Urban Tymes Aug Issue 2009

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This Issue: Passion Fashion 09! Inspirational Notes Check out Ham’s And more!

Coming August 2009!!!

Aug, 2009- Issue 1


Inside Urban Community 9. Inspirational Tymes : “Speak Lord I’m Listening.” 10. Diamond of the Month: Ife Moore 17. Love & Relationships: 20.

Ka’sper- “What Happened to Self worth?” Spoken Word: Featuring A.Tillman & Poet Young

News & Entertainment 15.

.Entertainment: Who is Crisspy???! Spotlight on: Daynomi K’NAAN Algebra

6. Money Tymes The Good Life 11. Fashion & Swagger- Special: Inside Passion Fashion 09! 14. Good Eats


CAREY W.DIGSBY cdigs@urbantymes.com



DARRELL L. PERRY dperry@urbantymes.com

MR. URBAN editor@urbantymes.com


JAMES VALENTINE jvalentine@urbantymes.com


URBAN TYMES MAGAZINE Charlotte, North Carolina 28213 www.urbantymes.com

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Money Tymes 20 Ways to Waste Your Money By Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine Almost all of us have a few budget leaks, whether it's careless spending or tiny indulgences that add up over time. Plug them up and watch your savings grow. Whether a newbie or seasoned budgeter, nearly everyone has spending holes -- leaks in your budget that drain money with you hardly noticing. These little drips can add up to big bucks. Once you find the holes and plug them, you'll keep more money in your pocket. That spare cash could be the ticket to finally being able to save, invest or break your cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. Here are 20 common ways people waste money. See if any of these sound familiar, and then look for ways to plug your own leaks. How to waste your money 1. Buy new instead of used. Talk about a spending leak -- or, rather, gush. Cars lose most of their value in the first few years, meaning thousands of dollars down the drain. However, recent used models -- those that are less than five years old -- can be a real value because you get a car that's still in fine working order for far less than the new-car price. And you pay less in collision insurance and taxes in the bargain. Cars aren't the only things worth buying used. Consider the savings on pre-owned books, toys, exercise equipment and furniture. (Of course, there are some things you're better off buying new, including mattresses, laptops, linens, shoes and safety equipment, such as car seats and bike helmets.) 2. Carry a credit-card balance. If you have a $1,000 balance on a card charging 18%, you blow $180 every year on interest. That's money you could certainly put to better use elsewhere. Get in the habit of paying off your balance in full each month. 3. Buy on impulse. When you buy before you think, you don't have time to shop around for the best price. Resist the urge to make an impulse purchase by giving yourself a cool-

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off period. Go home and sleep on the decision. If you still want to buy the item a day or so later, comparison-shop, check your budget and go for it. Oftentimes, though, you'll probably decide you don't need the item after all. 4. Pay to use an ATM. A buck or two here and there may not seem like a big deal. But if you're frequenting ATMs outside your bank's network, the surcharges can add up. Put that money back in your pocket by using ATMs in a surcharge-free network such as Allpoint or Money Pass. 5. Dine out frequently. A habit of spending $10, $20, $30 per person for dinner can be a huge drain on your wallet. Throw in a $6 sandwich for lunch and a $4 latte in the morning, and you've got quite a leak. Learn to cook, pack your lunch and brew your coffee at home -- you could save a couple hundred bucks each month. 6. Let your money wallow. If you are stashing your savings in your checking account or a traditional bank account, you are wasting money. You could put it in a high-interest online savings account and get paid to save. You can even get an interest-bearing checking account through such reputable companies as EverBank, Charles Schwab, E*Trade and ING Direct. 7. Pay an upfront fee for a mutual fund. Selecting no-load funds can save you more than the sales charges. Of course, no matter how well a fund has done in the past, you can't be sure how it will perform in the future. But if you pay a load, you'll begin the performance derby in the hole. See the Kiplinger 25 for some favorite no-load funds. 8. Pay too much in taxes on investments. Are you investing in a tax-sheltered 401k or Roth IRA? If you're not maxing out those accounts before you invest in a taxable account, you're spending too much. (Continued next page)

