings, social gatherings or volunteer opportunities. Building Community Infrastructure grants are available to upgrade existing facilities or develop new facilities to cater for growing and future community needs. The grants provide options for communities to adapt to changing needs over time. These grants provide funding for multi purpose areas only.

Projects should aim to:

– develop quality community facilities throughout Victoria; – create more accessible and multi purpose community facilities which meet the needs of a range of community organisations and groups; – encourage greater participation in social, learning, recreational, cultural and civic activities; – build strong community ownership and involvement in the management of community facilities; and – encourage the multi-use nature of community facilities that bring activities together under one roof.

Projects may include:

– upgrade and development of facilities in growth areas; – development of new community centres; – upgrade and/or redevelopment of existing centres and facilities to make them multi-purpose; – additional uses of the facility that increase the quality and diversity of opportunities; – fit-out or equipment for purposes integral to increasing community use of the facility; or – a proportion of project management.

Examples of Building Community Infrastructure projects Bright Street Enterprise Hub

Melton Youth Facility

Cranbourne Multicultural Centre

Waaia Community Functions Facility

Bringing a range of services and activities together under one roof and creating a local resource for community development activities in Eaglehawk.

The creation of a high profile, purpose built youth centre in a growth area, providing a hub for activities and service delivery for young people and their families.

A multicultural community centre providing social and recreational spaces for the fast growing population of Casey.

The construction of a community hall to provide a central community space for a small rural township and increase the opportunities available to participate in local activities.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

How will applications be assessed? Projects will be assessed against the criteria below. The criteria provides the framework for you to respond to the questions of Why? How? Who? and What will the project achieve? The weightings are given as a guide to let you know how important each criterion is in the development of a successful application. Priority is given to projects that are well aligned with the assessment criteria and provide tailored, local approaches in disadvantaged communities.

Why is this project needed? 15%

How will the project be delivered? 15%

Who is involved? 20%

Demonstrate the extent to which the proposed project: – responds to identified community strengths, capacity and needs; – is supported locally and based upon broad consultation; – is supported by local knowledge and information (such as socio-demographic data); – responds to the needs of disadvantaged communities; – responds in a practical way to the issues identified by the community; and – aligns with the plans and priorities of neighbourhoods and townships, local government, the Victorian Government and the key organisations participating in the project. Demonstrate the extent to which the project: – uses innovative and flexible approaches to planning and funding; – clearly identifies project scope, methodology and proposed outcomes; – addresses economic viability, sustainability and long term management issues; – is able to demonstrate funding support from all financial partners; and – incorporates a proposed method of evaluation of project outcomes and success. Building Community Infrastructure grants should also demonstrate the extent to which the project: – incorporates principles of environmental sustainability and includes disability accessibility design; – demonstrates management of issues such as land/building ownership, statutory planning, heritage controls and Native Title; – clearly identifies the proposed site, with cost estimates prepared by a suitably qualified professional; and – is able to be completed within a reasonable time frame. Demonstrate the extent to which the project: – actively involves consultation and collaboration with a range of partners across all levels of government, the community sector and business; – is managed by a project management group that is representative of project partners, stakeholders and the local community and is able to source required expertise; and – gives high priority to coordination, joined up approaches and shared outcomes.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

What will the project achieve? 50%

Strengthening Communities and Planning grants Demonstrate the extent to which the project: – increases the level, quality and coordination of community information, ideas and planning for the future; – encourages local leadership and ownership by involving more people in community decision-making and increases the skills of participants; – develops new opportunities for participation and social connectedness, enabling more people to work together to plan their community’s future and work on community projects; – increases the number and diversity of people participating in community projects and activities; – will create resources and networks of lasting benefit to the community, particularly for those groups traditionally disadvantaged, e.g. people with disabilities, women, young people, older adults, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, Indigenous people and those in rural and regional communities; – will encourage and utilise volunteer effort throughout the project, thus increasing the number and diversity of people volunteering in community organisations and activities; – improves skills, employment opportunities and outcomes and develops community and business enterprise for a stronger community; and – contributes to the creation of a stronger sense of community. Building Community Infrastructure grants Demonstrate the extent to which the project: – improves the quality and range of participation in community life, including social, recreational, cultural and civic activities; – maximises the multi-use of the facility; – encourages and utilises volunteer effort in the development, implementation and ongoing operation of the project; – improves the ability of local government and other community organisations to deliver activities to the community; – improves access to those groups traditionally disadvantaged, e.g. people with disabilities, women, young people, older adults, people from non-English speaking backgrounds, Indigenous people and those in rural and regional communities; – increases the number and diversity of organisations able to access the facility; and – will create a lasting benefit to the community including employment and economic benefits.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

