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Publications, Presentations and Awards
Scholarly Publications
The following is a listing of research findings published by School of Nursing faculty from October 2020 to September 2021.
Danielle C. Alcena-Stiner, PhD, RN
Alcena-Stiner, D.C., & Markowitz, D.G. (2020). The Life Sciences Learning Center: An evolving model for a sustainable STEM outreach program. Journal of STEM Outreach, 3, 10.15695/jstem/v3i2.08.
Opara, I., Chandler, C.J., Alcena-Stiner, D.C., Nnawulezi, N.A., & Kershaw, T.S. (2020). When pandemics call: Community-based research considerations for HIV scholars. AIDS and Behavior, 24, 2265-2267.
Mary G. Carey, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Carey, M.G., & McMullen, S.L. (2020). The value of using an acuity score for neonatal nursing research. Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing, 34, 352-356.
Alden, L.E., Matthews, L.R., Wagner, S., Fyfe, T., Randall, C., Regehr, C., White, M., Buys, N., Carey, M.G., Corneil, W., White, N., Fraess-Phillips, A., & Krutop, E. (2020). Systematic literature review of psychological interventions for first responders. Work and Stress, 35, 193-215.
Wagner, S.L., White, N., Buys, N., Carey, M.G., Corneil, W., Fyfe, T., Matthews, L.R., Randall, C., Regehr, C., White, M., Alden, L.E., Krutop, E., Fraess-Phillips, A., & Fleischmann, M.H. (2021). Systematic review of mental health symptoms in firefighters exposed to routine duty-related critical incidents. Traumatology, 27, 285-302.
Wagner, S.L., White, N., Regehr, C., White, M., Alden, L.E., Buys, N., Carey, M.G., Corneil, W., Fyfe, T., Matthews, L.R., Randall, C., Krutop, E., & Fraess-Phillips, A. (2020). Ambulance personnel: Systematic review of mental health symptoms. Traumatology, 26, 370-387.
Dzikowicz, D.J., Schmitt, L.A., Gastle, K., Skermont, A., & Carey, M.G. (2020). Comparing an all-RN unit to a mixed-skill unit at a hospital. JONA, The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50, e14-e22. Dzikowicz, D.J., & Carey, M.G. (2021). Severity of myocardial ischemia is related to career length rather than age among professional firefighters. Workplace Health & Safety, 69, 168-173.
Algase, D., Stein, K., Arslanian-Engoren, C., Corte, C., Sawyer Sommers, M., & Carey, M.G. (2021). An eye toward the future: Let the dialogue proceed. Nursing Outlook, 69, 534-535.
Carey, M.G., Regehr, C., Wagner, S., White, M., Alden, L.E., Buys, N., Corneil, W., Fyfe, T., Matthews, L.R., Randall, C., Fraess-Phillips, A., & Krutop, E. (2021). The prevalence of PTSD, major depression and anxiety symptoms among high-risk public transportation workers. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, 94, 867-875.
Margaret A. Carno, PhD, MBA, MJ, RN, CPNP, D,ABSM, FNAP, FAAN
George, M., Hernandez, C., Smith, S., Narsavage, G., Kapella, M.C., Carno, M., Guttormson, J., Disler, R.T., Heart, D.E., Chlan, L.L., Happ, M.B., Chen, Z., Hetland, B., Hutchinson A.F., Jonsdottir, H., Redeker, N.S., Schell-Chaple, H., Fletcher, M., & Yorke, J. (2020). Nursing research priorities in critical care, pulmonary and sleep: International Delphi survey of nurses, patients and caregivers: An official American Thoracic Society workshop report. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 17, 1-10.
Bauldoff, G., Gubrud, P., & Carno, M.A. (2020). LeMone & Burke’s medical surgical nursing: Clinical reasoning in patient care. 7th ed. Pearson.
Marianne C. Chiafery, DNP, PNP-BC
Chiafery, M. (2020). Ethicists offer much needed support to clinicians with moral distress. Medical Ethics Advisor, 36, 61-72.
Susan M. Ciurzynski, PhD, RN-BC, PNP, VCE, FNAP
Lapinski, J., & Ciurzynski, S. (2020). Enhancing the sustainability of a Dedicated Education Unit: Overcoming obstacles and strengthening partnerships. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36, 659-665.
