ULM VINTAGE APPEAL issue June/July 2010

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june | july 2010

vint age appeal

t he mens is sue



life and attire in harmony


mukorobespoke.com | (404) 704-0740


URBAN LUX MAGAZINE “ URBAN is NOT a definition of race. It’s city dwelling. It’s a lifestyle. It’s | STYLE | CULTURE | CONSCIENCE | . . . It’s URBAN LUX MAGAZINE “





editors note


vintage appeal

- modern and vintage fashion fusion


the lux team



- his essentials

- contributors

- his finance


urban lux approved

- his fitness

- shop: vintage reigns and remains

- his vintage ride

- listen: “the ballad of the purple saint james� - taste: battle of the bartenders


- raw, real, relationship advice

12 STYLE - the ken barber experience

sugar and salt

from zach & okeeba


on the lux scene

14 CULTURE - life beyond the nfl

17 CONSCIENCE - beyond fatherlessness



june|july 2010


interactive links twitter.com/UrbanLuxMag facebook.com/pages/URBAN-LUX/77907199458

June marks the beginning of summer and holds within it a day of celebration for Fathers. This issue is dedicated to all men - brothers, uncles, husbands, sons, nephews and mentors but most importantly it’s dedicated to Fathers.



I never really realized how much alike my Father and I were until his death. My Mother helped me to see our similarities. He was such the entrepreneur with daring ventures, multiple businesses and big. . . no HUGE ideas! So, it would be no surprise to him that you are reading this publication right now. I did not have the opportunity to ask his advice on business, among other things, before he transitioned. So, if you still have the chance, regardless of the circumstance, give your Father a call this Father’s Day. Better yet, stop reading right now and pick up the phone. If you don’t know where he is, now is a great time to start your search.

LENTHEUS CHANEY Publisher / Editor URBAN LUX MAGAZINE LiveUrbanLux.com

photo:John Stephens | styling: Brian Short


I’ve at last found peace in the pain that I’ve harbored for

26 years… This tranquility was one established through prayer and a journey to ultimately find me… I subsisted in the ideal that my heart was broken via the first man who was supposed to love me unconditionally… However, What was my reality is now my… idealism... I know now that…. He loved me inexpressibly... Undeniably… And Indefinitely He was a man who was never able to see how beautiful he was… A man who was broken from the root, He was in no way able to reconnect with that… Origin, His foundation… Thus, Creating an inheritance of misunderstandings and in due course… Pain…

I symbolize…

I represent… The end of a succession… Linked, molded, erected by hereditary darkness… A cloud of obscurity that was intended to diminish everything he stood to become… To be… A lineage rooted in a sea of instability. A foundation that was supposed to never exist That was supposed to deject everything that is and was of… Him… However, We stand strong… We are… The power, The strength And the Joy, of a hurt and destroyed man. A DNA that will surpass and outlast its naysayers The legacy of… Victor Aaron Battle Jr. He was the coal that smothered me in an attempt to protect my delicateness from a world that hurt him… That ultimately took his life… I am the end of his shackle… His link of nine diamonds…

june|july 2010







With over 16 yrs as a producer/DJ


on the underground scene, Salah


Ananse’s talent has put him on bills


with notable DJ’s such as Vikter

organization provides those who

Duplaix, & ?uestlove & opening

are lacking the leadership and

DJ spots for artists such as Dave

guidance of a father.








Chappelle, India Arie, Joi, Dwele, Musiq & The Roots.



As a CNN financial contributing

A filipino-american photographer

analyst since 2006. Now featured

based in Atlanta, Georgia. She

on the CNN Weekend Newsroom

specializes in artistic and corporate


event photography.




Her purpose

covers topics ranging from the

is to celebrate expression. Without

state of the housing market to

hesitation, Kat captures intricate

personal finance.


JOHNNY CLARKSTON CPT/Weight Loss Expert, Johnny has waited his whole life to be able to make an impact on his community in a positive way. As a proud member of AFAA and a participating trainer of the Michael Jordan Training Camp, he is very consistent about educating himself to better serve his clients..

LEE JONES An avid sports fan, this freelancer has written on matters of sports, politics, and religion. He has also written about film and sexuality in such diverse publications as Jump Cut and Clikque and is currently collaborating as a researcher on a book about black men, sexuality and depression.