What are the funding details? There are two important aspects regarding funding: the amount of funding available and the partner contributions. Grant allocations will generally be distributed in accordance with the following funding ratios. Adjustment of the funding ratio may be considered according to demonstrated disadvantage or growth/demand issues. Project category

$ available

Funding ratio


Up to $30,000

Strengthening Communities

Up to $500,000

DPCD will provide between $1 and $4 for every $1 the applicant can source or contribute to the project. The amount DPCD can contribute will depend on particular or exceptional issues affecting your project, including socio-economic factors and the financial capacity of you and your partner organisations.

Building Community Infrastructure

Up to $50,000

VCSG funding is aimed at areas that are for multi-purpose community use. Please contact DPCD for further details in developing your application.

Up to $1,000,000


DPCD $1 : $1 Other

Outer metro / interface Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mornington, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra Ranges

DPCD $1.5 : $1 Other

Regional cities Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong

DPCD $1.5 : $1 Other


DPCD $2 : $1 Other


DPCD $1 : $3 Other

Outer metro / interface Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mornington, Nillumbik, Whittlesea, Wyndham, Yarra Ranges

DPCD $1 : $2 Other

Regional cities Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong

DPCD $1 : $2 Other


DPCD $1 : $1 Other

Example: DPCD $1 : $2 Other – DPCD will contribute $1 for every $2 from other sources. For example, an Outer Metro project valued at $300,000 can request a maximum $100,000 from DPCD. ‘Other’ contributions may include funding and support from your organisation, other government organisations, business, philanthropic organisations and community fundraising. Where in-kind expenditure is claimed a Voluntary Labour and In-Kind Support Information form must be completed and returned with the application. This form is available from the Grants@DPCD website

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Who is eligible to apply?

What will not be funded?

Community organisations, local government and philanthropic organisations are eligible to apply provided that:

Funding is not available for organisations or projects that:

– projects and programs are funded for the benefit of Victorians; – the applicant is a legal entity, such as an incorporated body, cooperative or association, and able to enter into legal agreements with DPCD; – the recipient has an Australian Business Number (ABN) or provides written advice from the Australian Tax Office that no withholding tax is required from the grant payment; and – any underlying asset created by the project (e.g. a building) is owned by a federal, state, or local government, or a non-profit community organisation. Assets owned by non-profit community organisations that are created or upgraded through the project should provide benefits to the specified community for a minimum of 10 years.

What about coordinating funding from a number of sources? – Your project may be eligible for funding from a number of sources. – Projects that identify these opportunities and seek funding from a range of appropriate sources are highly regarded. – DPCD is able to advise and assist you in this matter.

– receive revenue directly from electronic gaming machines; – are primarily commercial organisations or bodies established for profit-making purposes; – are not supported by robust organisational capacity or viable auspice arrangements; – are political or religious in nature (except where the project is aligned with the objectives and criteria of DPCD); – are eligible for funding under another State or Federal Government program, or where the activity is clearly within the programmatic responsibility of another government program ie a library, sporting facility or health service; – have failed to abide by the terms and conditions of previously provided grants funded from the Victorian Community Support Grants or other DPCD grant programs; – are seeking retrospective funding for projects or programs that have already started or have been completed; – seek funding to support cash prizes or commercial gifts; – duplicate services already in operation or planned for in the relevant community; – could have a negative impact on existing businesses and services or that will operate in competition with other local commercial interests (refer to National Competition Policy); – seek funding to supplement the recurrent or ongoing costs of an existing organisation; and – originate from government departments, are not related to community strengthening, or have recurrent cost implications.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

How can I apply for a grant? – Check to see if your project and organisation are eligible. – Applicants are encouraged to contact DPCD staff to discuss their proposed application. – Complete the full application form, addressing all criteria. Use the checklist in the application form to make sure you have responded to all application information requirements and provided all the necessary documents. – Submit your application when it is ready – there are four assessment rounds each year. There are no closing dates. Applications can be received at any time and will be considered against the eligibility and evaluation criteria during the next available assessment process.