Hugh F. Crean, PhD
Leblanc, N.M, Alexander, K., Carter, S., Crean, H., Ingram, L., Kobie, J., & McMahon, J. M. (2020). The effects of trauma, violence, and stress on sexual health outcomes among female clinic clients in a small Northeastern U.S. urban center. Women's Health Reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.), 1, 132-142. Leblanc, N.M., Crean, H.F., Dyer, T.P., Zhang, C., Turpin, R., Zhang, N., Smith, M., McMahon, J., & Nelson, L. (2021). Ecological and syndemic predictors of drug use during sex and transactional sex among U.S. Black men who have sex with men: A secondary data analysis from the HPTN 061 study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2031-2047.
Hou, F.S., Cerulli, C., Crean, H.F., Wittink, M.N., Caine, E.D., Chan, K.L., & Qiu, P.Y. (2021). Implementing a new tool to predict the risk of intimate partner violence in rural China. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36, 1588-1606.
Heffner, K.L., Quiñones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Crean, H.F., Lin, F.V., & Suhr, J.A. (2021). Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging and Mental Health, 30, 1-9.
Marie Flannery, PhD, RN, AOCN
Kadambi, S., Loh, K.P., Dunne, R., Magnuson, A., Maggiore, R., Zittel, J., Flannery, M., Inglis, J., Gilmore, N., Mohamed, M., Ramsdale, E., & Mohile, S.G. (2020). Older adults with cancer and their caregivers — current landscape and future directions for clinical care. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology, 17, 742-755.
Mohile, S.G., Epstein, R.M., Hurria, A., Heckler, C.E., Canin, B., Culakova, E., Duberstein, P., Gilmore, N., Xu, H., Plumb, S., Wells, M., Lowenstein, L. M., Flannery, M.A., Janelsins, M., Magnuson, A., Loh, K.P., Kleckner, A.S., Mustian, K.M., Hopkins, J.O., Liu, J.J., Ger, J., Gorawara-Bhat, R., Morrow, G.R., & Dale, W. (2020). Communication with older patients with cancer using geriatric assessment: A cluster-randomized clinical trial from the National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program. JAMA Oncology, 6, 196-204.
Flannery, M.A., Culakova, E., Canin, B., Peppone, L., Ramsdale, E., & Mohile, S. (2021). Understanding treatment tolerability in older adults with cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 39, 2150-2163.
Susan W. Groth, PhD, WHNP-BC, FAANP
Meng, Y., Groth, S.W., Hodgkinson, C.A., & Mariani, T.J. (2021). Serotonin system genes contribute to the susceptibility to obesity in Black adolescents. Obesity Science and Practice, 7, 441-449. terns and unhealthy weight control behaviors are associated with loss of control eating following bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 17, 976-985.
Barrett, E.S., Groth, S.W., Preston, E.V., Kinkade, C., & James-Todd, T. (2021). Endocrine disrupting chemical exposures in pregnancy: A sensitive window for later-life cardiometabolic health in women. Current Epidemiology Reports, 8, 130-142.
Groth, S.W., Fernandez, I.D., Block, R.C., Thurston, S.W., Wong, E., Brunner, J., Mayo, N., Kapula, N., Yu, Y., Meng, Y., Yeh, K-L., Kinkade, C.W., Thornburg, L.L., O’Connor, T.G., & Barrett, E.S. (2021). Biological changes in the pregnancy-postpartum period and subsequent cardiometabolic risk--UPSIDE MOMS: A research protocol. Research in Nursing & Health, 44, 608-619.
Dye, T.D.V., Quinones Tavarez, Z., Pérez Ramos,J.G., Fernandez, I.D., Vélez Vega, C., Vega Ocasio, D., Avendaño, E., Cardona Cordero, N.R., DiMare Hering, C., Dozier, A.M., & Groth, S.W. (2021). Participation in genetic research among Latinx populations by Latin America birth-residency concordance: A global study. Journal of Community Genetics, 12, 603-615.
Yeh, K.L., Kautz, A., Lohse, B., & Groth, S.W. (2021). Associations between dietary patterns and inflammatory markers during pregnancy: A systematic review. Nutrients, 13, 834.
