Pace Magazine Fall 2013

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The FaculT yalumni Bond rel ationships shaped at pace of ten l ast a life time

pleasantville celebrates 50 years

meet our new board chairman

pace’s corporate rep program is back



’ ’



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One Pace Plaza New York, NY 10038 861 Bedford Road Pleasantville, NY 10570


Frederica N. Wald Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer University Relations 163 William Street, Room 428 New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 346-1396 Cell: (646) 581-2353 Fax: (914) 923-8191

Fall 2013

Dear Pace Reader: I am happy to bring you the current issue of Pace Magazine. It reflects many changes, the most prominent being a complete redesign. The primary reason for this relaunch is simple: we felt that we needed a publication that better reflected the vital, bold, resourceful, and innovative culture at Pace. In this issue, you’ll see bold graphics, creative ideas, and more than a few surprises. We have a vast array of information, news, profiles, and updates, which we know you will find interesting and engaging. In a way, the University served as the inspiration—new curricula and programs are being created to reflect opportunities and changes in our educational culture, so we thought our magazine should be a part of that as well. Or as magazine-makers like to say: show, don’t tell. We’d appreciate your opinions on this new look and welcome your ideas for stories and updates in future issues. Please let us know at


Frederica N. Wald


• 03 Letter from the President • 05 Keeping Pace Convocation 2013, New Schimmel season, Inside the Lubin eLab, Seidenberg PhD program, Law professor earns honor, James Lipton wins an Emmy • 32 Research at Pace • 35 Bookshelf • 36 Class Notes • 40 Initiative • 44 Big Data


12 The Faculty-Alumni Bond Relationships shaped at Pace often

last a lifetime: we profle four inspiring examples

• 18 Pleasantville:

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow As our Pleasantville location celebrates its frst half century, we look back to its founding in 1963 and ahead to a dramatically reimagined campus

26 Mr. Chairman Mark M.

Besca '81, the new Chairman of the University Board of Trustees, refects on Pace’s greatest opportunities and challenges now and in the future


PACE as You Plan

Pace Magazine

Volume XXX No. 2 Fall 2013


Stephen J. Friedman Vice PResiDeNt, UNiVeRsitY RelatiONs aND cMO

Frederica N. Wald

for Your Future

eDitORial cONsUltaNt

Peter Sikowitz

Show your confidence in Pace’s future by including the University in your estate and gift plans. By funding a gift annuity or making a bequest to Pace in your will or living trust, you’ll experience the satisfaction of knowing you are helping generations of future Pace students.

Act Now The IRA charitable rollover has been extended to the end of 2013. Congress reinstated a law allowing those 70.5+ years of age to move up to $100,000 from an IRA directly to a qualified charity such as Pace University without having to pay income taxes on the money.

For more information on Planned Giving options— or about using the IRA charitable rollover—please contact Marc Potolsky, director of Planned Giving, at (212) 346-1619 or

DiRectOR, cONteNt aND eDitORial

Greg Daugherty assOciate DiRectOR, Digital cONteNt

Do you have a favorite Pace story? Is there a teacher who inspired you? Do you want to sugest an article or feature? If so, we’d love to hear from you. Please send correspondence to: Pace Magazine One Pace Plaza New York, NY 10038 or e-mail us at

Tifany Lopes MaNageR, sOcial MeDia aND eDitORial

Alyssa Cressotti cONtRibUtiNg WRiteRs

Sofa Dupi, Caitlin Kelly, Kaitie O’Hare eDitORial iNteRN

Ashley Small DesigN aND aRt DiRectiON

T. Koppel Design, Inc. aRt seRVices

Sergio Girgenti, David Tryk, Milton B. Zelman PRODUctiON

Maria De La Cruz DiRectOR, iNtegRateD MaRketiNg/ accOUNt seRVices

Wendy Metzger Pace Magazine is a publication of the Department of Marketing and Communications, Ofce of University Relations, published twice a year, and distributed free to alumni and friends of Pace University. The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily represent those of its staf or of Pace University.

eDitORial Office Pace Magazine Marketing and Communications Department One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 346-1218 E-mail:

seND aDDRess chaNges tO: Ofce of Alumni Relations Pace University One Pace Plaza, New York, NY 10038 Phone: (212) 346-1489 Fax: (212) 346-1210 E-mail: Copyright © 2013 Pace University

Pace University is committed to achieving full equal opportunity in all aspects of University life. Pursuant to this commitment, the University does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, ethnicity, marital status, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or veteran status. 2

Pace Enters a New Era

Letter from the


Fall 2013 is a time oF great renewal and refection for Pace. We have new leadership on the Board of trustees. We welcomed an unprecedented number of new faculty members. We launched several exciting academic programs that refect the changing professional landscape. and, as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pleasantville location, we have broken ground on an ambitious new building plan that will position this beautiful campus for the next 50 years. Helping to drive this renewal across the University is the new Chairman of the Pace Board of trustees, mark Besca ’81. a longtime Board member and New York City ofce managing Partner at ernst & Young llP, mark is a wonderful example of the Pace thinking professional. He brings to this important role a proven record of success as a professional leader, a thoughtfulness of purpose, and a passion for encouraging individuals to pursue their talents to the fullest. mark and i share the conviction that Pace graduates are vital to the progress of our nation today, and i look forward to working closely with him in the years ahead. You’ll fnd an interview with mark later in this issue.

When i talk with people about what makes Pace graduates so special, i try to capture the magic that happens between Pace students and faculty, when bright, hard-working young people realize, through the guidance of expert, caring faculty members, that a Pace education can take them wherever they want to go. indeed, Pace alumni often tell me about the professors who infuenced them the most, who motivated them to work harder and push themselves further than they ever had before. Professors are the cornerstone of Pace University, so i was especially delighted to welcome 39 new full-time faculty members to Pace this year. this exciting infux of talented scholars will further enliven our classrooms and help advance our intellectual leadership in a wide range of disciplines. as we welcome new people, we continue to launch new academic programs including: a PhD in Computer science at the seidenberg school of Computer science and information systems; a Ba in Global asia studies and a BFa in Production and Design in the Dyson College of arts and sciences; a Bs in Disabilities and Community living in the school of education; and a Concentration in Health Care management at the lubin school of Business’ BBa program in management. Just as we must look forward to anticipate the educational

• • • •

President Friedman addresses the crowd at a celebration marking the 50th anniversary of the Pleasantville location.

“When I talk WIth people about What makes pace graduates so specIal, I try to capture the magIc that happens betWeen pace students and faculty.”

needs of each new generation of students, the Pace community takes great pride in looking back and honoring the history of this great University. For the past year, Pace students, faculty, staf, and alumni have been hard at work planning a series of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Pleasantville location. the establishment of Pleasantville in 1963 represents a milestone event in the continuing evolution of our University, and this anniversary gives us an opportunity to remember all those who made it possible, chief among them former Pace President edward J. mortola Jr., and to refect on the contributions that the campus has made to the life of the University and its surrounding community. this anniversary also coincides marvelously with a project that will transform Pleasantville for the next 50 years. this fall, we broke ground on the frst phase of the Pleasantville master plan. over the next several years, we will build two new residence halls; new social, dining, and athletics facilities; and a new home for the environmental Center. We will transform the landscape with more green spaces and walking paths. We will see beautiful changes on campus, but even more important, we will be able to deliver our mission of Opportunitas even more efectively. that remains ever our goal.


sincerely yours,

stephen J. Friedman President


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Keeping Pace

Put Our Talent to Work for Your Company As a member of the Pace Community, you are familiar with the quality and diversity of our students: the breadth of their experience; their real-world know-how; their initiative, motivation, and desire.

+ 3,000+ regional and global employers work with Career Services annually.

Pace University’s CAREER SERVICES 4

Pac e M aG a Z I N e - fa ll 2013

Your company can be one of thousands of regional and global employers—in a range of industries—that work with Pace University’s Career Services team and tap into outstanding Pace talent for both internships and new hires.

For more information, visit .



A new school year begins with Convocation 2013.


The Schimmel cenTer announceS iTS new SeaSon.


The Seidenberg School introduces a new Doctor of Philosophy degree in Computer Science.


ProfeSSor BridgeT crawford named one of The BeST law TeacherS in The naTion.

Inside the Lubin Entrepreneurship Lab, where ideas get put to the test.


JameS liPTon winS an emmy for InsIde the Actors studIo.



Keeping Pace

ConvoCation 2013 The incoming class of 2017 heard from an award-winning professor, an accomplished alumna, and a fellow sTudenT as parT of convocaTion 2013. The evenT was held in The goldsTein cenTer in pleasanTville on sepTember 3.

SuSan Herman Keynote speaker, Associate Professor in the Criminal Justice Department, and U.S. Department of Justice National Crime Victim Service Award recipient “Sometimes we come to appreciate justice when we witness an injustice. Many of you have experienced injustice first-hand. Some of you come from communities where injustice is a daily fact of life. But every day, all of us are struck by stories of unfairness and inequality and oppression, the public raping of women, the violence perpetrated against gays and lesbians, or the racial profiling of citizens. These are injustices that occur around the world and right here in America. Many of you have already learned that trying to achieve justice is not a spectator sport. Justice is an action verb and activism takes courage.”