To speak with a DPCD representative from your region or a program officer, please call our Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356 (for the cost of a local call). Applications may be submitted in a number of ways: – online at: (including any attachments) – by email to: – by mail to: Grants Unit, Department of Planning and Community Development, GPO Box 2392, Melbourne Vic 3001

What is the assessment process? Eligibility does not guarantee success of your proposal. The grant categories will have many applicants for the limited funding pool. The assessment process has the following phases:


Project assessment stage



1. Review project application

To ensure eligibility

Prior to assessment

2. Assessment of project application

First stage assessment against the evaluation criteria

Quarterly process

3. Assessment of project merit against other applications and short listing of recommendations

Second stage assessment to determine relative merit and priorities for funding

Quarterly process

4. Decision-making and notification

Confirm outcomes of grant applications

At conclusion of assessment rounds

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

What are the funding conditions? Successful applicants are required to enter into a funding agreement with DPCD, which will document all funding obligations and conditions. Funding agreements and end of project reporting require approval by the Chief Executive Officer or Board Chairperson. Planning projects are expected to be completed within a one-year timeframe. Strengthening Communities and Building Community Infrastructure projects are generally eligible to receive funding over a maximum of three years. Where outcomes will only be achieved in a greater timeframe an extended funding period may be negotiated. If the project has not commenced within one year after the offer of the grant has been made, DPCD reserves the right to review the offer and, at its sole discretion, may withdraw the offer.

What are the taxation requirements? Applicants are generally expected to provide an Australian Business Number. Grants to organisations not registered for GST may be made on a GST-exclusive basis. All project budgets should be submitted exclusive of GST.

Other information Payment of grant funds

Claims for up to 90 per cent of approved grant funds will be paid in accordance with the approved project plan and agreed cash flow requirements outlined in the funding agreement after: – the signed funding agreement has been returned; – DPCD has endorsed a project plan; and – project commencement milestones have been reached e.g. project manager recruited or contractor appointed. All claims must be submitted on a tax invoice and be endorsed by the chief executive of the recipient organisation or an appropriate delegate. Claims are to be accompanied by proof of expenditure and project progress reporting as agreed in the terms of the funding agreement. Generally, 10 per cent of grant allocations will be paid upon satisfactory completion of the project and compliance with the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.

Publicity guidelines

Victorian Government support through the provision of a Victorian Community Support Grant must be acknowledged in any relevant publications, promotional material or news releases. A suitable sign acknowledging Victorian Government contributions must be prominently displayed during project implementation or during the construction and commencement phases of a community facility’s operation. In the case of Planning projects, acknowledgment should be included in any relevant publications and in the final report. Arrangements for a joint announcement and launch will be detailed in the funding agreement.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008



Accountability and audit requirements include the grant recipient entering into a funding agreement for the project which includes the purpose for which the grant is made and details funding obligations, conditions and agreed reporting requirements.


Public liability insurance, and any other insurance category appropriate to the activities of the proposed project, must be confirmed with the provision of a certificate of currency from your insurer prior to the completion of a funding agreement.


Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Application form Victorian Community Support Grants Section 1 – Contact information Fields marked (*) are mandatory Part A: Applicant organisation details * Name of organisation: * Main street address: * Town / suburb:

* Postcode:

* State:



Postal address (if different from above): Town / suburb: Authorised person (This is the person who is authorised by the organisation to make the application on their behalf.)