Kathi L. Heffner, PhD
Quinones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Lin, F.V., & Heffner, K.L. (2020). Dysregulation of inflammation, neurobiology, and cognitive function in PTSD: An integrative review. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 455-480.
Anderson, A., McDermott, K., Rooks, B., Heffner, K.L., Dodell-Feder, D., & Lin, F.V. (2020). Decoding individual identity from brain activity elicited in imagining common experiences. Nature Communications, 11, 5916.
Chen, Q., Yang, H., Rooks, B., Anthony, M., Zhang, Z., Tadin, D., Heffner, K.L., & Lin, F.V. (2020). Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated neuroplasticity in old age. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 3608-3619.
Gallegos, A.M., Heffner, K.L., Cerulli, C., Luck, P., McGuiness, S., & Pigeon, W.R. (2020). Effects of mindfulness training on posttraumatic stress symptoms from a community-based pilot clinical trial
among survivors of intimate partner violence. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 12, 859-868.
Heffner, K.L., Quiñones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Crean, H.F., Lin, F.V., & Suhr, J.A. (2021). Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging and Mental Health, 30, 1-9.
Jessica M. Lapinski, MNE, RN
Lapinski, J., & Ciurzynski, S. (2020). Enhancing the sustainability of a Dedicated Education Unit: Overcoming obstacles and strengthening partnerships. Journal of Professional Nursing, 36, 659-665.
Natalie M. Leblanc, PhD, MPH, RN, BSN
Zhang, C., Wharton, M., Xue, Y., Leblanc, N., & Liu, Y. (2020). Understanding the role of nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other nursing staff in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Nursing, 19, 117.
De Santis, J.P., Quidley-Rodriguez, N., Mathurin, E.P., Valdes, B., Leblanc, N.M., Provencio-Vasquez, E., & Martinez, J. (2020). Circumventing vs. guiding: A grounded theory study of sexual negotiation among Hispanic men who have sex with men. Journal of Social Service Research, 47, 167-180.
Leblanc, N.M, Alexander, K., Carter, S., Crean, H., Ingram, L., Kobie, J., & McMahon, J. M. (2020). The effects of trauma, violence, and stress on sexual health outcomes among female clinic clients in a small Northeastern U.S. urban center. Women's Health Reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.), 1, 132-142.
Leblanc, N.M., Crean, H.F., Dyer, T.P., Zhang, C., Turpin, R., Zhang, N., Smith, M., McMahon, J. & Nelson, L. (2021). Ecological and syndemic predictors of drug use during sex and transactional sex among U.S. Black men who have sex with men: A secondary data analysis from the HPTN 061 study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2031-2047.
McMahon, J.M., Simmons, J., Haberer, J.E., Mannheimer, S., Leblanc, N., Torres, L., Quiles, R., Aedo, G., Javier, A., Braksmajer, A., Harriman, G., Trabold, N., Pouget, E.R., Kurth, A., Smith, M., Brasch, J., Podsiadly, E.J., & Anderson, P.L. (2021). The magnetic couples study: Protocol for a mixed methods prospective cohort study of HIV-serodifferent heterosexual couples’ perspectives and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). BMJ Open, 11, e048993.
F. Vankee Lin, PhD, RN
Quinones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Lin, F.V., & Heffner, K.L. (2020). Dysregulation of inflammation, neurobiology, and cognitive function in PTSD: An integrative review. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 455-480.
Anderson, A., McDermott, K., Rooks, B., Heffner, K.L., Dodell-Feder, D., & Lin, F.V. (2020). Decoding individual identity from brain activity elicited in imagining common experiences. Nature Communications, 11, 5916.
Chen, Q., Yang, H., Rooks, B., Anthony, M., Zhang, Z., Tadin, D., Heffner, K.L., & Lin, F.V. (2020). Autonomic flexibility reflects learning and associated neuroplasticity in old age. Human Brain Mapping, 41, 3608-3619.
Heffner, K.L., Quiñones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Crean, H.F., Lin, F.V., & Suhr, J.A. (2021). Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging and Mental Health, 30, 1-9.
James M. McMahon, PhD
Trabold, N., Swogger, M., McMahon, J., Cerulli, C., & Poleshuck, E. (2020). A brief motivational intervention to address intimate partner violence victimization: A pilot study. Research on Social Work Practice, 30, 104973151990065.
