2 minute read


Oh the Stories We Could Oh the Stories We Could

Catalina Gardescu, Admissions Manager


The Admissions Office of every school is the place of dreams. Parents and students come in here and talk about their dreams: the ones they’ve left behind, the ones they look towards.

For the past 18 and a half years I have been privileged to be the one to hear them talk about their dreams and witness the moment when their future is sketched, thought out, imagined and when decisions are made. It is a magic and a difficult moment. And more times than not I need all the help I can get.

Over the years, my going through different jobs in the school, having been here for a long time, visiting other schools and interacting with other admissions officers, my own personal development (which I am not going to call aging) have all been very helpful.

By far though, my knowledge gained through knowing and interacting with our students, current and past, has been the most helpful. Without my constant interaction with the Alumni Association and the alumni community itself, I would not be fully prepared to represent the school in the best way possible.

In four out of five meetings parents want to talk about our alumni. Do I have any stories, how did they fare out, what was life like for them when they left school? Has IB helped? Did they feel prepared?

The only publication we offer in the Admissions Office has been for a long time World Magazine. Its stories delight prospective parents as well as the ones who do not end up coming to AISB or to Romania. There is a power in stories that we can never deny, and the stories of our alumni help paint a picture of what could be for parents and students alike.

Dear alumni, never underestimate the effect you still have on this place that was once and will always be, for a longer or a shorter time, your school in Bucharest, Romania. Keep feeding us

your stories for they show us how well we did prepare you, they help us support further dreams and build new ones.

Share your stories with the World Magazine, nothing is too little or insignificant. Everything you share is a window into the life that can be for all the people who enter our school looking for their next puzzle piece.

Catalina Gardescu, Admissions Manager

Catalina Gardescu / Admissions Manager

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