Clean Alliance: Newsletter 1

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CLEAN ALLIANCE semi-annual


of the Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

Presentation event of the EU funded Projects: Accessible Services for Goris and Gorayq Communities Turning Environmental Challenges into Opportunities by Introducing Construction Materials from Plastic Waste The two projects launched by the European Union in Syunik region have much in common: both have strong environmental connotation, and in case of both projects, the overall success depends on whether or not the population of the target area takes ownership of the physical infrastructure and capacities to be created, but, more importantly, the new ideas that will be promoted. On 23 February both projects were presented to international and national stakeholders in an ofďŹ cial ceremony which was attended by the Ambassador Piotr Antony Switalski, Head of EU Delegation in Armenia, Minister of Territorial Administration and Development David Lokyan, representatives of international donor organisations, regional and local authorities and CSOs. The event was largely covered by national media.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

One of the projects - “Clean Alliance” is specifically designed for two communities that recently consolidated in Syunik – Goris and Gorayq. The 'Clean Alliance' works in three directions: 1) Helping newly consolidated communities to develop or revise their strategic documents – 5-year development plans as well as waste management strategies and operational plans. These two documents are being elaborated having in mind consolidationrelated apprehension of smaller settlements regarding their voices remaining unheard. Therefore, citizen engagement is an indivisible component in formulating these documents. Operational plans for waste management will be created in a way to ensure effectiveness and efficiency of the services.

strategic documents

This project is funded by the European Union

2) Providing necessary infrastructure and equipment for introducing or upgrading waste management services to the population. This includes procurement of garbage lorries, containers and bins for household garbage and plastic waste, construction of platforms for bins, fencing the landfills. An important part of this component is training of staff that will be responsible for providing the services. 3) Carrying out intensive public education and awareness activities specifically designed for different groups of the population. One of the key messages to be communicated is the importance of separating plastic waste from other garbage so that it does not end up in the nature or substandard landfills and emit hazardous gazes. For channeling messages print, online, broadcast media will be used, variety of events will be organised.


IMPLEMENTERS: Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development - Project Lead Goris Community Union Sisian Community Union Partner communities: Goris: Akner, Verishen, Karahunj, Goris Gorayq: Spandaryan, Sarnakunk, Tsghuk, Gorayq Additional communities: Sisian, Aghitu, Angeghakot, Ashotavan, Balaq, Brnakot, Shaghat, Tolors, Shaki, Uyts, V. Khdzoresk, N.Khdzoresk, Hartashen, Vorotan.

public education

This project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

The second project funded by the EU, is in the framework of the Pilot Regional Development Programme. It is called “Turning Environmental Challenges into Opportunities by Introducing Construction Materials from Plastic Waste”.

PARTNERS AND THEIR ROLES IN THE PROJECT: Municipality of Kapan - Lead partner Urban Foundation - Public awareness and education; support in project management Hai Consult Consulting Company Environmental management systems; Operational safety and health standards Competitive Society NGO Market research, business planning 25 % of funding for PRDP comes from the Government of Armenia, another 15% of the cost of the project will be contributed by the implementers.

create capacities

This project is a step forward from all efforts made so far for separating plastic from general waste that the Urban Foundation has been promoting since 2008 in about 30 communities throughout 7 marzes of Armenia. For utilizing collected plastic, a startup company will be established in Kapan that will buy the cumulated plastic waste to use it as a component for producing construction materials. Although not rocket science and not new in the world, this technology is innovative in Armenia, and for the first time, communities that have separated, baled and stored plastic will be able to get profit by selling it to the startup.

foster separation of plastic waste

The overall purpose of the project is job creation and economic opportunities for businesses. The project will create 35 new jobs and 15 enterprises will be supported by capacity building, 7 new communities will start separation of plastic for recycling. However, this is not the only novelty that the project will bring. Environmental Management System (EMS) and Operational Safety and Health (OSH) policy will be established in the startup allowing it to become eligible for ISO certification. The construction materials that will be produced by the startup – roof tiles, road curbs, tablets and other – will use plastic waste instead of cement as gluing agent. The produce will not only have better environmental and duty characteristics but have less self-cost. A thorough market research is already completed for the products: it shows that the new startup has all chances to become a successful business in the long run.

reduce unemployment

SOME OF THE TARGET TO WHICH WE STRIVE: 35 new jobs are created including 6 for qualified workforce A startup is created

At least 6 new products (road curbs, pavement tablets and roof tiles, etc.) are introduced

At least 60 persons have benefited from trainings, 50% are young people

15 enterprises have improved their capacities At least 150000 persons have been Separation of plastic waste has exposed to information about new products and the benefits increased of waste separation 80%

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

Finding out Perceptions: What do people think about their role in keeping their surroundings clean The project team carried out a study to find out perceptions of the population of the Goris and Gorayq and Sisian area regarding their everyday practices and responsibilities regarding waste management and their readiness to adopt behavior for waste separation. 365 persons from 16 settlements were interviewed for the survey. Thanks to the synergies that became possible to create with projects funded by other donors -such as UNDP GEF/SGP, EU/GIZ EAPTC – it became possible to extend the scope of the study to other parts of Armenia. The extended study gives a bigger picture that would be representative for the country and could be used as reference or for planning of further steps in promoting more civilized practices in dealing with waste. Thus, apart from the main target communities, interviews were carried out in Ijevan (Tavush region), Gyumri (Shirak region), Vanadzor (Lori region), Vayk and Yeghegnadzor (Vayots Dzor region) and Yerevan.

