Who are the Millennials and what are we all about

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the Millennials Who are and what are we all about

Table of contents Who are the Millennials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Stereotype. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Key findings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Our values. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 We are the ones who are setting the trends. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Buying habits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Technology is in our DNA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Alpha-influencers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Open to brand engagement and advertising. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 We have a purpose. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Optimistic, but still - times are hard and many have settled for less than they deserve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 Soo... why do we matter?. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2 Who I am. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 4


Who are the Millennials? You may have heard about us. We are the young adults

are different from what we were used to in our childhood.

you can see almost everywhere these days. Most of us are

Younger members of our generation grew up in one of the

tattooed and pierced. Why are we seen everywhere? It is

hardest economic and social environments the world has

simple! We are the largest present-day generation. There

ever seen. Due to the last financial crises, some of us where

are 1.8 billion of us, out of 7 billion people living globally. By

forced to look for jobs abroad.

2025, this generation will represent 75% of the workforce in the world.

Yet, I believe we are blazing new paths and finding new ways through life.

The Millennials, also known as Generation Y, are people born between 1980 and 1999. Most of us were born to Baby Boomers or Generation X parents, who have

Key findings

somewhat different aims and standards than we do. Global recession, 9/11, Asian tsunami, Arab Spring, Facebook and

Because we are so diverse, it is hard to apply a “one size

smartphones define us and we are the most diverse and

fits all” model, but there are some key points that can be

educated generation in history (Edelman. “8095 and 8095

applied to the entire generation around the world.

REFRESHED”). Diverse - We are the most racially and ethnically diverse We are the first generation who grew up using computers,

generation today. Despite suffering a hard blow by recent

the founders of the social media movement and we are

turbulence in the economy, our high education and high

constantly connected to our social circles through the

level of optimism is where our potential for future success

Internet and mobile phones. We value authenticity and


creativity, and we prefer buying local goods produced by members of our communities.

We value authenticity and creativity, and we prefer buying local goods produced by members of our communities.

Stereotype Millennials are lazy and self-entitled. They do not know how to behave at the workplace and have no work ethics. It is the cheapest generation, the “screwed generation”, and I could go on and on. I believe this criticism is a bit exaggerated. Some of us, the older members of the Millennial group, grew up during the economic boom. Our parents were able to provide us with tons of material goods. Suddenly, however, things turned for the worse. The economic meltdown in 2008 was only one of them. There was no safety net anymore. Today, times


Social - Most of us boomeranged back home after finishing

Make me a deal - Because of our small paychecks, we are

our education. Many of us are living with our parents, but

savvy shoppers, always in search of a good deal. We value

those who have the money to rent or to buy a home prefer

authentic, handmade and locally-produced goods. We

to live in vibrant, creative and energetic cities offering a mix

are willing to pay more for products from companies with

of housing, shopping and offices near their residences. We

social impact programs. Getting a good deal is the priority,

are walkers and riders, so it is more likely we own a pair of

but we will not settle for poor quality. We want to feel good

comfortable shoes and a bicycle than a car.

about what we buy.

Struggling - We were hit pretty hard by the global

Connected - While sleeping, our mobile phones are not

recession. High unemployment, low income and, in some

far away from our pillows. We post status updates from

cases, high student loans do not help us while we are trying

our bathrooms and take snaps of the food we are eating.

to settle down. But like they say, necessity is the mother of

When interacting with companies via social media, we

all invention and some of us invested in start-ups and are

value authenticity. We want to feel we have a personal,

following our entrepreneurial pursuits.

direct interaction with the brand and in return, we will represent and support that brand.

Our values We want to express ourselves and form unique identities. That is why we love music and art, and value creativity. More than a third of us have chosen to make our bodies a canvases.

We want to express ourselves and form unique identities. We have been named the “ME� generation, but that depends on what life-stage we are in. We express great care and concern for our nuclear families and we feel the responsibility to take care for an elderly parent. Despite low paychecks, we are philanthropic. If we are not donating to a particular organization or cause according to our financial capacities, we contribute in some other way – raising money or doing volunteer work. We are willing to spend more money on goods or services from companies that have implemented programs to benefit society. We are also willing to pay more for a product- if the product is environmentally friendly. We value our wellbeing. Although obese in some parts of the world and smokers all around the world, we advocate for healthier choices and overall healthier lifestyles. We are also much more open to alternative medicine and less likely to use prescription drugs, compared to our older counterparts.


