How to adopt the trends to our lifestyle In each season different fashion home present us different styles and trends make us wonder What I see, is consistent with my lifestyle?, Do I have to follow trends or suitable it for me?, be authentic from what present us the fashion homes, there is the secret of been unique, to shine, being able to adapt any style that shows the market and make it our personal logo, What will reflect what we do, the profession that we play, his position or just to get where we want. Starting from this perspective, I present you some tips that can help you to reflect your best, whether you’re professional (doctor,lawyer,economist,account,etc.) a student, a housewife, in general any person just knowing our lifestyle and know what we want, in a few words make to ourselves a mark. Depending of our activities and the role that we play at some point affect our wardrobe just for that we must not closed to the idea that we should just dress in one way, just we have to locate in time and accepted as we are. When we are teenager or beyond in the university our dress style is more informal and sport because our lifestyle is more relaxed and flexible, but when we enter in a labor market our demands grow and we have to dress more formal, so to speak, but not for that we aren’t going to entertain because we are not only working in a job, we are also independent too and we must reflected in our dress. When we are in college or university (though some are working the requirements aren’t the same as when a person as entered in the workforce), so as to be used should be something comfortable as boots, jeans, informal jackets, sandals of urban style,etc. When you enter in the job market, jackets, straight cut trousers and skirts that reach just above the knee or slightly below is recommended, if using jeans the color must be matched, necklines very pronounced are not the most recommended, and even more if we want to convey a professional image. Now I will describe, in some professions, how dress depending of course of the work to be performed: The best think to use a woman who is a lawyer is straight cut trousers, skirts as shorts just above the knee (not recommended long skirts), stylish jackets, are not recommended necklines pronounced. For a woman who works in the middle of fashion can be, if she want, a little more risk in her style of dress, you can use a shorter skirt, dressed in strips, a short waist jacket, trousers that are within the boots, etc. For a woman who is doctor and that at any time can have an emergency should not wearing tight body pants, skirts that allow a quick and easy mobility, etc But the most important is that whatever lifestyle you have, the clothes that you use is suitable for you, being modern, attractive, audacious, and projects an image of trust and confidence in yourself.
Urban Runway