Imagery, Details, Old and New


School Cool and a fascination with


birds led Founder and Designer

Fine Artist, Graphic Artist, Musician,

of BSIXTEE6 Clothing Company/


Photographer Briian Dargon to


our pages AGAIN. Briian currently

Sugar & Salt, the ULM relationship

finishing up his first book “Broke(n)



Renaissance Poet,







Read his raw wisdom in

Genius” ZACH DAVIS Zach Davis is a father; husband, life coach, and author, whose passion to inform and help others led him to the pages of ULM to give you real relationship advice. Along with his friend Okeeba Jubalo, they form Z & O Publishing, an urban publishing company .


june|july 2010


MILTON MILLER Collecting vintage clothing for over twenty years, Milton has an affinity for men’s vintage coats. He has been visited by Oprah who received a pair of vintage shoes from him that she recently auctioned off for charity.

| shop |

| shop |




intage clothing is timeless. After all, modern designers borrow from past trends and most of their fashions express a historical flare. If you notice what’s being sent down the runway, many have been drawn from something of Yesteryear.

By shopping vintage one can save a lot of cash and find vintage items that can be worked into an existing wardrobe. Moreover, a few pieces of vintage incorporated into your modern look will keep it distinctive yet versatile. One-of-a-kind vintage items eliminate the risk of wearing the same old big name-brand department store cookie-cutter clothes that everyone else has. Who wants that? That’s definitely not individual expression! So where can you fellas find those cool swaggarific vintage items? Well your first stop should be at your local thrift store. They have racks and racks of items, many of them vintage and for less. But of course it takes a little elbow grease and patience to go through those racks to find that one-of- a kind item and you never know what you will stumble upon.

Another great source of vintage items includes estate sales, yard sales and swamp meets. What’s great about these sources is that you can negotiate prices and definitely get a better price by purchasing more. Your local newspaper’s classifieds should have a listing of these events. Again, it’s going to take a little patience and an open mind. There are also boutiques and stores that cater to vintage items. Start by doing a web search of vintage clothing stores in your area for locations. These are always great places to find vintage pieces, but they may tend to be pricier and definitely proud of their items. If you don’t like digging and want more of a department store feel, these shops would be more of your liking. Some of these places may be negotiable on pricing so it’s always good to inquire by asking “Is this your best price,” or “is this best you can do.” Lastly there is the web; you can find anything there. There are sites like eBay, that offer so much and good deals can be gotten. Online stores can be a great source for inspiration if you don’t know exactly what look or items you are seeking, as many of these vendors are well versed in Vintage. Happy shopping! Milton M2 Miller – Vintage Collectables Expert myworld.ebay.com/blubmwman

photography by: BRIIAN DARGON


june|july 2010


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y love affair with the work of the artist Yahzarah has been going on for more than a decade. I first noticed her as a background singer for Erykah Badu. She along with soul singer N’Dambi possessed voices that were eerily similar to Badu’s. Their style, phrasing and range seemed to come from the same place. As time went on both N’dambi and subsequently Yahzarah struck out on their on solo careers.

I next ran into Yahzarah when I was doing an opening DJ set for one of her shows in Atlanta. By this time I had heard about her dynamic stage performances and was excited to see one for myself. She didn’t disappoint! Her stage persona, reminiscent of Tina Turner, was a high-energy potion of funk and soul that left both the artist and audience sweaty at the end. After that show I kept following her career. Her songs would regularly show up in my play lists. Then it all stopped. The Ballad of Purple Saint James is an album long overdue. For years I’ve been hearing about it coming on the net, in blogs and in conversations with other music professionals. I’ve run into her many times in the last few years in different cities. She would drop a little teaser that would leave you wanting more. My anticipation was bubbling over! Yahzarah’s work with the group The Foreign Exchange had given me a quality appetizer. But I was ready for the main course. My first taste of The Ballad of Purple Saint James came when I was sent her first single, “Why Don’t You Call Me No More.” This up-tempo rock track immediately launches you into another world. The driving drums conjure images of CBGB’s in its heyday. As I delved into the rest of the project, I discovered Yahzarah eschewing the tired formulaic tempos and track used by most underground soul artist. The tracks “Lies” and “Starship” remind you of an 80’s era Prince. “Shadow” and “Love Come Save the Day” hark back to the style of Stevie Wonder’s album “Fulfillingness First Finale.” What I like most about The Ballad of Purple Saint James is that it’s complete. It takes you on a ride, giving you quality highs and lows along the way. This will fit nicely between your new Erykah Badu & Janelle Monaé CD’s.