* Title:

* First name:

* Last name: Position: Telephone:




* Type of organisation

£ Local government

£ Incorporated association

£ Other (please specify)

Applicant organisation’s Australian Business Number (ABN), if you have one. ABN: Do you need an auspice for this application? If your organisation is not incorporated, you must arrange for an incorporated organisation to manage the grant funds. This organisation will be the ‘auspice’ organisation for the application and you will need to provide their details in Part B.

£ Yes, I need an auspice organisation for this application

(Complete Part B: Auspice organisation details)

£ No, I do not require an auspice organisation for this application

(Complete Part C: Contact details for project manager)

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008


Part B: Auspice organisation details Name of auspice organisation: Main street address: Town / suburb:





Postal address (if different from above): Town / suburb: Authorised person (This is the person who is authorised by the organisation to make the application on their behalf.)


First name:

Last name: Position: Telephone:




Type of organisation

£ Local government

£ Incorporated association

£ Other (please specify)

Organisation’s Australian Business Number (ABN) ABN: Has the auspice organisation agreed to manage the grant on your behalf?

£ Yes

£ No

Part C: Contact details for project manager Title:

First name:

Last name: Telephone:




Postal address: Town / suburb:


Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008



Section 2 – Project overview Fields marked (*) are mandatory * Project name We will use this name on all correspondence. Please use 10 words or less.

* What are you going to do? Describe the project in 50 words or less. We will use this in reports and other publications.

Which communities will benefit from your project? * Describe the place or places that will benefit. Please provide local government area/s if you know them. If not, provide the suburb or postcode for each place that will benefit. If your project has a wider benefit (e.g. statewide) please provide detail here. Your response is limited to 1000 characters.

Describe any groups or communities your project is directed at or particularly relevant to. For example, people with disabilities, women, Indigenous people, young people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities or older adults. If this is not relevant to your project you can leave this question blank. Your response is limited to 1000 characters.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008


Where will your project happen? Please provide the address of where most of your planned activity will take place including town / suburb and postcode. Your response is limited to 1000 characters.

Address: Local government area: * When will your project take place? * Anticipated project start date: * Anticipated project completion date: Map reference: Melways / Vic Roads – page and grid reference * What category of the Victorian Community Support Grants are you applying for?

£ Planning

£ Strengthening Communities

£ Building Community Infrastructure

Section 3 – Project details that address the assessment criteria Fields marked (*) are mandatory Please indicate how your project addresses the following assessment criteria: Why? (15%), How? (15%), Who? (20%) and What will the project achieve? (50%). Refer to the program guidelines to help you answer the questions. Responses to each question should be no more than 500 words. Attach additional pages if required.

* Why is this project needed?


Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

* How will the project be delivered?


* Who is involved?

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008


* What will the project achieve?

Section 4 – Key tasks and milestones Fields marked (*) are mandatory Please identify the key tasks for your project and indicate the ideal cash flow for the payments. Task/ objective




Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Expected start date

Expected finish date

Performance measure(s)

Section 5 – Project budget Fields marked (*) are mandatory Please provide details of the income and expenditure for your project, excluding GST. Note that the total income should equal total expenditure. You are required to submit your budget using the categories provided. If you cannot provide enough details in this section please provide a summary here and the details on a separate sheet (or sheets) using the same categories. Income


* Amount requested from this program


Professional planning/advice


Local Government funding


Community consultations


Other State Government funding


Project coordination


Federal Government funding


Education and training


Total Government




Funds from your organisation




In-kind support from your organisation


Administration overheads


Total from your organisation




Community fundraising


Venue/meeting room hire


In-kind from other sources


Total administration


Funds from business contributions




Funds from philanthropic contributions




Total community investment


Project evaluation


Total marketing and promotion $ Other (please specify)


* Total income $

Other (please specify)


* Total expenditure $

What project income is confirmed? Please indicate whether income from your organisation, other government, community, business or other contributions is confirmed.

What expenditure items are you specifically seeking support towards from this program?

Please indicate which expenditure items you are specifically seeking support towards from this program.

