Vibration Of Thought Energy by Neb Heru

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This Little book is the “MASTER KEY” to changing the WORLD!

“Big things come in small packages.”

Inspired by: The Forces of Nature (NUN) Inscribed by: NEB HERU A KHEPER KA RE (KHAF‐RE) GHANA, WEST AFRICA 2010

The Vibration of Thought Energy

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates in The ALL, yet movement is not ALL.” – Supreme Grand Hierophant Tehuti Question: What is Vibration? Answer: According to the Merriam Webster’s online Dictionary the word Vibration means: Pronunciation: \vī‐ˈbrā‐shən\ Function: noun 4 a : a characteristic emanation, aura, or spirit that infuses or vitalizes someone or something and that can be instinctively sensed or experienced —often used in plural b : a distinctive usually emotional atmosphere capable of being sensed —usually used in plural. Everything in NATURE and Existence Vibrates, and there is a constant Rhythmic Motion throughout the Universe (Multi‐Verse). Nothing in nature rests, there is constant motion and constant vibrations, thus as 2

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everything Vibrates so does your Thoughts, and as you think a Thought you send out Vibrations of Positive Energy or Negative Energy, depending on the Nature of your Thoughts. Like a stone thrown into the Water your Thought produces ripples and waves

Brain Waves

which spread out over the Great Ocean of Thought. There is this difference, however: the 3

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waves on the water move only on a level plane in all directions‐‐whereas thought‐waves move in all directions from a common center, just as do the rays from (PAA RE) The SUN. Question: What is Energy? Answer: There is a great deal of Energy flowing freely throughout the Universe. This Energy is seen in the Form of Light. In fact, Light is the Visible part of Energy, the “Electromagnetic Spectrum,” and a Spectrum is a range of things related by certain characteristics. In this case, the Spectrum of Light is made up of Energy that travels through Space much like a “Wave that Ripples in a Pond”. Scientifically the height of the Wave is called the Amplitude or the height of its intensity. The distance between the peak of one Wave and the peak of the next is called wavelength and the time per second that it takes a Wave to pass through a specified point is the Frequency. 4

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The Supreme Being Tehuti


The Vibration of Thought Energy

The Spectrum is called “Electro Magnetic” because it has an Electric Field as well as a Magnetic Field. The Electric Waves of the Electric Field are identical in Amplitude, Wavelength and Frequency as the Magnetic Waves of the Magnetic Field, hence, Electromagnetic. Thus we have the “Electromagnetic Nature of Life”.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Light

When everyone was born, they received a Breath of Life. That Breath of Life was in 6

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actuality a Breath of Light. Not the Light of a Light Bulb, but a Light of Life, giving pouring forth forever emanating and forever penetrating. This Light is what makes you a Living Soul (Pure Green Light Essence). This Light existed Darkness in a State of Void before it became “Something or Sum thing”. Life itself is a burning! Life springs from an acid base and is perpetuated (continued) by that acid base. Of course, acid burns, so hence, “Life is a burning”, like the acid in a car battery is the life of the car. The car is made active by gas burning and the Person is made active by Blood burning. When a Baby actively starts to breath the Oxygen (Air) it breathes goes to the lungs, and acid in the Blood in its Lungs burns the Oxygen the Child breathes, and that burning is Natural Electricity called Ether which is Life. 7

The Vibration of Thought Energy

Electricity or Electrical Energy can be sent over long distances! Thoughts which are Electrical become things. They can be seen (Light) and Felt (Heat, Cool, etc…)

Thoughts operate on the principle of Electrical Energy. Electrical Energy is of a special importance in Energy changes. Most forms of Energy can be changed into Electrical Energy.


