3 minute read
Publisher’s Letter
I’m ready. Ready to sit down and enjoy a meal at my favorite restaurant. To chat it up with my hair stylist as she applies massive amounts of color to my sparkle. To wrap my friends up in the longest, tightest hugs. To walk aimlessly down the aisles of TJ Maxx, just waiting for the things I need to take home to speak to me. Heck, I’m even ready to get back in the gym and burn off some of the “COVID-19” pounds I’ve packed on.
During the past few weeks, we’ve had much taken from us, but if we look at the situation from a different view, we’ve also been given much. We’ve witnessed the kindness of strangers and been given the gift of time. When things return to normal, and they will, there are things I’ll continue. Walks with my family. Cooking dinner together. Long talks around the kitchen table. The things we’ve not been able to do left gaping holes in this thing called life, but those holes are filled with gifts of moments and memory.
MAY 2020
OWNER - PUBLISHER - EDITOR Catherine Frederick
COPY EDITING Charity Chambers
GRAPHIC DESIGN Artifex 323 – Jessica Meadors
CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Jade Graves, Dwain Hebda, April Stamper
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Catherine Frederick, Dwain Hebda, Sarah Phillips-Burger, Sara Putnam, Brittany Ransom, Jessica Sowards, Stoney Stamper
ADVERTISING INFORMATION Catherine Frederick I 479.782.1500 catherine@dosouthmagazine.com
For ten years, our mission has been to share stories that inform, inspire, and help us all connect with our community. Even in the face of this pandemic, our mission has not changed, and we remain committed to spotlighting what makes our community so special.
It’s because of our deep love for our community that we continue to provide support to our readers and partners who have supported us for so many years. We know moving forward requires bravery, creativity, and commitment to helping our neighbors. It’s in this spirit that we present our May issue. Stay safe, stay healthy. See you in June!
Catherine Frederick
Owner/Publisher/Editor catherine@dosouthmagazine.com
©2020 Read Chair Publishing, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part in any manner without the permission of the copyright owner. Opinions contained in Do South ® are exclusively those of the writers and do not represent those of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. as a whole or its affiliates. Any correspondence to including photography, becomes the property of Read Chair Publishing, LLC. Do South ® reserves the right to edit content and images. Printed in the U.S.A. | ISSN 2373-1893
Annual subscriptions are $36 (12 months), within the contiguous United States. Subscribe at DoSouthMagazine.com or mail check to 4300 Rogers Avenue, Suite 20-110, Fort Smith, AR, 72903. Single issues are available upon request. Inquiries or address changes, call 479.782.1500.
To reserve this free space for your charitable nonprofit organization, email: catherine@dosouthmagazine.com.
The Young Homes at Chaffee Crossing provide love and stability for large sibling groups in foster care. For information on how you can help, call 479-755-6513 or email Marla Nelson at mnelson@fwbfm.com.
Send comments and suggestions to catherine@dosouthmagazine.com.
I was thrilled to have this magazine delivered to my home! ~ Shelli H.
Thank you
Catherine, loved the story in Do South ® ! Thank you so very much! It turned out really well, and
he (Dwain Hebda) did a great job of covering everything! We appreciate you! ~ Ashley F., Children’s Shelter
Free Copy
Who else got a free copy of Do South ® Magazine in their mailbox today?! We are
so thankful for Catherine Frederick and her team at Do South ® going above and
beyond with this direct mail issue to make your home a little brighter!
~ Eastside Baptist Church
CONTEST (Deadline is May 15) Go to dosouthmagazine.com, click on “Contest” at the top of the page. All who enter will be subscribed to our mailing list. Please see rules and policies on our Contest page!
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Congrats to our contest winners from April!
One-year subscription to Do South ® : Staci Oliver and Daisy Morris