Leblanc, N.M, Alexander, K., Carter, S., Crean, H., Ingram, L., Kobie, J., & McMahon, J.M. (2020). The effects of trauma, violence, and stress on sexual health outcomes among female clinic clients in a small Northeastern U.S. urban center. Women's Health Reports (New Rochelle, N.Y.), 1, 132-142.
Leblanc, N.M., Crean, H.F., Dyer, T.P., Zhang, C., Turpin, R., Zhang, N., Smith, M., McMahon, J., & Nelson, L. (2021). Ecological and syndemic predictors of drug use during sex and transactional sex among U.S. Black men who have sex with men: A secondary data analysis from the HPTN 061 study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2031-2047.
Adams, J.W., Khan, M.R., Bessey, S.E., Friedman, S.R., McMahon, J.M., Lurie, M.N., Galea, M.D., & Marshall, D.L. (2021). Preexposure prophylaxis strategies for African–American women affected by mass incarceration. AIDS, 35, 453-462.
Gu, L., Zhang, N., Mayer, K.H., Moskow, M., Brasch, J., McMahon, J.M., Nam, S., Adu-Sarkodie, Y., Agyarko-Poku, T., Boakye, F., & Nelson, L. (2021). Autonomy-supportive healthcare climate and HIV-related stigma predict linkage to HIV care in men who have sex with men in Ghana, West Africa. Journal of the International Association of Providers of AIDS Care (JIAPAC), 20, 232595822097811.
McMahon, J.M., Simmons, J., Haberer, J.E., Mannheimer, S., Leblanc, N., Torres, L., Quiles, R., Aedo, G., Javier, A., Braksmajer, A., Harriman, G., Trabold, N., Pouget, E.R., Kurth, A., Smith, M., Brasch, J., Podsiadly, E.J., & Anderson, P.L. (2021). The magnetic couples study: Protocol for a mixed methods prospective cohort study of HIV-serodifferent heterosexual couples’ perspectives and use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). BMJ Open, 11, e048993.
Ying Meng, PhD, RN, ACNP
Meng, Y., Lohse, B., & Cunningham-Sabo, L. (2020). Sex modifies the association between the CLOCK variant rs1801260 and BMI in school-age children. PloS ONE, 15, e0236991.
Meng, Y., Groth, S.W., Hodgkinson, C.A., & Mariani, T.J. (2021). Serotonin system genes contribute to the susceptibility to obesity in Black adolescents. Obesity Science and Practice, 7, 441-449.
Groth, S.W., Fernandez, I.D., Block, R.C., Thurston, S.W., Wong, E., Brunner, J., Mayo, N., Kapula, N., Yu, Y., Meng, Y., Yeh, K-L., Kinkade, C.W., Thornburg, L.L., O’Connor, T.G., & Barrett, E.S. (2021). Biological changes in the pregnancy-postpartum period and subsequent cardiometabolic risk--UPSIDE MOMS: A research protocol. Research in Nursing & Health, 44, 608-619.
O'Connor, T., Best, M., Brunner, J., Ciesla, A.A., Cunning, A., Kapula, N., Kautz, A., Khoury, L., Macomber, A., Meng, Y., Miller, R.K., Murphy, H., Salafia, C.M., Vallejo Sefair, A., Serrano, J., & Barrett, E. (2021). Cohort profile: Understanding pregnancy signals and infant development (UPSIDE): A pregnancy cohort study on prenatal exposure mechanisms for child health. BMJ Open, 11, e044798.
Lisa Norsen, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC
Pesis-Katz, I., Smith, J.A., DeVoe, J., Norsen, L., & Singh, R. (2020). Reducing cardiovascular disease risk for employees through participation in a wellness program. Population Health Management, 23, 212-219.
Irena Pesis-Katz, PhD
Pesis-Katz, I., Smith, J.A., DeVoe, J., Norsen, L., & Singh, R. (2020). Reducing cardiovascular disease risk for employees through participation in a wellness program. Population Health Management, 23, 212-219.
Maria Quinones-Cordero, PhD
Quinones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Lin, F.V., & Heffner, K.L. (2020). Dysregulation of inflammation, neurobiology, and cognitive function in PTSD: An integrative review. Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience, 20, 455-480.