9. Buy brand name instead of generic. From groceries to clothing to prescription drugs, you could save money by choosing the offbrand over the fancy label. And in many cases, you won't sacrifice quality. Clever advertising and fancy packaging don't make brand-name products better than lesserknown brands. 10. Waste electricity. Of the total energy used to run home electronics, 40% is consumed when the appliances are turned off. Appliances with a clock or that operate by remote are typical culprits. The obvious way to pull the plug on your energy vampires is to do just that -- pull the plug. Or buy a device to do it for you, such as a Smart Power Strip ($31 to $44 at SmartHomeUSA.com), which will stop drawing electricity when the gadgets are turned off and pay for itself within a few months. 11. Pay banking fees. Overdraw your checking account and you'll pay $20 to $30 a pop, so it pays to keep tabs on your balance. Plus, if you’re still paying for a checking account, free deals abound -- but make sure they're really free. For instance, will the bank charge a fee if your balance drops below a certain level or if you download your info into a personal-finance software program? That's not free. 12. Buy things you don't use. This sounds like a no-brainer to avoid, but how many times have you seen something on sale and thought you couldn't pass it up? Even if something is 50% off, you're spending too much if you don't use it. Couponing, for instance, can be a great way to save on your grocery bills. But if you buy things you wouldn't have otherwise purchased just because you have a coupon, you're wasting money. The same goes for buying in bulk. A bargain is no bargain if it sits unused on your shelf or gets thrown away. 13. Own an extra car. OK, so a car is a necessity for most people. But face it -- cars are a huge drain, from loan payments to insurance fees to gas and maintenance costs. Own more than one car and those expenses multiply. Ask yourself if that second or third car is really necessary. Are you holding on to an old car for sentimental reasons? Can you or your spouse carpool, take public transportation or bike to work? 14. Ignore your local dollar store. Shopping at the dollar store can be hit-and-miss, but it's

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not all kitsch or junk. If you know what to buy, you can find some real bargains. You can may be able to score deals on cleaning supplies, small kitchen tools, shampoos and soaps, holiday decorations, greeting cards, gift wrap and balloon bouquets. 15. Keep unhealthy habits. Smoking not only damages your health, it burns up your cash. A pack-a-day habit at $6 a pack costs $2,190 a year. Junk-food or tanning-bed habits can be costly as well, even before the money you'll spend on medical bills down the road. 16. Be complacent about insurance. Your bill arrives and you pay it without a second thought. When was the last time you shopped around to determine whether you're getting the best deal? Rates vary widely from insurer to insurer and year to year. Rechecking prices on auto, home or renters insurance might save you hundreds of dollars. It also pays to re-evaluate your insurance needs. For instance, upping your out-ofpocket deductible to $1,000 from can save you 15% or more on your car insurance. Consider using the same insurer for your home and auto insurance -- you could snag up to 15% off for a multiple-line policy. And make sure you're not paying for insurance you don't need. For instance, you need life insurance only if someone is financially dependent upon you (such as a child). 17. Give Uncle Sam an interest-free loan. If you get a tax refund each April, you let the government take too much money in taxes from your paycheck all year long. Put that money in your pocket -- and put it to work for you -- by adjusting your tax withholding. With a little discipline, you can use that extra cash each month to get started saving or pay down debt (or make ends meet to avoid going into debt in the first place). You can file a new Form W-4 (.pdf file) with your employer at any time. For help, see "Why I hate income-tax refunds." 18. Pay for something you can get for free. Dust off your library card and check out books, music and movies for free (or dirt cheap). Don't pay to receive your credit report when you're allowed to get it at no charge by law. Take advantage of kids-eat-free promotions. And dial 1-800-FREE-411 for free directory assistance. (See our list for more fabulous freebies.) (Continued next page)

19. Don't use a flexible-spending account. Your employer may allow you to set aside pretax dollars for medical costs not covered by insurance. You can use the money for expenses such as therapy, contact lenses, insurance co-payments and over-the-counter drugs. The IRS provides a full list of qualified expenses here (.pdf file). You may be able to do the same for child-care costs. You don't want to put away too much, because if you don't use all the money in your account by the end of the plan year, you lose it.

20. Pay for unnecessary services. How many cable channels can a person watch? Do you really need all those extra features for your cell phone? Are you getting your money's worth out of that gym membership? Are you taking full advantage of your subscriptions (such as Netflix, TiVo or magazines)? Take a look at what you pay for and what your family actually uses. Trim accordingly. This article was reported by Erin Burt for Kiplinger.com.

Published July 28, 2009

The market is still A great investment!