Olivia Drabczyk '11 “Two and a half years ago, I, in a cap and gown similar to this one, stood on this very stage in this very gymnasium, and looked out to an audience full of my professors, my peers, and their loved ones, and proclaimed that ‘the unerring devotion we show towards humanity will undeniably matter.’ What I learned at Pace and what has been continuously validated by my experiences with my students in Nepal and now throughout New York City, is that this unerring devotion we show towards humanity will undeniably matter. And that in our seemingly endless efforts to define, understand, serve, do, or bring about justice, that unerring devotion towards humanity… matters. And that subsequently the stories which make us all uniquely human matter, too.”

Justice was this year's Convocation theme.

J O n at H a n a lva r e z ' 1 5 “When I think of Pace, I think of opportunity."


Pac e MaGa ZINe - fall 20 1 3

Keeping Pace

Seidenberg School Boots Up New PhD Program in Computer Science

Schimmel Center Launches Its New Season ≥ The Michael

Schimmel Center for the Arts on Pace’s New York City Campus opened its latest Pace Presents season in September with Sonorama, presented by Mr. Ho’s Orchestrotica, a big band dedicated to performing the work of the late Juan Garcia Esquivel, known as “the king of space age pop.” Led by Mr. Ho (Brian O’Neill), the group has rescued the arrangements via meticulous by-ear transcriptions of Esquivel’s recordings, which were known for exploiting the new format called “stereo” in the 1950s and '60s. Still upcoming in November and later: Yamato the Drummers

Belgian rapper and crooner Baloji and L'Orchestre de la Katuba performs on April 17.

of Japan take the stage on November 24. On a self-described mission “to make the world a little more happy,” the group travels the world with Japan’s traditional Wadaiko drums. Founded in 1993, it comes to the Schimmel as part of its ongoing 20th anniversary tour. The Gelsey Kirkland Academy brings Tchaikovsky’s holiday classic The Nutcracker to the Schimmel on December 12 to 15. As the center’s Pace Presents season continues into 2014, highlights will include the experimental dance theater company JUNK, formed by MOMIX alumnus Brian Sanders; the Montréal-based RUBBERBANDance Group; an evening of classic Indian instrumentation in Ragamala: A Tribute to Pandit Ravi Shankar; the return

of the American Ballet Theater Studio Company; and Tina Croll and Jamie Cunningham’s From the Horse’s Mouth, which reunites at the Schimmel after a special collaboration in 2012. For more information about these and other events, visit

Pace Alums get a 20% discount on Pace Presents shows.

≥ Pace University’s Seidenberg School of Computer Science and Information Systems has introduced a new Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science degree program starting in the fall 2013 semester. The White Plains-based program is the first PhD in computer science to be offered between New York City and Albany and accepts only students with research experience. From the start, students are integrated in strategically important applied research projects focusing on telehealth and biometrics, web computing and information assurance, artificial intelligence and robotics, and software engineering and formal methods. “The United States urgently needs quality computing innovators to enhance its competitiveness in the global market and create new job opportunities,” says Amar Gupta, PhD, dean of the Seidenberg School. “The goal of the new PhD program is to build on Pace’s successful BS in Computer Science, MS in Computer Science, and DPS in Computing programs, and cultivate advanced computing research scholars and professionals who will be competent in both industry and academia.” Computer science is a dynamic discipline that requires faculty to perform advanced research in order to remain current and produce quality computing researchers and professionals. The new program will enable the Seidenberg School to partner with other Pace colleges/ schools and other universities to offer advanced interdisciplinary degrees in areas important to New York and the national economy. Learn more about the program at

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Keeping Pace

Bridget Crawford named one of nation’s Best law teaChers ≥ Pace Law School

Professor Bridget Crawford (right) has been named one of the 26 best law teachers in the United States in the new book What the Best Law Teachers Do, published by Harvard University Press. The book is the first study of its kind regarding the strate-

gies, methods, and personal traits that make for exceptional law professors—professors who have significant,

positive, and longterm effects on their students. After four years of research, authors Gerry Hess, professor at Gonzaga University School of Law; Sophie Sparrow, professor at University of New Hampshire School of Law; and Michael Hunter Schwartz, dean and professor of law at the UALR William H. Bowen School of Law, concluded that the best law professors “are renowned for their exacting standards: they set

“ E xc E p t i o n a l lEarning ExpEriEncEs arE thE onEs t h at p u s h u s t o think hardEr, writE bEttEr, a rt i c u l at E m o r E c l E a r ly, E xc E E d o u r i m ag i n E d l i m i tat i o n s, a n d s E E t h E wo r l d i n n Ew ways. t h at k i n d o f m ag i c h a p p E n s i n c l a s s ro o m s Ev E ry s i n g l E day at pac E .”

— Professor Bridget Crawford

expectations high, while also making course requirements—and their belief that their students can meet them—clear from the outset. They demonstrate professional behavior and tell students to approach class as they would their future professional life: by being as prepared, polished, and gracious as possible. And they prepare themselves for class in depth, even when they have taught the course for years.” The authors

Pace's eLab Helps Make Entrepreneurial Dreams a Reality ≥ The Lubin School of Business’ Entrepreneurship Lab kicked off its second year in October with presentations on entrepreneurial thinking skills, building sales forces for startups, and creating and developing a fashion brand. The eLab, as it’s known for short, not only gives students a chance to learn about entrepreneurship, but provides resources and serves as an incubator for putting their ideas into action. “The Entrepreneurship Lab is a collaborative workspace designed to bring together students from Pace's six schools and colleges in order to promote crossdisciplinary problem solving, experiential learning, and the development of an entrepreneurial mindset,” says Bruce Bachenheimer (above), clinical professor of Management and director of the Entrepreneurship Lab. In the coming months, the eLab will host several events on campus aimed at encouraging entrepreneurial thinking and interdisciplinary engagement. In November, the eLab and the MIT Enterprise Forum co-hosted a groundbreaking discussion on the role of universities 8

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in New York City’s entrepreneurship ecosystem. In December, author Karen Leland, president of Sterling Marketing Group, visits Pace as part of the eLab’s speaker series, addressing strategic branding and marketing. This semester, in the eLab’s second annual Mobile App Contest, students are being challenged to design an app that will meet previously ignored user needs. In early 2014, the Pace Pitch Contest takes new shape as the first of several mini pitch contests gets underway. These mini contests are designed to prepare students for the 10th annual Pace Pitch Contest, scheduled for April 2014. At that event, finalists will have exactly three minutes to pitch their new venture ideas to a panel of Pace alumni, entrepreneur judges, and an enthusiastic audience. The eLab is housed at Pace’s 163 William Street location. For more information visit

Keeping Pace

conducted lengthy interviews with the professors and their deans, colleagues, students, and alumni, and observed each professor’s classroom behavior. According to co-author Sparrow, the authors left these visits feeling moved, inspired, and excited to make changes in their own teaching based on what they observed and heard. “I am delighted that Professor Bridget Crawford has received national recognition for what we have known at Pace for a long time,” says Pace Law School Dean Michelle Simon. “She is an energetic, dedicated, rigorous professor who cares deeply about her students as people and as future lawyers. “At Pace Law School, we pride ourselves on our commitment to teaching, and Bridget Crawford embodies so many of our highest and best values as a faculty [member]. In addition to being a top-notch scholar and an engaged member of the community, she is a superb teacher. Her expectations for students, class preparation, classroom teaching, and devotion to students are very much worthy of recognition and emulation.”

and the emmy goes to…

James Lipton, dean emeritus of The Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University, has added an Emmy to his many honors.

≥ In an e-mail to Pace President Stephen J. Friedman, just after midnight on September 16, James Lipton kept it short and sweet: “We just won the Emmy.” After 250+ episodes, 19 seasons, 16 Emmy nominations, and the National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences Lifetime Achievement Award in 2007, the host and executive producer of Bravo’s

Inside the Actors Studio

InsIde the Actors studIo is seen in 125 countries.

and dean emeritus of The Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University, picked up the show’s first Emmy for Outstanding Informational Series or Special presented at the 2013 Creative Arts Emmys at the Nokia Theatre in Los Angeles. Filmed at the Schimmel Center on Pace’s New York City Campus and serving as a master class for Actors Studio Drama School students, Inside the Actors Studio reaches

94 million homes in the United States and is seen in 125 countries. The show, which is the fifth most nominated in Emmy history, celebrated its 250th episode last May, bringing back former guests including Robert De Niro, Jennifer Lopez, Christopher Walken, Barbara Walters, and ASDS alumnus Bradley Cooper. In a later comment, Lipton observed: “Sweet sixteen! The Academy has honored our school, The Actors Studio Drama School of Pace University, its students, and faculty. Because time is so short on the stage if you win, I could not include some of the important people who share this honor–Bravo President Frances Berwick; Steve Friedman, the president of Pace University; and Harvey Keitel, Al Pacino, and Ellen Burstyn, the co-presidents of The Actors Studio.”