In general, our values are not so different from the values my grandmother has. We value family, personal connectedness and loyalty. We seek out all that is genuine and are repulsed by phony. We are famously optimistic and believe in the possibility of change. We advocate environmental and social justice. We treasure tolerance and diversity, team work and balance in life. We seek spirituality and are open to the possibility of divine.

We seek out all that is genuine and are repulsed by phony. We are defined both by our strongly-held values and our strong intention to live by them. We are passionate about making a difference in the world. This is a common thread through dozens of studies on values conducted globally.

We are the ones who are setting the trends While we are growing up, we are becoming a strong buying force. The wish to stand out is so strong that we often decide not to spend money on a piece of clothing that 2 out of 5 of our peers already have. Clothing is a way of self expression for us. If we are wearing a branded T-shirt, there is most likely more to it than just liking the graphic on the T-shirt or how the colour of the T-shirt matches the shoes we bought a couple of months back. Wearing that particular T-shirt probably means we respect the brand for whatever reason and we are proud of wearing it. The brands should be smart enough to acknowledge that our values are very important to us, if they want to sell us their products in the future. Because we do not have 50€ to spend on a T-shirts, many of us modify clothes. Cutting the collar, shortening the sleeves, or soaking a coloured T-shirt in bleach are just a couple of tricks we use. We also buy from second hand and vintage shops. Let’s face it: clothing used to be of better quality and if we wear something that is way out of the mainstream fashion trends, we most certainly stand out. Our eating habits are also different from other generations. Because we like to live healthy lives, we prefer to cook at home, so we know exactly what is in the food we consume. If we eat out, we prefer to eat organic and healthy foods, although this usually depends on our spending budget. How is all this influencing the trends, I hear you asking? As mentioned before, we are connected all the time, and we do not feel discouraged from commenting about our experiences. Actually, we feel obligated to tell the world

We are defined both by our stronglyheld values and our strong intention to live by them. We are passionate about making a difference in the world. Maybe we aspire to become the “great generation”. Who knows, our dreams may come true!


about our experiences. We post reviews of products on the Internet, we film ourselves, talk and write about pros and cons of a product or service. We are peer approval driven, and we are satisfied with ourselves if the decision we made is also approved by our peers. You can imagine how fast a video can go viral these days.

We feel obligated to tell the world about our experiences.


Buying habits We are more likely to live from paycheck to paycheck. Wanting the latest and greatest products, we need to balance our wishes according to the size of our wallets. Because the size of our wallets is not so big and some of us still rely on financial help from family members, we need to be savvy and thrifty when we shop. Make us a good deal and we will be back. No wonder why many of the top 20 apps used by Millennials are either retail or discount-

We are influenced by celebrity endorsements and respond more favourably to advertising that features celebrities, relatable characters or strong visual elements tied to their expressive, creative nature. In addition of being smart about our spending habits, we also strive for authenticity and uniqueness. It is not so much about having a product, but the added value we will get from it. We ask ourselves, “Is this the real deal, or

focused apps (Nielsen. “Millennials - Breaking the Myths”).

something that is made in China?”. An emerging trend is

We are influenced by celebrity endorsements and also

jewellery made out of cutlery, or badges found at flea

respond favourably to advertising that features celebrities, relatable characters or strong visual elements tied to their expressive, creative nature. We do not just go out and buy stuff. We research before we buy. For instance, I decided I would like to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner. Yes, it is three times more expensive than a regular vacuum cleaner, but hey, it is going to save me a couple hours per week. I will come home to a clean apartment every day after work and besides, how cool and different it is to have a robot in your living room! I got the impulse to buy my robot one morning as I lied awake in my bed. I spent one day researching the market and then two more days reading reviews, watching robot vacuum videos on YouTube and then asked my friends what they thought about it. I love that certain brands of the cleaning robots have visual representations of how their products work. However, when I saw a video review, filmed with a cell phone, I realized the vacuum is not silent but its actually quite loud. I could not shake the feeling that the videos filmed by the brand that produce the robots intentionally removed the sound, because they knew it would be a turnoff. In the end, I had to come to terms with the fact that if the noise bothers me so much, I need to invest into a model that will do the cleaning while I am away. That meant I would need to pay more. But hey, I guess my birthday is coming soon, maybe my family can pitch in.

