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CHARLOTTE RUSSELL CONTEMPORARY September 1–December 31 charlotterussellcontemporary.com
Curated by Charlotte Russell Contemporary and on view at Hartwell, Local Color features a vibrant collection of artworks by five artists living and working in the Triangle. Featured artists include King Nobuyoshi Godwin, Abie Harris, Mar Hester, Jen Matthews, and Jean Gray Mohs. Each using their own unique mediums and processes, the works on view showcase the rich local art scene.
BEV'S FINE ART October 14–December 31 bevsfineart.com
Afterglow celebrates diverse mediums and methods of creation. Four new artists will be showing their works: Patrick Lee, whose paintings exude an emotional handling of oil and beautiful haunting light; Ian Herdell, a craftsman with the ability to transform wood into bold, organic wall sculptures; Laura Berendsen Hughes, with her bright palette and blend of patterns with horse silhouettes; and Jenny Wu, an innovative abstract artist repurposing house paint into geometric manipulations. Afterglow will also feature new works by Joshua Smith, who is sure to please with his dreamlike works. Enjoy an evening of light refreshments and a chance to meet several of the artists on Thursday, October 14, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.

NORTH CAROLINA MUSEUM OF HISTORY October 23–January 17 ncmuseumofhistory.org
Experience original costumes worn by the stars of Downton Abbey. Dressing the Abbey is a traveling exhibition developed by Exhibits Development Group. It includes thirty-five original costumes that showcase the turbulence and changes in the late Edwardian era through the 1920s by means of the fashions of the period, while also evoking fans’ favorite moments. Hosted by the North Carolina Museum of History, Dressing the Abbey features attire ranging from country tweeds to servants’ uniforms to lavish eveningwear. Visit the website for more information and ticket prices.