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efreshing cool libation on warm days and nights will be sought throughout the city this summer. Whether you’re out on the town or entertaining at home, I’ve got you covered. Several of Atlanta’s bartenders recently participated in the fundraiser COCKTAILS FOR CANCER which benefitis Camp Sunshine. Guest sampled custom crafted cocktails and voted on their favorite. I happened upon a few fantastic summer cocktail recipes that are sure to be a hit at your next cocktail party. Not the entertaining type? Well, just ask for Seth at ECCO, James at 4th & SWIFT, Alli at La TARVOLA, Terry at LIME or Maline at GOLDFISH. They will be thrilled to shake one up for you. - Enjoy and drink responsibly!


june|july 2010


sold exclusively at ken barber clothing |1031–A MariettA STREET NW AtlantA, GA 30318 | or


| style



THE KEN BARBER EXPERIENCE ken•bar•ber | noun | 1: attention to detail, warm masculine interior, top notch customer service ex•pe•ri•ence | noun | 2 : something personally encountered, undergone, or lived through



ttention to detail, a warm masculine interior and top notch customer service are just a few of the immediate amenities one experiences when visiting Ken Barber Clothing. An upscale space that any man would feel comfortable shopping, Ken Barber Clothing is also an inviting envirorment for women to shop for the men in their life. More than a clothing store, it’s a community focused space displaying fine art and hand crafted furniture from local artist and exclusive local product lines.

There is much to see, smell, touch and feel at Ken Barber Clothing.

Fine fragrances, shoes, candles, skin care, jewelry and unique cufflinks just to name a few. You can expect to see suits by Alfred Dunhill and Armani and you are sure to fall in love with the impeccable fit and feel of the Ken Barber Private Label.

A native of Montezuma Georgia, proprietor and namesake, Ken Barber has over 25 years of experience in the fashion industry. Ken Barber believes in hard work and takes his business serious. “Commitment to excellence, perseverance and passion are key factors in being successful. It’s about growth and believing in your destiny. Day to day survival comes from the small things in life like good old fashion rolling your sleeves up and doing what it takes to get the job done. Beyond the glitz and glamour hard work is necessary to accomplish your goals,” states Ken. It’s words like those that make the Ken Barber Experience a blueprint for others to follow. You will be quick to understand why he is so good at his craft. It’s because he has a love for fashion and strives for excellence. Located in the Midtown West District of Atlanta, stop by for your very own experience. 1031–A Marietta St NW Atlanta, GA 30318 photography by: KAT GODUCO


june|july 2010








hile the news about professional athletes filling up rap sheets instead of stat sheets garner national headlines, we often forget that most athletes are just everyday people who are trying to make a difference both on and off the field. A splendid example is former Atlanta Falcon running back Verron Haynes. The Roswell, GA resident takes pride in being as dedicated a pro off the field as he is on it.



The first impression one gets in meeting this soon-tobe wed, father of four is that he’s a humble guy. While many pro athletes adopt a sense of entitlement, Verron Haynes remains firmly grounded thanks to the influence of his close-knit family. It becomes clear that family is vitally important to Verron when he discusses the highlight of his professional career. Although winning a Super Bowl in front of thousands in the stands and millions worldwide was a special accomplishment, nothing surpasses the joy he shared with just six family members on one extraordinary day in April eight years ago. “For me, it was having my family with me the day I got drafted. I told my mom that someday I would make it to the league and she always believed in me,” said Haynes recalling that day in 2002. “The emotion that I felt with my family when I got that phone call was special. My dream came true and I got to share that with my family. The feelings and the emotions that we shared that day remain the highlight of my professional career.” Haynes’s roots spring from the Caribbean paradise of Trinidad and Tobago, where his father Ulric Haynes was captain of the national soccer team. At age seven the family migrated to New York City and then settled in Atlanta in his early teens just as Verron began excelling in soccer and basketball. Haynes didn’t discover his talent for football until he joined the high school squad on a dare by a coach in his junior year. His first hand-off from scrimmage resulted in an electrifying 63-yard burst to the end zone. By the time he made it back to the sidelines he was hooked on the gridiron game. After just two years of high school football he earned a four-year scholarship to play for Western Kentucky University. But after one year of high-level play, Haynes rolled the dice and left the scholarship at Western Kentucky for a bigger stage at the University of Georgia.


june|july 2010


“I had a plan in mind and I was determined,” says Haynes. As a walk-on player transferring from another college he was forced to sit out one year and was not guaranteed a scholarship even when he was allowed to play. Known as a hard worker, Haynes routinely got up at 4 a.m. each morning to train before team workouts. His gritty determination earned him a scholarship for his remaining seasons at Georgia, highlighted by stellar senior season in which he was the team’s leading rusher. His disciplined schedule and gridiron glory never interfered with his education, though. “At an early age my parents taught me to always have a plan B. Education was big in my household,” said Haynes. His plan B netted him a Finance degree from the University’s Terry College of Business.




hile the average career of an NFL player is less than three years, Haynes’s eight-year run makes him a seasoned veteran at age 31. News about former pro athletes and celebrities squandering the millions they earned are sadly becoming routine. Fortunately, Haynes was cautioned early in his career to plan for life beyond the NFL. “One of the most beneficial things for me was being drafted by the Steelers because it allowed me to learn from Jerome Bettis. He showed me how to be a professional on and off the field. He always talked to the younger guys about preparing for life after football.” Verron’s ventures include a hip clothing store in his native Trinidad and Tobago. This month will also mark the grand opening of Red Sail, a company specializing in water sport recreation also located on the Caribbean island. Haynes also has a number of joint investment ventures brewing here in the U.S. that promise to keep this entrepreneurathlete scoring big in the field commerce.