Hello! It is my goal as your full service real estate company specializing in the RTP, Raleigh, and Durham areas, to provide you with superior service at all times. My local expertise and extensive real estate experience will benefit you whether you are serious about buying or selling a home at this time, or are a returning client checking out the many homeowner resources I offer. Buying a home? I look forward to helping you select the home of your dreams by taking time to listen to your needs and desires. Selling a home? My real estate expertise and many effective marketing programs will give you the exposure and edge you need to sell your home quickly for top dollar. Returning Client? I appreciate the opportunity to continue to serve you and hope you take advantage of the valuable resources I provide. Come back to visit often! I consider this community an excellent place to reside and would love to share with you my enthusiasm for the many neighborhoods that encompass it. I pride myself on providing unparalleled service and look forward to developing a long-term relationship with you. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss how I can best assist you with your real estate needs.

Stephan Jackson, REALTOR Office Phone: 919-824-1937 mobile Stephan.Jackson@Century21.com

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Sincerely, Stephan Jackson

nspirational Tymes Speak Lord, I’m Listening

Every once in a while life can be very eloquent. We go along day to day not noticing much, not hearing much except the everyday clatter of life. Then one day you hear a still yet powerful voice that catches you off guard and gets your attention, because it's usually out of your own life with such directness that it is as if it called you by name. All day long God is working in and around us. It is all too easy to go about life day by day and not notice God's handprints on our circumstances and footprints that are in our path. If we began to look at life as a to do list, we miss seeing The Father and hearing His Voice as the beautiful thread that connects every moment and everyday of our lives. All the meetings, decisions, and choices that make up the days of our lives add up to be very little, yet very big. Some days may sometimes seem like nonsense, but it’s not, because it is in the nonsense of those days that God speaks to us so powerfully. While The Father speaks through our circumstances, it can be dangerous for us to make decisions based on what we see.

We should never interpret God's word through the eyes of our circumstances, yet we should look at our circumstances through God's word. We cannot always look at what seems to be negative circumstances as a failure of hearing God's voice correctly either. The Bible says," For we walk by faith and not by sight." It's a blind trust in a Voice that we must follow that leads our life. Sometimes the pieces of our lives seem to not fit, but each piece fits perfectly into place as God is so masterfully designing. Our Father speaks to us in many different ways; through people, through His creation, through our circumstances, so we must learn to see God's handiwork and footprints in every situation of our lives whether mundane or exceptional. There are no accidents in the life of God's children, however we have choices and decisions we still make, and though some maybe mistakes and leave loose pieces, The Master pulls them together and works all things together for our good! The Father speaks softly through people, He speaks beautifully through creation, and He speaks just a little louder in our circumstances. WHETHER SOFTLY, BEAUTIFULLY OR LOUDLY, SPEAK, LORD, I'M LISTENING! God bless you all who read this! I pray that this note speaks to someone as it has spoken and still speaks to me. I love you all ~ Pervis D. Nash ~

On August 11th, Sheri Jones-Moffett will be featured LIVE! in concert to celebrate her debut album release, RENEWED, which is due in stores that same day. This album is anticipated to explode on the scene, with words of encouragement, strength and power. From the singles I heard, you gotta get this one family!!! UT

August Verse And it is God who establishes us with you in Christ, and has anointed us, and who has also put his seal on us and has given us his Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee 2 Corinthians 1:21-22

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Diamond of the Month .

When you meet Ife’ Moore, radio personality, former model, and entrepreneur in Charlotte, the first thing you think of is the voice that reached out to you during “Moments of Love with Ife’ Moore.” Born in Camden, New Jersey, attended Shaw University on a track scholarship, then a model in Milan for about a year with Zoom Management,she brings an air of sensuality and closeness while spinning melodic R&B hits that bring back oh so fond memories of back in the day love. We met one day at the station for the interview, and she immediately started talking to me as though we have been long time friends. This time the sensual voice was replaced with another passion, a passion of the industry she’s in and schooling those that dared to get in as well as making a difference in those around her. This is the Ife’ that I wanted to talk to! A Diamond Indeed!

Ife’ Moore

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I must say that when I got word about Passion Fashion 09 coming to Charlotte, I was intrigued, not just because of the line up, consisting of Cate Lyons, Tara Davis, and that fashionista from Project Runway Korto Momolu, but because of the reception Charlotte would give for this event. The event, held at CPCC Harris Conference Center, showcased a veritable who’s who of the QC’s fashion elite, media markets, and entertainment realm. Felisha Fletcher of IT Media Group hosted the affair As we sat anxiously waiting for the event to start, there was much buzzing about the fall fashions we were going to see, and their availability. First to show, Cate Lyons, whose experience and notoriety stemmed from her tenure as Victoria Secret’s designer, and in the European fashion industry. Her line consisted of beautiful gowns and dresses fit for any woman wanting to make that statement at a gala, and having all eyes turn toward her upon her entrance. Tara Davis is certainly no stranger to the industry, as her designs have been seen at many shows including the Spring 2009 Trunk Show. Her designs were incredible pieces that brought to mind fluidity and versatility for any woman. I was impressed with her use of those variants of color and dynamic cuts, especially with one dress that I could see