Pop-up Shops, where one can buy, for instance, handmade markets which are then modified. You cannot get more authentic and unique than handmade products. Websites like Etsy are full of these kinds of things. In the USA, the label “Made in America” is no longer enough. Now labels like “Made in California” or “Made in Brooklyn” are what draws the attention of local Millennials. Some of us crave the distinctive character of locally-made goods. We also understand that buying foreign-made goods translates into higher carbon footprints, less sustainability, and fewer jobs, and we are the ones who were hit hardest by unemployment.

Technology is in our DNA Yes, it is part of us. It is embedded into our DNA. Zeros and ones are running through our veins. Ok, maybe not, but the fact is we are the first generation that came to age with cable TV, the Internet and cell phones. According to a report on Millennials by The Nielsen Company in 2014, more than 74% of Millennials think technology makes their lives easier and 54% feel new technology helps them to be closer to their friends and family. I agree with that. Technology is making my life easier and I cannot imagine my day without sharing a funny joke or awkward scene with my friends and family on Facebook and then talking about it when we meet in person.


We sleep with our phones next to our pillows (I am guilty

and-shoot camera and even the device to tune my guitar.

of that as well). Most of us all around the world have social

I completely lost the need to own a CD player and MP3

media accounts. We are a big part of the Apple family, we

player because I have all my music on my phone. There was

stream TV shows, movies and music, text and talk, not to

a period in my life when I was watching TED talks only on

mention post photos and videos online. We speak our

my smart phone, first thing when I woke up and last thing

minds. Nowadays, you can find countless blogs where

before I went to bed.

people are sharing all kinds of experiences. Obviously, this is not just the Millennial’s domain but still, we do not mind telling others on the world wide web about the


experiences we have with products or services. Combine this with peer approval and you do not have to be a genius

When I heard this word for the first time, I thought:

to realize that the time for phony brands distributing sham

“What a fancy name, I like it.” But what does it actually

products or services is coming to an end.

mean? According to Edelman’s new study on Millennials conducted in 2012, we are not influencing just our peers,

Guess where we log in to whenever we connect to the

but also other people around us. We typically shop with

Internet? Yes you got it, to Facebook. We are social creatures

freinds and family rather than go by ourselves. Before

and some of us are an open book, sharing our thoughts,

deciding which brand to purchase, we use crowd-sources,

videos and pictures of what we had for breakfast. Almost

sometimes up to four and more sources of information.

a third of Millennials in the USA use social networks while

Usually we turn to search engines as a source of information,

in bathroom (11Mark. “IT in the Toilet”). I am sure that the

but right after that we engage face-to-face with friends

rest of the developed world is not falling behind by much.

and family. Younger members of this generation that

Yes, social media is defining the Millennial generation and

still live with their parents have a strong influence over

just like we desire authenticity in the goods we purchase,

the purchasing decisions of their families, such as cars,

we expect an authentic experience when interacting

food and vacations. The Edelman’s research suggests that

with brands and companies through social media. Brands

children influence goods their parents use for themselves. I

must provide a personal and direct interaction with us.

can still remember how I got my mother and grandmother

Sometimes I write to a brand or a company asking them for

off regular cooking oil and they started using coconut oil.

advice or to address a problem that I have, and I feel loyalty

My uncle switched to Apple computers after he tried out

get stronger when I receive feedback from them. And if I

my Macbook Pro back in 2005. Not to mention my father

do not get a reply, I tell my friends and anybody who asks me about my opinion to stay away from that brand. Then I search for another company that offers a similar product or service.

who bought the same smartphone I have once I explained to him the differences. Brands should take into account that we feel a responsibility to share our experience of a product or service with the

Social media is defining the Millennial generation. Just as we desire authenticity in the goods we purchase, we expect an authentic experience when interacting with brands and companies through social media.

rest of the world. Every Millennial can be a core target or at least a significant influence. Because we crowd-source to make our purchase decisions, brands should engage with us. We have a strong desire to share and learn, so help us become an expert on your brand and share with us your purpose and the story behind the brand. Sell unique and real product benefits and you will get in the game.

I fall into the older Millennial sub-category and I noticed that with people my age, phones are more popular than with the younger Millennials (Nielsen. “Millennials: Technology = Socila Connection”). Since I got my first smart phone, I lost the need to have a torchlight, a point-


We have a strong desire to share and learn, so help us become an expert on your brand and share with us your purpose and the story behind the brand.