The Vibration of Thought Energy

Electrical Energy, in turn can be changed into almost any other form of Energy. Magnetism: A Magnet works off of the Principle of moving Electric charges. An Electric current produces a Magnetic Field. In Atoms there are Electrons moving around the Nucleus or Center of the Atom. In most Atoms, the Electrons spin in different directions and their Magnetic fields cancel each other. But in Atoms of a Magnetic Element, such as Iron and Nickel, the fields do not cancel each other. Once the fields get large enough so that they don’t cancel each other, they are dipole; meaning pointing in different directions, then the Magnet becomes fully magnetized. 9

The Vibration of Thought Energy

Emotional Energy Energy is defined as the power by which anything acts effectively to move or change things or accomplishes any result, or “power in active exercise,” or more simply, “the capacity to perform work.” It divides energy into “potential energy” and “kinetic energy.” Anything in motion has kinetic energy, a moving automobile, a falling rock, a breaking wave. Potential Energy is sub‐divided into “available energy” and “diffuse energy.” To explain this we might say a spring that is used in a clock contains available energy, while a lump of charcoal contains diffuse energy, the difference being that the spring being used for the clock is ready for immediate work but the piece of charcoal must be burned before its energy is released in the form of heat. All life energy is diffuse. It must be converted or transformed in some way in order to be put 10

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to work. Every Human Being has an array of energy transformers which enable him to draw upon the life energy which surrounds him and in which he lives, moves and has his being. Our Ancient Egyptian (TaMa‐Rean) Ancestors termed these transformers as “Arushaat” (Chakras) or energy seats. The Ancient Hindu or Sanskrit term for these transformers is chakras or wheels. This name comes from their appearance. To a person who’s third eye is open and has inner vision these energy seats look like rapidly spinning wheels of different‐ colored light, coming from the Electromagnetic Spectrum. The raw life energy is pure and without any distinguishing characteristics but when it is transformed into Human Energy by one of these Energy Seats (Arushaat, Chakra); it takes on the quality of that particular Transformer or Energy Wheel. The most fully opened and 11

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therefore most active Energy Seat, Arusha (Arushaat) or Chakra in average Humans is the Solar Plexus (seat of the subconscious mind), whose chief product is Emotional Energy. In Consequence these people are “Emotionally focused,” which means that most of their actions are taken as the result of an “emotional impulse or urge”. In order to open the deeper gates or doorways of our Mind, thus using our full mental potentials we must reestablish control over our Emotional Energy and how we use it. Electrical Energy – Energy in Motion (Emotion) All around you is Energy – Electrical Energy, exactly like that which makes up the solid objects you possess. The only difference is that the loose Energy around us is unaccounted for. It is still virgin gold – untouched, undiscovered and unclaimed. You can think it into anything you wish – great health or sickness, into 12

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strength or weakness, into success or failure. What will you form this Energy into in order to live your life’s purpose? There is nothing good or bad but Thinking makes it so! The Overstanding of this Law within Nature will enable you to control every other Law that exists. In it is to be found the “Universal Remedy”, for all ills, the satisfaction of all want, all needs and “Desire”. It is Creative Mind’s own provision your freedom. Today is the start of the rest of your life, this statement simply means you always have the power to start over, to remake or renew your life. How do you see yourself today? Where are you going and what do you truly want to do with your life? What is your true life’s destiny? You can learn through the powers of your Subconscious Minds to find the answers to these questions and many, many more. The universe is boundless, and infinite energy, this energy again is just waiting for us to tap into it. 13

The Vibration of Thought Energy

How will you use your Mind Power (Thought Energy) to shape this “Electrical” Energy? Question: What is Thought? For Thought is creative energy. Thought brings things into being that you think. Question: Where do your thoughts come from? Answer: Your Mind feeds off a Mental Reservoir. Mind is phonetically associated with mine or my personal connection to the intellect ALL (PAUT). Thus, my Mind feeds off the Mental through an Etheric Cord that is connected directly to me, so I say my “Mind is Mine”. 14

The Vibration of Thought Energy

Question: “Where is your mind?” Answer: You might have said in your Brain right? When you ask the average person today, to show me you’re Mind, most people will point to their head. The reality is your Mind is not in your physical head. Your Conscious Mind resides on a much more subtle Plane of Existence. Your Mind known as your Conscious Mind,