Heffner, K.L., Quinones, M.M., Gallegos, A.M., Crean, H.F., Lin, F.V., & Suhr, J.A. (2021). Subjective memory in adults over 50 years of age: Associations with affective and physiological markers of emotion regulation. Aging and Mental Health, 30, 1-9.
Linda A. Schmitt, MS, RN, NPD-BC, CNL
Dzikowicz, D.J., Schmitt, L.A., Gastle, K., Skermont, A., & Carey, M.G. (2020). Comparing an all-RN unit to a mixed-skill unit at a hospital. JONA The Journal of Nursing Administration, 50, e14-e22.
Craig R. Sellers, PhD, RN, AGPCNP-BC, GNP-BC, FAANP
Werner, N.E., Rutkowski, R.A., Graske, A., Finta, M.K., Seshadri, S., Sellers, C.R., & Shah, M.N. (2020). Exploring SEIPS 2.0 as a model for analyzing care transitions across work systems. Applied Ergonomics, 88, 103141.
Seshadri, S., Felsen, C., Sellers, C.R., & Dumyati, G. (2020). “There is no one to pick up the pieces”: Sustainability of antibiotic stewardship programs in nursing homes. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 42, 440-447.
Sandhya Seshadri, PhD, MS, MA
Werner, N.E., Rutkowski, R.A., Graske, A., Finta, M.K., Seshadri, S., Sellers, C.R., & Shah, M.N. (2020). Exploring SEIPS 2.0 as a model for analyzing care transitions across work systems. Applied Ergonomics, 88, 103141.
Seshadri, S., Felsen, C., Sellers, C.R., & Dumyati, G. (2020). “There is no one to pick up the pieces”: Sustainability of antibiotic stewardship programs in nursing homes. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 42, 440-447.
Seshadri, S., Concannon, C., Woods, J.A., McCullough, K.M., & Dumyati, G.K. (2020). “It’s like fighting a war with rocks”: Nursing home healthcare workers’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology, 42, 1020-1021.
Renu Singh, MS
Pesis-Katz, I., Smith, J.A., DeVoe, J., Norsen, L., & Singh, R. (2020). Reducing cardiovascular disease risk for employees through participation in a wellness program. Population Health Management, 23, 212-219.
Joyce A. Smith, PhD, RN, ANP
Pesis-Katz, I., Smith, J.A., DeVoe, J., Norsen, L., & Singh, R. (2020). Reducing cardiovascular disease risk for employees through participation in a wellness program. Population Health Management, 23, 212-219.
Karen F. Stein, PhD, RN, FAAN
Algase, D., Stein, K., Arslanian-Engoren, C., Corte, C., Sawyer Sommers, M., & Carey, M.G. (2021). An eye toward the future: Let the dialogue proceed. Nursing Outlook, 69, 534-535.
Megan L. Underhill-Blazey, PhD, APRN, AOCNS, FAAN
Chittenden, A., Harladsdottir, S., Ukaegbu, C., Underhill-Blazey, M., Gaunkar, S., Uno, H., Brais, L., Pere, K., Wolpin, B., Syngal, S., & Yurgelun, M. (2020). Implementing systematic genetic counseling and multigene germline testing for individuals with pancreatic cancer. Journal of Oncology Practice, 17, e236-e247.
Pozzar, R., Hammer, M.J., Underhill-Blazey, M., Wright, A.A., Tulsky, J.A., Hong, F., Gundersen, D.A., & Berry, D.L. (2020). Threats of bots and other bad actors to data quality following research participant recruitment through social media: Cross-sectional questionnaire. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22, e23021.
Underhill-Blazey, M., Blonquist, T., Chittenden, A., Pozzar, R., Nayak, M., Lansang, K., Hong, F., Garber, J., & Stopfer, J. (2020). Informing models of cancer genetics care in the era of multigene panel testing with patient-led recommendations. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 30, 268-282.
Cao, C., Sullivan, S., & Underhill-Blazey, M. (2020). Hand lettering as a novel form of creative art expression for oncology patients. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 25, 97-99. Jabaley, T., Rizzo, P., Grenon, N.N., Sullivan, C., Bagley, J., Nassif, M., Siegel, R., & Underhill-Blazey, M. L. (2020). Chemotherapy education and support: A model for use in the ambulatory care setting. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 24, E43-E49.