my wife wear. It was a tan wrap that flowed oh so nicely from the waist. Tara is one to keep your eye on! Korto Momolu’s designs were nothing less than spectacular. The introduction of her part of the show, highlighted by dancers and drummers, welcomed in designs that married African influences with edgy fashion sense, something that Korto stated “she’s been doing all along.” Talking to her after the event was as though you were talking to an old friend. The inspiration behind her line stemmed from her recent visit to the islands over a week ago. “These are all the pieces that I would wear, walking on the beach, this is definitely what I would wear,” she stated. We also talked about her use of colors which she noted how this was very important to her, and how you really have to be visual. “Now when I go into any store, I see the pieces, the big bulky jewelry, the print, ethnic is trendy now, and I’ve always done it, so I stay true to what I do.” Her thoughts for up and coming designers, “do the fashion shows, get involved with these types of events,” she states. “Become well known with everyone in the industry, and help pull others up along the way. Narria Rice of Visionary Minds showcased an outstanding affair. Be wary of this name and group people, I can see more of them to come!

The History of the Little Black Dress Submitted By: Jackie De Burca No lady's wardrobe is quite complete without the little black dress. We take it so much for granted as the life saver that it is, that we kind of assume it's been around forever. Actually before the 1920s black dresses were reserved for mourning periods for widows. In those days there were different stages of what could be worn during mourning including accessories, design detail and types of materials. Nowadays it is considered an essential part of fashion that every lady should own a little black dress that can be dressed up or down depending on the occasion. When choosing the dress it is important to veer away from current trends but to go for something classic. But where did this trend originate? It was in 1926 that Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel had a picture in Vogue of a simple, short black dress. It was straight and calf-length and something that could be worn by any woman. At the same time soon after the First World War there were other radical changes happening in fashion. The bouffant style hair was giving way to short bobs, but more radically some women were no longer wearing corsets and rummaging in male wardrobes, and they were indeed beginning to dress like boys! Initially the designers did not seem to take to this change so well but after time they embraced it and lady's wardrobes had a more androgynous style. The

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full outfit showed a waistless, bustless figure but was dressed up with flamboyant accessories. Coco Chanel was a fashion icon and she helped along the sporty look, the little black dress and the use of jersey knit for ladies clothes. During the Great Depression the little black dress retained its popularity due to its elegance and affordable price. Hollywood helped this along as many of the dramatic female characters were seen wearing halter neck versions of this fashion staple and the less dramatic ones were wearing the normal version. The style continued to spread during World War 2. The 1950s were conservative so the style became more of a uniform again and also synthetic fibers had become popular during the 40s and 50s. But then arrived the 1960s. The 1960s brought changes of all sorts and this style was affected also. There was a lot of shortening of skirts, with the younger crowd creating a mini skirt version. Slits and cutouts were fashioned in the bodice area and the use of sheer fabrics was also part of these changes. By the 1970s there were more lacy, feminine versions of this style but at this stage other colours were more favoured in fashion. In the 1980s they made a comeback now with shoulder details being popular. Possibly the most famous visual of this style is Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffanys. Her character, Holly Golightly, wore the Chanel ideal with the black dress accessorized with a simple string of pearls. The great singer Edith Piaf performed for her entire career wearing a black sheath dress, and this got her the nickname of the "little black sparrow."

A Affffo orrd da ab blle eF Fa assh hiio on n F Fo orr L Le essss Submitted By: Vincent Norman Everybody wants to look good and fashionable. For most, this means watching the designer's up and coming collections for what is in style. Unfortunately, most ordinary people are limited to the chain boutiques and department stores. But you can get affordable fashion for less money IF you know where, and when, to look. Every year, the industry's biggest designers come up with a new line of clothing. These lines are showcased at fashion shows in major cities like Los Angeles or New York. Well that's all great and good but the ordinary person (you or me) can't even get in the door at those fashion shows. Even if we could, we wouldn't be able to afford the designer price tags! So what happens is boutiques and fashion stores across the country buy lots of the new line items. The best time to buy winter clothes is in the summer. The idea is to shop for your seasonal clothing or items out of season or at the end of each of the seasons. For example, it is common to find winter coats at a deep discount in March each year. Remember to shop out of the season you are in at the moment. The savings can be fantastic and you may be pleasantly surprised at what you can find available. Adding to the possibilities is the advent of shopping online, which has its own sets of advantages. You can find deals on designer fashions that are only available online. There are no lines to contend with, cash to carry around (or lose!), no "stock outs" to deal with, no driving

