1 minute read
Valerio Palmieri
N7| Redazione Urban Morphology and Architecture. Quattro incontri sulla Morfologia Urbana per discutere tra teoria e progetto. Tavole Rotonde, ISUFitaly, DiAP, Sapienza, Roma, 10-17-24-31 marzo 2021 Urban Morphology and Architecture. Four discussions between theory and Project. Round tables, ISUFitaly, DiAP, Sapienza, Rome, 10-17-24-31 March 2021
N8| Alessandro Camiz Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements. 8° Simposio internazionale AACCP, Istanbul, 26 aprile - 2 maggio 2021 Cities in evolution: diachronic transformation of urban and rural settlements. 8° AACCP International Symposium, Istanbul, 26 April - 2 May, 2021
N9| Giuseppe Strappa La perdita di Jeremy Whitehand The loss of Jeremy Whitehand 197