Open to brand engagement and advertising We are open to engagement and advertising, but only if you have the right approach. Personaly, I do not mind advertising if it is funny, for the right cause, or if they engage me as a human being and not as another buyer. When I find something that I actually like on TV, I wait to leave the living room during the commercial break, or I check Facebook from my phone until the show resumes. I do not think it is easy to draw our attention to TV because it is just a one-way channel. We are not engaged, and if the first commercial is about laundry detergent, you’ve already lost me. I am off doing other stuff that is more important to me, like reading an article or joking around with my friends on social media. For us, the time flies and we are not stopping for your commercial if it does not draw our attention. That is why brands must act and engage differently to get our attention and loyalty. We are in an age of surprise-anddelight. If you do not, we will tune you out. I am quoting Edelman research because I cannot agree with them more on this subject. Remember, we buy brands that have unique and real benefits. And since we are eager to learn

The most effective way to entertain us is to invite us to influence the product, to be part of its creation.

and share, tell us something that shows value and is worth repeating.

Brands should answer questions quickly, and that goes for questions on social media sites as well. There are people on

According to Edelman research, 8 in 10 of us want the brand

the other side of that Facebook fan page. It’s okay if it takes

to entertain us. But how do we want to be entertained?

a day or two, but we do expect a response. Otherwise, we

The guys at Edelman came up with the answers. The most

get the feeling we do not matter to that brand, so why

effective way to entertain us is to invite us to influence

should they matter to us?

the product, to be part of its creation. It is exciting to

It’s good PR for brands to sponsor entertainment events.

think that my opinion matters, that I can say what needs

Think of any energy drink brand and observe what those

to be improved after using a product or service, and that

brands do. When I choose an energy drink I always buy the

the brand acknowledges my opinion. After all, I want the

same one because I love the events they are sponsoring

future product to be even cooler and I want it to solve my

.(See my White Paper on Millennials and our subculture of


extreme sports.) Another way to get our attention is through online contests such as video, photos, games and blogs and ask us to spread the word on social media. Just please do not do a contest “win the new BMW M5 or Mercedes SLS class”


if only you share a post. It is clearly fake and we will never

experiences. Be social and enable sharing. You can meet us

trust that brand again.

on our favourite social media sites.

Some of us also want to be connected with other fans of the

Focus on how your brand enables life experiences.

same brand and company. We can share our experiences and who knows, maybe together we can even come up with a way to make the product or service even better.

We have a purpose

Given the chance, brands can do well when they partner with a celebrity, public figure or someone who is highly

For the last couple of years while I was traveling around

respected in his or her field. That is why action sports

Europe and the rest of the world, I noticed a growing wish

brands sponsor young athletes. They are the face that

for purpose among my peers, especially when it comes to

fans know and if the athlete is wearing a certain pair of

employment. According to Deloitte’s Mind the Gaps survey,

sneakers, believe me, people who look up to him or her will

75% of Millennials think that businesses are too fixated on

want those shoes too, especially young individuals of our

their own agendas and not focused enough on helping to

generation. How do I know this? Because I was the same.

improve society. We are witnessing the harsh economic

I used to work as a house photographer for a BMX shop

situation in Slovenia and the rest of the Europe. Lots of

where there were tons of shoes to choose from, and it all

businesses crashed and burned because their leaders were

came down to which rider wears what brand of shoes. I

focused too much on generating profit no matter the cost.

noticed this pattern also with younger generation Z – it was even stronger with them.

Partner with a celebrity, public figure or someone who is highly respected in his or her field. We also look for brands to help us in other parts of our lives like financial assistance (grants, scholarships) and life experiences (send us on a trip or to a lecture on something we have an interest in). We value mentors who can help guide us. Allow us to use your audience and connect with others who have similar interests and ideas, or help us to share our message and/or story with a wide group. Did I mention that our attention span is really short? So how can you actually grab our attention? With interesting visual solutions, good prices, compeling stories or good causes. Create something that will grab our attention so that we want to stay to the end of the commercial. Stand out and be different. I cannot stress this enough. Make quality products or services and be honest and transparent. Share your values. What is your purpose? What do you stand for? Giving away samples and free stuff is always good since our wallets are thin. Treat your employees well and respect the environment. Focus on how your brand enables life


When I talk to my peers about business, often I notice that we share a very importsnt understanding. Businesses do exist to make money, but at the same time businesses exist to offer employment and a higher standard of living for its employees and society in general. According to Deloitte’s Mind the Gaps survey (2015), for six out of ten Millennials, a “sense of purpose” is part of the reason they choose to work for their current employer.