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PACE ENCORE TRANSITION PROGRAM This six-session course is for executives interested in careers in the nonprofit and social service sectors that are personally fulfilling, have social impact, and offer continued income. • Are you ready for your next challenge? • Do you want to leverage your skills and experience to give back? • Are you interested in making the world a better place for future generations? For more information/to apply, contact Program Director Joan Tucker at (212) 6186059 or For specific program information and online application, visit




Pleasantville: Yesterday, 18 Today, and Tomorrow

The FacultyAlumni Bond





Mr. Chairman


The faculty-

alumni bond Relationships shaped at Pace

often last a lifetime B y C a i t l i n K e l ly


Pace MaGaZ INe - fall 2 013

I saw from day one the passion she had, not only for the students, but for her profession. That was really inspiring.

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Cover Story — The Faculty-Alumni Bond

Sharing a passion for global entrepreneurship “I’ve gotten e-mails from him at three in the morning and wondered—‘Does he ever sleep?’” Students of Professor Bruce Bachenheimer, a high-energy serial entrepreneur who teaches global entrepreneurship, know that’s a fairly common experience, says Rumit Mehta '03, a former student who has remained close to his former professor, even a decade after graduation. Mehta arrived at Pace in 2001 to earn an MBA, and Bachenheimer was one of his professors. Both men, who share a passion for global adventures, had taken unusual and circuitous paths into the classroom where they met. A trained architect, Mehta had worked for many years in Savannah, GA, before deciding he needed a totally new career, although he was unsure what his next step should be. He chose Pace because of its international focus. Mehta was born in Kenya and grew up in Tanzania, in East Africa, and hoped to use his contacts there for a future business, its exact nature yet to be determined. Bachenheimer, a clinical professor of Management and director of entrepreneurship at the Lubin School of Business, had trod many successful paths before returning to Pace—where he received


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his undergraduate business degree— to share his global business expertise. Among other things, he had worked for the Bank of Tokyo and Westpac, a major Australian bank, then lived aboard his 36-foot sailboat in the Caribbean for a few years. After that he started a teak-importing company based in Annapolis, MD, catering largely to fellow sailors. He attended business school himself at 40 in Australia. All of which deeply impressed Mehta. “He was fresh of the boat. He’s very involved with business. He’s very fresh when it comes to content. That’s what struck me,” he says. Their growing mutual respect deepened into friendship when Mehta started a specialized tour company in Tanzania. In 2007, four years after graduation, Mehta took a group including his former professor to the East African nation, introducing them to a wide variety of high-level contacts, including businessmen and government ofcials. He even organized several safaris. Today, Mehta is the founder and owner of Immersion Journeys, a full-service destination management company that arranges private tours and awareness programs to East and Southern Africa and Ghana. He works with several corporate and academic institutions such as Harvard Business School, Yale School of Management, Pace University, Babson College, and The Africa Channel. “I think that was the tipping point when we got to know one another as well as we did,” recalls Mehta. “We bonded peer-to-

peer then, more than as professor-student.” “Rumit was international and entrepreneurial,” says Bachenheimer. “Part of the appeal was his international aspirations and interest.” The two even share a birthday, June 2 (albeit ten years apart), which they’ve celebrated together. “Rumit is really detailed and committed to excellence,” says Bachenheimer admiringly. “He’s very focused on the quality of the experience his company provides and he’s someone I know I can count on. “Sometimes we’ll meet, just he and I. I’ll ask his thoughts and he’ll ask mine,” adds Bachenheimer. The two men look forward to many more years of friendship. “He’s defnitely someone I would stay in touch with for the rest of my life,” says Mehta. “He’s my unpaid cheerleader. Whenever I have a problem I need some advice with, I know we can have a glass of wine and fgure it out.”

A tough love approach for molding marketing students For Christine Leone '12, who now works in marketing for New York Sports Club, studying with Lubin Clinical Professor of Marketing Paul Kurnit ofered an

(left image) Professor Bruce Bachenheimer (right image) Professor Paul Kurnit

We bonded peer-to-peer then, more than as professor-student.

unprecedented experience—getting her frst grade that wasn’t an A. (It was a B+.) She was also working harder, as Kurnit warned his students they would, than she had ever imagined possible. “We’d be working on our projects until fve in the morning, go home to shower and come right back at 7:00 a.m. to keep going,” she recalls. But Leone was eager for more, knowing the world of advertising and marketing would be just as demanding after graduation. “He gets it. He knows what it takes. He understands the pressure,” says Leone gratefully. “He’s the best professor ever.” Kurnit has taught at Pace for 15 years, after running a 200-person advertising agency, Grifn Bacal Inc., which was later sold. Leone immediately impressed him, he says, “with her high energy and passion. She did a lot. She was a major contributor. Some students are good in one area or another, but Christine was really excellent at pulling it all together. She’s an organizer and took the reins of production. She drank the Kool-Aid.” Kurnit invites his most promising students to join Ad Team, his intense, focused practical sessions that demand from each participant all the skills and attitudes they’ll need to succeed in the industry. After taking one of his classes, Leone was eager to join Ad Team. “He just had so much energy, so much knowledge, and so much creativity,” she says. But Ad Team is not for the faint of heart, Kurnit says. “It takes students from unformed clay to fabulous sculpture.” The sculpting process, like anything involving

sharp instruments, is rarely smooth or easy. “I teach tough, and I teach tougher every year, because millennials are often distracted. They’re not as disciplined as they need to be, or should be,” he says. Hence the importance of students like Leone, who act as a necessary “irritant” to their peers, spurring them to the highest standards possible. Kurnit’s students quickly learn to expect what he calls “love notes.” These are no classic billets-doux, but “notes” in the Hollywood sense—specifc, no-nonsense demands for laging students to step up their game. Leone welcomed them. “We’d been spoon-fed our entire lives, and he’d demand huge changes in our work. The notes would really call us out. But it made me a better performer and a better student and I’m grateful for that,” she says. Leone, who attended a small private high school, is especially grateful she chose Pace, a place where professors “just genuinely care about us. There was nothing in high school like the relationships I had with my teachers at Pace. They’re amazing people.” “It’s all about connecting with my students,” says Kurnit. Leone now considers her former professor a personal friend. “He motivates you to be the best you can be.” She calls him for advice, and, when he ofered her a lead to a recent job and prepped her for the interview, (which she aced, winning the job), she knew he would be there for her, as he always has been. "He’s seen me grow up.” w w w.pace .e du


Cover Story — The Faculty-Alumni Bond

Professor Paul Kurnit with students. "I teach tough," he says.

Helping a quiet accounting student fnd his voice He was quiet and shy, uncomfortable speaking up in class. But Lubin Accounting Professor Barbara Farrell, EdD, quickly saw—with 34 years experience in the classroom— that Nick Bueti '99 could have a terrifc career in accounting. First, however, she had to get her student to come out of his shell.


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“You have to become more assertive,” she told him. Today—14 years after leaving Pace—Bueti is a partner with Ernst & Young LLP, in Stamford, CT, thriving in his accounting career. “I went to a smaller high school with smaller classes, so that’s what I was looking for when I chose Pace. I really wanted to have that connection, to know that professors would know me and I would know them,” he says. “When I met Barbara, I saw from day one the passion she had, not only for the students, but for her profession. That was really inspiring.” Farrell urged him to apply early for internships and sugested which frms would be the best ft for his personality

and skills. “She was really like an adviser. She really cared for her students and she knew her students really well, so she would match students to jobs,” he recalls. The two got to know one another personally thanks to Bueti’s membership in Pace’s Accounting Society. Members of the 40-year-old volunteer group bring in 50 diferent accounting professionals—from major frms, banks, the IRS, and even the FBI—to help students get a better feel for their chosen profession. Bueti still returns to campus frequently, even bringing 15 of his staf members, to meet with and mentor Farrell’s current students.

(bottom left image) Professor Barbara Farrell (right image) Professor Sister M. St. John Delany

In the fve years of his Pace undergraduate work, Bueti did come out of his shell, largely thanks to Farrell’s insistence he do public presentations and work on his speaking skills. “At frst, I was a little apprehensive as it pushed me out of my comfort zone,” he says. “But she warned me ‘You’re going to be on with all your clients all the time.’ She was right. Everything we do is like that. These skills have proven very important. “By the end, I was a completely diferent person.” Farrell also knows she can call on Bueti to coax students like him from their shells as well. “I can call Nick and say, ‘I have a very quiet student like you once were. Will you meet with them one-on-one to prepare them for job interviews?’ It’s so helpful to have this chance with a professional currently working in the feld.” Today, the two try to meet once every few months to grab a bite and share what’s happening in their lives. “She’s defnitely become a friend,” says Bueti. “I’ve kept this sort of relationship up with many students over the years,” Farrell says. “It’s so wonderful to see them go from being a young kid to a very successful professional you’re just beaming about. You feel so proud. It’s like being a parent. “It’s unique to Pace, keeping these relationships with alumni as strong as we do,” she continues. “Many of us had lives before we came to Pace and we can talk about our real-life experiences. Students appreciate that. They like knowing someone cares enough about them, even after they’ve left.”

