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Reflection - Vlog

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Objectives: Considering the readings suggested in the course outline and course input as well as individual research, what has emerged? What are the relevant aspects of respectful cross-culture design? How to critique our own actions and perspective in a productive way? Formulate your position on the ethical space based on personal observations and work on the design proposal. The vlog documents the design process as well as the thought process and the development of a position on indigenous issues in planning and urban design specifically.

Deliverables: A 5 min. narrated video clip submitted on D2L. In an animation/stop motion/timelapse/documentary, you present the work undertaken in this studio drawing material of all assignments but with a focus on the design process. The duration is 5 min. max and should be narrated. Use the MX instances to trace your development and draw on notes and links to sketches in your physical notebook.


Start: Tuesday, December 01, 14:00 Deadline: Thursday, December 10, 14:00 Evaluation: A5 (group) 10%

Image above: Monte Dolack, 1993. Mirage. Featuring a rainbow trout leaping through the prairie and a hunting magpie. This fanciful image graces the cover of Cowboy Trout by Paul Schullery. Image left: Calgary Stampede Indian Village, 2018. Photo by Carol Guay.

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