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Eat Local

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Special Feature

Special Feature


Want to be next month’s featured restaurant? Call Catherine at 479.782.1500.


Do South ® has partnered with these amazing local restaurants, each providing a $50 gift card to their establishment! Leave the cooking to the pros and enter online at DoSouthMagazine.com/Contest for your chance to win.



Send comments and suggestions to catherine@dosouthmagazine.com.

Furry Friends

Thank you for featuring local pets that need to be adopted every month in your magazine. I am sure the local shelters appreciate you. ~ Carol M.

Picture Perfect

The image on the cover of your August issue was so beautiful. I always enjoy the pictures on the cover of your magazine and this one definitely is one of my all-time favorites. ~ Brian G.


Thank you so much for helping me set up the subscription for my daughter and also for sending me the past issues I was missing from my collection. I keep them all because they are too beautiful to throw away. My daughter is very happy to keep getting the magazine now that she has moved away. She says it makes her feel closer to home. ~ Robyn G.


(Deadline is October 19)

Go to dosouthmagazine.com, click on “Contest” at the top of the page. All who enter will be subscribed to our mailing list. Please see rules and policies on our Contest page!

DO SOUTH ® DELIVERED Love Do South ® ? Here is your chance to have it delivered right to your door! Two lucky readers will win a full, one-year subscription to Do South ® ! Visit our website at DoSouthMagazine.com to enter! CODE: DOSOUTH

EAT LOCAL GIFT CARD CONTEST $50 gift cards to Jeff’s Club House and El Zarape are up for grabs in this month’s Eat Local Contest! CODE: JEFFS | CODE: ELZARAPE


Congrats to our contest winners from September! One-year subscription to Do South ® : Cindy Francis and Betty Pittman

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