URJ Youth Programs 2013

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NFTY | North American Federation of Temple Youth Program





NFTY Teen youth experiences

Varied. Year-round regional and North American events offered throughout North America.

NFTY’s nineteen regions are home to high school students of the Reform Movement. Through a variety of one to six day events, NFTY offers immersive experiences which encourage teens to create Reform Jewish identities and cultivate leadership skills.

High School Grades 9-12

nfty.org/regions (212) 650-4070 nfty@urj.org

NFTY Convention Teen youth convention

5 days, Biennial event, Various locations

NFTY teens from all nineteen regions convene every 2 years at an exciting location in North America to reunite with friends, enhance leadership skills, explore hot topics, dance, sing and make amazing memories.

High School Grades 9-12

nfty.org/convention (212) 650-4070 nfty@urj.org

NFTY Nashir Teen songleading institute

3 days, Various weekends, Various locations

Join a group of talented teen songleaders for a weekend of training, skill development and hands-on learning.

High School Grades 9-12

nfty.org/nashir (212) 650-4070 nfty@urj.org

3 days, Various weekends, Cincinnati, OH

NFTY and Hebrew Union College have partnered to provide teens with three themed study weekends throughout the year. Participants will explore their Jewish identity while engaging with top Reform teachers.

High School Grades 9-12

nfty.org/studyweekend (212) 650-4070 nfty@urj.org

Program Type





NFTY Adventure Teen travel to Israel

4 weeks, Summer

A unique and challenging journey through Israel. See ancient Jerusalem, celebrate in modern Tel Aviv, travel to the beautiful Galilee and see the stunning Negev Desert.

High School Grades 9-12

NFTY L’dor V’dor Teen travel to Europe & Israel

6.5 weeks, Summer

Tour Eastern Europe and Israel, discovering your personal connection to our people and our history.

High School Grades 9-12

NFTY-EIE High School in Israel Academic credit program

4 months, Fall or Spring

Go to high school in Israel! Students live, learn and grow together as they explore Jewish history, learn Hebrew and come to know Israel as their second home.

High School Grades 9-12

NFTY-EIE Summer Session Academic credit program

6.5 weeks, Summer

The ultimate Israel experience that combines touring of Israel and the experience of living on a kibbutz, all while earning high school credit.

High School Grades 9-12

Taglit-Birthright Israel: URJ KESHER Free trip to Israel for young adults

10 days, Winter, Spring or Summer

The gift of a lifetime! Join us on this free, fun and adventure-filled Israel experience for young adults that have never been to Israel on a peer trip.

Ages 18-30

gokesher.org (202) 650-3648 gokesher@urj.org netzeryear.org (212) 650-4115 netzeryear@urj.org

Program Type

NFTY Teen Study Weekend Teen study at HUC-JIR

Israel Programs Program

Netzer Year Gap year program

8 months, Fall-Spring

The Reform Movement’s only gap year program for high school graduates from across the world. Study in Jerusalem, work on a kibbutz, and volunteer in a city of your choice.

High School graduates who have not started college

Kibbutz Lotan Green Apprenticeship College semester & volunteer program

7 weeks or 5 months, Winter or Summer

A hands-on training program in Jewish environmental sustainability on Kibbutz Lotan.

Ages 20-30

4 months, Spring, Summer or Fall

This international development program teaches about social justice and environmental solutions for international problems.

Ages 20-30

5 or 10 months, Fall-Spring

College graduates, live in Tel Aviv-Jaffa serving the community while learning about Israeli-Arab coexistence. Volunteer with Israeli Jews, Arabs, immigrants and African refugees.