A gifted teacher of teachers Students of Sister M. St. John Delany, PhD, associate professor of Education and director of the Center for Literacy Enrichment, know they’re meeting someone

It’s unique to Pace, keeping these relationships with alumni as strong as we do.

special, as her reputation precedes her. “We always heard she was the best,” says former student Jan Cheluget (née Kutscher) '11, “and from the moment we met, I knew she was. When we all met her, we knew there was something special about her. You’d do anything to get into her class because she makes you feel so welcome. She just makes you want to be a better educator. What I liked about her classes was that they were really hands-on with lots of engagement.” Almost two years after leaving Sr. Delany’s classroom, “I still use her readings today,” Cheluget says. The two remain close, seeing one another a few times a week, as Cheluget now tutors Sr. Delany’s students. “When people ask me if they can tutor, I ask ‘Are you consistent, responsive, and knowledgeable?’” says Sr. Delany. “I need people like Jan who are very on top of things. She’s very able to handle situations.” Sr. Delany says she saw that in Cheluget from the start. “She was a very mature young lady, a very smart girl. She has a presence about her.” Sr. Delany sets a high bar, she readily admits. But her passion for teaching, and connecting with her students, remains undimmed. “I love them to death.” Pace students have a rare and precious asset in these ongoing friendships—when they compare notes with friends who’ve attended other universities, even small ones, their tight bonds with faculty sometimes provoke envy. For the professors who keep committing their lives and talents to their students, for years after graduation, it’s who they are and what they have chosen to do. “I’m in the life-changing business,” says Kurnit.

Caitlin Kelly is a Westchester County, New York-based writer, and frequent contributor to The New York Times Sunday Business section. Her books include Malled: My Unintentional Career in Retail (Portfolio Trade).

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Pleasantville: Yesterday, Today, and

As our PleAsAntville locAtion celebrAtes its first hAlf century, we look bAck to its founding in 1963 And AheAd to A drAmAticAlly reimAgined cAmPus

When Pace University’s Pleasantville location opened for business in September 1963, with a freshman class of 143 day students and another

265 in the evening program, the campus was still very much under construction. Students were known to joke that they would drive over dirt

roads on their way to campus and over blacktop on their way home.

The seven acre site had been donated to the University a year earlier by Wayne Marks ’28, a General Foods Corp. executive, and his wife, Helen. Ground was broken in the spring of 1963 and construction began a month later. It has hardly stopped since. In the decades that


followed, the University continued to expand, adding both land and new facilities to accommodate a growing student body. Today the Pleasantville site covers some 200 acres and serves some 2,320 students.

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As Pace celebrates Pleasantville’s 50th anniversary this year, the University is also embarking on the frst phase of an ambitious renovation project that will transform the campus yet again and prepare it for the next 50 years, or more. The plan includes the construction of two residence halls, a new and enhanced home for the Environmental Center, upgraded

athletic facilities, landscaped pathways, a new central campus green, and the expansion of the Kessel Student Center to add dining capacity and more student gathering spaces. We ofer a sneak preview on pages 24 and 25.

Pace benefactors Wayne Marks ’28 and wife Helen, above. Below left: Students marked the opening of Pleasantville by trekking up from the New York City Campus. At right: Willcox Hall, completed in 1965.

Feature — Pleasantville

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Feature — Pleasantville

William F. McAloon, PhD, (right in top photo), then-Dean of Pace College Westchester, surveyed plans during the early years of Pace’s Pleasantville expansion. For the upcoming campus transformation, the Environmental Center (seen left) will be relocated and enhanced with geothermal heat and solar power in the new classroom. Choate Pond will be revitalized with the removal of sediment, the reshaping of the pond’s bottom and sides, and the addition of a perimeter walking path and lookout point.

The Edward and Doris Mortola Library (above) is the hub of technology-based learning at Pace’s Pleasantville location. Together with its satellite operation at the Graduate Center in White Plains, it provides print and digital resources in support of classroom teaching, collaborative and interactive learning, independent study, scholarly research, and lifelong learning programs.

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The Master Plan calls for relocating all parking capacity from the central part of the campus to the perimeter,, P i c t u re d b e l ow i s o n e o f s e ve ra l F i e l d H o u s e coo n c e p t s


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Feature — Pleasantville

and building a landscaped quad and pedestrian pathways at the campus core (above, in an artist’s rendering). t h a t h a ve b e e n p ro p o s e d a s p a r t o f t h e c a m p u s t ra n s fo r m a t i o n .

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Mark M. Besca '81, the new Chairman of the University Board of Trustees, refects on Pace’s opportunities and challenges now and in the years to come

Mike Mcgregor


Besca today and, at left, as an undergrad. w ww.pace .e du


Feature — Mr. Chairman

In July, Mark M. Besca, BBA ’81, became Chairman of Pace’s Board of Trustees, succeeding Aniello A. Bianco ’61, who held the post for 14 years. ¶ A longtime member of the Pace board, Besca is also a familiar face to national television viewers, representing his employer, Ernst & Young LLP, at awards shows including the Emmys and American Music Awards. Besca joined EY, then Arthur Young, in 1980 as an intern through the Pace co-op program. He currently serves as the frm’s New York City Ofce Managing Partner. ¶ Besca, who grew up in the Bronx, now lives in Manhattan with his wife, Geri, a professional singer; two daughters; and a Bernese Mountain dog named Jeter. Pace Magazine interviewed him in October about where he sees the University heading in the future and asked him to reminisce a little about his own undergrad days.


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From Top: Besca with Yankees pitcher Mariano Rivera; at the American Music Awards; with Lubin Dean Neil S. Braun and their wives; with Derek Jeter (and photo of dog Jeter); greeting Kareem Abdul-Jabbar at the Emmys; and on the feld with Orlando Hernández, aka “El Duque.”

pace magazine: So how’s it going after four months as Chairman?

I think everything we’re doing now is pretty exciting. We’ve got a lot of momentum going. As you’ve probably heard President Friedman say, our goal is to be a national leader in providing education, but education with clear value. We want to combine very strong liberal arts with professional preparation, and ofer an education that helps our students to succeed in their careers and in

mark m. besca:

We want to produce graduates from every school who are genuinely more effective in today's world than those coming from other schools.

musical note

Along with golf and tennis, Pace’s new Chairman plays electric guitar. Among his guitar heroes: Slash, of Guns N’ Roses fame.

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Feature — Mr. Chairman

their lives. So what you’re going to hear a lot about in the coming year is something that we call the Pace Path.

changing the landscape for the better, and it could make education more efcient in terms of cost.


pm: Do you foresee a day when college education is totally virtual?

Can you tell us a bit more about that?

The Pace Path combines a number of ideas. One draws on our history of providing experiential learning opportunities. Historically it was the accounting program that was best known for producing students who were more ready to hit the ground running when they went out into the workforce than the graduates of many other universities. Now that’s going to be true for all our schools. We’re also going to enhance the ways we give our students real-life experiences through internships, undergraduate research, and travel courses, and apply coaching and mentoring to the process. So when you simplify all this, what we’re saying is that we want to produce graduates from every school who are genuinely more efective in today’s world than those coming from other schools. We want to be better than anybody else at doing what I’ve just described. We’re already ranked number 5 by U.S. News & World Report in terms of placing undergraduates in internships. besca:

besca: There are some exciting things going on in that area, such as massive open online courses, where you can get the top professor in a particular feld to teach people all over the world. That will probably be part of our formula as well. But no, I don’t think it’s going to be all virtual. That’s what you might hear, but I think you still need that relationship with the student at the university. What’s interesting is how you can combine virtual learning with traditional learning, and what the percentage of each will be. pm: What would you say are the biggest challenges facing Pace and other universities today? besca: One is certainly the growing cost of education. That has put incredible stress on afordability and value in general at every university. And frankly I think a lot of other colleges don’t provide the value to match what students are paying. pm:


Care to look further out into the University's future? besca: Well, when we look into the future we look at basically three things: academic progress, meaning real growth in our programs and adding to our faculty; physical change, such as we’re seeing now with our building programs in Pleasantville and downtown; and technology. In some ways technology could be the most important. pm:

Can you elaborate?

We’re trying to address how and what we teach in light of the changing technology. We have hundreds of online programs already. We have a hybrid Executive MBA course that combines online learning and quarterly residencies. We have a highly rated all-online degree program. And although many of these things are in their infancy, we know that the way we teach our students is going to be diferent in the future, and how we combine technology with real classroom experience will change over time. No university has the perfect solution at this point, but we’re very focused on trying to get that right mix. We see technology besca:


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What about opportunities?