Yes, we are an interesting bunch, but not just interesting.

Part of the survey was aimed at what would we do if we

Two-thirds of us expect to be amongst the top 20%

found ourselves in leading positions at our companies

of performers in our jobs. That means about half of us

(which some of us eventually will) and they came up with

won’t get there. Self-esteem alone cannot deliver our

some interesting results. Of course the priority of ensuring

expectations of success and this frustrates Millennials.

the long-term future of the organization is aligned with

Many of us are showing measures of stress, anxiety and

the role of leaders. But besides this we place far greater

symptoms of depression, which leads to being less self-

emphasis on employee wellbeing and employee growth


and development and we place less emphasis on personal income/reward and short-time financial goals. Pursuit of profit is important of course, but it needs to be accompanied by a sense of purpose, efforts to create innovative products and services and, above all, by sincere consideration of employees and individuals and members of society.

Pursuit of profit is important of course, but it needs to be accompanied by a sense of purpose, efforts to create innovative products and services and, above all, by sincere consideration of employees as individuals and members of society. “Are businesses interested only in their own agendas?” “Do they behave ethically?” “Is their impact in line with my expectations of what they could and should achieve?” In asking ourselves these and similar questions we are sending a strong signal to business leaders. When doing business, do it with purpose.


Optimistic, but still – times are hard and many have settled for less than they deserve

This is nothing unusual if we take into account the times

for me. There is no feeling like going down the mountain

in which we grew up. Mostly, our parents were successful

on a snowboard alongside a couple of friends. In that

and told us that we can be whatever we want to be. They

moment there is nothing but you, your snowboard and

were supporting us at every step, hovering above use like

the mountain. Or listening to your favourite music while

drones, protecting us, maybe even too much. Many of us

carving the quarter pipe on a BMX bike, tuning out all your

were finishing our bachelor degrees and getting ready to

worries... Or waiting on the beach for the wind to grab your

look for a job, but there were no jobs due to the economic

windsurf and take you for a ride...

meltdown in 2008. Families lost their life savings. Others among us were in their tender teenage years, finishing high

This is why I want to show the world the potential that lies

school or just starting bachelor degrees. The safety net has

in extreme sports and active lifestyles. I believe athletes can

shrunk and in some cases has been retracted completely.

be huge motivators. If they can achieve results year after

Many of us left home because we found better jobs, or just

year and keep pushing the boundaries of what we think

any kind of job, abroad.

is possible, then there is a lesson we can all learn here. If someone can jump a 22-meter gap over a canyon while

I believe this situation scares us the most. But still, some

performing a backflip on a bike, then someone else can

of us remain optimistic and are hanging on tightly. Surely

push through personal fears and keep pursuing the job he

this cannot last forever! But others were not so lucky. I had

or she really wants, or lose a couple of pounds, or go after

my share of disappointments and heart breaks in my life.

the dream of being an entrepreneur. And photography

Whenever I was going through a difficult period of my life,

is one of the best media you can use to communicate

I turned to extreme sports. Extreme sports were a way out

your messages to Millennials. We are bombarded with information from all around almost from the first day we are born. We have become skilled in filtering information, because otherwise we would go mad. If something does not catch our attention immediately, we will never notice it. If it becomes boring after couple of seconds, we skip it. Time flies for us, which is why photography is one of the best ways to communicate with us. Information on an image is injected directly into the brain because this is how our brain works. Its language is images. A photograph can say a thousand words in a micro second.

So... why do we matter? Let’s recap the research. We are a big piece of the pie in the world’s population. Those who understand us will be in the best position to capitalize on the opportunity we present. If we do not live with our parents, we live in urban environments. Authenticity, creativity and diversity are the main components of the language we speak. We care about social issues, so support our causes. Give us a good deal and we will not be able to resist it. You can reach us via social media, mobile phones and magazines. Connect with us through celebrity endorsements or relatable characters. Sponsor our favorite music, sports and other types of events. It is all about relating and being real. 12