“The best thing about being a pro athlete is the opportunity we have to influence the younger generation”



No stranger to charitable work, he started the Verron Haynes Foundation about seven years ago. His foundation finances game-day experiences for breast cancer survivors or those actively receiving treatment for the disease. Breast cancer is a cause dear to his heart because his sister succumbed to the disease at the youthful age of 26. Haynes also sits on the board of Turning Point; an Alpharetta based non-profit organization providing comprehensive wellness programs for women battling breast cancer. While a member of the Steelers, Haynes served as the spokesperson for the Pittsburgh area Boys & Girls Club for five years. He readily supports other causes that make a positive impact difference in the community. Verron is an unrestricted free agent whose career is far from over. He expects to be gaining yards this upcoming season for one of the teams currently expressing interest in him. Believing that if he “keeps God first, everything will work itself out”

Undoubtedly, his track record maintains that we can expect Being a high-paid athlete comes with advantages and big things this season from Verron Haynes. influence. “The best thing about being a pro athlete is the opportunity we have to influence the younger generation and the chance to give back to the community. I like being a role model,” says Haynes. He often speaks to kids about not only focusing on becoming a pro athlete, but also to be equally focused on getting a good education that lasts a lifetime. photography by: KAT GODUCO | clothing: KEN BARBER CLOTHING

june|july 2010








or many of you, this may be a topic that is most difficult to face and as you read a portion of my story the reality of it may seem a bit surreal. My story is not one that is uncommon in many ways. My story and my journey have led me to the desire to change and impact past and future GENERATIONS with hope!



I often wonder what it was like for my unwed 21 year old mother to get the news she was pregnant. Unlike today, the response to unwed mothers in 1974 was a bit different. I remember being happy and enjoying life before I was 5 years old. I remember my father, or the man who I believed to be my father, taking me out for ice cream, playing with me at the park and I even remember going snow sledding with him. However, there is one day from my childhood in particular that stands out in my mind. Dressed in blue jeans and a red turtleneck sweater, we entered this huge brick building in downtown Kalamazoo, Michigan. While in the building I was pricked and prodded, but uncertain of its purpose. Its purpose obviously sent tremendous vibrations into the atmosphere changing the course of my life forever. As I got older, I began to wonder why my father was no longer present in my life. One day I had finally uncovered the truth. Something major had taken place in that big brick building. Something that made him go away. That was the day I was tested to prove whether or not “Sonny” was my father. Unfortunately for me, the results from the DNA test that was performed proved he was not my father! Being fatherless exposed me to a few of the statistics bestowed upon children growing up in single-parent households. Like being molested by the time I was 12 years old, which change the very fabric of my being and the dynamic of my relationship with my mother. I learned quickly and at an early age that I was without the necessary protection a father was supposed to provide. Without my biological father, and the molestation fresh on our minds, my mother joined a church. This is one of the best decisions my mother ever made and it was where I found much of what I needed.

Interestingly enough, this was the first place I laid eyes on my biological father. As I go back in the recesses of my mind I recall the Sunday it all took place. I was 18 years old, Praise & Worship was about to begin. As we sat down, a man and woman sat down directly across from us. My mother suddenly whispered in my ear, “That’s your Father!” I stared at him the entire service. I kept thinking, “that isn’t Sonny.” To my surprise this man and the woman he was with walked over to speak after the service. He visited with me a few times, but his doubts caused him to disappear as well. So, once again… LIFE went on. continued on page 18

The church I grew up in taught me relationship and not religion. From what I experienced, they truly believed in assisting “The Fatherless”. There were many husbands and wives who took a liking to my brother and I to the point they spent significant time exposing us to the things we may not have seen otherwise.

june|july 2010








everal years had past before I made the decision to write a letter to the man from that day at church. His response came a week later in a phone call which happened to be on my birthday although he had not a clue the significance the day held. We talked for hours and I learned that at this point in his life, he was very ill with Diabetes to the point of blindness. We both came to the decision it was time to take a DNA test as it was time to KNOW once and for all if he was really my biological father. Six days later, the letter with the results arrived. They stated that it was 99.63% positive that Joe L. Lipsey was my father! I took my dad and my stepmom out to dinner to celebrate. This was the evening The Fatherless Generation Foundation was birthed in my spirit. As we sat at dinner, the significance of what had taken place struck us all with extreme emotion. My family unit had been restored. For that I give credit only to God! Being able to sit across the table from someone who looked like me, had mannerisms like me and whose blood ran through me was amazing. I immediately felt an overwhelming sense of purpose manifesting in my midst. Could I go from a place of restoration in my own family to assisting others to have the same? The answer is astoundingly…YES! Imagine what it was like for me to obtain validation, to be qualified, to find security and be blessed by my biological father. He proved something that I detected all along. My father, Joe L. Lipsey proved that a child’s identity, no matter how young or how old, is securely fixed within their father and must be released in order for the child to have an even playing field to navigate through life. It must be released in order for a child (young or old) to fulfill their purpose! On this premise, I founded The Fatherless Generation Foundation.