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Sometimes they purchase too much and end up with a surplus at the end of the season. What do you think these stores do with the surplus goods? Answer: They sell them at a deeply discounted price to retail outlets or to online inventory liquidators. In either case, the shopper ends up with a piece of high fashion at a retail store price. That can be a significant saving. Where to look Final stop stores as well as retail outlets in some cases. Some retail outlets have celebrities with their own line of clothing. For instance, Topshop has a line of Kate Moss clothing. Don't rule out the second hand stores either! These places can have new items on the rack at any time. When to look miles to the next store just to be disappointed and no parking problems, not to mention the fuel money savings. Plus, you can shop online 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year from the comfort of your home. Imagine trying to walk through those big superstores in your PJs! The main point of the whole thing is this: You can get great deals on BIG fashion by being smart and watching the calendar. If you visit the store, know when to go, what you are going for and where you can find it for the lowest price. If you shop online, the sky is the limit! About Vincent Norman Vincent Norman is a freelance writer living in the UK. He regularly contributes fashion articles for The Online Shopping Centre, who offers the best range of online clothes shops.

Good Eats

8302 University Executive Pkwy Monday - Pitcher & Wings $10.00

Ham's restaurants offers fun and casual dining - "A Good Time" combined with great food. Started in Greensboro North Carolina in 1935, Ham's has grown into a chain of 18 community restaurants. Each of these provides a family friendly, laid-back atmosphere where you can enjoy a wide variety of the very best meals

Urban Tymes’ monthly picks:

SIN Night 10-2 1/2 APPS $50.00 to the biggest tab Tuesday - 32 oz BEERS Donestic $3.00 Imports $4.00 $4.00 Pitchers (Maybe) Wednesday - 32oz BEERS Domestic $3.00 Imports $4.00 Thursday - $2.00 Heineken and Corona Friday - 3pm-6pm 1/2 APPS $5.00 LIT's and Blue Motorcycles Saturday- 1/2 price wings $3.00 Domestic 32oz Sunday- $10.00 Domestic pitcher and wing combo

Mert's Heart & Soul- College Street Sadie's- Milton Rd & Sharon Amity The Melting Pot- University and Kings Drive locations Texas Land & CattleUniversity Wild Wings- Epicenter Pewter Rose- South Blvd Mac's- South Blvd Urban Tymes | 14 Morton’s- Uptown


Urban Interviews: Entertainment

Who Is Crisspy???? Crisspy, the voice in the city, the brother that won tickets recently to see the greatest entertainer's memorial in LA, and whose name was constantly questioned by Fox News Morgan Fogerty... who is this man U T: Tell us, who is Crisspy?

things happen. By any means necessary, that my motto! Put Crisspy on it and make thing happen!

CS: There’s only one Crisspy, and its hard to explain who Crisspy really is. I do what I do, Its Crisspy!

UT: Cool, now, what are Crisspy’s dislikes?

UT: What is Crisspy’s purpose?

CS: Haters, Haters and Haters! Also people not willing to put in work to make things happen. You gotta put in the time to make the shine!

CS: My purpose is to be for the people, work for the people, and make things happen for the people. Cause everything “Is Crisspy!” UT: Ok bruh, tell us, what does Crisspy like? CS: Real, strong , sexy, and smart women! As well as people that have drive, who are willing to grind and make

UT: Bruh, if Crisspy could do anything for the people, what would he do? CS: Hmmm….. That’s a tough one, since it’s so broad. To get the right politicians in office, the ones that will work for the people and remember the people. That’s important! The people are important!

