Home Seller Guide: A Sensible Plan by UrbanLAHouseValues.com

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urban house values


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Properties usually sell within the first couple of weeks on the market.

D AY 1 : T O D AY !

End o f W e e k on e


Sign the listing agreement. This confirms the

Once repairs have been made we bring in

This is when all the marketing setup comes into play - we

verbal agreements and covers everyone legally. In

our staging team to ready the property

hold the open houses and call potential buyers. Properties

addition to the signing we also walk you through

for sale. How the property is presented and

usually sell within the first couple of weeks on the market,

the listing process and expected timelines.

perceived is extremely important.

so for the most successful sale you can spend a few weeks

D AY 2 : D i s c o v e ry There are a few more things to discuss, including (could be covered on day 1 as well):






preparing the property to get it right for sale.


photographer to capture your home when

W EE K F O U R / F i v e

it looks its best! Both the staging and the

Congratulations, you’re in escrow with multiple offers!

photography has a lot to do with us getting

• Tax implications, estimate of repairs and title/permit search

you the highest price possible.

• Preparations and improvements (if any) that need to be made.


W EE K s i x The home stretch: Navigate through contingencies and start signing escrow paperwork.

From the seller’s perspective, it might feel like there’s not a whole lot to do. But we are busy

W EE K S e v e n

at work prepping marketing materials like

Contingencies are removed (typically after 17 days) so now

refer you to our trusted contractors. But as

mailings, website updates, email blasts, press

would be a good time to start packing!

your Realtor we can also manage this process

releases, social media blasts, advertising, MLS

for you from start to finish - scheduling

activation and all public real estate websites.

contractors, overseeing the work and seeing


through all the necessary work.

neighborhood and schedule the open houses.

D A Y 3 : SC H E D U L E A N Y W O R K If we’ve identified needed repairs, we can







W EE K N I N E A typical 30 day escrow has closed and you’re ready to start


the next phase. If you’ve hired a good Realtor through this process you have one for life!

E x p erien c ed & p ro f essional real es t a t e




Your best chance of selling your home is in the first two weeks of marketing. Your home is fresh and exciting to buyers and to their agents.


Sellers often view their homes as special

With a sign in the yard, a description in the local

The market can always change its mind and

science, but there are a few truisms that never

which tempts them to put a higher price on

Multiple Listing Service, distribution across

give your home another chance, but by then


the home, believing they can always come

the Internet, open houses, broker’s caravan,

you’ve lost precious time and perhaps allowed

down later, but that’s a serious mistake.

ads, and email blasts to your listing agent’s

a stigma to cloud your home’s value.

• The first two weeks of marketing are crucial. • The market never lies, but it can change its mind. Fair market value is what a willing buyer and a willing seller agree by contract is a fair price for the home. Values can be impacted by a wide range of reasons but the two largest are

- other similar homes that have sold or are currently for sale in the same area.

of attention and interest in the first two weeks.

eligible to buy the home from ever seeing it. Most buyers shop by price range, 1 2 3 4 5 6 and7 look8 for

If you don’t get many showings or offers, you’ve

TIMErange. ON MARKET the best value in that (IN WEEKS)

probably overpriced your home, and it’s

Intelligent pricing isn’t about getting the most for your home – it’s about getting your home sold quickly at fair market value.

not comparing well to the competition. ASKING PRICE +15%



location and condition. Generally, fair market value can be determined by comparables

buyers, your home will get the greatest flurry

Overpricing prevents the very buyers who are





Since you can’t change the location, you’ll have to improve the home’s


condition or lower the price. 30%

Consult with your agent and ask for 60%


• Fair market value attracts buyers, overpricing never does.


Pricing a home for sale is as much art as

feedback. Perhaps you can do a little more to spruce up your home’s curb



appeal, or perhaps stage the interior to


better advantage.

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Curb appeal is the view from the curb that tells the buyer how attractive and wellmaintained your home is.


In a competitive market, it takes more than trimming the hedges and planting a few flowers to create curb appeal.

F i r s t I m p r e s s i on s

watered. Prune dead branches and plants. Weed flower

The exterior of your home must be in pristine

beds and replace leggy, thin landscaping with fresh

Showings & Open House checklist

condition – freshly painted, cleared of clutter, with no

plants and flowers.


visible repairs needed. A broken step, overgrown bush,

Exterior - Replace loose or damaged roof shingles,

or abandoned toys in the yard can spoil the appearance

clean the gutters, and paint and caulk window trim and

and your buyer’s first impression.

Cu r b A p p e al Curb appeal is important because it sets the tone for what the buyer is going to see inside. If the buyer likes the exterior, he or she will be predisposed to also like the interior and you’re that much closer to selling your home. To see what needs to be done to sell your home faster and for a higher price, go outside, stand on the curb and try to look at your home the way the buyer will. Walkways/driveways - Make sure walkways are clear of

doors. Repaint the front door an eye-catching color that complements the rest of the exterior. Replace broken

Entry - Power wash siding, brick, windows, and porches. Paint or replace furniture such as rocking chairs or porch swings. Replace mailboxes, light fixtures, door knobs or any other fixture that looks less than fresh. Put out a




clutter to


welcoming new floormat. Some parts may require more work than others, but it’s well worth it to get buyers eager to see what’s inside.

or pavers. Driveways should also be clear of vehicles,

may call to show your home anytime, day or evening.

toys and debris. Park cars in the garage.