The Vibration of Thought Energy

is linked to your Subconscious Mind which is linked to what is termed the Mental Reservoir of Thoughts also known as Universal Consciousness, which is the Mental Plane of Existence. Your Mind resides in those heavenly realms that you might say GOD, or ALLAH, or Yahweh can hear. Your Mind uses the Brain as a machine or a switch board and depending on how you develop and exercise your Mental Muscle called the Brain, determines the quality of thoughts you will have in your life. So again your Mind and your Thoughts are in reality Spiritual in Nature, meaning the process of thinking has an effect on atoms and molecules which in turn produces what is known as Thought Waves. Thought Waves produce Vibrations or Unseen ripples throughout ones environment that, 16

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depending on the nature of the thought extends further and further out from one’s self affecting the world of the unseen (Ethers, Atoms, Molecules) and manifesting in Solid Reality. Our Thoughts are Spiritual in Nature. Think about this, your mind has the ability to re‐produce sound, pictures, colors, old Thoughts, New Thoughts and even Future Thoughts. With your Mind you are able to rewind back to past events in your life, and reflect on when you were happiest. Go back into your Mind now and reflect on true happiness, true freedom! Also think about this, your Mind is linked to your Physical Body, and thoughts of hate, anger, etc… have a very detrimental effect on your Physical Body. When you constantly have these types of Thoughts, Thoughts of hate, anger, etc… all of a sudden you will notice your head will begin to hurt; your heart will start beating faster etc...


The Vibration of Thought Energy

Physical reactions correspond to the nature of your thoughts because again your Brain which is the switch board of your mind. Your Brain sends signals to your Nervous System and depending on what type of thought you are having at that very moment sends out chemicals which are secreted through the

The Endocrine System 18

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Glandular System of your Body called Endocrine System which then is released into your Blood Stream to produce Emotional reactions that are ultimately affecting ones health and Mental stability. Some Physical reactions many might have experienced are shortness of breath; ones heart beating faster, and even a calm, warm feeling of peace and serenity. Question: What is the Power of Thought? Answer: What we must begin to realize is, all Human beings on the Planet Earth (Ptah‐Nun) project some type of Vibration to all those around them. Some people project a “Positive” vibration to all those around them and these are the people who are a pleasure to be around. These types of people seem to have a certain energy that they share with others. Then there are those People who are totally absorbed, by the Negative and the depressed, 19

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and they seem to actually draw energy out of people in their environment. The reasoning this happens is because there is Power contained in thought, and this Power is very subtle (not seen) though it can be felt by all who come with these types of People, places and Environments. Now is the time to realize that we as Humans are constantly sending (transmitting) and receiving Thoughts. This is why People have experienced what is called ESP (Extra‐Sensory Perception), or even Telepathy (Tell‐A‐ Ptahite). How many times have you thought about a person and they call? How many times the phone rang and you knew who it was before you answered, or how many times you thought about a person that you have no seen in a while and then you see them the next day? These are all examples of the Power of Thought!


The Vibration of Thought Energy

Think about this… Every Thought has a shape, color, weight, size, frequency, vibration, and tone. For example a highly charged Positive Spiritual Healing Thought will give off a color of Green, where as a Negative Thought charged with hatred, anger and greed will give off the Color Red. Question: What do you mean your Thoughts give off a Color? Answer: What we are saying is around your Body there is an Atmosphere, called an Electromagnetic Field of Energy known as an Aura. Your Thoughts have an effect on your Mood which affects your Aura Color. Your Aura Color equals Frequency, which is a Vibration that is being transmitted back out from You and Seen and Felt by all others around You. Take some time to do some research on “Kirlian Photography”. Light sensitive Photographic equipment have been developed 21

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to pick up on higher band width frequencies, that are able to take pictures of undetectable Lights around living organism be it Human Beings, Plants or Animals. Question: What is an Aura? Answer: There are two currents of Electrical Energy that run through your body creating a “Magnetic Field” called your Haalat or Aura, your Electro‐Magnetic Field (Aura) is a part of Earth’s (PTAH‐NUN) Magnetic Field in which your Aura (Electro‐Magnetic Field) Moves independently. These fields are composed of Negative and Positive vibrating Energies or Forces. These forces are known as: Centripetal Force – That comes towards the Planet Earth (PTAH‐NUN) from the universe (i.e. Energy from the Sun, Moon, and stars or other Solar Bodies.)


