Urban Orchard Frames and Accessories
Urban Orchard Apples and Pumpkins Pumpkin Frame with Rectangular Opening
Apple Frame with Rectangular Opening
Pumpkin Frame with Pumpkin Shaped Opening
Apple Frame with Apple Shaped Opening
Style # PumpRec Available Inserts: Plexi-glass, Chalkboard, Chickenwire, Dry Erase 5x7: $25 8x10: $30 *Hostess Exclusive: $20 11x14: $55
Style # PumpPump Available Inserts: Chalkboard or Chickenwire 8x10: $30 11x14: $55
Pumpkin Twin Stacked Frame with Pumpkin Shaped Opening Style # PumpTwin Available Inserts: Chalkboard or Chickenwire 8x10: $60 *Hostess Exclusive: $40
Copper Harbor
Stirring Orange
Style # AppleApple Available Inserts: Chalkboard or Chickenwire 8x10: $30 11x14: $55
Apple Twin Stacked Frame with Apple Shaped Opening
Style # AppleTwin Available Inserts: Chalkboard or Chickenwire 8x10: $60 *Hostess Exclusive: $40
Available Colors
Available Colors
Gather Wordart Style#Gather $30 Hostess Exclusive: $20
Style # AppleRec Available Inserts: Plexi-glass, Chalkboard, Chickenwire, Dry Erase 5x7: $25 8x10: $30 *Hostess Exclusive: $20 11x14: $55
Real Red
Red Bay
Lime Rickey
Back to School
A. Artboard Hand-routed display board with painted chalkboard area and four metal bulldog clips. Available in any standard color.
*Strength shape only. Style #Artboard
$35 *Hostess Exclusive: $20 B. Apple Frame with Apple Shaped Opening
Shown Real Red, Chickenwire Insert Available in four colors and choice of chalkboard or chickenwire insert. Style # AppleApple
8x10: $30 11x14: $55
C. Apple Frame with Rectangular Opening
Shown in Lime Rickey, chalkboard insert Available in four colors and choice of insert: plexi-glass, chalkboard, dry erase or chickenwire. Style: AppleRec
5x7 $25 8x10 $35 Hostess Exclusive: $20 11x14: $55 D. 3x3 Ruler Frame
Only available in Strength shape and black edging. Overall size: 7”x7” and comes with hanging hardware and standing dowels. Style: Ruler
$20 *Hostess Exclusive: $15
Word Art Available in any of the standard 42 Spooky Sherwin Williams colors.
A Peace
Approximately 10” Tall & 14” Wide Style #PEACE $25
Fully Purple
Approximately 10” Tall & 9.5” Wide Style #JOY $25
Lime Rickey
Approximately 10” Tall and 11” Wide Style B #LOVE $25
C A. Pumpkin Frame with Rectangular Opening
*Shown in Stirring Orange Available in any of six featured colors. Available Inserts: Plexi-glass, chalkbaord, chickenwire, dry erase Style: PumpRec
5x7: 25 8x10: $30 *Hostess Exclusive: $20 11x14: $55
B. Chalkboard Witch’s Hat
This witch’s hat is covered entirely with chalkboard paint and is ready for your personal message! Features an orange and green sparkly ribbon. Style #WHat
$50 Hostess Exclusive: $30 C. BOO Wordart
Available in six featured colors. Style: Boo
$25 *Hostess Exclusive: $15
D. Legendary Single Style Frame- Sparkle Finish
Shown in 11x14, Stirring Orange Now you can add sparkle to any 3x3, 4x6, 5x7, 8x10 and 11x14 frame for no additional charge! Available for all shapes in the featured six colors. 3x3 $15 4x6 $25 5x7 $30 8x10 $35 11x14 $60
Copper Harbor
Stirring Orange
A. (4) 5x7 Opening Coat Hook Frame
Welcome Home
Available in 12 shapes and six colors. Coat Hook finishes include: Chrome, Matte Nickel, Black and Antique Brass. Shown in Serious Gray Style #45x7Hook
$125 *Hostess Exclusive: $80 B. Virtue Frame with Decorative Opening
Shown in Mature Grape Available in six colors. Virtue Shape only. Style # VirtueDecor
5x7: $35 8x10: $40 11x14: $65
C. Welcome Wordart Shown in mature grape Available in six colors. Style: Welcome
$50 Hostess Exclusive: $30 D. Legendary-Hope Stacked Frame
Available in any combination of six featured colors. Style: LegHopStack
4x6: $40 5x7: $50
8x10: $60 11x14: $90
Available Colors: Mature Grape
Serious Gray
Pottery Urn
Pure White