Ages 22-28

Kibbutz Lotan

Peace, Justice & the Environment

College semester & volunteer program

Tikkun Olam Post-college service learning experience

nftyisrael.org (212) 452-6517 nftyisrael@urj.org

nftyeie.org (212) 650-4073 nftyeie@urj.org

kibbutzlotan.com (212) 650-4115 rjisrael@urj.org

tikkunolamisrael.org (212) 650-4115 rjisrael@urj.org 2012-2013

Summer Camps






URJ 6 Points Sports Academy Sports specialty summer camp

Greensboro, North Carolina

Elementary through High School

6points.urjcamps.org (561) 208-1650 6pointsacademy@urj.org

URJ Camp Coleman Summer camp

Cleveland, Georgia

Elementary through High School

coleman.urjcamps.org (706) 865-4111 campcoleman@urj.org

URJ Crane Lake Camp Summer camp

West Stockbridge, Massachusetts

Elementary through High School

cranelake.urjcamps.org (413) 232-4257 eisnercranelake@urj.org

URJ Eisner Camp Summer camp

Great Barrington, Massachusetts

Elementary through High School

eisner.urjcamps.org (413) 528-1652 eisnercranelake@urj.org

URJ Camp George Summer camp

Ontario, Canada

Elementary through High School

george.urjcamps.org (705) 732-6964 campgeorge@urj.org

URJ Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) Summer camp

Zionsville, Indiana

Elementary through High School

guci.urjcamps.org (317) 873-3361 guci@urj.org

URJ Greene Family Camp (GFC) Summer camp

Bruceville, Texas

Elementary through High School

greene.urjcamps.org (254) 859-5411 gfc@urj.org

URJ Camp Harlam Summer camp

Kunkletown, Pennsylvania

Elementary through High School

harlam.urjcamps.org (570) 629-1390 campharlam@urj.org

URJ Henry S. Jacobs Camp Summer camp

Utica, Mississippi

Elementary through High School

jacobs.urjcamps.org (601) 885-6042 jacobscamp@urj.org

URJ Camp Kalsman Summer camp

Arlington, Washington

Elementary through High School

kalsman.urjcamps.org (360) 435-9302 campkalsman@urj.org

Kutz: NFTY’s Campus for Reform Jewish Teens Teen leadership summer camp

Warwick, New York

High School Grades 10 to 12

kutz.urjcamps.org (845) 987-6300 kutzcamp@urj.org

URJ Camp Newman Summer camp

Santa Rosa, California

Elementary through High School

newman.urjcamps.org (707) 571-7657 campnewman@urj.org

URJ Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute (OSRUI) Summer camp

Oconomowoc, Wisconsin

Elementary through High School

osrui.urjcamps.org (847) 509-0990 osrui@urj.org

Grades 5 to 9











Camp Type






Coming Soon!

Opening summer 2014

URJ 6 Points Science & Technology Academy Science and technology specialty summer camp

Boston area, Massachusetts


Social Justice & Social Action Programs Program

Program Type

Length & Location



Urban Mitzvah Corps New Jersey Hands-on social service programs for teens

3 or 6 weeks, Summer, New Burnswick, NJ

Make a difference in the lives of the physically challenged, the underprivileged, the elderly and those affected by Hurricane Sandy.

High School Grades 11-12

Mitzvah Corps New Orleans Hands-on social service programs for teens

2 weeks, Summer, New Orleans, LA

There is still work to be done to clean up after Hurricane Katrina. Pitch in to help rebuild this resilient city.

High School Grades 10-12

Mitzvah Corps Costa Rica Hands-on social service programs for teens

9 days, Summer, Costa Rica

Volunteer, travel, learn and build lasting friendships amidst the natural beauty of Costa Rica.

High School Grades 10-12

Mitzvah Corps Nicaragua Hands-on social service programs for teens

1.5 weeks, Summer, Nicaragua

Help to restore roads and education facilities and learn what role we can play in supporting the growth of communities in Nicaragua.

High School Grades 10-12

Mitzvah Corps URJ Kutz Camp Hands-on social service programs for teens

4 weeks, Summer, URJ Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY

Learn skills of inclusion as you mentor Jewish teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

High School Grades 10-12

Religious Action Center L’Taken Social action programs for teens

4 days, Year-round, Washington, DC

Join in an intensive four-day study kallah in Washington, DC focused on Jewish values and social justice.

High School Grades 9-12

Religious Action Center Machon Kaplan Summer social action internship for undergraduates

1.5 months, Summer, Washington, DC

Participate in a meaningful social justice internship while surrounded by a community of action-oriented, like-minded students.

College Students


mitzvahcorps.org (212) 650-4071 mitzvahcorps@urj.org

rac.org/ltaken (202) 387-2800 seminar@rac.org

rac.org/mk (202) 387-2800 mnamath@rac.org

Programs for Children with Special Needs Program

Program Type

Length & Location




Mitzvah Corps at Kutz Camping for teens with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

1 to 3 weeks, Summer, URJ Kutz Camp in Warwick, NY

This program provides access to Jewish camping for teens on the Autism Spectrum and is enhanced by mainstreamed teens’ peer mentorship.

Ages 13 to 19

kutz.urjcamps.org/mc (212) 650-4039 kutzmc@urj.org

Camp Chazak Camping for youth with communication and social delays

1 week, Summer, URJ Eisner & Crane Lake Camps in Massachusetts

Camp Chazak is designed to be both a Jewish recreational camp program and a therapeutic camp that improves quality of life.

Ages 9 to 13

eisnercranelake. urjcamps.org/chazak (201) 722-0400 eisnercranelake@urj.org

In addition to these inclusion programs and experiences exclusively designed for youth and young adults who require additional support or assistance, inclusion programs are available at all 14 URJ Camps.


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