The Vibration of Thought Energy

Centrifugal Force – Force that comes from (within) the Planet Earth (PTAH‐NUN), (i.e. energy from plants, minerals, the soil, and water). Human Beings Aura (Halaat) contains your Spirit (KAA), Soul (BAA), and Physical (KHAT) form. The Halaat (Aura) which is the “Life Force” (Ankh, Sekhemic Energy) of the Body may be looked upon as the Atmosphere of the Body, because your Aura reflects the “Real” vital Body, Mental Mood, (Emotional Energy), Health and Character. Notice the word “Atmosphere”, which is very key to knowing your relationship with Planet Earth (PTAH‐NUN) and ALL (PAUT). The word Atmosphere is defined according to the Merriam Webster’s Colligate Dictionary as: (N) Greek Atmos – “Vapor”, Sphaera, “Sphere”. (The gaseous envelope of a celestial body, “as a 23

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planet”), a environment.




The word Influence is defined as: (Influere – to flow in) from Fluere “to Flow”. ‐

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An Ethereal (Etheric) fluid held to flow from the stars (which are Suns) and to affect the actions of Humans. An Emanation of occult (hidden) power held to derive from stars (SUNS). An Emanation of Spiritual or Moral Force. The act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command. The Power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways: To sway


The Vibration of Thought Energy

The word Emanate is defined as: from “Manare” to flow, to come out from a source. “Emit”. So according to these definitions your Aura which is the atmosphere of the body, can be seen as having an “influence on your environment” via your “thoughts” which is your mental state and mood which is your Emotional Energy or Energy in Motion, which is “Electro‐Magnetic” in nature. So at times depending on your Emotional Moods you can have a Aura or Atmosphere around you of Positive 9ether, life giving forces, or Negative, draining 6ether death causing gases. So these different layers or Moods of Vibration (Emotional Energy) are reflected in colors, which may appear cloud like or bright and clear according to the Emotional Mood a person is vibrating on. The colors and moods of vibration fluctuate depending on a person’s mental state, and mental attitude. Positive mental attitude 25

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reflect bright, clear and vivid colors which attract 9ether life giving, vitality particles. A Person’s Aura can be felt, which is why you have heard the statement many times “that person gives off a good vibe,” The word vibe equals vibration. Some people are a pleasure to be around, they seem to revitalize, and invigorate everyone they come in contact with. These are your life giving people who have Positive Etheric particles within their Energy Fields or Aura. All they attract is good and Positive. These are the people who always seem lucky or always seem to be upbeat and have a Positive outlook on everything. They are upbeat and full of life! Then you have the person who seems to “drain your energy” when you come in contact with them, you have stepped into a negative Aura atmosphere (Energy field), an Aura atmosphere full of fear, doubt, worry, and 26

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anxiety. After being around such energies emitting from these kinds of people, you start to doubt yourself, and your confidence is undermined. This means there Aura is spilling into yours, and they are sucking your energy, such people in this day and time are known as “Energy Vampires”. They seem to complain about life and all the Negative things that happen. They love to play the victim role or “why me”, “poor me” role. These kinds of people have “crystallized” a negative Aura Field around themselves subconsciously, which remember, is reflected by your Mental attitude. Having Negative Thoughts Attract these Negative 6ether Energy Forces within your Auric Fields. These types of People if you are not able to raise their Mental State, thus raising their Vibration or at least teach them how to stay on the “Positive Life,” Frequency should be avoided at all cost. 27

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The Human Aura (Electrical Field) 28