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008


Declaration I state that the information in this application and attachments is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I will notify DPCD of any changes to this information and any circumstances that may affect this application. I acknowledge that DPCD may refer this application to external experts or other government departments for assessment, reporting, advice, comment or for discussions regarding alternative or collaborative grant funding opportunities. I understand that DPCD is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and that if a Freedom of Information request is made, DPCD will consult with the applicant before any decision is made to release the application or supporting documentation. I understand that this is an application only and may not necessarily result in funding approval. * Signature:

* Date:

* Print name:

* Position:

(To be signed by a person with delegated authority to apply – i.e. Chief Executive Officer or Board Chairperson.)

Supporting documents

Please submit the following documents with your application:



A copy of the previous two years’ audited financial statements and the most recent monthly financial report

£ £ £

A copy of relevant insurance policies

£ £ £

A copy of your organisation’s current business plan (if available)

A list of interested parties Letters of support from at least two other organisations and/or any agreements with partnering organisations

A letter of support from your organisation’s board/committee Voluntary Labour and In-Kind Support Information form (if applicable)

Victorian Community Support Grants Guidelines and application – update May 2008

Š Copyright State of Victoria 2008 This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any processes except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968. Authorised by the Department of Planning and Community Development.

If you would like to receive this publication in an accessible format, such as large print, please telephone the Grants Information Line on 1300 366 356.

Community Development Division Department of Planning and Community Development 1 Spring Street Melbourne Victoria 3000 May 2008 Grants Information Line 1300 366 356

SEEDS: Growing with Communities

RMIT SEEDS: Project Application Guidelines July 2009

1 Introduction to the Project Application Process Welcome to the RMIT SEEDS Project Application Process. It is important that you read the following information as a guide for taking forward your socially entrepreneurial ideas with RMIT SEEDS.

Please remember that SEEDS stands for: Student

Entrepreneurship, Education and Development in Society. The Project Selection process has been approved by the RMIT SEEDS Interim Steering Group and is an integral part of the RMIT SEEDS implementation and launch strategy. All applicant project teams will receive feedback on the outcome of their application after the selection has been completed.

2 Selection Criteria Projects will be selected using a 3 stage process: Stage 1 – Submission of Expression of Interest applications Stage 2 – Submission of Project Plans: successful selected projects will be required to submit additional supporting information or asked to refine their applications Stage 3 – Upon meeting the requirements of Stage Two, a Memorandum of Understanding will be drawn up between RMIT SEEDS and your project that will lead to the implementation. Project applications will be selected on merit. The key selection criteria are listed below and all applications must consider the following:

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SEEDS: Growing with Communities

Projects will be selected if they meet any/all of the following criteria:

Are student-led;

Are socially entrepreneurial e.g. provide direct positive social, environmental and/or economic benefit and outcomes to the communities or geographical areas/populations targeted;

Are new start-up projects, or a distinct and strategic new phase emanating from an existing project;

Are prepared to work in partnership with RMIT SEEDS in developing governance, policy, process, procedures, and advocacy for our internal and external structures;

Develop and demonstrate project milestones and deliverable outcomes;

Are sustainable e.g. the project can be operated over a defined period within the targeted community, with appropriate levels of support, and identify further project involvement for RMIT students/academics;

Fosters a multi-disciplinary team approach as part of its vision and application (short, medium or long-term) e.g. includes students from different disciplines and skill sets across the University (schools, colleges and TAFE);

Are designed to offer future research opportunities;

Demonstrate a sound business case drawn from thorough research and identified partnerships;

Are professional in focus and application.

RMIT SEEDS, where possible, will support credit/accredited and non-credit bearing projects. Credit/accredited pilot projects must be supported by the RMIT curriculum and must be endorsed by the relevant Program Coordinators.

