2 minute read
Design Studio
Assignment 6
--Start: Mar. 25, 2019, 14:00 Deadline: Apr. 17, 2019, 14:00 --Verbal Presentation: Apr. 17, 2:00 pm – 15 minutes Submission: D2L by Apr. 16, 17:00 pm. PDF format, Maximum 25MB/file.
--Evaluation % of Course Grade: Assignment 6 (group) 30
--Crit Panel: David Downs, City of Calgary, Head Urban Design Team Lisette Burga Ghersi, City of Calgary, Planning, Area 31 Kate Van Fraassen, City of Calgary, Planning, Area 31 xxxxx xxxxx, Planner
Superstudio, 1969. The Continuous Monument: On the Rocky Coast.
x.1 Outline/task In this phases the proposed project is given its final physical form. It spells out the three dimensional consequences and its accompanying atmospheres and resulting identities. It should cover a range of scales to describe detailed functions and scenes on the level of the street concerning public realm and pedestrian experience for various groups as well as on a strategic level describing landmarks and circulation as part of the overall concept. To do so it obviously draws on the previous phases whilst in itself develop a clear strategy to implement the proposal this goes beyond mere physical form, but includes strategies for phasing building code and stakeholder involvement. It overall presents a coherent strategy for the implementation of a future vision. This includes possible small scale activities that could be part of the final community engagement event all the way to visionary master plan documents and possible changes to the bylaw to enable such a development. x.2 Objectives The group formulates a concrete proposal as to how the various inputs are addressed and shape the future of the site physically. This has to engage the various levels of urban planning from policy to urban form and infrastructure to public space. x.3 Learning Outcomes • Experimenting with urban planning principles
• Propose a design of physical form
• Understand the implication of form for planning activities - vice versa
• Understand the implication of form for the stakeholder - vice versa
x.x Deliverables • Project title
• Site map with proposal 1:5000 • Detail map of various important locations 1:200 ◦ Plan ◦ Section, min. Two • Collage, min. two • Proposal insert for Model1:2000, smaller scale if needed for detail areas 1:200 • Diagram linking proposal to all previous phases • Strategy to present it to the community ◦ How it integrates with existing planning efforts by stakeholders incl. City of Calgary ◦ Implementation