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Question: Why is this important in 2010 leading up to 2012? This information is important because of the Shift in Vibrations that is taking place now on the Planet Earth (PTAH‐NUN). As you learned earlier Earth’s Vibration is changing as our Vibration is also changing, to a more Positive Time Cycle. Within this Time Cycle Positive Energy must prevail in order for the existence of the Human Race and all life on it. The New Cycle called the Solar Cycle of Re (The Sun Cycle) is a Cycle that is geared towards the Positive reception of Astrological Forces within each Person’s Grid Matrix of their Molecular Structures of their Atoms, in others words you are going through a “renewal process” on a Atomic, Cellular Level called a Genetic Shift! This is a time where (NU) new ideas, (NU) new awareness is taking place within each Human Being upon this planet (Ptah‐Nun), where you 29

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must now give into the Positive Forces of Nature which is the Black Light seen through the Visible Light Spectrum(Electromagnetic Spectrum) as Ultra Violet Light (UV‐Rays), then on to Green Light. Have you noticed in this day and time everything is going Green? The Green Vibration is now being promoted as Mother Nature is ready to heal, cleanse, and shed the old skin, shed the old ways. Now is the time for Global healing, and with healing comes purging and cleansing thus Death and Destruction should be seen as the Body (Mother Nature –Earth) is cleaning or getting rid of all the negative and old poisons (NEGATIVE PEOPLE, VIBRATIONS). We are now in the “Era of Balancement”, MA’AT (Truth and Justice), and the true war of Armageddon! NOW IS THE TIME! 30

The Vibration of Thought Energy

Question: What is the War of Armageddon? Answer: Many Sects of various Religions (Chirstism, Muhammadism) have used this word to paint at picture of a war in the last days as they call it. A war between the right and just (Righteous) and Wrong doers or evil, in reality we as Esoteric Thinkers and Doers of all the Ancient Writings, know that the true war of Armageddon is the war “within oneself”. For the world within is nothing but a reflection of the world without and vice‐versa as our Ancient TaMa‐Rean Ancestors taught “AS ABOVE SO BELOW”. So in these days in time which is the end of one cycle called the Moon (lunar) Cycle of Death, Evil, Hate, Greed, etc…into the Solar (Sun‐GOLDEN) Cycle of Life, Mind, Positive, Joy, and Living we must constantly do battle with that Lower self that is aligned with the Negative Forces of Nature that still want you to do all ills against your own being, so that the Higher Self (GOD SELF) can 31

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come forth in greatness which is truly birthed from the Positive Forces in Nature. Question: How did the Ancient Egyptians View Thought Energy? Answer: Our Ancient TaMa‐Rean (Egyptian) ancestors knew that Thought Energy was all there was throughout the Boundless Universe (Multi‐Verse) and We Ancient TaMa‐Reans (Egyptians) attributed Thought Energy to the Deity of Wisdom and Writing known as Thoth, Djehuti, or Tehuti. We Ancient Tama‐Rean (Egyptians) knew that all there really was throughout the Boundless Universe (Multi‐ Verse) is Thought Energy known as NU or NUN (Pronounced NOONE). Many times you made have heard of this statement “AS ABOVE SO BELOW”? This is based on an Ancient Tama‐ Rean teaching of Tehuti, Djehuti, or Thoth, “what goes up must come down”. What happens in the “UNSEEN” world will manifest 32

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in the “SEEN” world, what happens in the more subtle world of ETHER, ATOMS, AND MOLECULES, will manifest in the world of “VISIBLE” Matter. Another example of the “As Above So Below Principle” is whenever you have a cut, or scrap or any damage to the outer skin, when you examine further with a Microscope, you will come to see that the cells around the area is damaged or even “dead” no life! This is how you know that there are things happening or more Subtle Levels, and our Ancestors viewed Thought Energy in the same manner. Even though Thoughts that are playing in your head right now in Picture form, cannot be seen by other people looking at you, eventually they do manifest and play out in your everyday Life! 33

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“Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your words; they become actions. Watch your actions; they become habits. Watch your habits; they become your character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.” ALL is THOUGHT! THOUGHT IS ALL!


The Vibration of Thought Energy

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