Keeping your home “showtime” ready can be challenging,

Landscaping - Keep your lawn mowed, edged and

especially if you have children and pets.

on the table. Have a family plan of action: Sometimes

may be better off renting a small storage unit

showings aren’t convenient. You can always

for a few months.

refuse a showing, but do you really want to?

belongings and put them into one of these three

If you have a showing with little notice, get the family engaged.

baskets. You’ll receive more in tax benefits for

Get in the habit: Wash dishes immediately

your donations than pennies on the dollar at a

after meals. Clean off countertops. Make beds

garage sale.

in the morning. Keep pet toys and beds washed and smelling fresh.

and collectibles to a safety deposit box, a safe, or store them in a secure location. Remove breakables: Figurines, china, crystal and other breakables should be packed and put away in the garage or storage. Be hospitable: You want your home to look

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chair by the fireplace with a bookmarked book

through and expensive for you to move. You

Remove temptations: Take valuable jewelry

Once your home goes on the market, real estate agents




perhaps set the table, or put a throw on the

Keep, donate, throw away: Go through your


snow, weeds, or debris. Repair or replace cracked steps




like a home. Stage it to show the possibilities,

Clean out the garage and attic: Buyers want to see what kind of storage there is. F i v e - m i nut e Cl e an - u p • Put pets in daycare, sleep cages or take them with you • Turn on lights • Give the buyer privacy



CHECKLIST service begins with asking someone you know - a family member,


coworker or a friend about their moving experiences, good or bad. Who do you know who works with people who frequently move?

Moving to a new home can be an exciting journey.

Deciding what to pack isn’t as simple as it sounds,

Whether you’re changing cities or neighborhoods,

particularly if you’re downsizing, but the amount of

a move is not only a change in scenery, it’s the

goods as well as the type of goods you’re moving

start of a new chapter in life. Yet, moving can

can make a big difference in which mover you

also be very stressful, often seeming like one

choose and how much you’ll spend.

thing after another has to be done. By finding the

Your real estate professional can also be an excellent source of information. And if you’re being transferred, ask your relocation agent which moving companies their company recommends. Other employees of your company who have preceded your relocation may also be able to suggest a reputable mover.

A good rule of thumb is to group items into no more

Co m p a r i n g m o v e r s

than three categories - Keep, Donate, Throw

When you compare price and service estimates from several

Away. Label your things according to the rooms

moving companies, you will find that estimates are based on the

where they’ll be moved – bedroom #2, first floor

weight of your household items, the distance they will be moved,

powder bath by stairs, etc. Provide your movers

and the amount of packing and other services you will require. Be

with copies of the floorplan of your new home, so

sure to show the estimator every single item that will be moved.

they can move more efficiently without having to

Negotiations with your mover should include a clear understanding


stop and ask you where things go. Movers strongly

of rates and charges that will apply, the mover’s liability for your

industries, the moving companies of today have

recommend putting heavier items in smaller boxes

belongings, pick-up and delivery schedules, and claims protection.

expanded to offer a wide range of services in order

to reduce bulkiness, and lighter items in larger

For example, if you decide to pack some of your own things, your

to be competitive. From planning your move, to

boxes with proper labeling like “topload.”

mover will not be liable. If your estimate is binding, it will not cover

right moving service and having a good, though flexible, moving plan, most of the common moving headaches can be easily avoided.

Sta r t p lann i n g you r m o v e Finding the best mover for your particular needs and at the right price involves a simple evaluation of





non-itemized items. Non-binding estimates are not guaranteed

storing your things, to packing and unpacking, to decorating and organizing your belongings in your

G e t r e f e r r al s

rates, and only cover the weight of your shipment, and the cost of

new home, you can choose the extent of services

According to Mayflower.com, one of the nation’s

the moving services. An estimate still has to be performed before

you require to suit your moving budget.

most recognized movers, finding a good moving

a mover will provide you with a binding contract.



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the val u e of yo u r home

B e p r e pa r e d

E v e r y ho m e i s d i f f e r e nt

Features and finishes - Features such as outdoor kitchens and

When a home is sold, a willing seller and a willing buyer have just

spa baths make a home more luxurious. A home finished with

announced to the world the value of that home. From there, other

hardwood floors and granite countertops is going to cost more than

similar homes are benchmarked, but other factors come into play.

a home with carpet and laminate countertops.

Even in the most well-planned moves, something can happen. Insurance is crucial. Check with your homeowner’s insurance carrier about coverage for your belongings while moving. Your mover will provide either released value insurance (about $0.60 per pound of goods lost or damaged, according to NAVL.com) or full replacement value, which you must sign for on your bill of lading. If you are not sure how to estimate the value of your belongings for insurance purposes, your insurance carrier may provide suggestions, such as $10,000 per room or half the value of the new home. Items of special value such as heirlooms, paintings, or collectibles can be insured under separate riders. In the event of damage to an

Mo v i n g i nt e r s tat e ? You should read and understand all of the information you will receive. In addition to brochures explaining their various services, moving companies should give you a copy of a consumer booklet entitled “Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move” and information regarding the mover’s participation in a Dispute Settlement Program.