june|july 2010


“Could I go from a place of restoration in my own family to assisting others to have the same?” My father’s passing evoked emotion within me I had no idea was there. The words he spoke to me the week of his passing has sustained me as well as motivated me to present the very same opportunity I was afforded to other fatherless children. It caused me to see beyond my own fatherlessness! The purpose of The Fatherless Generation Foundation is to provide individuals growing up in Single–Parent households with the guidance and knowledge necessary to remove the disadvantage bestowed upon one who is fatherless. This is accomplished by exposing them to concepts and ideas through mentorship that might not otherwise be afforded. Educating through exposure creates and instills confidence, security and gives the fatherless an even playing field in life. It gives them an identity! The ultimate goal of The Fatherless Generation Foundation is to bring FATHERS back home!



vintage appeal modern & vintage fashion fusion


“I am happy Urban Lux Magazine asked me to be part of this project because I had the opportunity to fuse my love of photographing people while tying in a concept that is just so cool to me. . . The Vintage Appeal shoot sparked my creative juices. I am a fan of exploring new avenues for making things prettier or in this case more handsome. I love vintage, anything from purses, watches, and hats especially! I tried to get my inspiration from the Rat Pack, Audrey Hepburn, Heirlooms and my vintage bike. LOL.” - Kat Goduco katgoduco.com

styling: LENTHEUS CHANEY hair & makeup: LONDYN JEWELZ’ clothing courtesy of: KEN BARBER CLOTHING | kenbarberclothing.com vintage collectables courtesy of: MILTON MILLER of M2 DESIGNS jewelry courtesy of: JEN BOAZ JEWELRY | jenboaz.com


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QUICK FACTS: • • • •

30 day program with 16 sessions in the park 4 days per week at 5:45 am; done by 7 am All levels welcome and encouraged to join Improve your strength, cardio, balance, flexibility and more… and have fun! • Receive a fitness journal with nutritional advice and daily workout tips • Led by veteran volunteer Trainers • All proceeds benefit local causes

You shouldn’t be the only one to benefit from boot camp. That’s why we created Boot Camp 4a Cause, a boot camp that donates 100% of its proceeds to local causes.


You’ll be pleased to know that a minimum of $75 of your monthly fee goes to local causes. All we need to do is cover our expenses. Because we use Piedmont Park practically every day for our workouts, we have selected Piedmont Park Conservancy as our premier partner, donating 50% of our proceeds. The remaining 50% goes to a different organization every quarter.

Learn more at www.bc4c.com

PROCEEDS BENEFIT: ...and many other worthy causes!

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his essentials EVERY MAN JACK Every Man Jack, a line of all-natural products available nationwide, has developed an extensive offering of skin, shave and body products, all of which meet the stringent Natural Channel guidelines. They are just as safe for you as they are for Mother Earth.


MALCOM FRONTIER The Director All the functionality of a messenger, but with a lot more soul. This bag stands out with its bold and clever belt closure, and you’ll love all the pockets and padded neoprene laptop slot. Fits a laptop up to 15”, Soft, and durable PU coated canvas, Nylon lining, Neoprene laptop pocket, Unique metal closure.


JAEGER-LeCOULTRE Master Compressor Diving Pro Geographic Navy SEALs A technical feat, this timepiece is fitted with a patented mechanical depth gauge, housed on the side of the case. Its geographic movement allows the wearer to select a city simply by rotating the crown to display its time on a large disc at 9 o’clock. A limited series of 300 watches in 18-carat pink gold produced in partnership with the U.S. Navy SEALs®, the elite diving unit of the U.S. Navy. jaeger-lecoultre.com

NEXUS DESIGN STUDIOS The Asadi Wine Bottle Cradle is a holder that delicately balances wine bottles with only two points of contact in a sensual, dynamic form. Prominent design features of the Asadi Wine Bottle Cradle are the bottle view window that accepts the bottle neck and the customizable Asadi logo at the opposite end of the curve.