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SEEDS: Growing with Communities

3 Project Selection Guidelines 3.1 Project application submission The first stage requires the submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI) which includes the following components: the project idea, opportunities and benefits and then addresses funding, risk assessment and supporting team in the overall summary section. Applications will be assessed by a 5 person Project Selection Panel (PSP) that is comprised of academics, alumni, students and external industry professionals. The task of the PSP is to assess project applications against the specified RMIT SEEDS Project Selection criteria. Those projects deemed to have submitted applications that meet with the RMIT SEEDS Project Selection criteria, and are selected for potential funding, will then be required to move towards the second application stage, providing further supporting evidence in the Project Plan, which provides the opportunity for a more in-depth analysis of your project. The submission of this information allows the PSP to make final selections of those projects that will be awarded funding, and will lead to the third stage with the final sign off of the Memorandum of Understanding. If you are unsuccessful at this stage there will be further opportunities to resubmit your idea in the subsequent rounds. Feedback is provided for all successful and unsuccessful submissions, and RMIT SEEDS will continue to help you take your idea forward in other ways through ongoing support, mentoring, and providing access to research and networks. Applications will be accepted in the following formats: •

Word document

Portable Document Format (pdf) is preferable

Please ensure your file name has either your project name or an acronym of it, if possible the name of the proposer, and the date, when you submit it. For example: Grandma Jones submits her project application for North Altona Nanna’s Association, the file name should read NANA_JONES_030809 Please note: One project proposal submission per project team will be accepted.

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SEEDS: Growing with Communities The Project Plan will be submitted on a maximum of 15 A4 pages, with relevant supporting information attached as appendices. Semester 2, 2009 SUBMISSION DEADLINE:

Thursday 6th August, 2009

3.2 Key Considerations for the Project Application The following points provide an overview of the key considerations that should be addressed in the application. Note: these are key consideration guidelines only and do not need to be completed or submitted with the application. By the time you have completed your application, you should have considered, if not covered the following areas:

Evidence a full understanding of the area or issue being explored, and provide relevant research to substantiate the need for the project. Why is it needed? Why is it socially entrepreneurial?

Clearly demonstrate how the project will be structured (e.g. what are the team roles and responsibilities?) and who will be involved? Who is in your project team and who are your key partners? Please supply biographies and organisational information where relevant.

Clearly demonstrate that your project is sustainable. Is the community ready for your idea? Who will take ownership of it? Who is going to work on your project and what is the cost of resources? Who else is going to, or what opportunities do you have to fund or support your idea? Please provide documentary evidence of other funding/in-kind support or pledged support.

Summarise your project income and expenditure over the next year (or more, please remember to evidence full costs and workings as an appendix).

How will you disseminate the outcomes (positive and negative) of your project? How will you tell your story?

Outline how the project will benefit RMIT. E.g. will it open up opportunities for other students? Will it initiate new areas of research? Etc.

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SEEDS: Growing with Communities •

How will the project strengthen networks and relationships across the University, with external partners, in the communities it impacts?

How will your project foster a multi-disciplinary team approach?

All successful recipients of funding through RMIT SEEDS will be required to provide representatives to attend RMIT SEEDS events.

4 Funding and support Project Applications will be required to demonstrate that additional funds or in-kind support with a calculated dollar value are being sought or have been secured from sources other than the RMIT SEEDS. Other sources of support may include: financial, or in-kind (e.g. $ cost per hour/per person) support from individual/group fundraising endeavours e.g. sausage sizzles etc; the University e.g. Student Development Fund, Colleges/Schools/TAFE etc; and, external support (e.g. businesses, government, Non-Government Organisations (NGOs), and charities/trusts/foundations etc). While there is no minimum stipulation for the amount of additional funding or in-kind contributions secured, applicant projects will be required to clearly demonstrate that they have undertaken successful fundraising activities external to the RMIT SEEDS. RMIT SEEDS will only fund pilot projects for up to one year of defined operation. Projects that propose operational timeframes for longer than a year must propose a distinct phase of funding that contributes to the longer term vision and operational objectives. Pilot Project Applications can request up to a maximum of $25,000 in funding support. Pilot Projects securing funding through RMIT SEEDS will be asked to report regularly to the RMIT SEEDS Steering Group on their budgetary expenses and accounts. RMIT SEEDS is highly unlikely to support: •

Project funding for capital costs i.e. funds to finance the construction or rental of infrastructure (e.g. materials and/or labour costs to construct buildings, roads, bridges etc), or large items of equipment (e.g. tractors, cars, buses etc);

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SEEDS: Growing with Communities


Retrospective funding, that is, projects (or elements of projects) already fully funded, committed and operational.

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