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EAUN 23 awards
Best EAUN Nursing Research Project Plan Presentation
G. Villa, S. Trapani, S. Gnecchi, A. Poliani, D.F. Manara, Milan, Italy
With the research project plan: “Female urge urinary incontinence in an Italian tertiary referral university and research hospital: A prevalence study”
Best Science-oriented Poster Presentation
First prize
C. Cassells, C. Semple, S. Bingham, Dundonald, Jordanstown, Antrim, United Kingdom
With the poster: “Maximising sexual wellbeing | cancer care e-Learning resource: Healthcare professionals’ views on acceptability, utility and recommendations for implementation”
Best Practice developmentoriented Poster Presentation
First prize
C. Oliveira, S. Ross, C. Gkika, C. Molokwu, Bradford, United Kingdom
With the poster: “Prediction of missed clinically significant prostate cancer after adoption of new prostate specific antigen (in mcg/L) referral guidelines”
Sponsored by HOLLISTER
Second prize
R. Dalton, R. McConkey, T. Kelly, G. Rooney, M. Healy, L. Murphy, M. O’Loughlin, M. Dowling, Galway, Roscommon, Limerick, Ireland
With the poster: “Establishing a journal and research club to support urology nursing research culture”
Sponsored by HOLLISTER
For photos please visit the EAUN Award Gallery or Resource Centre