june|july 2010



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his finance




s men, our money mentality is critical to our on-going development of how we view the almighty dollar. We have to make decisions and declarations that will either help or hinder our desires and plans in regards to financial matters for not only ourselves but maybe one day, a significant other. If we don’t have the right money mentality, or in better words, a clear view of how money really works, our purpose for acquiring funds will have an adverse reaction in our lives and our ability to provide a solid financial foundation for the future. It’s true; men have a hard time listening to the thoughts and advice of others especially when it comes to money. We believe we have all the answers and what we’ve been doing thus far is working but in reality our money methods, mindset and complete financial position is broken. If we find ourselves entangled in the allure of wealth, with expensive cars, custom clothes and fine dining, we often forego the plan that shows us how to take our money to the ultimate level. So the question we must ask ourselves is why do we have this insatiable need for money? Is it to be used as a tool to build wealth and assist others, or consume material possessions? Some of us learn important money lessons by default, while others were taught the basics. Some settle for the appearance of wealth, while others learn solid methods for having healthy relationships with money. I come from the school of thought that says everyone has the ability to make and maintain money, but it’s easy to look like success and not experience the climb. If we want to change our minds and get on track to develop the right money mentality, the following ideas can help us become better financial role-models instead of money figures with no substance... 1. Educate yourself by reading different personal finance books and gather view points about the one that resembles your financial situation.

4. Follow a plan. There are many options available as it relates to creating a financial plan. Within that plan it’s key to do things such as: Pay yourself first-Before you do anything, save a percentage of your income. Make it easy by automatically having it drafted to a savings account. Managing credit card balances each month. Many people get trapped by carrying credit card balances every month. Get an accountability partner; find someone that can hold you accountable to your goal. Ultimately you have the power to chart your own course as it relates to your financial life. You have the ability to decide if you will make it happen or watch it happen. I can assure you that having money is so much better than simply appearing as if you have it. If you change your mindset, your life will follow.

2. Develop a Budget - Having your money down on paper (or spreadsheet) really helps. It’s different than just randomly spending. By knowing where those dollars are going, you’ll have more control over your money. 3. Set financial goals. – Do you have goals for your financial future? If not, then it can be hard to make any progress. Set both short term (i.e. I want to eliminate all credit card debt by June) and long term (i.e. I want to eliminate all debt by 2012) goals.

june|july 2010





- Patient Care Studies - Paralegal Studies - Medical Billing/ Coding - Basic Nursing Care - Physical Therapy Aide

New Life Technical Academy 777 Cleveland Ave SW Suite 506 Atlanta GA 30315 info@.newlifetechnical.com (404) 549-6618

“I was homeless, unemployed and living under a bridge when, the Principal of New Life , Ms. Hooker, grabbed my hand and told me about New Life Technical Academy, where I earned my High School Diploma and phlebotomy certification. I am now a certified Phlebotomist working in the medical field with an apartment. Thank you New Life Tech!” - Sharon Jones, CPT



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his fitness



ummer is approaching and you may have noticed that your midsection is not exactly south beach material. Well no need to worry. Here are a few tips for the guy on the go that will rapidly guide you into the sexiest summer of your life in as little as 20 minutes per day. To understand your lack of results you have to understand your efforts and in order to reach your goals you must focus on the 3 C’s of fitness. Consistency, Calories, and Confidence. These are the three keys to this summer’s success. First, you must stay consistent and make your exercise routine and nutrition plan a part of your lifestyle. Secondly, your caloric intake depicts how your midsection grows or shrinks. Lastly, your confidence is the gel that keeps it all together. Make a commitment to yourself that you will follow this plan for the next 30 days without any excuses, and then get ready to get ripped!

THE ROUTINE Day 1 - Core and upper body conditioning

Day 2 - Plyometrics and Lower body conditioning

Warm up with 2 minute Burpees Spider Man Push Up-60 seconds without Pause Plank with alternating Leg Lifts-60 seconds without pause Mountain Climbers-60 seconds without pause

Warm up with 2 minute running in place (High Knees with hands behind your neck) Squat Jump-60 seconds without Pause Plank with alternating Leg Lifts-60 seconds without pause Leaping Split Lunge-60 seconds without pause

Repeat 30 second break GRAB WATER! Time-6 ½ minutes Lying Pulse Ups-30 Full V Up-30 Oblique Crunch-15 each side Mason Twist-30

Repeat twice 30 second break GRAB WATER! Time-10 minutes


Alternating Reverse Lunge (Back Lunge)-30 Back Kick into a Front Lunge-10 each leg Oblique Crunch-15 each side Lying Leg Lifts-30

30 second break GRAB WATER! Time-10 ½ minutes

30 second break GRAB WATER! Time-7 minutes

Lying Prone Abdominal Stretch Doorway Chest Stretch (L&R Pectoral) Childs Pose Lower Back Stretch off5th.com Time-3 minutes

Lying Prone Abdominal Stretch Doorway Chest Stretch (L&R Pectoral) Childs Pose Lower Back Stretch Time-3 minutes

Total Workout Length-22 Minutes!

