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LEssoNs from CItIEs
Lessons from Cities Lessons from Cities
Monitoring entry Points: The movement of people was closely watched and all who enter were scanned using thermal guns with a database being maintained electronically Quarantine Centers: The existing sports complex was converted into an institutional quarantine zone with 60 beds testing and Availability of Protective gear: Diu city did not have any testing facilities, but provisions were been made to transport samples to Silvassa for testing. The administration heightened its preparedness by ensuring there are sufficient PPE kits, ventilators, and sample testing kits at hand for any eventuality
giS tagging for Sample Collection: RMC
created a GIS map to tag all locations where samples were collected. This enabled more focused planning and in formulation of action plans for containment zones, etc
Auto-Rickshaws for Delivery of essential
Commodities: Every grocery, chemist and milk shop were assigned one or more auto-rickshaws and all numbers were displayed on the RMC website. A customer only needed to identify the shop to place an order over a call
ensuring Adequate Stocks and Medicine
Delivery: RMC made sure that stores displayed prominent green colored stickers to clearly communicate that it had the needed stock. This was done to prevent panic buying and hoarding during the lockdown. A local courier association was also roped in to home deliver medicines for chemist shops that lacked a home delivery distribution system Video Monitoring: Health officials’ mobile devices were equipped with a video push feature for remote surveillance that allowed them to take videos/images that are directly sent to the ICCC for necessary action Spreading Awareness: The official portal, a citizen app, Variable Message Signs, PA Systems and SMS push notifications are being used to disseminate information and create awareness among citizens. Awareness messages were broadcasted through PAS installed on intelligent poles while COVID-19 related messages stat on digital display boards installed on intelligent poles and at bus shelters Helpline for Citizens: A helpline was set up for health queries, emergencies and for directing citizens to testing and quarantine centres
Lessons from Cities Lessons from Cities Indian cities were seen rising up to the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic with the help of various, mostly indigenously developed solutions, which helped the country in controlling the spread of coronavirus to a great extent. Team Urban Update tries to briefly compile the initiatives taken by some of these cities
Dashboard Application
tracking: The administration used a methodical system to track and monitor the virus’ spread by deploying an application which included a self-assessment test Door-to-Door Surveys: The
survey recorded basic information and collected comprehensive data that helped identify persons with symptoms of influenza like illness and severe acute respiratory infection tele-medical Assistance: A
pilot project by Medical Tele Consultation was initiated to provide free medical support so that citizens do not need to step out for minor ailments
Answering Queries via
Chatbot: The administration launched an online chatbot on the official site to provide timely updates and answer queries
Aayu App: The mobile app offered citizens secure, free consultations with specialist doctors. Callers could also instantly share their prescription with nearby medical stores to order medicines Sehat Sathi App: Geared towards helping non-smartphone users, the Sehat Sathi app connected all medical stores, e-mitra centres and other customer service points to extend Aayu healthcare services Free Doctor Portal: A free patient-doctor portal for registered practitioners was created Student Helpline and Counselling: Dedicated student helplines were set up to address students’ queries. Student counsellors were deputed for every 50-100 students to ensure their psychological care and well-being. Facilitating Movement of Students: An online form gathered information about students seeking to go back to their hometown. The form was published in newspapers, prominent social media channels, by various local personalities and by coaching institutes. A total of 1,048 buses and 16 trains were used to send 28,491 and 18,196 students respectively. Kota city united a total of 46,687 students with their families using state-sponsored trains and buses.
Yoga for Sanitation and Health
Workers: Thanjavur Medical College Hospital organized a yoga program for all frontline workers. The program was designed to reduce stress and anxiety and offer improved respiration, energy and vitality
Medical Camp for Sanitary Workers:
These medical camps offered a complete physical examination along with an assessment of functioning of vital organs like the heart, lungs, digestive system, liver, kidneys and the immune system. The sanitary workers were also provided counselling and were given a free medical & prevention kit daily
Distribution of Homeopathy
Medicine: Corporation officials, along with volunteers, distributed ‘Arsenicum Album’ to 42,000+ households within the Thanjavur Corporation limits. This homeopathic preparation purportedly improves the immune system and mitigates COVID-19 symptoms
immunity Boosting Drinks for
Workers: A special health drink was prepared for sanitary workers, health workers, corporation officials and the public at large, to boost their immune system
low Cost Handwashing Facilities:
Thanjavur Corporation officials designed low-cost hand wash facilities and installed units in various government offices and other public access facilities. The Corporation also received funds from sponsors to expand the reach of the handwashing facilities.
Monitoring through CVD tracker app: The quarantined citizens were monitored through the CVD Tracker App and special provisions were made to ensure quarantined families receive food and other essentials. This app also enabled better planning of trips and offered realtime information to the driver about emergency needs. Integration with the Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh (MCC) Portal allowed citizens to view the location of delivery vehicles. CoViD Waste Collection: All vehicle drivers and helpers, deputed for collection and transportation of waste from quarantined households, were equipped with PPE kits. The drivers also wore GPS enabled smart watches powered by the E-Human Resource Tracking Project (E-HRTS). The movement of the vehicles was and is still tracked through these smart watches and displayed on a dashboard to ensure no quarantined household is left out. Services for the urban Poor: The Chandigarh city government tied up with civil society groups, the private sector, restaurants and various other donors for distribution of food, ration and other essentials to the needy — through the National Urban Livelihoods Mission (NULM) and vendor cell network. Personal hygiene kits (masks, sanitizers, soap and disinfectants), ready-to-eat oatmeal, pre-cooked food, 14 days dry ration and sanitary napkins are some of the items which were made available.
iCCC as a 24X7 CoViD-19 War Room: A GIS dashboard which is updated daily and tracks hotspots, heat maps, positive cases, recovered cases etc Agra lockdown Monitor App: This technology enabled video analytics that detected groups and crowds to raise an alert on the field staff’s mobile phone, thus helping the police better monitor the situation on the ground Webinar on Combating CoViD-19 using technology: As a part of sharing best practices, a webinar was conducted which was viewed by more than 80,000 citizens in which various ICT enabled initiatives were explained Sarvam Setu App: This AI-driven hyper-local SOS and emergency response management platform allowed citizens to raise geo-tagged requests for emergency help across nine categories such as food, medicine, medical help, fumigation, case reporting etc e-Doctor Seva: This tele-video consultation facility, launched by Agra Smart City Ltd, is available on a mobile application and allows doctors stationed at the Command Center to conduct video appointments and give online prescriptions to patients Citizen CoViD-19 Self Registry Platform: The Self Registry platform allows citizens to assess their health risk and create a PIN code based early risk assessment matrix that helps authorities Feeding Strays: Under the leadership of the Chief Veterinary Officer, a team had been constituted to regularly feed dogs, monkeys etc
tickMe App: TickMe is an innovative app promoted by BMC and BSCL to prevent crowding and ensure social distancing. Through this app, citizens can place online orders for groceries, medicines, and other essentials from stores in their neighborhood and choose a convenient pick-up time. 24X7 toll-Free Helpline: The
helpline was managed by BSCL as well as the health department/National Urban Health Mission (NUHM). BMC tied up with local vendors and pharmacies, and through the helpline, ensured the delivery of essential items in containment zones. The helpline also addressed queries and guided people on the various provisions made by the state for out ofstation laborers arriving from different states.
Citizen engagement:
keeping Spirits up: The hashtag
#MyCityBhubaneswar on Twitter became a popular trend with citizens during the lockdown. Various online activities and games such as #PicturePuzzle, #GuessThePark, #SpotIs etc., helped relieve lockdown stress and kept citizens engaged and entertained during trying times.