I think one thing that makes Pace diferent from other universities is that we have a huge competitive advantage being in New York City and downtown in New York City, right at the heart of the capital markets. There’s no other institution that’s positioned like us there, and we ofer the option for folks who want to be on a traditional campus to be only 40 minutes away. That is pretty unique, and I’m not sure we have always marketed that as well as we could. People want to come to New York. besca:

pm: How would you say Pace has changed since your years as an undergrad? besca: For one thing, the neighborhood was very diferent in those days. Now it’s so vibrant, but back then, downtown really shut down at night. There weren’t a lot of residential buildings. I lived in Maria’s Tower, and our dining room was Chinatown, which was wonderful, great food. We still had the beneft of being in the city, so we’d go out and do other things, but downtown was not what it is today. And of course, the technology has changed pretty dramatically. I can remember

sitting in the Birnbaum Library, sifting through books for hours, looking for answers to questions we were researching. Students can now get those answers in seconds. What they have at their fngertips is just amazing compared with what we had. In fact, one of my frst jobs at Pace was in the computer lab, where I ran computer programs using punch cards. We used to have the lab open almost all night so folks could process their data. How diferent the world is now, with everyone walking around with a laptop. pm: Do you remember a favorite teacher you had at Pace? besca: I had many great teachers. One was Ivan Fox, the best-loved professor in maybe the whole world. He’s passed, but he was a legend at the University. He knew how to teach with humor and tools that helped us remember core law, and his one-hour class felt like fve minutes. One reason Pace students did so well on the CPA exam was that the law part was easy for anybody who took Fox. Tony Pustorino and Rudy Jacob were outstanding accounting professors who knew how to take accounting and apply it in a practical way. Rudy’s the Chair of the Accounting Department today and still looks like he’s 20. pm: Could you tell us a little about your upbringing? We understand your parents were Holocaust survivors. besca: Yes, they came here from Greece with nothing. They had been afuent in Greece before the war. They were educated, and they were going to make sure that my generation would get educated and turn things around for the family. Their whole mantra was get an education. That’s why a lot of us on the Pace board are so passionate about the University, because of Opportunitas. Pace was there for me and I just can’t forget it, because without Pace I wouldn’t be where I am today.









profiles, MarriaGes, Births, enGaGeMents, in MeMoriaM

40 INITIATIVE pace relaunches its corporate rep proGraM top 10 corporate eMployers of pace aluMni


Faculty and Alumni


Grant funders put their Money on pace


A glimpse at some of the fascinating projects

in progress at Pace

How tHe Media Cover Gender issue s Dyson Associate Professor Emilie Zaslow and recent graduate Brian Rentas ’13 examine the media’s portrayal of gender variance issues among children. When emilie ZasloW, PhD, and student Brian Rentas ’13 (pictured above) teamed up as

part of Pace’s Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Initiative, it was an opportunity for both to explore media and communications from a new perspective. “My work has typically been about what it means to be a girl and how the media depicts girls,” says Zaslow, an associate professor of Communication Studies in Dyson College of Arts and Sciences. “I’ve worked with a lot of students on their honors theses, and I’ve had students help me on my own research, but I’ve never worked so collaboratively with a student. It was an interesting thing to develop ideas together.” Rentas and Zaslow analyzed videos and transcripts of recent television coverage, focusing primarily on the handling of six stories, including those of Bobby Montoya, a 7-year-old transgender child looking to join the Girl Scouts; J. Crew Creative Director Jenna Lyons, who painted her son’s toenails pink because that’s his favorite color; and McKenna Pope, who petitioned toymaker Hasbro to create an Easy Bake Oven in gender neutral colors so that


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her brother could play with it. Their research also looked at stories about a baby named Storm, whose parents would not share the baby’s sex with friends and family and were raising the child as gender neutral. They found that the story about Storm was typically presented in a very negative light, whereas the one about McKenna Pope crusading for a gender-neutral toy oven was represented more positively. Partly, Zaslow and Rentas believe, that was because the latter story involved an attempt to prevent a boy from playing with a girl’s toy. Even efforts at positive coverage often leave the public with mixed messages, their research found. “They bring on a psychiatrist or a mother of one of these children and say we should love and accept the child for who they are, but then they ask viewers, ‘Would you love and accept your child under these circumstances?’” says Zaslow. “It basically nullifies the frame of acceptance.” Zaslow and Rentas plan to publish their findings and hope that the work they’re doing will add to public discourse on gender issues and how television affects them. “Americans spend nearly 40 hours a week watching television, and children generally spend much more time with media than do adults,” Zaslow says. “We learn about who we are, who our children are, what gender is, what it means to be a boy or girl.”

Research at Pace

Developing drones for peaceful purposes Seidenberg Professor Richard Kline and Keith McPherson ’13 (pictured below) team up to explore the uses of a flying drone quadcopter as part of the Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Initiative. If you ask recent Seidenberg grad Keith McPherson ’13 why he and Professor Rick Kline, PhD, teamed up to build their own drone, he won’t try to wow you with a lot of scientifc jargon. “Flying robots are cool!” he says. “It’s as simple as that.” McPherson and Kline’s drone is technically an autonomous quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle, otherwise known as a fying quadcopter, a miniature helicopter lifted and propelled by four rotors. Their interest in quadcopters goes back two years, to a college-level robotics competition. Professor Kline mentored a team, captained by McPherson, which built a fying robot for the event, only to see it crash on the frst day of competition. That attempt may have ended poorly for the pair, but it didn’t dampen their interest in the feld. When the Undergraduate Student-Faculty Research Initiative opportunity came up, they decided to start over again from scratch. The building of the quadcopter included plenty of snags and took far longer than the pair anticipated, but the websites and forums run by other drone enthusiasts, especially one called AeroQuad, were of great help in overcoming problems they encountered. “One of the bigest surprises for me while working on this project was

discovering how big the Internet community is of people who are interested in building these things and sharing their expertise and designs,” Kline says. “That allowed us to do a whole lot more than if we were starting from and working in a vacuum.” Since neither professor nor student had any formal engineering training, these and other resources were essential for their work. But drawing on their software expertise, McPherson and Kline were able to develop code that would allow them to control their quadcopter using a WiFi connection to a laptop, taking input from handheld game controllers, and producing a virtual cockpit instrument display in real time on the screen. “With the software and computer programming, we can tell the vehicle to not only move here or there, but to do fips, take photos, and record and stream live video,” says McPherson. Kline adds that, “Technology keeps evolving so quickly. The control board that handles the live video costs $35, is the size of a credit card, and has the same power as a $2,000 desktop machine from 10 years ago.” As they investigated diferent applications for the quadcopter, they encountered another group of drone enthusiasts who hoped to develop one for news reporting around the world, particularly in regions of confict. Should Internet access and other traditional means of communication be shut down, images

For More visit ugresearch

captured by fying drones could still show what’s happening on the ground. McPherson shared ideas with them and volunteered to do some web site development work for the project. The pair also explored the use of drones for commercial purposes, such as capturing aerial images of neighborhoods and buildings for use in real estate sales. Unfortunately, they discovered that this type of drone use is currently illegal, though fight regulations should be changing in the near future. McPherson and Kline now hope to share their advances with other enthusiasts via the AeroQuad site, which they credit for much of their own knowledge. “Research publications are always nice—and they are what’s expected of a faculty member,” Kline says. “But for a student to be able to have signifcant contributions to a huge open source project, that’s exciting to me, and I hope we’ll be able to pull it of.”

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A virtuAl dog to keep older Adults heAlthy Pace’s gerontech Research team ushers in a new kind of telehealth as it partners up with geriJoy, the talking dog brainchild of Mit’s Victor Wang. Can a talking dog help elderly patients stay healthy and happy? Assistant Professor

Sharon Wexler, PhD, RN, BC, and Pace’s Gerontechnology Research Team are working doggedly to find out. They’re collaborating with GeriJoy, an MIT startup, on the development of a virtual best friend and health guard dog they call Dougie. Dougie, the talking dog, is really an Android app that runs continuously on a tablet that has been specially modified for use by older adults. It is connected to a remote support staff that works around the clock to talk with patients, monitor unusual goings-on inside the patients’ homes, and report any changes to the patients’ family members. If necessary, the staff can request that a Pace nursing grad student conduct an in-home visit. “We have live staff talking to users 24/7, through the persona of the dog. The first time Sharon took the GeriJoy Companion home, she asked the dog what its name was, and the staff member on the other end happened to say ‘Dougie.’ That’s how we named the study: ‘I am Dougie, your virtual service dog: An Intervention to Address Loneliness in Older Adults,’” says Victor Wang, CEO of GeriJoy. GeriJoy, the company that developed this virtual service animal, teamed up with Wexler, as well as Seidenberg Associate Professor Jean F. Coppola, PhD, and College of Health Professions Professor Lin Drury, PhD, RN, of Pace’s Gerontechnology Research Team. “We’ve been so busy this summer,” says Wexler. “We’ve been deploying GeriJoy and trying to get it in the hands of older or homebound adults at the Henry Street Settlement. We’ve also been working with Mt. Sinai Medical Center to pilot our study with hospitalized older adults. Not to mention we’ve written God-knows how many grants to further our work with GeriJoy.”

Missing t he E ar l y Signs o f Childr en’s Men t al Heal t h P r oblems School ShootingS an d

other acts of violence by young people have brought new attention to the question of how soon in life children’s mental health problems can be identified and addressed. “Red flags for mental and behavioral health problems are often clear before the end of second grade,” says Andrea Spencer, PhD, dean of the School of Education and author of the recent report “Blind Spot: The Impact of Missed Early Warning Signs on Children’s Mental Health.” 34

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“It is imperative that we improve screening and identification so support for these children can be provided before their academic careers are at risk,” she adds. In her report, Spencer examined the educational records of children referred to the Center for Children’s Advocacy, a Connecticut nonprofit that provides legal support for abused and neglected children and where Spencer is an educational consultant. The records revealed that early signs of mental and behavioral health problems were often not identified until middle school years. Her research found that more than 70 percent of students diagnosed with mental illness and behav-

ioral health problems by middle school had exhibited warning signs by second grade. Almost 25 percent had done so during their pre-Kindergarten years. The red flags included developmental and health issues, adverse social factors, and exposure to trauma. Twenty-five percent of the children had traumatic experiences in their records. The report shows a direct link between undiagnosed and unaddressed mental health issues and increases in school suspensions, expulsions, and entry into the state’s juvenile justice system. Spencer argues that systemic change is critical to improving the odds for children with early indicators of risk.