Urban Spotlight on…… Urban Tymes / 15 www.urbantymes.com

Urban Spotlight: The talented‌‌



Daynomi is the beginning to a promising future in spoken word, Hip Hop and Soul Music. Noted for her realness, unparalleled depth, and way with words she captivates audiences and inspires souls as far as Japan! Originally from Atlanta Georgia via South Carolina now residing in Charlotte N.C. at the age of 23 Daynomi has opened up for and performed with many independent artists, national artists, and spoken word artists such as Queen Sheba, Gina Loring, poet Nikki Giovanni, Yolanda Adams, Lady B of 107.9 Philadelphia, Bluz, and many more.Her work is classically surrealist, engaging altogether Hip Hop, Soul, and literary audiences.Her agility in imparting knowledge in both her hip hop and spoken word performances has allowed her to reach audiences normally untouched by the words of a poet. Speaking with such conviction and intensity she has been able to move crowds in more then your normal venue, performing at convention centers, conferences, arenas, colleges and universities. With the completion of her first solo project "Portraits Of A Poetic Mind", Daynomi is the beginning to a promising future in spoken word and Soul Music. True to form Daynomi's work is poetry in motion. Sensuality oozes through her words of poetry, and as usual she expose various personal insights and truth with her words. Daynomi's creative personal style exudes not only personally but also professionally. When this ambition young lady is set on something she pursues the knowledge to make it happen. This writer can only tell you, that upon listening to the lyrical emphasis this sister puts down, it leaves you to wanting more. Asking yourself of what she has gained in her lifetime, which allows her to speak so passionately, so fully, on topics that range from relationship, to sensuality, and everything in between.

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A smooth flow, not rushed, not elated, but jut enough there to make a mind visualize the path in which she walks, and asks you to come along..... a trip not yet taken, but one endured. This is Daynomi.

As a 31 year old young, successful woman, who has struggled for many years both through hardships and even more, stereotypes, to get where I am today, I couldn't help but address the values and views of our young women and girls of today's generation. On a daily basis I come into contact either in person, over the internet or through a friend, with a young lady who feels the need to degrade herself and her self worth for a "man", or even worse, simply for attention. When encountering these situations I can't help but ask myself questions like "when did it become fashionable to brag about stealing or having sexual relations with another woman's man?" or "when did it become lady like to post half naked pictures of ourselves on the WORLD WIDE net, posing in sexually explicit ways with captions such as "got that good p*ssy" and "hammer me good daddy"". Even more I ask myself when we as women will start focusing more on ourselves, and our children's futures, taking a stand and creating a movement as STRONG WOMEN, instead of continually breaking each other down, calling each other hoes, bitches, skanks (I could go on), fighting over men, and focusing more on the people that "hate on us" then the people around us that are actually accomplishing something in life. As far as I'm concerned, today's generation of young girls has got it all wrong, and I feel it partly my duty as a WOMAN to help open your eyes to what is really being thought and perceived of these actions, and hopefully sparking something inside of you to start making positive changes in your life. Lets start with the "being the other woman" issue. Ladies, ladies, ladies. (I'm shaking my head right now) Please hear me loud and clear when I tell you that this bragging about sleeping with another woman's man, and arguing and fighting over men thing, has gotten out of control, and we are in a huge sense giving men the upper hand in how they ultimately treat us as women. Being in an industry where I am surrounded by men 24/7, and have been for over 10 years, I have been privy to many a conversation between the "boys" and have gotten the inside scoop from the horses mouth. Bottom line. THEY DON'T FOR ONE SECOND RESPECT YOU NOR DO THEY HAVE ANY INTENTIONS OF SETTLING DOWN WITH OR BECOMING SERIOUS WITH YOU! Sorry I had to be so blunt, but I'm not the type to beat around the bush. Sad but true hun, you are the brunt of the joke behind closed doors and are gossiped about more then a topic in the Dear Abbey column. To the "man" (I put "man" in quotations because I hold them responsible for their actions too, and don't feel that half of them deserve this title!) you are nothing more then the go-to-girl when the wife or girlfriend is giving them a hard time about something, or they

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are in-between relationships. In short, you are the sure thing for them to get what they want and they don't have to deal with you in any other way then the bedroom. We need to stop allowing this to happen. Ladies, we are all beautiful, intelligent and have our own purposes in life and we need to stop focusing on these "men" who are truly just taking advantage of us. If he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you and treat you the way you deserve to be treated, leave him where he stands. If you meet a guy and he seems like a great catch and you start dating, only to find out he has a wife or girlfriend at home, leave him where he stands. We as women are the ones that need to start to make the change because as long as we let it happen, it will! Instead of fighting over him and going against each other, put him in his place and leave him where he stands. You might get hurt in the process, you might be single for awhile, but I can guarantee you that you will feel better about yourself in the end, and you will learn to focus on YOU and bettering your life, letting a man chase after you rather then making yourself look silly chasing after a no good one! Alrighty then. You still with me ladies? Ok good. Topic #2, the "internet amateur porn pictures". (Deep breathe out) Let me be blunt once again. YOU WILL NEVER LAND YOURSELF A GOOD MAN BY PUTTING YOURSELF OUT THERE THIS WAY! IT IS NOT ATTRACTIVE AND YOU ONCE AGAIN HAVE MADE YOURSELF THE WATER COOLER CONVERSATION AT THE OFFICE MONDAY MORNING. Once again, we have given men the upper hand in how they treat us. I have been in the background of many a conversation regarding this topic and have learned that not only do they not respect you, but they actually forward and pass around your pictures to each other and make degrading remarks, even going so far as to make bets about who can "land you" first. Is that really how you want to be perceived? We are all sexy in our own way ladies, but lets leave something to the imagination. Our body is a GIFT, a TEMPLE and should be treated as such. Letting no good men take advantage of us and feed us slick lines filled with things we love to hear just to get in our pants is not going to change the way things are. Again, we need to make them respect us, earn what we have to offer because quite simply, we have ALOT and posting nude pictures of yourself all over the internet degrading yourself because you want the attention of men is not the way to go! Snoop said it to us with the phrase "we don't love the hoes" and Ludacris followed up with "we want a lady in the streets and a freak in the bed". Ya so I'm quoting a couple of rappers, but best believe they are the voice for a very large portion of the male population,