Amweg, L., McReynolds, J., Lansang, K., Jones, T., Snow, C., Berry, D., Partridge, A., & Underhill-Blazey, M. (2020). Hodgkin Lymphoma survivor wellness: Development of a web-based intervention. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 24, 284-289.
Baroutsou, V., Underhill-Blazey, M.L., Appenzeller-Herzog, C., & Katapodi, M.C. (2021). Interventions facilitating family communication of genetic testing results and cascade screening in hereditary breast/ovarian cancer or Lynch syndrome: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Cancers, 13, 925.
Jones, T., Howard, H., Freeman-Costin, K., Creighton, A., Wisdom-Chambers, K., & Underhill-Blazey, M. (2021). Knowledge and perceptions of BRCA1/2 genetic testing and needs of diverse women with a personal or family history of breast cancer in South Florida. Journal of Community Genetics, 12, 415-429.
Brady, J.A., Underhill-Blazey, M., Burke, P.J., Lee, C.S., Howard, E.P., & Duffy, L.V. (2021). Experiences of school nurses caring for newly arrived immigrant and refugee children. International Journal of Educational Reform, 30, 271-299.
Jinjiao J. Wang, PhD, RN
Wang, J., Caprio, T.V., Temkin-Greener, H., Cai, X., Simning, A., & Li, Y. (2020). Relationship of Medicare–Medicaid dual eligibility and dementia with unplanned facility admissions among Medicare home health care recipients. Journal of Aging and Health, 32, 1178-1187.
Wang, J., Yu, F., Cai, X., Caprio, T.V., & Li, Y. (2020). Functional outcome in home health: Do racial and ethnic minority patients with dementia fare worse?. PLOS ONE, 15, e023365.
Wang, J.J., Monroe, T.B., Simning, A., Conwell, Y., Caprio, T.V., Cai, X.Y., Temkin-Greener, H., Muench, U., Yu, F., Ge, S., & Li, Y. (2021). Pain management in home health care: Relationship with dementia and facility admissions. Pain Management Nursing, 22, 36-43. Wang, J., Ying, M., Temkin-Greener, H., Caprio, T.V., Yu, F., Simning, A., Conwell, Y., & Li, Y. (2021). Care‐partner support and hospitalization in assisted living during transitional home health care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69, 1231-1239.
Wang, J., Ying, M., Temkin-Greener, H., Shang, J., Caprio, T.V., & Li, Y. (2021). Utilization and functional outcomes among Medicare home health recipients varied across living situations. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69, 704-710.
Mitchell J. Wharton, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNS
Zhang, C., Wharton, M., Xue, Y., Leblanc, N., & Liu, Y. (2020). Understanding the role of nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other nursing staff in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Nursing, 19, 117.
Wharton, M.J., Harris, O.O., Chapman Lambert, C., & LeGrand, S. (2021). "The more things change, the more things remain the same": It's time to dismantle structural inequalities of racism, discrimination, and health disparities. Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care, 32, 413-417.
Ying Xue, DNSc, RN
Xue, Y., Mullaney, T., Smith, B., Cai, X., & Spetz, J. (2020). Scopeof-practice regulation and nurse practitioners as a usual source of care provider. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 11, 13-21.
Zhang, C., Wharton, M., Xue, Y., Leblanc, N., & Liu, Y. (2020). Understanding the role of nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other nursing staff in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Nursing, 19, 117.
Yang Yu, PhDc, MPHc, MSN
Burke, L.E., Conroy, M.B., Parmanto B., Beatrice, B., Loar, I., Pulantara, W., Wang, Y., Kariuki, J., Cajita, M., Yu, Y., Cedillo, M., & Sereika, S.M. (2020). The SMARTER Trial: Design of a trial testing tailored mHealth feedback to impact self-monitoring of diet, physical activity, and weight. Contemporary Clinical Trials, 91, 105958.