Dougie in action. Through the app, the GeriJoy staff can see, hear, and communicate with the patient. They can also passively monitor any unusual light, sound, or motion changes, such as yelling, movement in the middle of the night, etc. So far, the majority of patients introduced to the virtual dog have taken to it— they can chat with the person on the other end and it keeps them cognitively active and engaged. After approval by the Institutional Review Board, and securing funding through the Provost’s grant for Thinkfinity and the Jeffrey Hewitt Fund for Faculty Development and the Nursing Research Endowment Fund from the Lienhard School of Nursing, the team sent nursing students to administer a battery of standardized measures for cognitive status, loneliness, and geriatric depression, and to collect demographic data. “We’re hoping GeriJoy will allow us to demonstrate that having this virtual pet reduces loneliness, depression, isolation, and cognitive decline,” Drury says. The Pace professors are working with alllevel students from Seidenberg and the College of Health Professions to pilot this study. The students go on home visits, offer tablet training, and work directly with patients, families, and the vendors and creators of GeriJoy. “The most rewarding thing for all of us is to see the students working together, collaboratively,” says Wexler. “They’re all so excited and committed to the patients. I don’t think we’ve had any student reluctant to do anything—they’ve all risen to the occasion in such an incredible way.”

New titles from alumni,

faculty, staff, and


For More New Books

visit bookshelf

A Crash Course in Chords By Lee evans, edd

A Crash Course in Chords (Hal Leonard Corporation), by Dyson Professor of Music Lee Evans, EdD, is a theory and performance workbook for the intermediatelevel student. Written exercises cover basic triads and 7th chords, inversions, transposition, harmonization, and more. Evans explains concepts in easy-to-understand language and applies them in a variety of performance exercises and lead sheet examples.

Plague-Making and the AIDS Epidemic: A Story of Discrimination By Gina M. Bright, RN, PhD ’94

Plague-Making and the AIDS Epidemic: A Story of Discrimination (Palgrave Macmillan) weaves portraits of Bright’s AIDS patients over the past 25 years with an in-depth cultural analysis of how and why AIDS was made a plague in our American society from its emergence until the present day. The “plague-making” of any disease, such as bubonic plague in the Middle Ages, results in discrimination against marginalized groups. The book argues that gays, drug users, women, and blacks were severely discriminated against in the 1980s and 1990s, and still are to a lesser degree today, because AIDS was treated as a plague by the American media, arts, and government.

A Game for Life: Golf ’s Rules & Rewards By Gene Westmoreland ’65

By Donald Gudhus ’69 and Carol J. Ventura

In A Game for Life: Golf ’s Rules & Rewards (Tatra Press), alumnus Gene Westmoreland explains the often-complex rules of golf with stories and anecdotes, many of which are drawn from the author’s lifetime of experiences on the course. The book also provides insights into the unwritten rules of golf, including etiquette, sportsmanship, and why being a good golfer has little to do with the fnal number on a scorecard.

Handbook for the Humanities By Janetta ReBold Benton, Phd

Handbook for the Humanities ( Pe ars o n E duc ati o n) by D ys o n Distinguished Professor and art historian Janetta Rebold Benton, PhD, provides a foundation of the most pertinent information needed to appreciate

Women & Retirement Planning

all that the hum anities has to offer an d includes advice to students on how to write about them with confdence. The handbook can be used in conjunction with primary and secondary sources or as the core material in the classroom.

Alumnus Donald Gudhus ’69 teams up with certifed fnancial planner Carol J. Ventura for Women & Retirement Planning (iUniverse). Many women are now the

primary fnancial decision makers in their households, though historically they have been underserved by the fnancial community, a problem the book attempts to address.

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Stay connected to your Pace classmates



Shaun higginS, BBa, joined

laurel roSSi, BBa, founder and President of Havas Worldwide Strat Farm, was honored by the Girl Scouts of Greater New York (GSGNY) as one of fve Women of Distinction who serve as exemplary role models for today’s girls.

Marvin Traub Associates in New York, NY, as Operating Partner, Consumer Food and Beverage. He was formerly President at Coca Cola Enterprises-Europe.

1976 John M. Devlin Jr., MBa,

was appointed to the Board of Directors of Coupon Express, Inc. in New York, NY.

1977 DonalD CiaraMella, Ba,

Julie Gill ’12 BS in Computer SCienCe

was promoted to President of Corporate Communications at The Lippin Group. ThoMaS SilveSTri, Ba, was

Gill is a developer at the popular NYC real estate site StreetEasy, which was acquired by real estate giant Zillow in August. As part of the acquisition announcement, she and her colleagues attended the NASDAQ opening bell ceremony and Gill was featured on the huge NASDAQ display in Times Square.


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inducted into the Virginia Communications Hall of Fame for outstanding professional achievement and contributions in the newspaper business.

WalTer a. WhiTney, MBa,

was appointed Vice President, Senior Commercial Lender at Fairfeld County Bank in Ridgefeld, CT.

1981 Mark M. BeSCa, BBa,

succeeded Aniello A. Bianco ’61 as Chairman of the Pace University Board of Trustees. CharleS MCCaBe, MBa, was

named to Accounting Today’s annual list of the “Top 100 Most Infuential People in Accounting.” Mark J. STellWag, BBa,

was promoted to Vice President of M&T Bank, in Poughkeepsie, NY.

1982 Frank PaTaFio, MBa, was

appointed to the Board of Directors of Northfeld Bancorp, Inc., in Woodbridge, NJ.

Class Notes

L et u s h ear from yo u ! S har e you r n ews an d j o i n t h e con ver sati on at At our website you’ll find a set of free and secure online services that allow Pace alumni from around the world to reconnect, exchange ideas, and network.

1983 James altadonna Jr., BBa, was appointed Town

Clerk and sworn into the Town Council of Oyster Bay, NY. John W. Vail, BBa, has

joined PrizeLogic as Chief Marketing Ofcer.

1984 Bart hecht, Bs, was appointed Senior Vice President of Enterprise Solutions and Sales Operations at hybris in Chicago, IL. Brian m. Posner, mBa, was appointed Chief Financial Ofcer of Alliqua, Inc., in Langhorne, PA.

1988 deBorah anne doWnie, ms,

has joined First Financial Federal Credit Union in Wall, NJ, as the Director of Business Development.

in the University’s Ofce of Program Development and Enterprise Project Management. He also became a trustee of the New England Old English Sheepdog Rescue ( and sponsored a plan to assist in the adoption of dogs older than 11 years by paying veterinary bills associated with the adoption. Hacker adopted the frst dog, an 11 year old female named Sandy.


Cliff Gelb ’70 BA in History And EducAtion, And mEn’s BAskE tBAll pl AyEr

A fve-time Emmy Award-winning producer for ABC-TV News, Gelb won a Peabody Award for September 11, 2001 coverage. Among the athletes and entertainers he has worked with in his career are Wilt Chamberlain, Mickey Mantle, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jordan, Bob Hope, and Arthur Ashe.

GreGory koPP, BBa, has

rejoined Hay Group, based in Philadelphia, PA, returning as a Senior Principal of the Northeast Region Executive Compensation practice.


1995 GaBriella o’connor, msed, mPa ’12, was appointed

Assistant Superintendent for Business for the Rye City School District in Rye, NY.

JosePh molluso, BBa,

was appointed Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Ofcer of Virtu Financial in New York, NY.

scott m. hacker, mBa,


accepted a position at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Quincy, MA, as a Project Manager

michael t. marino, BFa, mPa ’06, was recently pro-

Paulette alViti, mBa, was named Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Ofcer at Foot Locker, Inc., based in New York, NY.



mattheW Bonilla, BBa, msed ’08, accepted the

Francis P. tricamo sr., mBa, has joined HCC Insur-

position of Vice President for Student Administrative Services at Touro College.

ance Holdings, Inc., to lead the company’s Construction Property Risk Division in New York.

moted to Director of Research from Associate Director of Research at New York University in New York, NY.

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Michael Ross albeRt ’11 MFA, Actors studio drAMA school

Albert’s new play For a Good Time, Call Kathy Blanchard had its world premiere at the New York International Fringe Festival on August 10. Every member of the production—writer, director, actors, and designers—are alumni of the Actors Studio Drama School at Pace.

2002 suzette Bather, MBa,

Director of the New York Manhattan Minority Business Development Agency, was named to The Network Journal’s “Forty Under 40” Class of 2013. CheuK L. Chan, Ms,

accepted a job at the NCR and is relocating from New York to Washington, DC.