and their words have been proven time and time again. They are sending us subliminal messages ladies, without being subliminal! Bottom line, respect yourself and you'll get a whole lot more respect in return! Finally, I have to address this issue of us "hating" on each other. Do you really realize how powerful we as women are? We have the world in the palm of our hands, and if we directed ourselves properly men would respect us more then they do. But instead, we choose to break each other down, degrade one another as well as ourselves, and fight and bicker over immature situations. We need to start coming together, supporting one another and taking a stand against everything that we have allowed to happen in the past. If you find out your

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man is cheating, instead of calling up or approaching the other woman with anger and breaking her down, why not stand up to him together, you never know, she could not know about you! If another female continually bad mouths you, puts you down or tries to make you look bad, instead of doing the same back to her, why not ask her where this is all coming from or if reasoning with her fails, walk away. Focusing on negative energy only brings negative things, so keep it positive and you will see good things happen for you! Ka’Sper a writer from S. Florida is known for her incredible and thought provoking articles. Stay tuned each month as she brings it straight for our ladies to understand!!!


Algebra Official Biography (Courtesy of Kedar Records) Ironically there are no textbooks or classroom instructions that could help one balance the equations of Kedar Massenburg's newest protégé, ALGEBRA. The Atlanta native insists that one can only discover her sonically. As an R&B solo artist with such a simple solution, when mainstream success seems to be more about the right hair, nails and make -up, Algebra is the perfect curriculum for breathing life back in to a genre overwrought by factory made clones.

The name alone conjures up images of unbridled destruction, merciless warlords and ruthless terror. A place where nobody—children, the elderly, religious figures—is safe from the atrocities of war, and where the idea of “childhood,” where 8-year olds handle AK-47s like toys, exists in chronological terms alone. When Forbes magazine recently unveiled their “Most Dangerous Destinations,” Somalia, above Iraq and Afghanistan, topped the list.

No stranger to singing or songwriting, Algebra's been lending her melodic voice to projects by Monica, Joi, Bilal and Laurnea for years and her signature songwriting can be heard on the Grammy© Award winning CD Voyage to India by India.Arie. However, singing and writing for other artists was about as out of character for her as having someone write songs for her. "Even when someone else wrote a song specifically for me, I felt like I was still being a background singer for myself." As the music scene in Atlanta became the hot bed of popular music, Algebra taught herself to play guitar and performed regularly at open mic performances. This pivotal point in her career afforded her the time to develop her writing and performance even further without the harness of a prescribed format. "Soon you learn not to care what others think, you learn to perform for you. I would come back week after week and I learned to perform for balance and for freedom. I was becoming alive."

But it’s also “The Nation of Poets,” where a poem can both inspire peace and end wars. Where every weekend, regardless of the climate, one can find a play or concert at a local theatre.

This organic approach permeates her music. Algebra can easily be pop, rock, rap, funk or crunk, yet she can breathe ballads effortlessly. Collaborating with award-winning songwriter and producer Brian Michael Cox (Mary J. Blige, Mariah Carey, Usher) on "What Happened" quickly proved to be a true showcase of her brilliance. This soulful ballad is delivered so honestly and with such vulnerability that it appears as an