In a neighborhood of similar homes, why is one worth more than another? That’s the question that’s teased buyers and sellers for ages, but the answer is simple.

The most important are:

Condition - The closer a home is to new construction, the more it

Location - The closer a home is to jobs, parks, transportation,

will retain its value. It’s perceived as more modern, up to date, and

schools, and community services, the more desirable it is.

perhaps safer. Homes that are not updated or in poor repair sell for less. It’s a good idea for homeowners to keep their homes updated

Size - Square footage impacts home values because they’re built using more materials. Larger lot sizes mean more privacy.

and in top repair. Curb appeal - From the street, the home looks clean, fresh, and

Number of bedrooms and baths - Over time, median homes

inviting. Fresh landscaping and flowers won’t change the size or

have grown larger. Decades ago, household members shared

location, but they certainly add charm.

bedrooms and baths without complaint, but today, families want

When two homes are identical in the same neighborhood, a higher

more privacy. The median home purchased today is a three-

price may come down to something as simple as views, or paint

bedroom, two-bath home.

colors, or the overall taste of the homeowner.

item, file a claim immediately. Be sure to save the packing materials to show to the adjuster, should there be any problems.



Valuing a home will never be an exact science, but if you buy wisely, keep your home updated and in good repair, you should recoup most if not all of your investment.

E x p erien c ed & p ro f essional real es t a t e



ABOUT US Local knowledge, professional, exceptional service. These are qualities that are important for any business professional in any field, but with real estate they are absolutely necessary. When it comes to buying and selling your home, the right Realtor isn’t just the one who’s going to work really hard for you (even though we do). It’s the one who knows that it’s about loving where you live and improving your quality of life.

architects, interior designers, engineers, and other trades.

the team

Joe is a successful sales and marketing professional with over 25

Darren has brought together a team of real estate professionals

years experience in client-centric consumer and business media.

to support and deliver the higher standards of service he is

He has taken his business insight into the realm of real estate and is

known for. This talented team includes a full-time marketing

thoroughly enjoying the journey with early success and partnership

consultant, graphic designers, photographers, contractors,

with Darren. Joe lives in Silver Lake with his wife Gabriela and 4

accountants, escrow staff, lenders, and property stagers.

unreasonable, but lovable dogs.

As a 35-year resident of Northeast Los Angeles, Darren Hubert knows the schools because he went to them, he knows the restaurants because he’s been to them and he knows the history because he’s lived it. He’s an advocate for community, volunteering many hours to local government, nonprofits and grassroots organizations. Darren also has a passion for architecture and the connection we have with properties and how we move, function and live within a space. Joe Cloninger has a strong bond with Los Angeles with the launching of several local newsweeklies and a monthly magazine, which recognized the renaissance of L.A.’s Eastside neighborhoods and Downtown Los Angeles. As Associate Publisher of awardwinning architectural magazine FORM for three years, his community involvement extended to Los Angeles design professionals -



Darren Hubert

Joe Cloninger





BRE# 01330183

Visit www.UrbanHillsides.com new listings, real estate news and more

BRE# 01954784

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TESTIMONIALS Darren was great from the beginning to end of this process with

Darren has helped me both buy and sell a home and has shown

excellent referrals for a lender and then a contractor. He was very

great support and patience throughout a long, drawn out and

knowledgeable and thorough during negotiations. He had a great

complicated process. He was knowledgeable, helpful with referrals

understanding of what I was looking for and helped me develop my

to workers for fixing the place up, good with suggestions about

sense of this as our process progressed. Darren was very patient

where to buy fix-up materials like windows and fixtures, and a great

and I never felt even a hint of pressure. He also has great taste! I

source of ideas and suggestions. I very highly recommend him.

highly recommend him!

- R I C H P.


I’ve been working with Darren since 2009. He’s helped me through several transactions. Darren always goes above and beyond the typical services you’d expect from a Realtor. He has a good design sense if you need advice and knows a lot of handymen, landscapers, contractors, etc. if you need help finding a service. He never tries to talk you into something you don’t like or want, and is very patient. In addition, his team does a really good job with photography and

His knowledge, attention to detail, and his sincere concern for his clients made the whole process a wonderful one. Darren helped us find outstanding tenants for our units and gave us excellent advice regarding upgrade do/dont’s, regulations, ‘nuts & bolts’ stuff. If you wish to work with a professional, lovely, and just plain good guy, then call Mr. Darren Hubert.


marketing materials.

- N ATA L I E M .

Darren is focused on helping his clients find the absolute best house that is right for them. With Darren it is never about the money, it is

Please do yourself a favor and use the best- Darren will not

about the client. I have, and will continue to recommend Darren to


anyone looking to buy, sell or rent a residence.

- K irsten P.



- K E R R Y F.

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