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2003 niCoLe (proweLL) hart, Ba, premiered her frst

feature-length documentary, Losing LeBron, at the 2013 Atlanta Film Festival. The flm examines the impact of LeBron James’ departure on the city of Cleveland. For more information, please visit

appointed Senior Manager of Healthcare Compliance at QPharma, Inc. vereLyn GiBBs, MBa, was named President of The National Society of Collegiate Scholars. iGor Gourari, MBa, joined Stovehaven LLC, in New York, NY, as Controller. Luisa M. iaDeLuCa, MseD,

Marissa L. Meyer, Ms,

was named a New York Times best-selling author in 2013 for her fairy-tale/sci-f children’s series, The Lunar Chronicles. She has spent this past summer on a book tour promoting her series and upcoming novel, Cress.

2011 stephen a. Ferrara, Dnp Bs ’96, Bsn ’99, Ms ’00, adjunct faculty in the


Lienhard School of Nursing, was inducted as a Fellow of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP).

steven winter, BBa/MBa,


was made Tax Partner at Grant Thorton LLP, in New York, NY.

Courtney a. Bihn, Ba,

Maria GaLDos, Ms, was

founded her own consulting company, Meta Visions Enterprises Consulting Group, Inc. Iadeluca’s company consults on shared and consolidation of services in school districts and municipalities; efciency and efectiveness strategies in 38

organizations; and partnership building. Iadeluca invites all to view her company’s website:

2009 JenniFer Garvey, Ba,

earned a master’s degree in Women’s History from Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, NY, in May.

entered law school at Florida Coastal School of Law in Jacksonville, FL. raCheL r. raiMonDi, Ms,

had an essay published in the anthology Daring to Repair, from Wising Up Press.

2013 sophie KauFMan, Dps, was appointed to Assistant Dean for Grants and Initiatives at Pace University’s College of Health Professions.

Class Notes

Marriages Lindsay Marie BoniLLa, Ms ’13, and Joseph CharLes Constantino, Ba ’07, MBa ’11, were married on September 8, 2012,

at Saint Mary’s Church in Ridgefeld, CT. The couple also works for the University; Joseph is currently an IT Project Manager, and Lindsay is a Grant Manager for Pace’s Thinkfnity Initiative program. Lindsay’s brother, Matthew BoniLLa, BBa ’00, Msed ’08, served as best man.

at the Queens County Farm Museum in Glen Oaks, Queens, NY. dana hoFFMan, Jd ’09, married Steven Santo Briganti on June 22, at the Capitale, NY. Martin kLeinBard, Mst ’10, married

Andrea Palmer on July 13, at the Asticou Inn in Northeast Harbor, ME. Megan Martin, Jd ’01 BBa ’98, married Brian Long on April 6, at Cicada in Los Angeles, CA.

Joseph deiorio, BBa ’88, married

Thomas Henry Shipley Jr. on September 14, at Fort Washington Collegiate Church.

wiLLiaM Monaghan, Bs ’02, married

Courtney Sempliner on September 7, at the Ram’s Head Inn on Shelter Island, NY.

Joseph di Vito Jr., Md, Bs ’90, married

Michael Froehlich on June 30, at the W Hotel in Manhattan, NY.

stephanie Moody, Ba ’13, and Christopher gaur, BBa, ’12, were

MiChaeL s. FriedMan, Ms ’07, married

married on July 13, at Twin Lakes Lodge in Hurley, NY.

Abby Appelbaum Borovitz on September 1, at the Liberty Warehouse in Brooklyn, NY. Lauren Barrett henkeL, Ms ’09,

married Elizabeth Mary Lorenz on May 25,

steVi (raaB) siBer-sanderowitz, BBa ’08, and Noah Siber-Sanderowitz were

married on September 22, at Carlyle on the Green in Farmingdale, NY.

Births raBBi arieL sChoChet, Ms ’08, and Rebecca Schochet announce the birth of their fourth child, Batsheva Meira, on August 30, 2013. Proud siblings are Esther Sarah, Rena Bracha, and Avraham Menachem. Proud grandparent: stuart sChoChet ’83 .

engageMent gianna sandri ’09 and salvatore antolos ’09 met their first day on campus at a 50 Days and 50 Nights event in August 2005. They returned to Pace to take their engagement photos where their story began. “Thank you for letting us take our engagement pictures in Dow Hall!”—shared by Gianna Sandri on Facebook.

in MeMOriaM Lorraine Brenner ’82 John Joseph Davidson ’82 Anne G. Davis ’84 Anna F. Dooley ’98 Susan (Kramer) Feinberg ’05 Priscilla E. Fleming ’84 David Goldinger ’53 Sidney S. Graber John F. Hubbard ’71 Harry C. Isaksen ’66 Keith W. Johnson ’84, ’91 Kathleen M. (Blohm) King ’78 Christopher V. Kulawik ’77 George J. Lee ’59 Ecron Lewis ’01 Kathleen M. Lippert ’73 Jermain L. McBean ’02, ’07 Mary McCready ’92 Suzanne M. Michaels ’90 Raymond T. Millner Jr. ’65 Peter C. Mueller ’83 Frank T. Natoli ’63 Noreen Papa ’92 Michele M. Parsons ’78 Louis A. Pekarovich ’49 John J. Quinn ’73 Patrick Roland ’92 Ruth M. Saunders ’76 John W. Scherer ’38 Joan Schleimer ’82 Patricia Seiz ’82 Arthur G. Singewald ’50 William Sosa ’49 Gladys H. Taylor ’82 Frank A. Tomasulo ’62 Christopher Tselepis ’07 Norman V. Wilkerson ’68

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to leverage each other for the betterment of Pace students.” Edward Murphy ’74, a Pace Trustee, served as a chair of the program during its early incarnation. Today, he continues his involvement, serving as the Board Liaison. His advice to the latest generation of reps: Don’t be shy about The Office Of DevelOpmenT and Alumni Relations is relaunching Pace’s Corporate asking your employers for support. Representative Program, an initiative designed to strengthen the University’s historic ties to “I was at JPMorgan at the time, and I the business community through senior-level alumni at frms across the New York City area. didn’t actually know how the instituOriginally formed in the 1980s, the program went on hiatus for a time, but will resume tion would adjust to or endorse my this fall. In November, the frst six representatives from frms including JPMorgan Chase & involvement, and so Co. and International Business Machines (IBM), as well as the I approached it with Federal Reserve Bank of New York, will gather to discuss ways a little bit of trepidato build alumni communities at their organizations, where tion,” Murphy says. signifcant numbers of Pace graduates work. “And to my pleasant “From my perspective,” says Mark Godwin, director of surprise, they were Corporate and Foundation Relations at Pace, “one of the real very supportive and strengths that Pace has as an institution is a very strong preswere able and willing ence in the corporate community through our alumni. It’s very to not only endorse difcult to look at a company in the New York City region that the program and doesn’t have a signifcant group of Pace alumni there.” able to reach out Nearly 700 Pace graduates work at JPMorgan Chase, makPace Vice President for Development and Alumni and identify all the ing it the second largest corporate employer of Pace alumni, Relations Jennifer Bernstein, Mike DiSimone BBA graduates of Pace at just after IBM. This past June, two JPMorgan Chase employees, ’92, MBA ’98, and Trustee Phil Bleser BBA ’84, MBA the company, but also Trustee Phil Bleser ’84, ’94, and Mike DiSimone ’92, ’98, hosted ’94, at the 19th Annual Lubin Luncheon. to help fnancially, to one of the program’s first events for alumni at their firm. host meetings and receptions, etcetera, “We had asked for a couple of volunteers from the Pace alumni who work here at JPMorbecause Pace was a big member of the gan, and people were jumping up and down to help us out,” says DiSimone. “They were very New York City business community.” passionate about being involved. There was very good attendance and a lot of strong feedMurphy and members of the Corpoback after the event. So I think people are passionate about their Pace heritage.” rate Representative Program are looking As part of the Corporate Representative Program, members like DiSimone will serve twoforward to developing the program and year terms. Their role is four-fold: to act as the main point of contact between Pace and expanding its reach. “There may be six their organization; to serve as a conduit of information between alumni and the Univercompanies now, but we’ll see where that sity; to host gatherings for alumni at their firms; and to assist with fundraising efforts. goes. Last time, we limited it to just “I think we all have a responsibility to give back to our school and the community in which New York City corporations, but with we live, to foster success in the future,” says Corporate Representative and Partner at Deloitte & technology we’ll see if we can’t broaden Touche LLP Marty McElroy ’88. “I was able to succeed, and I want to help others succeed as well.” it further than that,” Murphy says.

Pace Relaunches Corporate Rep Program

A two-wAy street Current Pace students and alumni should benefit from the program through internship and employment opportunities at the participating organizations, a strong network of business leaders to call on, and mentorship opportunities. “At the end of the day, if enough alumni get involved and we’re constantly exchanging feedback both ways, I think we can help Pace build a stronger program, and it will keep evolving and generating better candidates for us to use in the workforce, developing the next generation of leaders,” says DiSimone. Helen Mucciolo ’93, a senior vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and member of the Corporate Representative Program, also sees it as a win-win opportunity. “I know that Pace has a very strong internship program—one of the best in the country— so that can only benefit us as we’re trying to get some work done and get some folks excited about our organizations,” she says. “I think the program will be a useful way for us 40

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Pace alumni interested in becoming a Corporate Representative at their organization should contact Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations Mark Godwin at or (212) 346-1721.


