Urology Week 2021: International effort against incontinence taboo National Societies from across the world supported the campaign Europe observed Urology Week from 20 to 24 September 2021. This year’s theme focused on incontinence and the taboo surrounding this condition. Supported by Medtronic, the EAU conducted an international survey on the issue of incontinence and people’s awareness of its prevalence and treatment options. The survey’s results showed that 10-20% of the people in Europe deal with urinary incontinence. Of the countries interviewed (UK, France, Germany, Italy, and The Netherlands), nationals of the UK had the highest incidence of unawareness of treatment options. The complete review of the survey results can be found in the official press release at www.urologyweek.org/ forpress.
International effort and collaboration From the survey it was revealed that 30% percent of people with Urinary Incontinence (UI) is not comfortable talking about it. Many expect that the condition will cure itself. To help break the taboo about UI, Urology Week 2021 focused on the various groups and daily activities affected by urinary incontinence. By talking about it with their healthcare professional and becoming more aware of available treatment options, patients can get back to doing the things the love most in life. The EAU encouraged national societies, medical practices and colleagues to come up with new and exciting ways to help promote this cause. Many events in honour of Urology Week were hosted not only in Europe, but also in Asia and the Middle East. The countries that participated include Australia,
Germany, Greece, India, Poland, Russia, Serbia, Spain, digital and print media, urologist appearances on The Netherlands, Turkey, and Ukraine. health TV shows, an open clinic, and a presentation of promotional materials in public spaces of health To help other organisations, clinics, and national institutions. Medical students were also involved in societies with highlighting incontinence and the campaign in order to raise awareness of promoting their events, new campaign posters were incontinence and the importance of a timely treatment created and translated into several languages besides by a doctor. English: Albanian, Basque, Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Greek, Italian, Mexican Spanish, Portuguese, The main event was a two-day International Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Uzbek. Symposium called "Challenges of Modern Female Urology", which was held in the Hall of National Theatre in Leskovac, with 150 registered participants. A total of 12 lecturers made up a high-quality scientific programme on the anatomical, histological, functional, diagnostic, and therapeutic aspects of the modern concept of incontinence. The Symposium was enriched by its meaningful social and cultural programme. It was held according to all mandatory preventive measures against Covid-19.
Also the staff of the EAU Central Office in The Netherlands participated actively. They hosted a Challenge Week, where colleagues were asked to participate in various physical challenges to see how long they could ‘hold it’. The successful Challenge Week garnered much positive attention on social media, thereby increasing awareness among the public.
EAU staff engage in the Urology Week Challenge: how long can you hold the plank
Group photo of the delegates at the Symposium in Leskovac, Serbia
Serbia as a leading example in the international campaign A special thank you goes out to the Urological Section of the Serbian Medical Association, who supported Urology Week with a series of promotional activities aimed at shining the spotlight on incontinence. These activities included a campaign on the website, in
Prof. Dr. Dragoslav Bašic President Urological Section of the Serbian Medical Association
Rounding off the international collaboration for Urology Week, Prof. Christopher Chapple (GB) contributed an article entitled “Despite high prevalence, urinary continence still a taboo” to the UK’s Health Awareness campaign, which was also published in The Guardian. Join us for Urology Week 2022 Urology Week is a yearly initiative of the EAU, encouraging doctors and members of the public to talk more about urological conditions. Keep an eye on the official website www.urologyweek.org for the dates and theme for Urology Week 2022, where you can join us again to help spread the word about the importance of early diagnosis and available treatments.
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