Who I am You know how in every primary school there is a chubby kid that everybody picks on? I was that kid. Can you remember the weird taste in your mouth when the person you love above everyone in your life says: “I am seeing somebody else.” Did you ever drown your pain in a bottle of wine or whisky? What about numbing your self with all types of drugs just to tune out the pain? I went through all of that and boy it was fun, but I was on a highway to crash and burn in a fireball that could have been my life. Thanks to my friends and family I discovered another way. As a son of a guy who was making surfboards at home in his free time, there was no way I could avoid learning how to windsurf even if I wanted to. I was involved in extreme sports in one way or another for as long as I can remember. Imagine standing on the top of a mountain. Snowy slopes all around you. It’s cold and it’s windy, but you don’t mind. For a moment, there is nothing else but you, your snowboard and the mountain. Then you drop. Every second of going down the mountain counts, you use it to carve your own line. That was the moment when I realized that life is intended to be lived, not to be merely endured. While holding the windsurf sail and feeling the strength of the wind, I realized my life is in my hands and in my hands only. When preparing to drop into the quarter pipe on a BMX bike, I realized it’s good have fun with your life. There is an enormous potential in extreme sports. It’s an active lifestyle. It’s the sense of belonging. It’s cool and hip, and I could go on and on. For me, extreme sports were a way out. When kids were picking on me in primary school, I got my frustration out on my bike by going down the hill as fast as I could. When I was going through alcohol and drug problems, BMX and snowboarding helped me to get in touch with my true self again. This is why I want to show the world the potential that lies in extreme sports and active lifestyles. I create extreme visual ideas for advertising agencies, sports apparel and equipment manufacturers, as well as sports event promoters and organizers who want to offer teenagers and young adults ways to build a positive self-image. With my understanding of extreme sports, I know how to visually represent the energy and the unique line each individual has. I am not looking for the wow, I create the “WOW”. If you like what you just read and you want to have a conversation about how my photography and intimate knowledge of Millennials and Extreme Sports can help you to elevate your brand, feel free to contact me at info@urosrojc.com or text me at +386 41 979 833.

I grew up with extreme sports and I will be an extreme sports fan ‘till my time runs out.


References 11Mark. “IT in the Toilet” (2012) Concentric Marketing. “Everything you thought you knew about millennials might not be true” (2013) http://getconcentric.com/millennial-research/ Deloitte. “Big demands and high expectations” (2014) Deloitte. “Mind the gaps” (2015) http://www.hotelnewsresource.com/article82057.html Dunham, Jamie. “Six Key Trends Shaping Millennial Thrift Style” (2014) Edelman. “8095 and 8095 REFRESHED” (2012) http://www.edelmanberland.com/portfolio_item/8095-refreshed/ Eler, Alicia. “Study: 91% of Gen-Ys Use Their Phones in the Bathroom” (2012) Fashionbi. “5 Facts You Need to Know about Young Consumers in Europe” (2014) http://fashionbi.com/insights/marketing-analysis/5-facts-you-need-to-know-about-young-consumers-in-europe Forrester Consulting. “Is Europe Ready For The Millennials?” (2006) Gheysen, Pieter-Jan. “Gen Y Trends: The end of conspicuous branding?” (2014) http://www.howcoolbrandsstayhot.com/2013/09/17/gen-y-trends-the-end-of-conspicuous-branding/ Millennial Marketing. “Gen Y: Our Values Define Us” http://www.millennialmarketing.com/2010/02/gen-y-our-values-define-us/ Millennial Marketing. “Millennial Values: Back to the Future?” http://www.millennialmarketing.com/2009/10/millennial-values-back-to-the-future/ McPherson Sam. “How Millennials Are Changing The Face Of Retail Shopping”1 https://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/advisor/millennials-changing-face-retail-shopping-025220847.html Nielsen. “Millennials - Breaking the Myths” (2014) http://digitalmarketingstrategiessummit.com/assets/files/presentations/Mancini_Report.pdf Nielsen. “Millennials: Technology = Socila Connection” (2014) http://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/news/2014/millennials-technology-social-connection.html PwC. “NextGen: A global generation study” (2013) http://www.pwc.com/us/en/people-management/publications/nextgen-global-generational-study.jhtml PwC. “Engaging and empowering Millennials” http://www.pwc.com/gx/en/hr-management-services/publications/assets/pwc-engaging-and-empowering-millennials. pdf Suddath, Claire. “The Millennial Way of Shopping: More Careful, Durable, and Frugal Than You Think” (2014) http://www.bloomberg.com/bw/articles/2014-04-25/millennials-are-careful-frugal-shoppers-who-buy-for-the-long-term Copyright © 2015 Uroš Rojc photography. All rights reserved.


Contact: Uroš Rojc www.urosrojc.com info@urosrojc.com +386 41 979 833




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