Helen Mucciolo ’93 In her 20 years at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Helen Mucciolo has worked in many key areas, from markets and investments to cash and custody functions. However, her current role as a senior vice president has some extra luster. As part of her latest responsibilities, she’s in charge of the world’s largest depository of gold, greater even than the famous stockpile at Fort Knox. Stored in the basement of her building, it includes gold from other central banks and institutions around the world. “It’s kind of a unique business,” she says. When she’s not keeping tabs on precious metals, Mucciolo can be found giving back to her community. She’s actively involved with the bank’s Women’s Network, mentoring high school students, and now the Corporate Representative Program. As the group’s frst meeting nears, Mucciolo hopes to incorporate her interest in women’s and diversity initiatives into the program. “I think it’s interesting to think about [the program] from a diversity perspective. I know Pace has quite a diverse student body, so I think that’s an element as well,” she says. “I like to be involved in the community, and if I have something that can help even one person think about their career, then that feels good to me.”

Mike DiSimone ’92, ’98 If you ask Managing Director and Head of HR Operations at JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mike DiSimone which of his Pace memories stick out the most, you might be surprised at the answer. “There are so many good ones, and this is going to sound juvenile, but the fondest memories were studying for the CPAs, spending all-nighters with the few friends that cared enough to stay up to study for the exam,” he says. Dedicated to Pace, DiSimone has remained an active alum since graduating. For him, being involved in the Corporate Representative

Program is all about the opportunity to return to academia and interact with as many students, alumni, and faculty as possible. “I personally like being in front of folks that like to learn. I actually wanted to be a teacher or a professor,” he says. “When I was going to school, people came and spoke to us in the classroom who had some real-life, practical experience, and those are valuable conversations and valuable insights to have that really round out the education process.” While staying connected to the classroom is personally

Marty McElroy ’88

important to DiSimone, he’s also eager to provide JPMorgan with exclusive Pace resources and benefits through the program. “Pace can also help us understand what we can do to make our environment more inviting and attractive to the talented people that Pace has to offer,” he says.

“I have been involved with Pace since I graduated in one way or another,” says Marty McElroy, partner at Deloitte & Touche LLP. That includes aiding in Pace’s recruiting eforts and serving on the Lubin School of Business Advisory Board. After 25 years at Deloitte, he continues to fnd time in his schedule to stay connected to Pace and credits the University with setting him on the course to a successful career.

“It gave me the foundation and skills to succeed and helped me develop my critical thinking,” he says. McElroy says he’s most looking forward to “the opportunity to meet with the students and interact with the other individuals at the University” and to work with his colleagues at Deloitte “to give our perspectives, because it’s important for college students to understand the business world and what’s out there,” he says. w w w.pace .e du


Edward Murphy ’74 As the Corporate Representative Program begins to take shape, Trustee Edward Murphy will serve as a link between it and the Board of Trustees. The current Board Liaison and past chairman has seen the benefts frst-hand. Murphy says that while fundraising is an important aspect to the program, he hopes the new representatives will advance Pace in other ways as well, such as being able “to explain to the broader community all of the exciting things that are happening at the University, that are advancing at the University, and to reach out in a personal way, to touch, and inform, and seek input from the alumni.” “Eventually, as people get excited about the program,” he says, “then they in turn will participate, both in terms of their time and their resources if need be, to help support the University as it goes forward.”

Vincent Parascandola ’86 Vincent Parascandola, chief sales ofcer and president of AXA Advisors’ Continental Division, says he always looks forward to returning to campus to host seminars for current Pace students. “I’ve talked to a lot of students, some of whom we’ve hired as interns and fnancial representatives. Any time I talk to college students it just kind of energizes me,” he says. “I haven’t dealt with a lot of alumni yet, which is why I’m getting involved with the Corporate Representative Program,” he adds. “There are over 100 alumni at my company, and I think a lot of them will want to get involved. I just don’t think they know the avenue to do it. If I can spearhead that,

it’ll make a difference to the folks that work here.” Parascandola says Pace’s lower Manhattan location was one of the things he enjoyed most as a student, because it ofered him the ability to work and study simultaneously. “What’s cool about Pace is that New York City is the campus,” he says. “For anybody who wants to get involved in fnancial services, which is what I’m involved in, that’s a huge advantage. You’re in the fnancial district of the world.”

Corporate Representatives * Andrew Bergman ’81, Managing Director, Assurance, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Michael DiSimone ’92, ’98, Managing Director/HRSD Executive, JPMorgan Chase & Co. Martin McElroy ’88, Partner/Principal, Audit, Deloitte & Touche LLP Helen Mucciolo ’93, Senior Vice President, Financial Services Group, Federal Reserve Bank of New York Vincent Parascandola ’86, Chief Sales Officer & President, Continental Division, AXA Advisors, LLC Paula Summa ’78, ’84, General Manager, IBM Inside Sales, International Business Machines Corporation

Trustee Edward Murphy ’74, Executive Vice President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (retired) *As of October 15, 2013


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Corporate Employers by Number of Pace Alumni


5 AT&T Inc.

9 Deloitte LLP

JPMorgan Chase


Bank of America Merrill Lynch

4 27 Citigroup

Morgan Stanley

The Bank of New York Mellon

EY (Ernst & Young)


6 10

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP

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Grant funders put their money on pace

Research grants are an important part of the University’s funding, and Pace faculty have been notably successful in recent years at competing for—and winning—significant awards. So far this year, the number of awards received by Pace is up 5 percent, and counting. Alumni donations help make that possible by enhancing the University's standing in independent national ratings. These numbers (and many more like them) tell the story:


Total grant funding awarded to Pace in FY 2013 Some Notable Examples

151 The number of grant applications submitted by Pace faculty in FY 2013, the highest total ever. That’s a 13 percent increase since 2012.


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$1.5 million The largest U.S. Department of Education grant ever received by the faculty of the School of Education, part of a five-year grant to Professors Leslie Soodak and Roberta Wiener to upgrade teacher education programs so Pace can prepare dually-certified general and special educators for grades 7–12. $1,143,625 Awarded to the Pace Women’s Justice Center by various funders. $880,000 Awarded to Seidenberg Professor Li Chiou Chen over a four-year period by

the National Science Foundation for her work with the Scholarship for Service program. $335,972 National Science Foundation grant awarded to Dyson Professor Jack Horne for the purchase of a Zeiss LSM 700 confocal microscope. $300,000 Awarded through a three-year grant to Seidenberg Professor D. Paul Benjamin by the Army Research Office. $224,000 Renewed annual funding from the U.S. Small Business Administration awarded to Lubin Professor Ira

Davidson for Lubin’s Small Business Development Center. $190,000 Awarded by the National Science Foundation to Lubin Professor Theresa Lant for building resources through integrating disciplines for group effectiveness in science. $180,000 National Science Foundation grant awarded to Dyson Professor Marcy Kelly and School of Education Professor Lauren Birney for a core genetics and molecular biology course. The year-long course will be research-based and laboratory-integrated.

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Pace Magazine Marketing and Communications One Pace Plaza New York, NY 10038

Upcoming Events 2013–2014

November 14

December 15

March 1

Alumni Reception in Washington, D.C.

Dancespace (NYC)

American Showstoppers: An Evening with Jerry Herman

December 20


November 19

Maria T. Balanescu Quartet

Using LinkedIn and Social Media in Your Job Search (WP)


March 6–8

January 22–26

Brian Sanders' experimental dance-theater JUNK

November 22–23

Pace New Musicals (NYC)


P4K Dance Marathon to beneft the Maria Fareri Children’s Hospital (PLV)

January 29

March 13–14

November 23

InsideTrack with President Friedman and Brandon Steiner (NYC)

New York début of La Curva by famenco dancer Israel Galván (NYC)

Deep Roots of Rock and Roll: Black Rock Coalition (NYC)

January 31

March 20–22

MLK Brunch (PLV)


November 24 Rojyoh, the Beat on the Road: Yamato the Drummers of Japan (NYC)


February 6 6th Annual MLK Lecture and Reception featuring Danny Glover (NYC)

March 28

Community Holiday Open House (PLV)

February 7

April 7

'60s Throwback Snow Ball (PLV)

Lecture with world-renowned historian Kenneth Jackson

December 10

February 9


20th Annual Lubin Luncheon

Voce at Pace: Nadine Sierra (NYC)

ABT Studio Company (NYC)

December 4

April 11


February 16 December 11

FIRST Tech Challenge (PLV)

Alumni Holiday Party (NYC)

Pace Performing Arts presents Dance Out Loud (NYC)

February 19–March 12 December 11–15

For details about all of our events, please visit

Art History Alive: The Great Masters Series with Janetta Rebold Benton (NYC)

April 17

Pace Performing Arts presents Blue Room (NYC)

December 12–15

February 27

May 7–11

Gelsey Kirkland Academy presents The Nutcracker (NYC)

Acoustic Underground: Session 2 (NYC)

Pace Performing Arts presents Big Love (NYC)

Tenth Annual Pace Pitch Contest (NYC)

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