Yu, Y., Sereika, S.M., Finegold, D.N., & Burke, L.E. (2020). Problem-solving, adherence to lifestyle goals, and weight loss among individuals participating in a weight loss study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28, 328-333. Yu, Y., Kalarchian, M.A., Ma, Q., & Groth, S.W. (2021). Eating patterns and unhealthy weight control behaviors are associated with loss of control eating following bariatric surgery. Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases, 17, 976-985.
Groth, S.W., Fernandez, I.D., Block, R.C., Thurston, S.W., Wong, E., Brunner, J., Mayo, N., Kapula, N., Yu, Y., Meng, Y., Yeh, K-L., Kinkade, C.W., Thornburg, L.L., O’Connor, T.G., & Barrett, E.S. (2021). Biological changes in the pregnancy-postpartum period and subsequent cardiometabolic risk--UPSIDE MOMS: A research protocol. Research in Nursing & Health, 44, 608-619.
Chen Zhang, PhD, MPH
Zhang, C., Wharton, M., Xue, Y., Leblanc, N., & Liu, Y. (2020). Understanding the role of nurse practitioners, physician assistants and other nursing staff in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis care in the United States: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Nursing, 19, 117.
Leblanc, N.M., Crean, H.F., Dyer, T.P., Zhang, C., Turpin, R., Zhang, N., Smith, M., McMahon, J., & Nelson, L. (2021). Ecological and syndemic predictors of drug use during sex and transactional sex among U.S. Black men who have sex with men: A secondary data analysis from the HPTN 061 study. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 50, 2031-2047.
Yingzi Zhang, PhD
Zhang, Y., & Kwekkeboom, K. (2020). Feasibility study of an uncertainty management intervention for patient-partner dyads undergoing cancer treatment. Oncology Nursing Forum, 47, 595-608.
Zhang, Y., Kwekkeboom, K., Kim, K., Loring, S., & Weiben, A. (2020). Systematic review and meta-analysis of psychosocial uncertainty management interventions. Nursing Research, 69, 3-12.
Verduzco-Aguirre, H., Babu, D., Mohile, S., Bautista, J., Xu, H., Culakova, E., Canin, B., Zhang, Y., et al. (2021). Associations of uncertainty with psychological health and quality of life in older adults with advanced cancer. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 61, 369-376.e1.
Scholarly Presentations
The following is a listing of presentations by School of Nursing faculty at symposiums, conferences, and meetings from October 2020 to September 2021.
Susan W. Blaakman, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FNAP
Pediatric Academic Society Conference. (2021). “Self-determination theory (SDT) and asthma medication adherence for urban adolescents." Virtual.
Kaitlyn Burke, MS, RN, CCRN, CNE-cl
Apple Webinar. (2021). “Reimagining nursing education.” Virtual.
Marie A. Flannery, PhD, RN, AOCN
Oncology Nursing Society, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research 2021 Scientific Colloquium. (2021). “Using Sankey flow diagrams to visualize the symptom experience in older adults with cancer.” Virtual.
Susan W. Groth, PhD, WHNP-BC, FAANP
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. (2020). “Psychosocial influences on eating behaviors in women following childbirth.” Virtual.
Ann Leonhardt-Caprio, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, FAHA
University of Rochester Alumni Relations Lunch and Learn Presentation. (2020). “Brain basics: Understanding stroke risks and prevention.” Rochester, NY.
Lisa Norsen, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC
Eastern Nursing Research Society Conference. (2021). “Improving the health of a diverse population through a nurse-driven chronic disease management program.” Virtual.
Sally A. Norton, PhD, RN, FNAP, FPCN, FAAN
Oncology Nursing Society, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research 2021 Scientific Colloquium. (2021). “Symptom management after risk reduction for inherited cancer risk.” Virtual.
Kathy H. Rideout, EdD, PPCNPBC, FNAP
Meliora Weekend. (2020). “Women who ROC: Voices of our leaders.” Rochester, NY
Lydia Rotondo, DNP, RN, CNS, FNAP
Apple Webinar. (2021). “Reimagining nursing education.” Virtual.
Tara M. Serwetnyk, EdD, RN, NPD-BC
Apple Webinar. (2021). “Reimagining nursing education.” Virtual.
Megan L. Underhill-Blazey, PhD, APRN, AOCNS, FAAN
Oncology Nursing Society, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research 2021 Scientific Colloquium. (2021). “Perceived patient-centered communication is associated with ovarian cancer symptom burden.” Virtual.
