Qondesa - Uribe Schwarzkopf - ZN

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自成立以来极力贡献于城市的正面发展, 如今已完成了140个项目。

乌里贝.施瓦茨科普夫实现人民在城市居住的梦想打造他们的家, 创造无限的未来。





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超过 万套住房 环境和社会 影响方案 高雅的女性 属于大家的空间 碳中和 可持续性建设 创意工作室 完成超过 个项目 140 高达 万建坪面积 2’000.000



MAD建筑事务所成立于2004年,是一家全球性的建筑公司, 持着未来性、有机和技术先进的全方位开发理念, 现代式设计中诠释着人类对大自然的亲和力。

MAD 努力的在人类、城市与大自然中取得平衡。

MAD在世界各地的项目有中国、意大利、法国、 参与过多元化的建设其中有城市规划、 住宅小区建设、博物馆、歌剧院、 住宅项目和多项艺术作品。









1. 米 兰 M oLo 项目 2. 北京朝阳公园广场摩天大楼 3. 长春机场新航站楼 4-5. 哈尔滨大剧院
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.



了解并珍惜城市独有的生活质量。 享受城市里的热情正是基多市多 元化活力的来源,


我们将带给你全新的生活体验, 垂直式小区彷佛活在自己的王国 创造自己的规矩。

创新让你在传统中脱颖而出, 保有深切的小区可持续性。

此将成为大首都里新一代的体现, 改造一个全新的自己成为昆迪萨新成员, 城市的主角。

textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by
FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.






“联合国大道商业步街” 。

个含着古风味的现代化基多, 让您爱上这独特的建筑。

在这里甚么都不缺: 购物中心、企业空间、银行、餐馆、 培训中心和卡罗琳娜大公园。

15 分钟的城市


在联合国大道毫无质疑的充 满了购物商店、




厄瓜多尔安地斯山脉环绕着的基多市, MAD建筑事务所设计了一栋36



大厦外观有如一颗茁壮的大树,外墙的垂直 线像有机藤蔓般由下往上慢慢延伸覆盖 住整栋大楼,而每套房的阳台即成为枝叶。


位于3、4和37层的公共区域在整个建筑的 设计中扮演着重要角色。


重新创造了新的屋顶边缘产生双层高度空间, 由此打破传统中正面柱子的直线设计。

添加的园艺设计和蔓延在柱子上的植物打造 出繁茂的外观,提供给居民与行人舒适感。

The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

昆迪萨寻求成为一个能反 映其居民风格和生 活方式的地方, 并提供一个休闲娱乐和工 作 共存的无间断空间。 在此我们提供了一个 弹性的住房概念, 其中可以依照各别的 需求使其空间成为开放 或密闭式的、并且可以调适大小, 使其空间能更好的被善用。

the right
changes. The real estate project
be developed
a Mercantile Trust
FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright
Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to
according to the
that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves
to make such
represented by
© -


(1-13 英尺) 中层楼视野 (14-27 英尺)
高层楼视野 (28-36


独特的空间让您可以放松心情不管是娱乐、 锻炼或是分享、工作,前卫的设计与配备带您体 与配备带您体验城市皇家生活。其中包括:

昆迪萨将拥有多功能空间,在这个全 新的小区里您可以与人交流分享知识和经验。
• 保龄球馆 • 商务中心 • 电影院 • 音乐厅 • 游戏厅 • • 科技房 • 礼堂 • 游泳池 • 儿童游泳池 • 健身房 • 拳击场 按摩美容 (桑拿、 土耳其浴堂、水疗按摩) • 绿化露台 • 烤肉区 • 活动大厅 • 洗衣间 • 宠物美容院 娱乐活动

The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

and validity
announcement. The company
the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved. 5樓
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the
that takes place during
of this


bem-vindo bienvenu willkommen benvenuto
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.
© - Uribe
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves
make such
The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL
Schwarzkopf. All



The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved. 水疗按摩


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.


FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe
All rights
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by

健身房 有氧运动 瑜珈


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.
to variations
the right to
such changes. The real estate
be developed through
FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.
textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject
the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves
project will
a Mercantile Trust represented by


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.



The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.



The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved. 儿童游戏室
The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved. 烤肉区


The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL S.A. Copyright © - Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

The textual and graphic documentation that appears in this advertisement is indicative, and may be subject to technical modifications, derived from the project and its execution or at the discretion of promoters, designers or marketers duly approved by the owner of the project. Prices are subject to variations according to the sale that takes place during the course and validity of this announcement. The company reserves the right to make such changes. The real estate project will be developed through a Mercantile Trust represented by FIDEVAL

- Uribe Schwarzkopf. All rights reserved.

S.A. Copyright ©



为什么居住的地方必须相同呢? 我们的工作室、套房和公寓

具有动态和灵活的风格 完全为符合您的需求所打造

想在同一个地方工作和生活吗? 没问题,这里将是您 最好的选择 住在城市最炫的地方

qondesa.com uribeschwarzkopf.com

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