3 minute read
The design studio is organized in a sequence of phases each which has its own assignment. The individual stages align with specific content and input but also support the development of the project by scaffolding the process. Each phase contributes to the overall aim of the design studio not just linear, but by looping back and forth between them. For the assignments, this means even though they are graded, they are mere stepping stones and not only product in themselves. Primarily they can be viewed as progress assessment [Standortbestimmung].
Aureli, P.V., Tattara, M., Tournaire, J., van de Wijdeven, T. and Pohl, D. eds., 2013. Dogma: 11 Projects. London: AA Publications. Project Stop City, p.11.
Objectives: Understand the site, it’s functions and how it is embedded in the broader context of the city. Two groups ar analyzing one of the following aspects) 1) transport (Group 1 & 3) 2) infrastructure and terrain (Group 2 & 4) 3) history and policy documents (Group 5 & 7) 4) land use (Group 6 & 8) 5) built form (Group 9 & 11) 6) atmosphere and community (Group 10 & 12)
Deliverables: one poster
Deadline: Monday, May 7, 08:30
Evaluation: 10% (group)

Guy Debord, 1957. The Naked City: Illustration de l’hypothèse des plaques tournantes en psychogéographique. Lithograph, Encre sur papier, 33.3 x 48.3 cm, 009 05 01, © François Lauginie, FRAC Centre-Val de Loire.

Objectives: Proposal for the project site’s redevelopment as a dense neighbourhood that nits together the existing fabric. Clear strategies regarding infrastructure. Proposed morphology shoud be articulated including functions and flows as well as the athomosphere - what is like to live, work play there?
Deliverables: three posters - strategy/strcutural plan - key themes - diagram - plan drawing - surrounding/context map (1:5000) - section
Deadline: Friday, May 20, 09:00
Evaluation: 20% (group)


Objectives: Evaluate the previous project phase to reflect onth edeisgn process the emerging key points for the site and charta way into the final phase of the project. Evaluation matrix provided.
Deliverables: - complet evaluation matrix for your own preject - evaluate and comment two other group projects - engage with the comments and evaluation received
Deadline: Friday, May 27, 09:00
Evaluation: 10% (group)


Ron Herron (archigram), 1966. Walking City on the Ocean, project (Exterior perspective). Moma collection. online: https://www.moma.org/collection/works/814

Spread taken from: Observatorium, 2010. Civilization if Maintenance. In: Big Pieces of Time. 010 Publisher
Objectives: Developing and inplementing a representative installtion on site. The intervention translates the project ideas and temporarily transforms a vision in tangible facts.
Deliverables: - Temporary on site installation - Presented as a live stream on NXC Insta - Documentation
Event: Friday, June 07, 09:00-14:00
Evaluation: 20%, (group)


Beweg Dein Quartier, 2021. City of Offenbach, Germany.
Objectives: Complete project with vision and masterplan for the development of the site as a synthesis of the projects collaborating.
Deliverables: - strategy/strcutural plan - surrounding/context map (1:5000) - masterplan (1:2000) - conceptual modules of the masterplan -- Mobility -- Landscape -- Mophology - diagram - annotated evaluation matrix - vignettes - section - text description
Deadline: Friday, June 17, 09:00
Evaluation: 30% (group)


Giovanni Battista Piranesi, Ichnographia Campus Martius (second state), sometime after 1762.
Objectives: Revisiting the design process to reflect on the learning, new discoveries dn the decision making process.
Deliverables: VLog 5 minutes.
Deadline: Wednesday, June 22, 17:00
Evaluation: 20% (individual)


The Arts Company, 2020. VLogging. online: https://theartsdevelopmentcompany.org.uk/ resources/good-to-know-1/what-is-vlogging-2/