Growing up, it was both of these Somalias that informed musician/emcee K’NAAN Warsame, whose sophomore album Troubadour will be released in January 2009. The grandson of Haji Mohamed, one of Somalia’s most famous poets, and nephew of famed Somali singer Magool, the emcee is creating his own musical path through reggae, funk, pop, soul and, above all, hip-hop. Recorded primarily in Kingston, Jamaica where K’NAAN was granted unprecedented access by his friends Stephen and Damian Marley to their father Bob Marley’s original home studio at 56 Hope Road and the legendary Tuff Gong studios Troubadour is a hip-hop album like no other. K’NAAN successfully blends samples and live instrumentation for a sound that’s both rooted in traditional African melodies and the classic hiphop tradition.

autobiography. Her debut cd Purpose also contains collaborations with Carvin & Ivan (Faith Evans, Musiq and Jill Scott), Duane Bastiane (112, Lil' Mo) and Ronald "P-nut" Frost (Boyz II Men, Jill Scott, Miri Ben-Ari) Algebra's definitive voice and identity is one of full disclosure. "I don't want to be boxed," she asserts. The litmus test of what she would create lies in being relatable and in offering complete truth in every word she sings. On the song "Nothing to Prove" from Purpose she boldly introduces herself with no apologies. She places all of herself on display and invites listeners to look past her stunningly beautiful physical and into her prayerful, soulful mental and the response to her music and magic has been amazing. After opening on spot dates for Common, Lyfe Jennings, The Roots and Vivian Green, Kem quickly added her to his "So Into You" tour which led to her opening for Keyshia Cole's Spring tour. As one of the first artist to be released on the revamped Kedar Entertainment Group, Algebra enters the contemporary soul music landscape following legacies created by artists like D'Angelo, Erykah Badu and India.Arie all of whom developed under the watchful eye of Massenburg. However her sound is unique. Algebra at first is unassuming, but it takes mere moments for you to recognize that she is not just a tempest in a teapot but more like the catalyst of a paradigm shift. With there being only two universal languages in this world - Mathematics and Music; fate would have it, southern songbird Algebra represents both. Besides a world of talent, Algebra has universal law on her side!

Spoken Word Differentiated Your boyfriend or Your Man Before I try to express my mind, I come with respect to all who reads this. I am not perfect and I myself have been to some a boyfriend and to some a man I must admit. After 21 years of trail and error, ups and downs, with and withouts, I finally see myself for myself as a Man. Your boyfriend would try to get all he can get from you? Your Man will give all he got to you Your boyfriend will tell his boys what he doing to your booty Your Man will tell his boys what you’re doing to his heart Your boyfriend separates himself, when speaking of your kids Your Man, will include himself, when speaking of your kids Your boyfriend will tell lies to you, to get another day with u Your Man will tell the truth about the lies, he told before in his past relationships, to get a life with u Your boyfriend shows up unexpectedly and knock at your door Your Man has key to your door, he doesn’t visit he stays Your boyfriend wants to hook up Your Man wants to be get hooked (marry you) Your boyfriend prays over his food in your present Your Man PRAYS OVER YOU!

Your boyfriend can shack up with you for years Your Man can't wait that long, he will wife u in months

Your boyfriend goal is to, maybe, becomes your man Your Man can never drop a level and be your boyfriend; he’s closer to husband material Your boyfriend has only the power to break-up with u Your Man has to separate, or divorce, either or it will cost him Your boyfriend talks about his baby-mama and troubles of Your Man talks about his kids and the mother of them Your boyfriend low insecurities appears when another man admire your beauty Your Man confidence strengthens when another man notice the beauty he too admires Your boyfriend hangs out with his boys and play playstation type games Your Man hangs out in the bedroom and plays with u Your boyfriend and have a problem with you he says forget it Your Man and you have the same problems and he say I FORGIVE U

Your man will kiss your palms, and all of you He will love you will all he’s got and all he don’t He will introduce as his woman and not his girlfriend He will share his heart and passions of life He shall accept the flaws of you and learn to love them until they vanish You will see his soul in the form of yours He will make u feel like nothing else in life I'VE BEEN BOTH TO SOME AND ONE TO MANY

This is Your Man Anthony Tillman's works can be seen on Facebook, be on the lookout for this brother in your area soon!

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Poet Young

Cherish the Hearts of love ones an enjoy good times, Have faith my child hold your head up smile, Walk miles of green pastures an dissect the enemy, Let go of all grudges and forgive like JESUS would, Life is too short to spend time in a gutter, Break through your situations GOD is right there with you, Hope is always near dont let SATAN! FOOL YOU! Keep the sword on stand off til its time to defend you, Your here 1 minute an in the next your gone Cherish the moment that you live until our FATHER calls you home

For more of Poet Young's works, check him out on Facebook

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We welcome all poets to share their works here. To submit works or performance dates, email to: editor@urbantymes.com



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