Oncology Nursing Society, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of Nursing Research 2021 Scientific Colloquium. (2021). “Symptom management after risk reduction for inherited cancer risk.” Virtual.
Andrew Wolf, EdD, MS, RN, ACNP-C
Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education Conference. (2021). “Comprehensive Learner Record: Enabling embedded assessment of competency.” Virtual.
Yang Yu, PhDc, MPHc, MSN
Council for the Advancement of Nursing Science State of the Science Congress on Nursing Research. (2020). “Psychosocial influences on eating behaviors in women following childbirth.” Virtual.
Honors and Awards
The following faculty honors were received between October 2020 to September 2021.
Susan W. Blaakman, PhD, RN, PMHNP-BC, FNAP
Drs. Jeremy A. Klainer and Pamela York Klainer Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Award in Nursing (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Kaitlyn Burke, MS, RN, CCRN, CNE-cl Josephine Craytor Nursing Faculty Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Patty Corbett-Dick, PPCNP-BC, PMHNP-BC
Drs. Jeremy A. Klainer and Pamela York Klainer Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Award in Nursing (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Mary G. Carey, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN
Josephine Craytor Nursing Faculty Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Marianne Chiafery, DNP, RN, PNP-BC Distinguished Service in Health Care Award – Individual (2020). Rochester Academy of Medicine: Rochester, NY.
Joanne Clements, MS, RN, ACNP Dean’s Medal (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Joseph Gomulak-Cavicchio, EdD, MSEd
Outstanding Faculty Colleague Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Julie Gottfried, DNP, RN, CNS, CPNP-BC
Madeline H. Schmitt Award for Interprofessional Education (2021). Rochester Academy of Medicine: Rochester, NY.
Kathy Hiltunen, MBA, RN
RBJ Health Care Heroes Award in Nurse category (2021). Rochester Business Journal: Rochester, NY.
Kristin Hocker, EdD
Mary Dombeck Diversity Enhancement Faculty Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Karen Keady, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Dean’s Appreciation Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Ann Leonhardt-Caprio, DNP, RN, ANP-BC, FAHA
Distinguished Fellow of the American Heart Association (2021). American Academy of Nursing: Washington, DC.
Lynne Massaro, DNP, RN, FNP-C, ANP-BC, FAANP
Josephine Craytor Nursing Faculty Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Julia Mitchell, PMHNP-BC
Drs. Jeremy A. Klainer and Pamela York Klainer Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Award in Nursing (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Lisa Norsen, PhD, RN, ACNP-BC
Drs. Jeremy A. Klainer and Pamela York Klainer Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Award in Nursing (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Sally A. Norton, PhD, RN, FNAP, FPCN, FAAN
Distinguished Alumni Award (2020). University of Iowa College of Nursing: Iowa City, Iowa. Dean’s Appreciation Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Tobie H. Olsan, PhD, RN, CNL, FNAP
Carter & T. Franklin Williams Geriatric Prize Award (2020). Rochester Academy of Medicine: Rochester, NY.
Elizabeth Palermo, DNP, RN, ANPBC, ACNP-BC
Outstanding Scholarly Practitioner Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant Award (2020). Rochester Academy of Medicine: Rochester, NY.
Lydia Rotondo, DNP, RN, CNS, FNAP
Dean’s Appreciation Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Dee Dee C. Rutigliano, MS, RN
Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Tara M. Serwetnyk, EdD, RN, NPD-BC
Outstanding Faculty Colleague Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Renu Singh, MS
Dean’s Appreciation Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Kate Tredwell, DNP, RN, PMHNP-BC
Drs. Jeremy A. Klainer and Pamela York Klainer Endowed Dean’s Discretionary Award in Nursing (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Meghan Underhill-Blazey, PhD, APRN, AOCN, FAAN
Outstanding Scholarly Practitioner Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Distinguished Fellow of the American Academy of Nursing (2021). American Academy of Nursing: Washington, DC.
Jinjiao J. Wang, PhD, RN
Professional Advancement Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Mitchell J. Wharton, PhD, RN, FNP-BC, CNS
Dean’s Appreciation Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.
Chen Zhang, PhD, RN
Most Promising New Investigator Award (2021). University of Rochester School of Nursing: Rochester, NY.