2 minute read
Pin Point
Amanda Gorman
Poet, Activist This is the most pressing truth: That our people have only one planet to call home [...] We can either divide and be conquered by the few, or we can decide to conquer the future and say that today a new dawn we wrote, say that as long as we have humanity, we will forever have hope
Johan Rockstrom Director, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research @jrockstrom Even if we phase out all oil, coal, and gas by 2050, we still fail on holding the well-below 2°C limit, if we do not get nature back within safe planetary boundaries. We need a carbon law for Nature and exponential roadmaps for nature climate solutions
Not only does waste make our cities unattractive, it leads to flooding + air pollution + water pollution + health problems. To be successful, cities must deal with waste management issues in their context while also learning from the practices of other cities
Maimunah Mohd Sharif
Executive Director UNHABITAT
During the pandemic, governments from Colombia to Togo sent digital payments directly to vulnerable households at unprecedented speed. These are made possible through digital infrastructure specifically designed to meet the needs of the poor
Máxima Zorreguieta Cerruti
Queen of Netherlands
Kanni Wignaraja Assistant SecretaryGeneral, UNDP @kanniwignaraja
Scientific knowledge & discovery moves fast, & we cannot hope to achieve the SDGs without it. To end poverty & protect our planet, we need the brainpower of all the world in the fields of science, not just half
António Guterres Secretary-General of the United Nations @antonioguterres
It’s time for leaders to put loss and damage at the center of negotiations. It’s time to acknowledge that there’s need for additional funding on top of what has already been promised for the most vulnerable. It’s time for our leaders to wake up!
Cities & Acronyms
The name of the city Noida is actually an acronym NOIDA which stood for New Okhla Industrial Development Authority. Overtime, the acronym became more commonly used than its full form and became a word in its own right. Even OKHLA (Old Kanal Housing and Land Authority), AMBALA (Army Maintenance Base And Logistics Area) and MHOW (Military Headquarters Of War) are acronyms
Cover Story
24 Our urban fault lines
36 Inside
Volume 8, Issue 6 October 2022
Numerograph Leaderspeak
28 Urban Growth but growing inequality 30 Inequality needs due attention in urban planning, governance
32 Financial sustainability is a tough boat to sail
34 City of dreams for some, city of nightmares for many 36 Cities & Migration
6 Pin Point 8 Girl Power Project 12 Newscan 17 City Image 46 Urban Agenda
38 South Asia needs to prepare for Climate Change, come hell or high water
40 Cities need to handle climate-displaced people with dignity
42 EU-funded GCoM assisting Asian cities to implement City Climate Action plans
44 Mind the gap; leave no one & place behind