Total Workout Length-22 Minutes! continued on page 36

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his fitness Day 3 - 10 minute cardio Burpees with push up on bottom and leap on top-2min Mountain Climbers-2min Jumping Jacks-60 seconds Plyometric Push Ups-60 seconds Plank with alternating Leg Lifts-2min Squat Jump-2min Total Workout Length -10 Minutes!

THE MENU Nutrition is the key when attempting to get shredded. Your caloric intake will be very vital especially with this program. It’s designed for the guy in the go who is unable to spend 45 + minutes on the treadmill. You have to create a 500 calorie deficit at least per day to get that excess weight to begin to fall off. This means you must begin to pay closer attention to what you eat and what’ it contains. The times in which you eat are important as well. You need to eat every 3 hours to keep your gut burning furnace steaming. Your metabolism controls how much fat you actually burn off.

Follow this easy on the go eating schedule for your 6 small meals per day: BREAKFAST within 1 hour of waking up

Cooked - Top a toasted whole-grain English muffin with 2 slices turkey bacon, 1 scrambled egg and 2 slices tomato. Serve with 1 cup cubed cantaloupe. Approx. 300 calories On The Go - Chic-Fi-La 3 count chicken minis with fruit cup and a water. Approx. 400 calories

SNACK - 3 hours after breakfast

From Home - 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt topped with 1 Tbsp. flaxseeds On The Go-Fresh Fruit Bowl from local grocery store


Cooked or on the go - Grill or broil a 4 oz Turkey Burger 1 whole wheat English muffin, 2 slices of tomato, 1 slice of lettuce, I spoon of salsa, and steamed cauliflower. Approx. 350 calories On the go - ask for a thin wheat bun if available*


june|july 2010


SNACK 3 hours after lunch

Smoothie made in a blender with: 1 cup strawberries, ½ cup vanilla soy milk and ice cubes


Herbed Tilapia and steamed spinach. Approx. 350 calories


End the night of raw with a bowl of fruit.

Your meals should be complete and high in fiber, protein, and vital vitamins and nutrients Your snacks should not be cooked. Think raw veggies, fresh fruit, trail mix, or cereal bars.

For more detailed information on meal planning visit shakeology.com/livenow


| focus |

his vintage ride


1965 ‘K’ Code Mustang Convertible


ew school vintage car enthusiasts have gone old school. There is a new kind of vintage car buyer in the market place and Fraser Dante Classic Cars is servicing their needs. Founded in 1987 by Tom and Tevie Fraser, Fraser Dante restores and sells vintage cars both domestically and internationally to several countries including Europe and Australia. Located in Roswell, Georgia, Fraser Dante has built their business on integrity and makes it a point to do whatever it takes to keep their customers happy. The couple are also involved in their community, have donated cars to nonprofit organizations and have displayed their prized vehicles at charity functions. I spoke with Tevie at length about the vintage car 1965 Mustang 2+2 ‘A’ code GT buyer of today and what’s important for them to remember before purchasing a vintage car. Tevie pointed out that it is important to choose a reputable dealer, get the car checked out by someone you trust and make sure all paperwork is in order. She also suggests that you look for cars with a detailed documented history and most importantly, do your due diligence. “The one thing you must remember is integrity, integrity, integrity,” exclaimed Tevie. Tevie says that the vintage car buyer of today wants to drive the car not just look at it. There is a demand for what the industry calls “RESTO MOD” cars. A “RESTO MOD” has an old school look with all of the modifications needed to not only be safe on the road but comfortable enough for everyday driving.

1970 Oldsmobile 442 Resto Rod Convertible

With prices that range from 36K to 200k it’s no wonder why the vintage car enthusiast of today wants to show off and enjoy that vintage ride.


1969 Camaro RS/SS Red Convertable Resto Rod

june|july 2010





sugar and salt RAW,REAL, RELATIONSHIP ADVICE FROM ZACH & OKEEBA “I recently started dating a woman

“What do men really want?!!! Do they want to marry the urdercover freak

that was once married and she has a

or the good girl? I’ve done some freaky things with my man to satisty him.

son from the marriage. I really enjoy

Now I feel he will never marry me! Help!! - Ms. AU NATURAL

spending time with her and her child,

OKEEBA Good Girl vs. Undercover Freak…well I have enough experience

a grip on my lady. Every time he calls she jumps up and goes running to do whatever her ex says. I spoke to her about it and she said that it’s about her son’s needs and

in life to tell you that there is no such thing as a “Good Girl”. All men and women are “freaks”; it just takes the right person to bring it out of them.


but her deadbeat ex-husband still has



Then again, some “freaks” don’t need any help with bringing that side out. The truth of the matter is, if this man was interested in marrying you he would say so and then do so.