An important topic that the study strived to find out related attitudes towards recycling PET bottles and reducing single usage carrier plastic bags. The analysis showed that the vast majority of respondents (80%) think that recycling of plastic waste is a good idea. 85% agree that plastic shopping bags pollute the environment. I do not know 11% Will not separate – it is not my job 9% Ready to separate if I am explained my benefit 10% Ready to separate if there is infrastructure 13%

7 out of 10 respondents think that it is worthwhile undertaking actions to reduce plastic waste, however, the picture differs across the settlements. Surprisingly, respondents from the regions are more positive about taking action to reduce plastic waste and single usage plastic bags. Whereas in Yerevan, only 35% agree and another 35% disagree to reduce plastic waste. Moreover, 2 out of 10 respondents did not know the answer. Respondents who have answered positively, suggest the following alternatives to the plastic bags:

Use cloth or network bags (as in older times) 21%

The objective of the survey is to find out if: Ÿ

Establish a recycling plant 16%

Biogedradable bags 8% People ready to change their everyday habits and practices for more caring behavior towards environment;


People think it worthwhile separating, recycling and reducing plastic waste and single usage plastic carrier bags.

This project is funded by the European Union

14% Educate population to change thinking 6% Restrict giving plastic bags in shops

Poor waste management practice and culture is recognized and perceived as an issue for the respondents;


57% Ready to separate plastic waste

5% Place special bins for plastic waste

30% Paper bags

Opinions differ when asked if they approve charging money for plastic bags. Many respondents are indifferent or do not know what to answer. In Vanadzor and Gyumri about half of the respondents mention that they would protest if charges are introduced in theirs cities. We can summarize the main findings of the study in the following way: Ÿ

People are fully conscious that plastic waste is a serious pollutant and it must be recycled


People agree to take action for reducing single use plastic carrier bags and they suggest their options for doing so


Respondents are not sure or do not know whether charging money for single use carrier bags is a good idea


There is a considerable number of people who have had difficulties to answer. This means that there is still much work to be done for managing their perceptions.

This project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

Good to Know

From April 24 to May 5, 2017, the Triple Conferences of the Parties (COPs) to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm (BRS) Conventions took place in Geneva aiming to strengthen the three international treaties contributing to the global management of hazardous chemicals and waste. On the margins of the conference a publication “Community-Based Chemicals and Waste Management: Experiences from the GEF Small Grants Programme”, was launched which features case studies and lessons learned that demonstrate the innovative solutions developed by communities and civil society. The Urban Foundation's project “PlasticFree Kapan” is also highlighted in the publication among the ten successful initiatives worldwide. The article especially highlights that the project has scaled up to new, larger EU funded projects entitled “Clean Alliance” and “Turning Environmental Challenges into Opportunities” which replicate and further develop the model created by the “Plastic-free Kapan”.

UNDP Global Environmental Facility/Small Grants Programme has initiated a cross-sector Policy Dialogue the aim of which is to come up with a consolidated approach for reduction of uncontrolled usage of polyethylene (PE) single use carrier bags. Ministries of Environmental Protection, Economic Development and Investments, and Health, as well as environmentalists and CSOs take part in a series of discussions to find out viewpoints and interests of stakeholders. Analysis of the legal field allowed identifying gaps in the legislative and regulatory framework and proposing measures for their filling. International experience is also investigated based on which the steering committee of the project will propose alternatives for plastic bags that best fit Armenian environment. The study of public perceptions described on previous page will allow to fine-tune messages for more effective public education campaign. It is intended that the policy recommendations will be piloted in a selected community towards the end of the project.

In March 2017, The Urban Foundation received an award from USAID to implement Participatory Utilization and Resource Efficiency of Water (PUREWater) Activity the objective of which is to increase water productivity, efficiency, and quality, as well as foster behavioral change to reduce the rate of groundwater extraction in the Ararat Valley. This Objective will be achieved through: 1) Policy dialogue for improvement of regulatory framework, 2) Intense participation in and oversight of water resources, 3) Increased public awareness and behavioral change and 4) Small-Scale water infrastructure pilots to complement local water needs. The project supplements USAID funded Advanced Science and Partnership for Integrated Resource Development (ASPIRED) project which is implemented in Ararat Valley The project will last for three years; the target group of communities is being identified.

The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their know-how, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and people beyond its borders. This publication has been produced with the assistance of the European Union. The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of ECO led consortium and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

This project is funded by the European Union

This project is implemented by Urban Foundation for Sustainable Development

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