not her ex; she doesn’t see this as a problem. I’ve also had an exchange of words with her ex because he easily curses and disrespects my lady at

I am not sure how much of the freak nasty that you’ve let out of the box,

the drop of a dime. She told me that it’s not my fight and that I should just

but if you’ve had a threesome then that was a bad move. Any man that

stay out of it…what should I do?” - ALABAMA BABY DADDY DRAMA

really loves his woman would not put her in a situation like that. I won’t lie

ZACH: I never question a woman’s love for her child and unfortunately

and say that we don’t fantasize about being in a threesome with two other

you are the easiest to cut out of this picture. Sometimes it’s hard for men and women to break the bond with the person that they have a child with. However, she does need to get a handle on him disrespecting her and there shouldn’t be any contact with the father unless it is child related. If she still deals with her Ex on anything other than their son, their “bond” may still be intact.

women…as long as it’s not our wife to be. If a man agrees to that then you are not wife material to him, just a regular jump-off. It’s REALLY bad if he has pulled in another homeboy to be down with that threesome. If he told you something like, “Baby it really turns me on to see you have sex with another man.” you are probably being pimped and don’t realize it.

OKEEBA: This is a tight subject and I will keep it 100 with you. NEVER

Real men are very plain and clear with their movements. There is no guess


work when we are interested in making a woman our wife. Ms. Au Natural,

BUST HIS HEAD. That sounds hard, but it’s true. Your woman has to be

honestly it sounds like he is not the one for you. Ask him in plain language

responsible for her child, but not her ex. If the ex wanted to be in her life

about his intentions. Does he have plans on marrying you and what needs

then he should have done what was needed of him for him to stay there.

to happen for that to become a reality. Get really clear about what you want

It’s up to you to make sure that she understands that she can’t be in two

and what he wants. Don’t read more into it than what he is saying. If he

relationships at the same time. Her priority should be to herself, her son

says that he wants to marry you in the future, then get clear on when the

and then to you. Honestly, it is your fight too. If her ex feels like he can

future is. Don’t fall for that “Smoke Talk”, he doesn’t have to guess about

talk to her any way that he choose, then he will never respect YOUR

you being his freak so you shouldn’t have to guess about being his wife.

household. My advice to you is to stop busting nuts if you won’t bust his head. Ol’ girl needs to get clear on who her MAN is. Don’t be afraid to pull the plug on her. If she isn’t finished with her ex then you should leave her with him. “I have been dating this guy for the last eight months and things have OKEEBA: Honestly, you sound like a hooker. If you are moving left and right been going very well. He is very smart and driven. His money is funny because of what some man can buy you then you are wasting that other and he is working very hard to make a name for himself in his field. I love man’s time. His money may be funny, but he can fix that if he has heart and his drive, but I hate that he doesn’t have it together yet. He has a good character. It sounds like you lack heart and character, so go ahead and jump heart, but I wonder if that’s enough. I am surrounded by very wealthy men ship now. Stop wasting his time…HOOKER. at work that flirt with me on the daily. I am tempted to start a relationship

ZACH: If the “things” that this wealthy man can offer are all of the things

with a certain wealthy man because he can offer me the things that I can’t

that money can buy, then your mind is in the wrong place. Unfortunately

get with my struggling lover. What do you think? - Ms. 6 Figures AKA

for your “man” so is your heart. If your money was funny and he was “Mr. 6 Figures” wouldn’t you expect for him to hold you down if you weren’t where

Get your RAW, REAL, RELATIONSHIP ADVICE! Submit your questions to ZandO@urbanluxmagazine.com

you wanted be in life? We both know what your answer is. If this guy is as good as you say he is, you may want to be his crutch before another woman puts him on her back...leaving you with all of your “things”.

june|july 2010




| TASTE OF THE NATION 2010 - MAY 12, 2010 |


| On May 12, 2010 Supporters of TASTE OF THE NATION gathered at the Georgia Aquarium. Taste of the Nation Atlanta supports anti-poverty, anti-hunger agencies on a local, state, national and internationa level. strength.org/atlantataste

photography: Kat Goduco


june|july 2010






Tounge & Grove hosted DDG’s COCKTAILS & COUTURE event in Atlanta on May 20th. Drop Dead Gorgeous is a social justice organization, which utilizes the fashion, entertainment, and sports industries as its vehicle to reduce demand for Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) through awareness, education, and giving. ddgcharity.com

june|july 2010






| June 3, 2010. Cocktails For Cancer took place at COMPOUND in support of Camp Sunshine. Enriching the lives of children with cancer and their families through recreational, educational and support programs is the mission of Camp Sunshine. mycampsunshine.com

photography: Thomas James Spravka


june|july 2010




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